HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB18-0156_Approved Documents_1525716195.pdf Design ReviewBoard(DRB) Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West TOWN F VA 1 L ACTION FORM Vail,CO 81657 Tel: 970-479-2139 www.vailgov.com Project Name: Abboud Residence 2018 Application Number: DRB18-0156 Application Type: ExteriorAlteration Date Applied: 04/30/2018 We would like to paint the exteriorof the home.The home is currently white with Project Description: Blue Trim. We would like to paint it "balance beige, SW 7037" with"blackBean, SW 6006" for the trim.Both colors are Sherwin W illiams. CONTACTS Contact Ty pe: Applicant Full Name: Anna Abboud Address: 4916 Juniper Lane unit B Vail, CO 81657 Phone: 3036214714 Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: ABBOUD, DANNY & ANNA Address: Phone: None Project Address: 4916 JUNIPERLN B (210113102025 B) (210113102025) Job Site Location: B Legal Description: Subdivision:AIGHORN SUBDIVISION 5TH DDITION Lot: 3 Block:5 A Parcel Number: 210113102025 BOARDS/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: Staff Approved Second By: Vote: Date: 05/07/2018 Conditions: - Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. - Design Review Board approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter12-3-3 Appeals. - No changes to these plans maybe made without the written consent of Town of Vail staffand/orthe appropriate review committee(s). - The main color shall be Sherwin W illiams SW 7037 Balanced Beige and the trim shall be SW 6006 Black Bean. Planner: Justin Lightfield PLANNING FEE RECEIPT TOWN OF VAIL Case # DRB18-0156 Date Printed: 05/07/2018 TOWN OF VAIL - FEES RECEIPT Planning Summary Type: Design Review Board(DRB) Submittal Date: 04/30/2018 Subcases: Exterior Alteration Bond Expire D ate: We wou Id like to paint the exterior of the home. The home is cu rrentlywhite with Blue Trim.We wou Id D escription of Work: like to paint it"balance beige, SW 7037"with"black Bean, SW 6006"for the trim. Both colors are Sherwin Williams. Property Information Address: 4916 JUNIPER LN B (210113102025 B) Tax ID: 210113102025 Owner: BERNARDI, CHARLES W. & MARGARET E. Contacts Contact Type: Applicant Full Name: Anna Abboud Address: 4916 Juniper Lane u nit B Vail, CO 81657 Email: annapabboud@gmail.com Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: ABBOUD,DANNY&ANNA Address: Planning Fees Fee Information Account Amount DRB-Exterior Alteration 001-0000.31122.00 $20.00 Payment Information D ate Paid Payment Type Amount DRB-Exterior Alteration 04/30/2018 Credit Card $20.00 Paid By:Web payment-Notes:Transaction ID:40676803436,au th code:010352 FEE TOTAL $20.00 AMOUNT PAID $20.00 BALANCE D UE $0.00 75 South Frontage Road West,Vail,Colorado 81657 05/07/2018-11:56:44 AM-Generated by:cgodfrey 1/1 _ ,," IIN1 - _ 1 .• _ .-. . 1= art, V r �_, M „; '; , Anna Abboud <annapabboudh gmail.com> Paint of 4916B Juniper Lane, Vail, Co 81657 John Mollenkopf<jmollenkopfcJcomcast.net> Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 9:37 AM To: Anna Abboud <annapabboud©gmail.com> To The town of Vail Design Review; We approve the Abboud's to change the exterior paint color of 4916 Juniper Lane Unit B to Sherwin Williams SW 7037 and SW 6006 Black Bean for the trim. Thanks. If anybody needs to contact us for further approval, please call me at 720-229-8219. John C. Mollenkopf Susan R. Moilenkopf From:Anna Abboud [mailto:anna abbcudAgi'iaii corn] Sent: Monday, April 30, 2018 9:18 AM To:John Mollenkopf<jrnoiler Kopfri:Dcoe ,ie`:> Subject: Paint Hi John, We hope you all are well. I am writing to get your approval for us to paint the exterior of the house. I have attached pictures with the colors. It should be very similar to your home. The darker color is the trim and the lighter(balanced beige)will be the main part of the home. The city told us to have you write us an email of approval with the specific paint information included. If you would like I have written an email below you could copy and past to send me which I could send with our application to the city. Thx much,