HomeMy WebLinkAbout705 West Lionhead Circle, ICON Inc. ROW Permit App.pdf MUST BE SUBMITTED MIN 3 BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLICATION FOR RIGHT OF WAY USE-STREET CUT PERMIT PRJ#: Town of Vail PW#: Public Works Dept Parcel#: 1309 Elkhorn Dr Bid. Permit#: B - Vail, CO 81657 WARNING: Inclusion of false information in this permit application establishes an automatic denial for a Right of Way Use-Street Cut Permit and forfeiture of application fees. By signing this permit,the applicant declares he/she has read all contents of this document, Town of Vail Roadway Standards and chapters of Title 8—Public Ways and Property,of the Vail Municipal Code and is fully aware of its requirements and agrees to pay all applicable fees. Application Fee:$100.00 Company Company Name: Icon Inc Phone: 970-748-8804 City/Statel Company Address:950 Grundel Way Zip: Gypsum, CO 81637-0155 Contractor License Number: Email: alberteoicon-vail.com Contact Contact Name: Albert Quintana Phone: 970-977-0561 ROW Use Location: East entrance of west Lions head Circle & S. Frontage Rd Shoulder Requested ROW Requested Use Dates: 8/18/17 to 9/30/17 Work Times: 7AM to 7PM Purpose for Request: Street Cut Dimension (if applicable): © Underground Utility Installation O Landscaping Length: O Temp Site Access ❑ Construction Staging Width (min 4'): ❑ Roadway Construction ❑ Other (explain):Storm water Quality Total Square Footage: Requested ROW Use: ❑ Single Lane Closure-itt of closure (including taper) O Two Lane Closure-Ift of closure (including taper) ❑ Three Lane Closure- !ft of closure (including taper) ❑ Sidewalk/Bike Path-ift of closure • Other (explain):storm water pipeing install, shoulder closure only-----Forest road Staging 1. Applicant shall submit a traffic control plan,and work site/staging plan with this application. Traffic Control Plan shall be in compliance with the MUTCD and shall show streets with names,adjacent intersections, advanced warning signage,taper lengths, buffer space and work zone dimensions. No full street closures are allowed. 2. Applicant must contact Public Works Department at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. 3. Applicant is responsible for obtaining approvals from all utility companies having an existing utility line within the project site, applicant has option of routin• " . "on through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. P -.se allow up to o - week to proces Xcel Enery (800-922-1987) Ow- :00-922-1987) Comcast(800-922-1987) Holy Cross Electric(800-922-1987) w / ' tom Eagle River Water&Sanitation District(9 0-477-5453) Town of Vail Electric(970-479-2158) Town of Vail rigation (970-479-2158) Albert Quintana / � �9 4e12374T Pp RP Print Applicant Name F 'A Iicant Si nature Date 8/13/2017 Mail-iconinc@live.com Colorado 811 Positive Response for Ticket A721501463--00A Colorado 811 <OCARS_Pro@uncc.org> Tue 8/8/2017 12:21 AM iconinc@live.com <iconinc©hive.com>; EMLCFM 01794 UNCCa 08/08/17 12:21 AM A721501463-00A NORM RESP STRT LREQ This is an automatically generated response. Please do not reply to this message. Ticket: A721501463 Rev: NA Taken: 08/03/17 11:40 AM State: CO Cnty: EAGLE Place: VAIL Address : W LIONSHEAD CIR Utility Description