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T— INTERNAL USE ONLY • '" aa�Pi O1iCTe i� Observmons - Comments --•F#esults Western Slope Concrete • - � PO Bop-1319 Carbondale, CO 81623, t $ Officer 970-963-3973• Fax: 970-963-2412 i - iv` f Plant 001 - - _ Carbondale 14682 Hwy 82 Carbondale, CO 970-963-0180 Plant 002-Dotsero-4155 H'wy 6-Gypsum, CO 970-524-2520 ` • Plant 003-Silt- 1412 CO RD 311 -Silt, CO 970-876-0194 PLACEMENT AND JOBSITE CONDITIONS -- Circle all that apply 1. Windy - Breeze - Still 3. Subgrade - Frozen - Wet - Dry 5,. Acce . sues - Explain Above T I 2. Rain - Snow - Hot 4. Placement Conderns - Explain Above '6. Pumpues Explain Above 10-1 Load 10-2 Leave Plant 10-3 Arrive Job Site 10-5tart Discharge 10-6 Finish Disch. 10-9 Leave Job Site 10-10 Arrive Plant I rt, _ It"'' r In the event of delivery beyond°curbline, this pompany will not assume liability tor NOTE; This toner to contpins correct water contents for strength of mix damage to sidewalk, driveway or other property. The purchaser shall in no ev nt indicated. V e.do pt assume responsibility for strength test when water is accept deliveries of materials not-rn accord with the agreement of the parties,.buts h added, t ddtom `y request. III materials shall be refused by the purchaser and returned to the seller with a wri n n, •. '' statement of the reason for the refusal thereof. Otherwise, receipt of such mate. s 8ecaQ a the conditions of use and application of colored concrete are beyond and the signature of the consignee or the consignee's agent shall preclude any an f'-"r our control,Casey Concrete makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for claims by purchaser. NCS cancellation accepted after concrete has been loaded n any particular purpose and expressly disclaims liability for consequential or carrier's truck at our plant. incidental damages,whether based on warranty ornegligence. Water added on job at customer's request Gal PLANT YARD TICKET# - ORDER# TRUCK# LOAD SIZE MIX SLUMP DATE a a' CUSTOMER# SOLD TO P.O.# .;y - PROJECT DELIVERY ADDRESS • ,2C':_- • USE DRIVER ' INSTRUCTIONS ..-...:... GAL TO CY EST. GAL TO CY EST ,. GAL TO - CY EST. ,; GAL TO _ CY EST. • LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT UNIT OFUNIT •.1 ' QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY CODE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION MEASURE PRICE AMOUNT • X • . - ,,,, a f�• �` r • CONTACT WITH WET(UNHARDENED)CONCRETE,MORTAR,CEMENT,OR CEMENT MIXTURES CAN CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION,SEVERE CHEMICAIJRNS OR SER1OUs EYE DAMAGE.Wear waterproof gloves,a long-sleeved shirt,full-length trousers,ani proper eye protection when working with these materials.If youhave.to stand in wet concrete,use waterproof boots that are high enough to keep concrete from flowing into.*iem.Wash wet concrete,mortar,cement,or cement in xtureffrom ypdr skin .,x1, immediately atter contact.Indirect Eontact through clothing can be as serious as direct contac4so promptly rinse out wet concrete,mortar,cement.or cernyint mixtures from clothing.Seek immediate medical attention if you have persistent or severe discomfort.In ca%of eye contact,flesh with plenty of water for at least 15 •inutes.Consult a ' physician immediately,KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN:USER.AGREES TO CONVEY THIS WARNING TO ALL PERSONS WHO MAY PURCHASE,USE OR COME ' • IN CONTACT WITH WET(UNHARDENED)CONCRETE,MORTAR,CEMENT,OR CEMENT MIXTURES. _.: - • by: 4: • COS TOMER COPY -- - t- tib' % . : INTERNAL USE ONLY a;i i(mere e 3 '' ' Observations - Comments - Results �. ' , Western Slope Concrete , ; - . PO Box 1319 Carbondale, C0.816231`'' '-� Office:970-963-3973`•Fax:970-963-2412 .„. Plant 001 -Car ndale-14682'Fi y 82-Carbondale, CO;§7q-963-0180 :�” Plant 002-Dotsero:-4155.Hwy 6-Gypsum, CO 970-.5cZ4'-2520 . Plant 003-Silt- 1412 CO RD 311'-.Silt, CO 970-876-0194 itii PLACM NT AND JOBSITECONDITIONS - Circle all that apply i`. 