HomeMy WebLinkAboutB17-0360_M4.0_1506540600.pdfMechanical Specifications General 1. Immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies. 2. It shall be assumed that all subcontractors are experienced and thoroughly knowledgeable in their respective areas of the construction industry and shall perform in a responsible manner in an appropriate construction sequence. 3. Do not scale drawings. Verify dimensions in field prior to commencement of work. 4. It is the intent of these drawings and specifications to establish a standard of quality. The Engineer reserves the right to take exceptions to approve methods and materials not reflected herein. 5. Failure to order, or release order, for materials and/or equipment will not be accepted as a reason to substitute alternate materials, equipment, or installation methods. 6. Work shall be performed in a workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the Owner & the Engineer. 7. Labor, materials, and equipment shall conform to the latest applicable editions of local, State of Colorado, and National Codes and ordinances. If conflict between those publications exists, the most stringent requirement shall apply. 8. The drawings show the intent of the mechanical systems but do not show all details required. It is the responsibility of the Contractors to install complete & operable systems, which conform to the manufacturers' installations instructions & industry standards. 9. Systems shall be tested for proper operation. If tests show work is defective, Contractor shall make corrections necessary at no cost to Owner. 10. It is the Contractors' and manufacturers' responsibility to assure themselves that the code authorities will approve any product to be installed on the project. 11. Systems shall be professionally labeled. Piping shall be labeled with color coded commercial grade labels indicating piping service and flow direction. Equipment, fans, pumps, valves, switches and controls shall be labeled with engraved plastic or metal tags and an equipment/valve schedule shall be provided and mounted on the mechanical room wall. Equipment labels shall follow the same nomenclature as the mechanical drawings. 12. Offset piping, ductwork, etc. as necessary to accommodate structure, beams, columns, and existing equipment. 13. Submit entire HVAC shop drawing submittal data at one time. Submittal to be bound in three-ring binders, indexed in a neat and orderly manner. Partial submittals will not be accepted. Submittals shall include, but not be limited to: equipment, fixtures, insulation, diffusers, pumps, fans, piping, valves, boilers, furnaces, and fire protection. Remodel, Demolition & Unforeseen Conditions 14. Visit site prior to bid and verify the conditions. Include in the bid, costs required to make work meet existing conditions, whether indicated or not. 15. In as much as design for remodel, renovation and/or rehabilitation requires that certain assumptions be made regarding existing conditions and because some of these assumptions cannot be verified without destroying otherwise adequate or serviceable portions of the building, the Engineer cannot assure the Owner or the Contractor that the professional consulting services herein encompass all contingencies. Field coordination during construction is imperative. Contractors bidding this work must make reasonable allowances for unseen conditions and should include associated allowances in their bids noted as such. 16. Be responsible to field verify existing equipment or ductwork remaining to be reconnected to new or existing systems. Provide ductwork, piping, controls, diffusers, etc., as required to restore continuity to system(s). 17. All removed piping, ductwork, equipment, etc. are to be disposed of by Contractor unless noted otherwise. 18. All existing support rods and straps now supporting ducts, pipes, air tubing, electrical conduit, etc. that are removed to allow room for installation of new equipment shall be relocated and reinstalled, or replaced if damaged. 19. Extend and modify existing fire protection systems to new and remodeled areas if required. Insulation 20. Piping Insulation Schedule: Service Thickness (in.) +:65 OHVV WKDQ ´ SLSH 1.5 +:65 ´ SLSH DQG JUHDWHU 2.0 Domestic Hot Water 1.0 Domestic Cold Water 0.5 Domestic Hot Water Recirculation 1.0 Piping insulation shall be U.L. approved, white, all service, glass fiber, snap-on, pipe insulation. Insulate fittings with glass fiber blanket insulation and premolded PVC covers. 21. Insulation for all types of piping shall be carried full size through pipe hangers or pipes shall be supported with vibration clamps. 22. ([WHUQDOO\ ZUDS DOO XQOLQHG 2XWVLGH $LU 2$ GXFWZRUN DQG ORXYHU SOHQXPV ZLWK ´ WKLFN  3&) 8/ UDWHG IOH[LEOH QRQFRPEXVWLEOH EODQNHW insulation complying with ASTM C 553. Vapor barrier jacket shall be FSK (foil-scrim-kraft). Piping 23. Domestic Hot, Cold & Recirculation piping inside building -type 'L' copper water tube, wrought copper fittings and no lead solder. 24. Condensing Boiler Condensate shall be neutralized via a neutralization basin before discharge into building drainage system. Condensate piping shall be PVC or other approved material suitable for pH levels of 3. 25. Gas Piping - Schedule 40 black steel pipe, 150 lb. malleable iron screwed fittings on above ground pipe, welded fittings with all piping coated and wrapped on buried pipe. Welded gas piping shall be pressure tested at a minimum of 60 psi per Town of Vail amendment to the 2015 IFGC, section 406.4.1. CSST pipe is prohibited except for final connection to boilers. 26. Gas Valves - Lubricated plug valve 175 lb. W.O.G. iron screwed or flanged. 27. Gas Pressure Regulator (GPR) Valves - Include shut-off valve upstream of valve and capped tees upstream and downstream of valve for pressure testing. For modulating condensing boilers, install a minimum of 10' of gas piping downstream of regulator to serve as a buffer during start-up. Refer to boiler manufacturer installation instructions for additional requirements. Install vent limiting device or vent pipe to the outside, as required. 28. Copper pipe Valves and Specialties: Gate Valves: Bronze, Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G. Ball Valves: Bronze, Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G. Check Valves: Bronze, Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G. Balancing Valves: 125 psig w.p. for 250F service tight shut-off, Illinois dual-purpose, balancing/shut-off valve, Hoffman, Sarco, or equivalent. 29. Support pipe with rod and clevis or clamps. No pipe tape allowed. 30. Dielectric Unions - Furnish and install a dielectric union at all connections where non-ferrous material is in contact with ferrous material and fluid is not protected with corrosion inhibitors. 31. *UDGH DQG YDOYH DOO KHDWLQJ ZDWHU SLSLQJ ZLWK ô´ KRVH HQG YDOYHV WR SHUPLW GUDLQDJH RI WKH V\VWHP 9HQW DOO KLJK SRLQWV LQ HTXLSPHQW URRPV DV necessary with automatic air vents piped to convenient drain. All high points in system outside of equipment rooms with manual air vents as required to relieve air in the system. 32. Seal annular space of all piping penetrations through fire-rated assemblies with approved fire caulk/ sealant (3M, Hilti or approved equal). Boiler Flue & Combustion Air Piping 33. Boiler flue piping shall either be CPVC (complying with ASTM F441) or a polypropylene venting system (listed in accordance with ULC-S636, and rated for flue gas venting systems). Antifreeze Solutions 34. )LOO KHDWLQJ ZDWHU DQG VQRZPHOW V\VWHP ZLWK  SURS\OHQH JO\FRO   ZDWHU VROXWLRQ E\ YROXPH IRU IUHH]H SURWHFWLRQ WR ƒ) DQG EXUVW SURWHFWLRQ WR ƒ) ,QFOXGH FRUURVLRQ LQKLELWRUV Ductwork 35. Duct sizes shown on drawings are outside (sheet metal) duct dimensions. 36. All ductwork shall be sealed airtight with duct mastic. Where duct tape is used, it shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 181. 37. All ductwork shall be sealed airtight with duct mastic. Duct tape is prohibited. 38. Sheet metal and fittings to be pursuant to SMACNA and ASHRAE standards. 39. All ducts shall be 26 gauge minimum. Duct gauge and construction shall conform to SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards. 48. Seal annular space of all ducting penetrations through fire-rated assemblies with approved fire caulk/ sealant (3M, Hilti or approved equal). Controls 49. Mount all thermostats 4'-0" above finished floor. 50. Thermostats & remote temperature sensors shall not be installed above heat emitting equipment, including wall mounted touch screen controls. Do not mount on exterior walls or above/below forced air supply registers. 51. All thermostats shall have a temperature range suitable for the application and have adjustable set points. The thermostats shall be able to display temperature setpoint and room temperature. All thermostats shall be approved by the Owner. 