HomeMy WebLinkAboutstickers OTC15-0015.pdf PRODUCT PERFORMANCE 1 1 Andersen" NFRC Certified Total Unit Performance (copu...fii 1 ) Andersen'Product Glass Type 8-Factor' SiliGV __ Yr' - - • 200 Series •'',A11111.1111WV-rein•'iPA.Wf'V,'Z %li.Vi ! aear Dual Pane 0.45 0.60 0.63 - , _.... _ 2If--- Cleartlinat Parte one 6NleS 0 34.45 0ass - , tow-E 030 0.32 055 U il Double-Hung Winnow low-E ION Genes aan 0,9 0.49 a&IN , 7 t4P tow-E4 Solart5414 0.30 0.21 0.49 MILK atm R Northern 1 - PP low-E4 SmartSita w/Gottes 0.31 0.19 9.43 a Mil i Clear Out Pane 0.45 0.61 _ 0.64 - 0 AloaKentaid 1 Narration' Clear Dual Pane wan Mines 0.45 0.54 0.57 - . i Double-Ifung Window tow-T 030 032 0.56 $, . ji South/Centrat k • tereE With GOES 0.31 0.29 0.50 i'=1:'a 1 i Clear Dual Pane 0.44 1163 0.66 - i al Southern f Narroline" ! Clear Dual Pane with Grilles 0,44 0.57 0.59 - fi ., i Transom Window , 017 --. tE*0 Saes 027 0.30 0.52 at cft Is , Clear Deal Pane 0.45 0.60 0.63 - ; Oear Dual Pane with Gales 0.45 0.54 0.56 - ETWERGY STARP Qualification Criteria for Residential Windoers and Doors Gliding Windfall '---- - -------tmv-r.. 039____ 0-32 0.55 AM tow-E taith Gnats 0.30 0.29 0.49 Wan ___,. ViAndaws itra-E SmartSun 030 0.21 0.49 Mamma Dams 0.31 0.19 0.43 $emi I....a.. ga.m...• Clear Dual Pane 0.43 0.61 0.65 - MEM ''''' ,. A. ..--*--i nai r vhoora" or f - ,ita vim ' Clear Dual Pane with Grilles 0.43 0.55 0.58 - - - .: ex .... 4 , . , Aim leareniote st3t . tom_ Fixed.Transom, titaief 0.28 0.33 0.56 RN tiontarrest vim , -sit , Moor T Circle To Window Ttert-E wilt Grdies 0.28 0.30 0.50 an. ...i, ,.*as i aim • - - • -- - •fmcreord.r.reitwr.o.sracrsera Low-E SmaitSun o. 0.22 0.51 SI nut ,..., aim __ .27 I .. - LOWE Sifia4Sun with Grilles 0.27 0.20 0.45 nen ClearDual Pane 0.44 0.61 0.64. - Clear Dual Pane with Wes 0.45 0.53 °so - Law-I. 0.29 0.32 056 - 'lanoline' trove6 with Mks 030 0.29 0.49 IMMO Gliding Patio leers tOw-E Siw 029 020 031 WIN'S' low-E Sun with Gilles 031 0.18 0.27 1111 2 re a Andersen-Products Total Unit Recycled Content Percentages . _ , towr&natal,' 0.28 0.21 0.50 Il ono %Pre-Consumer InneE SmartSon with Mates 0.30 0.19 a44 Rams Andersen'Prudent itTFX"2 Xted Warden(Sae Recycled Corneal Clear Goat Pane 0.43 0.61 0.64 - 490 Series . Clear Dual Parte with Grates 0.43 0.54 0.56 - Casement 24'a 48- 4% tart 0.28 0.32 0.56 - Permit-Shield' LOw.F with Grilles 030 0.29 0.49 liana honing 48-w 24- 4% Gilding Patio D4 oors.,,' tow-e Sun 0.29 0.19 03 111 0 •M/11 _---" lowet Sun with Gdies 0.30 0.17 0.27 Nam. lAtendwelght*FollTrome fooddedline 36''x 60' 13% - !owl SmadSun 0.27 0.22 0.5G _Ii Woodinighe Insert Donidaliong 36"x Sr 14% tow-E SinartSun with Gates 0/9 0.19 0.44 lamas Clear Dual Pane 0.43 0.45 0.47 - TiloWene Deobrewong 36'x 60- 6% i; Cleat Dual Pane with Grilles 0.43 0.39 0.40 - Mang Window Off x 36" 4% tow E 032 0.24 0,41 11.M.111 SeMitifity,AI(based on nezirame) 4r 1,11" 8% Hinged Inswing tow-E with Golies 033 0.21 0.35 - Patio Doors tow t Sun 032 0.15 0.23 a aim Woodman(Meng 72" , low#Son loth Males 0.34 0.13 0.19 - low-f SinartSian 0.32 0.16 0.37 ENS* Freeckeof Hinged-inswing 323'x 82* 4% ... Low-E SmartSun with Gomes 033 0.14 0.31 - Freedom(Hied-Ontswing 38"a 82- 3% •For NFRC certified total unit performance on units with caprflary breather tubes tor high attitudes,please .ArdiAteetastat A*.z visit aadersenwindowscoili. eiN •"High-Performancenow-£4-(HP low-E4)."110-Perfornance-tow.£4.SmartSue"(HP'Low-f4 SinartSonf Casement 24'x 4itr 3% and"High-Performance-Low-Z4Sun'OW 1.w hi Son)are Andersen trademarks tor-Low 1'glass. U-Factor defines The amount of heat loss through the total mot in 811111w sq.8°F.The lower the vane, Monumental Dentele-Hung 36'x 60- 4% Pie less treat is lost through the entire nMeteCt.Winnow valises teptesent noo.tempated glass.Ilse in tempered glass can increase U-Factor ratings.See anderseawindows.com for specific Perlionlance values. Speciati.Rectangular road 4r x 48" 7% Door values represent tempered glass. 'Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC)defines the traction of sotar radiation adnotted through the glass both Architectural Doors 38'1(82' 3% directly transmitted and absorbed and soloseromnDY,Mea,ed.....,The"..the',Ono.Ole less treat to transmitted demo the product. Commercial Entry Doors ar all? 4% 'Visible Transmittance(VD measures how much fight comes through a product(glass and frames The VA Series i higher the value,from 0 to 1,the more daylight the product lets at over the product's total mot area. Visible Transmittance is measured over the 38010 760 nanometer portion el the solar spectrum. €65-Wash Dritifsie.Rung 36'x 66' 4% •NFRC ratings are based on modeleng by a third party agency as va•fidated by an independent test tab idi ......-- compliance with NFRC program and procedural requirements. Narroline"Double-Hoag 36'x 667 5% •This dila is accurate as of December 2010.Due to ongomg product changes.imitated test results Or new , industry standards or requirements,this data may change over time.Ratings ate 10i SIMS specified by Gliding Window 60's 36 5% NFRC for testing arid certification.Ratings may vary depending on use of tenipered Mass,deferent grate " ing 7r a Sr 6% options,glass for hip attitudes,etc. ManotionDfirt •PassiveSon-glass valets are available on/Me al andersemeardovis.ccon. Perma-Shirdn'Gan* 7771 8? 4%Hinged-kneeing 36'o66" 3% •'fi PreConsomer Recycled Content"is verified by Scientific Certification Systems(SOS)to meet ISO • 14021 standards based tel liFfiC wing. 278