HomeMy WebLinkAboutADM17-0005 Joint Property Approval.pdf • • • • TOWN OF;VALL.i. JOINT PROPERTY OWNER .. • - WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER.. The applicant must;submit written joint`property OWner:approval for applications affecting.shared ownership properties such as::duplex; condominium,.:and multi-.tenant buildings; This:form, or similar-written correspondence must be corn- • pieted by the adjoining duplex,unit owner;;or:the.authorized agent of the- ome,owners.association in the case:of a con- •- dominium or multi tenant building:All completed-forms must•.be-submitted:withthe applicants completed:applieation. :I, (print name) -t 14:14.44:1-.4e.... , a joint.owner; or authority Of the association, of property.located-at 4 41$ I IR I V •• 41.Le ,provide this.,letter as written. • approval of the plans dated .- which have:•been-submitted:to the • - Town:of Vail Community Development Departinent'for,the proposed ufiProvementele•be:completed atahe address not . • - ''ed:above;.l understand:that the proposed improvements-include:: .. • • - with • the Towns appitc mations may be made to.the plans:over the course of the review process to;ensure:compliance I ' le:codes-and regulations;:'and that it•is the.:sole responsibility of the applicant to keep the joint prOperty.owner,apprised.;of any changes and ensure that'the changes ere:accepteble and appropriate. .Submittal<ofan. • •ippplicationrresulte in the applicant agreeing to:this statement. - ,411I. " .. ;Date - . - .. te - ZY af4 4Printt Name : t) . N tY ti!,i V' 4 .e t''7 . • ; - . Title/Position . I/We authorize any and all:changes•submitted:to:the.Town in•reference to:the iabeve mentioned project. - (Initials). I/We waive alt rights,to notification,and:review of submitted change's. p' . IM1e•dq•not authorize any changes subniitted.to the Town in reference to;the:abotve me 1tioried proji ct., . (initials) 110.1e wish t0 receive notifications and reviews of submitted.,changes • . • - • - • tOWN °HVAIL.= . - � JOINT PROPERTY-OWNER - - WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER • • The applicant must submit written joint property owner approval for applications affecting shared ownership properties ' such as duplex Condominium, and multi-tenant buildings. This form;.or similar written:correspon:dence, nius be com-- .. . : Plated by the.adjoining•duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home owner s association in:the case of a con- - dominium or multi:tenant;building:Ali:completed.Forms must:;be submitted:with the:applicants compieted application.. •I,•(print name). f A`•P4 o ... - D11 LI.... . 5"'••!• .J/ joint owner, or•authority,of the,association, - p p rty: ZL E providethis;letter-as written : of .roe Locatedat:.- ��i��l�Gl��.�Fc'1�`� 1tt �G..-..:� ` . - :approval of the plans dated which have been•submitted:to•the . Town-of Vall-Community Developni ntDepartment for the proposed iimprovements to be:completed-at the address riot-. :ed.above i understand°that.-the:proposed improvementsinclude: • 7v- 'L �A11 S"1Dld/ • . • tivIderstandlhat modifications maybe made to the•plans:over the course of.the review process to ensure compliance with:the Town'.s.applicable codes'ar.d:;regulations,and that itis the sole responsibility of the•applicant•to-keep the:joint - propertyowner apprised of any changes and ensure:.that the.changes are acceptable and.:appropriate. Submittal of-an . , application results.in the applicantagreeing tothis statement. - e • ,-lam . , 3 f s 4 attire. [ _ f. Date tkA f�tp. .JJ G.I V l/ :G'. zv Print:Name• • Title/Position ' IlWe_authorize anyand•all:changes submitted tache Townn:refecence•to theabove.motioned project: (Initials) 11We Waive all rights to notification and review of•subrnitted changes.• - . . • ®� - •• I/We>do not authorize any changes submitted to the:Town in:reference to the above.:mentioned project 9","9 lets) : •ll\Ne-Wish:.td receive notifications and reviews.Of submitted changes. • • •