HomeMy WebLinkAboutB16-0019 Engineers letter.pdf,_. !'_ 41 H-P3:::;KUMAR ~ l~ / 02~A~n~RoodlPO D~,1~7 ~ Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Phone: (970) 468-1989 Materials Testing I Environmental Fax: (970) 468-5891 Email: hpksummit@kumarusa.com Office Locations: Parker, Glenwood Springs, and Silverthorne, Colorado November 2, 2016 Christoff erson Commercial Builders, Inc. Attn: Craig Sorvald 3235 Fillmore Ridge Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Job No. 16-9-159 Subject: Construction Observation and Materials Testing Services, West Vail McDonalds Remodel, 2171 North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado. Dear Mr. Sorvald: As requested, please find the attached package of finalized reports for the West Vail McDonalds remodel project. Kumar and Associates, Inc. (H-P Kumar) was retained by Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. to provide construction observation and materials testing services for the construction of the subject project. H-P Kumar was on site during the period of August 8, 2016 to September 21, 2016. The services provided under this contract included part-time observation and materials testing with site visits requested by the contractor. 1) On site soil sampling and laboratory testing on 8/8/2016 (Attached). 2) Excavation observation on 8/15/2016 (Attached). 3) Fresh concrete testing on 8/17, 9/1, 9/13, 9/19, and 9/21/2016 (Attached). 4) Masonry wall observation on 8/23/2016 (Attached). 5) Grout Core testing on 8/26/2016 (Attached). 6) Parking lot subgrade soil observations on 9/19 and 9/21/2016 (Attached). 7) Subcontracted structural steel inspections on 919 and 9/21/2016 (Attached). Please let us know ifthere are any questions or if we can be of further assistance. Sincerely, H-P Kumar Jared Cohen Construction Services Manager Reviewed by: Chad Bringle Project Engineer ( ,_. .... SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS U.S. STANDARD SIEVES TIME READINGS 100 8" S" 3" 1112" 3/4" 3/8" #4 #8 #16 #30 #SO #100 #200 1 MIN 4 MIN 19 MIN 60 MIN 43S MIN ~ ....__ 90 '\ .. 80 70 \ I!) \ z Vi ~ 60 ............ I- ........... loo.. z w so u ......... a:: "-.. w a.. 40 '"" 30 20 10 0 1000 soo 200 127 7S 37.S 19.0 9.S 4.7S 2.3S 1.18 .60 .30 .lS .o7S .037 .019 .009 .oos .002 .001 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL SAND COBBLES COARSE I I CLAY(plastic) TO SILT(non-plastic) COURSE FINE MEDIUM FINE Grain Size (mm) Sieve Size % Passing Particle Size Distribution 200 8" 100 Cobbles: 0% 127 5" 100 Gravel: 39% 75 3" 100 Sand: 27% so 2" 95 Silt & Clay: 34% 37.5 11/2" 92 25.0 1" 91 Classification: Gravel (GM); Silty, Sandy 19.0 3/4" 89 Location: Sample #1, Existing On-Site Fill Soils 12.5 1/2" 84 Depth: 1.5 Feet Below Grade @ Drive Thru Area 9.5 3/8" 79 Sample Date: 8/8/2016 4.75 #4 61 Liquid Limit: 29 2.35 #8 59 Plasticity Index: 4 1.18 #16 56 0.60 #30 51 0.30 #50 46 0.15 #100 40 O.Q75 #200 34 16-9-159 H-P~KUMAR WEST VAIL MCDONALDS FIGURE 1 GRADATION TEST RESULTS i, • """ 125 * - 120 I \. ,...... 'I i\... LL (.) 'f \ Cl. ......... I I\ ~ I ' (/) ' z I \ w 115 J I\ c >-I I D 0:: c ,I, 110 5 10 15 20 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) SAMPLE LOCATION DEPTH DATE MAXIMUM OPTIMUM PROCTOR NO. DRY DENSITY MOISTURE METHOD 1 On Site Soils #1 -1.5' 8/8/16 *121.2 PCF *10.3% ASTM 0-698 Drive Thru Area Method C COBBLES 0 % GRAVEL 39 % SAND 27 % SILT AND CLAY 34 % LIQUID LIMIT 29 % PLASTICITY INDEX 4 % SAMPLE OF: Gravel (GM); Silty, Sandy LAB NO.: 733 * The optif'.Tlum moisture and density were corrected using ASTM 0-4718 due to oversized particles within sample. 16-9-159 H-P~KUMAR WEST VAIL MCDONALDS FIGURE 2 MOISTURE/DENSITY RELATIONSHIP It • SIEVE ANALYSIS HYDROMETER ANALYSIS CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS U.S. STANDARD SIEVES TIME READINGS 100 8" 5" 3" 111211 3/4" 3/8" #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 1 MIN 4 MIN 19 MIN 60 MIN 435 MIN "'\ 90 ' \ .. ,., . .. .. 80 \ , .. . 70 ' l!) z \ v; ... .. VI 60 ~ \ -· I-z UJ 50 u .. " a: UJ Cl. 40 ' " . 30 ' '\ 20 ' "I"" ,....__ 10 0 1000 500 200 127 75 37.5 19.0 9.5 4.75 2.35 1.18 .60 .30 .15 .075 .037 .019 .009 .005 .002 .001 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL SAND COBBLES COARSE I I CLAY(plastic) TO SILT(non-plastic) COURSE FINE MEDIUM FINE Grain Size (mm Sieve Size % Passing Particle Size Distribution 200 8" 100 Cobbles: 0% 127 S" 100 Gravel: 50% 7S 3" 100 Sand: 40% so 2" 100 Silt & Clay: 10% 37.S 11/2" 98 2S.O 1" 92 Classification: Gravel (GP-GM); Slightly Silty, Very Sandy 19.0 3/4" 8S Location: Sample #2, Existing On-Site Fill Soils 12.S 1/2" 72 Depth: At Site Grade @ Parking Area West Side 9.S 3/8" 6S Sample Date: 8/8/2016 4.7S #4 so Liquid Limit: 20 2.3S #8 43 Plasticity Index: NP 1.18 #16 35 0.60 #30 26 0.30 #SO 17 O.lS 11100 12 O.Q7S #200 10 16-9-159 H-P~KUMAR WEST VAIL MCDONALDS FIGURE 3 GRADATION TEST RESULTS L' ,.. 145 140 * ,......, ~ LL. (.) I \ a.. ............ \ >-J t-r; , Cf) z 135 w I \ Cl >-I \ e:::: Cl I~ 130 5 10 15 20 MOISTURE CONTENT (%) SAMPLE LOCATION DEPTH DATE MAXIMUM OPTIMUM PROCTOR NO. DRY DENSITY MOISTURE METHOD 2 On Site Soils #2 Grode 8/8/16 *139.6 PCF *6.7 % ASTM D-698 Parking Area Method C COBBLES 0 % GRAVEL 50 % SAND 40 % SILT AND CLAY 10 % LIQUID LIMIT 20 % PLASTICITY INDEX NP % SAMPLE OF: Grovel (GP-GM); Slightly Silty, Very Sandy LAB NO.: 734 *The optimum moisture and density were corrected using ASTM D-4718 due to oversized particles within sample. 