HomeMy WebLinkAboutB07-0115Q 00 ?w Q o U Z? I U U a U U O W O W E--1 4 U H P4 H p W V o .o H cc -5.- 0 v W ? O Q, u p° Q 0 O ;? O w Cn ?? 41 w E-4 W 0 a. O V Uj ? 0 tz cu IWA bA 5 w O U U ? d H U o v O O O rl O od 5 Cd z O V) v Q U w O Q G! E-? ?I 0 V A u 0 0 N O W O 9 O G ai z a U) <I zi 0 p, I V V O Lr)l c-t 0 V d z v 0 v v .fl NOTE: • THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES off- ? 1 Wffva Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: Project #: Job Address: 2339 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Status .. Location......: 2339 CHAMONIX LANE Applied. . Parcel No....: 210311401010 .. Issued. Expires ...: OWNER STEPHANOFF, ROBERT A. MICHA 04/26/2007 Phone: 390-4529 PO BOX 4573 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT COL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 04/26/2007 Phone: 970-390-4529 PO BOX 4573 VAIL CO 81658 License: 835-B CONTRACTOR COL CONSTRUCTION, INC. 04/26/2007 Phone: 970-390-4529 PO BOX 4573 VAIL CO 81658 License: 835-B Description: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction -.V- B B07-0115 PRJ04-0435 ISSUED 04/26/2007 06/21/2007 03/01/2009 Valuation: $694,000.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 3079 ..............................................................>..,...,......... FEE SUMMARY .......x............»....,.,......«.».........,................,.......» .... Building Permit Fee------ > $4,155.25 Will Call --------------------------- > $4.00 Total Calculated Fees ------------- > $21,167.01 Plan Check--------------------> $2,700.91 Use Tax Fee--------------------- > $13,680.00 Additional Fees-----------------------> 13,605.00) Add'I Plan Check Hours- $165.00 Restuarant Plan Review ---> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $7,562.01 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee---------------- > $461.85 Payments ----------------- > $7,562.01 Total Calculated Fees ------ > $21,167.01 BALANCE DUE-------------- -> $0.00 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR TZ7? Date O / Signature of Owner or Contractor Print Name \SA_ AD-PRMREV 041908 *######x#*****; .***#####rtrtrt#xxxxrtx*****rt**rtrtrtrtrtrt#xrt#rtxx#******rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt###xx***#**rt*rtrtrtrt*rt######***#***rtrt*rtrt########x#*********rtrtrt#rtxxx#**#******rtrtrt###x#*****rtrtrt######*******rtrt*####x APPROVALS Permit #: B07-0115 as of 09-04-2008 Status: ISSUED #x*#*******rtrtrtrtrtrtrt#####*x*********rtrtrtrtrtrtrt##*##*#. *x******rtrt#*###rt##*##*******##*#rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt#rtrt#*#x#******rtrtrtrt#rtrtrt####*********rtrtrtrtrtrtrt##x#*********rt####x#x**********# Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/24/2007 cgunion Action: AP SEE CONDITIONS 09/04/2008 cgunion Action: AP APPROVED DECK REVISION Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/26/2007 bgibson Action: AP 08/22/2008 bgibson Action: AP hot tub & deck revisions approved by Planning Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/14/2007 JJR Action: AP Fire sprinkler system recommended. Monitored fire alarm system recommended. 08/25/2008 JJR Action: AP APPROVED PLANS RECEIVED 8/15/08 Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/11/2007 gc Action: DN Provide erosion control detail. Show limits of disturbance fence. Is the new driveway to be heated. Is do dhow seperate zone of heat in Right of Way. Provide stamped PE drawings for walls over 4'. Provide a Revokable Right of Way permit. 06/01/2007 gc Action: AP No walls over 6' ***#*#rt#rt####***********#########******#******#rtrt*#rtrt##***********rtrtrtrtrt#rt#x#*******rtrtrtrtrtrt#rt######*****#**********rt##rtrtrt#rt##*##*#********#####rt##*#**********rtrt#rtrtrt#rt*###*#*****##*#xrt See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. AD-PRMREV 041908 *****%**rtkrtrt*************rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt#*********#*rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt********rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt44********rt*rtrtrtrtrtrt*444#*4***#*****rtrtrt*rtrtrt4rt********rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt4********rtrtrtrtrtkrt*****#******rtrtk#*****#***rt4444* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B07-0115 as of 09-04-2008 Status: ISSUED *. R***%********************#%_.._______k**4****4***rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt**********rtrtrtrtrt .................k*#*****rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt*rt**********rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt*********rt**rtrt***************%*****44*********rtrtrt** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2003 IRC. Cond: 18 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R311.5 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1009 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1012 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 34 (BLDG.): A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLED FOR. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R310 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1025 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: CON0009008 RESCHECK COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE AND INSPECTION CHECKLIST REQUIRED AT INSULATION INSPECTION Cond: CON0009027 No retaining walls over 6'. Entry: 06/01/2007 By: gc Action: AP System would not allow to be added as optional. AD-PRMREV 041908 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R080001546 Amount: $166.00 09/04/200804:45 PM Payment Method: Check Init: SAD Notation: 4302 Col Construction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B07-0115 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-114-0101-0 Site Address: 2339 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Location: 2339 CHAMONIX LANE Total Fees: $7,562.01 This Payment: $166.00 Total ALL Pmts: $7,562.01 Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 165.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 1.00 1 sa w Development Review Coordinator 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Phone: 970-479-2128 Fax: 970-479-2172 Inspections: 970-479-2149 Revision/Information Transmittal All Revision submittals must include the Field Set of approved plans and a copy of the correction letter. No further insuections will be nerformed until the revisions are an-oroved and the nerm?t is re-issued. Permit #(s) information applies to: Attention: 60 77 - 4 / / S 13,.l / 6 ?, ?iso it Contact Information Company: (f?, S (r?o 'r n , .ln G Company Ph: 390 - 4?S'L 9 Fax: 92 C. - 74 416- Contact Name: Qa (? ??O K ?r+? Contact Ph: 3 90 - 1/5-1- 9 Cell: E-Mail: bS ?' L o ?c oq f vt T ???_ C oe"T Town of Vail Contractor Registration No: 13 Signature (required) Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) (/Revisions () Response to Correction Letter (} Deferred Submittal a list of all changes that Reason for Revisions (include have been made from original approval): / I PC e? G 4 J /-.mot 4) t +r't`ci."m / ?f e c ?t Building 3 IO Ov c7 Plumbing $ Electrical ______: i Mechanical $ Total $ l(Yse additional sheet if necessary) - -- ,,.J r Date Receive:: Imo, ?( 11s D AUG 1 5 2008 TOWN OF VAIL SOU Plum ? ',, -... _- - - ,?._ - -- - 40 r.rF r j s. e E .. yn4 ---- rc + ,?u, w IrA ------ - ------ Jan 11 08 02:29p K-Guarantee Inc. p,2 Cerificate of Installation Insulation, There is a Difference. Residence Location: PO Box 189 2339 Chamix Ln Eagle, CO 81631 Vail, CO Ph: 970-378-6277 Town of Vail 1/11/2008 ?a Y tt Y 'F uilding .v} B The Cellulose Insulation professionally installed in this home was specified by K-Guarantee Inc. K-Guarantee inc. requires the material to have an all Borate non-corrosive fire .wlw.Jant. The cellulose insulation K-Guarantee Inc. installed in this home was manure-. fired by Advanced Fiber Technology, 100 Crossroads Blvd. Bucyrus, OH 44820. Ph:419-562-1337. See attached Mfg's overage chart for R -Values, Density and Coverage Insulated Assembly Light Adhesive spray Floor Netted 8 Blown Depth (inches) R-Value 5.6'/R19 11.875" 1 R42 30 lb Bags Estimated 259 38 K-Guarantee Inc. authorized quantities & quality control representative: 30 lb bags Installed 250 35 Square Footage 5100 543 Leeox V TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B07-0115 Project # PRJ04-0435 Job Address: 2339 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Status ...: APPROVED Location.....: 2339 CHAMONIX LANE Applied..: 04/26/2007 Parcel No...: 210311401010 Issued...: 06/21/2007 Expires ...: OWNER STEPHANOFF, ROBERT A. PO BOX 4573 VAIL CO 81658 APPLICANT COL CONSTRUCTION, INC PO BOX 4573 VAIL CO 81658 License: 835-B CONTRACTOR COL CONSTRUCTION, INC PO BOX 4573 VAIL CO 81658 License: 835-B Description: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: V-B MICHA04/26/2007 Phone: 390-4529 04/26/2007 Phone: 970-390-4529 04/26/2007 Phone: 970-390-4529 Valuation: $694,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 3079 ******************************************************************** FEE SUMMARY ************************************* *********************** Building ------- > $4,155.25 Restuarant Plan Review--> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $7,321.01 Plan Check ---- > $2,700.91 Recreation Fee--------------> $461.85 Additional Fees ---------- > $75.00 Investigation--> $0.00 TOTAL FEES--------------> $7,321.01 Total Permit Fee--------> $7,396.01 Will Call ------ > $3.00 Payments-----------------> $7,396.01 BALANCE DUE------- > $0.00 ************************************************************************************************************************************************* Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/24/2007 cgunion Action: AP SEE CONDITIONS Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/26/2007 bgibson Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/14/2007 JJR Action: AP Fire sprinkler system recommended. Monitored fire alarm system recommended. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/11/2007 gc Action: DN Provide erosion control detail. Show limits of disturbance fence. Is the new driveway to be heated. Is do dhow seperate zone of heat in Right of Way. Provide stamped PE drawings for walls over 41. Provide a Revokable Right of Way permit. 06/01/2007 gc Action: AP No walls over 6' See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 4 PM. z7Z SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B07-0115 as of 06-21-2007 Status: APPROVED ******************************************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 04/26/2007 Applicant: COL CONSTRUCTION, INC. Issued: 06/21/2007 970-390-4529 To Expire: Job Address: 2339 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Location: 2339 CHAMONIX LANE Parcel No: 210311401010 Description: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE ************************************************** Conditions******************************************** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2003 IRC. Cond: 18 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R311.5 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1009 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1012 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 34 (BLDG.): A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLED FOR. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R310 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1025 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: CON0009008 RESCHECK COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE AND INSPECTION CHECKLIST REQUIRED AT INSULATION INSPECTION Cond: CON0009027 No retaining walls over 6'. Entry: 06/01/2007 By: gc Action: AP System would not allow to be added as optional. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R070001049 Amount: $4,695.10 06/21/200701:50 PM Payment Method: Cash Init: LT Notation: 1st Bank /#59036 / Col Construction #3764 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B07-0115 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-114-0101-0 Site Address: 2339 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Location: 2339 CHAMONIX LANE Total Fees: $7,396.01 This Payment: $4,695.10 Total ALL Pmts: $7,396.01 Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 4,155.25 CL 00100003123000 CONTRACTOR LICENSES 75.00 RF 11100003112700 RECREATION FEES 461.85 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSM V? O 3 57 Project #: Building Permit #: ?? ? ? -- ( 0 1 /*5 ? Building Pe (Inspiac?ans • 41 S. Frontage Rd. ZC7% Vail, Colorado 81667 TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION z-_. e?I ? ntractor: Town ?o aid e 9. No.: ntact Person and Phone _.D....._ ..o? ...._ o.l Sfc?? ??o>l>? 390-4s9 c.? _.... .. ._.......... Email address' bs zLcP ?,o G a /co r _r 7?yc 'F oy c o.?-r Fax #: 92 (.ontractor Signature' . _... _.. .... - ........... -' COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ S'y O ov ELECTRICAL: $ 00 O OTHER: $ PLUMBING $ /0( O0p MECHANICAL _$.. TOTAL $ 911OOv „ frce of97A-3Z8 r .. Foi Parce/# ContactEaq/e Counhr Assessors O -8640 0V/s/f tvavW 08C7/0 0011171V com I Parcel # • 210311401010 Job Name: s /?~ Job Address: ? Etna i?f. ,C?/ G L° 2 3 3 9 4--4B1 /-"O/J i X zol rl e Legal Description Lot Block A Filing J Subdrvision 5C401-1 Owners Name' /n? // 1/ ddress KnY1ti? ;Xerl a,ei PO ?ox zlS-73 ?. i / co y Sl 9 Architect/Design Address Phone: ??0 /Qich; 2?oc?S PO Qor ?O S?,S" ??w.??dF CO (jv/L32I 9. 6 - ZG L L Engineer: w. a .,, s, ,.r«? s A? .to e..?ei 1 ??o,, o Phone: Detailed description _ __ . _ .... ? - ... _..._.. ? /s C k ..._... _ .-----.. _ .... .. . ...... ---...... _._. _.... _........__.. ...._._....... tion of word: , t / Work Class: New O Addition (vJ Remodel (vJ Repair ( ) Demo V) Other ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (/S r Does an EHU exist at this location Yes( ) No ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family Two-family { ) Mufti-family ( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in this building: (J ) ) . ocJs Wood /Pellet ( ) Wood Buminc No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances Gas L , Gas LOP does a Firer Spring Wood/Pellet,..(,.,.) -Burning (NOT ALLOWED) (J) liances (2) ae Fi of re Alarm E Fireplaces xist:-" ? Yes Proposed(.. )..... Gas Appliances _----? .--- --------- kier System Exist: Yes No (?•- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY......... I Date Received: ? ? Received By: V? F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\building_permit 417-2007.DOC Q M APR 2 0 2007 TO ii AIL '1 04/17/2007 ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******************************************************************************************** Statement Number: R070000557 Amount: $2,700.91 04/26/200711:16 AM Payment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: 4138/ROBERT STEPHANOFF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B07-0115 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-114-0101-0 Site Address: 2339 CHAMONIX LN VAIL Location: 2339 CHAMONIX LANE Total Fees: $6,859.16 This Payment: $2,700.91 Total ALL Pmts: $2,700.91 Balance: $4,158.25 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 2,700.91 May 02 07 10:02a Mike Pozzi 303-282-4997 p.2 Environmental Technical Solutions, LLC 2329 S. Lar, j _ - Smft% Denver, Colorado 80210 . 303,507.4508 • Fax 303.9411862 May 1, 2007 Mr. Bob Stephanoff P.O Box 4573 Vail, CO 81658 Ph: 970.390.4529 Fax: 970.926.7646 Subject Findings of the limited Asbestos Containing Materials Survey conducted at 2339 Chamonix Lane, Vail, Colora& Dear W. Stephanoff. Environmental Technical Solutions, LLC (ET'S) has completed limited asbestos containing material (ACM) survey at the single-family residence located at 2339 Chamonix, Vail, Colorado. The purpose of the ACM survey was to identify the presence, location, quantity, friability, and condition of ACMs located within the structure. The survey was conducted according to EPA Asbestos Hazard and Emergency Response Act (AHERA) and Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) 29CFR 1910.1041 requirements, as well as generally accepted industry standards. Asbestos inspection activities were conducted by AHERA and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) accredited personnel (Appendix Q. Asbestos Sample Collection and Analysis Bulk samples of the suspect ACMs were collected in a random and . ?,r,.,. ;...;,a.rive manner, as determined by the inspector. Bulk material samples were collected by taking a composite core that includes all layers within the suspect ACM. The bulk suspect asbestos samples were submitted to Strom Environmental, Inc looted in Denver, Colorado. Strom is a National VOI%..-".j Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredited laboratory. The samples were analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) to determine asbestos type and v ...,ent. The total asbestos reported is the average of all components in the material, with the asbestos content of separate layers also identified. NESHAP and CDPHE require May 02 07 10:02a Mike Pozzi 303-292-4997 P.3 point count analysis for fiable m A ..:als found to contain detectable amounts of asbestos at I% or less by weigh. ETS did not request any of the samples collected to be point counted. Unused portions of samples are archived for 60 days unless the client requests special handling. Laboratory analysis sheets are included in Appendix B. Asbestos Regulatory Criteria Applicable asbestos regulations define ACM as material containing greater than 1.0 percent asbestos by weight and also distinguish between friable and non-friable forms of ACM. Friable ACMs can be crumbled or reduced to powder by hand pressure when dry . Non-friable materials cannot be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressure. EPA fiuther classifies non-friable ACM as Category I and 11. Category I non-friable ACMs include roofing tars, felts, and asphalt shingles, and vinyl-asbestos floor tiles with mastic. Category lI non-finable ACMs are defined as all ..:1.... non-friable ACM. During ab.:,w,.ent, applicable regulations identify removal requirements based on the friability classification of an ACM. Removal of ACM is not required by regulation unless the potential for an airborne release of asb.4,., fibers in excess of allowable levels exists. Typically, the p„ *1 ...:al for an airborne release of asbestos fibers exists in three circumstances: • The ACM will be impacted during maintenance, renovation, or demolition. The material is significantly deteriorated to the extent that asbestos debris is present. • The ACM will be subject to future deteri.,,".n by vibration, airflow, or weathering. Prior to performing building demolition, a permit must be obtained from CDPHE that includes an asbestos ii6v...or verification that all friable and Category II non-friable ACM have been removed from the structure. Category I non-friable ACMs (floor tiles and roofing felts) need not be removed from a structure prior to demolition as long as demolition methods do not render these ACMs friable and no visible emissions occur during demolition. Category I non-friable ACM's , ...ot remain in the soils after demolition has occurred. Asbestos Inspection Findings A total of 14 bulk samples were collected f v ., the structure. Samples were collected E.,... 