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Cascades on Gore Creek - Lanscape & Utility Plan
� T►� Plant Schedule • KEY QTY- BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE REMARKS o.. TREES THE WESTIN HOTEL MS 5 Malussp. Dolga' Dolga Flowering Crab 2.5'Caliper Matched Standards PT 48 Popu/us tremuloides Quaking Aspen 2.5"Caliper 113 Clump Form PP 25 Picea pungens glauca Colorado Blue Spruce 8-6', 8-8', 6-10',1-14', 1-16', 1-18' PA 11 Populus angustffolia Narrowleaf Cottonwood 2.5"Caliper SHRUBS CA 11 Cornus Alba elegantissima Variegated Dogwood 3-4' High 36" O.C. Triangular Spacing f • Rp CD 15 Cotoneaster Dammeri C.B.' Coral Beauty Cotoneaste► 5 Gallon 36" O.C. Triangular Spacing • o CS 17 Cornus stolonifera Red Twig Dogwood 5 Gallon 36" O.C.Triangular Spacing EA 14 Euonymus alatus "compacta' Dwarf Winged Euonymus 5 Gallon 36" O.C.Triangular Spacing JH 37 Juniperus horizontalis Blue Chip' Blue Chip Juniper 5 Gallon 36" O.C. Triangular Spacing JB 17 Juniperius Sabina Buffalo' Buffalo Juniper 5 Gallon 36" O.C. Triangular Spacing g PM 3 Pinus mugo pumilio Dwarf Mugo Pine 24" to 30" 36" O.C. Triangular Spacing W (p PF 9 Potentilla fruticosa Uackmannii' Jackman's Potentilla 5 Gallon 30" O.C. Triangular Spacing Y Q J�"� RA 19 Rfbes alpinum Alpine Currant 5 Gallon 30" O-C. Triangular Spacing �{ W flf 5 P 9 Salix purpurea 'Nana' Dwarf Blur Artie Willow 5 Gallen 36" O.C. Triangular Spacing `•l W o GD SB 7 Spiraea bum. Anthony Waterer' Anthony Waterer Spiraea 5 Gallon 30" O.C. Triangular Spacing 0 � + A o SN 3 Spiraea nipponica ;Snowmound' Snowmound Spiraea 5 Gallon 30" O.C. Triangular Spacing f J� _J i `�, W 0 �- .4 a v r� p MGj GROUND COVERS •�, • AU 4 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Kinnikinnick Flats C9 - r AV 3 Aegopodium variegatum Snow on the Mountain Flats MH 2 Mahonia repens Creeping Mahonia Flats '''' `` 0 _ PS 2 Phlox subulata Creeping Phlox Flats X1.1 SD 7 Sedum 'Dragons Blood' Dragons Blood Flats VM 3 Orica minor Periwinkle Flats 1 I.', Vq PERENNIALS I '1 1 N� 0 200 Fill areas designated on the plan with a variety of 1 Gallon Perennials to be reviewed by the Landscape Architect. Notes ,» 2 1. Contractor shall verify all conditions prior to commencing work. 2. Spruce trees to be nursery grown with leader intact and undamaged. 3. Deciduous trees to be staked and guyed with two metal stakes per tree, d a 4. Planting backfill mix to consist of 80 1lo native topsoil, and 20% peat moss. 5. • For sodded areas and planting beds add a total of 4" of topsoil, three cu. Q yds. of peat moss per 1000 S.F. and 5 pounds of a 10.10.10 fertilizer 4• • j per 1000 S.F., all to be integrated with the subsoil. 6. Galvanized metal edging 118" thick by 4" wide to be used where • S designated on the plan. 7. Planting beds to have 2" to 3" of shredded (dark) bark mulch, 1/4" to � fi+r E Gi 314' . 6. Existing Spruce / Pine trees shall be protected with secured haybaiis • and/or 3 raps of snowfence per tree, • d �✓' --� 9• Plant material shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Landscape Architect upon delivery to the site. 0 10. Substitution of plant materials will not be permitted unless authorized by • the Landscape Architect. MILLRACE # 7 raOD__ II'. • `0 11. Tree and shrub locations on the planting plan are approximate and shall Iv' T • ��� \ be adjusted if necessary by the Landscape Architect. f5A ` — . �;� +� 12. Trees shall be shaped and pruned after installation. �y� 0.ir' • � � 13. Contractor responsible for watering of all plant material immediately upon • -'� installation and until final acceptance. 14. The contractor shall warrant that all plant materials supplied under this �co¢yngnt /7 ArnphJCwalhm@y V rail SJ' Archaoc-15.PAC L, f contract will be healthy and in flourishing condition of active growth one All Rprlts Reserved This dor.-ument,and the 09as v year from the date of final acceptance. Replace without cost to the and itsignSinCorporaled he+em as an instrument of protessional f moe i5 the owner any plants not meeting this condition during the warranty period. PrOa of Ar' PC ant's PraR Arohr MT P C and is not la be used in whole or it F © 15. Contractor responsible for a full coverage automatic irrigation system and Pan without the wr,nen —I� authonzawn of Robert I- f Arnold Edward M Gwathmey -� as-built diagram of the system for the owner. ,pr or Henry Prar - 6 eciduous trees in sod areas to nave mower protectors ��Ql APP ` OV E Date 3117/92 r d lanti17 Plan Revised: -' TOWhJ OF VAIL � l o 10' zo° 50° ' 8 DATE ' S LE: 1"=20'-O" NORTH Sheet Number � o . . . L=2 2111SIGN 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ,04 TEMPORARY SANITARY FACILITIES 3,03 PREPARATION OF NATURAL GROUND 01vISi0M 3 CONCRETE B. Cement: ASTM 0150, Type 1. ' • • A. The General Contractor shall provide and Maintain, adequate cheMica4 A. Scarify upper 61 of all cut or fill areas under buildings or paving and C. Aggregate: ASTM C33. • CTS 1005 T TRAi Y VR v UHs toilet facilities for the use of all employees engaged at the site in recampact within 2ir of optimum moisture content to a minimim of 95S of Of stsn 1 - General Requirements applies to work of this division. compliance with applicable regulateors, Standard Proctor Density 9 y (ASTM Db9$) D. Air Entraining Agent: ASTM C260. � • 1.01 WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1,05 TEMPORARY PROTECTIVE FACILITIES 3,04 FILL AND BACKFELL HC11tRt 03f00 CONCRETE FORMWORK E. Admixture: ASTM 0494. A. Work under this contract includes Ai, materials, equipment and labor A. Provide and maintain protective devices and facilities for the pro necessary to complete the work indicated, specified or reasonably tection of the public and the genera protection of all workmen on the A. At proper time, fill as required and oackfill around wails, piers, etc. PART 1 - GENERAL 2.02 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS interred therefrom. project including but not limited tc. o to bring the earth to proper levels and grades for subsequent work. 1. Danger signs warning against hazards created by such features of Install Rackfill in even lifts on both sides of foundation walls and 1.01 REFERENCES A. Curing Compound - vertical Surfaces; ASTM C309. •••+•+ 1.6: CONDITIONS ANC REQUIREMENTS construction as protruding rids, hoists, well holes, windy, uper_ after supporting floors are in place to prevent excessive pressure on i one side. A. Formwork: Comply with ACI 301 - Stiecifications for Structural Concrete E. Curing Compourd - Horizontal Surfaces: Sonneborn Kure-111-Seal. L &N Inds, sutiwys and tabl+ng materials. A. Division I - ueneral Requirements govern work under all divisions of the 2. Fire protection ei�ipmert. Placing Fill and Backfill: Do not place brush, slid, frozen material or for Buildings and ACI 347 - Recdmmentled Practice for Concrete Formwork. Dress and Seal, Burke Sparton-Cote or approved substitute. Specifications. 3. First aid equipment. 4. Temporary walks, roaO.a:s, inert' corers, barricades, bulkheads, other perishable or unsuitable materials in the fill. Distribute PANT ? - PRODUCTS 2103 MIX DESIGN 1.03 CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES railings, danger lrants and signals, et-, required for this wort t . material on the fill to avoid formation of lenses differing substan- federal, state and lots'and sil •ns. and building Codes. tially firm, the surrounding materia'. Deliver materials to the iili 2.01 FORMWORK MATERIALS A. Design: Proportion ingredtentS for mixeS in accordance with ACI 301. A. Limit operations under this contract to one area of the property as surface in a manner to result in a w•_11 and uniformly compacted fill. Section 3.6.2, Method I or 2, or Section 3,8.3. indicated. No operations or vefiicle traffic will be allowed outside of 11.06 FIELD OFFICE AND TELEPHONE Before compaction, spread fill materials in approximately horizontal A. Exposed Concrete: BB Plyfor•n this area. layers not greater than Q' thick witr upper surface approximately B. Air Entrairment; All concrete work twat will be exposed to frost action A. The General Contractor shali provide and maintain field office with horizonta'. B. Non-exposed Concrete; Plywoc3, stet- or dressed lumber, in its final form shall contain an air entraining agent. Otner concrete �.44 EXAMINATION OF STtE telephone service. Toll charges wi:' be paid by the responsible party'• work may also have an air entraining agent at the option of the The field office and Toll side. De available to the Architect. C. Moisture Lontrcl: If, in the opinir- of the Gecitechri Engineer, it 2.02 FORMWORK ACCESSORIES Contractor. Failure to visit site will in no way relieve any contractor from is not possible to obtain ur.form moisture content by adding water on necessity of furnishing materials or performing work that may be 1,07 CLEANING DURING CONSTRUCTIQr, the fill surface, add necessary moisture to the fill material in the A. Form ties; Adjustable to length to permit tightening of fonts and of Admixtures: No admixtures will tie a�iowed except As specified, Calcium required to complete work in accordance with Drawings and Specifications excavation. If, In the opinion of tit Geotechnicai Engineer, the such type to heave no metal closer than 11 of the surface nor holes or chloride shall not be added to concrete. without additional cost. A. Each contractor shall keep ire buila rigs and site free of waste material proposed for use in the Compacted fill is too wet to permit depressions larger than 718' ,n diem-ter. materials aria rubbish, Fa'^ tontrac:or shall daily transport rota adequate c:ap3ctfon, dry in an acceptable Manner prior to placing. Plac D. Strengths: 3,000 psi unless otherwise, indicated or scheduled, 1.05 FIELD ENGINEERING material to a designated lb-atton or site. The General Contractor shall fill and tarLfill material within 2 of optimum moisture content. A. Clamps, Brackets, braces, Warners, wedges, viers. Etc,: Contractor's option. 2.04 M1XIN. periodically dispose of aCCU*wiated Haste off site. Compaction: When as acceptaole, uniform moisture content is obtained l. J 0 A. Provide field engineering servlCtS; establish grades, lines and levels '" by use of recognized engineering survev practices. Locate and protect S. Each Contractor shall leave his work clean at the completion of his compact each layer by mechanical method acceptable to the Geotechnical Snoring System: Contractor's optic^. A. Comply with ACi 304. O control and reference points. work. Clean interior areas arior tc Start of finish work, maintain Engineer to the following densities as determined by ASTM D698: 1.06 REFERENCE STANDARDS areas free of dust and other contaminants during finishing operations y 2.03 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS FART 3 � EXECUTION < Interior Uttlit Trenches 954 < W Backfill Behind Foundation Walls 95k A. Form 01P: Nan-staining, Contractor s option, ?.01 PREPARA;IDN 111 CY CY A. For products specified by association or trade standards, comply with SECTION 01600 'MATERIAL AND EDUIPMrNT Interior Fill 95i (Y Exterior Utility Trenches Under Paving 95% N. Expansion Joint Filler: ASTM D1751, Bituminous fiber type. A. Do not begin concrete work until operations are complete enough to alio requirements of the standard, except when more rigid requirements are U _J Specified or are required by applicable codes. Exterior fill Under Paving 95N placement to be carried on as a continuous operation. Clean forms of 1.01 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLIN' Trenches Not Under Paving 40fi C. Waterstdps: Greenstreak PVC Type ♦723 or approved substitution, debris and ice. Wet (except in freezing weather) and coat torms as W a B. The date of t" standard is that in effect as of the bid date except Overlot Fili 90% specified in Section 03100. If water accumulates in the forms, pump it i 1 when a spectftc date is specified. A. Transport products try met, t•. ay: d damage. Deliver in undamaged PART 3 - EXECUTION out before concrete is deposited. (!earl* m IC ark finish tap surface of U prope containers or packaging, dry. The use of free water (puddling) wi" not be allowed. vertical memdrers on the form welts. condition in manufacture, s ne ` Q 1.07 CUTTING AND PATCHING '.01 ERECTION (Vl (�f 1 i1.0? STORAGE AND PROTECTION 3.05 UNDER SLAB GRAVEL 3.02 PLACEMENT A. Openings in construction which are required by other conntractors shall d walls and Footings; The use of earth as a form not allowed. Lap Z _J be left by crafts involved. It is the responsibility of various A Store products in accordance with manufacturer's instruction, with seals Install to compacted thickness of 4" under all interior slabs on grade forming with dressed lumber or plywood not allowed. Forms shall conform A. Placement: Comply with ACI 304. 