16-9-159 H-P~ KUMAR WEST VAIL MCDONALDS FIGURE 4 MOISTURE/DENSITY RELATIONSHIP H-P~KUMAR Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental ., 240 Annie Road I P.O. Drawer 1887 Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone: (970) 468-1989 Fax: (970) 468-5891 Email: hpksummit@kumarusa.com Office Locations: Parker, Glenwood Springs, and Silverthorne, Colorado August 29, 2016 Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Attn: Colin Christofferson 3235 Filmore Ridge Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Job No. 16-9-159 Subject: Excavation Observation, West Vail McDonalds Remodel, 2171 North Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado. Dear Mr. Christofferson: As requested, a representative of Kumar & Associates, Inc. (H-P Kumar) observed the excavation at the subject site on August 15, 2016 to evaluate the soils exposed for foundation support. The findings of our observations and recommendations for the foundation design are presented in this report. Proposed Construction The proposed construction consists of a small addition to the west side of the existing structure. The addition will consist of a single story structure with the finished floor elevation at or above existing grade. Grouted solid masonry block walls and continuous footings will be used below grade and masonry block walls above grade. Ground floor will be concrete slab-on-grade. We reviewed the Foundation Plan and Structural Notes prepared by Core States Group, Project No. MCD-17784, dated 2/19/16. The plans indicated the structure was designed for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 pounds per square foot (psf). Excavation Observation At the time of our initial site visit, the foundation excavation had been cut in one level from about 4 to 5 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The soils exposed in the base of the excavation consisted of loose to medium dense, silty sand with gravel fill material. The soils were generally moist and offered little resistance when probed with a %-inch T-probe with penetrations of 18 to 24 inches. We recommended removing all fill material beneath foundations and floor slabs. Foundations should be extended down to the undisturbed granular soils or bear on properly placed structural fill. Slab-on-grade floors shall be placed on properly placed, moisture- conditioned structural fill. We returned to the site later on August 15, 2016. All fill material had been removed from below the proposed foundations and floor slab area to a depth of approximately 9 feet below the adjacent ground surface. The soils exposed at the base of the excavation consisted of dense reddish brown clayey sand with gravel. The soils were moist and offered stiff resistance when probed with a %-inch T-probe with maximum penetrations of 4 inches. Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. August29,2016 Page2 The base of the excavation measured approximately 10 feet wide and extended approximately 6 feet away from the existing basement wall. The cut slopes in the excavation consisted of silty sand with gravel fill material and were laid back approximately 1 % horizontal to 1 vertical. Foundation Recommendations Considering the conditions exposed in the excavation and the nature of the proposed construction, spread footings placed on the undisturbed natural granular soil designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf should be adequate for support of the proposed addition. Foundation settlements are anticipated to be relatively minor and essentially occur during construction. Loose and disturbed soils should be moisture-conditioned and compacted. The bearing soils should be protected from frost and concrete should not be placed on standing water, frost, or frozen soils. Exterior footings should be provided with adequate soil cover above the bearing elevation for frost protection. Backfill placed around the structure should be compacted and the surface graded to prevent ponding within at least 10 feet of the structure in accordance with the recommendations presented in the "Surface Drainage" section of this letter. Floor Slab Recommendations The silty sand with gravel fill material had been removed from the area under the proposed floor slabs of the addition. The natural clayey sand with gravel observed at the base of the excavation and structural fill is considered good for slab-on-grade construction. To reduce the effects of some differential movement, nonstructural floor slabs should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints which allow unrestrained vertical movement. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. Slab reinforcement and control joints should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. Structural fill placed beneath slabs can consist of the onsite granular soils or a suitable imported granular material, excluding topsoil and plus 6-inch material. Structural fill should be spread in thin horizontal lifts not to exceed 8 inches thick, adjusted to optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor dry density. We recommend vapor retarders conform to the minimum requirements of ASTM E1745 Class C material. Certain floor types are more sensitive to water vapor transmission than others. For floor slabs bearing on angular gravel or where flooring system sensitive to water vapor transmission are utilized, we recommend a vapor barrier be utilized conforming to the minimum requirements of ASTM E1745 Class B material. The vapor retarder should be installed in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. Underdrain and Dampproofing It is our understanding the finished floor elevation at the lowest level of the addition is above the surrounding exterior grade. Therefore, a foundation drain system and stem wall dampproofing is not required. We recommend below-grade construction, such as retaining walls, crawlspace and basement areas, be protected from wetting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdrain and wall drain system. If the finished floor elevation of the proposed structure has a floor level below the surrounding grade or the finished grading does not meet the minimum requirements of the "Surface H-P~ KUMAR Project No. 16-9-159 ... Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. August 29, 2016 Page 3 Drainage" section, we should be contacted to provide recommendations for an underdrain system and dampproofing. All earth retaining structures should be properly drained. Site Grading The following recommendations should be followed for grading, site preparation, and fill compaction. .. 1) Where fill is to be placed, topsoil, loose or otherwise unsuitable material should be removed prior to placement of new fill. The exposed soils should be scarified to a depth of 6 inches, moisture conditioned and compacted to the minimum requirements of the overlying fill. Soils should be compacted with appropriate equipment for the lift thickness placed. Lift thickness should be no more than 8 inches compacted at the recommended moisture content and greater than the minimum required density. 2) Permanent unretained cut and fill slopes should be graded at 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3: 1) or flatter and protected against erosion by revegetation or other means. The risk of slope instability will be increased if seepage is encountered in cuts and flatter slopes may be necessary. If seepage is encountered in permanent cuts, an investigation should be conducted to determine if the seepage will adversely affect the cut stability. This office should review site grading plans for the project prior to construction. 3) Slopes of 4:1 or steeper should be benched to provide a level surface for compaction. 4) All backfill should be processed so that it does not contain fragments larger than 6- inches in diameter and placed at the recommended moisture content. 5) The following compaction requirements should be used: TYPE OF FILL MOISTURE SOIL TYPE -Compaction Percent PLACEMENT CONTENT (ASTM 0698 -Standard Proctor) Foundation Wall ± 2% Optimum Processed Onsite -95% Backfill Below Floor Slabs ±2% Optimum Structural Fill -95% Landscape Areas ±2% Optimum Processed Onsite -90% Below Concrete ± 2% Optimum Processed Onsite -95% Flatwork/Pavements Utility Trenches As they apply to the finished area Suitability of Onsite Soil The onsite silty sand with gravel is suitable as common fill after moisture treatment. Structural Fill Structural fill used for support of the floor slabs can consist of the onsite silty sand with gravel soils or a relatively well-graded imported granular material with no rock larger than about 6 inches in diameter and be properly placed and compacted to reduce the risk of settlement and distress. Structural fills should be placed in accordance with the recommendations presented in the "Site Grading" section of this report. H-P~ KUMAR Project No. 16-9-159 Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. August 29, 2016 Page4 Surface Drainage The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the addition has been completed: 1) Inundation of the foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. 2) Backfill in pavement and slab areas should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor dry density at a moisture content within 2% of optimum. Exterior backfill placed in landscape areas should be compacted to at least 90% of the maximum standard Proctor dry density at a moisture content near optimum. 3) The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 12 inches in the first 10 feet in unpaved areas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet in paved areas. 