HomeMy WebLinkAboutB16-0484.pdf Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
-, _ i, _ Tel- 970-479-2128
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reSt:� ;- 2 � Development RevieW nitoi±-
(Separate applications are required for alarm&sprinkler)
Project Street Address: - Project#: '
L'e57 JLfh/Fin'.L.f
(Number) (Street) (Suite#) DRB#-
-. . �l
Building/Complex Building Permit#: \h_ 6 ��
g Complex Name:
Lot#: Block# Subdivision:
Contractor Information o
Business Name:We S�1 c.is?Vl h rcp lace ,.S.A.P191,9 Work Class: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration V
Business/� Address: glo &)Ut ilifri tm R4 I Type of Building: _
City 1 tV nVi n/ ,,l State: CO/_�` ZipU I(.0"30(�V Single-Family Duplex( ) Multi-Family( )
Contact Name:
/vithDi as W ehbc _; Commercial( ) Other( )
Contact Phone: 9-764d-7-11,3 N I Work Type: Interior(�' Exterior( ) Both( )
Contact E- ail:Yl j CSL W@ U)% ref IQ(L,coyv, �`.'. Valuation of
• -• Work Included Plans Included Work
Contractor -egistration Number
_ Electrical ( )Yes ( No ( . )Yes ( )No
X Mechanical 6, ,Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No
Owner/Owner's 'presentative Signature(Required) Plumbing ( •)Yes .( 4No ( )Yes ( )No
Project Info i' Building ( )Yes �No ( )Yes ( )No
Owner Name: =1 '/')arem V(4G/(h .
Parcel#: 071 V I 13 1-o i- of- Value of all work being performed: $ 31S�.1O
(For Parcel#,contact Eagle County Assessors Office at(970-328-8640 or visit (value based on SC Section y�8 8 IRC Section 708.3)
www.eaglecountyus/pate) Electrical Square Footage / IO/n
Detailed Scope and Location of Work: �e�� fl
C 'Y7C.V'r/ t' Jae), J 1/i' 'C' V ei 1-F
(use additional sheet if necessary)
For Office Use Only: Date Received:
Fee Paid: /)C;(")
Received From: RECEIVED
Cash - Check#
CC: Visa/MC Last 4 CC# exp date: NOV 1 / 2016
Auth #
Town of Vail