4 contractors to supply in advance, proper and sufficiently detailed and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weathertight to shape, line and dimensions of trF members indicated and shall be LU Information, in event of failure tc supply this advance information, enclosures; maintain within temperature end humidity ranges required by TOPSOIL ,ubstantial and sufficiently ion! prevent leakage of mortar. 6. Compaction: Compact concrete during and immediately after depositing Q cutting as may ge required shall be done only after concurrence of manufacturer's instructions. Properly brace or tie to mai• ,a„ c T.ior, shape and lateral stability, every 2' of height of pour by means of mechanical vibrators and rodding } Architect and at the expense of tree negligent party. Spread stockpiled topsoil over all areas disturbed by construction. and provide sufficient strength t„ _arry construction operations and Presence of honeycomb will be sufficient cause for rejection of 8 tor extensor storage of fabricated products, place on supports above material dead roads without deflection or vibration. Where finished concrete. SECTION 41 DO SUBMITT ground, Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet 07 FINISH GRADING concrete is to remain exposed, space joints regularly and hold to a C. Finishing; Where tops of poured walls fors a finished surface, imme- covering; provide ventilation to avoid condensation. minimum both horizontal) and vertically.;. Remove excess wateriai from the site. Y y- diately finish in the form. Any such walls or surfaces not finished to 1.01 PROCEDURE 1.03 SUBSTITUTIONS a level may be ordered removed and replaced. B, Cut and fill all areas as indicated or required to permit finishing to R. Construction Joints: Use construction joints at temporary stopping of A. Submittal: The General Contractor shall make submittals to the A. Document each request with complete data Substantiating compliance of the finish grades indicated. concrete placement. Leave joints rough and provide longitudinal or 1, Slabs Forme) on Grade: where slabs are deposited on earth, care shall Architect. Do not make submittals directly to the Architect's can- proposed substitution with Contract Documents Submit Product Data and vertical keys at least 1-1121 deep. Install continuous waterstop in be taken to obtain a smooth, level surface so that slabs will be of a sultants. Submittals made directly by subcontractors or suppliers will samples as required. OR DAMAGED EARTH walls where exterior grade is above interior floor line, uniform thickness. not be accepted. _ R. Request constitutes a rep resent atior that Contractor: Remove and replace earth that has been rendered unfit to receive gncho r s Inserts, B I oc outs and Built-In Item s• Securely 1 y fasten anchor 3.0. F LATWORK S. Review: Architect and his consultants will review submittals for 1. Has investigated proposed product and determined that it meets or planting due to concrete water, mortar or Time water dumped an it- bolts, inserts, form blackouts and other items built into the concrete conformity with design only, Ouant:ties and dimensions are the exceeds, in all respects, specifrea orodt✓t to formwork or hold in place with templates. insertion into concrete K. Screeds; Establish finish plane of rorizontal Surfaces by screeds, responsibility of the Contractor. Proper fitting, construction of work Will provide the same warranty fSr suDSi iut:on as for specified FIELD QUALITY CONTROL after pouring net allowed. aligned and securely set, spaced not over 8' apart and installed at the furnishing of materials and work required by the Contract Uociarents but product. proper level or slope, prior to the depositing of concrete, not indicated in Submittals remain the responsibility of the Contractor 1• Will coordinate installation arc make other changes which may be Excavation: Obtain the Geotechnical Engineer's approval of depth and 3.02 FORM COATING Review of submittals shall not be construed as approval from required for work to be complete in all respects. extent of excavation for structures before starting filling operations. B. Tolerances: Floor slabs shall be level, within the maxi" tolerance o requirements of Contract Documents unless deviations from Contract 4. waives claims for additional co.'s which ma" subsequently become A. Coat the surface of formwork prior to each pour. Apply coating prior to 1f8• in 10' except where drains occu-. Slope to the drains as Documents have been specifically noted on Submittals. apparent. Filling: Obtain the Geotechnical Engineer's approval of fill and the the placing of the reinforcement. indicated. method of placing and compaction before starting compacted fill or C, Resubmittal: The General Contra-tar shall make resubmittaTs until the C Suostitutions will not be considered when they are indicated or implied Backfill. Obtain approval of the completed compacted fill and backfi'' t.03 REMOVAL 3.04 CURING PROTECTION concurrence of the Architect is obtained. on Snap Drawing or Product Data sutririttals without separate written from the Geotechnical Engineer. Sufficient tests will be made to assn request, or when acceptance will recuere substantial revision of compliance with these specifications. 1f. because of unsatisfactory A, Remove forms in such a manner as to insure the complete Safety of the A. General: Protect exposed surfaces of concrete from premature drying an 1.02 SUBMITTALS test results it is necessary to retest after corrective work, the cost structure. forms in general May be removed from vertical surfaces after frost. Protect freshly placed concrete against wash by rain and rapid Contract Documents. i 24 hours from time of of all tests other than the initial tests snail be paid by the placing and from horizontal surfaces 72 hours from prying, A. Shop Drawings: Submit septa and three blueline prints each. u Architect wiY1 determine acceptac•i•ty of I;r•_;,osed substitution and will Contractor- time of placing, unless otherwise Specified under Cold Weather in notify Contractor of acceptance cr rejection n writing. Section 03306 B. vertical Surfaces: Clean surfaces C' loose sand, mortar, debris and B. Product Data; Submit 5 copies ea:h. Moisture-Uensity Determination: Samples of representative fill grout. Sprat lightly with niter and coat with a clear or translucent materials to be placed will be obtained by the eotechnical Engineer f curing compound as soon as passible after removing forms. Apply curing C. Job Site Duc me-fits: Only aCCepteS Snop Drawings or Product Data shall gFlff(* 017fN9_CONTRACT CtOSEO1T _ determination df maximum density and optimum moisture for these SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT compound the snore day that ��> forms are removed. be '.kept at the job site. The General Contractor shall keep a complete materials. Unless imitated otherwise. tests for this determination PART l - GENERAL C. Horizontal Surfaces: As sour as possible after fenishin set of such documents on flit at the job site. will be made using methods conforming to requirements of ASTM 01557. g concrete 1.01 ilMAl CLEANING Copies of the results of these tests will be furnished to the surface, apply curing compour„ in accordance with manufacturer's 1.01 REFERENCES D. Field Measurements: Required field measurements are the responsibility Contractor. These test results wlli be the basis of control for instructions, of the Contractor and will De mace after Shop Drawings have been checked A Cleat• interior and exterior surfa(es: exocosr•d :o view; remove temporary compactive effort. by the Architect. t+bels, stains and foreign suocrdn•es, pc' ,n transparent and glossy A. Reinforcement: Comply with ACI 301 Specifications for Structural 3.05 SCHEDULE OF CONCRETE MIXES -,firos, vacuum carpeted and %, fI is jrfac•. , ',le•sn equipment and Density Tests: The density and moisture content of each layer of Concrete for Builatnq,s. ACI 315 Detailing Manual, and ACI 318 Building F. Contract Documents: The General Contractor shall keep a recor:: -.of rj +,.t,,res !c, a sanitary Condit. .n, can or , -place filters of mechanical compacted fill in place wit' be determined by the Geotechnical Enginee Code Requirements far Reinforced Can_rete. A. Interior Floor Slabs on Grade: contract documents at the site. i of Clean roofs and ord,na S stems. Clean site: sweep payed in accordance with ASTM 01550 or 02,22. Recoapact any material found 1. Strength; 3,000 ps: ea wile clean other surfaces 9° y p p not to comply with the minrm..Lm specified density until the required PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2. Cement: Type 1 1.03 SAMPLES density is obtained. 3. Aggregate: 3/4' maximum size fuse I/2• Maximum size for topping) 1 02 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DA"A 2.01 MATERIALS 4. Entrained Air: 3R to 5+ A. The Architect will provide the General Contractor with a checklist 5. Slump: 4• maximum Indicating materials where Color, texture or finish is subject to F. Submit copy of operation and ma•rter•ance i,,tru,tsons for equipment and Field Engtneerin:l: The respcnsibrlrty for lines, grades and levels A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A615, Grade 40 except as otherwise indicated, 6. Water Reduclng Agent: r_:ep*,able Master Builders or accepted selection or review. systems. Include parts lists anc local service agency. necessary for proper location and execution of the work rests upon the sizes as indicated substitution. B. Promptly after receipt of checklist, the General Contractor shall Contractor who will retain a competent instrument fan for this purpose B. Stirrups and Ties: ASTM A615, Grade 40 B. Footings and Walls: 1.03 WARRANTIES AND BONDS Carefully protect bench marks and reference points. 1. Strength: 3,000 psi assemble and deliver to the Architect a complete collection of requir C. Welded Wire Fabr _: ASTM AI$5, sizes as indicated. 2• Cement: type I samples. A. Provide 2 notarized copies executed by subcontractors, suppliers and 3. Aggregate; 3A4• maximum size C. Upon receipt of a complete Collection of Samples the Architect will, manufacturers. C ION 02710 FOUNDATION DRAINAGE PART 3 - EXECUTION 4. Entrained Air: 6+i + IiIh with reasonable promptness, make the selections and prepare and deliv,•r __ S. Slump: 4• maximum" to the General Contractor a schedule covering items subject to DIVISION 2 SITEWORK 3,01 PLACEMENT selection. PART I - GENERAL DIVISION 4 MASONRY 21 I - General Requirements applies to work in this division. A. Placing; Place reinforcement accurately and hold firmly in place befor 1.01 WORK INCLUDED and during depositing of concrete. Provide minimum concrete protective SECTION o1a00 QUALITY CONTROL _ SECTION 42o Rr cover for reinforcement from the exterior face of members in accordance Derision 1 - General Requirements applies to work of this division. A. Furnish and Install: with ACI 318. Dowels shall project 36 diameters unless otherwise shown. 1. Drainage pipe and fittings at foundations. wire bent dowels in place before pouring. 1.01 GENERAL PART 1 - GENERAL 2. Free draining gravel at drain. SECTION 04200 UTN MASOnR+ 1 3. Protective covering. B. Splicing: Do not splice at paints of maximum stress or splice adjacent A. General Contractor shall maintain quality control over suppliers, 1.01 REFEREiKES 4. Connection to daylignj outlet. bars at the same point. Lap continuous bars 36 diameters where spliced PART 2 - PROOU'i:i manutarturers. products, services, site conditions and workmanship tr• but not less than 12". Stagger tap splices of horizontal bars in produ,e work of specified quality. A. Compaction Test: ASTM D698 Standard Proctor Density. :ART 2 - PRODUCTS concrete walls. 