HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-11-28 VLHA Meeting Results
Vail Local Housing Authority
Meeting Results
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
3:00 PM–5:00PM
Municipal Building Admin Conference Room
75 South Frontage RoadWest, Vail, Colorado 81657
Steve Lindstrom
Mary McDougall
Francisco Meza
Molly Morales
James Wilkins
George Ruther
Lynne Campbell
Kathleen Halloran
Carlie Smith
Greg Clifton
A quorum being present Linstrom called the meeting to order at 3:10PM.
Discussion ensued regarding Mountain View project which is going back before Town
Council, Scope of project has changed. Lindstrom asked the Board for their continued
support of this project.
Review and approval of the November 14, 2017 Meeting Results followed. Results were
approved without changes.
The Board reviewed and discussed other projects in the works. Wilkins stated Eagle
River Water and Sanitation District’s Stillwater project goes to Eagle County
Commission on Tuesday, December 5. Linstrom asked Wilkins to circulate meeting
information to the group. Lindstrom mentioned the Vail Valley Partnership is hosting an
East Vail Visioning public session at Grandview room from 11:30AM-2:30PMand 4:30
Kathleen Halloran Finance Director and Carlie Smith, Analyst,presented the draft 2018
VLHA Budget and proposal to be presented to Town Council December 5, 2017. The
Board currently does not qualify for their own budget fund due to no revenue. She
suggested creating a separate fund balance from capital funds. This will allow tracking
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of expenditures by projects. Remaining 2017 balances will roll into 2018 budget.
Supplemental will be reviewed by Council on December 5, 2017.
Clifton said the Board’s presenceat the council meeting would be welcomed.
Lindstrom addressed the option for a VailLocal Housing Authority Tax Exemption. The
idea was VLHA could act upon housing opportunities outside the Town of Vail’s
jurisdiction by taking a small percentage of ownership in a project. Town Attorney Matt
Mire said it was not possible unless the Town acquired property into Town jurisdiction.
McDougall asked if the Town would extend the Vail InDEED program in Vail
Intermountain outside the TOV boundary. Ruther explained if asked by the applicant the
Board would be required to go to Council for approval.
Next up was the review of whether the Board should establish a fair market rent value.
Campbell present deed restriction text stating VLHA “will determine the market rate
based on the study of other units of comparable size, location, quality and amenities
throughout Town”. Campbell asked the Board if Staff should do annual or other time
frame review of average rental rates.
Morales suggested there be a 3party study and update every some many years.
Lindstrom asked if staff received rental rates from the annual compliance affidavits.
Campbell, yes.
Board suggested staff use the data provided from owners in the 2017 EHU annual
compliance affidavit since they are required to state the amount if the unit is rented.
Lockoffamnesty opportunitieswas discussed by Ruther and the Board. There could be
many illegal rental units in Town. A method to create safety and a legal dwelling could
be to offer amnesty for those who come forward and legalize the unit. Other jurisdictions
are recognizing these units.
Linstrom mentioned the units would have to be deed restricted without funds from Vail
The Board was interested in further discussion on this subject and thinks a good idea to
Ruther stated next steps would be small steps and share ideas with Council. Staff will
begin researching how other communities handle this today and likely this opportunity
will be community driven.
Ruther provided an update to the Open Lands Plan (OLP) and Short Term Rentals
(RBO). Open Lands will be heard at Planning and Environmental Commission
November 27, 2017 for the second time. RBOisgoing before Council for second
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reading on December 5, 2017. He asked is there is something the Board wishes to
Clifton commented the community asking who is defining community benefits, there’s
no ranking. Clifton stated the Town isn’t having coinciding conversations with all Town
departments and doesn’t feel there is housing representation at the OLP meetings. He
thinks the OLP is happening in isolation.
Per Ruther there is time compose recommendations. Staff and VLHA will work on
policy statement regarding RBO and share with Council.
Some Board members suggested having an OLP open housing with VLHA. Ruther is
going to check with staff and Tom Braun with regarding to more OLP housing focus.
Ruther reviewed the updated Annual Lottery recommended changeswith the Board. He
has drafted a letter to past lottery participants and interested parties. He will advisethe
Board when the lottery recommendation is on Council agenda.
Wilkins motioned to adjourn the meeting as all business had been addressed.
MOTION:WilkinsSECOND: McDougallVOTE: 5-0
Meeting adjourned at 5:00pm.
Next Meeting –December 12, 2017
Future Agenda Items:
Bi Annual VLHA Report
Employee Occupancy Requirements
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