HomeMy WebLinkAboutB18-0086_Approved Plans_1524147449.pdfSystem Description Steel Truss - finish flooring over plywood subfloor - light-gauge steel truss, max. 48" o.c. - USG DGL Drywall Suspension System - 5/8" SHEETROCK Brand FIRECODE C core Gypsum Panels - optional insulation - joints finished System Performance 1 HR Fire UL Design No. L560 FIRE PARTITION WITH NO FIRE PRIORITY 2'-0" (PER UL) MEADOW VAIL PLACE, UNITS 3 AND 4 Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. MEADOW VAIL PLACE, UNITS 3 AND 4 GONZALEZ RESIDENCES04/19/18 Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. MEADOW VAIL PLACE, UNITS 3, 4 AND 6 GONZALEZ RESIDENCES04/19/18 Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. MEADOW VAIL PLACE, UNITS 3, 4 AND 6 GONZALEZ RESIDENCES04/19/18 Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. MEADOW VAIL PLACE, UNITS 3 AND 4 GONZALEZ RESIDENCES04/19/18 Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. MEADOW VAIL PLACE, UNITS 3, 4 AND 6 GONZALEZ RESIDENCES04/19/18 Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. MEADOW VAIL PLACE, UNITS 3 AND 4 GONZALEZ RESIDENCES04/19/18 123111 Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. MEADOW VAIL PLACE, UNITS 3, 4 AND 6 GONZALEZ RESIDENCES04/19/18 Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. MEADOW VAIL PLACE, UNITS 3, 4 AND 6 GONZALEZ RESIDENCES04/19/18 Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. MEADOW VAIL PLACE, UNITS 3, 4 AND 6 GONZALEZ RESIDENCES04/19/18 Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. MEADOW VAIL PLACE, UNITS 3, 4 AND 6 GONZALEZ RESIDENCES04/19/18 Larry A. Deckard A.I.A. MEADOW VAIL PLACE, UNITS 3, 4 AND 6 GONZALEZ RESIDENCES04/19/18 WILDER ENGINEERING LLC Andrew Wilder PE 1170 Blue Sage Drive Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 P: 970-819-7848 E: andy@wilder-eng.com Issue By Date & Issue Description By Sheet No. Scale: 24x36 Project Name: Project Number: Description: MEADOW VAIL PLACE Units 3&4, 6 44 W. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 TOV STAMP LARRY DECKARD AIA PO Box 725 Avon, CO 81620 NTS CALCS AND ONE LINE MEADOW VAIL PLACE 2018014 E1.1 04/19/18 04/19/18 04/19/18 Sequence of Operation 1. Thermostats a. 6HH ³7KHUPRVWDW 6FKHGXOH´ RQ VKHHW 0 WR GHWHUPLQH ZKLFK WKHUPRVWDWV SHUIRUP ZKLFK functions. Thermostats shall be programmable type and approved by owner. b. Line voltage thermostats shall be provided by mechanical contractor and wired by electrical contractor. 2. B-1 Electric Boiler a. Upon a call for heating, B-1 shall be enabled & modulated by integral SCR controls to maintain HWS setpoint at TS-1 temperature sensor. b. +:6 VHWSRLQW VKDOO EH UHVHW EDVHG RQ RXWGRRU WHPSHUDWXUH ƒ) # ƒ) WR ƒ) # ƒ) adj). c. %RLOHU VKDOO EH UDPSHG XS WR ƒ) DGM XSRQ D FDOO IRU GRPHVWLF KRW ZDWHU KHDWLQJ d. Domestic hot water shall be prioritized. Upon a call for water heating from temperature sensor TS-2 (mounted at WH-1 water heater), P-1b shall start and P-1a shall be temporarily disabled, thus disabling radiant floor heating until domestic hot water call is satisfied. 3. B-2 Electric Boiler a. Upon a call for heating, B-2 boiler shall be enabled & modulated by integral SCR controls to maintain HWS setpoint at TS-3 temperature sensor. b. +:6 VHWSRLQW VKDOO EH UHVHW EDVHG RQ RXWGRRU WHPSHUDWXUH ƒ) # ƒ) WR ƒ) # ƒ) adj). c. %RLOHU VKDOO EH UDPSHG XS WR ƒ) DGM XSRQ D FDOO IRU GRPHVWLF KRW ZDWHU KHDWLQJ d. Domestic hot water shall be prioritized. Upon a call for water heating from temperature sensor TS-4 (mounted at WH-3 water heater), P-3b shall start and P-3a shall be temporarily disabled, thus disabling radiant floor heating until domestic hot water call is satisfied. 4. Radiant Floor Heating a. Upon a call for heating in Unit 3/4, associated on/off control valve shall open and P-2 pump shall start, B-1 boiler shall be enabled. b. Upon a call for heating in Unit 6, associated on/off control valve shall open and P-4 pump shall start, B-2 boiler shall be enabled. 5. Pumps a. P-1a B-1 boiler pump: on whenever boiler is called to fire for radiant heating. b. P-1b WH-1 & 2 water heater pump: on upon a call for DHW heating from TS-2 temperature sensor. DHW shall be prioritized. c. P-2 radiant heating pump: on whenever there is a call for heat in Unit 3/4. d. P-3a B-2 boiler pump: on whenever boiler is called to fire for radiant heating. e. P-3b WH-3 water heater pump: on upon a call for DHW heating from TS-4 temperature sensor. DHW shall be prioritized. f. P-4 radiant heating pump: on whenever there is a call for heat in Unit 6. g. RP-1 reciculation pump: shall be controlled automatically by integral controls & temperature sensors. 