HomeMy WebLinkAboutstickers OTC15-0015.pdf PRODUCT PERFORMANCE
Andersen" NFRC Certified Total Unit Performance (copu...fii
Andersen'Product Glass Type 8-Factor' SiliGV __
Yr' - -
200 Series •'',A11111.1111WV-rein•'iPA.Wf'V,'Z %li.Vi
aear Dual Pane 0.45 0.60 0.63 -
, _.... _
2If--- Cleartlinat Parte one 6NleS 0 34.45 0ass -
tow-E 030 0.32 055 U il
Double-Hung Winnow low-E ION Genes aan 0,9 0.49 a&IN
7 t4P tow-E4 Solart5414 0.30 0.21 0.49 MILK atm
R Northern 1
- PP low-E4 SmartSita w/Gottes 0.31 0.19 9.43 a Mil
Clear Out Pane 0.45 0.61 _
0.64 -
0 AloaKentaid 1
Narration' Clear Dual Pane wan Mines 0.45 0.54 0.57 - .
Double-Ifung Window tow-T 030 032 0.56 $,
ji South/Centrat k
• tereE With GOES 0.31 0.29 0.50 i'=1:'a
i Clear Dual Pane 0.44 1163 0.66 - i
al Southern f
Narroline" ! Clear Dual Pane with Grilles 0,44 0.57 0.59 -
Transom Window , 017 --.
tE*0 Saes 027 0.30 0.52 at cft Is ,
Clear Deal Pane 0.45 0.60 0.63 -
; Oear Dual Pane with Gales 0.45 0.54 0.56 - ETWERGY STARP Qualification Criteria for
Residential Windoers and Doors
Gliding Windfall '---- - -------tmv-r.. 039____ 0-32 0.55 AM
tow-E taith Gnats 0.30 0.29 0.49 Wan
itra-E SmartSun 030 0.21 0.49 Mamma Dams
0.31 0.19 0.43 $emi I....a.. ga.m...•
Clear Dual Pane 0.43 0.61 0.65 - MEM ''''' ,. A. ..--*--i
nai r vhoora" or f - ,ita vim
' Clear Dual Pane with Grilles 0.43 0.55 0.58 - - - .: ex .... 4
, . , Aim leareniote st3t . tom_
Fixed.Transom, titaief 0.28 0.33 0.56 RN
tiontarrest vim , -sit
Moor T
Circle To Window Ttert-E wilt Grdies 0.28 0.30 0.50 an.
...i, ,.*as i aim •
- - • -- -
Low-E SmaitSun o. 0.22 0.51 SI nut ,..., aim
__ .27 I
.. -
LOWE Sifia4Sun with Grilles 0.27 0.20 0.45 nen
ClearDual Pane 0.44 0.61 0.64. -
Clear Dual Pane with Wes 0.45 0.53 °so -
Law-I. 0.29 0.32 056 -
'lanoline' trove6 with Mks 030 0.29 0.49 IMMO
Gliding Patio leers tOw-E Siw 029 020 031 WIN'S'
low-E Sun with Gilles 031 0.18 0.27 1111 2 re a Andersen-Products Total Unit Recycled Content Percentages
. _
, towr&natal,' 0.28 0.21 0.50 Il ono
InneE SmartSon with Mates 0.30 0.19 a44 Rams
Andersen'Prudent itTFX"2 Xted Warden(Sae Recycled Corneal
Clear Goat Pane 0.43 0.61 0.64 -
490 Series
. Clear Dual Parte with Grates 0.43 0.54 0.56 -
Casement 24'a 48- 4%
tart 0.28 0.32 0.56 -
Permit-Shield' LOw.F with Grilles 030 0.29 0.49 liana honing
48-w 24- 4%
Gilding Patio D4
oors.,,' tow-e Sun 0.29 0.19 03 111
0 •M/11
_---" lowet Sun with Gdies 0.30 0.17 0.27 Nam. lAtendwelght*FollTrome fooddedline 36''x 60' 13%
!owl SmadSun 0.27 0.22 0.5G _Ii
Woodinighe Insert Donidaliong 36"x Sr 14%
tow-E SinartSun with Gates 0/9 0.19 0.44 lamas
Clear Dual Pane 0.43 0.45 0.47 - TiloWene Deobrewong 36'x 60- 6%
i; Cleat Dual Pane with Grilles 0.43 0.39 0.40 -
Mang Window Off x 36" 4%
tow E 032 0.24 0,41 11.M.111
SeMitifity,AI(based on nezirame) 4r 1,11" 8%
Hinged Inswing tow-E with Golies 033 0.21 0.35 -
Patio Doors tow t Sun 032 0.15 0.23 a aim Woodman(Meng 72"
, low#Son loth Males 0.34 0.13 0.19 -
low-f SinartSian 0.32 0.16 0.37 ENS* Freeckeof Hinged-inswing 323'x 82* 4%
Low-E SmartSun with Gomes 033 0.14 0.31 -
Freedom(Hied-Ontswing 38"a 82- 3%
•For NFRC certified total unit performance on units with caprflary breather tubes tor high attitudes,please
.ArdiAteetastat A*.z
visit aadersenwindowscoili. eiN
•"High-Performancenow-£4-(HP low-E4)."110-Perfornance-tow.£4.SmartSue"(HP'Low-f4 SinartSonf Casement 24'x 4itr 3%
and"High-Performance-Low-Z4Sun'OW 1.w hi Son)are Andersen trademarks tor-Low 1'glass.
U-Factor defines The amount of heat loss through the total mot in 811111w sq.8°F.The lower the vane, Monumental Dentele-Hung 36'x 60- 4%
Pie less treat is lost through the entire nMeteCt.Winnow valises teptesent noo.tempated glass.Ilse in
tempered glass can increase U-Factor ratings.See anderseawindows.com for specific Perlionlance values. Speciati.Rectangular road 4r x 48" 7%
Door values represent tempered glass.
'Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC)defines the traction of sotar radiation adnotted through the glass both Architectural Doors 38'1(82' 3%
directly transmitted and absorbed and soloseromnDY,Mea,ed.....,The"..the',Ono.Ole less treat to
transmitted demo the product. Commercial Entry Doors ar all? 4%
'Visible Transmittance(VD measures how much fight comes through a product(glass and frames The VA Series
higher the value,from 0 to 1,the more daylight the product lets at over the product's total mot area.
Visible Transmittance is measured over the 38010 760 nanometer portion el the solar spectrum. €65-Wash Dritifsie.Rung 36'x 66' 4%
•NFRC ratings are based on modeleng by a third party agency as va•fidated by an independent test tab idi ......--
compliance with NFRC program and procedural requirements. Narroline"Double-Hoag 36'x 667 5%
•This dila is accurate as of December 2010.Due to ongomg product changes.imitated test results Or new
industry standards or requirements,this data may change over time.Ratings ate 10i SIMS specified by Gliding Window 60's 36 5%
NFRC for testing arid certification.Ratings may vary depending on use of tenipered Mass,deferent grate "
ing 7r a Sr 6%
options,glass for hip attitudes,etc. ManotionDfirt
•PassiveSon-glass valets are available on/Me al andersemeardovis.ccon.
Perma-Shirdn'Gan* 7771 8? 4%Hinged-kneeing 36'o66" 3%
•'fi PreConsomer Recycled Content"is verified by Scientific Certification Systems(SOS)to meet ISO •
14021 standards based tel liFfiC wing.