HomeMy WebLinkAboutB17-0049_M10_1494616938.pdfPerformance Specifications DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL Copyright 2017 - Rader Engineering, Inc. SECTION 15000--SYSTEM OVERVIEW 1. It is the intent of these specifications to outline the anticipated mechanical systems for budgetary pricing. These specifications are a supplement to K.H. Webb Architect's drawings. If there are any conflicts between the two specifications address any questions to the Architect. Equipment manufacturers listed shall be included as the base bid. Contractors may propose alternate equipment/systems to the base bid as an alternate price to the base bid. 2. A peer review will be performed by Rader Engineering, Inc. and K.H. Webb Architects. The mechanical contractor shall provide the following information for review: ̌ Boiler piping schematics. ̌ Equipment specifications. ̌ Equipment locations with access requirements. ̌ Coordinated duct routings and register sizing. ̌ Sequence of Operation. ̌ Mechanical room layout. ̌ Combustion air sizing and location. ̌ Flue sizing and routing. ̌ Temperature sensor locations. ̌ Manifold locations. ̌ Radiant zone schedule with tubing lengths and centers. 3. APPLICABLE CODES: a. 2015 International Codes 1. 2015 International Residential Code 2. 2015 International Energy Conservation Code 4. DESIGN CONDITIONS: a. Outdoor Design Conditions: 1. Winter: ƒ) '% 2. Summer: ƒ) '% ƒ) :% b. Indoor Design Conditions: 1. Winter: ƒ) '% 2. Summer: ƒ) '% c. Humidification: None provided d. Elevation: 8,100 feet e. Climate Zone: 6 5. BOILER LOADS: Rader Engineering has performed load calculations for the home and they are summarized below. Domestic water shall NOT be prioritized. Snowmelt loads are based on a heat flux of 125 Btu/SF. Central Boiler Loads a. Domestic water heating 101 MBH b. Space heat loss 129 MBH c. Kitchen make-up air (1,200 CFM) 90 MBH d. Fireplace make-up air (1,200 CFM) 90 MBH TOTAL 410 MBH Snowmelt Boiler Loads a. Snowmelt (3,620 SF) 453 MBH TOTAL 453 MBH 6. CENTRAL BOILER SYSTEM: A central boiler heating system, consisting of two high efficiency wall mounted fully modulating condensing boilers shall be installed to provide heat for the central boiler loads stated above. Boiler heat exchanger shall be a stainless steel fire-tube type with low water-side pressure drop. Utilize integral boiler controls to stage and modulate boilers based on demand. Provide a dedicated pump for each boiler. The base bid shall be for (1) Lochinvar WHN-199 (B-1) and (1) Lochinvar WHN-285 (B-2), with a total output at altitude (8,100 feet above sea level) of 352 MBH. The calculated load diversity shall not exceed 20%. The heating system shall be designed to maximize the boiler efficiency by allowing the system to operate below FRQGHQVLQJ WHPSHUDWXUHV OHVV WKDQ ƒ) UHWXUQ ZDWHU WHPSHUDWXUH DW DOO WLPHV H[FHSW GXULQJ D FDOO IRU GRPHVWLF water heating or make-up air. During a call for domestic water heating or make-up air, the heating water supply WHPSHUDWXUH VHWSRLQW VKDOO EH UDPSHG XS WR ƒ) IRU TXLFN UHFRYHU\ ,QFOXGH D FRQGHQVDWH QHXWUDOL]DWLRQ EDVLQ Terminate flues above the roof, per manufacturer's installation instructions. Refer to Architectural drawings for routing. Sidewall termination is not permitted. Boilers shall be located in the Mechanical Room. Do not prioritize domestic water heating. 