HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC160007_PEC160007 Narrative_1456789740.pdf Sign
Amending the Special Provisions
Applicable to Ski Base Area Signs
Submi9ed: February 15, 2016
Rev. February 24, 2016
Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, is requesJng a text amendment to the Sign
RegulaJons to provide clarity about the signage allowed at ski base areas, which include the base areas
of Vail Village, Lionshead, Golden Peak, and Cascade Village. Vail Resorts approached the Community
Development staff to discuss a proposed sign applicaJon for Epic Discovery signage at the Lionshead
Gondola. Staff expressed some concern about the language of the Sign RegulaJons with respect to Ski
Base Area Signs.
The Sign RegulaJons currently state the following with regards to Ski Base Area Signage:
Sec%on 11-2-1: Defini%ons:
SIGN, SKI BASE: A sign in a ski base area that informs the public about on mountain condi%ons,
grooming reports, status of ski liEs and tows, and the loca%on of ski school facili%es, ski racing
facili%es, ski patrol facili%es, outdoor recrea%on facili%es and ac%vi%es, liE %cket sales, skier and
guest services. !1
Proposed signage to adverJse Epic Discovery. If the text amendment is
approved, a separate sign applicaJon will be submi9ed for review by the Town.
SKI BASE AREA: For the purpose of regula%ng ski base area signs, ski base areas are those areas
of Vail Village, Lionshead, Golden Peak, Cascade Village, and any other future portals
immediately adjacent to a ski liE or tow.
A.Descrip%on: These regula%ons apply to all signs erected within the ski base areas. These
regula%ons are intended to provide the ski base areas with the signs necessary to operate
the ski mountain. These signs are necessary to clearly communicate the mul%seasonal
offerings of the ski mountain. There shall be a sign program addressing the needs of both
the winter and summer seasons. The intent of these regula%ons is to provide the highest
level of guest services while maintaining the highest quality resort character. It is not the
intent of these regula%ons to provide a compe%%ve advantage to on mountain commercial
1.Number: Subject to design review.
2.Area: Subject to design review.
3.Height: Awning, projec%ng, wall, and electronic signs shall have a minimum
clearance of eight feet (8') above pedestrianways and a minimum clearance of fiEeen
feet (15') above vehicularways. No part of a ski base sign shall extend more than
twenty five feet (25') above grade.
4.Loca%on: Subject to design review. Signs may be permi^ed in the public right of way
subject to subsec%on 11-5-3I, "Placement On Public Property", of this %tle.
5.Type: Awning, freestanding, portable, projec%ng, wall, and electronic signs. A-frame
and sandwich board style signs are prohibited.
6.Ligh%ng: Subject to design review.
7.Landscaping: Subject to design review.
8.Special Provisions:
a.A sign program is required in accordance with the provisions of chapter 8 of
this %tle.
b.Signs adver%sing on mountain ea%ng and drinking establishments, retail
stores and establishments, and other commercial uses shall be prohibited.
Vail Resorts would like to erect signs related to on-mountain acJviJes, including the zip line, forest
flyer, ropes course, Adventure Ridge, along with a mountain map. One of the signs would be an
electronic sign. In reviewing the applicaJon, staff determined that the Sign RegulaJons would need to
be amended. Specifically of concern to staff is SecJon 11-7-15 A. 8.b, which states:
Signs adver%sing on mountain ea%ng and drinking establishments, retail stores and
establishments, and other commercial uses shall be prohibited.
The proposed language of SecJon 11-7-5 is proposed to be amended as follows (text to be deleted is
shown as strikethrough, while text to be added is shown as bold underline).
11-7-15: SKI BASE AREA SIGNS: !2
B.Descrip%on: These regula%ons apply to all signs erected within the ski base areas. These
regula%ons are intended to provide the ski base areas with the signs necessary to operate
the ski mountain. These signs are necessary to clearly communicate the mul%seasonal
recrea%onal ac%vi%es available on offerings of the ski mountain. There shall be a sign
program addressing the needs of both the winter and summer seasons. The intent of these
regula%ons is to provide the highest level of guest services while maintaining the highest
quality resort character. It is not the intent of these regula%ons to provide a compe%%ve
advantage to on mountain retail stores and ea%ng and drinking establishments commercial
1.Number: Subject to design review.
2.Area: Subject to design review.
3.Height: Awning, projec%ng, wall, and electronic signs shall have a minimum
clearance of eight feet (8') above pedestrianways and a minimum clearance of fiEeen
feet (15') above vehicularways. No part of a ski base sign shall extend more than
twenty five feet (25') above grade.
4.Loca%on: Subject to design review. Signs may be permi^ed in the public right of way
subject to subsec%on 11-5-3I, "Placement On Public Property", of this %tle.
5.Type: Awning, freestanding, portable, projec%ng, wall, and electronic signs. A-frame
and sandwich board style signs are prohibited.
6.Ligh%ng: Subject to design review.
7.Landscaping: Subject to design review.
8.Special Provisions:
a.A sign program is required in accordance with the provisions of chapter 8 of
this %tle.
b.Signs shall permit the adver%sing of mul%-seasonal recrea%onal ac%vi%es
available on the ski mountain as provided by the operator of the ski
c.Signs adver%sing on mountain retail stores and ea%ng and drinking
establishments, retail stores and establishments, and other commercial uses
shall be prohibited. !3
Criteria for Review of Text Amendment
The review criteria for a prescribed regulaJons amendment are provided in SecJon 11-3-3 and are
listed below. The Applicant’s analysis of conformance with the criteria follows:
A.Factors Enumerated: Before acJng on an applicaJon for an amendment to the regulaJons
prescribed in this Jtle, the planning and environmental commission and town council shall
consider the following factors with respect to the requested text amendment:
1.The extent to which the text amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of the
sign regula:ons
Applicant Analysis: SecJon 11-1-2: provides the general and specific purposes of the Sign
A.General Purpose: These regula%ons are enacted for the purpose of promo%ng the
health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town of Vail and to promote the
coordinated and harmonious design and placement of signs in the town in a manner
that will conserve and enhance its natural environment and its established character
as a resort and residen%al community of the highest quality.
B.Specific Purpose: These regula%ons are intended to achieve the following specific
1.To describe and enable the fair and consistent enforcement of signs in the town of
2.To encourage the establishment of well designed, crea%ve signs that enhance the
unique character of Vail's village atmosphere.
3.To preserve a successful and high quality business environment that is aided by
signs that iden%fy, direct, and inform.
4.To aid in providing for the growth of an orderly, safe, beau%ful, and viable
The proposed amendment is intended to provide clarity to the secJon of the Sign
RegulaJons which regulate Ski Base Area Signs, which includes the areas adjacent to the lias
located at Vail Village, Lionshead, Golden Peak, and Cascade Village. The clarificaJon allows
the Town to fairly and consistently enforce the Sign RegulaJons in the Town of Vail, while
recognizing the importance of these specific areas as providing unique offerings not
available elsewhere in the Town. The proposed amendment also maintains the protecJons
that Vail Resorts cannot adverJse on-mountain dining or retail establishments to create
unfair compeJJon with these types of establishments located within the Town. This helps
to preserve a successful and high quality business environment, aided by signs that direct
and inform the public. As a result, the proposed amendment furthers both the specific and
general purposes of the Sign RegulaJons and complies with this criterion.
2.The extent to which the text amendment would be<er implement and be<er achieve the
applicable elements of the adopted goals, objec:ves, and policies outlined in the Vail
comprehensive plan and is compa:ble with the development objec:ves of the town !4
Applicant Analysis: The various master plans that make up the Vail Comprehensive Plan
have been reviewed and the following goals and policies are applicable from these
Vail Village Master Plan:
The Vail Village Master Plan was adopted in 1990, with the intent to preserve and
strengthen the character of the village, while allowing for limited, controlled growth. It
provides the following applicable goals:
WHOLE. (pg. 8-9)
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan:
The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan was adopted in 1998 to encourage
redevelopment and new development iniJaJves within Lionshead. Recognizing that
redevelopment in Lionshead was criJcal for the community to remain a compeJJve four-
season resort, the Town developed the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan with the
following applicable objecJves:
2.3.1 Renewal and Redevelopment
Lionshead can and should be renewed and redeveloped to become a warmer, more
vibrant environment for guests and residents. Lionshead needs an appealing and
coherent iden%ty, a sense of place, a personality, a purpose, and an improved aesthe%c
2.3.2 Vitality and Ameni%es
We must seize the opportunity to enhance guest experience and community interac%on
through expanded and addi%onal ac%vi%es and ameni%es such as performing arts
venues, conference facili%es, ice rinks, streetscape, parks and other recrea%onal
improvements. (pg. 2-2)
Vail Land Use Plan:
The Vail Land Use Plan was adopted in 1986, with the focus of addressing the long-term
needs and desires of the Town of Vail as it matured. It provides goals and policies to guide
the Town in making land use decisions. It provides the following:
1.1. Vail should con%nue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance
between residen%al, commercial and recrea%onal uses to serve both the visitor and the
permanent resident. !5
1.3. The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible.
2.4. The community should improve summer recrea%onal op%ons to improve year-round
tourism. (pg. 4-5)
Vail 20/20 Plan:
The Vail 20/20 Plan was adopted in 2007, with the goals to create a plan that idenJfies
commonly shared values, create a clear vision for Vail, integrate a plan to coordinate Vail’s
strategies for the future, and create a plan that transcends the administraJons of Town
staff, Vail Town Council, and appointed boards and commissions. The Vail 20/20 Plan
provides the following:
Premier Resort Community: Vail values its role as a premier resort community, which
recognizes the interdependent rela%onship between the resort, community and
municipality. Vail’s success as a resort depends largely on its success as a community, as
the community fosters rela%onships between locals and visitors. We make plans and
take ac%ons that are investments in the experiences and lives of many different
genera%ons, today and into the future. It takes work and reinven%on to stay No. 1, and
Vail is commi^ed to innova%on and crea%vity to achieve our goals.
