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F PEC APPROVED /// GPS11/13/2017 12:00:00 AM J .1‘1111:„.. , , y tiliti' (d 2t5evS, . Frontage RoadWail,Colorado81657:970.476.1147 --..iii "-------------Ilmomilimp...1 lir -----_______ gpslarchitects.corn f-- /„,......„,,,,, __ _ ' � � � I i ' II II O ~ O —__ 41‘ .,,,,4 .:.111...\- . - — =______,= ,� � III I �:-----:;"._ o- _-4i, i, 11 . III -‹ eL_ rzz-,_!____ ridllellihb._______....--- :.7. -- / if fi' -411111111111"°°- lib\joAiii. ,.. / ,/,0 - - ----_, - _ ___-— - - n� _ ��I�I� IILId'''' � � �,44, I -,--.------ - 91 .r. z OIt :1115 - ;.. ��_ _ -- ! , I T LII -1 Q >if i �I�i� Ifllll% % A,,,,: , 8 '� .� = ___ iLIL �c CV J . gr 11111111 Iop.morgyf __________--______--- .. i__--_ _ _Ir:_ I I I I I� III fol Q} j _ _ - p IIIA _! IIII z- . iia.-- III ! . II. 7 iir, if �� I I _d�l.nq , = I I _ o1111.111111111111.! ,/, Fir ',/ i lar 0 I _ ,.._1 , ww��.. . LIQ I - IILI LI _, o 111 _11.1J ! I�IiI VIIIlow !� r_ IIIII�II - IA ------_______, EL , �I ! ;I III N _: l'qliIi 0.1„.._ > '('4 ifs) ._ - 1_r IIII111 ILII !II ; ; , - 1_ _ IIL ISI1 T 1111111111111 : � II III �� ,! 4\ IjI 1 __ IIIII Ci r..,_, ____________ . �: -___I . __ _INS ___, IIIA . _ rill-131111 Y./ LI ___________ - III��I._.. _________ _ If 11 I dryPill L>,.....„......,:_, _ ■ . II .._.._ .__. . 17 _ I ___._ 11_ il,„,, ,t ,,,,II -- -- 1IMS ;IF. __ -- . .=,, ,. ©This document and the ideas CD and designs incorporated ... Y __.. herein,as an instrument of 11111 'i_ professional service,is the properi�r of professional echitects, P.C., __ . _ _._.. ___ ..... _ . . . _____ .• ___ and is not to b e used, in whole OW 4111- 11PPP"'- . - . '4' 4111 or in part,for any other project without the written authorization . (41111116 of Henry R.Pratt. - - - DATE: - -- 10/16/2017 —�-- ,. 0 SOUTH WEST AXONOMETRIC A01 IMAGES