6. Fans a. EF-1 bath exhaust fans shall each be controlled by an on/off wall switch. END OF SEQUENCE OF OPERATION. 04/19/18 04/19/18 04/19/18 Mechanical Specifications General 1. Immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies. 2. It shall be assumed that all subcontractors are experienced and thoroughly knowledgeable in their respective areas of the construction industry and shall perform in a responsible manner in an appropriate construction sequence. 3. Do not scale drawings. Verify dimensions in field prior to commencement of work. 4. It is the intent of these drawings and specifications to establish a standard of quality. The Engineer reserves the right to take exceptions to approve methods and materials not reflected herein. 5. Failure to order, or release order, for materials and/or equipment will not be accepted as a reason to substitute alternate materials, equipment, or installation methods. 6. Work shall be performed in a workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the Architect & the Engineer. 7. Labor, materials, and equipment shall conform to the latest applicable editions of local, State of Colorado, and National Codes and ordinances. If conflict between those publications exists, the most stringent requirement shall apply. 8. Provide record drawings to architect. Drawings shall include all addendum items, change orders, alterations, re-routings, etc. 9. The drawings show the intent of the mechanical systems but do not show all details required. It is the responsibility of the Contractors to install complete & operable systems, which conform to the manufacturers' installations instructions & industry standards. 10. Systems shall be tested for proper operation. If tests show work is defective, Contractor shall make corrections necessary at no cost to Owner. 11. It is the Contractors' and manufacturers' responsibility to assure themselves that the code authorities will approve any product to be installed on the project. 12. Provide necessary trenching, backfill, excavation, supports, piping, insulation, saw cutting and patching, concrete/paving, HWF DV UHTXLUHG %DFNILOO WUHQFKHV LQ ´ OD\HUV DQG WR  FRPSDFWLRQ DQG SDWFK WR PDWFK H[LVWLQJ JUDGH 13. Systems shall be professionally labeled. Piping shall be labeled with color coded commercial grade labels indicating piping service and flow direction. Equipment, fans, pumps, valves, switches and controls shall be labeled with engraved plastic or metal tags and an equipment/valve schedule shall be provided and mounted on the mechanical room wall. Equipment labels shall follow the same nomenclature as the mechanical drawings. 14. Mechanical Contractor to make final connections to kitchen equipment. 15. See architectural reflected ceiling plan for all ceiling penetrations. 16. Coordinate architectural, structural, electrical, landscaping, fire protection, and interior design drawings with mechanical drawings prior to installation. 17. Offset piping, ductwork, etc. as necessary to accommodate structure, beams, columns, and existing equipment. 18. Verify exact locations of existing and new underground utilities, piping, and raceway systems prior to trenching. Contractor shall obtain and verify exact utility company drawings and requirements. Electrical 19. Contractor must carefully verify electrical service voltage and phase available before ordering any equipment. 20. The following are to be furnished by MC and wired by EC: equipment motors, magnetic starters, line voltage thermostats, factory disconnect switches (if specified as part of factory wired equipment) resistance heaters, fire and smoke detectors. 21. The following are to be furnished and wired by EC: disconnect switches, thermal overload switches, manual operating switches and contactors. 