2.01 MASONRY UNITS c Goiir rprn 1.02 TESTING LAB ORATCRY SERVICES PART 2 - PRODUCTS I?1 MATERIALS 3.02 WELDED WIRE FABRIC A. Lightweight dlotk: ASTM 094, Grace N, sizes as required, minimum net Arr olNGwairuney fish Archoenx PC compressive Strength 1500 psi. As RAMS rieaervea A. Owner will employ and pay for tester laboratory inspections and te`•t 2.01 TOPSOIL A. Pipe: Rigid PVC pipe. A. Lay mesh continuously with full mesh plus 2• Paps, tie and place overall Tn,slRgm H ervea hiss 1. Provide perforated next to foundation and unperforated elsewhere, piping and conduit. Lift to center of slab during pouring. 2.02 .1 CESSORIES and mecyns ritoreiorated S. Cooperatt with testing laboratory to furnisn access, samples and tem A. Topsoil: Material that is stripped from construction areas. Topsoil 2. Size: Four inches ur,ess other%*se indicated. herein asan,rsirurneniof May include moderate amounts of cr a^-c matter. A. riio ke c 0- e v sti te, praiessona+servrre .$the porary facilities as required. Proyitle testing laboratory sufTrcien. � „ orooenyawArnaa•Gwein� prior notice for services. Pervious Backfill Matena Free draim nq gravel consisting of minus ` TON 33 C S1- N-P A f CON R T loco s r wa r e to co rs an Prin ArchrIKU.P C and is 2.02 FILL AND $AC KFILI NATER[�_ two inch aggregate having less than 5, passing No. 200 sieve and less es rot to be used m whoe or ni r r • r A. Backfill, and Fill: On site e.:aya'ed Or imported nonexpansive maters, than 50h passing No. 4 sieve. PART I - GENERAL yin.wnthout me wr,hen B. one Veneer Ties: 27 gauge galvanized corrugated ties. = autnantauoiofR~L SECTION 01500 cOFU$iR1T_TION FAC.�ITIES A•io _MPORARY CONTROLS f Arnold,Edward MGwathmey free of trash, oeoriS and organ:-g as appro=ved by the Geotechnical C. Protective Covering for Pervious Backfill: Mirafi 140N or accepted 1.01 REFERENCES Jt or"eny Pratt 1.01 TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTIK Engineer, substitute in accordance .lth Section 01600. C. inforci g tr [�/�"►��','�]►�� r�a� A. Concrete Work: Comply with ACI 301 Specifications for Structural O f + m a 'mw./ F VA I L A, Service: The electrical subcontractor shall provide temporary 2.C• UNDER SLAB GRAVEL ART 3 - EXECUTION Concrete for Buildings and ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for 2.03 1 DRTAR MATERIALS . electrical service to site for construction purposes. The electrica Reinforced Concrete, subcontractor shall provide circuits, branch wiring and distribution Imported granular materia cc•ita'"iir: less than 2ii passing the No, 20[ 01 INSTALLATIDN A. I ertIand C ASTM CIS boxes as required for tem^orary power and lighting. The electrical sieve and more than SO, reta-ed n the NO. a sieve. 1.02 SUBMITTALS i Date subcontractor shall provide iilfpora-• lighting for each space. A. General: B. abed Li "C «-f PAR" 3 - EXECUTION 1. Keer, trenches dry durinq installatior of drainage system, A. Mix Designs: Prior to placing ary concrete, submit concrete mixes to, T ` w ` f B. The various subcontractors shall provide extension cords and lamps as 2. Use fittings at intersections and right angle intersection. approval in accordance with Section 01400. separate mix designs shall C. gregate for Mortar ASTM 0144 Revised: required to convey electricity to Io:atiors of wort and to provide task 3.01 CLEARING AN GRU$81NU 3. Make Changes in direction of drain lines with 1118 bends. be submitted for each type of concrete to be used. SutMl ttats Shall legh€ins to permit proper execution and inspection of work. include all information to be uses in designing the mixes. D. - mow IN 4 lop I or A. Remove trees, shrubs and yegetati:n .ithin the construction area Bedding: organic materials. C. The General Contractor stall pay for electricity consumed until final including root structure. Remove fr:a the site. Protect items to 1. Place graded bedding prior t� le.eric of foundation drain pipe or 1,03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HAhOL[N6 acceptabre. remain. file. L. Antifreeze Compounds: Not permitted- ?. Rest each section firmly upor tre beldir.g, through entire length Mauling Time: Discharge concrete transmitted in a mixer within 1-1,'2 T Other Admixtures: Only wren permission of A t i.�� 1.02 TEMPORARY HEAT AND ENCLOSURES 3,02 EXCAVATION 3. Thickness: As indicated. hours after the mixing water has been added. ��f I1} A. Proved_ - r orar heat necessary f0- the executlon „t work. Install, A. Topsoil: Remove all topssi, and organic material at areas to recety Pipe Le in 2.04 MIXES 4 C/A if y Laying: 1.04 JOB CONDITIONS A maintdir ind zperate temporary heats-q apparatus in such a manner as to paving, building construc:ror or sia:ss on erode. Stockpile for 1. Le, drain lines to uniform grades and alignment, with continuous 'Y facilitate the work on the project so work can continue and the finis reinstallation. f.. in direction of flow witn, r.•ntm,:;m slope of ],i6" per foot. A. Environmental Requirements: A. Block Setting Mortar: Type S containing Portland cement, by work will not be damaged thereby. -. Ci�an interior of ploy or ti a -ar:ighl, ;efor.. being laid. 1. Cold Weather Placemer': When depositing concrete after the first and aggregate. The use of accelerators or ant �e�gip�,n pe ed B. Excavate the site as redr.'rE for .a Is, foundations, piers, areas, - VYH'IS41 ,j. f basements, crawl spaces. • - . to detths indicated. All footing Lay perforated pine th perforations facing dower. frost en when the mean daily teraeratures are below 4fl°F, tallow Sheet NIxT)ber B. Provide temporary enclosures as necessary for holding temporary near P - recommendations of A_T 306. y g Such as enclosures for ccnlrete wor. :r for thawing 'razen ground. shalt bear on natural SCi � t aF frost dept-. Bearing material shall b B. Starve Mortar: Only non-stainer mortar Shall,,,,QQ� �,i��a,,�► s ! rk. 4. Connect to outlet as indicated. Mortar shall consist of non-staining PortlanOWIt'4li,a ga 'e* verified on Site by the Ls°ct .nr _a Engineer. Proportions of mortar Mix shall be approved b h; r of Dei re F. PrOterticr : Protect net. f nts ._ s acs from rain damage. 1.03 TEMPORARY WATER C. Balling or Pumping: Immediately pump or bail out water Sound in D. Backfilling: beginning work. A limited proportion of - • be ed uhf ■ am J excavations, whether rain or seepage. Keep excavations free from wale 1. After pipe installation has been accepted, place pervious Backfill PART 2 - PRODUCTS approval of Ar r ry • The use cf act r orsy t�•/� ze mort a,, ��r/'' 1 A. The General Contractor Shali provide temporary water service- the at all time. material on each side and top of pipe to dimensions indicated. is prohibited. IG4x W' � various subcontractors shall provide all temporary connections and hose 2. Then placing crushed rock backfi'l, prevent displacement of or 2,01 CONCRETE MATERIALS v� '+ necessary to Convey same to places needed. The General Contractor shill D. Take measures and furnish equipment and labor necessary to control the Injury to pipe. C. Grout: 3000 psi. j�al � ��� `� pay for water consumed during the construction period flow, drainage and accumulation of rater as required to permit 3. Place protective covering full width of trench, over pervious A. General: ASTM C94 ready-mixed concre*_e. On-job mixed concrete not completion of the work and to avoid aamage to the work, backfell before other backfill is placed under Section 02200, allowed, ART 3 - EXECUTION PART 3 - EXECUTION B. Framing: C. Redwood {lack: S45 Construction Common Redwood. 1.02 WARRANTY + • 1. Perform framing in substantial manner consistent with accepteJ .01 INSTALLATION 3.01 ERECTION standards of the carpentry trade. Erect framing plumb, level and D. Mood Door Frames: Ponderosa pine, C select or better, Plant assembled A. warranty: Provide two (2) year ,,ritten warranty covering materials and true, and rigidly anchor in plate. with corners dadoed and glued. Finger jointing not acceptable. installation in arcordance with Section 0170 . • A. General: Unless otherwise Indicated, lay block in running bond. 2. Locate studs 16'" o.c. except where indicated otherwise. Provide � 1. Where cutting f units is necessar sake cuts with a motor-driver A. General: Erect structure steel to accordance with AISC Specification double studs tiv- sides 9 y• and notes on Drawings. "' openings and at ends of walls. 2.03 CLOSET SHELF AND ROD 1.03 MAINTENANCE masonry saw. J. Locate roc= -i• •sts as in: Gated. Provide continuous headers or 2. Joints shall be plumb or level. Tool exposed block joints. Rake or R Temporary Bracing: Provide temporary bracing as necessary for dead solid blocking nas indicated) at ,joint bearings. Provide bridging A• Painted particleboard shelf with wood rod, both supported by meta; wail A Extra Materials: At completion cif the work, deliver to the Owner strike flush joints in glared block units as indicated. load, wind and erection stresses. brackets located 2"-0` max. cc. replacement shakes in the Mount of 14 of the total of each type of psi 3. Adjust masonry dimensions and install starter units as required to as indicated. I shake installed. eliminate small cuts and to maintain bond. 4. Replace warped lumber in walls and Joists prior to installation of PART 3 - EXECUTION . Rearing Plates: Align individual bearing plates for beams and Similar finish surtate. B. Built-In members: Sleeves of Groper stir shall be provided by others to structural a moers with wedges or shims. PART 2 PRODUCTS,, Anchor plates at bearings as indtCattd. Unless otherwise indicated, 3.01 INTERIOR iNSTALLATION k permit passage of pipes through walls. Build in wall sleeves, anchors bolt plates firmly to concrete with 1,12' x 8' anchor bolts, 4'-0` plates, lintels and other steel pesters provided by others. Properly se,t *ECTION 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS o.c_ or use ramset, or equal, powder-actuated fastening system. A. quality Grade: Awl Custom 2.Oi ROOFING MATERIALS such built-in members as walls progress and under the direction of party A Cedar Shakes: All roofing shakes shall be No. 1 hand split and resawn providing same. DART ] - GENERAL Sheathing: Install sheathing panels with face grain across supports. B. Interior Finish: Red Cedar. Shakes shall be Iii` iehgtns, 1 2• butt thickness. 1. Wherever possible, each length of finish shall be in single piece 2 ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION 0. Metal Framing nchors: Securely fasten in lace in accordance with Each bundle shall bear the label of the Red Cedar Shingle and Handsplit � 1.01 gIIALiTY ASSURANCE 9 p � Butt faints at corners. manufacturer's recommendations. . Install interior finish leve'., plumb and true and tightly secure to Shake Bureau. Provide special starters at eave line. All roofing A, Horizontal Reinforcement: Instal] continuously 16' o.c. vertically. bracing with nails, screws, glue. etc. Blind nail wherever shakes shall be pressure treated to meet UL 790 and shall have the Lap 61. Install additional piece aticve and below openings extending A. Welders: AWS certified. possible. Where surface nailing is necessary, use finish nails equivalent of Class C fire ratinc. minimum 2' beyond opening. Install rorizontal reinforcement 8' oc at SECTION 06181 GLUED-LAMINATED STRUCTURAL U41TS carefully set with nail puncr.. 1.02 REFERENCES glass block. 3. Mill trim finishin against .ails or ceiling with extra wstltn to 9 g R. Ranting Felt: No. 30 felt acceptable for required fire rating. permit scribing to wall or ceilinq at job S. Reinforcing Steel: install in block as indicated on the Oravinys. A. Metal Fabrication Mork: Comply with AISC Specification for the Destgr . PAP- I - GENERAL 4. Except where molded, mill trip with perfectly square edges. After C. Finish: Dip all shakes in Olympic Latex Stain or approved sutstitute Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. erection, slightly round exposed edges by sanding as directed. before Installation, Color asselected by .Architect. 