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14-012-00_PERMIT COMMENTS_2014-06-03STAMPED.pdf
HS5 GENERAL NOTES DS DOGLLEGEG x5x3/a 7/// ////.I 1 . Design Standards: I BOXED NOTES A. International Building Code 2012 Edition and Town of Va i l AmendmentsINDICATE HDPE WASHER R%4' I B. ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures TYPICAL NOTES - SS �3/a I C. ACI 318-11 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete R 3/e'x q'xlo" I 111IIIIIIIII D. AISC 360-10 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (ASD) STAINLESS STEEL I E. AISI S100-07 North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members including END PLATE ///////////////////, I SHEATHING( RE: ARC(-I. I 1111 - RE: ARCH, f HORIZ. BRIDGING (E) I-(5512 x 4 x%a Supplement 1 , dated 2010 HSS5x5x 3 =/8 0 I I I @ 4.-0" O.C. 2. Gravity Loads Used in Design: STAINLESSGRSTEEL oc I I iGH E II A. Roof Live Load (Existing 8th Floor Design Capacity) 200 psf 4OLT A325SS BLIND STRINGER Q I � like 111 , BOLTS THROUGH END �� til i B. Superimposed Roof Dead Load Trex Elevations 10 psf PLATE r �� HSS5x5 oc I i i Concrete slab and stone paving 100 psf I�j■ 1 /// //// //// I , III n•. Load t•' ve (Al 01 psf I 10 4-7/8"4 /a"� A32555 �z / 362S162-54 . - RE: PLAN ■ 1.1/ /// /// J li� U i i I® 16" O.C. D. Guard Ra i I s and 'a i ngs 50 p I or 200 pounds concentrated I li�� BLIND BOLTS 1 I �i i Y(�2) �� (PJP ■ . ■ ■■ 3. Win• Loa• lesign iter �a: , ION I _ I- i _ _ i _ 362T125-54 W/ A. Basic Wind Speed V3S (3-second gust) = 90 mph Pim I , I 0.157" P.A.F. B. Exposure Category B Csj6 Laihibh=�� I ' �� 2' CLR. @ 16" O.C. �� �� Ci I , T.O. (E) FLOOR T.O. CURB C. Risk Category II LUIh I \ /4 V i - ASSEMBLY RE: PLANDAVI4. Seismic Load Design Criteria: SS INDICATES 3/16 V I � RE: ARCH. / S A. Seismic Design Category C STAINLESS STEEL I - (N) CONCRETE CURB L N\ _ B. Building Risk Category II SS AP Co I / RE: PLAN I --- 7- C. Soil Site Class C E3/8"x 5"x0' 10' 3j16 . I (y4) C (P-IP ,� 4„ PARTNERSHIP (i/1/24) 5. Foundations: N/A I HSS5x5 #4 DOWELS x1' o• - ARCH ITECTS 6. Concrete: RE: PLAN @ 24" O.C. EPDXY'D I 1-#4 CONT. TOP LEVEL 8INTO (E) SLAB A. All concrete shall be made with stone aggregate and shall develop a 28 day compressive strength of 3500 psi . I = 184.-6" ie - AND BOTTOM B. Welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM A185 or ASTM A497. LEVEL 8 IDenver2301 Blake Street,Suite 100 C. Wire fabric reinforcement must lap one full mesh plus 2' at side and end laps, but not less than 6', and shall be wired I +� `V Denver, ke 80205 303.861.8555 together . I - \\\\\\L \ - - - - - - - 41 = 184' 6' \\\\\ \ \\�\\\\\\\\7\- i D. Detail bars in accordance with the ACI Detailing Manual and ACI Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete. n. 0225 Main Street,Unit C101 Vail E. Provide all accessories necessary to support reinforcing at positions shown on the plans. Edwards,CO 81632 970.926.8960 SS FL' /z x l l'x 0'-11' F. Slabs shall not have joints in a horizontal plane. Any stop in concrete work must be made at center one-third of span with W/ 4-3/8"0 I-IILTI Consultant vertical bulkheads and tapered 2x4 horizontal keyways spaced 12" on center, unless otherwise shown. All construction joints KB-TZ SS W/ 2%4' shall be as detailed or as approved by the Engineer. V/2"=1'-O' 1%z'=1'-0' EMBEDMENT 7. St ee I : 0 01%2"=1'-0' 3/4'=1'-0' Structural A. Structural steel shall be detailed, fabricated and erected in accordance with the AISC "Steel Construction Manual ." 