HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. VLMDACPMarchBoardMeetingFinal3.16FINALVAIL LOCAL MARKETING DISTRICT VLMDAC BOARD MEETING MARCH 22, 2018 AGENDA / •PARTNERS’ 2018 TACTICAL MARKETING PRESENTATION •Creative Update - Cactus •Media - Cactus/SITE •PR - MYPR •Website - Vail Mountain Marketing •Email - Vail Mountain Marketing •Social/Video - Vail Mountain Marketing/Deadline Motion •International - Vail Mountain Marketing/MYPR •Groups - VVP •PIXEL TRACKING - CACTUS •NEXT STEPS Primary: Destination Families w/ Teens Tertiary: Front Range (Events) AUDIENCES / Secondary: Destination + FR Super Boomers CREATIVE UPDATE, CACTUS PRINT / VIDEO / OTHER IDEAS / MEDIA – CACTUS/SITE OVERALL MEDIA CADENCE / June Oct July Aug Sept May April Dest. Families w/ Teens Dest. + FR Super Boomers Front Range 4/16 – 7/23 4/16 – 5/21 7/30 – 9/16 5/28 – 9/16 DESTINATION MARKETS / •Dallas: daily direct flights •Houston and Chicago: daily connecting flights •Potential Chicago direct in 2019 Dynamic Family with Teens Super Boomers (Early Summer/Fall) Denver EGE Chicago Dallas Houston PAID MEDIA ECOSYSTEM / Mobile Artificial Intelligence Social Media Influencer TV Streaming Radio Digital Video TV / DESTINATION & FRONT RANGE Advanced TV •Set box analysis of mountain travel consumer informs these buys to focus programming on homes with highest concentration of our targets •Advanced Zone cable now includes Satellite (Direct TV/Dish) providing 74%-80% reach to targets Addressable TV •43% of Teen homes have Cable TV •45% of Teen homes with a HHI of $100k+ have Cable TV •These higher income homes are more likely to watch video on demand (VOD) – Index 165 •80% of Addressable TV is delivered within VOD/ Most VOD commercials are non skippable Live Action Sports •Gain rapid early reach •Index 130 – 200+ against target personas •Alignment with well established sporting events/brands TV/ DALLAS & CHICAGO DYNAMIC FAMILIES WITH KIDS 13-17 June Oct July Aug Sept May April Live Action Sports: FIFA Soccer, Other Soccer, NBA Finals, Stanley Cup Finals Addressable TV May - June Late April - July Messages: Brand w/ nonstop or connecting flight mention TV/ DALLAS & CHICAGO SUPER BOOMERS June Oct July Aug Sept May April Live Action Sports: US Open, PGA, British Open, MLB, NFL July - September Messages: Fall w/ nonstop or connecting flight mention TV/ FRONT RANGE DYNAMIC FAMILIES WITH KIDS 13-17 June Oct July Aug Sept May April Live Action Sports: FIFA Soccer, Other Soccer, NBA Finals, Stanley Cup Finals Addressable TV Advanced Cable May - June Late May - August Late May– Early June August Message: Brand Message: Outdoor Adventure w/GoPro Mountain Games Message: Outdoor Adventure w/CO Classic TV/ FRONT RANGE SUPER BOOMERS June Oct July Aug Sept May April Live Action Sports: US Open, PGA, British Open, MLB, NFL Addressable TV July - September Late May– Early June June - August Message: Fall Message: Outdoor Adventure w/GoPro Mountain Games Message: Culture w/Dance Fest/Bravo/Jazz; Outdoor Adventure w/CO Classic; Culinary w/Gourmet on Gore DIGITAL VIDEO DIGITAL VIDEO / HULU •Commercial-like format to extend our TV reach •75% of all delivery is to “living rooms” •Seamless cross-device delivery (TV, mobile, desktop) •Hyper-targeting our key audiences Dest. Families Super Boomers Front Range DIGITAL VIDEO / YUME •TV-like scale across digital screens •Multi-device solution to engage targeted audiences through video across all screens •Advanced audience segments powered by demographic, behavioral and lifestyle data •Partnerships with 1500+ premium and lifestyle publishers (e.g., Golf Digest, CNN, Bon Appetit, Fast Company, etc.) Dest. Families Super Boomers DIGITAL VIDEO / YOUTUBE •70% of teens spend 1+ hour per day consuming video content on their mobile devices •Targeting keywords, channels and categories where teens spend the most time (e.g., Buzzfeed, NBA, sports & outdoors, arts & entertainment, etc.) •Mirror