3.03 POINTING AND CLEANING 1.01 QUALITY ASSURANCE S. Finish shall be hand smoothes., ready for painter and free from B. Exposed Metal Fabrication Work: Comply with Section 10 Architectural , machine or tool marks or any •roughness. PART 3 - EXECUTION A. Cut out detective joints and holes i- exposed masonry and repoint with Exposed Structural Steel of AISC Code of Standard Practice. 4. Manufacturer: Member of Americar Institute of ttaiiber Construction mortar. Dry brush masonr; surface a':er mortar has set at end of each (AITC) and five years experience in fabrication glued-Laminated wood Door and Window Frames: Ins:a'i frames square and plumb in tn-_ 3.01 ROOF SNAKE APPLICATION ' 1 day's work and after final pointing. Clean exposed masonry with stiff C. Welding: Comply with AWS Structural welding Code - Steel DI.i. structural units. opening. wedge and nail with fin+ �l s p §• 9 sn nails. brush and clean water. A install shakes with approximate 7-1,X2 weather as indicated on the Q `..03 SUBMITTALS S. quality Mark: Members shall be marked With AISC quality mark indicatin .02 EXTERIOR FINISH h each layer. Q b. upon completion of pointing and ciea••ng, leave the work area and conformance to ANSI 190.1. drawings. Interweave No. 3G roofing felt wit surrounding surfaces clean and free _f mortar spots. droppings and A. Situp Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. 4. Install in maximum lengths uslnr -or-corrosive nails. W broken masonry. 1.02 REFERENCES R. Begin with double starter course at cave Yine using special starter PART 2 - PRODUCTS shakes. Amply shakes with butts to the straight line starting at the Design and Manufacturing: AITC 117-82 Design and Manufacturing. DIVISION 7 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION cave line. Nail shakes into wood sheathing with not less than two (2) 0 T ST E t•Oi MAT EAIAI'. Standard Specifications for Structural Glued-Laminated Timber of hot dipped zinc coated nails per shingle. Drive nails flush but do not U v ion I - Gemerat Requirements applies to work of this division. crush woods Mailing guns or staples are not acceptable. O A. Steel Shapes, bars and Pates: ASTM A36. Softwood Species. Di PART 1 - GENERAL R. Steel Pipe and Tubing: .STh+ A53. A5:1 or AS O; minimum wall thfcknes: I.C3 SUBMITTALS C. Form hips and ridges as indicatea usirg same weather as the field of the ry U 9: SECTION 01,15 SELF-AQHESIV( ISM§AANE WfA1NERPRDOFING roof- 1.01 SUMMARY ]I gauge. A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. 0 A. Section Includes; C_ Paint: Red Oxide primer. OAR! I - GENERAL 3.02 COMPLETION 1. Stone masonry veneer ferebiace s-rrounc D, Materials: New stock of types arc sizes Indicated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2. Stone mantle and hea�tn at fire; ace. 2.01 LAMINATED BEAMS 1.01 WORK INCLUDED At Completion ct project, replace warped or damaged shakes as directed W ® J _ 1.02 ALUMINUM RAILING by the Architect. I.0? SUBMITTALS A. All laminated members shalt be fatricated of Douglas Fir Larch as 12% A. Furnish and install membrane waterproofing at the following locations: A. Description: Mechanical!, fastened three rail aluminum assembly. moisture content in accordance with X1,18. All sizes shown are net. 1. Over root sheathing, entire root area, before installation of wood A. Sample: Submit samples of cut stone finish with and stone veneer for approval by Factory f with P.P.G Polycron .1I part to match sample furn+she. shakes. SjCT10N 01400 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL _ Architect. by Architect. Furnish touch up paint for patching after completion. B_ Laminated member shall be detailed arJ fabricated in accordance with th B. Sample Panel: Construct 3'x4' wall panel of stone veneer in location as PART 3 - INSTALLATION Standard Specifications for the Desian and Fabrication of Structural 1.02 SUBMITTALS Glue Laminated Timber, latest editicr, as published by AITC. PART d - GENERAL directed by Architect. Approved saa,le wall shall be standard for A. Product Data: Submit copies of manufacturer's literature for all 1.01 REFERENCES remainder of work. Remove at completion of protect. 3.01 INSTALLATION Provide units conforming to AITC 11', 22FV8, O.F. for continuous members products iwrnished. See Section 013011. A. Weld or bolt all items securely in 'alt or otherwise fasten as and cantilevers and 24FV3 for SitrrlE support members. Members shall be 1.03 JOB CORD] A. Reference Standard: Comply with recommendations of SMACNA Archstectura PART 2 - PRODUCTS y p designed with zero camber with tip s.riace clearly stamped on each Sheet Metal Manual, latest editioc. indicated and on approved shop orawtngs. Grind field welds smooth anc miember. 2.01 STONE Much-up with red primer. Touch up aluminum railings as required. A. Environmental Conditions: During cold weather. maintain substrate A. Stone Veneer: 2'-3" Nominal thickness Colorado buff sandstone with DIVISION b WOOD AND PLASTICS 2.02 HARDWARE temperature at minimum of 40eF. PART 2 - PRODUCT> split face finish. Gradation to mat:n approved sample panel. A. Materials: PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS D ,, l - General Requirements applies to work of this division. I. Steel: ASTM A36 A. Galvanized lrou; ASrM A526 commercial quality sneer steel with A52v, B. Hearth: 3' thickness Colorado buff sandstone with Split facr 2. Bolts: ASTM A307 2.01 WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE finish. Color: As selected by Arch-test. 3. Lag Screws: ASTM A307 G90 commercial hot dip gaivahizirg, phosphatazed for painting. Gages as THfa_JF- "4,P elurlY +w+asr�xyF� w/ FK.E �1►i,�n A- Acceptable Systeir,,: indicated and specified, 26 gage minimum. 1 - - SECTION O6]Op pQUGH CARPENTRt 2.02 MORTAR AND ACCESSORIES B. Finish: Steel prime Coat. 1. Prctecto wrap Jiffy Seal Ice and water Guard with all accessory g, Clips or Cleats: Same as material being installed. PAR' 1 - GENERAL products. A. mortar: See Secti on 04100 mortar 2.03 FABRICATION Approved Substitute ].01 REFERENCES C. Nails and Fasteners; Galvanized or lament coated. B. Wall Ties and Accessories: See Section 04150 Masonry Accessories Wood Framing: Comply with requirements of Uniform Building Code and A. Fabricate in acrordance with AITC Standards. PART 1 - EXECUTION 0. Solder: 112 lead, lit tin. PART 3 - EXECUTION •National Design. Specifications for wood Construction", 1982 edition. PART 3 - EXECUTIC& 3.01 APPLICATION F. Sealant: Polyurethane. Roofer mastic not acceptable. published by National Forest Products Association. 3.01 PREPARATION published PRE PAIIATJON A. Prising: Prime surfaces it recomiehded. PART 3 - EXECUTION Lumber: Comply with Standard Gra:lr, Rules for Western Lumber publish A. Cleaning: Report dirt, ice, loose r.st and scale from walls, tees prior A. Inspect previous work and field measure as required. B. faints and Breaks: Apply a 6` wise continuous strip of waterproofing by Western Wood Products Assotiat•M^ Each piece of lumber shall be 3.01 WORKMANSHIP to installation. grade stamped. membrane beneath all joints and at hcrtrontal to vertical transitions B, Cooperation; Check relationship of *:asdnrx to work under other sec. 3.02 ERECTION AND INSTALLATION and df ali corners and anoles before applying membrane. A. Flashings: Including; Plywood; Comply with U.S. austr-: Standard PS 1-74 for Softwood A. Fit members together accurately without modification, Accurately C. Terminatidn5 and Penetrations: Apply a 6• wide x continuous strip of 1- Counter, Base and Chtnmer Flashing: 24 gage. b ohs, cooperate with others and prcceea as desirable for general PlywoodrConstructiaxn and Industr :'. Each panel steal} be identified 2. Edge Flashing dt Shingle Roofing: 24 gage. progress and best interest of proles'. with the grade trademark of the -^,erl:an Pivwood Association (APA)• assemble to lines and elevations indicated on shop drawings. membrane with mastic sealant as recortimended by the manufacturer at the perimeter of all terminations and penetrations and as indicated on the 3. Base Flashing at Junctures of Shingle Roofing with vertical 3.02 INSTALLATION OF STONE VENEER PAR' 5 - PRODUCTS Orawints. Surfaces: 24 gage. SECTION 06196 pLywO06- WEB WOOD JOISTS i Valley Flashing: 24 gage. A. General; Lay stone in modified ashler pattern. wall texture snail „- ROUGH HARDWARE u. Memiran• tr: ,y meftrart system, as recommended by manufacturer 5 Fireplace clue Top Cover: Ib gage as tndicated. !match the approved sample panel. Joints shall be glove raked, and bac• PART I - GENERAL 6. Other locations as indicated. grouted as required to obtain dry-la•d appearance. Provide necessary bolts, screws, na• s, cli;s• plates• straps, hangers. T)1.01 SUBMITTALS R. Wires: Cut off any wires beneath Elite surface that are used for tying SEC ON 07150 DAMPER F N etc. necessary for the compieti-- c" rouar carpentry. Use correct material of proper size and strew:t` for the purpose intended. Con fdrr PART 1 GENERAL TION 7900 JOINT SEALER tie stone in place during mortaring. Exercise Care that such ends are to the requirements of this spec"i an on, the notes on the Drawings an A. Shop Drawings Submit eft accordance with Section 013CC. properly covered to prevent gccurren a of rust. applicdble building codes- 1.02 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.01 LOCATION OF WORK PART ! - GENERAL C. Built-In Items: Pravtde anchor bolts indicated t_ 1st guilt into the concrete and mmasonr A. Outside all concrete foundation walls at all basement,. Fxtrnd da mp- 1. Cooperate to build-in items of others into masonry as work for support of wood framinq •:::r •rs;illation under Division 3 Concrete A. Store joists in vertical positio off the ground and covered for proofing to 6` below finish grade. 1.01 SUBMITTALS progresses. and Division 4 Masonry. protectior tram weather. 2. Lintels: Install for openings o.er 15- in width. Steel lintels 1.02 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Samples: Submit for color selection in accordance with Section 01300, furntshed under Section 0550C. install in beds of mortar and do 2.02 FRAMING LUMBER PART 2 - PRODUCTS necessary pointing. A. Environmental Requirements: Do not apply if air temperature or surface PART 2 - PRODUCTS A. 2x4 Studs: Douglas fir, Stud Grade .r Better. 2.01 PLYWOOD WEB JOISTS temperature is below 401+ D. Starting and Stopping: Where fresh masonry joins masonry that is 2.01 MATERIALS partially or totally set• clean the exposed surfaces of the set masonry E. 2x6 Studs: Douglas Fir, No. 2 Gras; nr Better. A. wood I Joists: WSJ as manufactured by Willfamette Industr1es. Inc. o+ PART 2 - PRODUCTS and wet lightly to obtain best possible bond with new work. Remove loot- approver 'ute. Substitutes will only by considered which have Acceptable Manufacturers: masonry and mortar. C. Headers: Douglas Fir, No. 2 Grade Better, capacities ;.ending, shear, and deflection greater than the member Z.01 MATERIALS 1. DAP Inc. shown on the structural drawings. 2. Parr Inc, E. Accessories: Install wall ties and other accessories in accordance with A. Primer: FTintkote 710-01 or equal. D. Joists: Douglas-Fir, No. 2 Grade (r Bette,. Section 04150. Locate tits If,* of vertically on each wall stud. PART 3 - EXECUTION 4. Sonneborn buildtn; vr._.s,uc; 3.03 POINTING AND CLEANING E. Blocking and Furring: Douglas f'r Hem-F•r Standard Grace or Better i„i B. Asphalt Emulsion: fliritltote 700-03 cr equal, 5. Alb,"nRIZ 1 0 2.3.01 ERECT 1 ON Atmi] ALLAT I0 6A. Pointin Cut out defective oints and holes in ex osed masonry and PVa[e:: Douglas fir Standard GraSr :r Better- Sill plates shall be PART 7 - EXECUTION 7.g' j P pressure treated Douglas fir or :edyod. A. Place ,joists in positiors indicated on Shop drawings and support it, B. repoint with mortar. Dry bruin masonry surface after mortar has set at 3.01 PREPARATION 9. General Electra, end of each day's work and after final pointing. 2.03 MICRO-LAM BEAMS manner indicated. Keep joists in upright position at all times. Hold 10. Approved Sutsrii. chords in a straight tiff! from time of sett! until sheathing is x. Clean surfaces to be d c t4oyr9^i 9 fig 9 Brush dowofed. ce iC voids and honeycomb in concrete T Arroie*,,.aiC f'.m B. Cleaning: upon completion of pointing and cleaning have the Work area A. Beams: Trus Joist or approved substitute laminated of Douglas-fir, applied. walls with grout. Brush der surfaces to move loose scale, fins, r Types: O F A 1� Argowes ec and surrounding surfaces clear and tree of mortar spots, droppings. and dust, etc. J. I. rid t o ompor.nt a: • .