Response ADBCM1 A D B COMPANIES, INC 08/08/17 12:00 AM 999 FACILITY OWNER HAS NOT POSTED +RESPONSE TO UNCC CDOTITS CDOT FIBER OPTIC BACKBONE 08/08/17 12:00 AM 999 FACILITY OWNER HAS NOT POSTED +RESPONSE TO UNCC CMSEG1 COMCAST-EAGLE COUNTY 08/08/17 12:00 AM 999 FACILITY OWNER HAS NOT POSTED +RESPONSE TO UNCC CRCSTL1 CROWN CASTLE 08/08/17 12:00 AM 999 FACILITY OWNER HAS NOT POSTED +RESPONSE TO UNCC ERWS01 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAN 08/08/17 12:00 AM 999 FACILITY OWNER HAS NOT POSTED +RESPONSE TO UNCC HCELAV HOLY CROSS ENERGY 08/05/17 01:24 PM 012 MARKED UP TO PRIVATELY OWNED FACILITY - CONTACT PRIVATE UTILITY OWNER FOR LOCATE PCAVGI XCEL ENERGY- MINTURN 08/07/17 03:53 PM 017 COMPLETED - SEE MARKS ON SITE PCNG02 XCEL ENERGY HI PRESSURE G 08/07/17 09:16 AM 002 CLEAR - NO CONFLICT QLNCCOO CENTURY LINK 08/08/17 12:00 AM 999 FACILITY OWNER HAS NOT POSTED +RESPONSE TO UNCC VAILEL TOWN OF VAIL - ELECTRIC 08/04/17 08:12 AM 002 CLEAR - NO CONFLICT VAILIG TOWN OF VAIL - IRRIGATION 08/08/17 12:00 AM 999 FACILITY OWNER HAS NOT POSTED +RESPONSE TO UNCC VLASC1 VAIL RESORTS, EAGLE CTY. 08/03/17 12:05 PM 001 LOCATE AREA MARKED VLMTNSV VAIL MOUNTAIN SERVICES 08/04/17 02:36 PM 002 CLEAR - NO CONFLICT https://outlook.live.com/owanpath=/mail/AQMkADAwATMwMARODYNCO2YW MSLTAwAiOwMAoALgAAA29N0pBDtipAnB2MvQdleYQ BACGLyiH ILIA... 1/1 Ticket Status Notification To: ICON INC Email: iconinc@live.com Below lists utilities that were statused by USIC in Central Standard Time. Please note there may be other Utilities which include private facilities that may be present in the work area and are NOT the responsibility of USIC to locate or mark. Ticket Address A721501463-00A W LIONSHEAD CIR,VAIL Utility Locate Date 1 Time Status Detail ADB COMPANIES CO FIBER 08f12/17 02:32 PM Not Marked Not In Conflict CenturyLink Telephone CO 08/12/17 02:32 PM Not Marked Excavation Site Clear STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF 08/12/17 02:32 PM Not Marked Not In Conflict You are receiving this notification because your contact information is listed on the above ticket from the One Call System. If you have any questions regarding this notification, please contact USIC at 1-800-762-0592. Ticket Status Notification 2017-08-12 Page 1 of 1 AAl1 '3�'�/� 1� 'fn' �p ^^�./ - -.----. 161.99L'oN NOP i 51.-SO-SO 31ra I Vld ONI ON12133NION3 _--_ - - --._.Mt-__-_a3Na31fa Lal¢ �S SN'd'ldd�Wyl�IWi-1c1 '�Sl UNwal39/wNOls n3N cl-FS-Oaf`ON wean io 00 1 I�Y!{ - .LVaLa7 Aa.,LhL3 Y/p SN05NA A32_91.-z.MO 1 - -_ - __ .03wean to F `�q�LLL OSII/ 60 ; a 3 ftp ���. � .s 4 ae 6ii3 N r f E§ -34 41%. 4�� N017 LI, ' !q§. 'AR il Y —% ,,, AW-- %,.....,....--- I f ' 4f,r, . ____ Nc \ i gg§ ,\ , , g ' ilk __ ':ici 1 fi', /0, fl r ag r- i -. k' d 24 J ba-tdiN Alf g( eil q 'f#BF & � n ©; ' .� ,/ ,� u; ,/ 1 „5viii �r j �5' \, 7-�, 7 1 .d A ✓� a .. : I i V m' 1ti vii , i 1 I, :11N 1° 5, p n r. ,,, r, , . k:\ ® $ f- .� r d pi! r *��-PNI " 4 _I. pi! — LIQ '�j'i I : k,..,. ��`u•7 Z DAI kz:V O W I ■ 8 go --,' '� I fir, 4,& W ti" V F e' CK \,..,„„„1, L'h 2 12!4 _ is 5F I k R j A DI Demo aig� , �; d 9N® ria @N..- .i.„-: 4 . ,IL ii, 3 ', i it] IL-- bi.E.. ¢ s \ �� -r- q� 1I�99�. 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