HomeMy WebLinkAboutF15-0083.pdfFIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT
Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at the time of
application submittal and must include the following information:
1. A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.I.C.E.T level III (min) stamp
2. Equipment cut sheets of materials
3. Hydraulic calculations
4. A State of Colorado contractor registration number
5. Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor
Project Street Address:
(o 7:) /1q;, sh e_,,,_rJ P /.:i t.L
(Number) (Street) (Suite#)
Building/Complex Name: 8r ra klfe a-+ Ve', I ~(LC. re
Contractor Information:
Office Use:
Project#: yp_~ \ 5-0 So {
Building Permit#: "Bc.5 ._ 03 4J
Sprinkler Permit#: YLS -Q0 S_3
Lot#: Block# Subdivision: ______ _
Company:~___.,l~&J""'--S....__._f_._f ____________ ~--------------------------------------
Company Address: 7CJ~tb S , Tu....::...StJ"" We.._._;
City: C e...,rf'(_,,,n1 ~ f State:c.O Zip: &"Ot/:>--
Contact Name: J;;e \-\c-. ..... rd~ ~ t
Contact Phone: SO~ -S-'f Cf -<6-cz 7 9
E-Mail Y,e-~ l,,,cJ1c. -.,~wsif .... u..s
Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: 3 5 ~ -~
~ ..... ~.Z{zi;,
Property Information
Parcel#: d. \..Ole> fo51 <a~ I
(For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or
visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie)
Tenant Name: A rc...+er ~x Cl 1 f}rra.. be.J ( e
Owner Name: /Ir Jt:l be-) \e... c.. t Jo~ l S, LR o v <:. L LL
Complete Valuation for Fire Sprinkler Permit:
Fire Sprinkler$:
Detailed Description of Work: AclcL J 4 ~""-dJ 5
12_e_, b l_f "1 pc. c{!,5 _.f!ou YI e,k/ U/'9 ( /
f!!t?,, P~uvd111:~
(use addittonal sheet if necessary)
Detailed Location of Work: J?rc.+eu TX 0-+
fl r 'Ya he. (le_ 5J £eA ,. e____
Does a Monitored Fire Alarm Exist? Yes,~ No (
Does a Sprinkler System Exist? YesB No( )
Work Class:
New ( ) Addition ( ) Remade!)'<) Repair (
Retro-Fit ( ) Other ( )
Type of Building:
Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( Multi-Family (
Commercial S><,i, Restaurant ( ) Other ( )
Date Receive~~-;:::::;--::::~~=--=-------. 12
re.:::i·;,· lc s' n '\/7 rs. ~ o Lr:::'.,\\. le.,,\! IL __
NOV O :; 2015 . ~