HomeMy WebLinkAboutDATA SHEETS.pdf8 0 0 0 / 8 0 0 3 S E R I E S SSttaannddaarrdd FFeeaattuurreess •Available in 120VAC and 24VDC •Listed for releasing device service •Horn frequency 3100 Hz (nominal) •Temporal 3 evacuation sounding device (8003 Series) •Patented three position test •Nominal 2.5% sensitivity •Easy Wash®on-site maintenance washing program •Form A/Form C dry relay contacts •Quick-disconnect wiring harness •5-to-1 signal-to-noise ratio •Pulsing LED sensing chamber •Fully insect screened •Solid-state LED condition indicator •Mounting hardware adapts to standard junction boxes •Dust cover to prevent contamination during installation •Protective high air velocity gasket •24 month warranty from date of purchase Applications The Gentex 8000/8003 Series of photoelectric smoke detectors are designed for commercial, industrial, residential and institutional applications. The 8000/8003 is engineered to provide outstanding performance wherever reliable fire protection is required. The Gentex 8000/8003 Series provides an exclusive patented three position test feature that simulates a 0.85% and a 3.5% actual smoke condition, in full compliance with ANSI/UL 268 Standards for installation per NFPA 72 and the International Codes (IBC/IFC/IRC). The test feature has the capability to let you know when maintenance is required. A standard Form A dry relay contact for connection to the system initiating circuit and an auxiliary Form C dry relay contact is provided on all models for use as remote annunciation as a releasing device. Other options include reverse/local 90dBA solid-state piezo horns and 135°F (57.2°C) fixed temperature self-restoring integral or isolated thermals to meet your specific requirements. TThhee 88000033 SSeerriieess pprroovviiddeess tthhee tteemmppoorraall 33 eevvaaccuuaattiioonn ttoonnee aass aa ssttaannddaarrdd ffeeaattuurree.. WWhheenn tteessttiinngg tthhee 88000033 SSeerriieess iitt mmaayy ttaakkee uupp ttoo 1166 sseeccoonnddss lloonnggeerr ttoo ggoo iinn oorr oouutt ooff aallaarrmm.. Photoelectric System Smoke Detector ••AANNSSII//UULL 226688 LLiisstteedd ••CCSSFFMM:: 77227722--00556699::110022 ••MMEEAA ##992288--8844--SSAA ••MMSSFFMM LLiissttiinngg ##11992299 Product Listings ••NNFFPPAA 7722 ••IIBBCC//IIFFCC//IIRRCC •• QQuuaalliittyy MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSyysstteemm iiss cceerrttiiffiieedd ttoo:: IISSOO 99000011::22000088 Product Compliance EEaassyy WWaasshh®®-- OOnn SSiittee MMaaiinntteennaannccee PPrrooggrraamm 8000 (8240/8100) Series - Solid State Piezo Sounder (P Models only) 88000033 ((88224433//88110033)) SSeerriieess -- TTeemmppoorraall 33 PPiieezzoo SSoouunnddeerr ((PP MMooddeellss oonnllyy)) MMooddeell NNuummbbeerr PPaarrtt NNuummbbeerr VVoollttaaggee RReevveerrssee// LLooccaall 9900ddBBAA PPiieezzoo IInntteeggrraall 113355°°FF TThheerrmmaall IIssoollaatteedd 113355°°FF TThheerrmmaall NNoonn--LLaattcchhiinngg CCiirrccuuiitt ““YY”” 8240 908-1201-002 24VDC 8240Y 908-1207-002 24VDC 8240T 908-1203-002 24VDC 8240P 908-1202-002 24VDC 8240PT 908-1205-002 24VDC 8240PTY 908-1209-002 24VDC 8240PY 908-1208-002 24VDC 8240PH 908-1206-002 24VDC 8240PHY 908-1210-002 24VDC 8100 908-1233-002 120VAC 8100Y 908-1239-002 120VAC 8100T 908-1234-002 120VAC 8100P 908-1236-002 120VAC (local) 8100PY 908-1240-002 120VAC (local) MMooddeell NNuummbbeerr PPaarrtt NNuummbbeerr VVoollttaaggee RReevveerrssee// LLooccaall 9900ddBBAA PPiieezzoo IInntteeggrraall 113355°°FF TThheerrmmaall IIssoollaatteedd 113355°°FF TThheerrmmaall NNoonn--LLaattcchhiinngg CCiirrccuuiitt ““YY”” 8243P 908-1211-002 24VDC 8243PT 908-1212-002 24VDC 8243PTY 908-1215-002 24VDC 8243PY 908-1214-002 24VDC 8243PH 908-1213-002 24VDC 8243PHY 908-1216-002 24VDC 8103P 908-1243-002 120VAC (local) 8103PY 908-1246-002 120VAC (local) NOTES •The 8000/8003 Series are round units. •When testing 8103P/8243P Series, it may take up to 16 seconds longer for smoke alarm to go in or out of alarm mode. •It is recommended that 8000/8003 Series smoke detector be tested monthly. •Refer to Technical Bulletin 002 for Easy Wash®on site washing instructions •8100P/8240P units produce a non-temporal audible alarm and are therefore not intended for locations where the desired action of the occupant(s) is evacuation. •8103P/8243P units produce a temporal 3 audible alarm. Per NFPA 72, the American National Standard Audible Emergency Evacuation Signal as defined In ANSI S3.41, is required whenever the intended response is to evacuate the building. Detector Wiring Diagram For “H” — Isolated Thermal Normally Closed Configuration Wiring for Releasing Device Service SMOKE DETECTOR SMOKE DETECTOR WHITE WHITE BLACK BLACK WHITE BLACK WHITE BLACK ORANGE ORANGE RELEASEDEVICE 1 RELEASEDEVICE 2 YELLOW YELLOW 112200 VVAACC PPOOWWEERR SSUUPPPPLLYY NNOOTTEE:: TThhee bblluuee wwiirree mmuusstt bbee ccaappppeedd ooffff wwhheenn wwiirriinngg ffoorr cclloosseedd ccoonnttaaccttss.. Normally Open Configuration SMOKE DETECTOR SMOKE DETECTOR WHITE WHITE BLACK BLACK WHITE BLACK WHITE BLACK BLUE BLUE ORANGE ORANGE RELEASE DEVICE 1 RELEASE DEVICE 2 112200 VVAACC PPOOWWEERR SSUUPPPPLLYY Supervised Wiring Diagrams SINGLE LOOP PANEL FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM UL LISTEDCONTROLPANEL POWER ALARM LOOP FIRST SMOKE DETECTOR RED BLK VIOL VIO / BLK RED BLK VIOL VIO / BLK RED BLK VIOL VIO / BLK SMOKE DETECTOR LAST IN INOUT OUT EOL POWER SPVY RELAY MODULE SHOWN ENERGIZED BLU ORN YEL END OF LINE RESISTORBLU ORN YEL ACCESSORY ALARM CONTACTS DC +RED-BLK AC BLK HIWHT NEUT ALARMCONTACTS DOUBLE LOOP PANEL FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM UL LISTEDCONTROLPANEL POWER ALARM LOOP FIRST SMOKE DETECTOR RED BLK VIOL VIO / BLK RED BLK VIOL VIO / BLK RED BLK VIOL VIO / BLK SMOKE DETECTOR LAST IN INOUT OUT EOL POWER SPVY RELAY MODULE SHOWN ENERGIZED BLU ORN YEL BLU ORN YEL ACCESSORY ALARM CONTACTS DC +RED-BLK AC BLK HIWHT NEUT ALARMCONTACTS LOOP RETURN NOTE:Supervision of power is necessary and is accomplished by installing an End of Line Relay As- sembly. The EOL Relay Assembly contacts are closed when energized and are wired in series with the alarm loop. Power failure or a break in the power loop de-energizes the EOL Relay, causing the relay contacts to open. This results in a trouble signal at the control panel. POSITIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE NEGATIVE VIOLET VIOLET VIO / BLK VIO / BLK BLUE ORANGE YELLOW 3 12 6 15 10 13 1 4 7 8 9 PLUG DETECTOR POWER IN POWER OUT ALARM CONTACTS ACCESSORY ALARM CONTACTS POWER IN POWER OUT ALARM CONTACTS ACCESSORY ALARM CONTACTS HEAT SENSOR POSITIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE NEGATIVE VIOLET VIOLET VIO / BLK VIO / BLK BLUE ORANGE YELLOW 3 12 6 15 10 13 1 4 7 8 9 PLUG DETECTOR BROWN 2 BROWN 5 GRAY 11 GRAY 14 NOTE: 120VAC (8100 & 8103) Hot (Black) Wire: Pin 3 & Pin 6 Neutral (White) Wire: Pin 12 & Pin 15 24VDC (8240 & 8243) Positive (Red) Wire: Pin 3 & Pin 6 Negative (Black) Wire: Pin 12 & Pin 15 Important Notice: These materials have been prepared by Gentex Corporation ("Gentex") for informational pur- poses only, are necessarily summary, and are not purported to serve as legal advice and should not be used as such. Gentex makes no representations and warranties, express or implied, that these materials are complete and accurate, up-to-date, or in compliance with all relevant local, state and federal laws, regulations and rules. The materials do not address all legal considera- tions as there is inevitable uncertainty regarding interpretation of laws, regulations and rules and the application of such laws, regulations and rules to particular fact patterns. Each person's activ- ities can differently affect the obligations that exist under applicable laws, regulations or rules. Therefore, these materials should be used only for informational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional legal advice. Gentex will not be responsible for any action or failure to act in reliance upon the information contained in this material. 