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Silent Knight 5820XL.pdf
The IntelliKnight System is the easy wayto make the most of fire alarm technology. IntelliKnight 5820XL is the first fire alarm system to provide you with revolutionary value and performance inaddressable sensing technology. The 5820XL FACP offers exclusive, built-in digital communication, distributedintelligent power, a modular design and an expanded, easy to use interface. Powerful features such as driftcompensation and maintenance alert are delivered in this powerful FACP from Silent Knight.For more information about the 5820XL system, or to locate your nearest source, please call 800-328-0103. IntelliKnight®Model 5820XLAddressable Fire Alarm Control System INTELLIKNIGHT FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL Model 5820XL Description5820XL is an intelligent addressable fire alarm control panel(FACP). The basic 5820XL system can be expanded by addingmodules such as 5860 remote annunciator, 5815XL signallingline circuit expander, 5824 serial/parallel printer interfacemodule (for printing system reports), and 5895XL intelligentpower module. 5820XL supports SD or SK devices. 5820XLalso features a powerful built-in dual line fire communicator thatallows for reporting of all system activity to a remote monitoringlocation.Features•Built in support for 99 SK detectors and 99 SK modules,expandable to 396 SK detectors and 396 SK modules usingSystem Sensor protocol• Built in support for 127 SD devices, expandable to 508 SDdevices using the SD protocol.• Uses standard wire—no shielded or twisted pair required•Built-in digital communicator• Central station reporting by point or by zone• Built-in synchronization for appliances from AMSECO®,Gentex®, Faraday, System Sensor, and Wheelock®• Flexput™ I/O circuits• Supports Class B (Style 4) and Class A (Style 6) configurationfor SLC, SBUS, and Flexput circuits• 13 pre-programmed output cadences (including ANSI-3.41)and 4 programmable outputs•Built-in annunciator with 80-character LCD display• RS-485 bus provides communication to system accessories• Built-in RS-232 and USB interface for programming via PC• Built-in Form C trouble relay rated at 2.5 amps at 27.4 VDC• Improvements in SKSS software deliver five times fasteruploads/downloads• Two built-in Form C programmable relays rated at 2.5 ampsat 27.4 VDC• Plex-1 door option combines a dead front cabinet door with aclear window,limiting access to the panel while providingsingle button operation of the reset and silence functions •6 amp power supply and maximumcharging capacity of 35 amp hours (Anadditional cabinet enclosure is required forbatteries in excess of 18 amp hours)• Programmable date setting for DaylightSaving Time InstallationThe 5820XL can be surface or flushmountedCompatibilityThe 5820XL signal line circuit (SLC)supports multiple device types of the sameprotocol:• SK (System Sensor)•SDYou cannot mix SD and SK SLC devices onaFACP. INTELLIKNIGHT FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL IntelliKnight Model 5820XLAddressable Fire Alarm Control Panel Indicator LightsGeneral Alarm (Red): Flashes when inalarm; solid when alarm silencedSupervisory (Yellow): Flashes when asupervisory condition exists; solid whensupervisory silencedSystem Troubles (Yellow): Flasheswhen a trouble condition exists; solidwhen trouble silencedSystem Silenced (Yellow): On when analarm, trouble or supervisory conditionhas been silenced but not yet clearedSystem Power (Green): Flashes for ACfailure; solid when power systems arenormal System Application5820XLhas one built-in signalling linecircuit (SLC) which supports multipledevices dependent on protocol beingused. Three additional loops can beadded using the 5815XL SLCexpanders to increase overall capacity.The 5820XL SLC loops supportmultiple device types, including:•Addressable photoelectric smokedetector• Addressable ionization smokedetector•Addressable heat sensor• Addressable duct smoke detector• Contact module• Relay output module• Addressable notification module•Addressable beam detector (SKprotocol only)• Addressable multi-criteria smokedetector (SK protocol only)•Addressable multi modules (SKprotocol only)The following advanced sensorcapabilities are available with 5820XL:• Automatic drift compensation•Maintenance alert• Built-in sensor test to comply withNFPA 72 calibration testingrequirements 5820XL features a 6 amp power supplyand maximum battery chargingcapacity of 35 amp hours. An additionalcabinet enclosure (PN RBB) is requiredfor batteries in excess of 18 amp hours.Flexput circuits on 5820XL control canbe individually programmed to functionas notification circuits, auxiliary poweroutputs, or initiation circuits thatsupport both 2- and 4-wire smokedetectors.The 5820XL system operates on non-twisted, unshielded cable when wiredin compliance with standard wiringpractices as called out in the NationalElectric Code 760-51 specifications forpower-limited fire protective signallingcables. No special wiring is required.5820XL provides 13 preset notificationcadence patterns (including ANSI 3.41)and four user programmable selectionsfor fire alarm notification.Two programmable general purposeForm C relay outputs are provided on5820XL.Additionally, the IntelliKnight systemfeatures a built-in walk test and auto-programming. Its innovative, dead-frontcabinet design allows for flush orsurface mounting. System maintenanceis easy to perform.User InterfaceThe 5820XL built-in annunciator with80 character LCD display and largeeasy-to-use tactile touchpad can beused for system operation,programming and maintenance. It hasfive LEDs for