HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC17-0006 approved documents.pdf Planning& Environmental Commission(PEC)
Department of Commu nityDevelopment
75 South Frontage Road West
Tel: 970-479-2139
Project Name: Mountain View Residences Application Number: PEC17-0006
Application Type: (SDD)
Special Development District Date Applied: 03/27/2017
Project Description: Establishment of a new special development distr ictfor Vail Mountain View
Contact Type: Applicant
Fu II Name: Mauriello Planning Group (Dominic Maur iello)
Address: Phone: 970-376-3318
Contact Type: Property Owner
Full Name: Common Area
Address: Phone: None
Project Address: 434 FRONTAGE RD E (210108289999)
Job Site Location:
Legal Description: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 5 Lot: 1 Block: Data
Parcel Nu tuber: 210108289999
Motion By: Moffat Action: Approved 2nd Reading
Second By: Langmaid
Vote: 4-3-0 (Foley, Brunoand Mason Date: 12/19/2017
- a. Approval of an associated Design Review Board("DRB") application. b. Priorto submittal of the DRB
application, the Applicant shall wor kwith Town staff to incr easethe numberand size of the new landscape
plantings to meet the recommendations of the Vail Village Master Plan concerning planted buffers. c. Pr iorto
the issuance of the fir stcertificate of occupancy for the project, the Applicant shall execute and record, in a
for mapproved by the Town Attorney, a pedestrian easement on the east side of the applicant's property for
the existing paved path and stair sfromthe South Frontage Road right-of-way to the Town's recreational
path. d. Priorto issuance of the fir stcertificate of occupancy for the project, the Applicant shall design and
construct a continuous 10'-wide separated concrete sidewalkalong the South Frontage Road fr omVail
Valley Dr iveto the easternmost boundary of the Property. All necessaryeasementsfor the sidewalkwest of
the Property shall be acquir edby the Town within 11 months of issuance of the fir stbuilding permit for the
project. The sidewalk shall be designed in generalaccordance with Plan Sheet C1.01 dated September14,
2017, and shall be approved by the Town pr iorto construction. The Applicant shall gr anta
pedestrian/roadway easement on the Property to the Town as shown on plan sheet C1.01 dated September
14, 2017. In such sidewalk,the Applicant shall install a snowmelt system, including the heat sour ceand all
necessarycomponents, in compliance with Town standards,. The Applicant shall be responsible for the cost
of maintenance and operation of the sidewalkand snowmelt system,and the Applicant shall execute the
Town's standard snowmelt maintenance agreement. The Townwill be responsible for the maintenance and
operation of the sidewalk and snowmelt system that is west of the Property, and the Applicant shall execute
the Town's standard snowmelt operations reimbursement agreement for that portionof the sidewalk and
snowmelt system.e. Pr iorto issuance of the firstbuilding permit for the project, the Applicant shall pay the
Traffic Mitigation Fees for the net new increase in development traffic generated by the project, which has
been calculated at 14 PM Peak Hourtrips,aftertakinga multi-modal reductionand excluding the EHUs.The
Traffic Mitigation Fees shall be $11,200 per net new PM Peak Hourtrip,which results in a total fee of
$156,800. f. Priorto issuance of the fir stbuilding permit for the project, the Applicant shall provide a
construction staging plan and parking plan to demonstrate that the construction will not impact public parking
or adjacent properties. g. Within 90 days afterthe issuance of the fir stbuilding permit for the project, the
Applicant shall engage the Town'sArt in Public Places Boar don the determination of an acceptable public art
installation. The minimumvalue of the public art installation shall be $50,000. h. Pr iorto the issuance of the
fir stbuilding permit for the project, the Applicant shall pay the recreational amenities tax as required by
Section 12-9A-11 of the Vail Town Code. i. Pr iorto the issuance of the fir stcertificate of occupancy for the
project, the Applicant shall execute and record deed restrictions, in a formapproved by the Town Attorney,
for the EHUs. j. Priorto obtaining any building permit for the project, the Applicant shall obtain approval from
the Colorado Department of Transportation ("CDOT") for all proposed wor kwithin the CDOT r fight-ofway, and
shall submitevidence of such approval to the Town.k. The applicant shall providethe Town of Vail with a
cash contribution of $265,000.00 to the Town of Vail Housing Fund pr iorto issuance of any building permit
for the project. I. Priorto submitting for DRB approval, the building plans shall be amended to include, at a
minimum, all Juliet Style balconies as shown on plan sheet labeled"south elevation"from359 Design dated
December2017 and included as Attachment A to the Town Council Memorandurrdated December19, 2017.
m. Pr iorto submitting for DRB approval, the building plans shall be amendedto include, at a minimum, a 10
kW roof mounted solar system designed to offset 50% or mor eof the ener gyconsumed by the snowmelted
sidewalkfromthe easternproperty line to Vail Road.