22. The following are to be furnished and wired by MC: low voltage thermostats, control transformers, control relays, control panels, motorized valves, motorized dampers, pilot lights, multi-speed switches and interlocks. Shop Drawings 23. Submit entire HVAC and plumbing and fire protection shop drawing submittal data at one time. Submittal to be bound in three-ring binders, indexed in a neat and orderly manner. Partial submittals will not be accepted. Submittals shall include, but not be limited to: equipment, fixtures, insulation, diffusers, pumps, fans, piping, valves, boilers, furnaces, and fire protection. Remodel, Demolition & Unforeseen Conditions 24. Visit site prior to bid and verify the conditions. Include in the bid, costs required to make work meet existing conditions, whether indicated or not. 25. Provide mechanical demolition required. Refer to architectural demolition drawings for location and extent of demolition required. Visit site prior to bid to determine extent of work involved. Provide labor and materials as required to maintain and/or restore continuity of service to existing systems. 26. In as much as design for remodel, renovation and/or rehabilitation requires that certain assumptions be made regarding existing conditions and because some of these assumptions cannot be verified without destroying otherwise adequate or serviceable portions of the building, the Engineer cannot assure the Owner or the Contractor that the professional consulting services herein encompass all contingencies. Field coordination during construction is imperative. Contractors bidding this work must make reasonable allowances for unseen conditions and should include associated allowances in their bids noted as such. 27. Field verify locations of all existing piping, equipment, ductwork, etc. 28. Be responsible to field verify existing equipment or ductwork remaining to be reconnected to new or existing systems. Provide ductwork, piping, controls, diffusers, etc., as required to restore continuity to system(s). 29. All ductwork, diffusers, and equipment shown on this plan are new, except where noted. 30. All new ductwork, piping, equipment, etc. is shown with dark lineweight. All existing ductwork, piping, equipment, etc. is shown with light lineweight. 31. All removed piping, ductwork, equipment, etc. are to be disposed of by Contractor unless noted otherwise. 32. Pipes, ductwork, equipment, etc. to be removed, are shown hatched. 33. All existing support rods and straps now supporting ducts, pipes, air tubing, electrical conduit, etc. that are removed to allow room for installation of new equipment shall be relocated and reinstalled, or replaced if damaged. 34. Cap all demolished and abandoned duct take-offs at trunk duct. 35. Extend and modify existing fire protection systems to new and remodeled areas. 36. New hot and cold water branches to be routed from nearest hot water and cold water of line size equal to or greater than new branch - typical. Insulation 37. Elastomeric insulation: Slip insulation over pipe before assembly so that there are no length wide seams. Where lengths of insulation are butted together, use factory recommended adhesive. Glue the butt ends of insulation to each other to form a homogenous membrane maintaining the vapor barrier. Exterior elastomeric insulation shall be installed with the longitudinal seam on the bottom of the pipe and shall be protected with an ultra violet resistive paint. Elastomeric insulation shall be covered with two coats of paint manufactured specifically for covering Elastomeric insulation, Armaflex WB Finish or equal. 38. Insulate all new heating water, domestic hot water, domestic hot water recirculation, and radiant floor (mains and runouts WR DUHDV EHLQJ KHDWHG ZLWK 8/ DSSURYHG ZKLWH DOO VHUYLFH JODVV ILEHU VQDSRQ SLSH LQVXODWLRQ ´ WKLFN RQ SLSLQJ ”´ LQ GLDPHWHU DQG ´ WKLFN RQ SLSLQJ !´ ,QVXODWH ILWWLQJV ZLWK JODVV ILEHU EODQNHW LQVXODWLRQ DQG SUHPROGHG 39& covers. Provide deduct alternate price to insulate with Armaflex. 39. Internally line all new rectangular SA, RA & TA ductwork inside the thermal envelope (unless noted otherwise) with 1/2" thick, 2.0 PCF, U.L. rated, glass fiber insulation with a continuous vapor barrier. 40. ([WHUQDOO\ ZUDS DOO 2$ GXFWZRUN ZLWK ´ WKLFN LQVXODWLRQ ZLWK D FRQWLQXRXV YDSRU EDUULHU 0LQLPXP 59DOXH RI  Piping 41. Domestic Hot, Cold & Recirculation piping inside building - Buried lines type 'K' copper water tube, wrought copper fittings and 1100F solder. Non-buried lines, type 'L' copper water tube, wrought copper fittings and no lead solder. Provide alternate pricing for PEX tubing (no oxygen diffusion barrier necessary). Unless otherwise noted, piping on plans has been sized for copper, and if ASTM PEX piping is used, increase size of piping one nominal size from size shown on plans, ie. 3ODQV FDOO IRU D ô´ OLQH  3(; LV WR EH VXEVWLWXWHG D ´ 3(; OLQH VKDOO EH LQVWDOOHG 42. Waste & Vent piping inside building: Waste lines above ground - Standard