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B16-0128 Special Inspection.pdf
WWN~ FINAL REPORT OF SPECIAL INSPECTIONS {). ~., '"'l ,-,11.,,..., f , 1.~. \ _ vtux' , .. (. \. . t.L' ., Al f ' r'!, /: I ii' j} JJi (\\iv U /? l \ ...... v V1.1 t...t-ft _ ermit Number. --------- . /AQ « 11/l J "I , r '" i // / I Project: Project Location: i{'-r L 1' J 1 ~0-<1Dv..J. VO<' t GO /CJ [ C.,. Ci 0 Address City:-----Zip:------ }) J \ A \ 1 • ~1 r_Lf} ·/·r 1 v111Co f"' Design Professional In Charge: J_,t.t td r, ft'llJ. /1 (!/ v · ' t ... , •Jv ..A .-,,,.··o· 7 "7 ,(J o /' _ 1 ' ~-u Address: ·> ;,_. . ..-<..: K · k;l.~ t/ ... -'°' 1 /t .!t,,t iJocLi L 1. ,, i: ,Ill) A.11:;· iJI /1-11c1oq:r7 C't . ·-' 111 t . . -, /; 1 I"\" . ., S t I z· y,r r. ' Ph ,_:.![. ' "" " -' ,_ O I y· ~ I "l ;__"": r i..l " ta e: _\...../__,,,____ 1p: ~ one: f t;, -• l , '! f l C l?4 W :-'1 •-l . l'.i.J'.~,!:' ;{ I Cf .4' 1;/ {'u_Cf1 ,., , ·ti Fax··.~, '1../ 0 t -" ' E~rna1L ~-· /j y(cf.lll+ \J?:_ /1. C..lf!'t/Jt:<-, ~ 1• CC7 vh / \_;. l- To the best of my information, knowledge, and belief, the special inspections and/or testing required for this project. have been completed in accordance with the contract documents. Interim reports submitted pnor to this Final Report of Special Inspections form a basis for, and are to be considered an integral part of this final report. Any discrepancies that were noted in all interim reports have been corrected. Date Preparer's Seal and Signature Required j ) ~o r [ 1 v'\ de t P l v1 v1. f I D ~©ITH'¥'~ AUG 05 2016 ~ TOWN OF VAIL.___l ·H-P~KUMAR Geotechnlcal Engineering I Engineering Geology Materials Testing I Environmental 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Phone: (970) 945-7988 Fax: (970) 945-8454 Email: hpkglenwood@kumarusa.com Office Locations: Parker, Glenwood Springs, and Silverthorne, Colorado July 26, 2016 Great Divide Construction, Inc. Attn: Thomas Weber P. 0. Box 1202 Gypsum, Colorado 81637 grdivide@vail.net Job No. 16-7-204 Subject: Observation of Helical Pier Installation for Underpinning of Foundation, Sheffield Residence, Lot 10, Block 7, Bighorn 5rh Addition, 4998 Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado Dear Web: As requested, a representative of HP/Kumar observed the helical pier installation at the subject site on Julyl3 and 14, 2016 to evaluate the piers for foundation support. The findings of our observations are presented in this report. The services were performed in accordance with our agreement for professional engineering services to Great Divide Construction, Inc., dated July 11, 2016. Fourteen helical piers were designed by bPSE to underpin the perimeter foundation along the northwest side of the residence. Locations of the piers are provided on Figure l. The piers have a design (working) capacity of from 5 to 27 kips. Our observation of the pier installations is provided in the attached "Report of Helical Pier Observations". The piers appear to have penetrated any fill and typically achieved torque refusal in dense coarse granular soils. Three additional piers were installed adjacent Pier Nos. 8. 