HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuitclaim Deed_1 (2).pdfEagle County, CO 201616949
Teak J Simonton 10/13/2016
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REC: $16.00 DOC: $37.60
Quitclaim Deed
This QTJiTCLAJM DEED, made this P' day of September, 2016 betwee11 W.
Rundall Dietrich and Kimberly A. Dietrich, Grnntors, and Christee" Richey LLC, Grantee.
As used herein, lhe tenns "Grnntors" aud "Grantee" include the respective heirs,
successors, successors-in-title, legal representatives and assigns of the parties where the
e<intext requires or pennits.
Grantors, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which
is hereby acknowledged and whidi was paid at and before the sealing and delivery of this
instrnment, for the purpose of conveying the real propc1ty described herein to Grantee
which is a separately formed single purpose entity fomicd for the exclusive purpose of
holding the real property described herein, hereby RELEASE, REMlSE AND :FOREVER
QUITCLAIM to Grnntee, all of the interest, right and title which Grantorn may have to that
certain plot, piece, tract or puree! of land, induding all of the b~iildi.ngs, appurtenances and
improvements thereon, if a11y, lying and being .in Eagle County, Colorado, more
µarticulurly described as follows:
Condominium Unit 12, Vail East Townhomes and Condominiums, according to l11e
Map thcrc-0f recorded May 8, 1981 in Book 3 3 2 .at Page 798 and the Amended Map
thereof recorded November 3, 1981 in Book 331 at Page 582 as Reception #227940
an.d as deiimx1 i.n the Condorni11ium Declaration r~orded May&, 1981 i.t1 Book 332
at Page 797, subject to the Tem1s, Conditio.ns, Obligations and Stipulations
contuined therein,
County of Eagle
Stale of Colorado
conunonly known as 5020 Main Gore Place, Uni.! D-12, Vail, Colorado 81657.
Granto.rs convey this tract or parcel of land to Grantee, together with alt the estate
and rights of Grantors iu said property, and Graul.ors assign lo Gnmlee all rights and
appurtenances belonging, or in anyway appertaining, to the proper use or benefit of the
above desc1ibed property.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all of the Gnultors' .righ~ title and interest in and to
the above described prope1ty m1to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, successors and/or assigns
forever; so that neither Granton; nor Grantors' heirs successors. and/or assigns shall have
claim o.r demand ally right or title to the property described above, or any of the buildings,
appurtenances and improvements thereon.
IN WITNESS of the ~x~ .. ~~ Granto.rs have e~used this instrument iQ be a~ed on
the <late writte.tt ~hove,
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State (}f(\)I0.1~) . )
Counfy of ..... ~~~~~~:.A~-:::.. )
The filmv-e i.mitmmmtt was ack11owledg{m before me on this
~1;1mb~-sr, 2016 hy W. Rmldrul l)fotti.ch
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