alarm, supervisory,system trouble, system silenced andsystem power.System operationsinclude silencing alarms and troubles,resetting alarms and the display ofalarm troubles and memory. Thesystem's non-volatile event historybuffer stores 1000 events for viewingfrom the built-in or remote annunciator.System operation can be initiated withamechanical firefighter's key or a valid4- to 7-digit operator's code.ProgrammingThe IntelliKnight system offers severaloptions to simplify and speed upprogramming. The JumpStart®featureminimizes programming required to start a new system. Thebuilt-in keypad and 5860 remoteannunciator give on-site access to allprogramming. You can also programremotely using the 5660 Silent KnightSoftware Suite, which is Windows®-based software. Built-In Digital Communicator5820XL features a built-in UL listeddigital communicator for remotereporting of system activity and systemprogramming. The communicator hasthe ability to seize two telephone linesto report alarms and troubles to amonitoring facility. The communicatorsupervises two phone lines and willactivate a trouble signal if a line failureis sustained for more than 45 seconds.Other communication features include:retry if communication fails, two phonenumber capability, download phonenumber capability and Touch-Tone orrotary dialing. The communicator iscompatible with SIA and AdemcoContact ID. The format is selectable byaccount number. ApprovalsNFPA 13, NFPA 15, NFPA 16, NFPA 72: Central Station; RemoteSignalling; Local Protective SignallingSystems; Auxiliary Protected PremisesUnit; & Water Deluge ReleasingService. Suitable for automatic,manual, waterflow, sprinklersupervisory (DACT non-coded)signalling services.Other Approvals: UL Listed; CSFM 7170-0559: 135; MEA 429-92-E Vol. VI; FM Approved IntelliKnight Model 5820XLAddressable Fire Alarm Control Panel INTELLIKNIGHT FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL SpecificationsElectricalPrimary AC: 120 VRMS at 50/60 Hz, 2.5A or240 VRMS at 50/60 Hz, 1.4ATotal Accessory Load: 6A @ 27.4 VDC,power-limitedStandby Current: 215 mAAlarm Current: 385 mAFlexput Circuits:Six programmable circuits which can beprogrammed individually as:Notification circuits: 3A @ 27.4 VDCper circuit, power-limitedAuxiliary power circuits: 3A @ 27.4VDCper circuit, power-limitedInitiation Circuits: 100 mA @ 27.4VDCper circuit, power limitedPhysicalFlush Mount Dimensions:14.5”W x 24.75”H x 3.9”D(36.8 W x 62.9 H x 9.8 D cm ) Overall Dimensions:16.2”W x 26.4”H x 4.2”D(40.6 W x 67 H x 11.8 D cm) Weight: 28 lbs. (12.8 kg)Color: RedBattery Charging Capacity: 7.0-35 AH Battery Size: 18 AH max allowed incontrol panel cabinet. Larger capacitybatteries can be housed in RBBaccessory cabinet. Telephone Requirements:FCC Part 15 and Part 68 approvedType of Jack: RJ31X (two required) S-BUS Accessories5860/R Remote Fire AnnunciatorFeatures the same 80 character backlitLCD display keypad and firefighter'skeyswitch as the 5820XL. 5860 is grayand 5860R is red.5815XL Signal Line Circuit ExpanderThe SLC expander is used to add moreaddressable devices to the IntelliKnightsystem. 5820XL supports three5815XL’s. Each 5815XL can support 99SK detectors and 99 SK modules or127 SD devices.5895XL Intelligent Power ModuleAdds 6 amps of power, 6 Flexput I/Ocircuits and 2 Form C relay circuits to a5820XL system.5496 Intelligent Power ModuleA 6 amp notification power expanderthat provides four power-limited notifi-cation appliance circuit outputs.5880 LED/IO ModuleFeatures 40 LED outputs, 8 normallyopen dry contact inputs, and one piezooutput.5865-3 and 5865-4 Remote LED AnnunciatorFeatures 30 programmable LED (15red and 15 yellow) outputs, and a piezosounder.The 5865-4 adds a silenceand reset switch to the package.5883 Relay BoardFeatures 10 general purpose Form Crelays. Used with 5880 module.5824 Serial/Parallel Printer Interface ModuleProvides one parallel and one RS-232serial port for connecting a printer tothe 5820XL. Use to print a real-time logof system events, detector statusreports, and event history.Interfaceswith building control system. Miscellaneous Accessories5660 Silent Knight Software Suite(SKSS)User-friendly Windows software forremote programming of 5820XLs usingaPC. Upload and view panel accountinformation, event history, and detectorstatus.5670 Silent Knight Software Suite(SKSS)Powerful end-user facility managementsoftware allows viewing of detectorstatus and event history via modem ordirect connection.Plex-1Dead front cabinet door with clearwindow to limit access to the FACP.RBBRemote battery box accessory cabinet.Use if backup batteries are too large tofit into FACP cabinet. Dimensions:16” W x 10” H x 6” D(406 mm W x 254 mm H x 152 mm D)SD505-DTS-KRemote test switch. Used with SD505-DUCTR. Provides remote keyoperated test function and annunciationof detector alarm.SD and SK DevicesSee the specification sheets listedbelow for a complete listing of the SDand SK devices.53624 SD Devices Data Sheet53623 SK Devices Data Sheet INTELLIKNIGHT FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL Made in America PN 350210 Rev H2©2012 Honeywell International Inc. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep ourproduct information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applicationsor anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice.For more information, contact Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, CT 06472Phone: (203) 484-7161, Fax: (203) 484-7118. www.silentknight.com. IntelliKnight & JumpStart are Registered Trademarks of Silent KnightFlexput is a Trademark of Silent Knight IntelliKnight Model 5820XLAddressable Fire Alarm Control Panel