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill. 5) Landscaping which requires regular heavy irrigation should be located at least 10 feet from foundation walls. The upper 2 feet of foundation wall backfill should consist of relatively impervious cover soil. Continuing Services Placement of structural fill under floor slabs should be observed and tested by a representative of the Geotechnical engineer to judge whether the proper placement conditions have been achieved. Limitations The recommendations submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the soils exposed within the foundation excavation and do not include subsurface exploration to evaluate the subsurface conditions within the loaded depth of foundation influence. This study is based on the assumption that soils beneath the footings have equal or better support than those exposed. The risk of foundation movement may be greater than indicated in this report because of possible variations in the subsurface conditions. In order to reveal the nature and extent of variations in the subsurface conditions below the excavation, drilling would be required. It is possible the data obtained by subsurface exploration could change the recommendations contained in this letter. Our services do not include determining the presence, prevention or possibility of mold or other biological contaminants (MOBC) developing in the future. If the client is concerned about MOBC, then a professional in this special field of practice should be consulted. If there are any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, H-P Kumar /. #~:7"'>~k~:o> E. Stoy Streepey, E. I. Staff Engineer H-P~ KUMAR Chad M. Bringle, P.E. Project Engineer Project No. 16-9-159 H-P~KUMAR Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental H-P Kumar P.O. Drawer 1887 240 Annie Road .. Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone: (970) 468-1989 Fax: (970) 468-5891 hpksummit@kumarusa.com Report of Concrete Cylinder Test Data Client: Attn: Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Colin Christofferson 3235 Fillmore Ridge Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Job No.: Sheet No.: Lab#: 16-9-159 1 of 497 Date: l 08/17/2016 Project: West Vail McDonalds Remodel, 2171 North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado. Placement Location: West Side Footings for Drive Thru; North Side (Footing Only), South Side (Footing and Slab) Test Location: North Side Footing Truck: 38 Time Batch: 7:52 am Supplier: Casey Concrete Ticket: 306960 Time Arrived: 8:45 am Yards: 5 of 5 Mix: 4000 psi % Exterior Time Placed: 9:35 am Method of Placement: Chute Physical Pro11erties: Water/Cement: 0.41 S11ecifications: Sample Point: End of Chute Water added: -0-Gal. Slump: 3-5 Inches Time Sampled: 9:30 am Slump: 5.0 Inches Air Content: +/-4 % Air Temp.: 58 op Air Content: 5.5 % Water I Cement: 0.45 Max Concrete Temp.: 65 op Wet Unit Wt.: 141.4 pcf Design Strength: 3,500 psi@28 days Time Cy!. Cast: 9:43 am Initial Cure: Field Field Storage: Cure Box Diameter: 4 Inches Area: 12.57 Inches2 Max/Min: NA op to NA op Compressive Strength Data Age Load Compressive Date Strength (Days) (lbs.) (psi) 7 08/24/2016 51,446 4,090 28 09/14/2016 69,748 5,550 28 09/14/2016 68,423 5,440 Hold ------------- Preliminary Observations and I or Testing Results Verbally Reported To: Craig Sorvald with Christofferson Commercial Bmlders Progress Report: Copies: Andrew Mc Williams Jared Cohen Field Observer Reviewed By '• H-P~KUMAR Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental Report of Construction Activities H-P Kumar P.O. Drawer 1887 240 Annie Road .. Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone: (970) 468-1989 Fax: (970) 468-5891 hpksummit@kumarusa.com Client: Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Colin Christoff erson Job No.: 16-9-159 Date: 08/23/2016 Attn: 3235 Fillmore Ridge Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Sheet No.: of 1 Project: West Vail McDonalds Remodel, 2171 North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado. Weather Conditions and Temperature: Cloudy, 60° F Major Equipment on Site: NA Contractor's Construction Activities: Contractor constructed 3 Masonry CMU walls; a new exterior wall for the drive-thru and two interior walls filling in existing openings on the west side of the building. The drive-thru wall measured 48 inches high by 80 inches wide and was constructed with 12 inch CMU blocks up to slab grade from -8 feet below grade. The north interior wall that was constructed in an existing opening was built from the slab up to 88 inches high by 64 inches wide with 8 inch CMU blocks. The south interior wall that was constructed in an existing opening was a "plug" and began up approximately 24 inches from the slab and measured 62 inches high, 118 inches wide, with 8 inch CMU blocks. H-P Kumar's Site Activities: As requested, H-P Kumar was on site to observe and document reinforcement steel placement for areas of masonry wall construction. While on site we observed 3 Masonry CMUWalls: Drive-Thru Wall -Observed ( 6) #5 re bars at the comer. Two bars in each cell; 3 cells. The bars were within 16 inches of each side of the comer. There were also (2) #5 rebars at each end of the wall. On the north side, a vertical bar was placed to maintain 40 inch on center spacing of vertical bars. No ladder or truss type reinforcement was placed. Contractor installed two bond beams that were not on the plans with (2) #5 rebars on each face at the 36 inch level and the 72 inch level. These bond beams were epoxied into the existing foundation wall. Contractor intends to fully grout the wall in all cells. North Wall -Wall was constructed with vertical bars at each end and one in the middle to maintain 40 inch on center vertical spacing. These