HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC16-0020 Materials.pdfMUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO RELEASE OF PUBLIC WAY OR BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR PRJ#: FLD#: Parcel #: Bldg Permit#: B FLOODPLAIN USE PERMIT Town ofVail Public Works Dept 1309 Elkhorn Dr Vail, CO 81657 WARNING: Inclusion offalse information in this permit application establishes an automatic denial for a Floodplain Use Permit and forfeiture of application fees. By signing this permit, the applicant declares he/she has read all contents of this document and Title 12-21 of the Town of Vail Code. Application Fee: $300.00 Applicant Name: 0-) \ C ~c.<..\ Mo-5~' ~ ,· Applicant Address: .:Po &:Jy }(eQCj l )ci ·, I ~/luSS ' Contractor Name/ 7' License N urn her: _fl&.....,;.=-.;...r-_~=-·,_,tt""' .s...,c""~-'--~=-t'-=U ...... i..:...t!-_~"'-"S:;..._ __ Contact Name: VV\: Cty,.-2-( vtJt3\'V\·l Phone: City/State/ Zip: Applicant Email: Contact Phone: Mr~:s~~: Q; :s1 e.J~i~t·, l . (c."~ 3 9o Cf:J .5::2. FEMA Floodplain Panel Number: 08037C04930 FEMA Profile Sheet Number: 127P (http://msc.fema.gov FEMA Adopted Floodplain December 4'", 2007) Floodplain Use Location(Address or Lot & Block): Lot 3, Block 4, Bighorn Subd. Fifth Addition Floodplain Use Description (Purpose): Erosion control & mitigation Requested Dates of Use: Minimum Required Submittals (Additional submittals may be required on a case by case basis): ~ Site plan at an engineering scale showing the location, dimensions, and elevations of the proposed landscape/grade alterations, existing and proposed structures, relevant landscape/topographic features, and the location of the foregoing in relation to the one hundred year floodplain. The floodplain line shall be provided on a plan certified by a licensed professional engineer or land _ 1 surveyor. Survey datum shall match FEMA map Datum. -,r Detailed topographic cross-sections provided by a licensed professional surveyor of the area proposed to be altered, showing existing and proposed conditions. D Description of the extent to which any floodplain will be altered including; why, when, how, and when it will be replaced back to its original configuration, and addressing each relevant criteria in Subsection 12-21-11E-3. D Copy of all other necessary approved permits (i.e. ACOE permit, Dewatering permit, DOW permit, _I CDHPE permit, etc ... ) 'W If required by the Floodplain Administrator, an engineered floodplain analysis of the impacts to the floodplain prepared by a qualified licensed professional engineer. D Submitted application for a conditional FIRM and floodway revision through FEMA. if applicable. Applicant must contact Public Works Department at 479-2198 24 hours prior to commencing of work. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Date OFFICE USE ONLY 0 Approved 0 Denied ReviewB Date Comments F:\PW\Engineering\Fioodplains\Fioodplain Pennits\Fioodplain Use Permits\FldPinUsePennit Application.doc Page 1 of 2 To: From: Date: Project: FERDOWS-VUCICH CREEK BANK RECOVERY PROJECT Michael Maggini Jordan Furnans, PhD, PE, PG, CFM LRE Water, LLC April 12, 2016 1495FSS 4/12/2016 l REWater.tLC Per our agreed upon scope of services, LRE Water LLC ('LRE") was to conduct a floodplain impact analysis for the Ferdows-Vucich Creek Bank Stabilization Project, and to prepare a Town of Vail ("Vail") floodplain use permit application. This document and its attachments serve as the final deliverables for this project. The bank stabilization will occur along Gore Creek at Lot 3, Block 4, of the Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Within this document, the project location is referred to as "Site." "NO-RISE" ANALYSIS To determine the impact of the proposed bank stabilization activities, LRE compared Site cross-sections of Gore Creek. The compared cross-sections include: 1. "Baseline" Section-derived from the Gore Creek HEC-RAS model 2. "Current Conditions" Section-derived from survey data collected on 12/9/2015 3. "Proposed Conditions" Section-containing the proposed bank stabilization activities. The "Baseline" cross section was interpolated from the Gore Creek HEC-RAS model provide to LRE as part of this project. The Gore Creek HEC-RAS model was previously used to determine the 100-year floodplain extent for Gore Creek, as described by a flooding extent inundated by a 1,350 cfs streamflow. The Gore Creek model did not include a surveyed cross-section at the Site, and thus LRE utilized the cross-section interpolation functions within HEC-RAS to determine the Baseline section at this location. Using the Gore Creek HEC-RAS model, LRE determined that the base flood elevation {100-year flow event) for the Site location is equal to 8535.48 ft NAVD88. The "Current Conditions" cross section was created from survey data collected by Kipp Land Surveying (Eagle, CO) in December 2015. Data provided by Kipp Land Surveying was incorporated into an ArcGIS terrain model of the current topography of the Site, from which the Current Conditions cross-section was extracted. The "Proposed Conditions" cross-section was derived from the Current Conditions section per design drawing (Sheet A1) of the attached plan. The attached plan was created by Ewing Engineering Inc. and was accurate as of 9/19/2014. As interpreted by LRE, the proposed rock wall section will be located along 1000 Heritage Center Circle 1 Suite #141 1 Round Rock, Texas 78664 Page 2 of 2 LR EWa ter,tlc the left bank of Gore Creek, and will cause the bank edge to be located approximately 3.5 ft further toward the creek centerline. Figure 1 presents a comparison of the three cross-sections of Gore Creek at the Site location. As shown, the current and proposed cross sections are below the baseline cross section, indicating that channel erosion has occurred since the baseline cross-section was measured. The current cross-section also suggests that material has been located along the upper creek banks, possibly having been moved toward the creek from more distant portions of the floodplain. The Current and proposed cross-sections are coincident along the right half of Gore Creek. 8~8r----------,----------.-----------.----------,----------.----------. 8~7 8~6 o--oeaselne ~Current o--oProposed -Base Flood Elevation ~30~--------~----------~----------~--------~----------~--------~ .&J -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Distance From Creek Centerline (ft) Figure 1 -Gore Creek Cross Sections (W-E) at Site Location. Table 1 presents to computed inundated areas of each cross section, up to the base flood elevation. Due to the erosion that has occurred since the Baseline measurement, the current and proposed cross- sectional area will both convey the 100-yr streamflow event without resulting in a rise in water surface elevation relative to the established base flood elevation. This is evident in that the cross-sectional areas of the current and proposed cross-sections exceed the area of the baseline cross section, as detailed in Table 1. Table 1-Wetted Areas of Cross-Sections at the Base Flood Elevation Cross Section Wetted Area at Base Flood Elevation (ft2) Baseline Conditions 143.8 Current Conditions 184.9 Proposed Conditions 174.4 CONCLUSION The proposed bank stabilization along Gore Creek will NOT result in a rise of the base flood elevation. 1000 Heritage Center Circle 1 Suite #141 1 Round Rock, Texas 78664 I I PARTIAL TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LOT 3, BLOCK 4 , BIGHORN SUBD. FIFTH ADDITION Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado LOT 4 ·~ I I -~~~--------------------r---~~~---......... .,...._.,.. _,...,. ........... .......,,. '"'"" I \ TRACT A (COMMON AREA) 17,124.21 sq. ft. PLATTED ---------------------~r:l LOT 2 3004 sq. ft. PLATTED LOT 2 AREA OF PROPOSED I I BANK RECOVERY (SEE SHEET A-1~ ij I & I ~ 0 c / ( ................... Lotlo..odl4..81gMm~f'JNIA4dltklft.~ ..._.., 1teO.t lttocolpU.W.Na. 2011512.111 home. llfttte Ea9e c:...nty an and "-dw, ~ c.rn,. SWt• llf .....,_ NOTES< 1) D"lt aF SUR\IE'l'l Aup.m. 21. 20'14 2) Sn.t ~-<te7 ....,.. LAIM (PoNd) 3) ~~et~ct~ trMrtc Sauttt-t ear-Lot 3-I'CMICI u· ~ c., -100.00' ~ Oewtlan) 4)CG-11~2'e.tltout'l ~~~a;:.~~.._-~t:. Jaun4 ot the hto., tNt.....,_.._,_.._, lt"-5Urwy ._ ftOt OOMvtut-1 0 ~ ......, IMir 011)' ln-u,atkln hto _. -te ... ~ ~t.O .tththllprop«ty. ~~~--;:.-'\:~a..:..~=-~-"' maims thll _...,. .... lot --. ....._. .,.., .. --._.,_.__,.t!O!Mblt~~·"~ notMAIIedupon krth• ~tot.,rMun -~ ... cnmct.""" ~~':1~-:!~~~--l.and~ Sl..llt'I£Y-d.-by,_ ... ....-. mr *-:t ~ .w:l lhetlt_perlom'led.,.,.tN~--... prwd!Dol liNd In ttl• ••.t tn. ~of ttl• ~ lll• Not.,__ -opcriottllll~~ tt.!dall P. lapp. I"'.L.S No. 38071 --t..ltllww)l'lll" LOT 3, BLK 4, BIGHORN SUBD. FIFTH ADDITION T-n rJlVaii.C...<II)'dEap, ...,_r;l~ ti .!l .;; ::l"' I ~ ~ ~ <a I I «i ~ ~ 0 "' 5! ss <.) ~ ~ ~ ~ cl ~~ <.) u ,;] ~ d5x ~ il' ~ H I I o 10 n. I I I I I I I I I I I PROPOSED ROCK WA LL SECTION == 10 20 30 40 1 I I I I SCALE PRQPOSED 9119/J4 AREA OF PROPOSED BANK RECOVERY @DAMAGED BANK SECTION A1 A1