HomeMy WebLinkAboutconditional_use_permit_09-13-2017_59b9a54b835e4-0.pdfCommunity Development Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT This certificate is issued confirming the approval of a Conditional Use Permit with the required conditions of approval as stated below. Permit Number(s):PEC17-0022 Expiration Date: Project Title:Vail Valley Medical Center Redevelopment East Wing 2016 Address of Project:180 FRONTAGE RD W Legal Description:Lot:E & F Block:No Data Subdivision:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 Description of Project:Demo and Re-development of East Wing of VVMC. Refer to the accompanying project narrative for more information. Conditions of Approval: 1. This Conditional Use approval is contingent upon the applicant obtaining Town of Vail approval of an associated design review application(s); 2. VVMC provides a construction management plan for review and approval by town staff prior to the issuance of building permit for the East Wing; 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the East Wing, the applicant shall provide an updated drainage study for review and approval; 4. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the East Wing, the applicant shall provide an updated Traffic memo for review and approval; 5. Prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for the East Wing, the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the required employee generation mitigation; 6. Prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy for the East Wing, the applicant shall provide the town with the necessary easement or other legal instrument for public access through the property from the South Frontage Road to West Meadow Drive (the north/south pedestrian connection). A public easement for those portions of the West Meadow drive public walk that extend onto VVMC’s property shall also be provided; 7. During the restoration of the W. Meadow Drive paver sidewalk, the Art Flow Line shall be restored back to its original configuration and alignment. A detailed survey of the flow line shall be completed prior to demolition, so that the flow line can be restored in the exact alignment and width. Contact Public Works department prior to reinstalling the Art Flow Line; 8. Prior to the occupancy or use of any of the identified shell space, the applicant shall have obtained an amendment to this conditional use permit, per 12-16- 10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code; 9. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the East Wing, the applicant shall amend the existing development agreement with the Town of Vail to: • Outline roles and responsibilities of VVMC related to the South Frontage Road improvements including: o The snow melting, operation and maintenance of the South Frontage Road and West Meadow Drive sidewalks with a recognition that the snow melting in front of the MPB may be delayed until its redevelopment; o All improvements shown on the provided plans related to improvements to the South Frontage Road that are located south of, and including, the new curb and gutter including sidewalk, concrete bus pull out, landscaping, irrigation and lighting; o A $15,000.00 contribution towards the construction of a bus stop structure; o The construction of or the payment for a maximum of two storm water inlets and 75’ of associated storm sewer piping immediately adjacent to the property within the South Frontage Road ROW; and o The construction of a right turn lane if determined to be necessary through consultation with the Town of Vail and CDOT. • Update traffic fee mitigation requirements to reconcile the Transportation Impact Fee for the 118 net new trips or 110,225 net new square feet of development, in accordance with the pending new Vail Transportation Impact Fee; • Require an employee generation audit for the East Wing; and • Address obsolete or unnecessary provisions. 10. The applicant shall adhere to the Plan for Managed Parking Program, August, 2017, in all matters referenced unless amended per 12-16-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code; and 11. The applicant shall adhere to the management plan for the operation of the loading facility, included on pages 20-22 of the application narrative, unless amended per 12-16-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code. Specifically, as outlined in the VVMC Site Specific Redevelopment Master Plan (pages 19-21), the allowance of loading and delivery utilizing West Meadow Drive is allowable only under a certain set of conditions. Principal among these conditions is that under no circumstances will vehicles be allowed to back in or out of the loading facility. Any vehicle unable to meet this required condition, due to size or other characteristics, shall use the West parking lot and shall at no times be permitted to access the loading facility. 12. Prior to the issuance of a Building Permit for the East Wing, the applicant shall obtain title to Lot 2E-1, Vail/Lionshead, Second Filing, Block 1, a resubdivision of Lot 2W, according to the plat to be recorded in Eagle County, Colorado. Note: Violation of the above conditions of approval or other violations of the Town of Vail Municipal Code may result in suspension or termination of this permit. Jonathan Spence Date of Approval:09/11/2017 Community Development