HomeMy WebLinkAboutB17-0273_ESR-1153_1504804620.pdfA Subsidiary of 0 000 Most Widely Accepted and Trusted ICC-ES Report ESR-1153 Reissued 05/2017 This report is subject to renewal 05/2019. ICC-ES | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 | www.icc-es.org ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright © 2017 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. “2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC) Award in Excellence” Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES SECTION: 06 17 33—WOOD I-JOISTS REPORT HOLDER: WEYERHAEUSER WTC 1K5 POST OFFICE BOX 9777 FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON 98063 EVALUATION SUBJECT: TJI® PREFABRICATED WOOD I-JOISTS 09/07/17 ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-1153 Reissued May 2017 This report is subject to renewal May 2019. www.icc-es.org | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ® DIVISION: 06 00 00—WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section: 06 17 33—Wood I-joists REPORT HOLDER: WEYERHAEUSER WTC 1K5 POST OFFICE BOX 9777 FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON 98063-9777 (888) 453-8358 wood@weyerhaeuser.com www.woodbywy.com ADDITIONAL LISTEES: ANTHONY–DOMTAR, INC 1195 PEOPLES ROAD SAULT STE MARIE, ONTARIO P6C 3W7 CANADA REDBUILT™ LLC 200 EAST MALLARD DRIVE BOISE, IDAHO 83706 PACIFIC WOODTECH CORPORATION 1850 PARK LANE POST OFFICE BOX 465 BURLINGTON, WASHINGTON 98233 EVALUATION SUBJECT: TJI® PREFABRICATED WOOD I-JOISTS 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes:  2015, 2012 and 2009 International Building Code® (IBC)  2015, 2012 and 2009 International Residential Code® (IRC)  2013 Abu Dhabi International Building Code (ADIBC)† †The ADIBC is based on the 2009 IBC. 2009 IBC code sections referenced in this report are the same sections in the ADIBC. Properties evaluated:  Structural  Sound ratings  Fire-resistance ratings 2.0 USES TJI joists are prefabricated wood I-joists used as floor joists, roof rafters, blocking panels and rim joists, to support code-required loads. Prefabricated wood I-joists described in this report comply with Section 2303.1.2 of the IBC, for allowable stress design; and Section R502.1.4 of the IRC. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 General: TJI joists are prefabricated wood I-joists having wood or wood-based flanges and Performance Plus® oriented strand board (OSB) webs. Either the top and bottom flanges are parallel, forming a constant-depth joist; or the top flange has a single taper, forming a variable-depth joist. The web panels have the face grain oriented vertically, and the web-to-web connection is either butt jointed or serrated and glued to form a continuous web. The web-to-flange connection is a proprietary tongue-and- groove glued joint. Refer to Table 1 for TJI joist series and material descriptions. The TJI L65, TJI L90, TJI H90, TJI HD90, and TJI HS90, may also be trademarked as: TJI L460, TJI L560, TJI H560, TJI HD560, and TJI HS560, respectively. 3.2 Material Specifications: 3.2.1 Flanges: Flange material is either Microllam® laminated veneer lumber (LVL), TimberStrand® laminated strand lumber (LSL) or machine stress rated lumber (MSR). Microllam LVL and TimberStrand LSL are recognized in evaluation report ESR-1387. Table 1 of this report specifies flange widths and depths. Flange material and grades are as specified in the quality control manual that contains Weyerhaeuser manufacturing standards. 3.2.2 Webs: Web material is Performance Plus® OSB conforming to DOC Voluntary Product Standard PS2, Exposure 1, along with further requirements set forth in the quality-control manual that contains Weyerhaeuser manufacturing standards. Web material thickness requirements are noted in Table 1 of this report. 3.2.3 Adhesives: Adhesives are of the types specified in the quality control manual that contains Weyerhaeuser manufacturing standards. 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 General: The design and installation of TJI joists described in this report must comply with Sections 4.2 through 4.16. Additionally, design of TJI joists is governed by the applicable code and corresponding editions of ANSI/AWC ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright © 2017 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 24 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 24 National Design Specification for Wood Construction® (NDS). 4.2 Design Values: Table 3 specifies reference design moments, reactions, vertical shear forces, and joist stiffness (EI). Reference design reactions are based on minimum bearing lengths of 13/4 inches, 2 1 /2 inches and 31/2 inches (45, 64 and 89 mm), for simple spans; and 31/2, 51/4 and 7 inches (89, 133 and 178 mm) at intermediate support points for continuous spans. When joists are used as multiple span members, the calculated shear, used for design at the intermediate support, may be reduced by the percentage determined from the following formula and limited to the depths shown in Table 4: R = W ÷ Kred ≤ 18% where: Kred = V12 ÷ 100. R = The percent reduction. V12 = The reference design shear for an 117/8-inch- deep (302 mm) joist (pounds). W = The uniform load (plf). The reference design shear at the interior supports of multiple-span-member TJI joists up to 12 inches (305 mm) deep, used in residential floor construction, is permitted to be increased by 10 percent. This increase in reference design shear does not apply to the design shear at the ends of the joists. 4.3 Fasteners: Reference lateral and withdrawal design loads for fasteners, installed parallel or perpendicular to Microllam LVL or TimberStrand LSL flange glue lines, must be determined in accordance with ESR-1387 and the applicable code. Reference lateral and withdrawal design loads for fasteners installed into TJI joist sawn lumber flanges must be designed using the applicable code and a specific gravity of 0.42, such as for spruce-pine-fir. Allowable nail spacings for TJI joist diaphragm applications must be as specified in Sections 4.14 and 4.15, and Table 2. For nondiaphragm applications: 1. The spacing of fasteners installed into the face grain of Microllam LVL or TimberStrand LSL flanges must be greater than or equal to the closest permitted on-center spacing prescribed by the code for fasteners installed in sawn lumber. The spacing of fasteners installed into the edge grain of Microllam LVL or TimberStrand LSL flanges must be greater than or equal to the closest permitted on-center spacing requirements detailed in ESR-1387. 2. The spacing of fasteners installed into TJI joist sawn lumber flanges must be as prescribed by the code for fasteners installed in sawn lumber. The allowable lateral load capacity of 10d by 11/2-inch-long (38 mm) common nails used to connect minimum No. 18 gage [0.048 inch (1.2 mm) base- metal thickness] metal straps or tension-ties, recognized in a current ICC-ES evaluation report, to TJI joist flanges, in conformance with Figure 6 of this report, is 112 pounds-force (498 N) per nail. 4.4 Web Stiffeners: Web stiffener requirements for reactions and concentrated loads are noted in Table 3 and Figure 1. 