weight, C.I. soil pipe, and fittings, or hubless, C.I. soil pipe and fittings. Up through 2-1/2" may be standard weight, galvanized steel pipe with black, C.I. drainage fittings. Waste lines below grade and all Vent lines for residential may be Schedule 40 ABS-DWV plastic pipe and fittings (ASTM D2661) or Schedule 40 PVC-DWV plastic pipe and fittings (ASTM D2665). All pipe and fittings shall bear NFS-DWV mark and shall be joined with solvent weld joints as recommended by the manufacturer. Lines buried below ground - Standard weight, C.I. soil pipe, and fittings. Class 50 ductile iron pipe and fittings or hubless C.I. with C.I. couplings for below grade. Waste lines to be NO-HUB cast iron above grade and NO-HUB cast iron with heavy-duty clamps below slab. 43. Heating Water piping - Piping may be type 'K' copper for all buried lines using wrought copper fittings and 1100F solder. For non-buried piping, type 'L' copper, wrought copper fittings, and no lead solder. All buried pipe shall be surrounded with 4" of clean sand. Provide alternate price for PEX tubing (with oxygen diffusion barrier). Unless otherwise noted, piping on plans has been sized for copper, and if PEX piping is used, increase size of piping one nominal size from size VKRZQ RQ SODQV LH 3ODQV FDOO IRU ô´ SLSLQJ  3(; LV WR EH VXEVWLWXWHG D ´ 3(; OLQH VKDOO EH LQVWDOOHG 44. PEX piping shall be supported by continuous cradles supplied by the manufacturer. 45. Drain Pan piping - Not Buried: Type 'M' copper, wrought copper fittings, and no lead solder. - Buried: Type 'L' copper, ZURXJKW FRSSHU ILWWLQJV DQG QR OHDG VROGHU $OO EXULHG SLSH VKDOO EH VXUURXQGHG ZLWK ´ RI FOHDQ VDQG 'UDLQ SDQ SLSLQJ may also be PEX or Schedule 40 ABS-DWV plastic pipe and fittings (ASTM D2661) or Schedule 40 PVC-DWV plastic pipe and fittings (ASTM D2665). 46. Gas Piping - Schedule 40 black steel pipe, 150 lb. malleable iron screwed fittings on above ground pipe, welded fittings with all piping coated and wrapped on buried pipe. CSST pipe is permitted for final connections only. 47. Underground Gas Piping shall be Gastite Polyethylene plastic conforming to ASTM D 2513, or approved equal. Pipe shall EH PDUNHG ³*DV´ DQG ³$670 ' ´ 48. Gas Valves - Lubricated plug valve 175 lb. W.O.G. iron screwed or flanged. 49. Copper pipe Valves and Specialties: Gate Valves: Bronze, Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G. Ball Valves: Bronze, Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G. Check Valves: Bronze, Class 125, 200 lb. W.O.G. Balancing Valves: 125 psig w.p. for 250F service tight shut-off, Illinois dual-purpose, balancing/shut-off valve, Hoffman, Sarco, or equivalent. 50. Refer to Fixture Connection Schedule for pipe sizes to individual fixtures. 51. Support pipe with rod and clevis or clamps. No pipe tape allowed. 52. The piping material shall be cast iron at all pipe penetrations of fire-rated assemblies above the crawlspace. 53. Provide expansion joints or loops on all heating water piping runs in excess of 50'. 54. Dielectric Unions - Furnish and install a dielectric union at all connections where non-ferrous material is in contact with ferrous material and fluid is not protected with corrosion inhibitors. 55. *UDGH DQG YDOYH DOO KHDWLQJ ZDWHU SLSLQJ ZLWK ô´ KRVH HQG YDOYHV WR SHUPLW GUDLQDJH RI WKH V\VWHP 9HQW DOO KLJK SRLQWV LQ equipment rooms as necessary with automatic air vents piped to convenient drain. All high points in system outside of equipment rooms with manual air vents as required to relieve air in the system. 56. Provide plastic grommets on all heating water piping passing through wood joists and studs. 57. Install plumbing clean-outs as required by applicable codes. 58. Install fire caulking at all piping penetrations of fire rated assemblies, 3M, Hilti or approved equal. Antifreeze Solutions 59. DILUTION WATER QUALITY: Contractor shall be responsible for testing the water and submitting a report to the Owner & Engineer, prior to system fill. "Hard" water shall not be used. The water used to dilute the concentrated inhibited glycol-based heat transfer fluid must be either distilled, deionized, or contain less than 25 ppm of chloride, 25 ppm of sulfate, 50 ppm of calcium, and 50 ppm of magnesium, with a total hardness not to exceed 100 ppm. If good quality water is unavailable, the manufacturer of the glycol product will provide the heat transfer fluid and water to meet the specifications of the system. 