-etnane. As Rights R®9e""ed broken masonry. Clean exposed stone with stiff bristle brush and water. 2.04 SHEATHING B. Install bridging as erection proceeds. Install temporary bracing to 2. Around B tubs and >nowef. icon!. Thadocornwri am iry*KWU Commercial cleaners and diluted acids shall not be used. maintain alignment and prevent lateral movement. Securely anchor as 3.32 APPLICATION 3. Interio . Latex A ,eC. aw designs rnwrpo aped 4, foam 1, nt: w +era P-�lvc=1 One or Insta-F oar rwe.n as anmsOurmniot indicated and recommended by manufacturer, professions servim stns DIVISION 5 METALS A. Roof Sheathing: SrB` Louisiana-Pacific waferboard- n. Primer: Brush or spray primer onto surface at rate of 112 to ] gallon Ompeny of Amo*Gwathmwy, B. Wall Sheathing: 112' Louisiana-Pacific Waferboard, per 100 sq. ft. depending .•t surface porosity. _ ___ Ptah A cndxis Pc aro s Di ion I - General Requirements applies to work of this division. SECTION 06 DO E N h P NTRY 3. riot to be used ah wnome or", q pp i` As D. Accessories: Provide joint backing !nd bona breaker as ree bed b Dart wdhout the wetter C. Plywood floor Sheathing: Asphalt Emulsion: Brush or s;ray twc coats of emulsion over prised y aiuthon:ahon of RObW L 1. Thickness: 3/4' CD plywood, surface at rate of 3 gal ions .er IOL' sq. ft. �VWi�f �miwr- - - - - y>!y•�w.yr° Amon f0wardM Gwammey PART 1 - GENERAL .if of sonry Pratt �TIQMI�!'rl�I2Q, S�TRUCTUItAI _iTJE�_ _ 2. Exposure Durability: Exposure 1 (Interior with exterior glue). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3. Single layer floor sheathing shall be T&a. 1.01 SUMMARY SECTION Q7210 BUILDING N AT N PART t - GENERAL D. Floor Underlayment: 112' Homosote. 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Section Includes: 1.01 QUALITY ASSURANCE 2.05 METAL FRAMING ANCHORS PART 2 - PRODUCTS A. General; Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Date ].02 REFERENCES A. Acceptable Manufacturers; 2.01 MATERIALS B. Joint Sealers: Apply in Continuous Dead without open joints, voids or �-]. A. welders: AWS qualified. 1. Simpson Company A. Comply with the Custom grade requirements of `Architectural Woodwork air pockets Confine tc taints, re'-ve excess. Leave joints slightly F 1.02 REFERENCES 6' Teco Quality Standards and Guide SDec,TScations`, 1985 edition, as publishe A. Perimeter Foundation Insulation: 2- thick x 24' wide Dow Styrofoam SM or recessed. Revised: by the Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWi . 3. Harlan Metal Products . ) USG Formuier Extruded Poiystrene Insuiah on. No substitutes. A. Structural Steel work: Comply with AISC Specification for the Design, 4• Silver Metal Products PART 2 - PRODUCTS 7 .03 SCHEDULE 5. KC Metals P. Blanktt Insulation: FS Mi-1 `_IF, It^e 1, unfacecl fiber lass batts or Fabrication and Erection of Structural for Ruildtngs. 9 6. Approved Substitute blankets. Provide thermal resistances as indicated and as follows: A. Locations: ?.C1 INTERIOR MATERIALS 1. Joints Between Exterior Door and Window frames and Rough Wood E. Welding: Comply with AWS Structural Welding Code Steel p1.1 B. Types and Sizes: As indicated and required. 1. Walls: R-19 framing: Fill gaps completely with foam sealant. A. 0uaiity Grade: AW1 Custom 2. Roof: R-38 2. Door thresholds. 1.G3 SUBMITTALS C. Accessories: Pro.ide nails and bolts as recommended by manufacturer. 3. Floor: R-19 for sound control 3. Open joints between dissimilar materials. 4. Around- B. lnttrior Trim: showers and lavatories. W. Snap Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. PART 3 - EXECUTION 1. Pine- Knotty Pine, D select or better. Finger Jninting not C. Vapor Barrier: 5. Other joints as indicated and required. PART 2 - PRODUCTS acceptable. 1. Walls and Roof: a mil polyethylene between drywall and insulation. EpWAEDWARD M. i`,p Sheet NLifnber 3.01 GENERAL � C, wood poor Frames: Ponderosa pin?, C select or better. Plant assembled � 2.01 MATERIALS A. Cooperate with otnar trades. Provide wood grounds• blocking• backing with corners dadoed and glued. Finger jointing not acceptable. CT ON 0731 WOOD SHAKE ROOFING G��{��N EYi JR. A Steel Shapes, Bars and Plates: ASTM A36 and framing required for other tracts. Cut and patch rough carpentry a 2 02 EXTERIOR MATER1Ait required. B. Standard Rolls and Nuts: ASTM A307 VAR' 1 GENERA 3.02 INSTALLATION A. wood Facia and Trim: No- 1 common rough sawn western red cedar as indicated. No knots allowed in bottom edges. i. Paint: Red Oxide primer. A. General: Install framing, sheathing and metal framing anchors in 1.01 QUALITY ASSURANCE ,.: .i. '� 2.01 ANCHORS accordance with Uniform Griloing Code. B. Soffits and Sfnt•q! 1x6 17.613 V-Groove Cedar, Smooth finish for Soffit and rough finish fir siding. A Regulatory Requirements: A. Provide anchors for steel framing as indicated and required. Ft re: wood roofing shakes shall ur fire retardant pressure treated. Sach bindle of shakes shall nave UL ,abet attached. DIVISION 8 DOORS AM WINDOWS PART 2 PRODUCTS PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.03 PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER (STUCCO) MiXES D. Master Bath Diagonal. Accent tile: Dal-tile D-1454, glazed, 4-1/4' x 4. • • 1?4 caramel 2,01 MANUFACTURED WOOD WINDOWS 2.01 GLASS A- Each Coat of Portlard C+intent Plaster: Une part Portland cement to thre 1. Grout: Hydvembtnt Jamoca 07628:. • i4 sift 1 - General Requirements applies to work of this division. to fire parts of sand. Hydrated lire ray be added for plasticity to A. Acceptable Manufacturers: A. Glass Types: Provide glass as Indicated of one of the following of amount of loch by weight or 25v volume. Should anti-hydro be used in E. Secondary Bath floor Tile: Empire tilt KPT K404 glazed ceramic, 8' x w 1. Rolscreen Company (Pella of Colorado) glass; glaze with the material Called for: place of line, use one quart per sack of Portland cement with no 81; beige. SECTION 08210 WOOD DODR,4 _- - 2. Hurd TYPE DESCRIPTION additional additive. Add fiber as required. 1. Grout: Hydroment Jamseca 076Z84 3, Weathershield 4, Approved Substitute A 8. Mixing: Mix materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendatton F, Secondary Bath Wall Tile: Dal tite 0-1454 glazed ceramic, 4-1/4" x A- PART Fixed Glazing: SIB' or 3 4• nominal to achieve indicated and specifitd results. I/41; caramel. DART 1 - GENERAL g� � / S. Manufacturer and Type: Pella Fixed and operable Casement Units thickness standard size sliding door insulating 1. Grout: Hydrament Jamoca 076284. 1-01 REFERENCES glass units. Clear tempered both sides. ART 3 - EXECUTION + Finish: Primed for paint finish Inside and outside. G. Secondary Bath Accent Tile at Tub and Shower Surround: Dal tile D-300, ' A. Reference Standards; See Section 01060 for custom wood doors. Comply B Operable and related foxed 60.window glazing. Fectori .O1 LATHING glazed ceramic, 4-1i4•; pearl white. with following: 0. Weatherstrip: Weatherstrlpped. pre-glazed. See Section 08410. 1. Architectural woodwork 1. Grout: Mydroment Jamoca •16281. Quality Standards, Guide Specifications end A. General: Comply with Referenced Standards. Quatlty Certification Program, Fourth Edition, as published by the p. Glazing: Factory glazed with Clear double glazing panel, bronze tintei C Door Glazing- Factory pre-glazed See Section H, Shower floors: Dal the unglazed, 2` x 2"; color as selected. Architect Woodwork Institute. on south and west. 08210• B. Stucco on Sheathing: Apply paper backed self -furring stucco mesh 1. Grout: Hydrarent•' color as selected. t a. Comply with premigm grade requirements.. directly to sheathing for exterior stucco. Accessories: Provide necessary haroware, anchors and related items. -'•02 GLAZING MATERIALS 1. Accessory Pieces: Provide bulinose ceramic the pieces at all outside 1.02 SUBMITTALS .02 INSTALLATION OF ACCESSORIES corners or exposed edges. a. Screens; Provide fiberglass mesi amens for all operable sash. A. Elastic Glaring Compound: Cooly with federal Specification A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Indicate IT-P-781a, Type I or TT-G-410e. Glazing compound shall be paintable A. Corner Beads: Install corner beads tightly wired to lath at exposeil 2.02 SETTING AND GROUTING MATERIALS location, size, elevation, details of construction, hardware blocking. PART 3 EXECUTION variety. exterior corners. fire rating, factory preparation reteairemeits for each door type. A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 3.01 INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT B. Setting Blocks. Shims and Blazing Clips: Size and type as recommended 8. Casing Beads: Install where plastered surfaces finish against concrete, 1. Laticrete International, Inc. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE by glass manufacturer. masonry or other exposed surfaces and elsewhere as indicated on 2• C-Cure Chemical Co., Inc. A. General: Install windows according to manufacturer's instructions and drawings. 3. Approved Substitute A. Regulatory Requirematst Provide UL or Warnock Hersey TO minute label reviewed Shop Drawings. Adjust operable sash to work freely with all PART 3 - EXECUTi(0 on doors requiring fire label. EDoor5 to Garage). hardware functioning properly. Re-adjust at completion of the job if C. Control Joints: As indicated or at intervals not to exceed 10 ft, o.c. 8, Portland Cement Mortar: 1:3 Portland €anent/sane gauged with Laticrete directed by the Architect. 3.01 PREPARATION of stucco surfaces. 3701 admix or approved substitute. Mix as recommended by manufacturer. U Bond Coat: neat Portland tenant gauged with Laticrete 4237 ti to setting PART 2 A field Measurements: Field measure openings before ordering tempered or 103 APPLICATION liquid or approved substitute. 2.01 PARELEO DOORS Insulating glass products. Be responsible for proper fit of field C. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar (Thin-Set): ANSI 118,1, 1:1 Portland Q SECTION 08655 ROOF WIM measured products. A. General: Comply with Reference Standards. Cement/sand �� _ omp y gauged with Laticrete 4237 file setting liquid. A. Description: Custom manufactured souid stock stile and rail with W authentic divided liter, g B. Protection; operations cover glass during spray painting or Diner (� pattern i5 indicated, AWI premium made PART 1 � GENERAL D. Grout: Laticrete drytrond grout and joint. filter gauged with Laticrete 11J construction operations that right reuse damage to glass. pD Apply 3701 admix. Mix as recommended by manufacturer- Color as selected by Ir (k O construction. Pre-machined for hardware. Thickness as scheduled. R. A. licit on: A 1 Portland Cement Plaster in two coats to total �f 1.01 SUBMITTALS 02 INSTALLATION thickness of 1". y Architect B. Species: Solid stock. _J 1. Exterior Doors: Clear Ponderosa Pint A Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. first Coat: Apply first coat of plaster with such force as to secure 2.03 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL` 0 2. Interior Doors: Clear Panderosa Pine. 11 stops' good key. PART 2 - PRODUCTS I. Hold glass with wood stops as detailed. Stops will be furnished (� A. Troweled on waterproofing System: Laticrete 301/3]5 waterproof membrane other section of these specifications. C. Glazing: See Orowings. U. Worluanishe Perform work true to line, dents, and plumb. with Laticrete reinforcing fabric. T. Carefully remove any stop already In place as necessary to permit 9 2,01 R08f WINDOWS glazing. I. Finished Surfaces, Fite from wares, dents, bumps and other PART 3 - EXECUTION 3. Randle glazing. Carefully and properly install without damage t0 see. imperfect Ions. PART 3 - [x[Culiuk A. Acceptable Manufacturers: 2. Execute work to avoid any irregularity occurring at poiri or place Z J ..01 PREPARATION I. veiux-America, Inc. where one section ii joined to another. 3,01 PREPARATION O B. Glazing in hood Prates 2. Approved Substitute 3. Arises and Angles: True and sharp. 