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9/10 10/11 A C D E B 7 S-302 21'-6" 6'-0" 10'-7 1/4" 20'-2 1/4" 21'-7 1/2" T/FTG = 8160'-0" 9 S-302 7 S-302 HSS3x3x3/8 BP1 HSS3x3x3/8 BP1 SOG4A 8160'-8" S-320 1 S-320 4 TYP 6 S-302 5 S-302 S-603 3 2 S-303 HSS3x3x3/8 BP1 F2x2 8160'-0" F3x3 8160'-0" F2x2 8160'-0" HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 ASSUMED LOCATION OF SHORING WALL S-300 10 8'-0" 6'-6" 1'-6" 9'-0" W1-B9 W1-B9 9 S-300 BP1 BP1 S-301 2 9/10 10/11 A C D E B (2) 11 7/8" LVL 11 7/8" TJI-210 @ 16" OC 11 7/8" TJI-210 @ 16" OC @ 16" OC 11 7/8" TJI-210 (2) 11 7/8" LVL (2) 11 7/8" LVL 4 S-302 6'-0" 10'-7 1/4" 20'-2 1/4" 21'-7 1/2" 21'-6" SOG4A 8167'-5" T/FTG = 8166'-9" T/WALL = 8169'-11" 2 S-302 2 S-302 8 S-303 1 S-310 STEP FTG T/FTG = 8166'-9" T/FTG = 8166'-9" (2) 11 7/8" LVL S-320 1 (2) 11 7/8" LVL WS3 8167'-5" 6 S-302 5 S-302 9 S-301 9 S-301 8 S-302 8 S-302 2 S-303 HSS10x4x5/16 W10x22 W10x33 W10x22 (2) 11 7/8" LVL HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 ~ ASSUMED LOCATION OF SHORING WALL 7 S-302 S-300 10 W1-B0 W1-B0 W1-B0 9 S-300 6 S-301 8 S-330 3 S-602 W1-B3 W1-B3 1 S-603 1 S-603 8 S-330 W3-B0 W1-B1 S-601 11 (2) 11 7/8" LVL (2) 11 7/8" LVL 1 S-603 HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 HSS3x3x3/8 BP2 BP2 BP2 BP2 BP2 BP2 BP2 BP2 BP2 BP3 BP3 1. SEE S0 SERIES SHEETS FOR GENERAL NOTES, SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS. 2. SEE S3 SERIES SHEETS FOR TYPICAL CONCRETE DETAILS. 3. SEE S320 FOR TYPICAL SLAB-ON-GRADE DETAILS. 4. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR VAPOR RETARDER LOCATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL VAPOR RETARDER PER RECOMMENDATIONS OF PCA AND ACI 302.1R-04. 5. SEE ARCHITECTURAL AND MECHANICAL DRAWINGS FOR SLAB SLOPES, DEPRESSIONS, FILL, PADS, AND CURBS NOT SHOWN ON THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. 6. SEE S301 FOR TYPICAL FOUNDATION WALL AND FOOTING DETAILS. 7. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DIMENSIONS TO ALL WOOD BEARING AND PARTITION WALLS. 8. CONTRACTOR COORDINATE STONE LEDGE ELEVATIONS WITH ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE GRADING DRAWINGS. 9. FOR FOOTING SCHEDULE, SEE: 10. BASE PLATES NOTED THUS: BP-1 SEE3/S-330 2/S-301 © MARTIN/MARTIN 2017 Martin/Martin, Inc. considers that design data is only in its final form on plotted drawings with original signatures and professional certification being visibly present on the drawings. Data supplied via computer generated format does not contain this approval or certification. The receiver of electronically transmitted drawings is responsible for verifying the information contained within the electronic data against the recorded or approved documents. The use of electronically transmitted drawings is considered to be at your own risk. Martin/Martin, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any claims or damages resulting from your use of this information. Electronic information is provided for the convenience of the recipient only. The recipient of this file agrees that the information may not be transferred to any other party. PROJECT NO: DATE: REVISIONS SHEET TITLE: SHEET NUMBER: MM JOB #: M17.0024.S.01 PRINCIPAL/EOR: SEAN MOLLOY PROJECT MANAGERS: RALEIGH FISHER AND KEVIN HAAS DESIGNER: KARL MERTENS DATE PRINTED: FILE PATH: 7/21/2017 11:48:52 AM C:\Proj\17.0024-VailRowhouse10-RS17_rfisher52P2F.rvt GALVIN RESIDENCE LOT 10 303 GORE CREEK DRIVE MS17.0024.S.01 7/21/2017 S-100 U10 FLOOR PLAN LEVEL 01 LEVEL 02 1/4" = 1'-0" LEVEL 01 - LOT 10 1 1/4" = 1'-0" LEVEL 02 - LOT 10 2 H8 (3) 11 7/8 LVL -- H7 (3) 9 1/4 LVL -- H6 (3) 7 1/4 LVL -- H5 (3) 5 1/2 LVL -- H4 (3) 2x12 -- H3 (3) 2x10 -- H2 (3) 2x8 -- H1 (3) 2x6 -- MARK SIZE REMARKS HEADER SCHEDULE SEE 12/S-600 FOUNDATION PLAN NOTES KEYNOTES N N NO. ISSUE DATE 7/21/2017 10/04/17