Planner: Jonathan Spence
The applicant must submit written joint property owner approval for applications affecting shared ownership properties
such as duplex, condominium, and multi-tenant buildings. This form, or similar written correspondence, must be com-
pleted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home owner's association in the case of a con-
dominium or multi-tenant building.All completed forms must be submitted with the applicants completed application.
I, (print name) Mary Anne Redmond , a joint owner, or authority of the association,
of property located at 434 S. Frontage Road Mountainview Residences on Gore Creek , provide this letter as written
approval of the plans dated March 27, 2017 which have been submitted to the
Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address not-
ed above. I understand that the proposed improvements include:
Application of an SDD overlay zone district which allows the construction of new dwelling units, accommodation units,
and employee housing units generally above the current parking structure and related applications and improvements.
I understand that modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance
with the Town's applicable codes and regulations; and that it is the sole responsibility of the applicant to keep the joint
property owner apprised of any changes and ensure that the changes are acceptable and appropriate. Submittal of an
application results in the applicant agreeing to this statement.
3/,) 77/•
Signature Date
moi 4► M��� P��s� VnieR
Print Name Title/Position
I/We authorize any and all changes submitted to the Town in reference to the above mentioned project.
(Initials) I/We waive all rights to notification and review of submitted changes.
I/We do not authorize any changes submitted to the Town in reference to the above mentioned project
(Initials) I/We wish to receive notifications and reviews of submitted changes
I Id
Mauriello Planning Group
September 14, 2017
Jonathan Spence,AICP
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, Colorado 81657
Re: Revised Plans and Written Narrative -Vail Mountain View SDD
Dear Jonathan:
As you know we have been working with members of the Vail Mountain V iewPhase 1 HOA in order to
address comments and concerns we have received from them. We have met with the HOA representatives
on several occasions and have communicated with them via phone and email on countless occasions over the
last month.
The plans have been revised to address many of their comments. A general summary of the changes are:
• The site plan was updated to show Phase 1 more fully;
• The garage plans were updated to show Phase 1 parking as well as Phase 2 parking. Due to changes
in the parking levels and the addition of mechanical space and the provision of one parking space
outside of the parking structure,the total number of parking spaces provided is 111 spaces. The
previous plans indicated 112 parking spaces;
• A section drawing has been provided at the request of the Phase 1 owners showing the relationship
of the two buildings at the far east end of the building;
• The deck areas on the south side of the building have been modified and substantially reduced in
size. We heard from the Phase 1 owners that they did not like having people in the Phase 2 building
looking directly down to the pool or across at the Phase 1 building from the hotel lobby deck area.
Additionally, a 4'tall solid screen(fence/wall) has been provided along with vegetation to prevent
this direct view from the lobby deck;
• There have been refinements to the GRFA calculations for the project. Nothing has really changed
in terms of the plan but the calculations now more accurately reflect all of the previous changes
made to the plan since June.
The narrative was updated to reflect the changes.
Please let me know if you have any questions and we look forward to the hearing on September 25.
Dominic F.Mauriello, AICP
Box 4777 VG 970.376.3318
Eagle, Colorado 81631 www.mpgvail.com
Mauriello Planning Group
noTurnKey 5871/2 Grand Cascade Way
Consulting, LLC Grand Junction, CO 81501
TO: Tom Kassmel, Town of Vail
FROM: Skip Hudson
COPY: Dominic Mauriello
DATE: April 19, 2017
RE: Turn Lane Evaluation— South Frontage Road
Combined Properties — Mtn View + Apollo Park - REVISED
The existing Mtn View site AccessPoint is authorized by a CDOT accesspermit. However,the
proposed changes in site use prompted the need to determine if the existing access permit would
still be valid. TurnKey Consulting prepared a letter to CDOT dated 4/17/17, stating that the traffic
generated by the proposed condition still complied with the terms and conditions of the current
CDOT access permit (proposed project trips less than permitted volume of trips). CDOT has not
replied to confirm the finding of this letter.