4 Consultants B. All structural steel shall conform to ASTM A36, except wide flange shapes which shall conform to ASTM A992 (Grade 50), pipe sections which shall conform to ASTM A53 (Grade B), and stainless steel (SS) which shall conform to ASTM A554 (Grade 304). 4 Incorporated See plan for SS locations. (E) HSS12 x 6 3400 E. Bayaud Avenue #300 C. The steel connections have been designed. Provide connections as detailed. Alternate connection details of equal (E) SHEATHING Denver, Colorado 80209 (E) 200'-4'42 HORIZ. BRIDGING ARE: 11/S1.01 FOR (303) 399-5154, FAX (303) 333-9501 capacity may be considered, provided they are submitted along with calculations. Alternate connection detail drawings @ 4'-O" O.C. 1 -- T.O. WALL Email: Info©sci-denver.com and calculations which are submitted must be sealed and signed by a Colorado Registered Professional Engineer. -I RE: 11/51.01 FOR _1� SCI Job Number: 14-012-00 IE T.O. WALL SHEATHING D. All welders shall have evidence of passing the AWS standard qualification tests, and have a current certification. I (E) SHEATHING E. Minimum weld size shall not be less than 3/16" continuous fillet weld, unless noted otherwise on theplans. Indicated RE: ARCH. / (E) 600S162-54 (N) 6005162-54 @ 16" O.C. #10 SCREW @ 12" O.C. \_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\_\\\ welding is based upon E70XX electrodes. @ 16" O.C. COLD FORMED FRAMING. F. Connections made with high-strength steel bolts shall conform in all respects to the AISC 'Specification for Structural Ill[r � W/ 600T125 54 CONT. 4 ;� r gg IcTRACK TOP AND BOTTOM ' (E) 6005162-54\\_\\_\\_\\_Joints Usin Hi h Strenth Bolts. I @ 16" O.C. 1 . All high-strength steel bolts shall conform to ASTM A325 and shall be installed to a snug tight condition, 11,‘ STEEL DECK unless noted otherwise. J � RE: PLAN G. SteelDeck: (E) STEEL BEAM I RE: 5/S1.01 1 2-0.157'0 P.A.F. 1 . All steel deck shall be erected in accordance with the specifications of the Steel Deck Institute. # (E) STEEL P @ 16" O.C. 3 12 SCREWS I �m (N) 362T125-54 FRAMING 2. Steel deck capacities are based upon published data by Vulcraft. Steel deck by other manufacturers may be supplied inREMOVE (E) GYPSUM I EACH STUD W/ 3-#12 TEK _ t�FGI lieu of that shown provided section properties ies are equal to orgreater than those of deck specified,f ied, and i f approved 7 -\,'_ =\7' =\,' \A\N_).L BOARD SHEATHING I : SCREWS AT fi �;. P P q P PP I p .��' SIMPSON L7OZ AND REPLACE WITH EACH STUD t • + by the Engineer. W/ 8-#10 SCREWS (E) ROOF FRAMING 5/8" APA FIRE TREATED __. _ ,ti;`k. � �y ° 3. Deck gages shown on the drawings are to be considered minimum. The deck supplier shall provide the required deck - - AND SLAB PLYWOOD. WHERE (N) %i •+ � based upon the indicated loadings and the actual number of spans resultingfrom the final layout configuration. iiIDECK ATTACHES ri � 819 ..4: .Atiff ii gage P 9 Y 9 _ I r . 4. Contractor shall provide all additional framing as required for openings through deck larger than 6" unless RE: PLAN FOR r+� :■ •�� ; reinforcing is provided in the drawings. DECKING t +i ,�,■.I ;�c� 5. Steel deck shall be fastened to supports as indicated in the drawings. II(E) 600S162-54 @ 16" O.C. i`;;�' {OilfA'"••`� C - 6. Deck supplier shall provide cold-formed steel closures as required to form slab edges, unless noted otherwise. \� �� ‘ \\� 1BACK TO BACK W/ . � I Attachment of steel closure shall be equivalent to that of a deck side-lap. x � SLIP TRACK AT TOP x 8. Cold-Formed Steel Framing: x A. The cold-formed steel framing materials are to be manufactured by a member of Steel Stud Manufacturers Association (SSMA) X TREX 1%4'x 8' in accordance with ASTM A653, ASTM A1003, and C995. Material sizes and mil thickness are indicated on the drawings. TRACK 1AI/ 3-#12 Minimum section properties are to meet or exceed SSMA Product Technical Information publication and referenced in ICC TREX "ELEVATIONS" ,, TEK SCREWS AT -1� �� No. 4943-P and ATI report CCRR-0186. JOISTS SPACED EACH (E) STUD Issue/Revisions Date No. report P @ 12" O.C. B. The minimum yield strength of the cold-formed steel framing components shall be as follows: 1 . 