6 different types of suspected AM. 11 ofthe 14 samples collected were no asbestos dcL- "- ,.] (NAD). Two diC'w?..; types of sheet A..,,.: ? were identified as asbestos containing. The sheet flooring is lo..".)iZ in the upper level kitchen, main bathroom and master bathroom. In addition the lower kitchen sink had an asbestos May 02 07 10:02a Mike Pozzi 303-282-4997 p.4 containing undercoating. These asb;" containing materials need to be . w..., ved by a certified general aLa?:....ent contractor prior to demolition activities. Appendix A .,.,.,,.ins a summary table that identifies non-asbestos containing materials, aA,4.os containing materials (ACM's) and ?...yle descriptions, locations, quantity, condition and bulk sample results of those ACM's. Limitations ETS performed asb,.,?v., survey services in a manner consistent with the level of care and expertise exercised by members of the asbestos inspection and assessment profession. ETS does not imply or guarantee that every suspect ACM on or in the building has been identified or sampled. This inspection is L. -.led to i those c....r., ents that are reasonably suspect and are most likely to be ACM in quantities subject to regulation based on existing industry and regulatory standards. It should be noted that destructive investigation inside wall cavities, above ceilings and below-grade structures was not done. In the event of renovation or demolition, asbestos could be discovered that was not identified during this investigation. Please call Mike Pozzi at 303.507A508 if you have any questions Respectfidly, Environmental Technical $olutions, LLC r Mike Pozzi Environmental Scientist Enclosures A,,, w.dix A Summary Table Appendix B LaL.... ?xy Analysis Reports Appendix C Inspector Certificate May 02 07 10:03a Table 1 Sample 1 Number 12339-RM-01 2339-WT-01 12339-WT-02 2339-WT-03 2339-WT-04 2339-WT-05 2339-WT-06 2339 WT-07 2339-DWO1 2339-DW-02 2339-DW2-01 2339-SF1-01 2339-SF2-01 2339-SU-01 Mike Pozzi 303-282-4997 P.6 Sample Data 2339 Chamonix Lane, Vail, CO Material Descriptiou/Sample Location Resultl Quantity I Friable! Type Condition Roofing Material/ Roof- N.E. C....... NAD N/A N/A Orange Peel Wall TeMW N. W. Bedroom Ceiling NAD N/A N/A Orange Peel Wall Texture/ Upper level; Main MAD N/A N/A Bathroom Ceiling Orange Peel Wall Texture/ Dining Area; N. Wall NAD N/A N/A Orange Peel Wail T:..?...J Stairway; Upper Level; N. NAD N/A N/A Wall l Orange Peel Wall Temffc/ Lower Bathroom Ceiling I NAD i N/A N/A Orange Pees Wall Textmd Lower Be.?:...,.. E. Wall I NAD I N/A I N/A Orange Poet Wall T., J Lower Kitchen Ceiling I NAD N/A I N/A Drywall Composite Sample/ E....a.az to Garage; NAD N/A N/A Ceiling Drywall C?. 6- , . site Sample/ Upper Level; N.W. + NAD N/A NIA Beet. ? ? -. closet I Drywall Composite Sample/ Garage; Ceiling I NAD N/A N/A Yellowish Street F11 6 . '.. ,,g with S Jmdc Pattem 30%; 150 SF Friable/ and White Paper Hacking/ Kitchen dt Upper Level I Cbrysotile Good Master Bath.,.,,... Tan Sheet Flooring with Square/Circe Pattern and 3551a; 50 SF Friable/ White Paper Backing/ Upper Level Main Bath--.,,.. f Chrysotile I I Good Black Sink Und"%v.,a..ng/ Lower Level Kitchen 3%, 1 Sink Non- 1 Chrysotile Friable/ Good NAD - No Asbestos Detected, N/A - Not Applicable Mats 02 07 10:03a Mike Pozzi 303-282-4997 P.8 APR-24-2007 01:19P FROM:STROM ENV. 1C303)487-4534 TO:,snsy421862 P.1"2 Str6m Environmental. Inc. Environmental' Tesdn Services 7100 N. Broadway Ste. 6-S, Denver, CO. 80221 Phone (866)487-4533 Fax (303)487.4534 BULK ASBESTOS SAMPLE {ANALYSIS RtPORT NISTINVLAP LAS 11200450.0 CLIENT: TOTS SET PROJECT IM; 0407-5-8 2329 S. LAFAYETTE ST. DATZ OF Rt%. Aiir i : 04-18-07 DENVER, CO 802IO DATE OR ANALYSTS; 04-24.07 CLIENT PROJECT M SAMPLED BY: CLIENT PROJECT NAWE: PAGE >K: 1 OF 1 ABBREVIATIONS: JAWLR TVPR ASj4kS.rQSTWlL a fATRlgj#It TVPR VT-Vlnyi FNerTNe CNRYSi-Chryie8k ekii:&aViose MFloor Sbeedus AMOS-Anastte MFOMO Giw AC-Acoustical Spray-On CROC-Croddollte ACC-Aggropte CT-Ceillag Tile TREM-7rmate NP-Non IFIbrona WI-Drywall Joint Mud NAD-No Asbett s Detected BIN-Binder WP-Wall Plaster TRACE- 1%Asbestos SYN-Syntbgle GRAY-Granular HH-IMree Halt CLIENT X Set LAWS SAMPLE DESCRIPT110iY % ASBESTOS O'rift it MATWUAIA $ooaph beerxe"Mo 2339-R"A 75278A ROOFCOMP-RED ,FIlR011S = NAD "%CELL?TAR+AGG GOOp NO 2339-RM-01111 752708 RUOFPCLT-BLACK. F18 11 MAP M-hCELL+TAR GOOD NO 2239-WT-01 75279 WALL TEXTURE WHrfIr, NAD 1100%ACGRECATE GOOD YES GRAN 2239-WT42 7$2/0 WALL TEXTURE-WHITE. MAD 100%AGCRRCATL GOOD YES GRAN 2239-WT43 752111 ? WALL TEXTURE-MAROON. MAD 100%AGGRECATE GOOD YES GRAN 2139-WTAI 75-202 ( WALL T!]CT MAROOM. WAD IOOS6A r...r.sGATa GOOD Yn 2239-WT45 75203 I WALL TEXTURE"WMIT114 GRAN MAD 100`KAGGREGATR 0000 YES 2239-WT46 752114 WALL TEX E.WHf & i MAD 100%ACGRECATE GOOD Yt? J 22WWT47 + 7520$ I WALLTEXTURE-WHITS. NAB 100%AGGRECATE ? GOOD YES 1 GRAN 2239-DWIJC-01 75286 N DRVWAtAI WM-WWMGRAN MAD 15%CXLL+ACC COOP NO 2239-DW/JC412 757,077 DRYWAIdd0JM-WHITE, CRAM NAB 15%CBLL+AGG GOOD NO 2239-DW1JC2-0f 75298 DRYWALUD W*14ITE, GRAN MAD 1S%CEUi+AGG GOOD NO 22394FI41 75219 WS TAN, PIUROUS I 30-ACHRYS +KV woo YES 1 %TOTAL A.589STOS 2239411*41 75290 mnltev' RIRROUS 35-ACHRYS +NF GOOD YES 3S% TOTAL ASBESTOS 2239-SU41 75291 SINK UNDERCOATING- mic" 118 +TAR+AGG GOOD YES Bj;KK, TAR >I% MAL AS METHOD: Polarized Light Microscopy, EPA Method 600/R-93/116 Dlt IWI'ION LIMIT' - 11% Asbestos ANALYST: Lars Malmstrom Authorized Signature: L: a1D?stnml.>,)ab.?¢ctor °rms rrpirr turtling arty to (Is: Items ketch. Iwo report may 001 be reprydrnd eteepl In (411 gltlb permission of $61. Title More charm be seed by Ibe eUent to sweet wadvel endvratmar by NVLAP or any allowy of Ina U& Ctverslaeoe. Plow The eatMha may ykbl "hbe Ptgeliw" (<I44) aeb tin due to au gip of sebuint nbom Deneddva reeulk can be oblatoN by'rem or 50A aav"g. 991 rtcommmots re-oariyalg by IW%f teaallLtr gram orrerale Weer fteulon) or T&M AONysh(fw enMend dNleaala for mtWNtlg r"We ted by EPA NWHAPS cod eonfolrriat Iep t)qn ter percwf(<10%) osbearoe by PoUrbcd LJahNPLM). Soib servkb art ovalfable for an addttlsasi fee. f 70WN OF VA " ASBEzi i OS i cao i iNG REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERIAL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMi I i to WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDITION OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBEb I uS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUI. i to AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMi I i tD WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION . I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application r5? -26 - ffP"' / y--, 2-.,, ,-7 applicant signature QR d.Ce 1 certify my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. (This will be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) applicant signature PR date . The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was applicant signature date original construction date F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\Iwilding_ m mit_4-0+2007.DOC Page 3 of 14 04/04/2007 - - ..T Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2128 8 I I WAN 'r#F V 1 ` Buildina Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: 2- 3 3 9 G??..._ e ... L., ., ? This Clieckfist must be conq*red befat e a SM&fina Permit appl. L6 Lan m accepted. Plan check fees are required for projects with a valuation over $100,000, at the time of Building permit submittal. All pages of application is complete i? Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over $100,000.00 (see attached fee schedule) id. J Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) st Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) ]lo dumnster,uarkina or material storage allowed on roadw"s and shoulders without written asprr oval ? Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring ? Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) cd Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 sets for remodels, 4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) A Window and door schedule Ed Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) u( Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) d Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection ? Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated ? Smoke detectors shown on plans 4 Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: Received By: F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\Iwilding_pennit 4-04-2007.DOC Page 2 of 14 04/04/2007 PREPLAN INFORMATION SHEET VAIL FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES BUILDING INFORMATION: Building Name: Street Address & Phone #: -3 3 9 r-,/,?,/ , C) 1\, f x Zoo Knox Box Location: Alarm Panel Location: Alarm Silence & Rest Codes: RPS': Names & Phone Numbers (work & homel: Owner: ?, _3 C;,v? o ? ,ter z_1 L C Property Manager: ? ,2?? ??N??N cr y Property Maintenance Manager: Alarm Service Company: BUILDING UTILITIES: Gas: Main Location: Other Locations: Electric: Main Location: Sub-Panel Locations: Water: Main Valve Location: Main Fire Valve Location: Secondary Water Valve Locations: 9 2c, - iii F:\cdev\FaRMS\Permits\Rre\alarm_perm_10-19-06.doc Page 4 of 4 12/05/2005 Ui U cn C O U N C U 0 U N C O U U m N Ln un A U7 C U) ro C U U N F- C O ro U [r3 0 0 0 0 0 co 'IT CO L0 m o an 0'> 00 C l) CO m E c`o c ? 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Cr? r r.. a N bpd, l `' N N T ? N r d d o U? N qy ?j CA N Nr CO i d N (?7 ( ll (?1 Lid `t ( 4 U p _V Q cd O rV-??r 45 F J N T Y x. y'? r v O @ O O O ? c ` 4 O I a ? ? ? ? cv a> c o ?., ?-- t4 O G O OCR cr- N ADEMCC An ADEMCO Group Company VISTA-50P Control Panel The VISTA-50P is a superior control panel that provides flexibility of up to eight independent partitions with the economy of a single control. IWOW With its powerful performance and reliability, the VISTA-50P is the solution for all your installation needs. Dependable features to meet your most demanding installations: ? Nine hardwired zones standard ? Eight partitions standard ? 75 user codes work in all partitions ? Seven authority levels ? 5800 wireless compatiblity ? Supports two-wire multiplex ? 87 total zones ? 224 event memory log/printer option f ? Scheduling of events (real time clock) ? Keypad macro features ? Master console option for viewing all partitions at a glance ? Common lobby logic ? Fast downloading ? Supports up to 16 relays and/or X-10 ? Quick start programming ? False alarm features End users will appreciate the easy to use convenience and control features of the Vista-5013: ? Wireless remote control - single button system operation: - 5804 - a four button programmable wireless key - 58048D - a bi-directional button programmable wireless key with system status feedback ? Single or dual button wireless personal panic: - 5802MN - 5802MN2 ? Home control features that activate lights, appliances, garage doors, and numerous other devices ? Vista Interactive Phone Module (VIP) that gives the end user control of their system from any touch tone phone. The 4285 VIP responds in English, with a vocabulary of over 100 words ? Full English display keypads for clear understanding of system status and zone locations ? Time Open event applications: ?l garage and turn on the lights JUNA 1P4 - Ability to liw oa[Winut certain times Nw?U 4 UZ ? 1?111LL 8y: Q? ADEMCO Title: PIT R O U P ! 1-12-?'j"1 01tet. ADEMCO An ADEMCO Group Company Ordering Information: Part No.. Description VISTA-50P Control Panel SPECIFICATIONS: ELECTRICAL: ? Aux power 12 VDC, 750mA max ? 16.5 VAC/40 VA transformer ? Alarm output 12 VDC, 2.8 Amps max ? For UL installations, combined Aux and alarm output cannot exceed 750mA OUTPUT CONTROL: ? Supports up to four relay boards (part no. 4204) ? Supports four relays for a total of 16 ? Optional X-10 transformer/interface (part no. 4300) maybe used to control X-10 receiving devices ? Each X-10 receiver address counts as one relay when computing total relays ? Real time clock can be used for relay/X- 10 control ZONES: ? Eight hardwired zones -Selectable response: 10msec, 350msec, 750msec - Assignable to any partition -16 zone types to choose from - Programmable swinger suppression SUPPORTED DEVICES Hardwired Expansion Devices: ? 4208 eight zone expansion module ? Powerline support - 4300 transformer/ interface ? Keypads - 6139 custom English (required for programming) -100mA - 6128 fixed English LCD-85mA/40mA ? Voice module 4285 VIP-160mA ? Two wire smoke detectors ? Duct detectors ? Polling loop devices ? Key Switch devices WIRELESS RECEIVER SYSTEMS: ? 5800 Series - 5881 L up to 8 zones-50mA - 5881 M up to 16 zones-50mA - - 5881 H up to 86 zones-50mA ? All Receivers Support - Diversity reception with two antennaes - Remote mounting for best location - Use of second receiver for maximum coverage or tough installations - Unique supervision and low battery indications by point TRANSMITTERS: ? 5800 Series - Three volt Duracell lithium batteries - One mile range - Tamper standard AGENCY LISTINGS: ? UL Residential Fire and Burglary and CFM COMMUNICATIONS: ? Touch tone or pulse ? Formats supported: ADEMCO Contact ID, ADEMCO 4 + 2 Express, ADEMCO low speed ? 3+1, 4+1 and 4+2 reporting ? Reporting capabilities: Split, Dual, Split/Dual ? Low battery reports 11.2-11.6 VDC ? Expanded reporting ? Up to four digit PABX code supported ? True dial tone detection ? Double pole line seizure ? AC loss and restoral reporting supported 165 Eileen Way, Syosset, New York 11791 • Copyright ©1998 Pittway Corporation ADEM .r? ADEMCO is an IS09001 Registered Company ' LNl S50P/D Rev. 1/99 G R O U P REAir`4' TO A" 6160 Alpha Display Keypad The 6160 Deluxe Keypad is easy to install and simple to use. The attractive white console blends with any decor and features a contoured, removable door that conceals illuminated soft-touch keys. The 6160 also features a new larger and brighter 32-character display with easy-to-read plain-English status messages. k WITH DOOR ATTACHED The oversized function keys are easily accessed even when the keypad door is closed, and can be programmed for fire, burglary, personal emergencies and other operations. Colored self-adhesive Labels are included. FEATURES • Large, easy-to-use keypad • Keys continuously backlit for greater visibility • Speaker with audible beeps to indicate: - System status - Entry/exit delay - Other alarm situations • Zones and system events displayed in plain English • No confusing blinking lights • Four programmable function keys • System functions clearly labeled • Functions performed by just entering security code plus command • White with removable door blends with any decor SPECIFICATIONS Physical: • 5-5/16"H x 7-3/8"W x 1-3/16"D (135mm x 190mm x 30mm) Current • Standby-40mA • Activated Transmission-160mA Wiring • - (Black): Ground • + (Red): +12 VDC (Aux. Power) • D1 (Green): "Data in" to control panel • DO (Yellow): "Data out" from control panel Compatibility • Fully compatible with all VISTA controls. ORDERING 6160 Alpha Display Keypad Honeywell Security & Custom Electronics Honeywell PO Box 9035, Syosset, NY 11791 L/6160iD November 2004 www.security.honeywell.com/sce 02004 Honeywell International Inc. Mlnl-Alert Sounders Red BeigeWhite PA400 PA400 PA40OW PA40OR-F PA40OB-F PA40OW-F Product Overview 12 and 24V operation 1.5 cd add-on strobe available PA 400 W System Sensor's Mini-Alert sounders and sounder/strobes are suited to provide primary and secondary signaling for fire and security applications. System Sensor's PA400 Series Mini-Alert sounders operate at 24 volts and are ideal for hotel, motel or residential fire system applications, where a smaller notification device is desired. The PA400 sounders are available with or with- out FIRE identification and are offered in red, beige, and white. Engineering Specifications Mini-Alert Sounders shall be a System Sensor Model capable of operating at ?L ?JL?' FM NA 24VDC. Sounder shall be listed to Underwriter's Laboratories Standard UL464 Lip CS548 OW4A5.AY 33- 9955- -427E E for fire protective signaling systems. Sounder shall have an operating tempera- S4011 7125.1209:169 ture between 14°F and 140OF. Mini-Alert Sounder Specifications Dimensions Mounting Operating Ten,perature. Range 41/2" x 23/4"x 11/8" Surface Single gang back box 14° to 140°F (-10° to 60°C) Flush 4" x 4" BBD deep back box (23/4"deep) Weight 2.4 oz. (159 g) Input Terminals Operating Voltage 12 to 18 AWG 24VDC FWR unfiltered* -Actual 24V operating voltage cannot be less than 18VDC or greater than 33VDC Ordering Informatlon/Current Draw Red Beipe White Description Voltage PA40OR PA400B PA40OW Mini-Alert sounder 12/24VDC PA40OR-F PA40OB-F PA40OW-F Mini-Alert sounder (" FIRE" identification) 112/24VDC - Sound output varies depending upon voltage and sound selected. System Sensor Sales and Service System Sensor Headquarters System Sensor Canada System Sensor In China 3825 Ohio Avenue Ph: 905.812.0767 Ph: 86.29.8832.0119 St. Charles, IL 60174 Fx: 905.812.0771 Fx: 86.29.8832.5110 Ph: 800/SENSOR2 System Sensor Europe System Sensor In Singapore Fx:630/377-6495 Ph: 44.1403.891920 Ph: 65.6273.2230 www.systemsensor.com Fx:44.1403.891921 Fx:65.6273.2610 02004 System Sensor. The company reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. Max. Operating I Max. Operating Current n 12V (Current tw 24V dB Output (UQ- 20.8 mA 47.4 mA 82 20.8 mA 47.4 mA 82 System Sensor - Far East System Sensor - India Ph: Ph: 91.124.637.1770 x.2700 Fx:85.22.736.6580 Fx:91.124.637.3118 System Sensor - Australia System Sensor - Russia Ph: 613.54.281.142 Ph: 70.95.937.7982 Fx:613.54.281.172 Fx:70.95.937.7983 A05-0346-001-5/04-#1213 /r •i' ESL P R O D U C T I N F O R M A T I O N B U L L E T I N W !r ?f FF? 449/448 SERIES Self-Diagnostic, Four- Wire, Photoelectric Smoke Detectors Model numbers: 449AT, 449C, 449CT, 449CRT, 449CST, 449CSTE, 449CSRT, 449CSRH, 449CTE ®; P ULC \VV LMM APPROVED California State Fire Marshal Approved MEA (New York City) Approved ULC model numbers: 448AT, 448C, 448CT, 448CST, 448CSRH, 448CTE • Intelligent, self-diagnostics • On-site maintenance alert • Field replaceable optical chamber • Low-profile design • Plug-in terminal block • Advanced false alarm immunity The ESL 449/448 Series self-diagnostic, four-wire smoke detectors continually monitor their own sensitivity and operational status, and provide a visual trouble indication if they drift out of sensitivity range or fail internal diagnostics. This unique, patented technology meets NFPA 72 field sensitivity testing requirements without the need for external meters. Additional diagnostic information is activated by applying a magnet near the detector's integral reed switch. This initiates a self-diagnostic routine and provides visual indication of sensitivity level, or if service is required. This series is easily cleaned by simply replacing ESL's proprietary field-replaceable optical chamber. All models are designed to reduce false alarms from dust, insects, RFI, and external light. An integral combination rate-of-rise and fixed 135°F (57°C), 50-foot rated, heat sensor is available with all "T" model detectors (see selection guide), allowing latching of the alarm for either smoke or heat. The 449CSRH includes an isolated alarm output for heat and activates an internal non-latching sounder (local alarm) for smoke, making it ideal for motel/hotel and dormitory rooms where smoking is permitted. continued ESL 449 Series Smoke Detectors Architectural and Engineering Specifications The ESL 449 Series low-profile, self-diagnostic, four-wire smoke detectors work on the light scattering principle. A pulsed infrared light-emitting diode serves as the light source, and a high-speed photodiode as the sensing element. When the amount of light reflected onto the photodiode reaches the sensitivity setting, the smoke sampling rate increases. Three (3) successive smoke sensings above the sensitivity setting are required to sound an alarm. This design has superior protection against false alarms caused by dust, insects, RF and ambient-light. The proprietary optical sensing chamber is field replaceable, allowing quick and easy cleaning and maintenance. Models with auxiliary relays are approved for releasing service. This low profile product is equipped with a hinged cover, a concealed tamper-resistant latch, and insect screens. Wiring terminates in plug-in, clamp-type screw terminals. Detectors mount to a standard single-gang electrical box, a four-inch octagonal, four-inch square electrical box, or WIREMOLD 5739 fixture box. A confirmed alarm causes the normally flashing power indicator LED to light continuously and the alarm relay to operate. A trouble indication is automatically displayed by flashing the LED every second. This meets NFPA 72 field sensitivity testing requirements. An internal 85 dB horn (available in "S" models) emits a temporal 3 when the detector alarms and a steady tone when power polarity is reversed. Product Data Sensitivity .................................................3.1 - 1.0%/ft. (max.) 3.1 + 0.50%/ft. (min) Operating temp. range ............... 32°F to 1201F (0°C to 500C) Operating humidity range .................................... 0 to 95% RH Minimum voltage - C, CT, CRT, CST, CSRT, CSRH, - CSTE ...................................................................... ... 8.5V - AT ........................................................................... ... 5.1 V Maximum voltage - C, CT, CRT, CST, CSRT, CSRH, - CSTE ....................................................................... .... 33V - AT ............................................................................ .... 27V Maximum ripple (peak to peak) ..................................... ... 10% Typical average standby current ................................... .. 70µA - CSTE ....................................................................... . 23mA Typical alarm current - C, CT and AT ........................... . 15mA -CRT ......................................................................... .31mA Selection Guide Smoke Detector Spacing On smooth ceilings (as defined in NFPA 72), spacing of 30 feet (9.1 meters) may be used as a guide. Other spacing may be used depending on ceiling height, high air movement, and other conditions or response requirements. 6.1-fl 5o" 0 1 - CST .......................................................................... 40mA -CSRT, CSRH, CSTE ................................................ 51 mA Typical avg. polarity reverse current - CST, CSRT, CSTE, and CSRH ................................ 10mA Sounder specifications ......................................... 85 dB at 10' Heat detector specifications - fixed temperature ..................................... 1351F (57.21C) - rate of rise .... 15°F/min. & >1050F (8.30C/min. & >40.61C) Auxiliary relay contacts 2A @ 28 VDC or 120 VAC (resistive) Alarm contacts ........................ 500 mA @ 36 VDC (resistive) Field wiring size .................................................. 14 - 24 AWG Packaging .......................10 detectors are packed in a carton Color .................................................... white cover/white base with UV inhibitor to prevent yellowing Listing .............................. UL 268, ULC FM, CSFM and MEA Designator Feature Description H Isolated Foxed Temp. Isolated fixed 1351F (57°C) and rate of rise heat detector, independently trips the LED and alarm and Rate of Rise output. Smoke detector activates internal sounder (local alarm) and auxiliary relay, but Heat Detector does not latch. Approved as both single station smoke alarm and system heat detector. Ideal for hotel, motel and dormitory rooms where smoking is allowed. R Auxiliary Relay Used to activate other devices such as elevator recall, door holders, strobes, etc. Listed for releasing service. S Built-in Sounder 85dB built-in sounder alarms when smoke is detected or when power wiring polarity is ` reversed. T Intergrated Fixed Intergrated Fixed 135°F (57°C) temperature and rate of rise heat detector. Temp. and Rate of Either heat detector or smoke detector can trip and latch LED and alarm protection. Rise Heat Detector relay outputs. E Built-in end of line Relay is normally energized and will trip with loss of power. Can also provide notification power supervision relay when detector needs maintenance. i nt e r l o g I C10 PH 503.692.4052 020at Interlop. Inc. USA & Canada: 800.5472556 IntedogX Cadt, ESL Irk and Sewof am trademarks of •?`'""' TedaticalServico:800.648.7424 Fa:Badr:800.4832495 Irtedogalnc. www.sentrol.com www.interlogixsecuritycom E-3965 Rev &1101 Models Available Single-circuit Models 5601P 135°F Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 5602 194°F Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 5603 135°F Fixed Temperature 5604 1940F Fixed Temperature Duai-circult Models 5621 135°F Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 5622 1940F Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 5623 135°F Fixed Temperature 5624 1940F Fixed Temperature Product Overview Multiple configurations available to System Sensor's 5600 series mechanical heat detectors offer a low-cost means for satisfy a broad range of installations: property protection against fire, and for non-fife-safety Installations where smoke • Single- and dual-circuit models detectors are inappropriate. • Fixed temp and combination fixed- temp/rats--of-rise Multiple configurations. The 5600 series offers a full-line of configurations to • 135°F or 184°F ratings. accommodate a broad range of applications. Both single- and dual-circuit mod- els are offered, each available for low- and high-temperature ratings with either Plain housing available for residential fixed temperature or combination fixed temperature/rate-of-rise (ROR) activa- Instailations (model 5601P) tion. The ROR element of the fixed/ROR models is restorable, to accommodate field-testing the unit. Easy to use terminal screws that provide a more positive wiring connection Installation flexibility. To satisfy a variety of installations, the 5600 series easily mounts to single-gang and octagonal back boxes. These models also A broader range of back box accommodate four-square back boxes, when used with a square to round mounting options: plaster ring. The mounting bracket is reversible to allow for flush- and • Single gang surface-mount back box installations. • 3.5" and 4" Octagonal • 4" square with square to round Visual Identification. The 5600 series provides clear markings on the exterior plaster ring of the unit to ensure that the proper detector is being used. Alphanumeric Reversible mounting bracket for characters identify the activation method, as well as the temperature rating, in flush and surface mount installations degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius. Fixed temperature models are identified "FX", while combination fixed/rate-of-rise units are marked "FX/ROR" The 5600 series also provides a post-activation indicator in the form of a collector. Once the detector has been activated, the collector drops from the unit, to easily identify the specific unit in alarm. ?L F M W UMp jL,.,, ,- approved 52101 3016008 199-03-E 7270-1209:227 Engineering Speclflcatlon Mechanical heat detector shall be a System Sensor 5600 series model number , listed to Underwriters Laboratories UL 521 for Heat Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems. The detector shall be either a single-circuit or a dual-circuit type, normally open. The detector shall be rated for activation at either 135°F (57°C) or 194°F (90°C), and shall activate by means of a fixed tem- perature thermal sensor, or a combination fixed temperature/rate-of-rise thermal sensor. The rate-of-rise element shall be activated by a rapid rise in temperature, approximately 15°F (8.3°C) per minute. The detector shall include a reversible mounting bracket for mount- ing to 3Y2-inch and 4-inch octagonal, single gang, and 4-inch square back boxes with a square to round plaster ring. Wiring connec- tions shall be made by means of SEMS screws that shall accommodate 14-22AWG wire. The detector shall contain alphanumeric markings on the exterior of the housing to identify its temperature rating and activation method. The rate-of-rise element of combina- tion fixed temperature/rate-of-rise models shall be restorable, to allow for field-testing. The detectors shall include an external collector that shall drop upon activation to identify the unit in alarm. Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage / Contact Ratings 6 - 125VAC / 3A 6 - 28VDC / 1A 125VDC / 0.3A 250VDC / 0.1A Physical Specifications Maximum Installation Temperature 5601P, 5603, 5621, and 5623: 100°F (38°C) 5602, 5604, 5622, and 5624: 150°F (65.6°C) Operating Humidity Range 5 to 95% RH non-condensing Dimensions with mounting bracket Diameter: 4.57 inches (11.6cm) Height: 1.69 inches (4.3cm) Alarm Temperature 5601P, 5603, 5621, and 5623: 135°F (57°C) 5602, 5604, 5622, and 5624: 194°F (90°C) Input i'erminals 14-22 AWG Weight 6 oz. (170 grams) Rate-of-Rise Threshold 15°F (8.31C) rise per minute (models 5601P, 5602, 5621, and 5622 only) Mounting 31h-inch octagonal back box 4-inch octagonal back box Single gang back box 4-inch square back box with a square to round plaster ring Ordering In formation Identification Method Temperature Model Circuit on Exterior Rating Activation 5601P Single None 135°F (57°C) Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 5602 Single Lettering 194°F (90°C) Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 5603 Single Lettering 135°F (57°C) Fixed Temperature 5604 Single Lettering 194°F (90°C) Fixed Temperature 5621 Dual Lettering 135°F (57°C) Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 5622 Dual Lettering 1940F (90°C) Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 5623 Dual Lettering 1350F (570C) Fixed Temperature 5624 Dual Lettering 1940F (90°C) Fixed Temperature -NOTE: Refer to NFPA72 guidelines for spacing reductions when ceiling heights exceed 10 feet UL Protected Spacing - 10 Foot Ceiling' 50 feet x 50 feet (15.24m x 15.2m) 50 feet x 50 feet (15.24m x 15.2m) 25 feet x 25 feet (7.62m x 7.62m) 25 feet x 25 feet (7.62m x 7.62m) 50 feet x 50 feet (15.24m x 15.2m) 50 feet x 50 feet (15.24m x 15.2m) 25 feet x 25 feet (7.62m x 7.62m) l 25 feet x 25 feet (7.62m x 7.62m) xt xi ,0-' amw 7 O O O O 5601P 5602, 5622 5603, 5623 5604, 5624 System Sensor Sales and Service 5621 System Sensor Headquarters System Sensor Canada System Sensor In China System Sensor - Far East System Sensor - India 3825 Ohio Avenue Ph: 905.812.0767 Ph: 86.29.8832.0119 Ph: Ph: x.2700 St. Charles, IL 60174 Fx: 905.812.0771 Fx: 86.29.8832.5119 Fx: 85.22.736.6580 Fx: Ph: 800/SENSOR2 System Sensor Europe System Sensor In Singapore System Sensor - Australia System Sensor - Russia Fx:630/377-6495 Ph: 44.1403.891920 Ph: 65.6273.2230 Ph: 613.54.281.142 Ph: 70.95.937.7982 www.systemsensor.com Fx:44.1403.891921 Fx:65.6273.2610 Fx:613.54.281.172 Fx:70.95.937.7983 0 2005 System Sensor. The company reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. A05-0351d01.3/05.101402 1 y y T3 o ? Q> v O i tIN ? C 'd % o ? a N ? yt t4 r F/ N O O o ? oQ Vol LL W ? N ? • C a?+ d ? ty Q. ?' Uy O ? U to '? d z d ., ? 4 e°r 7 Q7 3' d O. fl' o U O N ? O y v a m N Z ?? O N tGA ? ? O N G O N O O c? G N ::? G w 2' O O 48 d ? ? t0_7 N ?- N Q7 1 O tWl-7 N N O N 0. d E e -0 N S O N 0 Q- O f/1 ? N rL N O O O O O O Q+ ..? ,? . N p p a a C leo m a °o d C? . m O ct z v O N N d 'y N 0 W O' UW.7 J ti. 'C s7 Z G o m O °' °' ° Y m APA H ) o goo v Oe o tea. C -x 0 ? d N N Q. n '? N O -a d l y G N N O CJi O C ti d N U1 v 0 V d iC O ?? r 75 9009 ? N O G G N O r- t`J .L ? G? v'4 U ? ? J Za Q. fA N v o .' v 30 f? ?. Moy oMi N .`+ 3 OG p? N d Q N 7 (? M ? U 7 y N O N 7 O V M G J O '00? m C 0 0 d v Y d ?y d O R R N d N O p M O U O 0) G r Z m 3 w rs o o o v G ty -p V -D G O: > N G v 7 G ? ? G ? d dZ U a m O C1 + j -1 C O IJ. ? ? d Y ? d d? 'yf 1 = W = ••- ? J U' aj KM03C Knox-Box@ 200 Series S•vft RM Dp•mmask" 1975 LIFT-OFF ODOR MODEL High Security Industrial/Government Key Box The number one high-security KNOX-BOXa key box is used for most commercial applications including businesses, schools, governmentand public buildings, community associations and apartment complexes. The 3200 Series KNOX-BOX with lift-off door holds keys, access cards and other small items necessary for emergency access. om iaw rvwuu, FRONT VIEW HIGH tarru7rrgsrs,;dl ---- o--- ?; SJ11 . pi<ite t.eel Jc )r With , p;keG 3200 Surface Mount 510E VIEW Features and Benefits • Holds up to 10 keys or 3 access cards in interior compartment • Ensures high security with UP Listed Medeco lock • Includes a Knox-Coat proprietary finishing process that protects Knox products up to four times better than standard powder coat • Resists moist conditions with a weather resistant door gasket • Colors: Black, Dark Bronze or Aluminum Weight: Surface mount - 8 lbs. Recessed mount - 9 lbs. Options • Alarm tamper switches (UL Listed) • Additional rust and corrosion protection (Aluminization) • Recessed Mounting Kit (RMK) for recessed models only 10..x-?.ve?„ie:a I DEFF ?" , 7" fl ar 3200 Recessed Mount Ordering Specifications To insure procurement and delivery of the 3200 Series KNOX-BOX, it is sug- gested that the following specification paragraph he used. KNOX-BOX stirface/recessed mount with lift-off door, with/without UL Listed tamper switches. 1/4" plate steel housing, 112" thick steel door with interior gasket seal. Box and lock UL Listed. Lock has 1/8" thick stainless steel dust cover with tamper seal mounting capability. Exterior Dimensions: Surface mount - 5"H x 4"W x 31/4"D Recessed mount - 7"H x 7"W x 31/4"D Lock: UL Listed. Double-action rotating tumblers and hardened steel pins accessed by a biased cut key. Finish: Knox-Coat" proprietary finishing process Colors: Black, Dark Bronze or Aluminum P/N: 3200 Series KNOX-BOX (mfr's cat. ID) Mfr's Name: KNOX COMPANY KNOX COMPANY • 1601 W Deer Valley Road, Phoenix, AZ 85027 • (800) 552.5669 • (623) 687-2300 • Fax (623) 687-2299 • Web: www.knoxbox.com • E-mail: infodknoxbox.com Recessed Mount with Face Flange JKNOW fr?_y ? rGr - Knox- 3200 Series LIFT-OFF DOOR MODEL - (MOUNTING DIAGRAM Recessed Mounting Kit Suggested minimum mounting height 6 feet above ground Optional Rear Tam per Large 5w'itch ayt er Optional Door Tamper 5witch Door-? 1 Ufe5116"Grade5or 8- -- faotenere or equal 5olid concrete wall ' 3200 Series Surface Mount Flange 3200 Series Recessed Mount Figure A Front View of Rear Plate 6"? . E.ear iamr:;r ..... Switch Hole All mounting holes are 7l16' diameter ?, ? r ?j7 - r - f ? ? Rea YTx leer O O m Switch l 4 ? Mounting Holee l p j 1 Q _- Key Hooky Mounting Hole; Alarm wire orening HoleF marked "X" are R X H 514" uoed for mouriting with 318" aorade 5 or 6 faotenero or equal , 2-5116" - N 1^ wlr)E The 3200 Recessed Mounting Kit (RMK) is used for recessed models only. It contains a shell housing and mounting hardware to be cast-in- place in new concrete or masonry construction. After construction is completed, the KNOX-BOX mounts inside the recessed shell housing. The RMK may only be used in new concrete or masonry construction. Installation Fasten the mounting kit to the inside wall of a concrete form or set-in-place during masonry wall construction. Connect the wiring conduit through one of several knockout holes in the shell housing. Dimensions 6-1/8"H x 6"W x 5T, including Rebar IMPORTANT: Care should betaken to insure that the front of the RMK shell housing, including the cover plate and screw heads, is flush with the finish wall. The RMK must be plumbed to insure vertical alignment of the vault. Recessed Mounting Using r;Hell i<' Recessed Mounting Kit (RMK( n,ounte:d u, wz,il url ing new K.NOi -BOXY tonr.txuctfon mounts in?i::ie K iAr, he!! after Knnckout> (;?YI'I l; iet QYl Of \ 'F?r alarm Rel%ar' 'J r' t IC-Y7 Ti.J wa I I Attention: KNOX-BOX® key box is a very strong device that MUST be mounted properly to ensure maximum security and resist physical attack. Knox® Rapid Entry System The Knox Company manufacturers a complete line of high security products including Knox-Box key boxes, key vaults, cabinets, key switches, padlocks, locking FDC caps and electronic master key security systems. For more information or technical assistance, please call Customer Service at 1-800-552-5669. 0 0 prcvf„ded In?0- K M!' :;hell t4 ai.cOri°.YriiAa;it!'. K,NOx E::Y, 7\\\ / r Col%rete or maoo my wall :onvrtru:tlon KNOX COMPANY -1601 W. Deer Valley Road, Phoenix, AZ 85027 - (800) 552-5669 - (623) 687-2300 - Fax (623) 687-2299 - Web: wwwAnoxbox.com - E-mail: info(4knoxbox.com copyright 2005. Knox Company WT-KeSPEa0020.a. Installation Instruction for Power Supervision Module El dsrmkx MID" 4dWq IS > .! +134 , 2 1 7? d 001 WOW 00,W tih t 0h+ o a err'' i 't? S 1{ ?a ? Itaeurrx sow MVCTTRIG,ALSPECIFICATIONS Power Supervision Unit 204 - 6V Power Supervision Unit 204 -12024V Operating Voltage 5.1 - 15 VOC Operating Voltage 8.5 - 33 VDC Cy.: ?,.tf .g Current 33 mA Q 6 VOC 66 mA 0 12 VDC Operating Current 14 mA 0 12 VDC 28 mA Q 24 VW Contact Rating (resistive) 2A @ 26 VOC or 115 VAC Contact Rating (resistive) 2 A 0 26 VOC or 115 VAC INSTALLATION INSTBUGnM 1. Connect brown initiating leads as indicated such that the end of line 3. Neatly dress wires and power supervision unit into device Is connected In series with the power supervising contact. )unction box. (see wiring diagram) 4. Mount detector according to manufacturers Installation 2. Conned appropriate coI leads as shown. Red incoming and red instructions. from module to terminal 1. Mack incoming and black from module to temmnal 2. E S L Control, inc. Corporate Headquarters: 8uterol, Mo. esewva to eight to V I? AQ U U C?; j), E. S 1 N T tt O L t N C 12345 SW Leveton Drive Tualatin, OR 97062 U.S. & Canada. Boo-547 2656 503-692-4052 Technical Support: 4S-7424 e,f-W wowaR^ oraw seee+q»I, ink 0 P*"d on mw abd paw , v e 6 tr 204-6V POW Up"VI 204-12/24V r?iJrlf£tt ?..?., 204-12/24V Fire Alarm Jacketed Unshielded, Riser Rated Applications: Wiring of Fire-Protective Signaling Circuits. Sunlight Resisistant. Code Restrictions: OK for use with all Power-Limited Circuits except those in Plenums. Features: Available in 500 Ft. or 1000 Ft. Tangle-Free Boxes, or Spools. Sequential Footage Markings. Construction: Copper Conductors, Polypropylene Insulation, Polyvinyl-Chloride Jacket. Standard Jacket Color: Red or White, Conductor Color Code Chart 4. FIRE ALARM JACKETED UNSHIELDED, RISER RATED 75'C NOM. NOM. CAP. AVG. WT. AWG #1COND. SOL O.D. PF/FT LISTINGS PER MFT PART# 22 4 SOL. .122 15 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 15 (LBS.) 4301 22 6 SOL, .144 15 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 19 (LBS.) 4302+ 22 8 SOL. 156 15 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 25 (LBS.) 43039 22 10 SOL, .182 15 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 _ 30 (LBS.) 4304- 22 12 SOL. .188 15 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 36 (LBS.) 4305- 18 2 SOL, .138 19 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 17 (LBS.) 4306 18 4 SOL. .174 19 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 34 (LBS.) 4307 18 6 SOL. .187 19 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 44 (LBS.) 4308+ 18 _ 8 SOL. .208 19 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 54 (LBS.) 4309+ 18 10 SOL. .244 19 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 67 (LBS.) 4310+_ 16 2 SOL. .160 20 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 24 (LBS.) 4311 16 4 SOL. .184 20 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 43 (LBS.) 4312+ 14 2 SOL. .184 22 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 37 (LBS.) 4313+ 14 4 SOL, .214 22 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 65 (LBS) 4314+ 12 2 SOL. .214 22 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 55 (LBS.) 4315+ +Spools Only • consult factory for availability, Fire Alarm Jacketed (Overall Shield), Riser Rated Applications: Wiring Of Fire-Protective Signaling Circuits. Sunlight Resistant. Code Restrictions: OK for use with all Power-Umited Circuits except those in Plenums. Features: Available In 500 Ft. Or 1000 Ft. Tangle-free Boxes, or Spools. Sequential Footage Markings. Construction: Copper Conductors, Polypropylene Insulation, Polyvinyi-Chloride Jacket. Standard Jacket Color: Red Or White, Conductor Color Code Chart 4. FIRE ALARM JACKETED (OVERALL SHIELD), RISER RATED 75 C NOM. NOM. CAP. AVG. WT. AWG WCOND. SOL Q.D. PF/FT LISTINGS PER MFT PART# 22 4 SOL. .126 31 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 16 (LBS.) 4401 18 2 SOL. .138 42 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 21 (LBS.) 4402 18 4 SOL. .163 42 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 32 (LBS.) 4403 18 6 SOL. 196 42 UL,_FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 46 (LBS) 4404 18 8 SOL. .212 42 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 56 (LBS.) 4405+ 16 2 SOL. .1558 46 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 31 (LBS.) 4406 16 4 SOL, .190 46 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 49 (LBS.) 4407+ 114 2 SOL, .192 52 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 42 (LBS) 4408+ 14 4 SOL. .218 52 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 72 (LBS.) 4409+ 12 2 SOL. 218 56 UL, FPLR/CL2R, C(UL), FT4 60 (LBS.) 4410+ +Spools 0* Honeywell 23 : ... .::.... . Specifications • NOMINAL VOLTAGE: 12V • NOMINAL CAPACITY: 20 hr. rate of 0.35A to 10.5V 7.OAh • CHARGE RETENTION (shelf life) 10 hr. rate of 0.65A to 10.5V 6.5Ah at 687 (20°C): 5 hr. rate of 1.19A to 10.2V 5.95Ah 1 month 97% 1 hr. rate of 4.20A to 9.60V 4.2Ah 3 months 91 % 6 months 85% • WEIGHT (approx.): 5.71 pounds (2.59 kgs.) • LIFE EXPECTANCY: STANDBY USE 3 to 5 years • ENERGY DENSITY (20 hr. rate): CYCLE USE (approx.): 1.49 WH/cubic inch (91.0 WH/liter) 100% depth of discharge 250 cycles 50% depth of discharge 550 cycles • SPECIFIC ENERGY (20 hr. rate): 30% depth of discharge 1200 cycles 14.7 WH/pound (32 WH/kg) • SEALED CONSTRUCTION: • INTERNAL RESISTANCE OF CHARGED Can be operated in any position BATTERY: without leakage. 