4.5 Lateral Support: TJI joist compression flanges with widths less than 2.3 inches (58 mm) require lateral support every 18 inches (457 mm) on center. TJI joist compression flanges with widths equal to or greater than 2.3 inches (58 mm) require lateral support every 24 inches (610 mm) on center. Each connection must be capable of transmitting a 75-pound- force (334 N) horizontal load. All TJI joist ends require restraint to prevent rollover. Code-prescribed methods of lateral restraint specified for sawn lumber are acceptable. Bridging is not required for floor and roof TJI joist applications. 4.6 Holes in TJI Joist Web: The tables in Figures 2 and 3 specify allowable sizes and location of round, square and rectangular holes in the TJI joist webs. TJI joists with holes located in the web in accordance with Figures 2 and 3 are permitted to be used in the fire-resistive-rated Assemblies B, C, D, E, F, G and H described in Figures 4B through 4H. 4.7 Duration of Load: Adjustments for duration of load, in accordance with Part 2.3.2 of the NDS, apply to the TJI joists and their fastenings. 4.8 In-service Moisture Conditions: TJI joists must be installed in dry service conditions, where the moisture content in-service is less than 16 percent, as in most covered structures. 4.9 Repetitive-member Use: The repetitive-member use factor applicable to the resistive moment capacities listed in Table 3 is limited to 1.0. 4.10 Member Spans: TJI joist spans must be determined in accordance with Part 3.2.1 of the NDS. Vertical shear calculations must include all loads within the span from face to face of supports. 4.11 Deflection: Deflection of simple span TJI joists with either uniform load or a concentrated load at midspan is determined using the formulas in the footnotes to Table 3. 4.12 Blocking Panels: Bearing walls perpendicular to and supported by TJI joists at the end or intermediate supports, or both, require full-depth blocking. TJI joists up to and including 16 inches (406 mm) in depth, when used as blocking panels, have a maximum vertical load transfer capacity of 2,100 plf (30 645 N/m). TJI joists over 16 inches (406 mm) and up to and including 20 inches (508 mm) in depth, when used as blocking panels, have a maximum vertical load transfer capacity of 1,550 plf (22 620 N/m). 4.13 Rim Joists: TJI joists having depths of up to and including 16 inches (406 mm) may be used as rim joists and boundary members of horizontal wood structural diaphragms. The joists have a maximum vertical load transfer capacity of 2,100 plf (30,645 N/m). TJI joists used as rim joists must be laterally supported at the top and continuously supported at the bottom, and the gravity loads must be uniformly applied along the top. Other loading and support 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 24 conditions must be investigated and approved by a design professional. 4.14 TJI Joists as Prescriptive Diaphragm Framing Members: TJI joists are permitted as framing members in prescriptive floor and roof diaphragm construction in accordance with Section 2308 of the IBC or Chapters 5 and 8 of the IRC. When TJI 110, TJI 210 or TJI 230 series I-joists are used in floor diaphragm construction, the thickness of the sheathing must be 19/32 inch (15.1 mm) or greater. 4.15 TJI Joists as Engineered Diaphragm Framing Members: TJI 110, TJI 210, TJI 230, TJI 360, TJI 560, TJI 560D, TJI s31, TJI s33, and TJI s47, joists may be used as framing members in blocked and unblocked engineered diaphragms designed using Table 2306.2.1(1) of the 2009 IBC, or Tables 4.2A and 4.2C of the ANSI/AWC Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS), subject to the limitations specified in Table 2 of this report. TJI L65, TJI L90, TJI H90, TJI HD90 and TJI HS90 joists may be used as framing members in diaphragms designed in accordance with the applicable code. The closest permitted sheathing nail spacing in a single row is 3 inches (76 mm) on center for 10d common nails or 2 inches (51 mm) on center for 8d common nails. 4.16 Cantilevered TJI Joists: TJI joists are permitted to be installed with cantilevered ends, provided the cantilevers have a maximum length equal to one-third of the adjacent span and support uniform loads only, unless designed by a design professional. 4.17 TJI Joists with Flak Jacket™ Protection Used in Fire Protected Floors: TJI® Joists with Flak Jacket™ protection applied to both sides of the web and vertical sides of the bottom flange are an alternative to the 2-by-10 dimension lumber, prescribed in the 2015 IRC Section R302.13 Exception 4 (2012 IRC Section R501.3 Exception 4), and have met the requirements of a floor assembly demonstrating equivalent floor performance. TJI® Joists with Flak Jacket™ protection are identified in the field by a Flak Jacket™ Protection stamp or label placed on the web of the I-joist member. Flak Jacket™ protection is applied in accordance with the TJI® Joist with Flak Jacket™ Protection Manufacturing Standard and quality control program. The TJI® Joist Flak Jacket™ protection is limited to TJI® 210, 230, 360, 560 and 560D I-joists which have a minimum flange depth of 13/8-inches (34.9 mm). The flooring attachment to the I-joists must include the application of construction adhesive complying with ASTM D3498. 4.18 Fire-resistance-rated Roof-ceiling or Floor-ceiling Assemblies: See Figures 4A through 4F, and 4H, for details on one-hour fire-resistance-rated roof-ceiling or floor-ceiling assemblies. See Figure 4G for details on two-hour fire- resistance-rated roof-ceiling or floor-ceiling assemblies. When assemblies A, B, C, D, E, and F are used as floor- ceiling assemblies over unusable crawl spaces, it is permitted to omit the ceiling membrane. Additionally, flooring is permitted to be omitted where unusable attic space occurs above, provided the lateral support requirements of Section 4.5 are met. Alternate floor or roof systems using lightweight concrete or gypsum concrete are permitted in accordance with Table 5. 4.19 Sound Ratings: Fire-resistance-rated assemblies B, D and G, as described in Figures 4B, 4D and 4G, have sound transmission class (STC) and impact insulation class (IIC) ratings as given in Table 6, provided they are constructed with the additional assembly components and floor coverings specified in Table 6. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The TJI Prefabricated Wood I-joists described in this report comply with or are suitable alternatives to joists and rafters specified in the codes specifically listed in Section 1.0, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 TJI joists are designed in accordance with this report. 5.2 Drawings and design details verifying compliance with this report are submitted to the code official for approval. 5.3 Reference design values for TJI joists and their fasteners are permitted to be increased for duration of load in accordance with the applicable code. 5.4 Where one-hour or two-hour fire-resistance-rated construction is required, construction complies with this report. 5.5 No cutting or notching of TJI joist flanges is permitted. 5.6 Sound rated assemblies described in Table 6, with STC and or IIC ratings of less than 50, are only applicable in jurisdictions using the IRC. 5.7 TJI joists are produced at the Weyerhaeuser plants located in Castleberry, Alabama; Eugene, Oregon; and Natchitoches, Louisiana; and at the RedBuilt™ LLC plant located in Stayton, Oregon; and the Anthony-Domtar plant located in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada; and at the Pacific Woodtech plant located in Burlington, Washington; under a quality control program with inspections by ICC-ES, PFS Corporation (AA-652), or APA—The Engineered Wood Association (AA-649). 5.8 TJI Joists with Flak Jacket™ protection are produced at the Weyerhaeuser plant located in Simsboro, LA, under a quality-control program with inspections by ICC-ES or PFS Corporation (AA-652). 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Prefabricated Wood I-joists (AC14), dated October 2013 (editorially revised January 2016). 6.2 Reports of fire tests conducted in accordance with ASTM E119. 6.3 Reports of sound transmission tests conducted in accordance with ASTM E90, ASTM E413 and ASTM E492. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION TJI prefabricated wood I-joists are identified by a stamp that includes the product designation, evaluation report number (ESR-1153), manufacturer's name or logo (Trus Joist, Weyerhaeuser), plant number, production date, and the name or logo of the inspection agency (PFS Corporation or APA). 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 24 TABLE 1—TJI® JOIST DESCRIPTION TJI JOIST SERIES FLANGE SIZE, DEPTH × WIDTH (inches) WEB THICKNESS (inches) RANGE OF JOIST DEPTHS (inches) TJI® 110 Minimum 1.25 x 1.75 3/8 9 1/2 - 16 TJI® 210 Minimum 1.25 x 2.08 3/8 9 1 /2 - 16 TJI® 230 Minimum 1.25 x 2.3 3/8 91/2 - 16 TJI® 360 Minimum 1.375 x 2.3 3/8 9 1 /2 - 20 TJI® 560 Minimum 1.375 x 3.5 7/16 91/2 - 20 TJI® 560D 1.5 x 3.5 7/16 91/2 - 30 TJI® s31 1.5 x 2.5 3/8 91/2 - 16 TJI® s33 1.5 x 2.5 3/8 91/2 - 16 TJI® s47 1.5 x 3.5 7/16 117/8 - 20 TJI® L65 (or TJI® L460) 1.5 x 2.5 7/16 91/2 - 30 (91/2 - 30 taper) TJI® L90 (or TJI® L560) 1.5 x 3.5 7/16 9 1 /2 - 30 (91/2 - 30 taper) TJI® H90 (or TJI® H560) 1.75 x 3.5 7/16 117/8 - 30 TJI® HD90 (or TJI® HD560) 2.125 x 3.5 1/2 117/8 - 32 TJI® HS90 (or TJI® HS560) 2.5 x 3.5 1/2 117/8 - 32 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. TABLE 2—TJI® JOIST ENGINEERED DIAPHRAGM FRAMING DESIGN INFORMATION1 TJI JOIST SERIES EQUIVALENT NOMINAL FRAMING WIDTH EQUIVALENT SPECIFIC GRAVITY CLOSEST PERMITTED NAIL SPACING (inches)2 ALLOWABLE (UNIT SHEAR) SEISMIC DESIGN CAPACITY (plf)1,3 6d common 8d common 10d common Blocked Unblocked Case 1 Unblocked Case 3 Unblocked Cases 2, 4, 5, 6 TJI® 110 TJI® 210 2 in. 0.50 4 4 4 425 285 215 1854 TJI® 230 3 in. 0.50 4 4 4 480 320 240 2054 TJI® 360 TJI® 560 TJI® 560D 3 in. 0.50 3 3 4 720 320 240 240 TJI® s31 TJI® s33 TJI® s47 3 in. 0.42 3 3 4 660 295 220 220 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 plf = 14.59 N/m. 1Allowable shear loads for wood structural panel diaphragms with TJI joist framing must be determined in accordance with Tables 4.2A and 4.2C of the SDPWS or Table 2306.2.1(1) of the 2009 IBC, using the equivalent nominal framing width and specific gravities specified in Table 2, and must not exceed the maximum permitted design capacity given in Table 2. 2One row of nails is permitted along each sheathing panel end and edge. When nail spacing is less than 6 inches on center, adjacent nails within a row must be offset (staggered). The closest permitted nail spacing in Table 2 must not be exceeded. Solid sawn framing members must be used in lieu of TJI joist framing members where the fastener spacing required in SDPWS Tables 4.2A and 4.2C or 2009 IBC Table 2306.2.1(1) is closer than the closest permitted nail spacing given in Table 2 of this report. 3The maximum allowable seismic design capacities of Table 2 may be increased by a factor of 1.4 for wind design applications. 4The design unit shear capacities of unblocked diaphragms framed with TJI 110, TJI 210 or TJI 230 joists may be multiplied by a factor of 1.18 wherenon-polyurethane sub-floor adhesives are used in combination with mechanical fasteners for sheathing attachment. Continuous special inspection is not required for this adhesive application. 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 5 of 24 TABLE 3—REFERENCE DESIGN VALUES FOR TJI JOISTS1,2,3 Joist Depth (in.) Joist Weight(8) (plf) REFERENCE DESIGN VALUES Moment MR (ft.-lbs.)(10, 12) Shear vR (lbs.) EI x 106 lbs.-in.2 K END REACTION RR,e (lbs.)4,5,6 INTERMEDIATE REACTION Rr,i (lbs.)4,5,6 13/4" 31/2" Nails Req’d for Web Stiff. 31/2" 5 1 /4" Nails Req’d for Web Stiff. 21/2" (9)51/4" (7) 7" (7) Bearing Length Bearing Length Bearing Length Bearing Length Web Stiffeners Web Stiffeners Web Stiffeners Web Stiffeners NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES TJI 110 91/2 2.3 2500 1220 157 4.5 910 NA 1220 NA NA 1935 NA 2350 NA NA 117/8 2.5 3160 1560 267 4.5 910 1225 1375 1560 3-8d 1935 2295 2350 2705 3-8d 14 16 2.8 3.0 3740 4280 1860 2145 392 535 4.5 4.5 910 910 1225 1225 1375 1375 1735 1735 3-8d 3-8d 1935 1935 2295 2295 2350 2350 2705 2705 3-8d 3-8d TJI 210 91/2 2.6 3000 1330 186 4.5 1005 NA 1330 NA NA 2145 NA 2565 NA NA 117/8 2.8 3795 1655 315 4.5 1005 1365 1460 1655 3-8d 2145 2505 2565 2925 3-8d 14 3.1 4490 1945 462 4.5 1005 1365 1460 1815 3-8d 2145 2505 2565 2925 3-8d 16 3.3 5140 2190 629 4.5 1005 1365 1460 1815 3-8d 2145 2505 2565 2925 3-8d TJI 230 91/2 2.7 3330 1330 206 4.5 1060 NA 1330 NA NA 2410 NA 2790 NA NA 117/8 3.0 4215 1655 347 4.5 1060 1420 1485 1655 3-8d 2410 2765 2790 3150 3-8d 14 3.3 4990 1945 509 4.5 1060 1420 1485 1840 3-8d 2410 2765 2790 3150 3-8d 16 3.5 5710 2190 691 4.5 1060 1420 1485 1840 3-8d 2410 2765 2790 3150 3-8d TJI 360 91/2 2.7 4790 1425 249 4.5 1080 NA 1425 NA NA 2460 NA 3000 NA NA 117/8 3.0 6180 1705 419 4.5 1080 1440 1505 1705 3-8d 2460 2815 3000 3360 3-8d 14 3.3 7335 1955 612 4.5 1080 1440 1505 1865 3-8d 2460 2815 3000 3360 3-8d 16 3.5 8405 2190 830 4.5 1080 1440 1505 1865 3-8d 2460 2815 3000 3360 3-8d 18 3.7 9465 2425 1085 4.5 1080 1440 1505 1865 3-8d 2460 2815 3000 3360 3-8d 20 4.0 10515 2660 1376 4.5 1080 1440 1505 1865 3-8d 2460 2815 3000 3360 3-8d See notes at the end of the table. 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 24 TABLE 3—REFERENCE DESIGN VALUES FOR TJI JOISTS1,2,3 (Continued) Joist Depth (in.) Joist Weight(8) (plf) REFERENCE DESIGN VALUES Moment MR (ft.-lbs.)(10, 12) Shear vR (lbs.) EI x 106 lbs.-in.2 K END REACTION RR,e (lbs.)4,5,6 INTERMEDIATE REACTION Rr,i (lbs.)4,5,6 13/4″ 3 1 /2″ Nails Req’d for Web Stiff. 31/2″ 51/4″ Nails Req’d for Web Stiff. 21/2″ (9) 51/4″ (7) 7″(7) Bearing Length Bearing Length Bearing Length Bearing Length Web Stiffeners Web Stiffeners Web Stiffeners Web Stiffeners NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES TJI 560 91/2 3.6 7355 1670 378 5.3 1265 NA 1670 NA NA 3000 NA 3455 NA NA 117/8 4.0 9500 2050 636 5.3 1265 1740 1725 2050 3-16d 3000 3475 3455 3930 3-16d 14 4.2 11275 2390 926 5.3 1265 1740 1725 2200 3-16d 3000 3475 3455 3930 3-16d 16 4.5 12925 2710 1252 5.3 1265 1740 1725 2200 3-16d 3000 3475 3455 3930 3-16d 18 4.8 14550 3030 1631 5.3 1265 1740 1725 2200 3-16d 3000 3475 3455 3930 3-16d 20 5.1 16165 3345 2064 5.3 1265 1740 1725 2200 3-16d 3000 3475 3455 3930 3-16d TJI 560D 91/2 3.8 7415 1740 381 5.3 1400 NA 1740 NA NA 3350 NA 3965 NA NA 117/8 4.2 9605 2255 643 5.3 1400 1875 1885 2255 3-16d 3350 3825 3965 4440 3-16d 14 4.5 11430 2540 940 5.3 1400 1875 1885 2355 3-16d 3350 3825 3965 4440 3-16d 16 4.7 13115 2810 1273 5.3 1400 2030 1885 2515 4-16d 3350 3980 3965 4600 4-16d 18 5.0 14785 3080 1661 5.3 1400 2030 1885 2515 4-16d 3350 3980 3965 4600 4-16d 20 5.3 16435 3345 2105 5.3 1400 2190 1885 2675 5-16d 3350 4140 3965 4755 5-16d 22 5.6 18075 3615 2606 5.3 NA 2345 NA 2830 6-16d NA 5090 NA 5705 11-16d 24 5.8 19700 3400 3165 5.3 NA 2345 NA 2830 6-16d NA 5405 NA 6020 13-16d 26 6.1 21315 3400 3783 5.3 NA 2450 NA 2990 7-16d NA 6180(7)NA 6795(7)14-16d 28 6.4 22915 3400 4463 5.3 NA 2450 NA 3145 8-16d NA 6335(7)NA 6800(7)15-16d 30 6.6 24510 3400 5205 5.3 NA 2450 NA 3145 8-16d NA 6655(7)NA 6800(7)17-16d TJI s31 91/2 2.6 3000 1205 205 4.5 1080 NA 1205 NA NA 2755 NA 3120 NA NA 117/8 2.9 3795 1530 348 4.5 1200 1530 1470 1530 3-8d 2755 3110 3185 3540 3-8d 14 3.1 4490 1820 511 4.5 1200 1555 1470 1820 3-8d 2755 3110 3185 3540 3-8d 16 3.4 5140 2065 696 4.5 1200 1555 1470 1825 3-8d 2755 3110 3185 3540 3-8d TJI s33 91/2 2.6 3805 1205 242 4.5 1080 NA 1205 NA NA 2755 NA 3120 NA NA 117/8 2.9 4925 1530 411 4.5 1200 1530 1470 1530 3-8d 2755 3110 3185 3540 3-8d 14 3.1 5930 1820 602 4.5 1200 1555 1470 1820 3-8d 2755 3110 3185 3540 3-8d 16 3.4 6880 2065 818 4.5 1200 1555 1470 1825 3-8d 2755 3110 3185 3540 3-8d TJI s47 117/8 3.6 6970 1925 574 5.3 1280 1755 1490 1925 3-16d 2760 3235 3195 3670 3-16d 14 3.8 8395 2125 840 5.3 1280 1755 1490 1965 3-16d 3020 3495 3385 3860 3-16d 16 4.0 9735 2330 1140 5.3 1280 1755 1490 1965 3-16d 3200 3675 3550 4025 3-16d 18 4.3 11005 2535 1489 5.3 1280 1755 1490 1965 3-16d 3200 3675 3595 4070 3-16d 20 4.5 12180 2740 1889 5.3 1280 1755 1490 1965 3-16d 3200 3675 3595 4070 3-16d TJI L65 91/2 3.0 5215 1675 263 5.3 1375 NA 1675 NA NA 2745 NA 3365 NA NA 117/8 3.3 6750 1925 450 5.3 1375 1745 1885 1925 3-8d 2745 3120 3365 3735 3-8d 14 3.6 8030 2125 666 5.3 1375 1750 1885 2125 5-8d 2745 3365 3365 3985 5-8d 16 3.9 9210 2330 913 5.3 1375 1750 1885 2330 6-8d 2745 3490 3365 4105 6-8d 18 4.2 10380 2535 1205 5.3 1375 1750 1885 2535 7-8d 2745 3615 3365 4230 7-8d 20 4.4 11540 2740 1545 5.3 NA 1750 NA 2740 8-8d NA 3740 NA 4355 8-8d 22 4.7 12690 2935 1934 5.3 NA 1750 NA 2935 9-8d NA 3860 NA 4480 9-8d 24 5.0 13830 3060 2374 5.3 NA 1750 NA 3060 10-8d NA 3875 NA 4605 10-8d 26 5.3 14960 2900 2868 5.3 NA 1750 NA 2900 11-8d NA 4725(7) NA 5345(7) 11-8d 28 5.5 16085 2900 3417 5.3 NA 1750 NA 2900 12-8d NA 4850(7) NA 5470(7) 12-8d 30 5.8 17205 2900 4025 5.3 NA 1750 NA 2900 13-8d NA 4975(7) NA 5590(7) 13-8d See notes at the end of the table. 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 7 of 24 TABLE 3 REFERENCE DESIGN VALUES FOR TJI JOISTS1,2,3 (Continued) Joist Depth (in.) Joist Weight(8) (plf) REFERENCE DESIGN VALUES Moment MR (ft.-lbs.)(10) Shear vR (lbs.) EI x 106 lbs.-in.2 K END REACTION RR,e (lbs.)4,5,6 INTERMEDIATE REACTION Rr,i (lbs.)4,5,6 13/4″ 3 1 /2″ Nails Req’d for Web Stiff. 31/2″ 51/4″ Nails Req’d for Web Stiff. 21/2″ (9) 51/4″ (7) 7″ (7) Bearing Length Bearing Length Bearing Length Bearing Length Web Stiffeners Web Stiffeners Web Stiffeners Web Stiffeners NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES TJI L90 91/2 3.8 7415 1675 365 5.3 1400 NA 1675 NA NA 3350 NA 3965 NA NA 117/8 4.2 9605 1925 621 5.3 1400 1715 1885 1925 2-16d 3350 3665 3965 4285 2-16d 14 4.5 11430 2125 913 5.3 1400 1875 1885 2125 3-16d 3350 3825 3965 4440 3-16d 16 4.7 13115 2330 1246 5.3 1400 2030 1885 2330 4-16d 3350 3980 3965 4600 4-16d 18 5.0 14785 2535 1635 5.3 1400 2030 1885 2515 4-16d 3350 3980 3965 4600 4-16d 20 5.3 16435 2740 2085 5.3 NA 2190 NA 2675 5-16d NA 4140 NA 4755 5-16d 22 5.6 18075 2935 2597 5.3 NA 2345 NA 2830 6-16d NA 5090 NA 5705 11-16d 24 5.8 19700 3060 3172 5.3 NA 2345 NA 2830 6-16d NA 5405 NA 6020 13-16d 26 6.1 21315 2900 3814 5.3 NA 2450 NA 2900 7-16d NA 5800(7) NA 5800(7) 14-16d 28 6.4 22915 2900 4525 5.3 NA 2450 NA 2900 8-16d NA 5800(7) NA 5800(7) 15-16d 30 6.6 24510 2900 5306 5.3 NA 2450 NA 2900 8-16d NA 5800(7) NA 5800(7) 17-16d TJI H90 117/8 4.6 10960 1925 687 5.3 1400 1715 1885 1925 2-16d 3495 3810 4100 4420 2-16d 14 4.9 13090 2125 1015 5.3 1400 1875 1885 2125 3-16d 3495 3970 4100 4575 3-16d 16 5.2 15065 2330 1389 5.3 1400 2030 1885 2330 4-16d 3495 4130 4100 4735 4-16d 18 5.4 17010 2535 1827 5.3 1400 2030 1885 2515 4-16d 3495 4130 4100 4735 4-16d 20 5.7 18945 2740 2331 5.3 NA 2190 NA 2675 5-16d NA 4285 NA 4890 5-16d 22 6.0 20855 2935 2904 5.3 NA 2345 NA 2830 6-16d NA 5235 NA 5840 11-16d 24 6.3 22755 3060 3549 5.3 NA 2345 NA 2830 6-16d NA 5425 NA 6155 13-16d 26 6.5 24645 2900 4266 5.3 NA 2450 NA 2900 7-16d NA 5800(7) NA 5800(7) 14-16d 28 6.8 26520 2900 5059 5.3 NA 2450 NA 2900 8-16d NA 5800(7) NA 5800(7) 15-16d 30 7.1 28380 2900 5930 5.3 NA 2450 NA 2900 8-16d NA 5800(7) NA 5800(7) 17-16d TJI HD90 117/8 5.4 14075 2320 826 6.0 1835(9) 2320(9) 2150 2320 4-16d 3995 4650 4690 5345 4-16d 14 5.7 16920 2565 1232 6.0 1835(9) 2565(9) 2150 2565 6-16d 3995 4980 4690 5670 6-16d 16 6.0 19550 2790 1695 6.0 1835(9) 2790(9) 2150 2790 6-16d 3995 4980 4690 5670 6-16d 18 6.3 22150 3020 2239 6.0 1835(9) 3020(9) 2150 3020 8-16d 3995 5310 4690 6000 8-16d 20 6.7 24725 3250 2866 6.0 NA 3250(9)NA 3250 10-16d NA 5425 NA 6330 10-16d 22 7.0 27280 3480 3579 6.0 NA 3475(9)NA 3480 10-16d NA 5425 NA 6330 10-16d 24 7.3 29815 3710 4380 6.0 NA 3500(9)(11) NA 3710 12-16d NA 5425 NA 6655 12-16d 26 7.6 32330 3940 5272 6.0 NA 3500(9)(11) NA 3940 14-16d NA 6985(7) NA 7675(7) 14-16d 28 7.9 34830 4165 6258 6.0 NA 3500(9)(11) NA 4165 14-16d NA 6985(7) NA 7675(7) 14-16d 30 8.2 37310 4375 7339 6.0 NA 3500(9)(11) NA 4375 16-16d NA 7310(7) NA 8005(7) 16-16d 32 8.5 39785 4375 8519 6.0 NA 3500(9)(11) NA 4375 18-16d NA 7640(7) NA 8335(7) 18-16d TJI HS90 117/8 6.0 16050 2320 900 6.0 1835(9) 2320(9) 2150 2320 4-16d 3995 4650 4690 5345 4-16d 14 6.3 19425 2565 1355 6.0 1835(9) 2565(9) 2150 2565 6-16d 3995 4980 4690 5670 6-16d 16 6.6 22550 2790 1876 6.0 1835(9) 2790(9) 2150 2790 6-16d 3995 4980 4690 5670 6-16d 18 7.0 25640 3020 2488 6.0 1835(9) 3020(9) 2150 3020 8-16d 3995 5310 4690 6000 8-16d 20 7.3 28695 3250 3195 6.0 NA 3250(9) NA 3250 10-16d NA 5425 NA 6330 10-16d 22 7.6 31725 3480 3998 6.0 NA 3475(9) NA 3480 10-16d NA 5425 NA 6330 10-16d 24 7.9 34730 3710 4901 6.0 NA 3500(9)(11) NA 3710 12-16d NA 5425 NA 6655 12-16d 26 8.2 37715 3940 5905 6.0 NA 3500(9)(11) NA 3940 14-16d NA 6985(7) NA 7675(7) 14-16d 28 8.5 40680 4165 7014 6.0 NA 3500(9)(11) NA 4165 14-16d NA 6985(7) NA 7675(7) 14-16d 30 8.8 43630 4375 8230 6.0 NA 3500(9)(11) NA 4375 16-16d NA 7310(7) NA 8005(7) 16-16d 32 9.1 46560 4375 9555 6.0 NA 3500(9)(11) NA 4375 18-16d NA 7640(7) NA 8335(7) 18-16d See notes at the end of the table. For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 plf = 14 59 N/m, 1 ft.-lb. = 1.356 N-m, 1 lb.-in.2 = 2.87 kN-mm.2 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 8 of 24 FOOTNOTES FOR TABLE 3: 1Refer to Figure 1 for web stiffener details 2Deflection is calculated as follows: Where: P = Concentrated load, pounds. d = Out-to-out depth of joist, inches. L = Clear span in feet W = Uniform load in pounds per lineal foot. EI = From table. K = From table. 3The stated reference design values are for loads of normal duration. Adjustments to the reference design values must be in accordance with the applicable code, with the exception noted in footnote 10 below. 4Interpolation between bearing lengths and joist depths is permitted for reference design reactions. 5The minimum bearing length is permitted to be reduced for joists supported by hangers if supplemental nail attachment is provided to the web stiffener. 6Required bearing lengths have been determined based on Weyerhaeuser TJI Joist products. Allowable bearing stresses on supporting members must be checked. 7Referenced design reactions require 51/4-inch and 7-inch bearing lengths at intermediate supports. 8Joist weights shown are calculated on a rational basis, are based on the heavier of eastern or western species products and are suitable for dead load calculation. Contact the producing plant for shipping weight information if needed. 9Applicable to TJI HD90 and TJI HS90 joists only. Tabulated values indicate reference design bearing reactions for a 21/2-inch bearing length at end supports. 13/4-inch end bearing lengths are also permitted; with reference design reactions of 1600 lbs. without web stiffeners for depths up to and including 18 inches; with web stiffeners the reference design reaction is 2255 lbs. for the 117/8 inch depth and 2450 lbs. for all other depths. 10The reference design moment values listed in Table 3 may not be increased by any code allowed repetitive-member use factor. 11Applicable to TJI HD90 and TJI HS90 joists only. Reference design reaction values are based on applicable hanger seat length (interpolated as per note 4 above) may be increased 510 lbs. when supported by Simpson Strong-Tie Co. HWI or WPU joist hangers with a minimum of 4, 10d common nails installed through the joist hanger stirrups and into the joist web stiffener and web. 12Use 90% of the published TJI® 210, 230, 360, and 560 joist bending capacity for TJI® joists with Flak Jacket™ protection when used in one- hour fire-resistance-rated Assembly H described in Figure 4H of this report. TABLE 4—PROPERTIES FOR USE IN SECTION 4.2 TJI JOIST SERIES TJI JOIST DEPTH (inches) V12 (lbs.) Kred TJI® 110 ≤ 16 1560 15.60 TJI® 210, TJI® 230 ≤ 16 1655 16.55 TJI® 360 ≤ 16 1705 17.05 TJI® 560 ≤ 16 2050 20.50 TJI® 560D ≤ 24 2255 20.50 TJI® s31, TJI® s33 ≤ 16 1530 15.30 TJI® s47 ≤ 20 1925 19.25 TJI® L65, TJI® L90, TJI® H90 ≤ 24 1925 19.25 TJI® HD90, TJI® HS90 ≤ 24 2320 23.20 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 lb. = 4.448 N, 1 plf = 14.59 N/m. 5 10 Kdx 2 WL 12 EI 4 WL 5.22: load Uniform + = ∆ 5 10 Kdx PL 24 EI 3 PL 36: midspan at load edConcentrat + = ∆ 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 9 of 24 Web Stiffener Requirements: 1Web stiffeners must be installed at bearing points as required in Table 3. 2Web stiffeners must be installed at points of concentrated loads greater than 1500 pounds and are to be nailed in accordance with the intermediate reaction schedule in Table 3. 3Web stiffeners are to be installed on each side of the web as shown, with nails equally spaced vertically. 4A gap must be left at the top of web stiffeners as shown at all bearing conditions. In the case of concentrated loads, web stiffeners are required as shown and the gap must be at the bottom. 5Web stiffener material must be sheathing meeting the requirements of PS-1 or PS-2 with the face grain parallel to the long axis of the stiffener. 6Some hangers require web stiffeners to comply with nailing requirements through side plates. 7If web stiffeners are not used in hanger support, the side of the hanger must extend up to laterally support the top flange. 8See manufacturer’s published installation instructions for additional details and requirements for web stiffeners. Web stiffener specifications are as follows: TJI JOIST SERIES MINIMUM DIMENSIONS GRADE “W” (inches) “T” (inches) TJI® 110 25/16 5/8 See Note 5 TJI® 210 25/16 23/32 See Note 5 TJI® 230, TJI® 360, TJI® L65 25/16 7/8 See Note 5 TJI® s31, TJI® s33 25/16 1.0 See Note 5 TJI® s47, TJI® 560, TJI® 560D, TJI® L90, TJI® H90 31/2 11/2 Construction Grade 2x4 TJI® HD90, TJI® HS90 31/2 11/2 1.3E minimum grade TimberStrand LSL FIGURE 1—WEB STIFFENER NOTES AND DETAILS 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 10 of 24 Hole Factors and Locations Chart Round Hole Size (inches) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Rectangular Hole Size (inches) 11/4 1 3/4 2 1/4 3 31/2 4 43/ 4 51/4 6 6 1/2 7 73/4 8 1/4 9 9 1/2 10 103/4 11 1/4 12 Joist depth (inches)117/8 A A B C E 14 A A B C C D E 16 A A A B C C D E E 18 4″ 1′-3″ A A B C C D E E 20 4″ 1′-3″ A A B B C C D D E E 22 4″ 1′-3″ 1′-3″ A A B B C C D D E E 24 4″ 4″ 1′-3″ A A A B B C C D D E E E 26 4″ 4″ 1′-3″ A A A B B B C C D D D E E 28 4″ 4″ 1′-3″ 1′-3″ A A A B B B C C D D D E E E 30 4″ 4″ 4″ 1′-3″ 1′-3″ A A A B B B C C C D D E E E Hole Locations Chart Joist Span (center to center of support, feet) Hole Factor A B C D E 14 1′-3″ 2′-0″ 2′-6″ 3′-9″ 5′-0″ 15 1′-3″ 2′-0″ 3′-0″ 4′-0″ 5′-3″ 16 1′-3″ 2′’-3″ 3′-3″ 4′-6″ 5′-9″ 17 1′-6″ 2′-9″ 3′-9″ 5′-0″ 6′-3″ 18 1′-6″ 3′-0″ 4′-3″ 5′-6″ 6′-9″ 19 1′-9″ 3′-0″ 4′-3″ 5′-6″ 7′-0″ 20 1′-9″ 3′-0″ 4′-3″ 5′-6″ 7′-0″ 21 2′-0″ 3′-0″ 4′-3″ 5′-9″ 7′-3″ 22 2′-0″ 3′-0″ 4′-3″ 5′-9″ 7′-3″ 23 2′-0″ 3′-3″ 4′-3″ 5′-9″ 7′-6″ 24 2′-3″ 3′-3″ 4′-6″ 5′-9″ 7′-6″ 25 2′-3″ 3′-6″ 4′-9″ 5′-9″ 7′-9″ 26 2′-3″ 3′-9″ 4′-9″ 6′-0″ 7′-9″ 27 2′-6” 3’-9” 5’-0” 6’-3” 7’-9” 28 2’-6″ 4′-0″ 5′-3″ 6′-6″ 8′-0″ 29 2′-6″ 4′-0″ 5′-6″ 6′-9″ 8′-3″ 30 2′-9″ 4′-3″ 5′-9″ 7′-0″ 8′-6″ 31 3′-0″ 4′-3″ 5′-9″ 7′-3″ 8′-9″ 32 3′-0″ 4′-6″ 6′-0″ 7′-6″ 9′-3″ 33 3′-0″ 4′-9″ 6′-3″ 7′-9″ 9′-6″ 34 3′-0″ 5′-0″ 6′-6″ 8′-0″ 9′-9″ 35 3′-3″ 5′-0″ 6′-6″ 8′-3″ 10′-0″ 36 3′-3″ 5′-0″ 6′-9″ 8′-6″ 10′-3″ Notes to Figure 2: 1. Charts are based on simple spans and uniform load applications or applicable building code provisions for concentrated loads (2000 lbs. over 2.5 square feet) with 25 psf dead load and 20 psf partition load. 2. For uniformly loaded multiple span applications holes must be located 1.0 inch farther from the support for each foot of joist span, than the values indicated in the Charts. 3. Holes are not allowed in cantilever areas unless specifically designed by a qualified design professional. 4. Where more than one hole is to be cut in the web, the clear distance between holes must be twice the length of the longest dimension of the largest adjacent hole. 5. Hole sizes shown are hole sizes, not duct sizes. 6. Rectangular hole sizes are based on measurement of the longest side. 7. Hole locations are measured from inside face of joist support to nearest edge of hole. See Figure 3. For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm. FIGURE 2—ALLOWABLE HOLE SIZE AND LOCATION FOR THE TJI L65, TJI L90, TJI H90, TJI HD90 AND TJI HS90 JOISTS ONLY 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 11 of 24 TABLE A—MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM INSIDE FACE OF END SUPPORT TO NEAREST EDGE OF HOLE JOIST DEPTH (inches) TJI JOIST SERIES ROUND HOLE SIZE (inches) SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE (inches) 2 3 4 61/2 87/8 11 13 2 3 4 61/2 87/8 11 13 91/2 TJI 110 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 2′-0″ 5′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 2′-6″ 4′-6″ TJI 210 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 2′-6″ 5′-6″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 2′-6″ 5′-0″ TJI 230 1′-6″ 2′-0″ 2′-6″ 5′-6″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 3′-0″ 5′-0″ 117/8 TJI 110 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-6″ 5′-6″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 2′-0″ 4′-6″ 6′-0″ TJI 210 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 2′-0″ 3′-0″ 6′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 2′-6″ 5′-0″ 6′-6″ TJI 230 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 2′-0″ 3′-0″ 6′-6″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 2′-6″ 5′-6″ 7′-0″ TJI 360 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 4′-6″ 7′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-6″ 6′-6″ 7′-6″ TJI 560 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 5′-0″ 8′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 3′-6″ 7′-0″ 8′-0″ 14 TJI 110 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 3′-0″ 5′-6″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 3′-6″ 6′-0″ 8′-0″ TJI 210 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2’-0″ 3′-6″ 6′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 4′-0″ 6′-6″ 8′-6″ TJI 230 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-6″ 4′-0″ 7′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 4′-0″ 7′-0″ 9′-0″ TJI 360 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-6″ 5′-6″ 8′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 5′-6″ 8′-0″ 9′-6″ TJI 560 1′-0″ 1’-0” 1’-0” 2’-6” 6’-0” 9’-0” 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 6′-6″ 9′-0″ 10′-0″ 16 TJI 110 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 2’-0” 3-’0” 5’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 1’-0” 3’-0” 5’-6” 7’-6” 10’-0” TJI 210 1’-0” 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-6″ 3′-6″ 6′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 3′-0″ 6′-6″ 8′-0″ 11′-0″ TJI 230 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 3′-0″ 4′-0″ 7′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 3′-6″ 7′-0″ 9′-0″ 11′-0″ TJI 360 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 3′-0″ 6′-0″ 9′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 4′-0″ 9′-0″ 10′-0″ 11′-6″ TJI 560 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 3′-0″ 6′-6″ 10′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 5′-0″ 10′-0″ 11′-0″ 12′-0″ See notes below Table F. TABLE B—MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM INSIDE FACE OF INTERMEDIATE OR CANTILEVER SUPPORT TO NEAREST EDGE OF HOLE JOIST DEPTH (inches) TJI JOIST SERIES ROUND HOLE SIZE (INCHES) SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE (inches) 2 3 4 61/2 87/8 11 13 2 3 4 61/2 87/8 11 13 91/2 TJI 110 2′ -0″ 2′-6″ 3′-6″ 7′-6″ 1′-6″ 2′-6″ 3′-6″ 6′-6″ TJI 210 2′-0″ 2′-6″ 3′-6″ 8′-0″ 2′-0″ 3′-0″ 4′-0″ 7′-6″ TJI 230 2′-6″ 3′-0″ 4′-0″ 8′-6″ 2′-0″ 3′-6″ 4′-6″ 7′-6″ 117/8 TJI 110 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 4′-0″ 8′-6″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 2′-6″ 7′-0″ 9′-6″ TJI 210 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 4′-6″ 9′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 3′-0″ 8′-0″ 10′-0″ TJI 230 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 2′-6″ 5′-0″ 10′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-6″ 3′-6″ 8′-6″ 10′-6″ TJI 360 2′-0″ 3′-0″ 4′-0″ 7′-0″ 11′-0″ 2′-0″ 3′-6″ 5′-0″ 9′-6″ 11′-0″ TJI 560 1′-6″ 3′-0″ 4′-6″ 8′-0″ 12′-0″ 3′-0″ 4′-6″ 6′-0″ 10′-6″ 12′-0″ 14 TJI 110 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 4′-6″ 8′-6″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 5′-0″ 9′-0″ 12′-0″ TJI 210 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-6″ 5′-6″ 9′-6″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 6′-0″ 10′-0″ 13′-0″ TJI 230 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 3′-6″ 6′-0″ 10′-6″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-6″ 6′-6″ 11′-0″ 13′-6″ TJI 360 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 5′-6″ 8′-6″ 12′-6″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 4′-0″ 9′-0″ 12′-0″ 14′-0″ TJI 560 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 5′-6″ 9′-6″ 13′-6″ 1′-0″ 3′-0″ 5′-0″ 10′-0″ 13′-6″ 15′-0″ 16 TJI 110 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2’-6” 5’-0” 8’-6” 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 3′-6″ 8′-6″ 11’-6” 15′-0″ TJI 210 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 3′-6″ 6′-0″ 10′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 4′-6″ 10′-0″ 12′-6″ 16′-0″ TJI 230 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-6″ 4′-0″ 6′-6″ 11′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 5′-0″ 10′-6″ 13′-6″ 16′-6″ TJI 360 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 3′-0″ 6′-6″ 10′-0″ 13′-6″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-0″ 7′-6″ 13′-0″ 14′-6″ 17′-0″ TJI 560 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 2′-6″ 7′-0″ 11′-0″ 15′-0″ 1′-0″ 1′-0″ 3′-6″ 9′-0″ 14′-6″ 16′-0″ 18′-0″ See notes below Table F. FIGURE 3—ALLOWABLE HOLE SIZE AND LOCATION FOR THE TJI 110, TJI 210, TJI 230, TJI 360 AND TJI 560 JOISTS (TABLES A AND B) 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 12 of 24 TABLE C—MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM INSIDE FACE OF END SUPPORT TO NEAREST EDGE OF HOLE JOIST DEPTH (inches) TJI JOIST SERIES ROUND HOLE SIZE (inches) SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE (inches) 2 3 4 61/4 85/8 103/4 123/4 143/4 163/4 2 3 4 61/4 8 5 /8 103/4 123/4 143/4 16 3 /4 91/2 s31 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 2'-6'' 5'-6'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 2'-6'' 4'-6'' s33 1'-6'' 2'-6'' 3'-0'' 6'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 3'-0'' 5'-0'' 117/8 s31 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 3'-0'' 6'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 4'-6'' 6'-0'' s33 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 3'-6'' 7'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-6'' 5'-6'' 7'-0'' s47 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 3'-6'' 7'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 2'-6'' 6'-6'' 7'-6'' 14 s31 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 3'-0'' 6'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 3'-6'' 6'-0'' 7'-6'' s33 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 4'-6'' 8'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 4'-0'' 7'-0'' 8'-6'' s47 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 4'-6'' 8'-6'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 5'-0'' 8'-0'' 9'-6'' 16 s31 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 3'-6'' 6'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-6'' 6'-0'' 7'-0'' 9'-6'' s33 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-6'' 5'-0'' 8'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 3'-0'' 7'-0'' 9'-0'' 10'-6'' s47 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 5'-6'' 9'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 3'-6'' 8'-6'' 10'-0'' 11'-0'' 18 s47 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 5'-6'' 9'-6'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 6'-6'' 10'-6'' 12'-0''13'-6'' 20 s47 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 6'-0'' 10'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 4'-6'' 10'-0'' 11'-6'' 13'-0'' 14'-6'' See notes below Table F. 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 13 of 24 TABLE D—MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM INSIDE FACE OF INTERMEDIATE OR CANTILEVER SUPPORT TO NEAREST EDGE OF HOLE JOIST DEPTH (inches) TJI JOIST SERIES ROUND HOLE SIZE (inches) SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE (inches) 2 3 4 61/4 8 5 /8 103/4 123/4 143/4 16 3 /4 2 3 4 6 1 /4 85/8 103/4 123/4 14 3 /4 163/4 91/2 s31 2'-0'' 3'-0'' 4'-0'' 8'-6'' 2'-0'' 3'-0'' 4'-0'' 6'-6'' s33 2'-6'' 3'-6'' 5'-0'' 9'-0'' 2'-0'' 3'-6'' 4'-6'' 7'-6'' 117/8 s31 1'-6'' 2'-0'' 2'-6'' 4'-6'' 9'-0'' 1'-6'' 2'-6'' 3'-6'' 7'-0'' 9'-0'' s33 2'-0'' 3'-0'' 3'-6'' 5'-6'' 10'-6'' 2'-0'' 3'-0'' 4'-0'' 8'-6'' 10'-0'' s47 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 5'-6'' 11'-0'' 2'-0'' 3'-6'' 5'-0'' 9'-6'' 11'-0'' 14 s31 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 3'-0'' 5'-0'' 9'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 2'-6'' 5'-6'' 9'-0'' 11'-6'' s33 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 4'-0'' 6'-6'' 12'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 3'-6'' 6'-6'' 11'-0'' 13'-0'' s47 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 4'-0'' 7'-6'' 12'-6'' 1'-0'' 2'-6'' 4'-0'' 8'-0'' 12'-0'' 13'-6'' 16 s31 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 3'-6'' 5'-6'' 9'-6'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 4'-6'' 9'-0'' 11'-0'' 14'-0'' s33 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-6'' 5'-0'' 7'-6'' 12'-6'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 5'-6'' 11'-0'' 13'-6'' 15'-6'' s47 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 5'-6'' 9'-0'' 14'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 3'-0'' 7'-0'' 13'-0'' 15'-0'' 16'-6'' 18 s47 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 3'-0'' 6'-6'' 9'-6'' 14'-6'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 6'-0'' 11'-0'' 15'-6'' 17'-0'' 18'-6'' 20 s47 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 3'-6'' 7'-0'' 10'-6'' 15'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 4'-0'' 9'-0'' 15'-0'' 16'-6'' 18'-0'' 19'-6'' See notes below Table F. FIGURE 3—ALLOWABLE HOLE SIZE AND LOCATION FOR THE TJI s31, TJI s33, and TJI s47JOISTS (TABLES C AND D) (Continued) 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 14 of 24 TABLE E—MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM INSIDE FACE OF END SUPPORT TO NEAREST EDGE OF HOLE1,2,3,4,5 JOIST DEPTH (inches) TJI JOIST SERIES ROUND HOLE SIZE (inches) SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE (inches) 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 91/2 560D 2'-0'' 4'-0'' 6'-0'' 2'-0'' 4'-0'' 5'-6'' 117/8 1'-6'' 3'-0'' 5'-0'' 6'-6'' 3'-0'' 4'-6'' 6'-6'' 7'-6'' 14 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 4'-0'' 5'-6'' 8'-0'' 2'-0'' 4'-0'' 6'-6'' 8'-6'' 9'-0'' 16 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 3'-0'' 5'-0'' 6'-6'' 9'-0'' 2'-0'' 4'-0'' 6'-0'' 8'-6'' 10'-0'' 11'-0'' 18 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 3'-6'' 5'-6'' 7'-6'' 1'-0'' 3'-0'' 5'-6'' 8'-0'' 10'-6'' 11'-6'' 20 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-6'' 4'-6'' 6'-0'' 10'-6'' 1'-0'' 2'-6'' 5'-0'' 7'-0'' 10'-0'' 12'-6'' 14'-6'' 22 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 3'-6'' 5'-0'' 8'-6'' 11'-6'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 3'-6'' 6'-6'' 14'-6'' 15'-0'' 16'-0'' 16'-6'' 24 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 3'-6'' 5'-0'' 8'-0'' 10'-0'' 12'-6'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 4'-0'' 6'-6'' 9'-6'' 15'-0'' 16'-0'' 16'-6'' 17'-0'' 26 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-6'' 3'-6'' 5'-0'' 7'-6'' 9'-0'' 11'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 4'-0'' 6'-6'' 8'-6'' 15'-6'' 16'-6'' 17'-0'' 17'-0'' 28 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 2'-6'' 4'-0'' 5'-0'' 7'-0'' 8'-6'' 10'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-6'' 4'-0'' 6'-0'' 8'-6'' 11'-0'' 16'-6'' 17'-0'' 17'-0'' 30 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-6'' 2'-6'' 3'-6'' 5'-0'' 7'-0'' 8'-0'' 9'-6'' 1'-0'' 2'-0'' 4'-0'' 6'-0'' 8'-0'' 10'-0'' 16'-6'' 17'-0'' 17'-6'' See notes below Table F. TABLE F—MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM INSIDE FACE OF INTERMEDIATE OR CANTILEVER SUPPORT TO NEAREST EDGE OF HOLE1,2,3,4,5 JOIST DEPTH (inches) TJI JOIST SERIES ROUND HOLE SIZE (inches) SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR HOLE SIZE (inches) 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 91/2 560D 4'-0'' 6'-0'' 9'-6'' 4'-0'' 6'-6'' 8'-0'' 117/8 2'-0'' 4'-6'' 7'-0'' 10'-0'' 4'-0'' 6'-6'' 10'-0'' 10'-6'' 14 1'-0'' 3'-0'' 5'-6'' 8'-6'' 11'-6'' 2'-6'' 6'-0'' 9'-0'' 12'-0'' 13'-6'' 16 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 3'-6'' 6'-6'' 10'-0'' 13'-0'' 1'-0'' 5'-0'' 8'-6'' 12'-6'' 14'-6'' 16'-0'' 18 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 4'-6'' 7'-6'' 11'-0'' 1'-0'' 3'-0'' 7'-6'' 11'-6'' 16'-0'' 17'-0'' 20 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 4'-6'' 8'-6'' 16'-0'' 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 5'-6'' 10'-0'' 15'-0'' 18'-0'' 20'-0'' 22 1'-0'' 1'-0'' 2'-6'' 4'-6'' 6'-6'' 8'-0'' 13'-0'' 16'-6'' 1'-0'' 3'-6'' 6'-6'' 10'-0'' 19'-0'' 20'-0'' 21'-0'' 21'-6'' 24 1'-0'' 2'-6'' 4'-0'' 5'-6'' 7'-0'' 8'-6'' 12'-6'' 15'-0'' 17'-6'' 2'-0'' 5'-0'' 7'-6'' 10'-6'' 14'-0'' 20'-0'' 21'-0'' 21'-6'' 22'-0'' 26 3'-0'' 4'-0'' 5'-6'' 6'-6'' 7'-6'' 9'-0'' 12'-0'' 14'-0'' 16'-0'' 4'-0'' 6'-0'' 8'-0'' 10'-6'' 13'-0'' 20'-6'' 21'-6'' 22'-0'' 22'-0'' 28 3'-0'' 4'-0'' 5'-6'' 6'-6'' 7'-6'' 9'-0'' 11'-6'' 13'-0'' 15'-0'' 4'-0'' 6'-0'' 8'-0'' 10'-6'' 13'-0'' 16'-0'' 21'-6'' 22'-0'' 22'-0'' 30 3'-0'' 4'-0'' 5'-6'' 6'-6'' 8'-0'' 9'-0'' 11'-6'' 13'-0'' 14'-6'' 4'-0'' 6'-0'' 8'-0'' 10'-6'' 12'-6'' 15'-0'' 21'-6'' 22'-0'' 22'-6'' For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm. 1The clear distance between multiple holes must be twice the length of the longest dimension of the largest hole. 2Holes may be located vertically anywhere within the web. Leave 1/8 inch of web minimum at top and bottom of hole. 3Tables A, C and E (simple and continuous spans) and Tables B, D and F (continuous spans) are based on uniform load applications, within the limitations of the applicable Weyerhaeuser literature. 4TJI joists are manufactured with 11/2-inch diameter perforated knockouts in the web at approximately 12 inches on center along the length of the joist. 5For simple span (5 foot minimum) uniformly loaded joists, one maximum size hole may be located in the web at the center of the joist span provided no other holes occur in the joist. FIGURE 3—ALLOWABLE HOLE SIZE AND LOCATION FOR THE TJI 560D JOISTS (TABLES E AND F) (Continued) 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 15 of 24 FIGURE 4A—ASSEMBLY A (One-hour Fire-resistance-rated Roof-ceiling or Floor-ceiling Assembly): Assembly Component Component Specifications Installation Double Wood Floor • Subfloor of nominal 1-inch-thick, tongue-and-groove sheathing or 32/16 span-rated sheathing (Exposure 1) and a second layer of nominal 1-inch-thick, tongue-and-groove finish flooring. • Alternatively, finish flooring is permitted to be 40/20 span-rated sheathing (Exposure 1), or Type-1 Grade-1 particleboard not less than 5/8-inch thick. • When used as a roof-ceiling assembly, a single layer of square-edged span-rated sheathing (Exposure 1), complying with the code, is permitted to be used for roof sheathing. All butt joints of the sheathing must be located over framing members. TJI® Joist Minimum flange depth of 1½ inches. Installed in accordance with this report, at a maximum spacing of 48 inches on center. Fixture Protection See Recessed Light Fixture Installation. See Recessed Light Fixture Installation. Recessed Light Fixture (Optional) • 24 inch x 48 inch, maximum. • The aggregate area of the lighting fixture may not exceed 12 square feet per 100 square feet of ceiling area. • Installed in the ceiling. • Must be protected by insulation as described below. A 24-inch-by-48-inch fixture is used as an example: - A 21/4-inch-by-48-inch, minimum 11/4-inch-thick piece of minimum 4 pcf Thermafiber rigid mineral fiber board or Fibrex-FBX 1240 Industrial Board or Fibrex-IF 1240 Flex Batt light fixture protection, is laid along the long sides of the fixture, and against adjacent suspension members - Two pieces of the same insulation, measuring 19-1/2 inches by 48 inches, are laid over the top of the fixture, and - A 41/2-inch-by-24-inch piece of the same insulation is laid at each end and tied, at the corners of the fixture, to the top pieces using No. 18 SWG steel wire. • See Figure 5 for details. Channels Cold rolled. Spaced not more than 48 inches on center. Air Diffuser • Air diffusers, up to a maximum of 12 inches in diameter, are permitted. • The aggregate area must not exceed 113 square inches per 100 square feet of ceiling area. Openings must be protected with approved fire dampers. Mineral Wool Blankets Minimum 1-inch-thick, 4 pcf minimum, Thermafiber® Sound Attenuation Fire Blankets, or Fibrex®-FBX 1240 industrial boards, or Fibrex®-IF 1240 Flex Batts, or IIG MinWool®-1240 Industrial Board, or IIG MinWool®-1240 Flexible Batt. Installed over the acoustical board. Suspended Ceiling • 5/8-inch acoustical panels. • 24" x 24" or 24" x 48" USG FIRECODE AURATONE lay-in acoustical board. • Supported by an approved exposed fire-resistance-rated suspension system attached to joist bottom flange or to cold- rolled channels. • When TJI® joists are spaced more than 24 inches on center, framing perpendicular to the joists must be installed at 24 inches on center to support the ceiling. • The distance from the bottom of the TJI® joists to the soffit of the ceiling must be a minimum of 10 inches. 10" minimum 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 SEE ALTERNATE FLOOR ASSEMBLY BELOW FOR GYPCRETE CONSTRUCTION 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 23 of 24 TABLE 5—ALTERNATE FLOOR OR ROOF SYSTEMS Applicable Assembly Assembly Description Location Maximum TJI® Joist Spacing Sheathing Required Floor or Roof Topping Required One-Hour (A, B, C, D, E, F, H) and Two-Hour (G) Figures 4A through 4H 24 inches on-center Minimum 48/24 span-rated sheathing (Exposure 1).  1½-inch-thick lightweight concrete or ¾-inch-thick gypsum concrete over the sheathing.  Gypsum concrete must be recognized in a current ICC-ES evaluation report, and the report must include an evaluation for fire resistance that permits the replacement of the floor systems with the sheathing and gypsum concrete system. 20 inches on-center Minimum 40/20 span-rated sheathing (Exposure 1). TABLE 6—SOUND RATINGS Assembly Assembly Figure STC Rating Assembly Components Required IIC Rating Floor Covering Required Assembly B Option 1 Figure 4B 50, minimum Assembly B constructed with resilient channels spaced at 16 inches on- center to separate the ceiling membrane from the structural framing. 60 The floor covering must include a 40-ounce- per-square-yard pad and a 56-ounce-per- square-yard carpet. 51 • Floor covering must consist of Tarkett Acoustiflor sheet vinyl, • Ceiling must consist of two layers of ⅝-inch- thick, Type X gypsum board, and the • Bottom of the floor cavity must contain 3½-inch-thick glass-fiber insulation. 45 The floor covering must include a 43.2- ounce-per-square-yard, minimum 0.123- inch-thick cushioned vinyl. Assembly B Option 2 Figure 4B 58, minimum  Assembly B constructed with resilient channels spaced at 16 inches on center to separate the ceiling membrane from the structural framing.  ¾-inch-thick floor topping of gypsum concrete recognized in a current ICC-ES evaluation report. 54 The floor covering must include a 40-ounce- per-square-yard pad and a 56-ounce-per- square-yard carpet. 54 • Floor covering must consist of Tarkett Acoustiflor sheet vinyl, • Ceiling must consist of two layers of ⅝-inch- thick, Type X gypsum board, and the • Bottom of the floor cavity must contain 3½-inch-thick glass-fiber insulation. 50 • Floor covering must be either Armstrong VIOS or Armstrong Cambray sheet vinyl, • Ceiling must consist of two layers of ⅝-inch- thick Type X gypsum board, and • Bottom of the floor cavity must contain 3½-inch-thick glass fiber insulation. Assembly D Option 1 Figure 4D 47 Assembly D 54 Floor covering must include a 40-ounce-per- square-yard pad and a 56-ounce-per- square-yard carpet. Assembly D Option 2 Figure 4D 59 Assembly D constructed with a ¾-inch-thick topping of gypsum concrete recognized in a current ICC-ES evaluation report. 54 Floor covering must include a 40-ounce-per- square-yard pad and a 56-ounce-per- square-yard carpet. Assembly G Figure 4G 50 Assembly G, constructed with 31/2-inch-thick unfaced glass fiber insulation. 64 The floor covering must include a 69-ounce- per-square-yard, 3/8-inch-thick pad and 80- ounce-per-square-yard carpet. 09/07/17 ESR-1153 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 24 of 24 FIGURE 5—LIGHT FIXTURE PROTECTION (See Figure 4A, Items 4 and 7 for detailed description of mineral wool batts.) For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm. Detail A: Detail A is applicable to all TJI Joists with structural composite lumber flange widths of 2.3 inches or greater. Simpson Strong-Tie Co. MSTI or PAI straps, or other straps of the same minimum gauge, dimensions, grade of steel and nail patterns and recognized in a current ICC-ES Report or ICC-ES Legacy Report may be used. Detail B: Detail B is applicable to all TJI Joists with structural composite lumber flange widths of 3.5 inches or greater. Simpson Strong-Tie Co. LSTI or LTTI straps, or other straps of the same minimum gauge, dimensions, grade of steel and nail patterns and recognized in a current ICC-ES Report or ICC-ES Legacy Report may be used. General Notes: Connection capacity limited to a lateral nail design value of 112 lbs/nail with the following conditions. 1. All nails must be 10d short nails, 0.148 inches x 1.5 inches. 2. Minimum steel thickness must be 18 gauge (0.049 inches). 3. Total connection capacity must not exceed the code approved strap or tension-tie design value. 4. The connection capacity is permitted to be increased for duration of load in accordance with the code. 5. No additional reductions are necessary due to penetration. 6. The minimum required end distance must be 3 inches. FIGURE 6—METAL STRAP AND TENSION-TIE CONNECTION CAPACITIES AND DETAILS FOR TJI JOISTS For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 lbf. = 4.448 N. 09/07/17