54 mil or thicker = 50,000 psi . Permit Comments 06/03/2014 n 2. 43 mil or thinner = 33,000 psi . 0C. All cold-formed steel framing shall be constructed in accordance with the AISI "Standard for Cold-Formed Steel Framing - 3/4"=1' O" 3/4'=1' O" 3/a"=1' O'60 8 3/4'=1' O' General Provisions" unless noted otherwise, and shall comply with all manufacturers recommendations using the manufacturer's recommended accessories, subject to review by the Engineer. 6 D. The cold-formed framing may be punched. E. All connections shall be welded, screwed or power fastened as indicated on these drawings. 1 . Welds- all welded connections shall be performed in accordance with the latest edition of the AWS D1 .3 specification for welding sheet steel in structures. All welding shall be performed by AWS certified welders. All welds shall be cleaned and coated with rust inhibitive zinc paint . The minimum weld length shall be 1" for cold-formed steel to ----1/- CUT DOWN (E) WALL cold-formed steel connections. Indicated weldingis based E60XX electrodes. AS REQUIRED upon RE: ARCH. AND 11/51.01 F-3/8" RE: ARCH. 2. Screws-ASTM C1513 #10 oe #12 as indicated self drilling screws, unless otherwise noted on drawings, manufactured by Bui Idex or Hi It i and instal led in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Screws shall be spaced a minimum ATTACHMENT OF , BENT F'_3/e" RE: ARCH. of 1/2" between adjacent screws and from metal edges. RE: ARCH. - , MOUNTING SHOE 3 ATTACH TO TOP TRACK 3. All power-actuated fasteners (P.A.F. 's) indicated in the drawings shall be 0.157" diameter HILTI X-U pins (P.A.F. 's) RE: ARCH. /16 2 12 W/ 2-0.157'0 X-U P.A.F. or approved equal , unless noted otherwise. P.A.F. 's to be installed in accordance with the supplier's recommendations / / @ 16' O.C. and specifications. , I Q1 600T150-97 a. Provide minimum 1-1/2" Iong P.A.F. for cold-formed steel connections to concrete. P.A.F. in concrete shall be LIGHT GAGE , 0 0J TOP TRACK spaced a minimum of 3" between P.A.F. and a minimum of 2" from concrete edges. Minimum P.A.F. embedment CLOSURE PLATE __- P adjacent9 � ,,�\\_\\_\ \_\\_\\_\ \\�\\_\\_\�� in concrete shall be 1-1/2". in i b. Provide minimum 1/2" long P.A.F. for cold-formed steel connections to structural steel . P.A.F. shall be spaced a minimum 1-1/2" between adjacent P.A.F. in structural steel and a minimum of 1/2" from steel edges. The P.A.F. STEEL DECK V � @6O.C.If @ 16" .C. point shall be driven through the back of the structural steel member. RE: PLAN RE ARCH. FOR F. All members shall be cut squarely for attachment to perpendicular members or slope cut as required for an angular fit SHEATHING WALL SHEATHING against abutting members. RE: ARCH. (E) 600S162-54 Project Information G. Field cutting of studs shall be done by sawing or shearing. Torch cutting of cold-formed steel members is not permitted. RE 5/51.01 @ 16" O.C. RE: 4/51.01 - HORIZ. BRIDGING H. Do not cut or splice cold-formed steel framing members unless indicated by these drawings. @ 4'-0" O.C. I . Additional temporary bracing and shoring shall be provided as required to stabilize the framing and to support construction