keyword targeting from paid search campaign Dest. Teens DIGITAL VIDEO / SPOTX •Device agnostic technology allows us to serve short-form video across desktop, mobile/tablet, and connected TV •Using demographic and lifestyle targeting to reach teens across all screens •Deliver content on sites where our teens are spending the most time online (e.g., Spotify, Vevo, SlingTV, DirecTV Now, in- app games, etc.) Dest. Teens STREAMING AUDIO STREAMING AUDIO •Audio listeners across all ages and demographics continue to shift to a more personalized audio experience •With 53% of our audience streaming weekly, internet radio is a lifestyle •We will meet our audience where they are spending their time – on their digital devices Super Boomers MOBILE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) MOBILE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) •Target audiences based on what they’re sharing, how they’re feeling and where they’re going •Reach users through conversations and images they're posting on social media •Engage audiences in a relevant and emotional way •Leveraging keywords from the PPC campaign to fuel targeting Dest. Families Front Range PAID SOCIAL PAID SOCIAL / FACEBOOK + INSTAGRAM •Leverage short-form video, carousel, canvas and Instagram Stories •Hyper-target the destination and Front Range audiences through demo, geo and interest targeting Dest. Families Super Boomers Front Range INFLUENCER INFLUENCER / OBVIOUSLY •Leverage their influencer marketing platform to identify the most influential brand ambassadors •Create custom programs and content by influencer •Robust reporting on performance and engagement at the campaign and influencer level Dest. Families Front Range PR - MYPR PUBLIC RELATIONS / Media Relations •Define what makes the teen story newsworthy •Refine media targets, per MRI overlay with new target customers •Shift message measurements to include teens. •Where possible, invite media and their teens to participate in individual visits. PUBLIC RELATIONS / In-Market Travel - Already completed or details finalized for 2018 •New York – January •Chicago – February •Texas – April •Front Range •One-on-ones •CTO monthly events •Visit Denver monthly events PUBLIC RELATIONS / Other •Create a family travel “editorial board” of bloggers and writers with teen children. Consider hosting them to an editorial board meeting this summer w/their teen(s). •Develop a local teen sounding board to help refine the message and pitch. •Hand pick 2-4 local teens. •Announce and utilize these locals who are “in the know” as brand ambassadors/influencers. •As appropriate, develop content from their perspective e.g. teen tipsheet, top hang out spots, etc. •Incorporate these local teen influencers into media visits/trips, as appropriate. WEBSITE/EMAIL/SOCIAL, VAIL MOUNTAIN MARKETING VAIL MOUNTAIN TACTICS Web Summer Responsive Site Build-Out On-going Site Optimization Media Landing Experiences Organic Social Campaign Storytelling Content for Key Audiences Destination Teens/ Families Destination Super Boomers Strategic Event Promotion to Local Influencer Strategy Email Tap into Winter Loyalists Key Life Stages WEB / OBJECTIVE: leverage new enhanced Vail.com experience and SEO value to attract and convert more guests to visit vail in summer 2018. IMMEDIATE WEBSITE MILESTONES •Loading 2018 summer event calendar – deadline February 1 COMPLETE •Summer content migration process & page builds – deadline April 6 IN PROGRESS & AHEAD OF SCHEDULE •Summer navigation switch – April 16 •Epic Discovery products and booking experience – June 20 *MOCK UP ONLY WEB / Strategy 1: Enhance landing experience and subsequent booking flow to ensure final stage of the media journey as impactful as our creative. •Develop life stage personalized media landing experiences aligned to creative campaign. •Monitor and optimize landing pages to better move traffic through the site. IN MARKET CREATIVE CONSISTENT LANDING EXPERIENCE EMAIL / OBJECTIVE: leverage Vail’s entire guest database to drive additional exposure to Vail summer offerings and evolve creative to align to campaign. Strategy 1: Increase summer reach by leveraging full VR database by: 1.Tapping into Winter Loyalists –Create season agnostic creative that will drive engagement to a wider audience by bridging the gap between summer and winter. –Test summer content in Vail’s most loyal winter guest to compare engagement. 