The Town of Vail recently requested an evaluation of the need for a westbound left turn
deceleration lane at the Mtn View access point, when combined with traffic from the adjacent
access to Apollo Park. This memorandum provides that evaluation.
Existing Conditions
The following Figures shows the existing Mtn View Access location and the Frontage Road
configuration. They also show how the two adjacent access points are configured The two
properties have individual access points within the CDOT right of way, but the two parking lots
are connectedon private property. This gives the appearanceof a single "circulardriveway."
Figure 1 — Access Vicinity Map
, ------- -----4441,11111ftw:. ____.4iiiiw__, __ .
Page 1 of 4
Figure 2 - Existing Access & Parking Configuration
Mtn View
'• Parking Lot Acres:
Connection i r
I 414• Apollo Park
✓ �} d Access
f. '
Future Land Use Condition
Mtn View Proposal
The total future land uses for Mtn View would include the following:
• 9 Single Family Residential (attached)
• 21 Motel Rooms (limited services like no restaurant and limited front desk)
• 35 Residential Condo/Townhouse
• 0 public parking spaces
Existing Apollo Park to Remain
The total existing land uses for Mtn View include the following:
• 34 Timeshare
• 6 Residential Condo/Townhouse
Access Volume Traffic Volume Estimate(Trip Generation)
The attachments include the detailed trip generation calculation for each property, based on the land
uses described above. This includes a trip reduction factorfor86% Occupancyper ITE LUC#231.
Mtn View Proposal
The following table provides a summary of the proposed Mtn View traffic at the existing accesspoint.
Table 1 - Proposed Mtn View Trip Generation
Period Inbound Outbound Total
Trips (vph) Trips (vph) Trips (vph)
AM Peak Hour 17 40 57
PM Peak Hour 30 25 55
Page 2 of 4
Existing Apollo Park
The following table provides a summary of the existing traffic at the existing access point.
Table 2 - Existing Apollo Trip Generation
Period Inbound Outbound Total
Trips (vph) Trips (vph) Trips (vph)
AM Peak Hour 4 15 19
PM Peak Hour 17 10 27
Total Both Projects
The following table provides a summary of the total traffic at the existing accesspoint.
Table 3 - Total Trip Generation for Both Properties
Period Inbound Outbound Total
Trips (vph) Trips (vph) Trips (vph)
AM Peak Hour 22 54 76
PM Peak Hour 47 35 82
This estimate is conservativefor the following reasons, and should be considered the highest possible
traffic volume that would occurat this access point.
1. ITE provides a few different land use categories,and this evaluation used the highest possible
trip generation rates of the various options.
2. The evaluation assumed 100% personal vehicletrips. There was not trip reduction to account
for multi-modal trips— bus, bike, and walk. In Vail, this is a veryconservativeapproach.
Assessment of Need for Westbound Left Turn Deceleration lane
There are three parts to this assessment:
ProjectTrip Distribution Assumptions
Please see the attachedtrip distribution calculation,whichwas based on Town of Vail Traffic Counts at
the nearest public intersection(Vail Valley Drive)on the South Frontage Road. These peak hour counts
show the following traffic distributions to/from the east and west on South Frontage Road.
• AM = 92% to/from the west, 8% to/from the east
• PM = 87% to/from the west, 13% to/from the east
CDOT Left Turn Lane Warrant Evaluation
These traffic volumes were determined by applying the trip distribution factorsin each condition(8% &
13%) to the total inbound traffic volume in each condition(22 vph & 47 vph).
• AM = 2vph
• PM = 6 vph
For a Frontage Road (FR) AccessClassification,the State Highway AccessCode indicates that a left
turn deceleration lane is warranted when the turning volume is"more than 25 vph." Therefore,a left turn
deceleration lane is not warranted w hen considering traffic from both properties.
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CDOT Right Turn Lane Warrant Evaluation
These traffic volumes were determined by applying the trip distribution factors in each condition(92% &
87%) to the total inbound traffic volume in each condition(22 vph &47 vph).
• AM = 20vph
• PM = 41 vph
For a Frontage Road (FR) AccessClassification,the State Highway Access Code indicates that a left
turn deceleration lane is warranted when the turning volume is "more than 50 vph." Therefore, a right
turn deceleration lane is not warranted when considering traffic from both properties.
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