10 and 13 (and numbered 8A, lOA and 3A, respectively) due to penetration refusal and the piers requiring the higher capacity. Based on our experience in the area, the piers are probably adequate for the design allowable capacities, but the structural engineer should review our observations. We understand the piers were subsequently used to partially lift and re-level the foundation without excessive pier settlement. The recommendations submitted in this letter are based on our observation of the pier installation and our experience in the area, and did not include subsurface explomtion to evaluate the subsurface conditions within the loaded depth of foundation influence. It is possible the data obtained by subsurface exploration could change the recommendations contained in this letter. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please call our office. attachments APPROXIMATE SCALE 1" = 10' •s • ---5 16-7-204 H-P~KUMAR EXISTING RESIDENCE 4998 MEADOWOOD DR •1 ...._ __ •• 8 SA LOCATION OF HELICAL PIERS e 14 e t3A • 13 • 12 Figure 1 Client: H-P~KUMAR HELICAL PIER OBSERVATION REPORT Great Divide Construction P.O. Box 1202 Gypsum, CO 81657 ••••• -~ >-• ---·~ Job No.: 16-7-204 Day: Date: Page: Wednesday 7/13/16 1of1 Project: Schofield Residence, 4998 Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado Pier Contractor: Equipment: Weather Conditions: Helix Pier Diameter No. (in) 1 8 2 8 3 8 4 8 5 8 6 8 7 8 8 8 9 8 10 8 11 8 Great Divide Construction Bobcat Clear, calm, dry Total Depth Design Load (ft.) (kips) 15 8 16 27 14 10 13 5 9 8 14 18 12 18 14 24 9 8 13 21 7 21 Pier Manufacturer: Pier Type: Temperature: Measured Number Load of Shear Capacity Pins (kios) 25 5 55 11 25 5 20 4 25 5 40 8 40 8 10 25 5 10 50 10 Notes: All depths are measured from the bottom of the footing. All helices are Y2 in thickness. single helix piers. Helf Pile 1 % In shaft Of at am Refusal Criteria Torque Torque Torque Torque Torque Torque Torque Refusal to Penetration Torque Refusal to Penetration Torque Torque measurements are based on shear pins provided by Great Divide Construction. Design Loads are provided by BPSE Structural Designs. cc: HP Kumar was requested to observe pier installation. HP Kumgr did not provide sizing, depth, or load reauirements. Great Divide -Web (i:m:ilvid~vail.nat} Tom Brunner David A. Young, P.E. Field Technician Reviewed By Client: H-P~l<UMAR HELICAL PIER OBSERVATION REPORT Great Divide Construction P.O. Box 1202 Gypsum, CO 81657 Job No.: 16-7-204 Day: Date: Page: Thursday 7/14/16 1of1 Project: Schofield Residence, 4998 Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado Pier Contractor: Great Divide Construction Bobcat/Hand Unit Pier Manufacturer: Heli Pile Equipment: Pier Type: 1'% in shaft °F at Weather Conditions: Partly Cloudy, calm, dry Temperature: am Pier No. 12 13 14 BA 10A 13A Notes: cc: Helix Measured Number Diameter Total Depth Design Load Load of Shear Refusal Criteria (in) (ft.) (kips) Capacity Pins (kiDS} 8 6 8 20 4 Torque 8 2Yz 15 6 Refusal to Penetration 8 5'% 5 20 4 Torque 8 10 24 8 Refusal to Penetration 8 9 21 8 Refusal to Penetration 8 2'% 15 6 Refusal to Penetration Piers BA, 1 OA and 13A installed adjacent to piers 8, 10 and 13, respectively. All depths are measured from the bottom of the footing. All helices are ~ in thickness, single helix piers. Torque measurements are based on shear pins provided by Great Divide Construction. Design Loads are provided by BPSE Structural Designs. HP Kumar was requested to observe pier installation. HP Kumar did not provide sizing, depth, or load requirements. Combined piles at Pier No. 's 8, 10 and 13 should have adequate capacity but should be reviewed bv structural engineer. Great Divide -Web ~~it1Yai!£.'il) Tom Brunner David A. Young, P.E. Field Technician Reviewed By