2.Personalize against Key Lifestages –Test content against the three key audiences from our full winter database to see if any persona is more likely to engage with summer content. EMAIL 2018 SUMMER EMAIL DATES •April 25-27 •May 7-9 •June 12-14 •June 26-28 •July 12-14 EMAIL TESTING SCHEDULE May June July April Super Boomers Test Family w/ Teen Test Schedule TBD August September Local Front Range Family w/ Teen Test Winter Loyalist Test Super Boomers Test Summer Preference ORGANIC SOCIAL / OBJECTIVE: leverage Vail’s social following to connect with key audiences and drive awareness of campaign focus areas through a 3 tiered approach. Strategy 1: 1.Destination Teens/Teen Families: Showcase the adventurous side of Vail with outdoors, activities, and content aligned to campaign story telling approach. 2.Destination Super Boomers: Target secondary audience during shoulder seasons, focusing on spring and fall unique experiences, relaxation, light adventure and village. Event Promotion & Real Time Documentation: Local Front Range Influencer Strategy Support: Teen/Teen Families May June July August September October Super Boomers Face Book Instagram Teen/Teen Families Teen/Teen Families Super Boomers All Channels All Channels ORGANIC SOCIAL / Strategy 2: Leverage social expertise and channels to support influencer strategy and execution. •Collaborate with Cactus, MyPR and influencer partner to select influencers and support in building out content strategy. •Leverage @Vailmtn channels and site to facilitate influencer takeovers and content promotion. Strategy 3: Maintain robust event promotion and coverage of current happenings in daily social content to drive local visitation. •Develop list of key events and maintain steady coverage of events to showcase our bustling destination. All Audiences Event Coverage, Real- Influencer Strategy Support: Teen/Teen Families May June July August September October Super Boomers Face Book Instagram Teen/Teen Families Teen/Teen Families Super Boomers All Channels All Channels SOCIAL VIDEO / SOCIAL VIDEO / Documentation: •Style: Montage •Subject matter: Real time •Pushing our stories •Functional differentiation Consumer First Narratives: •Style: Cinematic •Subject matter: Real people •Pulling in motivators and human emotion •Emotional benefits SOCIAL VIDEO / DISTRIBUTION Video Storytelling Social Web Paid Media Blog Email Facebook YouTube Twitter Instagram Boosted Sharing Organic Sharing Guest Sharing Partner Sharing Organic Sharing SOCIAL VIDEO / VIDEO STORY CONCEPTING •Brainstorm initial stories ideas and focus areas with partners: March 15 •Concept storylines in collaboration with partners: March 26 – April 6 •Determine the number of pieces produced based on resources: March 26 – April 6 •Present proposed storylines for review and feedback: April 19 Board Meeting •Begin production: May 1 •Begin sharing and promotion: Early – Mid June GROUPS - VVP 2018 GROUP SALES REALIGNMENT / Goals: Align with the Vail brand direction with focus on dynamic families with teen Recommendations: Tactically adjust group sales best to “highest and best use” of budget allocation to drive group leads and room nights to Vail •Increase site and fam tour budget to bring more planners to town to showcase Vail during the non-ski months •Utilize Knowland database (new tactic) 2018 GROUP SALES RECOMMENDATIONS / 2018 GROUP SALES RECOMMENDATION'S / INTERNATIONAL, VAIL MOUNTAIN MARKETING & MYPR INTERNATIONAL