7. SNOWMELT BOILER SYSTEM: A snowmelt boiler system, consisting of one high efficiency floor mounted fully modulating condensing boiler shall be installed to provide heat for the snowmelt boiler loads stated above. Boiler heat exchanger shall be a stainless steel fire-tube type with low water-side pressure drop. Utilize integral boiler controls to modulate boiler based on demand. Provide a dedicated pump for the boiler. The base bid shall be for (1) Lochinvar FTX-600N, with a total output at altitude (8,100 feet above sea level) of 473 MBH. The snowmelt system shall be designed to maximize the boiler efficiency by allowing the system to operate below FRQGHQVLQJ WHPSHUDWXUHV OHVV WKDQ ƒ) UHWXUQ ZDWHU WHPSHUDWXUH DW DOO WLPHV ,QFOXGH D FRQGHQVDWH neutralization basin. Terminate flues above the roof, per manufacturer's installation instructions. Refer to Architectural drawings for routing. Sidewall termination is not permitted. Boiler shall be located in the Mechanical Room. 8. WATER HEATERS: The domestic water heating system shall be supplied from the central boiler system. Provide (2) indirect water heaters with a storage capacity of 114 gallons each, Lochinvar Squire SIT 119 or equal. Each water heater shall have a dedicated pump on the boiler side. Include a domestic hot water recirculation system with automatic pump (Grundfos UP 10-16 PM A BU/LC) and dedicated recirculation piping system. Water heaters shall be located in the Mechanical Room. 9. RADIANT HEAT: The home is to be heated by a radiant floor system throughout. Radiant shall be the 1st stage of heat where supplemental heating is provided. The tubing shall be installed in the concrete slab or in a lightweight concrete/ gypcrete topping slab. Provide individual loop balancing valves as provided by the tubing manufacturer to adjust the flow rate to each loop. Do not install tubing under built-in cabinets. Tubing shall be run under all bath tubs and under all showers and extend into benches of the showers. Tubing shall also be run into closets associated with the Bedroom zones. Include temperature reset controls to automatically adjust radiant floor heating water temperatures based on outdoor air temperatures. Manifold locations must be coordinated with, and approved by, the Architect. Locate all radiant zone valves in the Mechanical Room. A common supply pipe can be run to serve all zones but individual dedicated UHWXUQ OLQHV RQH SHU ]RQH ZLOO EH UHTXLUHG WR EH ³KRPHUXQ´ WR WKH 0HFKDQLFDO 5RRP 7KH KHDWLQJ ]RQHV DUH DV follows: Radiant Zones 1. Guest Bed 1, Bath, WIC 2. Guest Bed 2, Bath, WIC 3. Lower Living, Wet Bar, Laundry 4. Guest Bed 3, Bath, & WIC 5. Bunk Room, Bath 6. Storage 7. Garage 8. Mud Room, Powder 9. Office 10. Kitchen, Dining, Living 11. TV Room, Powder 12. Master Bed 13. Master Bath, Master Closet 10. SNOWMELT: Provide snowmelting from the snowmelt boiler system. Design for a heat flux of 125 Btu/SF. Zoning is as follows: a. Zone #1 1. Driveway (2,285 SF) 2. Entry (370 SF) b. Zone #2 1. Hot Tub Walkway (115 SF) 2. Main Level Deck (850 SF) Each zone shall have a dedicated pump and manual controls to disable zone if desired. Each zone shall be controlled by a moisture/ temperature sensor (Tekmar 090/091) and snowmelt controller (Tekmar 654). 12-hour timer switches shall be installed in the garage, one for each zone, for manual override. Snowmelt system shall be filled with a 50% propylene glycol/ 50% water solution with corrosion inhibitors. Provide a separate dedicated loop for tubing at the end of the driveway which is inside the Town's right-of-way area, if applicable. Tubing shall be ´ 3(;$ RU 3(;% LQVWDOOHG RQ ´ FHQWHUV ,QVXODWLRQ VKDOO EH LQVWDOOHG XQGHU DOO H[WHULRU VQRZPHOW DUHDV Insulation shall be minimum R-10 closed cell foam insulation board, 2" thick. Insulation shall be traffic rated where required. 11. KITCHEN EXHAUST: ,QVWDOO D ´ GLDPHWHU NLWFKHQ H[KDXVW GXFW IURP WKH QHZ KRRG WR WKH VLGHZDOO DQG terminate with a louver. Include a backdraft damper. The hood has not been selected yet but is anticipated to have an airflow rating of 1,200 CFM. 12. KITCHEN MAKE-UP AIR: Kitchen make-up air shall be provided by FC-1 fan coil (see below). Kitchen make-up air shall be 1,250 CFM of tempered outside air. Include a variable speed pump and tempering controls at FC-1 WR WHPSHU WKH RXWVLGH DLU WR ƒ) DGM 13. FIREPLACE MAKE-UP AIR: Living Room Fireplace make-up air shall also be provided by FC-1 fan coil (see below). Fireplace make-up air shall be 1250 CFM of tempered outside air. During a simultaneous call for Kitchen MUA and Fireplace MUA, FC-1 fan coil shall provide 2,500 CFM of tempered outside air. 14. FC-1 FAN COIL: Provide a single zone, hydronic heating, DX cooling fan coil unit which shall serve multiple functions. a. FC-1 zone: Living, Dining, Kitchen, Pantry/Laundry, TV Room Fan coil shall be a horizontal unit located in the mechanical room, Carrier 39SH05 or equal. Fan coil shall be sized for 2,500 CFM at 0.75'' ESP minimum. Provide outside air louver, OA damper, and RA damper. Provide rough-in for a 5-ton outdoor condensing unit (CU-1), Carrier or equal, for future cooling. Supply air shall be provided using long linear contemporary floor grilles. Locate return grille(s) as high as possible in hallway by the Pantry/Laundry. a. Kitchen MUA Mode 1. Interlock with kitchen hood fan, as per code. 2. Dedicated hydronic heating pump runs in variable speed mode to maintain discharge air temperature. Include Tekmar controller. 3. OA damper set to 1,250 CFM, RA damper set to 1,250 CFM. b. Fireplace MUA Mode 1. Interlock with gas fireplace. 2. Dedicated hydronic heating pump runs in variable speed mode to maintain discharge air temperature. 3. OA damper set to 1250 CFM, RA damper set to 1,250 CFM. c. Simultaneous Call for Kitchen MUA & Fireplace MUA Mode 1. Interlock with both devices. 2. Dedicated hydronic heating pump runs in variable speed mode to maintain discharge air temperature. 3. OA damper set to 2,500 CFM, RA damper fully closed. d. Supplemental Heat Mode 1. Second stage heat at thermostat for Kitchen, Dining, Living. 2. Dedicated hydronic heating pump runs full speed. 3. OA damper fully closed, RA damper fully open (unless there is a call for MUA).  6HOHFW KHDWLQJ FRLO IRU D GLVFKDUJH DLU WHPSHUDWXUH RI ƒ) PLQLPXP GXULQJ VLPXOWDQHRXV FDOO IRU kitchen & fireplace make-up air. e. DX Cooling Mode 1. Provide rough-in for future cooling. f. +XPLGLILFDWLRQ VHH DOVR ³+XPLGLILFDWLRQ´ EHORZ 1. Provide rough-in for future humidification. 15. FC-2 FAN COIL: Provide a single zone, hydronic heating, DX cooling fan coil unit which shall serve multiple functions. a. FC-2 zone: Master Bedroom, Master Bath, Master Closet Fan coil shall be a horizontal unit, located in the Laundry ceiling, Carrier 39SH03 or equal. Fan coil shall be sized for 1,100 CFM at 0.75'' ESP minimum. Provide rough-in for a 2-ton outdoor condensing unit (CU-2), Carrier or equal, for future cooling. Supply air shall be provided using long linear contemporary floor grilles. Locate return grilles high on interior walls. Provide transfer air paths for the Master Bath and Master Closet. a. Supplemental Heat Mode 1. Second stage heat at thermostat for Master Bed. 2. Normally closed 2-way heating water control valve opens. b. DX Cooling Mode 1. Provide rough-in for future cooling. c. +XPLGLILFDWLRQ VHH DOVR ³+XPLGLILFDWLRQ´ EHORZ 1. Provide rough-in for future humidification 16. HUMIDIFICATION: Provide rough-in for future humidification. Include electrical connection, control wiring, water, and drain for future humidifier. 17. WINE ROOM SYSTEMS: None required. 18. A/V ROOM COOLING: Mechanical contractor to coordinate exact Btu/h heat rejection loads with AV Contractor. At minimum, assume a 300 CFM exhaust fan will be required. If loads are large enough, a small mini-split air conditioning system may be required. 19. STEAM SHOWERS: None required. 20. GRILLES, REGISTERS & DIFFUSERS: All supply, return and transfer grilles shall be Titus CT series linear bar grilles or equivalent. All grilles shall be pencil proof and shall have flangeless frames for flush installation. Size for NC of 25 maximum in bedrooms and 30 maximum in living areas. 21. WHOLE HOUSE VENTILATION: Provide an energy recovery ventilator (ERV-1) for whole house ventilation. (QHUJ\ UHFRYHU\ YHQWLODWRU VKDOO SURYLGH  &)0 DW ´ (63 5HQHZDLUH (9 RU HTXDO 6XSSO\ IUHVK DLU LQWR FC-2 return duct. Exhaust air from Master Bath and Water Closet. 22. BATH EXHAUST: Provide a ceiling mounted bath fan (EF-1) for each bathroom and water closet room. 3DQDVRQLF )994 RU HTXDO  &)0 # ´ (63 0DVWHU %DWK DQG :DWHU &ORVHW GR QRW QHHG EDWK IDQV VLQFH exhaust is provided from energy recovery ventilator. 23. MUD ROOM EXHAUST: Provide a ceiling mounted exhaust fan (EF-2), Panasonic FV-20VQ3 or equal, 190 &)0 # ´ (63 )DQ VKDOO EH FRQWUROOHG E\ ZDOO PRXQWHG KRXU WLPHU VZLWFK 24. GARAGE VENTILATION: Provide a ceiling mounted exhaust fan (EF-3) in the garage controlled by an RFFXSDQF\ VHQVRU ZLWK  WR  PLQXWH DGMXVWDEOH WLPH GHOD\ 3DQDVRQLF )994 RU HTXDO  &)0 # ´ ESP. Replacement air will come from the leakiness of the garage doors, so locate the fan away from the garage doors for cross ventilation. 25. MECHANICAL ROOM VENTILATION: Provide a 300 CFM outside air supply fan in the Mechanical Room. Fan shall each be controlled by a cooling thermostat. Provide relief air path to the Storage. 26. CONTROLS: It is anticipated that the home will be controlled by a Savant home automation system, including temperature controls. Provide a temperature sensor in each zone with a remote thermostat located in the mechanical room. 27. HYDRONIC PUMPS: All hydronic heating pumps shall be Grundfos wet-rotor type pumps, or equal. Pumps ZLWK D ô KS DQG JUHDWHU PRWRU VL]H VKDOO EH LQVWDOOHG ZLWK SLSLQJ LVRODWRUV WR PLQLPL]H YLEUDWLRQ WUDQVPLVVLRQ WR WKH piping. Piping isolators shall be Mason Industries Safeflex SFDEJ or equal (elastomeric piping isolators, peroxide cured EPDM with Kevlar reinforcement). 28. GAS PRESSURE REGULATORS: Contractor to size gas pressure regulators based on loads in Gas Loads Summary on M1.0. (4) regulators will be needed in total and shall all be located in the mechanical room. 29. RADON MITIGATION SYSTEM: Provide a sub slab soil exhaust system for the entire building, with provisions IRU D IXWXUH H[KDXVW IDQ LI QHFHVVDU\ 7KH V\VWHP ZLOO UHTXLUH D ´ GLDPHWHU 39& VFKHGXOH  ULVHU URXWHG WR WKH roof. 30. TAB: Full Testing, Adjusting & Balancing services will be required and shall be performed by a third party. ADD ALTERNATE OPTIONS: 1. DX COOLING: Provide ADD Alternate pricing to install a 5-ton condensing unit, Carrier or equal, for FC-1 fan coil and a 2-ton condensing unit for FC-2 fan coil. 2. HUMIDIFICATION: Provide ADD Alternate pricing to install a 10 lb/hr humidifier for FC-1 fan coil and a 5 lb/hr humidifier for FC-2 fan coil. DEDUCT ALTERNATE OPTIONS: 1. NON-REMOTE THERMOSTATS: Provide DEDUCT Alternate pricing to remove all temperature sensors from design and locate each thermostat in its respective zone. END OF SECTION 15000 3/13/17 05/12/17