1. Center glass in glazing rabbet to maintain recommended clearances at A. Conditioning: Condition doors to average humidity in Installation area A. Waterproofing: Trowel apply waterproofing on shower floors to receive nrlor to hanging. B. Manufacturer and Type: Model FS Fixed. perimeter on all four sides, inside and out. Rest glass pants on E, Finish Coat: Apply synthetic plaster to match accepted sample area and 9 q' setting blocks as recommended by the glass manufacturer. RP Y R tile awalls bq to manufacturer's written data sheets. Extend minimum at B. PreflttiR Prefit doors to frames and machine for hardware to whate C. finish: Job stain finish inside. Aluminum clad outside in color 2 Install shim; as recommended to maintain clearance between stops and according to manufacturer's recommendations. 6" up walls behind wall finish. Rtlnforte all torn��rs, joints and � 9' face of glass. Set grass in a full bed of glazing compound, hold to penetrations with reinforcing fabric, extent not previously worked at factory as required for proper fit and selected by Architect. F- Finished Surface: Plastering in whicii fine cracks, pits, checks, wares, plate with metal glazing clips or shims, then stop in with octal streaks, catfaces, blisters Or Other defects may develop, not be 3,02 INSTALLATION uniform clearance at each edge. stops as specified above, sit in a full bed of grating tdbpound �' 0. Weatherstrip: Manufacturer's standard. accepted. Cut out and property replace such arras. Maintain a minimum face clearance of I?8' between glass }acts and A. Tile Floors - Thin Set Insta{lar on: Install, r C. Staling: Berare installation of hardware, brush apply exterior seal metal stops as called for by f[►MA Standards. grout, Clean, protect and coat to ail job site cut or planed surfaces. 1. Sealer: Type E. Glazing: Pre-glazed with tempered insular ng unit, exterior face bron2 Cut glass with smomtlx. straight edges of full sire required by the .04 CURING cure in [ •Pfar+aance with TCA handbook Methods and ANSI A108.5 using recommended by manufacturer. tinted, altitude adjusted if required. latex-Portland cement mortar: Leanings. Edge clearances mild smooth with lean Standards. A Portland Cement Plaster Stucco): Damp Cure each coat. Cure scratch Leave glazing compound and putty smooth and clean. Remove glazing ( 1. hood Floors: TCA Method f744 !.Os- IN$iALLAi70N F. Accessories: Provide necessary anchors and related items. Coat for 48 hour period before Drown coat is applied. Curt b Compound and putty from adjoining surfaces without damaging the for coat finish. for 48 hours, allow to dr. for live days then apply synthetic plaster 2. Concrete: ICA Method F143 Slabs shall be tree of curing compt:iurh' A. General: Install door +n accordance with manufacturer's rieco mmen y• Trim Flashings: Provide all related aluminum trim and flashings, color finish coat. or other an144in4tes before proceeding. dathons. to batch windows. Provide gang type flashings. .03 CLEANING I. Fit to width by planing and fit to height. In no case shall doors SECTION 09250 GYPSUM WALL BOARD B. Tile Flours iuitland Cemt:nt Mortar Bed Installation: install grout, be Cut down to opening $izes cataller than those for which the war PART 3 - EXECUTION - clean, protect and cure to conformance with TCA Handbook Method F112 and manufactured. _y A. Leave glass in a job clean condition with glazing compound and putty ANSI A108.I Install file reinforcing mesh in arortar bPd. .07 INSTALLATION carefully removed from giass and adjoining surfaces. Final cleaning of PART I - GENERAL B. Hanging: glass is under Section 0I7D: C. Wall T1Tr a:._ ?., a insta�iatton Over Gypsum Board- 1 .tar wall t,le After sizing doors, fit for hardware as scheduled. Before in- A. General: Install windows according to oanufacturer's instructions and 1.01 SUBMITTALS using the th :trod. Install, grout, clean, prote. ,. -n DIVISION 9 FINISHES conformance - '+0ndbook Method W243 and ANSI A108 ` v,ing latex Site Cut on of hardware, brush apply an exterior seal cast to job reviewed shop drawings. A. Product Data: Submit in OCCSrdMce with Section 01300. Portland V;Vr• site cut surfaces. Use staler t'eeaimtendetl by door manufacturer. ,_02 FIELD OLIALITY CONTROL i Hang doors to be free of bin2ing with hardware functioning properl, ' Division I - General Requirements applies to work of this division. PART 2 - PRODUCTS D. well li' T, %tallation Over Cement tious Boarl. instal' no A. Testing: water test windows upon completion in the presence of the time us e'. method. Install, grout, clean, protect in SECTI91 08312 WOOD SLIDING GLA55 DOOR- Architect. Conduct test using a nose without nozzle and thoroughly wet S LATH AN PLASTER 2.01 MATERIALS conform• ;•. 4andbook Method W244 and ANSI AiDS 5 using latex- the entire glass surface. Retest until Nate"ight. Portland c_-nit xbc-►4r A. Gypsum Board: PART I - GENERAL 1. Fire Rated: 5/8' Firecode (Type 1). use in all locations. E. Ceramic the Showers: install, grout, clean, protect in conformance SECTION 087IO FINISH HARDWARE PART l GENERAL 2. Moisture Resistant: USG WIR. Use behind ceramic tile, with TCA M•thon 8415 in conjunction with Method W244. 1.01 SUBMITTALS 1.01 SUMMARY 3. Cementittous: wonderboard by Diodulars Inc, Use at bathtub and shower surrounds. 3.01 SEALINL A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. PART I - GENERAL A. Section Includes: 1. Metal Lath S. Accessories: A. Apply ptnef,dt,, y staler according to manufacturer's re-commendations I PART 2 - PRODUCT$ 1.01 QUALITY ASSURANCE 2. Fiber reinforced Portland Cement Plaster on Lath 1. Trim: USG No. 20118 and ICI. Use 3+4• Radius BedeA at outside all floors 2.01 WOOD SLIDING GLASS DOORS 4, Synthetic Plaster Finish Coat €asters' C A. Supplier Qualifications: The hardware supplier must have in fits employ 2. Fasteners: Drywall nails. 5E T10N 09!!50 RESIEIEti' iIDORING e regular member, in good standing, of the American Society of 1,02 REFERENCES A. Acceptable Manufacturers: Architectural Hardware Consultants, who shall be responsible for the C. Joint Treatment. 1. Ratscreen Company (Pella) detailing, scheduling and ordering of the finish hardware. 1. Drywall: USG Perf-A-Tape/Duraberd System or equal. PART 1 - GENERAL 2. Hurd A. Reference Standards: See Section on 01060. Comply etch followrtng: 2. Texture; Contractor's option 3. Neathershield B. Regulatory Aequir.wn-its: Provide UL listed hardware for fire or I. Metal Lath Association "Specifications for Metal Lathing and ! 0'1 SUBMITTALS Furring", 1984 Edition. 4. Accepted Substitute opening. hazard wn scheduled or required to maintain rating of 2. ANSI A42.3-1971 "Lathing and Furring for Portland Cement and PART 3 - EXECUTION A. Samples: Submit for color selection. optning. Portland Cement - Lime Plastering, Exterior (Stucco) and Interior". 3.01 INSTALLATION S. Description: Pella Wand Patio Sliding Doors and Frames. as indicated 1 ?. AS1M C926-81 "Application of Portland Cent Based Piaster". PART 2 - PRODUCTS I. Glazing: acia t .02 SUBMITTALS em g: ry tempered insulating bronze tinted glazing, A. General: Apply and finish In ACCOraAnCe with Gypsum Assoc ation GA 21 altitude adjusted if required. tinted on south and west. A. Hardware Schedule: Submit in accordance with Section 0130D, '1.03 SUBMITTALS 2,01 MATERIALS 2. Accessories: Provide with screen doors, A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300, Include each. B. Layout: Apply panels in as long lengths as practical to keep joints to A. Vinyl IF n ng: 3, Hardware: Provide complete with stArdarid pulls and deadlock. B. Templates: Within 11 days alter receipt of the approved corrected a minimum.i 1• Armstrong Custom Corlon, color and pattern as selected by Architect hardware schedule, submit 4 sets of templates and schedules to the door nst of plaster material, metal lath, and lathing atcessaries to be C. Accessories. Provide necessary anchors and rotated items. and frame suppliers, installed. C. Fasteners: Apply boards to wood training with nails or screws- B. Adhesive: As recommended by sanifacturer PART 3 - EXECUTION N PART ? - PRODUCTS 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE D. Moisture Resistant: Apply W/'R sealant to cut edges and nail heads, DART 3 - EXECUTION 3. : INSTALLATION AND ADJUSTMENT 2.01 FINISH HARDWARE A. timid Sample Arras: E. Cut Holes: Moles for eiectrical devices, pipes, et:. shall not exceed I. Stucco: Complete sample 100 square feet area of each type ind color site of Cover plate or escutcheon. Repair oversize hole with new panel 3.c: PREPARATION A. General: install doors according to manufacturer's instructions and A. Lotkset5: C'mclition of stucco, of gypsum board; spackle filling will not be permitted. reviewed shop drawings. Adjust to work freely with all hardware 2. Sample Areas: Illustrate modeling, texture and color. A. Cleanlnq and Priming: lean substrate before applying, Remove roug, functioning properly. 7. Exterior: Peron Celtic A Da PMT wrought .Pan with gunmetal finish. 3 Accepted S y foreign matter that right be evident through the flooring + g p °�` y' Distrubutar: EGG li Dart, Denver, Co. Ttl: 303!111-1676 R obeli Areas: Standard for rest o/ work. F. Trim: Apply at Corners, where drywall abuts dissimilar materials and spots and an fore,g� r 7. Interior: SChlage Orbit w/ dark bronze brushed finish. Function a 4. Accepted Sample Areas: May remain part of completed project. indicated. ^• he manufacturer, Cover only that 1�3 SECTION OWN CNaA OVERHEAD R< Indicated on the drawings. amount of aria which can tre . 9 1.05 PRfIJFCT COIaD:T10NS U. Finishing: Finish joints and fastener dimples as recommended by A a five rkin time 8. Hinges: assnufacturer and sand smooth. Apply hock and trowel texture as direct ] y I. Exterior: 1-1/2 pair ball bearing butts with dark bronze finish. A. Environmental Requirements: by Architect following application of prime coat by the painter. PART 1 GENERAL 2. Interior: l pair plain bearing butts with dark bronze finish. I. Cold Weather Protection. Protect plaster coats against freezing far Gltier Ins; , � t r<, period of 24 hours after application. Do not apply interior or r t P! 1.01 SUBMITTALS ct tle> a s o t A!.wvi(;w vr.n [. Thresholds and Weatherst n pping at interior Door to Garage and All exterior piaster if ambient temperature is less than 40e F. SECTION 09 TILE cations of the rpenu!a A.rz,aaci4 P� A. Shop Drawings and Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section - Exterior Doors: Extrude? bronze threshold, bulb type weatherstripping Maintain this temperature 48 hours prior to application, during Ai Rights Reserved and Pemko 222 ov door bottom with weather protection. application and during curing by use ai temporary neat ant' enclosure PART 1 GENERAL Tnsdacu,.w,i ■ndihe ideas fl1300. if necessary. !H FL anaae5gns roct.area 1.01 REFERENCES here,n as an,nstrunw+t of PART 2 PRODUCTS 0. Closer: At Interior door to garage 2. Hot weather Protection: Protect plaster against uneven or excessive to the P R' GE L o overly d Arnaatiw■m..y; evaporation during dry, hot weather and from strong blasts of dry A. Reference Standards: CO"1Y with the following standards: ' PopertyOf cn PG eras E. Stops: Dome type bronze fi wall stops at all doors. Provide rood blockin air, either natural or artificial. I. ANSI 108.1-1916 - glazed will Tile, Ceramic Mosaic Tile. Quart not io0eusea n Chas a in 2.01 OVERHEAD DOORS in wail, Dark bronze finish. and Paver Tile Installed with Portland Cement Mortar. y I E R Dart vw#4M Me wrrtaen A. Approved Manufacturers: ART 2 - PRODUCTS - autritrsaCKlr ai Rohwnt F. Sliding Closet Gvors: Sliding door set. 2. ANSI 108.5-1976 - Ceramic Tile Installed with Dry-Set Portland w---.,.....,� 1- Overhead Door Anroia Famine Al c.+aanniey 2. Raynor Manufacturing Co. .01 METAL FRAMING AND LATHING MATERIALS Cement Mortar or Latex-Portland Cement Mortar. Unless otherwise Indicatec. CORP v with 411 appitcable IF4 mlents of Jt or Henri Pran PART 3 - EXECUTION 3. ANSI 118.4-1973 Latex-Portland Cement Mortar. ti 3o.E. ]• Approved Substitute 4. ANSI 137.1-1980 - Ceramic Tile. A. Metal Lath: k-lath type SFB paper backed balvanized stucco netting or 1.03 SUBMITTALS 3.fl7 INSTALtJITiON 9 S. Tilt Council of Ape n to (TCA) - 1991 Handbook for Ceramic Ti 1. B. Manufacturer end Type: Raynor Regency, 4 panel, flush panel sectional 'equal' Installation. ' A. Fastening; furnish Items of hardware with attachment screws, bolts, B. Ise Mire: NO. 16 or No. I8 gage galvanized wire. A• Samples: Submit samples ex ,.-e. nq proposed for use showing ex[rtamP overhead doors or approved substitute. variations sin color and textflo Date 1. operation: Motortztd r+iii operas On by hand held act rotor in nuts, etc, as required to attacn hardware to type of material involved 1.02 SUBMITTALS vehicle and Rush butt an operation In garage. and with finish to match hardware with which they are to be used. C. Casing Beads: USG Ho. 66 square edge ex ended t r 9 d. Product Data: Submit produt' data on e�i set In 9 l p type) or equal. A. Samples: Submit Complete Samples o. tile and rout to Architect for g, grouting and cleaning Revised: C. Size: AS indicated. color vertficatton in accordance with Section 01300. materials. B. Weatherstripping thresholds: Run weatherstripping furl height of both D. Right Angle Corner Beads; K-Lath Kwik-Corner or equal. D. Track Provide standard track. Jambs and full width of head. Run. thresholds full width of opening. 1.03 PROJECT CONDITIONS 1.04 i1WhLiTY ASSURANCE Run door bottoms full width of door Set thresholds in caulking under E. Inte n or Corners: USG Cornerite or equal. Section 01900. A. Environmental Conditions: Do not install tile set in Portland cement A. Contractor Qualifications: Flooring subcontractor must have At least E. Hardware: CounlerGatan:e Odor with torsion springs and galvanized lift cable. Provide standare hardware for inside latching and cylinder lock .02 PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER (STUCCO) MATERIALS mortar when the ambient temperature is below 5011. Comply with minimum five (5) years experience in the installation of stone f ring C. Adjusting: Prior to final inspection, inspect and adjust door closers. temperature requirements of bonding and grouting] materials manu- projects. F. finish: Wood siding by others. locks and items requiring close adjustment and regulation and check mil A. Portland Cement: ASTM C110-81. Typo 1. keying, facturers. B. clock-Up: At a location directed by the ArchI'Fttc oneI G. Support: Provide necessary supplemental freeing for support of tracks. SECTIQV B. Hydrated lime: ASTM C206-74. PART 2' PRODUCTS approximately 4"-0" x 4'-0" in size of. Use tonstruc r on d PART 3 - EXECUTION C. Aggregate: Clean natural or manufactured sand, free from deleterious mate n ais specified, Approved Mock-up may remain part of fl rk PART 1 - GENERAL amounts Of loam, clay, salt, soluble salts and organic matter. 1. 2.01 TILE PART z - PRODUCTS EDWARD M. 3.01 INSTALLATION Finish Coat Aggregate: Fine silica sand complying with requirements A. Master Bath Floor Tile: Dal the D-1525, glazed, 8" x 8'; beige, ��t•T gr 1.01 QUALITY ASSURANCE listed above. 1. Grout: Hydroment Jamoca 076284: seal with penetratinq sealer. 2.01 STONE FLOORING G WA T H MEY, 1R. At A. General: Install overhead doors according to manufa€turtr'S �� r.instructions and revlewed Shop Drawings. A. Regulatory Requirements: D. Finish Coat; Synthetic Piaster. Single color required. B. Master Bath file at Tub Ba[ksolosh and Shower Surround: Dal t le D-727 A. Material: Random patterr Colorado buf s nd R d ECTION I. Safety Glass: comply with State Statues, UBC AND ANSI Z97.1. I. Acceptable Manufacturers: glazed, 4-114" x 4•Ii4•; betve. ff 0 W a. Dryrit System. Inc. (Dryvit) I Grout: Hydroment almond &762'5:: 2.02 MORTAR AND GROU' r 1.02 REFERENCES b. El Rey Stucco Co.. Inc. (Pefsaa-flex) -YV `7 lP 1M1 c. ISPO lCrete, Inc. (lnsulTtrtte) Master Bath Accent tile at Tub Backsolash and shower Surround: Dal tit A. Thirk Bed Mort4-. ;:l Portland ceme^T dr . Oi PART ] GENERA: A. Reference Standards: Comply with: e. Ierr ln:. (R Wall) D-100, glazed. 112' wide x 5• long; white Admix as spec-r=•3 under .atic-rete Gat& 1. FCgItA Glaring Manual, 1980 edition. e. weir T,;, i^, (Pieta Therm) 1. Grout: Hydrdment almond 016?65. 1 lemon. f. Sto Injustrhes, Inc. (STD) S. Slurry Bond Coat. Portland cement/sano gauged Crete 04231 Admix as Specified under Laticrete Data Sheet 230.6. 2. wall shall be perfectly Cry, clean and smooth before starting work. 1,01 SUBMITTALS ' • i C. firtoutt Laticrete (Iry Bond grout and Joint Filler or approved equal Fill tracts, holes or checks full and make smooth before finish Is i.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE ganged with Laticrete #3701 Grout and Mortar Admix. Color: Natrual applied to Surfaces. Fi'1 cracks, etc. which occur after walls are gray- sited, Wall shall be perfectly dry and smooth before finish is A. Product Data: Submit in accordance .itn Section 01300. A. Regulatory Requirements: ComEly ;tr applicable codes and regulations. i vr. Mixing proportions. and procedures sMtl be in strati accordance with applied. BART i PRODUCTS PART 2 PRODUCTS recommendations of Laticrete Data Sheet 230.6. B. Interior Wood Surfaces to Be Paintec: Touch-up sap and knots with ART 3 EXECUTION sealer. Fill Voids with leas putty after primer is dry 2.01 BATH ACCESSORIES ?.01 MATERIALS C. Interior Ferrous Metal: Remove foreign material from unprimed metal A. Accessories:. By Franklin Brass A. 6"eral: Provide materials, fixtures and equipment as required by and tit 0l INSTALLATION C. wire brush and dust clean. 1. Towel Bars: American 11, chrome finish. 2118>PC-18'; 2724-PC-24". in compliance Win aDOltCable codes and regulations. 2730-PC-30". •t• A. Setting Bed Installation, Install flooring according to thick bed D. Shop Primied Metals. Touch-up shop primed metals with a primer similar to 2. Toilet Paper Holders: 2746-PC, chrome finish. B. Fixtures and Trim: t setting materials and methods specified in paragraphs 6.0 and 10.0 of the existing. 3. Nooks: 2702 PC, chrome finish. 1. WhirlpooleSpaiTub at Master Batt: Kohler 5 ft. Overture; white. Laticrete Data Shk,it 234.6. Back butter each unit before setting. a, Trim: Price Pfister to. QD6-F:CPC-adjustable 8'-15' centers; E. Interior Zinc Coated Metal (Galvanized Surfaces): Wash with mineral PART 3 - EXECUTION porcelain cross handles with Roman tub spout including bodies, .02 GROUTING AND CLEANING spirits and prime as specified. spout, handles and flanges; chrome- 3.01 INSTALLATION Z. Tub at Second Bath: Kohler 5 ft. Villager; white A. Grouting: Interior Wood to to Clear Frr+Shed: Sand to smooth finish. Fill voids a. Trim: Price Pfister Tub and Shower set with Dtverter No. 03- 1. Grout joints as soon as initial set or setting bed is achieved, and nail holes after firs' 1 's Cry using a filler compatible with A. General: Securely Install as indicated. Ensure proper blocking has 9CPC/03-61XA two valve porcelain cross handles including bodies, Grout joints shall be pamped full using grout gun or pointing gun the finish system and matcr : color, been installed. spout, handles, flanges, shower head and tub filler; chrome. and struck flush. 3. Shower Se!: Price Pfister 07-9CF1-M-31XA two valve porcelain cross 2. Cure grout by maintaining in damp condition for seven (7) days. 6. Exterior Ferrous Metal: Remove foreign material from unprimed metal handles, flanges and shower head; chrome. with wire brush and dust clean. SECTION 10620 SHOWER DOORS AND NfiOSU9r'.. 4. Water Closets: Kohler Weiiwortr.; white. B. Cleaning: Remove grout haze with grout and the cleaner applied ana S. Lavatories: Kohler Farmington; white. removed as reram+ended by the manufacturer. H. Exterior Zinc Coated Metal (Galvanized Surfaces): hash with mineral a. Trim: Price Pfister No, H 44-1CK mini widespread w/porcelair spirits. PARi 1 - GENERAL cross handles, 4 ceder; white, lerCTION Og680 CARPET r- 6 Kitchen Sink: E)kdv P. :uR-432. triple bowl stainless steel; 43" x 3.02 WORKMANSNiP 1.01 SUBMITTALS 1 22' x 10' 0. PART 1 - GENERAL A. Spread materials evenly without runs or sagging of materials. If the A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 013DO. a, Trim: Price Pfister H31-5CBC chrome cross handle with spray surfaces are not in proper shape for painting, repair, rebuild or hose and concealed deck. " I 0 1.01 SUBMITTALS refinish before proceeding with the work. Otherwise, be responsible to PART 2 - PRODUCT.- b. Disposer: ISE Model 77. a� any poor work caused by improper surfaces. Q Y Q A. Samples; Submit of 12` x 12' mtnimur size samples of each carpet type 2.0: SHOWER DOORS AND ENCLOSURES C. Not Water Heaters; Gas fired, sizes as indicated. �1 for Architect's verification. S. The application of the first coat Joe$ not relieve responsibility for the base. Do not apply any coats on either damp or wet surfaces and in A. Master Bath; Ace Model 780 t `�`J)or equa'. Custom PART 3 - EXECUTION CY 1.02 WARRANTY no case until the proceeding coat is dry and hard. Spread finish event i at CY and thoroughly brush out. Sand work between coats. Finish the upper B. Second Bath: Ace Model 740 or equa 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Provide written one year warrant; fir material and installation in and lower edges of wood doors the same as the face. This work shall be J accordance with Section 01700. upon aemand, correct any condition due done in all cases after doors have been fitted and are ready for final C. Finish: Bright chrome A. General: Comply with applicable codes and regulations. Install with U) to faulty material or installation Coring the warranty period. hanging, skilled craftsmen. Of Z 1 D. Glass: Frosted tempered. � lJ PART 2 - PRODUCTS C. Finish coat shall be in color as selected by Architect, Tint primers t B. Plumbing Fixtures: Locate as indicated an drawings. ! + 2.01 MATERIALS match finish coat. PART 3 - EXECUTION V C. Washer/Dryer; Provide hot and cold water and rough-in. Z 0. Where paint or enamel is rolled on, use a fine nap roller su a nearly 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Pad: .250 inch medico density fiat flat or orange peel textu-e is attained. � fl A. General: Install in accordance wits the manufacturer's recdmmmmda,tfons ;EDRA"W 15500 HEATING AND VEN11lAT;va - B. Carpet: _ ._ I. Destributor: Romaine Willlatrs, W. 303±985-3400. 3,03 COATING SYSTEM - INTERIOF 2. Option 1: Expressive Designs Ex_ressive Luxury 7547b Berber Loop; DIVISION 11 EOUIPMEN? 12 ft, width: 4O+i wool, 66t air. �c. color: Refer to samples. A. Wottdrork - Painter: 1 INGS i. Option I1: Expressive Designs 1lish Tweed 45467 Berber; 12ft. First Coat Primer width; 754 wool, 254 acrylic C^-,or: 4186400. Second Coat Enamel undercoat Division I General Requirexments applies to work of this division. DIVISION 16 ELECTRICAL 4. Option III: Expressive Designs :sottish Tweed 464x6 Berber; 12 ft Third Coat Semi-Gloss Ename' width; 7" wool, 254 acrylic. -.`or: 086400. 6nleral Requirements applies to work of this Division. F', Ferrous, Zinc Coated or Factory-Primed Metals Painted; SECTION 11452 RESIDENTIAL APPLIANCES lackless Strip: Kiittrim standarc ta.aless strip or equal. first Coat Primer or Factory-Prime Coat Second Coat Enamel undercoat SEE ORAWIII0 Edging: third Coat Semi-Gloss Enamel PART I - GENERAL 1. Approved Manufacturers: a. Mercer Plastics Company 1n. C. Drywall - Painted: 1.02 SUBMITTALS - b. Johnson Rubber Company 1301e301te;• First coat Sittable Primer c. Roppe Rubber Corporatior. Second Cost Texture Application by Drywall Subcontractor A. Product Data: Submit in accordarce with Section 01300. d. Approved Substitute. Third Cod! Latex Flat, latex Enamel at Kitchen 2. Exposed Carpet Edge: Mercer loro-lal sized for carpet and pad and Bathsl PART 2 PRODUCTS thickness. Fourth Coat Latex Flat, {Semi-Glass Latex Enamel at Kitchen: 3. Color: Selected by Architect. and Baths) 2.01 APPLIANCES PART 3 - EXECUTION c+dwnrk and Wood Doors - Clear Finish: A. All appliances by General Electr,:: Clear Lacquer 1. Range: J68P326EL, gas fired 3.01 INSTALLATION Clear Lacquer 2. Mtcrowave/Mood: JVM 180 wrcitsioe vent sand with No. 00 Sandpaper between coats- 3, Refrigerator w/icemaker: TFx 24 PL w/pine panel front to match A. layout: Lay out sheet goods so tha: wherever passible, seams are cabinets eliminated or held to a minimum in • gh traffic areas. 3,04 COATING SYSTEM - EXTERIOR 4. Dishwasher: G502200M wrptne panel front to match cabinets. 