TACTICS / •Mexico Sales Mission – April 20-25 •Vail Sports Day April 21 – Targeting Teens/Families Summer Games at Park •Dance Fest April 22 – 2,000 Attendees – Target High Net Worth (HNW) Families with Teens •Press and Media Day – April 23 – Top Press and Media from Mexico •Summer FAM TOURS •June 22-26 – HNW Teens/Families from Monterrey & Mexico City 12 PAX •Aug 5-9 – Mexico/Brazil – Wholesalers/Influencers •Sept 13-17 – Focus on Families from Central America – hosting influential families from Panama and Colombia to help drive Summer Group business; promoting direct COPA Airlines Panama nonstop to Denver flight •June 21-25 – México summer media FAM INTERNATIONAL TACTICS / •Summer Groups •2 Groups from Panama July 15-22 •Promoting the AMEX Gift Card Offer with groups – Size - 75 •Women's’ Weekend – 1,000 Attendees – Bidding for last week of July •AMEX Gift Card Offer – Book 7+ Nights through Wholesalers and client receives $500 AMEX Gift Card, 19 Remaining from 2017 •Additional Sales Missions •Panama & Colombia – May 10-18 – Focus on promoting Summer and Groups in conjunction with Vail Resorts Sales Mission •Brazil (and Miami) – June 8-17 – Focus on Promoting Summer and Groups in conjunction with Vail Resorts Sales Mission •Additional Public Relations Efforts •Partnership with the VVF to promote special Mexico package to young dancers/families for the Vail Dance Festival INTERNATIONAL TACTICS / •Paid Media Mix Strategy Includes (in all cases) •A mix between print and digital ads & content; ensures all digital content goes to the selected audience we are targeting •3 top editorial & digital groups: Expansion, Televisa and Lyrsa •All activities we are hosting are targeted at families: •Dancefest •Vail verano "warm up" at new LA MEXICANA park (parents and teens go together on weekends to spend mornings of biking, skating, jogging, riding a bike, walking the dog and then grabbing coffee or breakfast; many training for outdoor activities, races and competitions they participate in •Data Search and Databases to our target audience •We are rounding the strategy with bi-weekly newsletters from April – end of Summer on all activities PIXEL TRACKING, CACTUS PIXEL TRACKING / of marketers see improved performance from people-based marketing as opposed to cookie-based probabilistic campaigns. 90% PIXEL TRACKING / NEXT STEPS / •FINALIZE CREATIVE – BY 4/6 FOR TRAFFICKING •DEVELOP “RETAIL STRATEGY” (PLAN B) – APRIL MEETING •DEVELOP SOCIAL VIDEO RECOMMENDATION/STORIES/BUDGET – APRIL MEETING •DETERMINE KPI’S – APRIL MEETING •PIXEL TRACKING FOLLOW UP – BEGIN SETTING 1:1 MEETINGS WITH POTENTIAL LODGING PROPERTIES THANK YOU!! NEXT MEETING: VLMDAC MEETING, APRIL 19, 8:30AM – 11:00AM, GRAND VIEW ROOM APPENDIX DESTINATION DYNAMIC FAMILIES WITH KIDS 13-17 / TV/Video Mobile AI Social Media Influencer DESTINATION + FRONT RANGE SUPER BOOMERS / TV/Video Streaming Audio Social Media FRONT RANGE / TV/Video Mobile AI Social Media Influencer MEDIA BREAKDOWNS / Front Range 36% Destination 64% Traditional 44% Digital 56% Destination Families 70% Super Boomers 16% Front Range 14% Market Audience Tactic LIVE SPORTS INDICES / TEEN HOMES $100K+ •FIFA WORLD CUP – 160 •NBA FINAL –130 (WITHOUT INCOME 110) •STANLEY CUP FINALS - 148 (WITHOUT INCOME 106) BOOMERS HOMES $100K+ •US OPEN – 214 ( WITHOUT INCOME 137) •PGA - 199 (WITHOUT INCOME 134) •(BRITISH) OPEN – 225 (WITHOUT INCOME 145) •MLB – 150 (WITHOUT INCOME 113) •NFL – 128 (WITHOUT INCOME 105) 2018 GROUP SALES BUDGET / 2018 Original Budget 2018 Updated Recommendation Notes: Group Sales Group & Meeting Advertising $15,000 $15,000 Marketing Services $40,000 $50,000 Knowland group marketing resources* Direct Sales $456,750 $432,083 3 sales managers (budgeted 4) Travel/Tradeshow $167,500 $162,167 Memberships $10,000 $10,000 Site Tours/FAM Trips $15,000 $35,000 increase meeting planner FAM tours** Event Recruiting $52,125 $52,125 Subtotal: $756,375 $756,375