52. Freeze Detection Thermostats. Each supply system with water coils taking outside air shall have a freeze detection thermostat located on the downstream side of the coil. Thermostats shall be of adjustable electric contact type, silver plated, manual reset with 20' flexible sensing bulb of increment type with any section capable of actuating mechanism on temperature drop below set point, thermostat shall stop fan(s) and close outside air damper. They shall have an isolated set of contacts for alarm system. 53. ,QVWDOO HPHUJHQF\ SRZHU RII (32 LQVLGH PHFKDQLFDO URRPV FRQWDLQLQJ ERLOHUV 6ZLWFK SODWH VKDOO EH UHG LQ FRORU DQG ODEHOHG ³*$6 %851(5 (0(5*(1&< 6:,7&+´ 6ZLWFK VKDOO EH FRPSOLDQW ZLWK 6HFWLRQ  RI WKH  ,0& 5HIHU WR HOHFWULFDO GUDZLQJV IRU DGGLWLRQDO LQIRUPDWLRQ 54. See Sequence of Operation for additional control information. Balancing 55. Air and water flows must be balanced, and fan belts, pumps, and drive systems adjusted as required. Balance Contractor shall furnish subsequent air balances after acceptance of the building. 56. Submit a written balance report. Balancing procedures shall be in accordance with NEBB or AABC guidelines for proportional balance. Submit report on standard NEBB forms. Sequence of Operation 1. B-1, B-2, B-3 Boilers (Central) a. Integral Lochinvar controls shall stage, modulate, and rotate B-1, B-2, & B-3 boilers to maintain heating water setpoint at temperature sensor TS-1. b. +HDWLQJ ZDWHU WHPSHUDWXUH VKDOO EH UHVHW EDVHG RQ RXWGRRU DLU WHPSHUDWXUHV ƒ) # ƒ) WR ƒ) # ƒ) DGM c. +:6 VHWSRLQW VKDOO EH UDPSHG XS WR ƒ) DGM RQ DQ\ FDOO IRU GRPHVWLF KRW ZDWHU KHDWLQJ d. +:6 VHWSRLQW VKDOO EH UDPSHG XS WR ƒ) DGM RQ D FDOO IRU VQRZPHOWLQJ e. P-1, P-2, or P-3 boiler pumps shall run whenever associated boiler is called to fire. f. FC-12 blower shall be interlocked to run whenever a boiler is called to fire, to provide combustion air. 2. WH-1 & WH-2 Indirect Water Heaters a. Upon a call for heating from temperature sensor TS-2 DW :+ VHW DW ƒ) DGM 3 ZDWHU KHDWHU SXPS VKDOO VWDUW %RLOHU +:6 VHWSRLQW VKDOO EH UDPSHG XS WR ƒ) DGM b. Upon a call for heating from temperature sensor TS-3 DW :+ VHW DW ƒ) DGM 3 ZDWHU KHDWHU SXPS VKDOO VWDUW %RLOHU +:6 VHWSRLQW VKDOO EH UDPSHG XS WR ƒ) DGM c. RP-1 domestic hot water recirculation pump shall be controlled automatically. 3. FC-12 Fan Coil a. COMBUSTION AIR: Upon a call for boiler heating, fan coil blower shall start. Once airflow has been proven by fan proving switch the boilers shall be permitted to fire. Provide Field Controls CAC-120's, Tjernlund UC1's, or equal. b. COOLING: Provide a wall-mounted thermostat for cooling operation. Wire in parallel with combustion air controls. Upon a call for cooling, blower shall start and heating valve shall be enabled. c. HEATING VALVE: Provide a 2-way modulating control valve on heating water return pipe and a digital valve controller. Upon a call for heating during fan coil operation, digital valve controller shall modulate control valve SRVLWLRQ WR PDLQWDLQ GLVFKDUJH DLU WHPSHUDWXUH VHW DW ƒ DGM DW TS-6 temperature sensor located at fan coil discharge. Heating water pump P-6a&b will already be operating (see "Pumps" sequence for additional information on P-6a&b). 4. Snowmelting a. Provide a Tekmar 670 automatic snowmelting control. b. Upon a call for snowmelting from the controller, boilers shall be enabled and P-7 snowmelt pump shall start. %RLOHU +:6 VHWSRLQW VKDOO EH UDPSHG XS WR ƒ) DGM c. Tekmar 670 shall modulate MV-1 position to maintain snowmelt water supply at temperature sensor TS-7 (set at ƒ) DGM 5. Pumps a. P-1 B-1 boiler pump: on whenever boiler is called to fire. b. P-2 B-2 boiler pump: on whenever boiler is called to fire. c. P-3 B-3 boiler pump: on whenever boiler is called to fire. d. P-4 WH-1 water heater pump: on upon a call for DHW heating from TS-2 temperature sensor. e. P-5 WH-2 water heater pump: on upon a call for DHW heating from TS-3 temperature sensor. f. P-6a&b space heating pumps: pumps shall be staged by the Grundfos Genie Bus controls. Only one pump is required to run at a time. The second pump is for standby operation for the case that the other pump fails. Pumps VKDOO EH URWDWHG IRU HTXDO UXQ WLPHV 3XPS VKDOO UXQ FRQVWDQWO\ ZKHQHYHU 26$ WHPSHUDWXUH LV OHVV WKDQ ƒ) DGM Grundfos Magna pump is equipped with an integrated variable frequency converter to automatically vary pump VSHHG 6HW SXPS WR UXQ RQ 'LIIHUHQWLDO7HPSHUDWXUH FRQWURO PRGH 3XPS VSHHG VKDOO YDU\ WR PDLQWDLQ ƒ) DGM temperature differential between TS-4 and TS-5 temperature sensors. Set "Flow Limit" setting to 42 gpm. g. P-7 snowmelt pump: on whenever there is a call for snowmelting. h. RP-1 domestic hot water recirculation pump: controlled automatically by integral controls. 8/4/17 09/27/17