5. Stacked Washer/dryer: WwP1183GlODPI38OG1WD 85. l3. General: Install carpet ant pa. in -,-cardance with manufacturer's A, Ferrous Metals: recommendations. "Sattsfactorr ir<l11lation resulting from work First Coat Factory Prime Coat or Primer B. Colors: As selected by Archttec. from manufacturer's Standards. performed which Is not in accordance with the manufacturer's recom- Second Coat Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel, Exterior PART 3 - EXECUTION mendations shall be the responsibility of the carpet installer and war Third Coat Latex Semt-Gloss Enamel, Exterior result in the removal and re-laying of carpet and pad at the expense of g Zinc Coated Metal (Galvanized): 3,41 INSTALLATION the installer. Particular attention should be paid to recommendations First Coat Galvanized Iron Primer for application of floor pad, carpet and seaming. A. Appliances: install to casework according to manufacturer's Second Coat latex Semi-Gloss Enamel, Exterior instructions. Plumbing cvnnectic^s and electrical hookup will bH C. Seams: Butt carpet material tightly together for sews without gaps. Third Coat Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel, Exterior provided under Division 15, 0. Edging: Install Carpet edging at all exposed carpet edges. Locate C. Wood Trip Painted: loo : Install in case.worx according to manufacturer's instructlofis. under doors where Carpet stops in door opens First Coat Primer openings, •'�t connection and electrical hookup will be provided under Division, Second Coat Latex Semi-Glass Enamel, Exterior and 16. 3.02 CLEANING Third Coat Latex Semi-Glass Enamel, Exterior A. After installation is complete, clean up dirt and deuris and clean U. Redwood Deck: DIVISION 12 FURNISHINGS - Carpet of spots with cleaning, agents recommended py the manufacturer. First Coo[ Linseed Oil Remove loose threads with sharp scissors then clean with vacuum cleaner Second Coat Linseed Or'I 12 E. Mood Trim and Siding - Stained: Division I General Requirements applies to work in this Division. JEC11ON 0"00 PAINTING First Coat Olympic Oil Base Semitransparent stain Second Coat Oiymplc C+1 Base Semi-transparent stain CT ON 12390 RESIDENTIAL AS A PART I - GENERAL 3.05 MISCELLANEOUS RE4UIREMENT' A. Fireplace Flues Above Roof: Paint steel stack heat-resistant stack PART I - GENERAL 1.D1 SUBMITTALS paint; Sherwrin-Williams Ss, Stack Paint with asphaltic base or equal. 1.01 SUBM1Tral$ A. Paint or Stain Samples: Kake paint ^r stain samples as requested by to B. Objects on .Roof., Paint metal opjects on the roof including, but not Architect. Remake samples urtii ap:roved. limited to, flashings, rests, etc., as specified under ferrous, zinc A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings rn accordance with Section 01300. 1.02 JDB CONDITIONS coated metals. • B. Samples: Subiait samples of plastic laminate and cabinet finishes for A. EnrironiNentai Requirements- Do not finish outside fn extirerie cold, 3.06 CLEAN UP Architects's selection, frosty, foggy or damp weather. In .inter weather, finish only when th A. At the completion of work, remove surplus materials, staging, rubbish; 1.02 DELIVERI,.STORAGE AND HANDLING i temperature is SO#F or over and surfaces are absolutely dry In no cas.- oil) exterior painting be allowed wriie dust is blowing. clean off paint, varnish, stains fro^+ floors, glass, wails, hardwar-: and leave the premises +n clean condition. A. Do not deliver Cabinets until bu+ldino Is enclosed and dry. B. Condition of Spates and Surfaces: Spaces must be clean before finish PART 2 - PRODUCTS is started. Do not finish in rotilas or spaces where rubbish has DIVISION 10 SPECIALTIES Amoi6fwair+vyPean scculowlated or while rubbish is beinq removed. Fthishing will not be 2.01 RESIDENTIAL CASEWORK diaacis Pc allowed in dusty rooms. Oro not remove rubbish while finish is fresh. Ar All surfaces to which finish is to be applied shall be dry and clean. ANR,gh+s%%*rvoo General Requirements: Division i - General Requirements applies to work of A. Cabinets: Raised bevel panel Cabinets. Aul Custom Grade for kitchen an vanities with European Style concealed hinges and Melamine interiors. 1 :hsAOtumani and"do" this division. D �r� ��p� �ni C. Protection: Furnish and lay drop c'.oths or mask off areas where 1. Species: D-Select Knc,tty Pine �s] widd gns-nsnpinww,ioi painting is being done to protect f oors and other work from damn e , Proressana scrota xii,a 9 2. finish: Separate Raised panels for appliance fronts and wall at prolesr oti servmGwwth+ney during the execution of this work. Where it oceans necessary k, rem SECTION 10305 PREFABRICATED FIREPLACES dining room side of kitchen. P,wn nyot rt PC ands temporary coverings placed by others in every Drench of the work, replace Same in proper manner. Remove oil rags and waste from the B. Countertops: Plastic laminated countertops with eased hardwood edge- her to D9 user ho wfiok aun building every night. Do not allow to aCCumuiate. PART 1 GENERAL Pan v,ina,n ma vrr•Rfn Provide splashbaCks as indicated. pattern and Color: Nevamar MR 2.31 aumionxai,cx,or RVbarii ti. Damage to Work of Others: TOWN�' 7 N 'Sw�' F V A I L a'^pW EdwarU M Gwalhr»ey Neutra Matrix. Prepare Plumbing required. �, a,Henry Pran $! responsible for any damage_ done to the 1.01 QUALITY ASSURANCE fir +ixtures as work if oth-r trades. Replace ably naterials damaged to such an e:t4 cennot be restored to the original conditions. F• Regulatory Requirements: Fireplace, Flue and Accessories: Listed an_ PART 3 - EfE UTiON that they approved by UL and ICBO. Comply wits Town of Vail Requirements. � f PART 2 - PRODUCTS 3.01 INSTALLATION 1.02 SUBMITTALS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: install in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, BY,_1:�.�.__.�.................�......,...............«....k�i�? ...„�_. . A. Product Data; Submit in accordance with Section 01340. Set casework ievel and secure to floors and walls. Provide connecting r Date A- Products not specified b name shall be 'best • and attaching devices, closures and t^im as required. t __ p y grade' or first line` products of acceptable manufacturers. Where possible, all materials PART Z - PRODUCTS Revised- shall be of a single manufacturer. 2.41 FIREPLACE AND ACCESSORIES � 01YISION SS MECHANICAL B. Acceptable Manufacturers: The best quality materials as manufactured any of the following 0"Vifacturers will be acceptable for use off the A. Majestic Model SH-42 or approved substitute wood burning fireplace wr°r work: gas log insert. Provide with Bi-foiC glass doors and exterior air Division I - General Requirements applies to work of this Divistds Devoe intake and duct. Pittsburgh 1. flue: Gas burning flue with chimney cap. ©SECTION 15400 PLUMBING COI Pratt 6 Lambert, Inc. 2. Gas Log: Hargrove or Heatilator, type as selected, with automat _ Q Kwal-Howells ignition and wall switch. �,�►O Kellydbore PART 1 - GENERAL Q Olympic PART 3 - EXECUTION EDWARD M ITI. Rez 1.01 WORK INCLUDED Approved Substitute 3.01 INSTALLATION PART 3 - EXECUTION A. General: Install in accordance wits the manufacturer's recomaaendat+,.� A. Complete plumbing system, including tat not limited to the design and �ii13i�H�,� , J�. * Sheet Number and in compliance with applicable cc:es. installation of: ! _� 1f1 1 3.01 PREPARATION 1. Soil, waste and vent piping and connections to the sewer. L J 1,/y B. Gas Burning: Gas burner and gas su::,y unaer Division 15. 2. Hot and cold water piping lord gas piping and connections to water A General: and gas utilities. 3, valves, traps, cleanout 4r4-nS ar: hose bibs. 1. Sand finishes on wood and metal surfaces between coats to assure f nee°. smoothness and adhesion of subsequent coats. Use extra fine SECTION 0 BATH ACCESSORIES #. Roof flashing for vent p_ n;. S. Installation of all plreiib "a fixtures and accessories. jJ sandpaper to avoid cutting the rages when sanding. Apply putty or 5. Secure and pay fo- necessc-, perr-ts and fees. Prepare and submit spackling compound after surfaces are pt:med and primer is dry Bri drawings and calcu)ations n necessary. filler materials flush with adjoining surfaces. t�PART 1 - GFNERAL • i • GENERAL NOTES UTILITY PLAN 1 OBTAIN PERMISSION FROM ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO GRADE OR CONSTRUCT IMPROVEMENT'S OUTSIDE PROPERTY L1NE5. �1 1 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFORM TO UPPER EAGLE VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO RESTORE ALL DISTURBED AREAS WHICH ARE AFFECTED BY HIS OPERATIONS TO A CONDITION EQUAL TO OR BETTER THAN BEFORE_ 4. ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC., ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITY, �o IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE FACILITY LOCATIONS. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF _ o THE CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL UTILITIES, IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE FACILITIES PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL SHALLOW UTILITY INSTALLATIONS (GAS, PHONE, + 80210 R?� EXISTING CONCRETE ELECTRIC, CTV) WITH THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANIES. ,id SIDEWALK 6 CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE SUITABLE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES EXISTING TO PROTECT ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS AND GORE CREEK DURING CONSTRUCTION. BLDG DECK AND Psi TJO BUILDING OUTLINE/ \ 7. ALL GRADES SHOWN ARE FINISH GRADE ELEVATIONS. B 8. CONTACT CIVIL ENGINEER (926-3373) IMMEDIATELY IF GROUNDWATER IS ?�� \ ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. / N 24, \ THE N/E$j]/N 9. EXISTING CONTOUR INTERVAL = 2'. 1D. CONFORM TO ALL RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SOILS REPORT (OBTAIN FROM NQ f CL ARCHITECT). 11. DIRECT DRAINAGE AWAY FROM ALL BUILDINGS. 12. COORDINATE REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVILION, WALKWAYS, ETC. WITH ARCHITECT AND I'NV. _ % ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS. 14.25 _ ! i9 J RE: SHEET C-6 FOR 8 `4 \` JO /EXIST. 4' HIGH CONCRETE PATIO WALL SANITARY SEWER PROFILE '*"C S �4*1 ? WATER SERVICE WITH CURB STOP PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT TYPICAL FOR ALL UNITS RE: ASSEMBLY WITH 6" GATE , } MECHANICAL PLANS FOR SIZE a�o VALVE AND THRUST BLOCK 4b r V ^y� INSTALL FIRE HYDRANT IN CONFORMANCE WITH VAIL EAIS77NG f7Rf �� t'S cl NOTE: FIRE DEPT, STANDARDS. HMRANT 0 e 1. ALL WATER SERVICE LINES TO BE 1 1/4" COPPER- \ 6� �♦ too N� TYPE K. PROPOSED 10" X 10" TAPPING SLEEVE W IN x 2. WHERE POSSIBLE, BURY WATER SERVICE LINES IN AND VALVE WITH THRUST BLOCK \ "'p SAME TRENCH, BLDG EXISTING I U --W D INV �� ` � ASP BIKE 90' BEND NTH PA IN THRUST BLOCK 50' STREAM SETBACK LINE J 45' BEND WI BLDG ° - ` THRUST BLOCK \'4 INV 100 YEAR FLOOD LIMIT NOTE PER UEVS0 AS-GUILTS, THE LOCATION 10" x 6" TEE V4.0 � AND SIZE OF THIS LINE ARE NOT CLEARLY f IDENTIFIED - PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION, gpZO THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO FIELD LOCATE AND VERIFY LINE SIZE AND LOCATION - * �'• NOTIFY CIVIL ENGINEER IF DISCREPANCIES EXIST. � IN � " EDGE OF GORE CREEK � BLDG 12.0 , +rro o � � � (FIELD LOCATED) ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER 11 0 CENTERLINE OF GORE CREEK - ,� INV ,< y g g66 �-t�s.s BUILDING PVC SAN, SEWER SERVICE � 11.BUILDING OuTI.INE 1 / WITH CLEANOUT - TYPICAL R (TYPICAL) I �\' - ALL UNITS j n" NW — ob . MILL RA 60"E' "S10.0 ,0 CONDOMINIUMS .iah���fN Ar�rlecMa PC AA BUILDINGS 4-7 � � -10 �'' ' Tn,sdoc"^ R se,o,acy ud.ia ann 4esryns pro©Pasted iS do imstrurnelm of PIDPW%V 131 ' P "ot to ne used m wfYOte tN�n C-p G aM weV pmt frig weinam LEGEND Arrow EowaM M Gwarh-+*, 4 i Prift Q © �� �ij'` . ��. �', � �.� _ �S T- STORM SEWER Jr pr 1(emy 0 f WATER LINE ,�,>� •, ,, v'. Date m m m SAN m m m SANITARY SEWER RE'VISL'd, FXIS77NG 12" PVC -- SANITARY SEWER 8010 f �j GATE VALVE �- 03©� ► THRUST BLOCK 1 mmmm==Q CLEANOUT ` .' N yy CURB STOP DO NOT USE THIS PLAN FOR GRADING �I ��0 Sheet N�mt3� r INFORMATION — RE: SHEET C-2 FOR _ Imo 04 FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY GRADING INFORMATION. y SCALE 1 " 0 20' 20 PROPOSED CONTOURS (7 - 3 i