HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC17-0034_Submittal Letter Rockledge Road 7-10-17_1500301200.pdfJuly 13, 2017
Ma# Panfil, Planner
75 S. Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
RE: Exemp3on Plat for 307 Rockledge Road / Parcel B, a Resub of Lots 14 and 17, Vail Village 1st
Dear Ma#,
We are requesBng an exempBon plat for the property located at 307 Rockledge Road (Parcel No.
I reviewed the staff reports and minutes for the 1986 approval which took two Primary/Secondary lots
(14 and 17) and repla#ed those properBes to allow for one Primary/Secondary parcel and two Single
Family parcels. In essence, the approval allowed one duplex to be separated as two Single Family
homes. The plat note regarding GRFA placed on the plat was intended to reflect the GRFA allowable
under the zoning in effect at the Bme.
In 2007, the Town of Vail undertook amendments to the
GRFA requirements and calculaBons, modifying GRFA in
the residenBal zone districts. However, due to the plat
note on this property, Parcel B is noted as 3,000 sq. a. of
GRFA. We are now requesBng to allow Parcel B, which is
zoned SFR, to be allowed the GRFA as permi#ed by the
current Town’s Zoning RegulaBons. Under SFR zoning,
Parcel B is allowed 4,549 sq. a. of GRFA. This is actually
about 1,000 sq. a. less than it would be allowed under P/S
zoning (the previous zoning of the property.)
This proposed exempBon plat would eliminate any plat notes on GRFA and will allow the zoning on the
property, which is SFR, to control the GRFA.
SecBon 13-12-3 provides the criteria for review for an ExempBon Plat, referring to the criteria for a
Major Subdivision outlined in SecBon 13-3-4. These criteria, because they apply to major subdivisions,
are difficult to apply to this parBcular exempBon plat, which is only to remove a plat note regarding
GRFA to the calculaBon as allowed by the Zoning RegulaBons in 1986. The criteria are provided below,
along with our analysis of the proposed exempBon plat:
PO Box 4777
Eagle, Colorado 81631
Subject Property,
zoned SFR
1.The extent to which the proposed subdivision is consistent with all the applicable elements of the
adopted goals, objec3ves and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and is compa3ble
with the development objec3ves of the town; and
Applicant Analysis: The Vail Land Use Plan designates this property as “Low Density ResidenBal”
which is defined as:
This category includes single-family detached homes and two-family dwelling units.
Density of development within this category would typically not exceed 3 structures per
buildable acres. Also within this area would be private recrea>on facili>es such as tennis
courts, swimming pools and club houses for the use of residents of the area.
Ins>tu>onal / public uses permiBed would include churches, fire sta>ons, and parks and
open space related facili>es. (pg. 24)
Furthermore, the Vail Land Use Plan provides the following goals which are applicable to this
proposed exempBon plat:
1.3. The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible.
5.1. Addi>onal residen>al growth should con>nue to occur primarily in exis>ng, plaBed
areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not exist.
The proposed exempBon plat is consistent with the land use designaBon and the goals of the
Vail Land Use Plan, and is compaBble with the development objecBves of the Town.
2.The extent to which the proposed subdivision complies with all of the standards of this 3tle, as
well as, but not limited to, 3tle 12, "Zoning Regula3ons", of this code, and other per3nent
regula3ons that the planning and environmental commission deems applicable; and
Applicant Analysis: The exempBon plat allows the property to be governed by the Zoning
RegulaBons, specifically SecBon 12-6B-8: Density Control of the SFR zone district. It removes a
plat note that was based on the GRFA calculaBons in place in 1986. As a result, the proposed
exempBon plat complies with all standards of the Title 12, Zoning RegulaBons.
3.The extent to which the proposed subdivision presents a harmonious, convenient, workable
rela3onship among land uses consistent with municipal development objec3ves; and
Applicant Analysis: By using the zoning of the property, SFR, to determine GRFA, this proposed
exempBon plat is consistent with the purpose statement of the zone district which states:
12-6B-1: PURPOSE:
The single-family residen>al district is intended to provide sites for low density single-
family residen>al uses, together with such public facili>es as may be appropriately
located in the same zone district. The single-family residen>al district is intended to
ensure adequate light, air, privacy and open space for each dwelling, commensurate with
single-family occupancy, and to maintain the desirable residen>al quali>es of such sites
by establishing appropriate site development standards.
Using the zoning to determine GRFA is consistent with minimal objecBves. As a result, the
proposed exempBon plat creates a more convenient and workable relaBonship among land
4.The extent of the effects on the future development of the surrounding area; and
Applicant Analysis: The proposed exempBon plat allows for this property to take advantage of
the recent changes to the calculaBon of GRFA, in the same manner that all surrounding
properBes are now able to. As a result, there are no effects on the future development of the
surrounding area.
5.The extent to which the proposed subdivision is located and designed to avoid crea3ng spa3al
paSerns that cause inefficiencies in the delivery of public services, or require duplica3on or
premature extension of public facili3es, or result in a "leapfrog" paSern of development; and
Applicant Analysis: The proposed exempBon plat does not create a development pa#ern which
would cause inefficiencies in public services. This criterion is not applicable to this exempBon
6.The extent to which the u3lity lines are sized to serve the planned ul3mate popula3on of the
service area to avoid future land disrup3on to upgrade undersized lines; and
Applicant Analysis: UBlity lines are all sized appropriately for this neighborhood and the
proposed exempBon plat has no impact on exisBng uBliBes.
7.The extent to which the proposed subdivision provides for the growth of an orderly viable
community and serves the best interests of the community as a whole; and
Applicant Analysis: The proposed exempBon plat allows for an out-dated plat note on GRFA
that was based on calculaBons from 1986 to be removed, and then allow for the current zoning
standards to regulate GRFA. This creates a simpler process for all involved and creates equity
among properBes. As a result, this proposed exempBon plat provides for the growth of an
orderly, viable community and serves the best interest of the community.
8.The extent to which the proposed subdivision results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the
natural environment, including, but not limited to, water quality, air quality, noise, vegeta3on,
riparian corridors, hillsides and other desirable natural features; and
Applicant Analysis: The proposed exempBon plat has no impact on the natural environment.
All other development regulaBons remain in place.
9.Such other factors and criteria as the commission and/or council deem applicable to the
proposed subdivision.
Applicant Analysis: We can provide any other addiBon informaBon requested.
As indicated in the analysis of each criteria, the proposed exempBon plat is in compliance with the
criteria for review of an ExempBon Plat. Thank you for your Bme and consideraBon on this ma#er.
Should you have any quesBons, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970.376.3318 or via email at
Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP