HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoad cut flowfill tickets.pdf SAFETY FIRST IJ��tl� 9�'` ,,� COMPANIES_ 970-243-4900 11589 Hwy 6 Gypsum CO THANK YOU FOR PREVIdfs'RULE N EIDER d HELPING OUR DRIVERS www.united-gj.com 81637 146 ENTER AND EXIT JOB A,` 'r CONCRETE DELIVERY TICKET T SITES SAFELY o DATE LEAVE PLR r ARIVE JOB START POUR FINISH POUR LEAVE JOB ARIVE PLANT OVERTIME MINUTES E III IIII I1111111111 11111 11/02/2017j.(. 4J _ W, rIV321)1 A 33213823 L ° VARIOUS PROJECTS ���8 C[> DIAMOND A EXCAVATING gT 354 Beaver Dam Road ° R PO BOX 1957 1 r Vail CO 81657 CUSTOMER NUMBER SOURCE TRUCK DRIVER CUSTOMER PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER 6340 57317 332 5637 JAY FLOGAUS PRODUCT CODE [7UANITY st,miv1- UN U/M PRICE AMONT 31010400 10. 00 WIN 3 PRO FLOWFILL 69. HW 10. 00 WINTER CHARGE • r WATER ADDED PER CUSTOMER REQUEST Warning: Concrete quality may be Jeopardized if driver GALLIONS OF WATER ADDED EsrrMArFn 51-0gP is instructed to add water increasing the slump beyond SUB TOTAL , the designed slump. Concrete design strength may vary ' v significantly from in-place strength depending on placement, consolidation, curing, and protection of the ALE S TAX concrete after delivery. r CONCRETE UESD FOR c DELIVERY REQUEST TIME DESIGNED SLUMP ORDERED SLUMP YARDS ORDERED TOTAL YARDS PLE rLP.E PAY OTHER NON—BLDG 2. 00 2 14. 00 10. 00 12: 42 THIS :rNUUNT WARNING PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE DELAY EXPLANATION CYLINDER UNDER TEST TAKEN 9. IRRITATING TO THE SKIN AND EYES (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) 1 Job Not Ready6 Truck Broke Down �prITA•V_PORTLAND CEMENT 'USW.RUBBER'SCOTS AND GLOVE =R Dear C.w.o. The dreier cf vie nucl et pres!m+p Ws R=J.EAS'e to you for your swum. C,:loco-,Ay CAUSE MANS.AVOID CONTACT WITH EYES AND PO'LS ,s of ra op+.oe th.me s oc and o.B I O our tr./..may pesEUy came deruEs m u e 2. Stow Poor or Pump 7 Accident ::ITII:.I'JJd. MI CASE OF CONTACT WTn SKIN OP ETES FLUSH THO a-�4Y V.-:i Me0.sm aaCor Aata:anN Grogan If.e P0*0 Me mre?0I m IMS Mad ane.You ewre n 0 Ma-ER P AFITATIONRERSISTS GET MEDICAL ATTENTION KEEF CHI MHA. w wish In hew fw In every o.at ne ca0 but•n or_srto do d a Um env.''rcB0000•g mot 3 Truck Ahead on Job 8 Citation You sign Iho RELEASE renev..gNae and th*supper horn any.spons:Dily fa any damage 4 Contractor Broke Down 9 Other CONCRETE rs a PERGHABLE COEOJODITY and BECOME) Me PROFER-Y 0 die mat may pear m die 0.rmses and'or adtecent property,botId ngs.. ..Ike,drrnaays, 5.Added Water 10 Cylinder Taken PURCHASER UPen Navel*me PLANT ANY CHANGES>CANCELLA'IONS et ORIGINAL arty est gyp.dehrery of m.s ma:Mal anon,.you else 00,00 m Mb Inns remove mud from INSTRUCTIONS MUST be TELEPHONE,m Me OFFICE BEFORE*00000 STARTS the wheels of ho.Nide so mat he as Her the 0o=•v street For'J.er as add:bonat 0 Yes No 'ht a_-dengned agrees m pay 0S cods.b.dt.d;rq reaOmYie acorneys Yea.colided.<*400311 ono o dera' .,1..0.5.213.Ave.to etlemtiy ane held horn..the&NM of 000 V.K. ar.y surra oven and des suppaer for any and oil damages m Me proms and."adjacent property mild.map %AEA= AN amcaars not pab OT.n 30 days e1 delivery 1010 bear an INTEREST e!1.124 per maen nth. ne Parma Dy anyone m have risen our of del very of and order a iaas I A\NUAL PERCENTAGE RATE) SIGNED. Stump- I.X responsible Mr Reartve Ag0,egaae or Cobr Quaky Na Clam AS..Unless Made at T'me vxeral n Cei:ae.d Temp= A125 DD St..Cbage aID be 0Necte0 en as Returned Checks. A TestingLab= Acuess Daay Tr.Charged at saacaT;R The undersgned adno.bdgea that ha'she G the Customer or an amhorzed agent for the customer and agree,on beim of the Customer to all of the terms and coo:Rion:set forth herein.Fa3ure or refusal to sum tire delivery tide BUT acceptance of material constitutes agreement with terms and condnronc above Signature: Print Name' lI knoal.Rdamnt of receip'-water added-and general terms and conditions snawn on back of tr,k-t • Truck Load Size Mix Code Disp Ticket Num Time Date 56397 10.00 Cy DE 31010400 33213823 11:44 AM 11/2/17 Material Design Qty Required Batched Actual Wat I Moisture HOL-I/11 60 lb 600 lb 610 lb BORAL 60 lb 600 lb 625 lb > GYP-SNDI 1346 lb 14006 lb 14040 lb 66 gl 4.05% A GYP-1167 1150 lb 11500 lb 11460 lb -21 gl -1.507. M GYP-98 729 lb 7326 lb 7340 lb 4 gl 0.507. M HATER 39.0 gl 260.9 gl 261.0 gl 261.0 gl AE-90 4 oz 40 oz 40 oz Load 36256 lb Design W/C: 2.712 Water/Cement: 2.095 A Design 390.0 gl Actual 310.0 gl To Add: 80 0 Slump: 2.00 in # Water in Truck: 0 0 gl Adjust Water 0 0 gl /Load Trim Water -8 0 gl /CYDS SAFETY FIRST ail Dj. GOMPAMLS 970-243-4900 11589 Hwy6 Gypsum CO THANK YOU FOR YP PREVIOUS TRACK r I ORDER r HELPING OUR DRIVERS swww.united-gj.com 81637 146 ENTER AND EXIT JOB n'`., '1, CONCRETE DELIVERY TICKET - SITES SAFELY �' T DATE LEAVE PL ARIVE JOB START POUR FI' POJ6 LEAVE JOB ARIVE PLANT OVERTIME MINUTES T III 1 I III III 11111 (( i • r 33213823 11/02/2017 II 1�y V - L e 01:), VARIOUS PROJECTS °TY DIAMOND A EXCAVATING uT354 Beaver Dam Road D PO BOX 1957 e� N Vail CO 81657 - CUSTOMER NUMBER SOURCE TRUCK DRIVER' CUSTOMER PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER 6340 57317 332 56397 JAY FLOGAUS PRODUrT COD] DUANITY rutsLti ir 1113k U!M PRICE I AMONT 31010400 10. 00 WIN 3 PRO FLOWFILL 69. HW 10. 00 WINTER CHARGE 1 1 1 WATER ADDED PER CUSTOMER REQUEST Warning: Concrete quality may be jeopardized if driver r WALL IONS OF NATER ADDED LS IMATED SLUMP is instructed to add water increasing the slump beyond SUB TOTAL -,( the designed slump. Concrete design strength may vary �i�yl\/J/� significantly from in-place strength depending on placement, consolidation, curing, and protection of the _ concrete after delivery. ,SALES TAX CONCRETE UESD FOR CESIGLED SLUMP ORDERED SLUMP YARDS ORDERED TOTAL YARDS DELIVERY REQUEST TIME PLEASE PAY OTHER NON-BLDG 2. 00 2 14. 00 10. 00 12: 42 THIS AMOUNT - WARNING PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE DELAY EXPLANATION d CYUNDER UNDER TEST TAKEN Iii IRRITATING TO THE SIGN AND EVES LTO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY TO BE MADE INSIDE CURS LINE) 1_Job Not Read r,mid(Broke Down '-')TA-1_a:-TT!.t:IC CE.=0.T Y(EAP R'JEEER SCOT;AND 3'?._5 PPCLJTKI5G sb Deal Comer-Th.a.rnof For r t poN y..unirg tI.RELEASE to you I.r r.or.4..,.., Y :C:11 AC-•a..:.Y CAUSE`VURNS AV-,:IO:OM1::CT WITH EvES AND PRTLC?.'GET)CONTACT n at r•••op0000 that the sr-.an.we:5pt a'a.r cl ray Pasu.Iy came damages m the 2. Sow Pour Of PuJT ) 7 Accident TI-I:..N .11 CASE CF CCU-FACT WITH CNN OR ETES FiLIC11 TH=R.OVONLY WITH Fnm.ws ord.'adptart Pmppry,P).0.F1au S.oto NOat n rfoo 100.whIr.Tau 0.110.n 0 3. Truck Ahead 011 Job 8. cilmiOA '.A IF IRRITAT van PER515T5 GET I.IEOTCAL ATTENTJlI KEEP CHILDREN AWAY :11 opt Ao h to hob no ut every that we tar,'ail n Omer to da Na the elver rs rasudarng pat you sign du RELEASE ft:5mnd hr.and Nva sued et trio any resoansb•17 for any damage 4. contractor Broke Down 9 Other C.MCRET_ is a PERGHABLE COMMOOT' and 0ECOAIE3 the PROPERTY or IN that may occur in the Premises anabr ad;aoem onrteMy.tuadmns,scewalts,drrnways, PURCHASER.Upon Ifaeotp Ne PLANT.ANY CHANGES m CANCELLATIONS of ORIGINAL meas.est.by N.defwery at cis material and put you also acne m hob hm r.rnon.mud than o-A lded tl/ater 10.Cylinder Taken INSTRUCTORS MUST tve TELEPHONED*the OFFICE BEFORE ADDIh*-STARTS the wheels of he mince so that he wo rot Meet the 0.01.onset.Faa...,as add banal Cl Yes Cl No Th.u^dangna agrees ro Pay as posts.Nttd.p raasanaN.afameys tees.ntdW.d In e4cbt5 tonsderatm.Me urd.•s,nod ar/Ms re mdemnty ars hal harntless Ne dryer of Na truck any suns awed and Ws sappter Hr any a.-d at.camases se due praises ard:er aya..nt ampere,smith may %AEA= All mecums rot Pad r*tst 3D days of deMery w0 bear an INTEREST a 1-10%an rims*which oe da'mrd Ty any..,.to haw nun aur al 0Nwey or#r5 Ord.' .is IP.(ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE). CIGNED: Slump Nat respcns*le for Reatre.Aggregate ce Color Oualny No Clam...tow-.io .Unless Maze at Time = Ltateral.s DeEvered Temp= A 125.00 Sense Charyewo be wanted mad Reamed Checker A 0.0 DalyTIme Charged at500 0.148 Testing Lab= The undersrcgned acfnowIedxs that hdshe rs the Customer or an author....d agent for the o staTEa and agrees,on -el-al of the Customer to ad of the lama and conddgns tot forth hetero.Faiure or refusal to sgn the deevery tklott ?L T acceptance of matenal constItoes agreement with temps and cond:gns above a_nS re: Pont Ware -kN sferrgnr_nt7receipt--•'a-.T . mi (,i1;L. • Truck Load Size Mix Code Disp Ticket Num Time Date 56397 10.00 Cyp` 31010400 33213823 11:44 AM 11/2/17 Material Design Qty Required Batched Actual Wat % Moisture 110L-1/II 60 lb 600 lb 610 lb BORAL 60 lb 600 lb 625 lb > GYP-SND1 1346 lb 14006 lb 14040 lb 66 gl 4.057. A GYP-k67 1150 lb 11500 lb 11460 lb -21 gl -1.507. M GYP-118 729 lb 7326 lb 7340 lb 4 gl 0.50% M WATER 39.0 gl 260.9 gl 261.0 gl 261.0 gl AE-90 4 oz 40 oz 40 az oad 36256 lb Design W/C: 2.712 Water/Cement: 2.095 A Design 390 0 gl Actual 310.0 gl To Add: 80.0 :lump* 2 00 in # Water in Truck: 0.0 gl Adjust Water 0.0 gl /Load Trim Water -8 0 gl /CYDS Rf, SAFETY FIRST MI '` COMPANIES_ ,� 970-243-4900 11589 Hwy 6 Gypsum CO PREVIOUS TRUCK ORp£R a THANKGYOURFOR www.united-gj.com 81637 HELPING OUR DRIVERS A .}ti'm gI 56397 146 ENTER AND EXIT JOB '�`•1. =t¢� CONCRETE DELIVERY TICKET 7 SITES SAFELY z T 11111111 littill 1111 II ii D ATE LEAVE PLANT ARIVE JOB START POUR FINISH POUR LEAVE JOB ARIVE PLANT OVERTIME MINUTES Il 1:D I OV137- 11�" a 33213824 L U VARIOUS PROJECTS C 1:\/> SB .-A 354 Beaver Dam Road orY DIAMOND A EXCAVATING BT oR PO BOX 1957 N Vail CO 81657 CUSTOMER NUMBER SOURCE TRUCK DRIVER CUSTOMER PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER 6340 57317 1 332 56386 JOHN CARDINALE AMONT --ID CPI a •I 0/M/M PRICE WFILL 31010400 4. 00 WIN 3 R■ ■ 69• HW 4. 00 WINTER CHARGE SMALL LOAD FEE I WATER ADDED PER CUSTOMER REQUEST Warning: Concrete quality may be jeopardized if driver GALLIONS OF WATER ADDED ESTIMATED SLURP is instructed to add water increasing the slump beyond SUB TOTAL the designed slump. Concrete design strength may vary significantly from in-place strength depending on placement, consocl idatio after deliver protection of the ALES TAX DELIVERY REDDEST TIME CONCRETE UESD FOR DESIGNED SLUMP ORDERED SLUMP YARDS ORDERED TOTAL YARDS PLEASE P A Y OTHER NON—BLDG . 2 200 14. 00 14. 00 13: 11 THIS AMOUNT DELAY EXPLANATION I CYLINDER UNDER TEST TAKE WARNING PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE 6 Truck Brake Down IRRITATING TO THE SKIN AND EYES ITO SE SIGNED IF DELIVERY TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) T ,jab Not Ready ?RUESER ec .'1 GLOVES PROLOrhiE3 Dear Customer-TA.dower or Ne muck in presen'ng ids RELEASE m you for your s,orasun7 Tru Br CONTACT A,CAU S c=mErr WDA rt ^'• - 0 of Me carman Mat the sae and aegrt of our Woe May possibly cause damages m the 2. Slow Pour or Pump nt CONTACT lJ:.:I CAUSE OF CO AVOIDTCONTACTTKIWITH ECT AND PP THORGEC tY TTvs X1,0'adp-.0I p.openy It..pace dm material s the load where yaw=Pepe d.0 3 Truck Alread on Job 8 Citation w=,WIT ,.K:sl, :II CASE OF CONTACT WITH CAL1''T SEES FLUSH H SW 1ViTH ant'^'la help"au al Nal we but over to do NUM 0001E is nqueswng tom 9 Qd1E( sLa'?. F FF(TAT 1:PER-SM.-ITS GET MEDICAL A-TEN::"..N FE£F-11'OPEN AWF � No RELEASE MIe ng het and N s supakar from'my res?onslbKty for any damage 4 Contractor Bioko Down 'a Cylinder Taker CONCRETE n a FERISiiAELE COMMODITY and BECOMES the PROPERTY of dm that may occur to Ne arsm nes smear steuent oraperty.5HxM.pr m 510.d udt:ar. 5.Added Ylater PURCHASER.Upon Mrrnp Ne PLANT.ANY CNANGEa N CANCELLATIONS e ORIGINAL webs,Pei.by N.&Amery of els mater0l and thy you _ Yes _No INSTRUCTOOSS MUST r T?EPHOHM b the OFFICE-£POPE ADDING STAR-3 N..thein of Ms rah de se that he ern miler a ourtic held nasmHss F =tole of Om mach The leders17ted acmes So pay as tests.Intludinn reasonede aavheys'Ms.edod.1 d tr,oho mel s=r'a'm Ne wrdenyned a7Ms se Na sty a' d:antee]xm P&e i f Om may re AEA= any seam ewes. and Nd..dppimr for any aVd all damages m momses an AS aaants not pad mew 30 days of deavery Tell bear an INTEREST or 1.10%res month ten he darn d oy anyone to have neon our o•aebrery al its order Slump= a 1aSa,A::NUA1.PERCENTAGE RATE SIGNED Nat wspmslble for Remove Aggre re or Cob,Wady No Gam Aiowed Unites Made at Tow Temp= Mcleanf ew Mclean n Lod p Testing LaD= A121.00 Samoa Cleave be<esxted a as Returned Cheeks. Access Daly Tow Charged al Sao OMtR. The undersgrted acs-hdwledges that he/she td the Cu:IODler or an auLhar_ed ayen•fa,the auto-••me wet:CO teka3 of the Customer to all el the teras arid vr.dten;se:I^¢h hY•er 03:ft••'•fru r'I:.Mill-1 d•••`•• `- OUT ec eptance of Nitenal cert::.re:eget-ea:wth 1v-:rr d-r_•- :er:.r Signature: Print Name Ackrn1.1.figment of receipt-water added-and gena, terr T end...-n: :•r'-;,r 0 AT.•n r.•• 1 •-t • Truck Load Size Mix Code Disp Ticket Num Time Date 56386 4.00CYDI_c 31010400 33213824 12:03 PM 11/2/17 Material Design Qty Required Batched Actual Wat Moisture 1 HOL-I/11 60 lb 240 lb 335 lb > BORAL 60 lb 240 :b 5640270 lb lb > 26 gl 4.04% A GYP-SNDI 1346 lb 5602 lb 4560 lb 26 gl 1.04% A GYP-#67 1150 lb 4600 lb2 gl 0.50% M W 2920 lb ATRS 729 1122.4 gl 112 .0 gl 112.0 gl WATER 39.0 gl gl AE-90 4 oz 16 oz 16 oz Load 14661 lb Design W/C: 2.712 Water/Cement: 1.816 A Design 156.0 gl Actual 131 7 gl To Add: 24.3 Slump: 2 00 in # Water in Truck. 0.0 gi Adjust Water 0 0 gl /Load Trim Water -6.0 gl /CYDS SAFETY FIRST tJ[1�ft . �-1,,} COMPANIES Hwy Gyp970-243 4900 11589 6 G sum CO THANK YOU FOR PREVIOUS TRUCK I ORDER a HELPING OUR DRIVERS A 4`Y www.united-gj.com 81637 56397 146 ENTER SEXIT 1`t ' I. CONCRETE DELIVERY TICKET SITES SAFELY �' T +'1Tt' 'LEAVE PLANT ARIVE JOB START POUR FINISH POUR LEAVE JOB ARIVE PLANT OVERTIME MINUTES P� T III I IIII IIII I III liii II II , 11/02/2017 l 7AD 1100 /32% � [ "/ ✓0 a 33213824 L 58 VARIOUS PROJECTS L0E DIAMOND A EXCAVATING eT 354 Beaver Dam Road DR PO BOX 1957 l U N Vail CO 81657 CUSTOMER NUMBER ',SOURCE TRUCK ' DRIVER ' ',.CUSTOMER PURCHASE, ORDER NUMBER 1 6340 57317 332 56386 JOHN CARDINALE PRODUCT CODE QUANITY [.Itbt-r iY, tufa U/M ' PRICE , AMONT 31010400 4. 00 WIN 3 PRO FLOWFILL 69. HW 4. 00 WINTER CHARGE i SMALL LOAD FEE WATER ADDED PER CUSTOMER REQUEST Warning: Concrete quality may be jeopardized if driver , GALLIONS OF MATER ADDED--EPTWATEIrlit is instructed to add water increasing the slump beyond SUB TOTAL the designed slump. Concrete design strength may vary significantly from in-place strength depending on , placement, consolidation, curing, and protection of the , concrete after delivery. ,SALES TAX. CONCRETE UESD FOR DESIGNED SLUMP ORDERED SLUMP YARDS ORDERED TOTAL YARDS 1 DELIVERY REQUEST TIME • OTHER NON-BLDG 2. 00 2 14. 00 14. 00 1 PLEASE PAY 13: 11 THIS AMOUNT WARNING PROPERTY DAMAGE RELEASE DELAY EXPLANATION/CYLINDER UNDER TEST TAKEN IRRITATING TO THE SKIN AND EYES (TO BE SIGNED IF DELIVERY TO BE MADE INSIDE CURB LINE) 1 Job Not ReadyE. Truck Broke Down ^,MILS PORTLA'D CELIENT.WEAR RU BSER.5.^.OTS Ant'A'+:'E� PPCL011GED Dear Customer-The driver of dee puck in presenm,p ohs RELEASE to you f.,your Hro pnatu CONTACT MAY CASTE WRNS.AVOID CONTACT WITH 5100, ROL T5,EC C•O)+TScr a or the opn:ot nut the au and.fort d our ouch may naso'ay ONOO danupes to We.. 2. StOW POUT Or Pump 7, Accident WITH SPIN. Pi CASE OF CONTACT WITH SKIN CR SODS.FLU=H THORs7-5H'.Y 1•1 TiMenthes l menes amtar adt}at nl twopenny If tee place e Maffei!l mhis tload.h.,e you dura I n 3. Truck Ahead on Job 8. Citation WATER IF NRI-ATPON PERSISTS-,IT IJEDAAL ATTEUiGU s'SEP iHILCSECII AWA: h our Nish m held you m vie every dui atar:veru otter to de IDU the dryer ne nptesyng plat you then leo RELEASE mimes);hen and the supper from any ITSPats:hayfo any dantMP 4. Contractor Broke Down 9 Other CONCRETE n a PERISHABLE COMUODITY and BECOMES dry PROPERTY of dee that nay pcear lo the premises and).,adyo.nt property.buddmps agewanf 500eways Water Upon Nawnp M CHANGES PLANT.ANY CGES an CANCELLATIONu'S ORIGINAL or.rbs.eoythe delivery areCmmo,,a. and that you alsoapto reeheldhWnmov.mudhens 5.Added 10.Cylinder Taken INSTRUCTIONS UUST he TELEPHONED to the OFFICE BEFORE ADDING STARTS the Meeh or his oMnde so that he war not Iter theµ,Sic soeeL Furber as add tonal ❑Yes D NO The tndNtgned NIA.**t.Fay act costs.1....g reas.,a..1100,05*1Mf.Hckaded m 01C.fp t.,serradon M.undenpned reps to indendety and hold ham....,the doer of nen mach any stern awed. and As sayal er for any and all aamapes is the premses and.,adjacent preter,Admit may %AEA= Al aocanfl no,paid m.At SD day.o•deCxry one oear an INTEREST of 1-10°!Mr mat,*non oe cta'rned ty anyone to haw Ase.our., of tins order , es If%(ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE SIGNED; Slump= Nth resthe Reambo-o .•AppresaI.at Cob- No Cum Awned Unless ace at TuneLtatenal Is Temp= A 95.03 Senrce Charge Na be collected on ad Returned Cracks. a TestingLab= Access Day T,m.Charged at SeonD1R. The undermined acknowledges that he/she as the Cmtntner or an authotoed agent for the customer and ages on -- hehaH of the Custom,.to all of the terms and Cowden no oct forth hercm.Fniure or refusal to sent th-s de.:ery txaet BUT ameptance of matenal consumes agleerem ontt terms and condrnr.0 acc.0 Signature: Print Name Acknowledgment of receipt-water added-and genera term and conditions shown on back of ticket • Truck Load Size Mix Code Disp Ticket Num Time Date 56386 4.00 Cy DE 31010900 33213824 12:03 PM 11/2/17 Material Design Qty Required Batched Actual Wat z Moisture HO1-I/II 60 lb 240 lb 335 lb > BORAL 60 lb 240 lb 270 lb > GYP-SND1 1346 lb 5602 lb 5640 lb 26 gl 4.047. A GYP-#67 1150 lb 4600 lb 4560 lb -8 gl -1.507. M GYP-#B 729 lb 2931 lb 2920 lb 2 gl 0.50% M WATER 39.0 gl 112.4 gl 112.0 gl 112.0 gl AE-90 4 oz 16 42 16 Q Load 14661 lb Design W/C: 2.712 Water/Cement: 1.816 A Design 156.0 gl Actual 131.7 gl To Add: 24 3 Slump? 2.00 in # Water in Truck: 0.0 gl Adjust Water 0.0 gl /Load Tnm Water. -6.0 gl I CYDS