8 0 0 0 / 8 0 0 3 S E R I E S 551-0039-03 EElleeccttrriiccaall SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss MMooddeell NNuummbbeerrss 88224400 88110000 Operating Voltage Nominal:24VDC 120VAC Range Min:18VDC 110VAC Max:30VDC 130VAC Frequency –60HZ Current Consumption at Nominal Operating Voltage (Milliamperes): Standby 6mA 70mA Alarm 60mA 70mA Note: For “P” Option (Horn), Alarm Current Consumption is unchanged. Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.5% Nominal Alarm Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Form A –N.O. (Resistive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Amp at 24 VDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6A at 120 VAC Auxiliary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Form C –N.O. (Resistive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Amp at 24 VDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.6A at 120 VAC Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40° - 100°F. (4.4° - 38°C) Humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10%-93% Relative Humidity Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Diameter at base: 5.75 in. (14.605 cm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Overall diameter: 6.25 in. (16.51 cm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Depth: 2.625 in. Architect & Engineering Specifications The photoelectric smoke detector shall be a Gentex Model 8100/8103/8240/8243 or approved equal and shall operate on the photoelectric light scattering principle and shall be listed by Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc., the State of California Fire Marshal and the Bureau of Standards and Appeals (NYC). The smoke detector shall contain an infrared LED light source and a light sensing photodiode. These components shall be positioned such that when smoke particles enter the sensing area, light from the LED reflects onto the photodiode. When the amount of light reflected onto the photodiode reaches a predetermined level, the detector shall latch into alarm. The smoke detector shall contain a test knob that, when in TEST 2 Position, scatters the detector’s LED light source to the equivalent of a nominal .85% actual smoke condition, when in TEST 1 position the detector shall simulate an equivalent of a nominal 3.5% actual smoke condition. Test feature shall indicate when maintenance is required without the need of additional equipment. A magnetic switch closure or other switch closure, or smoke generating equipment which does not scatter the light beam or test sensitivity is not sufficient. The smoke detector shall be able to contain an optional internal 90dBA horn (at 10 feet) which emits an intermittent tone when the detector alarms. Also have the provision of reverse polarity operation. The horn shall have the capability of being self-restoring. The smoke detector shall be able to provide a self-restoring integral/isolated heat sensor set to alarm at 135°F (57.2°C) fixed temperature. The smoke detector shall be provided from the manufacturer with all internal wiring (power in, power out and alarm contacts have 2 wires, auxiliary relay contacts each have 1 wire) leading into a plug-in terminal socket for ease of field installation. Screws are not acceptable since they make service more difficult. The manufacturer shall further supply the field wiring harness with plug connector for connection to insulated wire connectors. The smoke detector shall mount to a 2" x 3" switch box or 4" octagon junction box using a standard bracket that does not have to be purchased separately. The smoke detector shall be listed for wall or ceiling mounting. 