r. These General Structural Notes apply to these Structural Drawings.
z. This project is located in The Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado and has been designed in accordance with the zorz
Edition of the International Residential Code (including applicable amendments and supplements).
3. Design Loads:
A.Roof Live Load:
Floor Live Loads:
Uniform Snow
Basic Wind Speed
8o psf
4o psf
C. Wind Analysis:mph (3-second gust)
4. Structural Design References:
American Institute of Tirnber Construction (AITC)
American Plywood Association (APA)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE); ASCE 7
National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS)
International Residential Code (IRC)
r. Field Verification:
The Contractor shall verify existing conditions prior to commencement of work, and shall notify the Architect and Structural
Engineer for any interpretation or clarification. These construction documents were prepared with information
about the existing building provided by others. Limited investigation of the existing structure was
undertaken. If the Contractor discovers existing conditions which vary from those shown on these
documents he shall notify the Architect and Structural Engineer immediately for further clarification.
z. Field Modifications to Structural Members:
The Contractor is responsible for securing the Structural Engineer's approval prior to any cutting, notching, drilling or other
modifications which may affect the integrity of the structure. When such modifications have been approved, they are to be
completed in accordance with applicable building codes and manufacturer's instructions.
3 . Duty of Cooperation:
Issuance of these documents presupposes further cooperation among thd Owner, Contractor and Structural Engineer. Building
design and construction are complex, and every contingency cannot be anticipated. Although the Structural Engineer(s) have
performed their services with due care and diligence, they cannot guarantee perfection. Any ambiguity or discrepancy
discovered through the use of these documents shall be promptly reported to the Structural Engineer for further clarification.
Failure to do so may compound misinterpretation and increase construction costs, and such failure shall relieve the Structural
Engineer of responsibility from consequences which may arise.
4. Changes to the Work:
Substitution of noted structural products or "approved equivalent" products will be acceptable only with the written approval of
the Structural Engineer. Changes to the Contract Documents made without approval are unauthorized and shall relieve the
Structural Engineer of responsibility from consequences which may arise.
5. Jobsite Safety:
These drawings do not include the necessary components for construction safety. The General Contractor shall provide for the
jobsite safety of all personnel, work, materials, utilities, equipment and adjacent properties in accordance with accepted codes,
regulations and industry practices.
Checked Bv . JDS
Date . osl2rlzor4Issue. Construction
SDG Proiect No. . n-o67 Hadley Residence Remodel
rrzT Vail Valiey Drive
Vail, ColoradoDrawn By . SDG