bars were drilled into the foundation and extended to the top of the wall. As such, they have no lap. The (1) #5 rebar bond beam shown on the plans at the lowest course was not present, nor was the ladder/truss horizontal reinforcement. Contractor installed two bond beams that were not on the plans with (2) #5 rebars on each face at the 36 inch level and the 72 inch level. Contractor intends to fully grout the wall in all cells. South (Plug) Wall -Vertical reinforcement bars extended into the existing wall down to the slab. These bars could not be epoxied into the existing wall at the top due to a steel beam at that level. These vertical bars had 30 inches of overlap with the bars extending from the slab. Vertical bars were only present at the wall ends, no bars in the middle for 40" O.C. spacing. In addition there were no ladders as horizontal joint reinforcement every 16 inches as noted. Contractor installed two bond beams that were not on the plans with (2) #5 rebars on each face at the 36 inch level and the 72 inch level. Contractor intends to fully grout the wall in all cells. Verbal Communication With: Craig Sorvald with Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Copies: Andrew Mc Williams Jared Cohen Field Observer Reviewed By 'I H-P~KUMAR Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental H-P Kumar P.O. Drawer 1887 240 Annie Road Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone: (970) 468-1989 Fax: (970) 468-5891 hpksummit@kumarusa.com Report of Grout Core Test Data Client: Attn: Project: Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Colin Christofferson 3235 Fillmore Ridge Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Job No.: 16-9-159 Sheet No.: of Lab#: 506 West Vail McDonalds Remodel, 2171 North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado. Core Properties Date: 1 08/26/2016 Placement Location: Drive Thru Exterior Masonry Wall and (2) Interior Masonry Walls on the West Side of the Building Supplier: Casey Concrete Mix ID: 7SK20%3/81 Truck: 38 Ticket: 307127 Age When Cored: 6Days Core Preparation: Saw cut I Cap Core ID: Core #1 Age When Tested: 7 Date Tested: 09/02/2016 Diameter (in.) 2.75 Length (in.) 5.5 Area (in2) 5.94 Max Load (lbs) 28,073 Length I Diameter 2:1 Ratio Correction Factor NA Compressive 4,730 Strensrth (psi) Age When Tested: 7 & 28 Days Reinforcement Noted: None Comoressive Stren2th Data Core #2 28 09/23/2016 2.75 5.5 5.94 32,479 2:1 NA 5,470 Max. Aggregate Size: 3/8 Inches Design Strength at 28 days: 2,000 Core #3 28 09/23/2016 2.75 5.5 5.94 33,064 2:1 NA 5,570 psi Preliminary Observations and I or Testing Results Verbally Reported To: Craig Sorvald with Christofferson Commercial Builders Progress Report: Contractor filled masonry units with grout at the time of placement. H-P Kumar picked up the grout filled CMU blocks and returned them to our Silverthorne Laboratory for coring, moist curing, and compressive strength determination. Copies: Christofferson Commercial Builders Field Observer Jared Cohen Reviewed By ,, H-P~KUMAR Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental H-P Kumar P.O. Drawer 1887 240 Annie Road I • Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone: (970) 468-1989 Fax: (970) 468-5891 hpksummit@kumarusa.com Report of Concrete Cylinder Test Data Client: Attn: Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Colin Christofferson 3235 Fillmore Ridge Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Job No.: Sheet No.: Lab#: 16-9-159 1 of 511 Date: 1 09/01/2016 Project: West Vail McDonalds Remodel, 2171 North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado. Placement Location: (3) Interior Pier Footings and (2) Interior Slab In-Fill Test Location: Southwest Pier Footing Truck: 038 Time Batch: 3:04 pm Supplier: Casey Concrete Ticket: 307271 Time Arrived: 3:52 pm Yards: 6 of 6 Mix: 4000 psi -Interior Time Placed: 4:00 pm Method of Placement: Chute Ph:i::sical Pro12erties: Water/Cement: 0.41 S12ecifications: Sample Point: End of Chute Water added: -0-Gal. Slump: 3-5 Inches Time Sampled: 4:09 pm Slump: 4 Yi Inches Air Content: NA % Air Temp.: 75 op Air Content: 2.5 % Water I Cement: 0.45 Max Concrete Temp.: 75 op Wet Unit Wt.: 144.9 pcf Design Strength: 3,500 psi@28 days Time Cyl. Cast: 4:38 pm Initial Cure: Field Field Storage: Cure Box Diameter: 4 Inches Area: 12.57 Inches2 Max/Min: NA op to NA op Compressive Strength Data Age Load Compressive Date Strength (Days) (lbs.) (psi) 7 09/08/2016 53,658 4,270 28 09/29/2016 73,211 5,820 28 09/29/2016 74,975 5,960 Hold ------------- Preliminary Observations and I or Testing Results Verbally Reported To: Craig Sorvald with Christofferson Commercial Builders Progress Report: Copies: Andrew Mc Williams Jared Cohen Field Observer Reviewed By H-P~KUMAR Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental H-P Kumar P.O. Drawer 1887 240 Annie Road J • Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone: (970) 468-1989 Fax: (970) 468-5891 hpksummit@kumarusa.com Report of Concrete Cylinder Test Data Client: Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Job No.: 16-9-159 Date: 1 0911312016 Attn: Colin Christofferson 3235 Fillmore Ridge Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Sheet No.: of