30 milliohms (approx.) • STANDARD TERMINAL: • MAXIMUM DISCHARGE CURRENT Quick Disconnect .187 WITH STANDARD TERMINALS: or Optional .250 40 amperes • HOUSING MATERIAL: ABS Resin • MAXIMUM SHORT-DURATION DISCHARGE CURRENT: • OPTIONAL: 210 amperes Container and cover made from Flame Retardant ABS • OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE: (UL94-VO/L.0.I.>28%) CHARGE 51F to 122°F (A SIC to 50°C) DISCHARGE -4°F to 140°F (-201C to 6010 NP7-12 NP7-12FR Sealed Rechargeable Lead-Acid Battery 12V, TOM Terminal .185 t W4 'i ?L A20 INCH = MM .250 6.35 .185 4.70 .124 3.15 .031 t M4 •098 2.49 .060 1.52 .031 0.79 .020 0.51 .004 0.10 Dimensions 65 1 ? ~ 17.56 } OX 41 i °m R D al t i __.. (5.95 t aO4) DIMENSIONS: MM (INCHES) UL listing pending - File No MH16464 ,s O?o Power/Full Solutions Publication No: EN-NP7-11-02 • July 2005 DISCHARGE CHARACTERISTIC ((VV)? ryIV)? CURVES AT 25-C (77°F) 12V 6V aV MUM Battery Rowy NP T-mparaWm 25°gn-F7 11.0 6 12.0 SO- 44 J ? 11.0 OS- - g 00 54- A OXCA ~ 9.0 BO SELF DISCHARGE CHARACTERISTICS r (%) C 100 a I d 75 IS z 50 20rC (68r? 1PC (1011) 30C (86f) 25 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 STORAGE TIME (MONTHS) TEMPERATURE EFFECTS IN RELATION TO BATTERY CAPACITY n?) m ,zo a ra 100 C SO 6 4 v 00 W a 40 F a 0 -20 -10 -24 14 (V) 14.0 a 13.0 t ? 12.0 W a c 11.0 i 0 20 0 0 CYCLE SERVICE LIFE IN RELATION FLOAT SERVICE LIFE TO DEPTH OF DISCHARGE TESTING CONDITIONS: DISCHARGE CURRENT. 0.17C AMP. (F.V. 1.7V/CELL) S CHARGING CURRENT: 0.06C AMP. S TESTING CON CHARGING VOLUME 125% OF DISCHARGED CAPACITY 1 a (AH%) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 2WC TO 25 C (684 TO 771=) a (pry%) a °' 120 100 I C 120 a 100 a l BO U ? 90 I \ \ c 60 i 40 M 1 60 100%ODD. 50% 0.0.0. 30 96 DEPTH OF pSCHARCE a W 20 w 40I 1 I c 0 1 ? s 20 + . I 200 400 600 600 1000 1200 1400 NUMBER OF CYCLES When the battery will be used by current in excess of 3C, consult with EnerSys prior to use. CHARGING METHODS (At 20°C) Cycle use: Maximum charging current 1.75A Charging voltage 14.4 to 15.OV Standby use: Float charging voltage 13.50 to 13.80V CAUTION -Avoid short circuit -Do not charge in a sealed container. EnerSys Box Rea PO. 14145 Reading, PA PA 19612-4145 USA -- Tel:+1-610-208-1991 +1-800-538-3627 www.enersys.com EnerSys EMEA Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 (0)2 247 94 47 EnerSys Asia Guandong, China Tel:+86 755 689 9220 NS: FLOATING VOLTAGE 2.25 TO 2.30V/CELL AMBIENT TEMPERATURE: 20% TO 22C (641 TO 72rF) 2 3 4 5 5.5 LIFE (YEARS) Represented by: 0 10 20 30 40 50 (°C) 32 50 68 86 104 122 (^F) Temperature OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE VS REMAINING CAPACITY AT 25'C (7rF) ® 2005 EnerSys. All rights reserved. Trademarks are the property of EnerSys and its affiliates unless otherwise noted. 0 1z 4i 0 C 0 .c a 3 O 3 0 0 v vl 0 O N 1 N 0 cL Z Z w 0 z 0 0 v .a a REMAINING CAPACITY I%) ( n I e i Oisdul9a T. 8949 ELED F' i r m r-4-od - 7?? 'T'O: Shawn Koch Fax: 970-328-1648 Phone: 97x376-6277 Re: Vapor Barrier ? Urgent ? For Review • Comments: 310 ucyrus, Ohio 44820 Phone 419-562-1337 Fax: 419-562-9052 Website: www.advancedfiiber.com Email: dougl@advancedfiber.com o I ?._ 'D I S7 ?o Tic PCOrP0 FrOm: Doug Leuthold , k4 L Pages: 5 tilete: 17 January 2008 CC: ? Please Reply ? Please Comment The cellulose insulation manufacturer's association (CIMA) has taken the position that vapor barriers are not necessary with cellulose insulation and have the potential to caGse more problems than they may solve. Advanced Fiber Technology also adopts this position after reviewing the technical literature associated with this topic, Attached -is a summary of l technical review on this topic. I / . r) //.,a ?Ti l Please acMse If you have any additional questions, OT n n? Regards, Doug Le old President Q-0 ?IL4 (14L CWCV-0 7.d bw_ L9 V bled 7m ?°?2°IS a? c 0 ci kp rt In t TZ) 06 roc &t i tt I c'cO-t F'V_ wr Mr1G? = .2c,?/I d ri ???2 a ?i 221 ?? c-)CV-- /2 3 ?V J L L Q ooc"'t2c?f+FSon 0 1 1 ins MOM Vapor Barriers ! Retarders 'N9QW*"$ NN" mm"'al 4M P"1940WT F" OOLMOM erw?rtdln?RC?dNbw aogl ' The information presented is not the results of studies conducted by Advanced Fiber Technology but rather the results of studies conducted by building scientists. The following summarize some of the numerous technical and scientific documents on this topic. AFT does not recommend the use of vapor barriers except in specific applications. The goals are to: 1) keep water vapor out and 2) let water vapor out if it gets in. Achieving goal 2) also is beneficial when moisture in the form of a liquid gets into the wall cavity. Achieving the goals gets complicated because the best strategies to keep water vapor out also trap water vapor in. This can be a --cal problem if the assemblies get wet. It gets more complicated because of climate. The overall strategy is to keep building assemblies from getting wet from the interior, from getting wet from the exterior, and allowing them to dry to either the interior or exterior should they get wet or start out wet as a result of the construction process. In general, water vapor moves from the warm side of building assemblies to the cold side of building assemblies. Therefore we need to consider the differences between winter and summer. Basically highs want to move toward lows, i.e. high temperature moves toward low temperature, high moisture concentrations move toward low moisture concentrations, high pressure troves toward low pressures, etc. Water vapor can move through materials as a result of vapor pressure differential or a temperature difference. The permeability of building materials affects this movement. Some materials change their permeability as a function of the relative humidity. Materials can be separated in to four general classes based on the permeance. This is an extension and modification of the Canadian General Standards Board approach that specifies types or vapor retarders. The following is attributed to Joseph Lstiburek of Building Science Corporation. Vapor Impermeable: 0.1 perm or less Examples: Rubber membranes Polyethylene film Glass Aluminum foil Sheet metal Foil-faced insulating sheathing Foil-faced non-insulating sheathing Vapor Semi- Impermleable 1.0 perms or less and greater than 0.1 perm Examples: Oil-based paints Most vinyl wall coverings Unfaced extruded polystyrene greater than 1-inch thick Page 1 of 4 I C'd enn:nn Pn r.,i. ucr Traditional hard-coat stucco applied over building paper and O SB sheathing. Vapor Semi-permeable 10 perms or less and greater than 1.0 perms Plywood Bitumen impregnated kraft paper OSB Unlaced expanded polystyrene (EPS) Unfaced extruded polystyrene (3XPS) 1-inch thick or less Fiber-faced isocyanurate Heavy asphalt impregnated building papers #30 pound Most latex based paints Vapor Permeable Greater than 10 perms Unpainted gypsum board and plaster Unfaced fiberglass insulation Cellulose insulation Synthetic stucco Some latex-based paints Lightweight asphalt impregnated building papers (#15 building paper) Asphalt impregnated fiberboard sheathing Housewraps Mixed climates have a complicated situation. During the heating season, temperature and moisture vapor move from inside to onside. During the cooling season, the temperature and moisnare vapor move from outside to inside. Hence it makes sense to have a wall system design that allows drying to both the interior and exterior to accommodate the changing seasons or a "flow-through" wall assembly. Placing a vapor impermeable materlal in a wail works against the concept of a "flow-through" wall assembly. Vapor barriers are used to keep moisture from moving from one side to the other. If a wall cavity gets wet, the vapor barrier will restrict drying to the opposite side. If the vapor barrier is place on the warm side, the wall cavity can only dry to the outside. Vapor barriers are intended to prevent assemblies from getting wet. However their use also prevents them from drying. A look at some real-life scenarios point toward the acceptability of the "flow-through" wall zssembly concept. This is not a new concept but one that unknowingly has been used for millions of homes. During the 70's energy crisis, significant efforts were made by the U.S. Department of Energy to insulate existing houses for lower income persons. These weatherization programs continue today. All that is typically done is install "vapor permeable" cellulose insulation without the use of "vapor impermeable" polyethylene film when retrofitting existing walls. This would not be acceptable under the current building code in certain climates however it was and continues to be common practice. Page 2 of 4 t,'d nnn,cn nn 00 1 nn If the science behind the cu,,,-Lt building code was correct, then there should be millions of houses experiencing problems as a result of the government's weatherization program. In 1979 a field study in Portland, Oregon (4,792 degree days) concluded there is no risk of moisture damage in mild climates without a vapor barrier however it was not established whether it night be a problem in colder climates. Thus a second major field study was done in Spokane, Washington (6,835 degree days) by George Tsonges, Ph.D. P,E. Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Portland State University. The exterior wal is of 103 homes were opened, 79 with retrofitted insulation and 24 uninsulated as a control group. "This study strongly concludes that the addition of wall insulation without a vapor barrier does not cause moisture problems in existing homes in climates similar to that of Spokane. " Bonneville Power Administration provided funding for this study. A 2004 study released by building scientist Erkki Kokko of Finland, "Hygroscopic Cellulose Fiber Insulated Structures" found the use of permeable building materials resulted in improved indoor air quality. The absence of a vapor barrier, such as polyethylene film, allowed the wall to absorb and desorb relative humidity. This enables the interior relative humidity to remain more constant and comfortable to the occupants. They also found a 30% reduction in the carbon dioxide levels. The U.S. Department of Energy's Building America Program is reengineering the American home for energy efficiency and affordability. The EEBA's Builder's Guide for Cold Climates states in Appendix III, "Polyethylene on the inside of building assemblies in cold, mixed-humid, mixed-dry, hot-humid, and hot-dry climates is not generally a good idea" "A classic low-through wall assembly should have a permeable interior surface and fi nish and permeable exterior sheathing and permeable building paper drainage plane." This permits drying to both the interior and exterior. In a December 2001 presentation in Proceedings of Thermal Performance of Building Envelopes VIII, Asst. Prof. John Straube stated "In many practical situations, a low- permeance vapour barrier will not improve hygrothermal performance, and may in fact increase the likelihood ofdamaging condensation or trap moisture in the system. In some cases, a low permeance vapour barrier may be called far, but in many practical high performance enclosures, none is needed, and eliminating them will actually improve performance by encoiaaging drying and avoiding solar-driven diffusion wetting. The preconceptions ofmany building codes, standards, anddesigners need to be modified to acknowledge the facts of low permeance vapour barriers. Joseph Lstiburek, Ph.D. F.E. in "Understanding Vapor Barriers" in the August 2004 ASHRAE journal proposes a vapor semi-permeable vapor retarder (i.e. latex paint) when the exterior sheathing material has a perm over 1.0 (vapor semi-permeable, i.e. plywood, OSB, fiberboard) for DOE climate zone, which includes Ohio. Kraft faced fiberglass has commonly been accepted as a vapor retarder yet this material falls in the vapor serni-permeable category along with latex based paints due to a perm rating of 5 under a wet-cup test to determine permeability. However when cellulose insulation is installed, often a vapor impermeable polyethylene film is required. Page 3 of 4 9'd RI Nlzn on 0 1 Mrs Cellulose insulation combined with latex paint on the gypsum drywall provides the same "flow-through" characteristics as the commonly used fiberglass with kraft facing. Based upon building science, the DOE proposed a code change that eliminates mandatory use of vapor retarders in most of the U.S., including every county in Ohio. It read, "The building design shall not create conditions of accelerated deterloration from moisture condensation. Frame walls, floors, and ceilings not ventilated to allow moisture to escape shall be provided with an approved vapor retarder. The vapor retarder shall he installed on the warm-in-winter side of the thermal insulation. Exceptions: 1. In construction where moisture or its freezing will not damage the materials. 2. Frame walls, floors, and ceilings in jurisdictions in Zones 1 through d. (Crawl space floor vapor retarders are not exempted:) 3. Where other approved means to avoid condensation are provided. " Unfortunately the following was approved and contained in the 2004 SUPPLEMENT to the 1NTERNATIONL RESIDENTLA. , CODE (IRC) pertaining to moisture control and vapor retarders. No scientific basis was provided for dropping zone 5 from the exception. SECTION 8318.1 MOISTURE CONTROL R3181. Moisture Control. In all framed walls, floors and roof,'ceilings comprising elements of the building thermal envelope, a vapor retarder shall be installed on the warm-in-winter side of the insulation. Exceptions: 1. In construction where moisture or freezing will not damage the materials. 2. Where the framed cavity or space is ventilated to allow moisture to escape. 3. In counties identified as in climate zones I through 4 in Table N1101.2 Southern portions of Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania are included in zone 4 while the northern portions are included in zone 5. At least the building codes are finally recognizing building science on this topic. Conclusion: Vapor retarders are a complicated topic however a couple of key points need to be kept in mind. Wall cavities can get wet. If they can get wet, can the wall assembly allow there to dry? Vapor semi-permeable and vapor permeable materials provide the best combination for wall cavity assemblies to allow there to dry in both an exterior and interior direction depending upon the season of the year. Will polyethylene fi;m cause a wall assembly to fail, probably not if moisture can be kept out of the wall cavity. The difficulty is keeping moisture out of wall cavities. Since this is a difficult challenge, why not use permeable building materials utilizing a "flow-through" wall assembly that give the wall assembly the best chance to dry after getting wet. The above do no apply to special Lse enclosures such as spas, pool buildings, museums, hospitals, data processing centers or other engineered enclosures such as factory, storage or utility enclosures.: Page 4 of 4 I i g•d ay A ? .. Mon dr-ci?06) Ljcs?c d/ ;??o ?? c????ro5c j,Sv?S'f;vyt t,\ C4 vgnor gr??crs 'P'tlse ./Cec 41's r(caed1 41 1'v UY-6 G?!l?1?vSs jnfv'tiTr"r,h r•, Va?? 376 - lot v pnn•Czn on CH 11ar 10-22-2008 ± Inspection Request Reporting 4:39 pm Vail, CO - Gil-Of Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 2339 CHAMONIX LN VAIL 2339 CHAMONIX LANE A/P/D Information Activity: B07-0115 Type: A-BUILD Const Type: Occupancy: Owner: STEPHANOFF, ROBERT A. MICHAEL - Contractor: COL CONSTRUCTION, INC. Description: SINGLE FAMILY,RE-SIt3ENCE `. z" Reauested Inspection(s)!' Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requestor: COL CONSTRUCTION, INC./ Comments: will call Bob for access 390-}529 Assigned To: GDENCKLA Action: ime Exp: Comment: i uu inspection was OK' Sub Type: ASFR Use: V-B Phone: 390-4529 Phone: 970-390-4529 Page 16 `7 Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG Requested Time: 10:00 AM Phone: 970-390-4529 Entered By: DGOLDEN K r' 1 T I } Inspection Historv Item: 10 BLDG-FOOTING **Approved** 07/23/07 Inspector: JRM Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: APPROVED ALL EXCEPT FOR FRONT WING WALLS AND 5 INTERIOR PADS 09/11/07 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: FOOTINGS FOR RETAINING WALL Item: 20 BLDG-Foundation/Steel ** Approved ** 08/07/07 Inspector: JRM Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: ALL EXCEPT FOR WING AND RETAINING WALLS 09/17/07 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: RETAINING WALLS APPROVED Item: 21 PLAN-ILC Foundation Plan ** Approved ** 12/28/07 Inspector: bgibson Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 30 BLDG-Framin g ** Approved ** 12/31/07 Inspector: cdavis Action: AP APPROVED Comment: complete beam pocket grouting at the garage Item: 22 PLAN-ILC FRAMING ** Approved ** 12/28/07 Inspector: bgibson Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 50 BLDG-Insulati on ** A proved ** p 01/11/08 Action: DN DENIED Inspector: JRM Comment: K-GUARANTEE INSULATION INSTALLED CELLOUSE WHICH WE REQUIRE A VAPOR BARRIER AND AN R VALUE CERTIFICATE SPOKE WITH BOB OF COL..AND INFORMED 01/15/08 Inspector: JRM Action: NO NOTIFIED Comment: INSULATION CERT ADDED TO FILE.... STILL NEED VAPOR BARRIER OR INFO NOT REQUIRING IT 01/22/08 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: CERTAINTEED MEMBRAIN VAPOR BARRIER APPROVED. LEFT COPY OF SAMPLE REPORT ICC APPROVED INSULATION SYSTEM Item: 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail ** Approved ** 01/11/08 Inspector: JRM Action: DN DENIED Comment: NOT READY 02/26/08 Inspector: JRM Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL Comment: APPROVED ALL EXCEPT FOR GARAGE. REQUIRED TO BACK BOX FAN PLACED IN GARAGE CEILING REPT131 Run Id: 8575 10-22-2008 4 39 Inspection Request Re Cfl V ca il porting Page 17 : Dm - tvQ a , f 02/28/08 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 70 BLDG-Misc. "Approved AP APPROVED R A ti I 01/15/08 M c on: nspector: J Comment: SHEER WALL APPROVED 02/19/08 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: LATHE APPROVED 09/05/08 Inspector: JGG Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Address # needs to be posted on exterior. T-stat wiring in garage is not identified for use. Boiler intake and exhaust ports must have bird-screens installed. Item: 532 PW-TEMP. C/O ** Approved ** 09/02/08 Inspector: cdelles Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Needs to modifiy retaining wall. per planning Item: 533 PLAN-TEMP . C/O ** Approved ** 09/02/08 Inspector: b ibson Action: AP APPROVED Comment: planter box in front of driveway retaining wall must be completed prior to CO approval Item: 534 PLAN - FINAL C/O "Approved" 10/09/08 Inspector: bgibson Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Item: 90 BLDG-Final ** Approved ** 09/05/08 Ins ector: JGG Action: AP APPROVED 6 Comment: inspection was OK. TC Item: 539 PW-FINAL C/O ** Approved ** 10/20/08 Comment: Action: AP APPROVED REPT131 Run Id: 8575