60. )LOO KHDWLQJ ZDWHU V\VWHP ZLWK  SURS\OHQH JO\FRO   ZDWHU VROXWLRQ E\ YROXPH IRU IUHH]H SURWHFWLRQ WR ƒ) DQG EXUVW SURWHFWLRQ WR ƒ) ,QFOXGH FRUURVLRQ LQKLELWRUV Ductwork 61. Duct sizes shown on drawings are outside (sheet metal) duct dimensions. 62. All ductwork shall be sealed airtight with duct mastic. Duct tape is prohibited. 63. All returns shall be ducted. Panning of stud cavities, joist bays, etc. is not allowed. 64. Provide 1/4" galvanized mesh screen on all combustion air ducts or openings. 65. Seal all ductwork joints and vapor barrier penetrations at all exterior walls. 66. Ducts and piping penetrating through roof shall have roof flashing with caulk type counter flashing sleeve or by method acceptable by roofing manufacturer. Installation shall be watertight. 67. Provide backdraft dampers at any and all ductwork penetrations through exterior wall (except outside air and combustion air ductwork). 68. Provide turning vanes in all mitered rectangular elbows. 69. Provide volume dampers at all accessible round duct take-offs. 70. Make all final connections to supply GRD's with acoustic flexible duct. Minimum length shall be 4 feet. Maximum length shall be 8 feet. 71. All ductwork or surfaces which are visible behind a grille, register, diffuser or louver shall be painted flat black. 72. $OO GU\HU YHQWV DQG EDWKURRP H[KDXVW GXFWV IURP IDQOLJKW IL[WXUHV VKDOO EH ´ JDOYDQL]HG URXQG XQOHVV QRWHG RWKHUZLVH 73. Sheet metal and fittings to be pursuant to SMACNA and ASHRAE standards. 74. All ducts shall be 26 gauge minimum. Duct gauge and construction shall conform to SMACNA HVAC Duct Construction Standards. 75. Contractor to coordinate exact location of grilles and registers before installation. 76. Seal off all ducts during construction. Controls 77. Mount all thermostats and humidistats 5'-0" above finished floor. 78. Thermostats & remote temperature sensors shall not be installed above heat emitting equipment, including wall mounted touch screen controls. Do not mount on exterior walls or above/below forced air supply registers. 79. All thermostats shall have a temperature range suitable for the application and have adjustable set points. The thermostats shall be able to display temperature setpoint and room temperature. All thermostats shall be approved by the Owner. 80. See Sequence of Operation for additional control information. Balancing 81. Air and water flows must be balanced, and fan belts, pumps, and drive systems adjusted as required. Balance Contractor shall furnish subsequent air balances after acceptance of the building. 82. Submit a written balance report. Balancing procedures shall be in accordance with NEBB or AABC guidelines for proportional balance. Submit report on standard NEBB forms. 83. Airside measurements shall include all motor amperage, voltage readings, motor RPM, fan RPM, fan CFM, fan inlet static pressure, fan outlet static pressure, and inlet & outlet grille CFM. 84. Hydronic measurements shall include circuit setters, all motor amperage, voltage readings, motor RPM, pump RPM, pump GPM as calculated from the pump curve, inlet and outlet pressures at pumps, and temperature and pressure drop at all coils. 85. Adjust flows to within 10% of required quantity. If actual quantity is less than 90% of design, investigate cause, attempt to rectify and notify Engineer. Submittal of balance report with less than required flows without explanation is cause for rejection of report. 86. Submit three copies of all submittals in addition to any required by the Contractor. These copies shall be retained by the Owner, Contractor and Engineer. Radiant Floor Heating 87. Radiant floor tubing shall be 1/2" nominal diameter, Uponor Wirsbo hePEX or equal. Tubing shall be installed in Warmboard panels, installed over wood subfloor. 88. Piping shall be installed in continuous loops, no splices allowed. Tube centers and the maximum loop lengths are specified in the Radiant Zone Schedule on the plans. 89. Tubing loops off each manifold shall be installed in equivalent lengths (+/- 5%). 90. The Contractor shall install manifolds as provided by the tubing manufacturer. The manifolds shall consist of a return header (including: balancing valve for each loop, compression fitting to receive tubes and air vent) and supply header (including: manual shut-off valve for each loop and compression fitting to receive tubes). END OF SPECIFICATIONS. 04/19/18 All special inspection reports shall be provided to the Building Official as soon as they are received. 04/19/18 04/19/18