24 units per carton 32 pounds per carton Macurco™ Carbon Monoxide Detector CM-E1 For use with alarm control panels Carbon Monoxide Detection The CM-E1 is a low voltage detector of Carbon Monoxide (CO). The CM–E1 is designed for connection to ULListed Fire Alarm/Burglary Control Panels. Alarm control panels that work on 12 or 24 VDC can provide batterybackup to the CM-E1 detectors. This carbon monoxide detector is designed to detect CO gas from ANY sourceof combustion. It is NOT designed to detect smoke, fire or any other gas. Features• Listed to UL standard 2075 for the Standard For Safety for Gas and Vapor Detector and Sensors• Tested to UL 2075 using UL 2034 Sensitivity limits for carbon monoxide gas• California State Fire Marshal Listed• Surface mounts to a wall using the supplied enclosure rear housing• Flush mounts in a 2 x 4 (1-1/2 inch deep minimum) single gang switch, or handy electrical box• Small, low profile, attractive unit in a white plastic case• Detector alarms at multiple levels of exposure to carbon monoxide based on time weighted averages of the gas present• Test & Reset switch conducts internal tests and actuates alarm relay• Highly linear electrochemical sensor• N.O. or N.C. SPST Alarm Relay and N.C. SPST Trouble relay to connect to Alarm Control Panels• Buzzer: Produces repeating loud tone bursts during alarm, and chirps if sensor trouble is found Manufactured by Aerionics, Inc. Round Rock, TX – Phone: 1-877-367-7891 – Email: info@aerionicsinc.com – www.macurco.com CM-E1 Specifications • Voltage: 9-32 VDC • Current (normal / alarm): 15mA / 35mA @ 9-32V • Size: 3-1/8 X 5-1/8 X 1-1/2 inch (7.94 x 13.02 x 3.81 cm) • Alarm Relay: SPST, 100mA, 40VDC • Trouble Relay: SPST, 100mA, 40VDC • Buzzer Rating: 85 dBA at 10 Feet • Shipping Weight: One pound • Operating Temp. Range: 40°F (4.4°C) to 100°F (37.8°C) • Alarm Setting: Per UL 2034 • Color: White • Designed for use with a UL Listed Fire Alarm/Burglary Control Panel Installation With the CM-E1 faceplate mounted on the enclosure's rear-housing the unit can be surface mounted on a wall. A thin mid-plate enclosure component is also supplied with the CM-E1 to mount the CM-E1 on a 2 x 4 inch (5.08cm x 10.16 cm) switch box - single-gang or "handy", provided by the installer. LocationThere are two usual sources of CO - defective heat sources (furnaces or wood burning stoves) and automobilesrunning in adjoining garages. The CM-E1 can detect CO from these sources, as well as any other sources of CO. For best operation, mount a CM-E1 in the hallway near each bedroom or office area. In addition, another CM-E1may be mounted just inside the door from the adjoining garage. Consider placing another detector in a bedroomor office that is adjacent to a furnace room. The detector may be installed on either a ceiling or a wall. If installedon a peaked, gabled, or sloped ceiling, it should be located about 3 feet (1 meter) from the highest point. The unitcan be placed vertically or horizontally on a wall, so the information on the front of the CM-E1 can be read in anormal manner (not upside down). Do NOT mount the CM-E1 in a corner. Use the same spacing as for smokedetectors-- 30 foot (9 meters) centers, 900 sq. feet (83 sq. meters) per detector. Gas Detection Experts Made in the U.S.A. with US and imported materials © Aerionics 2012. All rights reserved. Macurco is a trademark of Aerionics, Inc. TYPICAL CONNECTION OF TWO CM-E1 TO AN ALARM CONTROL PANEL TYPICAL COVERAGE 900 SQUARE FEET