Ac%vi%es Benefit Individuals and the Community: Vail values a vibrant community life
suppor%ve of spiritual and physical well-being and encouraging of intellectual and
cultural growth. This value includes providing a wide variety of educa%onal,
recrea%onal, entertainment, art and cultural opportuni%es. These offerings are
accessible to all and appeal to residents and guests of all ages, incomes and interests.
These ac%vi%es promote the development of rela%onships that strengthen the
Sense of Place and Character: Vail values the strong history of the town and its unique
character and legacy while acknowledging the importance of reinven%on. This is
reflected in the high quality of the built environment with design and features that
endure over %me. (pg. 3)
The Vail 20/20 Plan provides specific goals and implementaJon strategies which are
furthered by this proposed amendment:
Goal #1: Vail will con%nue to manage growth, maintaining a balance between the bulk
and mass of residen%al, commercial and recrea%onal uses to ensure the quality,
character, diversity and vitality of the town by ensuring that all regulatory and advisory
land use documents are updated and current, providing ease of compliance and
enforcement, and uniformity among regulatory and advisory documents.
Make amendments to the Vail Town Code to reflect planning document updates,
including the Sign Regula%ons, Zoning Regula%ons and Development Standards
Handbook. (pg. 4) !6
As Vail Resorts conJnues to expand its on-mountain, mulJ-seasonal recreaJonal offerings,
the goals and objecJves listed by the Town of Vail in all of its comprehensive planning effort
are also furthered. UpdaJng the Sign RegulaJons to create clarity in how these new
recreaJonal offerings are adverJsed is an important implementaJon step to further these
goals. The proposed amendment adds more clarity, while maintaining the protecJons
against adverJsements for on-mountain commercial uses such as restaurants and retail
establishments. As a result, the proposed amendment complies with this criterion.
3.The extent to which the text amendment demonstrates how condi:ons have substan:ally
changed since the adop:on of the subject regula:on and how the exis:ng regula:on is no
longer appropriate or is inapplicable
Applicant Analysis: Vail Resorts launched Epic
Discovery in 2012, a comprehensive program of
summer acJviJes with the goal of encouraging “learn
through play”, promoJng environmental educaJon
and forest stewardship with acJviJes across Vail
Mountain. These acJviJes include zip line tours,
ropes courses, addiJonal hiking and biking trails, an
alpine slide, etc. The Sign RegulaJons were wri9en
at at Jme prior to all these various recreaJonal
ameniJes being considered. In reviewing the current
language, staff idenJfied some concern that the
exisJng language which states: Signs adver%sing on
mountain ea%ng and drinking establishments, retail
stores and establishments, and other commercial
uses shall be prohibited. Specifically, staff was
concerned that the prohibiJon of adverJsing “other
commercial uses” was unclear as to whether these
new types of recreaJonal uses were permi9ed to be
adverJsed. Clearly, the intent was to limit the
adverJsement of on-mountain dining and retail
establishments that would compete with those
located within the Town. With the launching of Epic
Discovery, condiJons have substanJally changed
since the adopJon of the subject regulaJon and it is
important to provide clarity to the regulaJons to
ensure that these new on-mountain recreaJonal
offerings can be adverJsed to maximize and
encourage the use of these faciliJes. As a result, the
proposed amendment complies with this criterion.
4.The extent to which the text amendment provides a harmonious, convenient, workable
rela:onship among land use regula:ons consistent with municipal development objec:ves !7
Photos from epicdiscovery.com
Applicant Analysis: The clear objecJve with this secJon of the Sign RegulaJons is to allow
the operator of Vail Mountain the ability to adverJse on-mountain acJviJes at the base
areas. These mulJ-seasonal recreaJonal uses are consistent with municipal development
objecJves, as outlined in the comprehensive planning documents idenJfied above. The
proposed amendment provides further clarity about the ability to adverJse these uses,
while maintaining the protecJons against adverJsing on-mountain eaJng and drinking
establishments, and retail establishments. As a result, the proposed amendment provides a
harmonious, convenient, and workable relaJonship among land use regulaJons and
complies with this criterion.
5.Such other factors and criteria the planning and environmental commission and/or council
deem applicable to the proposed text amendment
Applicant Analysis: Any other factors and criteria that the Planning and Environmental
Commission deems applicable shall be addressed by the Applicant.
B.Necessary Findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings
before granJng a condiJonal use permit:
1.That the amendment is consistent with the applicable elements of the adopted goals,
objec:ves and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and is compa:ble with the
development objec:ves of the town; and
2.That the amendment furthers the general and specific purposes of the sign regula:ons; and
3.That the amendment promotes the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the town
and promotes the coordinated and harmonious development of the town in a manner that
conserves and enhances its natural environment and its established character as a resort and
residen:al community of the highest quality. !8