Lab#: 518 Project: West Vail McDonalds Remodel, 2171 North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado. Placement Location: Curb & Gutter; South Side of Drive Thru Area and Sidewalk on South Side of Building Test Location: Southwest Comer of Drive Thru Area Curb Truck: 992 Time Batch: 10:22 am Supplier: Casey Concrete Ticket: 307482 Time Arrived: 11:20 am Yards: 10 of 10 Mix: 4000 psi 7'4 Exterior Time Placed: 11:40 am Method of Placement: Chute Physical ProQerties: Water/Cement: NA SQecifications: Sample Point: End of Chute Water added: 7 Gal. Slump: 3-5 Inches Time Sampled: 11:41 am Slump: 5.0 Inches Air Content: +/-4 % Air Temp.: 65 op Air Content: 6.6 % Water I Cement: 0.45 Max Concrete Temp.: 70 op Wet Unit Wt.: 140.l pcf Design Strength: 4,000 psi@28 days Time Cyl. Cast: 11:54 am Initial Cure: Field Field Storage: Cure Box Diameter: 4 Inches Area: 12.57 Inches2 Max/Min: NA op to NA op Compressive Strength Data Age Load Compressive Date Strength (Days) (lbs.) (psi) 7 09/20/2016 55,367 4,400 28 1011112016 68,662 5,460 28 10/11/2016 67,154 5,340 Hold ------------- Preliminary Observations and I or Testing Results Verbally Reported To: Craig Sorvald with Christofferson Commercial Builders And Cotton with Casey Concrete Progress Report: Copies: Andrew Mc Williams Jared Cohen Field Observer Reviewed By H-P~KUMAR Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental Report of Construction Activities Client: Attn: Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Colin Christofferson 3235 Fillmore Ridge Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Job No.: 16-9-159 Sheet No.: 1 of Project: West Vail McDonalds Remodel, 2171 North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado. Weather Conditions and Temperature: Sunny, 55° F Major Equipment on Site: Concrete Truck with 10 Yard Load Contractor's Construction Activities: Contractor was preparing to pour parking area and drive lane concrete slabs. H-P Kumar P.O. Drawer 1887 240 Annie Road Silverthorne. Colorado 80498 Phone: (970) 468-1989 Fax: (970) 468-5891 hpksummit@kumarusa.com Date: 2 09/19/2016 Contractor performed a proof roll of the subgrade soils on the south side parking and drive-thru area. H-P Kumar's Site Activities: As requested, H-P Kumar was on site to test and observe the scheduled fresh concrete placement for the south side parking area and drive lane concrete slabs (page 2of2). In addition, while on site we were requested to observe a proof roll of the prepared subgrade soils in these areas and document conditions. Contractor plans to pour concrete starting at the west end of the lot and continue across to the east to approximately 15 feet past the southwest building corner today. Contractor plans to pour the remaining approximate 95 by 35 foot section to the east on 09/21/2016. Contractor utilized a concrete mixer truck with a 10 yard load for the proof roll. The area observed was on the south side of the parking I drive-thru area. We were not able to observe a proofroll of the entire area as the contractor had already placed some concrete on the north end of the southwest portion. The majority of the subgrade observed during the proof roll appeared firm with minimal to no areas of deflection with the exception of two areas where excessive pumping was noted. The first soft area identified extended from the southwest corner of the building, 27.5 feet west, 12.5 feet east, and south to the end of the parking area adjacent to the newly poured curb. Recommended to the contractor to remove and replace the softened soils prior to concrete placement. Contractor informed us that they plan to pour this area today (09/19/2016) and will attempt to bridge the soft soils by reinforcing the concrete. Informed that they will place a rebar mat consisting of#7 and #8 rebar running north/south and east/west as additional reinforcement. The second area where pumping was observed was approximately 6 feet off of the southeast corner of the building and measured approximately 7 by 14 feet. Contractor informed us that for this area they will remove and replace the moistened soils and requested that we observe again prior to concrete placement scheduled for Wednesday, 0912112016. Verbal Communication With: Craig Sorvald with Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Copies: Andrew Mc Williams Jared Cohen Field Observer Reviewed By H-P~KUMAR Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental H-P Kumar P.O. Drawer 1887 240 Annie Road Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone: (970) 468-1989 Fax: (970) 468-5891 hpksummit@kumarusa.com Report of Concrete Cylinder Test Data Client: Attn: Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Colin Christofferson 3235 Fillmore Ridge Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Job No.: Sheet No.: Lab#: 16-9-159 2 of 525 Date: 2 09/19/2016 Project: West Vail McDonalds Remodel, 2171 North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado. Placement Location: Drive-Thru Slab and Western Portion of the South Parking Area Slab Test Location: Southwest Comer of the Placement Area Truck: 287 Time Batch: 7:52 am Supplier: Casey Concrete Ticket: 307603 Time Arrived: 8:40 am Yards: 20 of 50 Mix: Class B/DIP CDOT 20 Time Placed: 9:01 am Method of Placement: Chute Phxsical Pro12erties: Water/Cement: NA S12ecifications: Sample Point: End of Chute Water added: -0-Gal. Slump: 3-5 Inches Time Sampled: 9:04 am Slump: 5 Yi Inches Air Content: +/-4 % Air Temp.: 55 op Air Content: 6.6 % Water I Cement: 0.45 Max Concrete Temp.: 67 op Wet Unit Wt.: 139.l pcf Design Strength: 4,000 psi @28 days Time Cyl. Cast: 9:17 am Initial Cure: Field Field Storage: Cure Box Diameter: 4 Inches Area: 12.57 Inches2 Max/Min: NA op to NA op Compressive Strength Data Age Load Compressive (Days) Date (lbs.) Strength (psi) 7 09/26/2016 63,233 5,030 28 10/17/2016 67,199 5,350 28 10/17/2016 69,421 5,520 Hold ------------- Preliminary Observations and I or Testing Results Verbally Reported To: Craig Sorvald with Christofferson Commercial Builders and Marvin with Casey Concrete Progress Report: Copies: Andrew Mc Williams Jared Cohen Field Observer Reviewed By H-P~KUMAR Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental Report of Construction Activities Client: Attn: Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Colin Christofferson 3235 Fillmore Ridge Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Job No.: 16-9-159 Sheet No.: 1 of Project: West Vail McDonalds Remodel, 2171 North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado. Weather Conditions and Temperature: Overcast, 55° F Major Equipment on Site: Concrete Truck with 10 Yard Load Contractor's Construction Activities: Contractor was preparing to pour the eastern half of the south parking area slab. H-P Kumar P.O. Drawer 1887 240 Annie Road Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone: (970) 468-1989 Fax: (970) 468-5891 hpksummit@kumarusa.com Date: 2 09/21/2016 Contractor performed a proof roll of the subgrade soils for the eastern half of the south parking area. H-P Kumar's Site Activities: As requested, H-P Kumar was on site to test and observe the scheduled fresh concrete placement for the eastern half of the south side parking area (page 2 of 2). In addition, while on site we were requested to observe a proof roll of the prepared subgrade soils in this area and document conditions. Contractor plans to pour concrete starting approximately 15 feet past the southwest building comer and continuing to the east to the existing parking area (approximate 95 by 3 5 foot section). Contractor utilized a concrete mixer truck with a 10 yard load for the proof roll. The majority of the subgrade observed during the proof roll appeared firm with minimal to no areas of deflection with the exception of one area where excessive pumping was noted. Recommended to the contractor to remove and replace the softened soils prior to concrete placement. Contractor informed us that they plan to pour this area today and will attempt to bridge the soft soils by reinforcing the concrete. Informed that they will place a rebar mat consisting of#7 and #8 rebar running north/south and east/west as additional reinforcement. Verbal Communication With: Craig Sorvald with Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Copies: Andrew Mc Williams Jared Cohen Field Observer Reviewed By \~ . H-P~KUMAR Geotechnical Engineering I Engineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental ' H-P Kumar P.O. Drawer 1887 240 Annie Road Silverthorne, Colorado 80498 Phone: (970) 468-1989 Fax: (970) 468-5891 hpksummit@kumarusa.com Report of Concrete Cylinder Test Data Client: Attn: Christofferson Commercial Builders, Inc. Colin Christofferson 3235 Fillmore Ridge Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80907 Job No.: 16-9-159 Sheet No.: 2 of Lab#: 529 Date: 2 09/21/2016 Project: West Vail McDonalds Remodel, 2171 North Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado. Placement Location: Eastern Portion of the South Parking Area Slab Test Location: Northwest Corner of the Placement Area Truck: 83 Time Batch: 7:10 am Supplier: Casey Concrete Ticket: 307664 Time Arrived: 8:15 am Yards: 10 of NA Mix: M02462 Time Placed: 8:46 am Method of Placement: Chute Physical Pro12erties: Water/Cement: 0.40 SQecifications: Sample Point: End of Chute Water added: -0-Gal. Slump: 3-5 Inches Time Sampled: 8:47 am Slump: 5.0 Inches Air Content: +/-4 % Air Temp.: 52 op Air Content: 4.8 % Water I Cement: 0.45 Max Concrete Temp.: 70 op Wet Unit Wt.: 142.6 pcf Design Strength: 4,000 psi @28 days Time Cyl. Cast: 8:58 am Initial Cure: Field Field Storage: Cure Box Diameter: 4 Inches Area: 12.57 Inches2 Max/Min: NA op to NA op Compressive Strength Data Age Load Compressive (Days) Date (lbs.) Strength (psi) 7 09/28/2016 60,539 4,820 28 10119/2016 83,729 6,660 28 10/19/2016 85,493 6,800 Hold ------------- Preliminary Observations and I or Testing Results Verbally Reported To: Craig Sorvald with Christofferson Commercial Builders Progress Report: Copies: Andrew Mc Williams Jared Cohen Field Observer Reviewed By INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-674-7560 OBSERVATION REPORT Page 1 ... t ' .. of __ 2 Client: ----~Ku=m~a=r~H~-~P _______ ITIS Job No: 090916-A Date : __ """"'9-..-19 ...... 11"""6 __ Project: ----=M=cD __ o=n-=a=ld=s ______ Location: _____ V'"""""a=il........:C;...;::O'-------- Inspector: -----=D=a...,vi=d-=L.:....;. S=t=u'"""rg=e=on'""------ This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form. Also included may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies" (0.D. List). The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon President ICBO Certified Inspector #1138247-85 AWS QC-1 #82122691 Resident Level 111 ·. . INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-674-7560 Page -~2- INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING FIELD REPORT FORM of i. I • t 2 ~ Inspector: -----=D"""a,...v=id'"""L""'".""'S=tu""'rg='e=on...._ __ _ Job No. ___ 0~9~0~91~6~-A~-Date: -~9~/9~/1~6 __ _ Field Made Welds X Shop Made Welds __ _ Type of Welds Inspected: Fillet X Groove Other ___ _ Type of Component (i.e.: Column, beam girder, moment weld, etc) As Recorded Applicable Code or Standard: A WS AREAS OF INSPECTION LEVEL OR ELEVATION: Roof 3 X $ X W' Reinforcing GRID LINE LOCATON(S): Just North of A-line. Adjacent to a New Moment Frame CONDITIONS OF NONCONFORMANCE I INSPECTION RESULTS; The field welding was not yet completed the time of this inspection; however, the work completed was found conforming. ITIS will follow-up with inspections when the work is comopleted. LEVELORELEVATION: ______ R~o~o_f ______ ~9~o=f=S~3.=l _____ ~J=oi=st~R=e=in=f<=or~c=in~g GRID LINE LOCATION(S): 2.3 and North of A-line CONDITIONS OF NONCONFORMANCE I INSPECTION RESULTS: At the referenced locations, three joist require point load reinforcing. The erector and G.C. were informed LEVEL OR ELVA TION: Roof Decking GRID LINE LOCATION(S): Just North of A-line, Adjacent to a New Moment Frame CONDITIONS OF NONCONFORMANCE I INSPECTION RESULTS: The decking is in place and is screwed down per the requirements; however, the welded side has not been completed. ITIS will Follow-up when complete. '.· . INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-674-7560 OBSERVATION REPORT Client: ------'"K=u=m=a,,_r .:...:.H-_,_P _______ ITIS Job No: 090916-A Project: ------'"M=c=D=o""'na=ld=s"-------Location: ____ _,V..,.a=il co Inspector: ----'D=a=v=id:....:L=·-=S=tu"""rg:a.::e=o.:..:..n ___ _ .. J •• Page 1 of __ 3 Date : __ _..91,,..2...:..:.11...!..:16"--- This report package contains information concerning specific tests and inspections of structural steel welding, structural bolting, structural sprayed fireproofing, and/or nondestructive testing. The specific criteria utilized in judging the degree of conformance for each area of inspection are contained on each individual inspection form. Also included may be ITIS' "List of Outstanding Discrepancies" (O.D. List). The O.D. List will be consecutively numbered for each page issued throughout the duration of the project. Each individual item listed will also be consecutively numbered. If there are any questions regarding the content of this report, please feel free to contact ITIS at your convenience. David L. Sturgeon President ICBO Certified Inspector #1138247-85 AWS QC-1 #82122691 Resident Level 111 • • INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-67 4-7560 FAX 303-674-7560 Page -~2- INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING FIELD REPORT FORM of 3 Inspector: ----=D=av=id=L=.'-"S,_tur~ge=o=n __ _ Job No. ----=0~90=9 ...... 16=--.._.A._____ Date: -~9~/2~1/~1~6 __ _ Field Made Welds X Shop Made Welds __ _ Type of Welds Inspected: Fillet X Groove Other ___ _ Type of Component (i.e.: Column, beam girder, moment weld, etc) As Recorded Applicable Code or Standard: A WS AREAS OF INSPECTION LEVEL OR ELEV A TION: Roof 5 ofS3.0 L-Bracing GRID LINE LOCATON(S): North of A-line CONDITIONS OF NONCONFORMANCE I INSPECTION RESULTS; The L-bracing has been installed, and the field welding was found confonning. LEVELORELEVATION: --~R=o=o~f _______ ~5~o=f~S=3.=0 __ ~S=tru~ctur~a~IB=o=l=re=d~C=o=nn=e=ct=io~ns GRID LINE LOCATION(S): A-line CONDITIONS OF NONCONFORMANCE I INSPECTION RESULTS: The l" A-325 bolts were installed and hand tensioned. The installation was judged as confonning. LEVEL OR ELVATION: Roof 5 of S3 .1 and 2 of S3. l Penetrations & Joist Reinforcing GRID LINE LOCATION(S): ------------------------- CONDITIONS OF NONCONFORMANCE I INSPECTION RESULTS: The field welding of the roof penetrations was found confonning. Three joist required web reinforcing due to top flange point-loading. The installation and field welding were found confonning. .. .-. INDEPENDENT TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES INC. 12084 VASEEN CT. CONIFER, COLORADO 80433 303-674-7560 FAX 303-674-7560 Page 3 INITIAL VISUAL INSPECTION OF WELDING FIELD REPORT FORM of 3 Inspector: David L. Sturgeon Job No. 090916-A Date: 9/21/16 Field Made Welds X Shop Made Welds X Type of Welds Inspected: Fillet X Groove Other __ _ Type of Component (i.e.: Column, beam girder, moment weld, etc) -----~A~s~R~ec~o~rd~ed ______ _ Applicable Code or Standard: A WS AREAS OF INSPECTION LEVEL OR ELEVATION: Roof Decking GRID LINE LOCATON(S): North of A-Line CONDITIONS OF NONCONFORMANCE I INSPECTION RESULTS: The decking was viewed and found welded and screwed down per the specifications and was found conforming. LEVEL OR ELEV A TION: GRID LINE LOCATION(S): CONDITIONS OF NONCONFORMANCE I INSPECTION RESULTS: LEVEL OR ELV ATION: GRID LINE LOCATION(S): CONDITIONS OF NONCONFORMANCE I INSPECTION RESULTS: