HomeMy WebLinkAboutB17-0306_M001_1505923260.pdf1. DDC CONTROL SYSTEM a. Mechanical control system shall be a Direct Digital Control (DDC). Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for a complete and operating Building Management System (BMS), utilizing Direct Digital Controls as shown on the drawings and as described herein. Drawings are diagrammatic only. All controllers furnished in this section shall communicate on a peer-to-peer bus over an open protocol bus (Examples: LonTalk, BACnet, Modbus). The intent of this specification is to provide a system that is consistent with BMS systems throughout the owner's facilities running the NiagaraAX Framework. System architecture shall fully support a multi-vendor environment and be able to integrate third party systems via existing vendor protocols including, as a minimum, LonTalk, BACnet and Modbus. System architecture shall provide secure Web access using MS Internet Explorer from any computer on the owner's LAN. All control devices furnished with this Section shall be programmable directly from the NiagaraAX Workbench upon completion of this project. The use of configurable or programmable controllers that require additional software tools for post-installation maintenance shall not be acceptable. Any control vendor that shall provide additional BMS server software shall be unacceptable. Only systems that utilize the NiagaraAX Framework shall satisfy the requirements of this section. b. Software functions delivered on this project shall include password protection, scheduling (including optimum start), alarming, logging of historical data, full graphics including animation, after-hours billing program, demand limiting, and a full suite of field engineering tools including graphical programming and applications. c. System supplier shall submit engineered drawings, control sequence, and bill of materials. Include system configuration diagrams in a simplified block format. Include all input/output object listings and an alarm point summary listing. Provide a list with each point of the control program listed by AI, AO, DI, DO and whether it is scheduled, trended or alarmed and shows on graphic. d. All setpoint and differential values shall be accessible and adjustable from the DDC Graphical User Interface. 2. AHU-1 AIR HANLDING UNIT & CU-1 CONDENSING UNIT a. SCHEDULE - Unit shall be controlled by DDC schedule. Occupied and unoccupied periods shall be defined and implemented as per Owner. b. OCCUPIED MODE - During occupied periods, supply fan shall run, occupied zone setpoints shall be maintained, and OA damper shall be open to minimum ventilation position of 800 CFM (RA damper open to 5,700 CFM). Dampers actuators shall be fully modulating type to provide Economizer Cooling (see below). c. UNOCCUPIED MODE - During unoccupied periods, supply fan shall run, relaxed unoccupied zone setpoints shall be maintained, and OA damper shall be fully closed (RA damper fully open). AHU Heating Coil shall be disabled. d. SUPPLY FAN - Supply fan speed run continuously during occupied and unoccupied periods. System is a constant volume system, and the variable frequency drive shall be used for air balancing only. Include DDC point for the VFD fan speed signal for monitoring. Include start/stop/status/alarm/VFD speed points for the supply fan. e. DEMAND CONTROLLED VENTILATION (CO2 SENSOR) - If CO2 levels exceed setpoint, unit shall operate in occupied mode and OA damper shall open to DCV Setpoint (2,000 CFM) and RA damper shall close to 4,500 CFM. If, after a minimum run-time of 15 minutes (adj.), CO2 setpoint has been satisfied, OA and RA dampers shall return to the minimum ventilation position. f. AHU HEATING COIL - Off during unoccupied periods. Enabled during occupied periods. During occupied periods, 2-way KHDWLQJ ZDWHU FRQWURO YDOYH VKDOO EH PRGXODWHG WR PDLQWDLQ 6XSSO\ $LU 7HPSHUDWXUH 6$7 VHWSRLQW ZKLFK VKDOO EH ƒ) DGM g. $+8 '; &22/,1* &2,/  ,I RXWGRRU DLU WHPSHUDWXUH LV JUHDWHU WKDQ ƒ) DGM WKHQ '; FRROLQJ VKDOO EH SHUPLWWHG DQG CU-1 (2-stage with hot gas bypass) shall be enabled. Provide two stages of cooling to maintain Cooling SAT setpoint. Cooling SAT VHWSRLQW VKDOO EH UHVHW EHWZHHQ ƒ) DQG ƒ) EDVHG RQ ]RQH VSDFH WHPSHUDWXUH GHYLDWLRQ IURP VHWSRLQW h. ECONOMIZER COOLING - If outdoor air temperatures permit, RA and OA dampers shall be modulated to maintain Cooling SAT VHWSRLQW &RROLQJ 6$7 VHWSRLQW VKDOO EH UHVHW EHWZHHQ ƒ) DQG ƒ) EDVHG RQ ]RQH VSDFH WHPSHUDWXUH GHYLDWLRQ IURP VHWSRLQW i. ZONE HEATING COILS (HC-1, HC-2, HC-3, HC-4) - Always enabled. 2-way heating water control valve shall be modulated based on zone space temperature deviation from setpoint. When zones are satisified (no demand for heating or cooling), heating coil VKDOO EH PRGXODWHG WR PDLQWDLQ =RQH 6XSSO\ $LU 7HPSHUDWXUH =6$7 VHWSRLQW RI ƒ) DGM j. SMOKE DETECTOR - Install smoke detector at AHU Return Air. If smoke is detected, unit shall be shut-down and alarm shall be signaled. 3. EXHAUST FANS a. EF-2 EXHAUST FAN - fan shall be controlled by an on/off wall switch. Fan shall run continuously 24/7. Include fan speed control mounted at fan for air balancing only. 4. HYDRONIC UNIT HEATERS a. CUH-1 CABINET UNIT HEATER - controlled by line voltage heating thermostat. Upon a call for heat, fan shall start & 2-way on/off heating water control valve shall open to flow coil. 5. ELECTRIC WALL HEATERS a. EWH-1 & 2 ELECTRIC WALL HEATERS - controlled by integral thermostat. Upon a call for heat, fan and heater shall start. END OF SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. THIRD LEVEL MECHANICAL ZONING PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" FOURTH LEVEL MECHANICAL ZONING PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 09/20/17