HomeMy WebLinkAboutF15-0087.pdf._,;,, FIRE SPRINKLER PERMIT Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at the time of application submittal and must include the following information: 1. A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.I.C.E.T level III (min) stamp 2. Equipment cut sheets of materials 3. Hydraulic calculations 4. A State of Colorado contractor registration number 5. Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor Project Street Address: ~;}....~-v.Jo..\.t s r I (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: w~ \ L S:Ivec..± 8~ \cl .. ;.., Contractor Information: Company: t.>..> S Ff Company Address: 70.J-~ $·Tl..\.<.. St>lo\ ~""'( City:u,., ~f! .. " ,"' ~ I state: C::.. o Zip: )so I/:>- Contact Name: .Jo11-l-i-t:i.yd~" Contact Phone: 3a 3 -;r 'f1 -tt7 7 L E-Mail J ~ e. -/,._~ ycf~.,_ C£. <-' sff -~ Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: _3_3_8_-_.S ____ _ ~n/zl6~1 Property Information Parcel #: ,d.. ID IO ~ :;>__ 1.. ';>..L)d.. D (For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) Tenant Name: ---------------- 0 w n er Name: I ~~L t£.,,ft!!Y';J()1'/~eJ LLL , Complete Valuation for Fire Sprinkler Permit: Fire Sprinkler$: Office Use: Project#: _i1~· _ITT]_· ~~~--.-----_O_~_~·_J3_· ___ _ Building Permit#: __ {3~\~~=--·--_0~,7_;5~·-+/ __ _ sprinkler Permit#: ----'--n--'-_s_·_--_0_0 __ ~_]_,_· ___ _ Lot#: Block# Subdivision: ______ _ Detailed Description of Work:(,.) t:\. \ l S 1 · Btdl~. u. .... ,' t t. eelo S-h. .. .c..~ AcU ;;.. {,.. "'-4 els (use additional sheet if necessary) Detailed Location ofWork:(,.)a \\, S·t1r'(".f!.;:J= ~\te>1~ u ... :t l Does a Monitored Fire Alarm Exist? Yes p4... No ( Does a Sprinkler System Exist? YesX No( ) Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remod~Repair ( Retro-Fit ( ) Other ( ) Type of Building: Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( Multi-Family ( Commercia~ Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) Date Received: O!-Feb-10