loads. Temporary bracing sholl remain in place until permanent bracing is installed and/or additional 2 construction loads are removed. J. The Contractor shall provide cold-formed steel members at the size and spacing indicated on these drawings. Larger sizes and/or closer spacing may be substituted provided the substitutions are coordinated with the project Architectural and Se Structural drawings. K. The cold-formed framing details are intended to indicate the member sizes and connections relevant to the cold-formed -1/- steel framing. The cold-formed framing details are not intended to be "dimensioned" drawings and should not be used for W material take-off lengths. Refer to the architectural drawings for required member lengths. Q L. Refer to architectural drawings for all dimensions and locations of openings in walls. sj4"=1' O" lO 3/4'=1'-O" TYPICAL T.O. STUD WALL AT RAIL i1/2"=v-o"M. Sheathing on the cold-formed steel framing shall be installed as indicated in the architectural drawings and 9 specifications, and in accordance with ASTM C955. Joints in sheathing must be installed at slip locations in the Z cold-formed steel framing as indicated in the architectural drawings and specifications. 0 N. Unless noted otherwise, all track sections shall as a minimum match the wall studs in size and mil thickness. 9. All dimensions on structural drawings shall be checked against architecturol . w 10. Engineer's approval must be secured for all substitutions. CO 11 . Verify all openings through floor, roof and walls with mechanical and electrical contractors. Z - L° 12. All dimensions and existing conditions shown shall be field verified by the Contractor . It is the Contractor 's responsibility to immediately notify the Engineer should any existing condition not be shown, or if any existing condition differs from those Q o shown on the drawings. CO 13. During erection of the deck addition, the Contractor shall be responsible for temporary bracing to withstand all loads to which S the structure may be subjected, including lateral loads, stockpiles of materials and equipment. Such bracing shall be left O o in place as long as may be required for safety and until all structural framing and diaphragms are in place with connections 1 1 0 Q completed. <LLI il 14. Do not reproduce contract documents, copy standard printed information, or use electronic BIM or CAD files as the basis for shop drawings. Q 15. The Engineer does not provide inspections of construction. The Engineer may make periodic observations of the construction. 0 2 J Such observations shall not replace required inspections by the governing authorities or serve as "Special Inspections" as F- O may be required by the Building Code. U 16. All expansion anchors indicated in the drawings shall be HILTI KWIK-BOLT-3 for masonry and KWIK-BOLT-TZ carbon steel Q expansion anchors for concrete with standard embedment or approved equal , unless noted otherwise. Anchors are to be w J installed and inspected in accordance with the supplier's recommendations and specifications. Z 1 . pecial nspections sha I ie p-rformel by the Owner Agent in accordance ith Chapte 1 of he :ui ding Code or heQ following: A A. St uct ral st-el on tru tiop , -ct'on 705 2 p d aISC 361-10 Chapter N. 1 1:. ere are no pre ormance speci ie, items. 19. Explanation of section designation used: CO 2 Q SECTION IDENTIFICATION afk 0 SHEET LOCATION OF DETAILS O Sheet Information Sheet Title: GENERAL NOTES AND DETAILS PERMIT SET 01APR2014 Sheet Number: s1 . o1 0 1 DPA Project: 06232.00.310 COPYRIGHT 2011-DAVIS PARTNERSHIP,P.C.