1. Windy - Breeze - 'Still — 3. Subgrade- frozen - Wet - Dry 5. Access Issues - Explain Above +, 2. Rain - Snow Hot 416 4. Placement Concerns - Explain Above 6. Pump Issues - Explain Above 10-1 Lead 10 2 Leave Plant 10-p arrive Job Site 10 5 Start Discharge 10-6 Finishlisch. 10-9 Leave Job Site 10-10 Arrive Plant ,- In the event of delivery be and curb)e, this company Will n6t assume liability NOTE: Ttfis concrete contains correct water contents for strength of mix: damage to sidewalk, driveway or,other property.The purchaser shall in no eynt indicated. We do not assume responsibility for strength test when water is accept deliveries of materials not ir*accord with the agreement of T-.e parties,but`uch acted at customer's request. materials shall be refused by the,Iburchaser and returned to the s 4 with a ten - statement of the reason for the refusal thereof.Otherwise, receipt o ch ma flats =-_- se the conditions of use and application of colored concrete are beyor�et and the signature of the consignee or the consignee's agent shall preci any ill =- :: rrol,Casey Concrete makes no warranty of merchantability or fitne-for t claims by purchaser. No cancellation accepted after concrete has toa- in =='titular purpose and expressly disclaims liability for consequergifal or carriers truck at our plant. r -:=e---2t damages,whether based on warranty or negligence. Water added c-"lob at customer's request" Gal ,` PLANT YARD TICKETS ORDERS TRUCKS LOAD SIZE V _ SLUt ' DATE CUSTOMERS - _SOLD TO __ ' _ PROJECTS '4 - DELIVERYADDR JONES USE DRIVER INSTRucTONs GAL TO. CY EST. j " I - GAL TO CY EST. " GAL TO CY EST. GAL TO CY EST. 51 LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODLCW PRObL1u:ASCRIPTION UNIT OF UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY CODE MEASURE PRICE N • 1 _ c.' . :• .— • CONTACT WITH WET(UNHARDENED)CONCRETE,MORTAR,CEMENT OR CEMEN XTURES CAN CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION,SEVE` .;:y CAL Bt1RNS OR SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE.Wear waterproof gloves,a long-sleeved shirt,full-length trousers d proper eye protection when working with these meter.,.4,:.0[lave to stand in wet concrete,use waterproof boots that are high enough to keep concrete from flowing b .them.Wash wet concrete,mortar,cement.or cement mix. :. .m your skin immediately after contact.Indirect contact through clothing can be as sena;;=as direct con, .so promptly rinse out wet concrete,mortar,cement,or ceme._ urea from clothing.Seek immediate medical attention if you have persistent or severe discomfort.In a of eye contact,flush with plenty of water for at least 15 Y' ,consult a physician immediately.KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN:USER AGREES TOCON.V JHIS WARNiNG TO ALL PERSONS WHO MAY PUFIcHA . USES: .'OME ' IN CONTACT WITH WET(UNHARDENED)CONCRETE,MORTAR,CEME;"T.OR CEME' , IXTURES . bygyp . _ - C OMER COPY �. .1. — ._.�_——--—--------------------- . . . —__.-` �. _ _ . ,�.._,-� �.' ''- INTERNAL USE ONLY ' Obsery ons •- Comments - Results ` • ase aner�eie s • Western Slope Concrete ., ,00l. ;7 - PO Box 1319 Carbondale, CO 81623 ar , Office:970-963-3973• Fax:970-963-2412 ' Plant 001 -Carbondale- 14682 Hwy 82-Carbondale, CO 97 9-963-0180 • Plant 002-Dotsero-4155 Hwy 6-Gypsl{rn, CO 970-52. .2520 Plant 003-Silt- 1412 CO RD 311 -Silt, CO 970-876- 94 *--R • `"l . PLACEMEN T AND JOBSITE C, DITIONS - Circle all that apply • _. .o 1. Windy - Breeze - Still 3. Subgrade - Frcl en - Wet - Dry 5. Access Issues - Explain Above 2. Rain - Snow - Hot 4. Placement Cone s - Explain Above 6. Pump Issues - Explain Above i 10-1 Load 10-2 Leave Plant 10-3 Arrive Job Site 10-5 rt Discharge 10-6 F'rtxish.0isch- 10-9 Leave Job Site 10-10 Arrive Plant In the event of delivery beyond curbline, this company will not assume liability f NOTE: This concr e contains correct water contents for strength of mix damage to sidewalk, driveway or other property. The purchaser shall in no event indicated. INe.do not assume responsibility for strength test when•water is - accept deliveries of materials not in accord with the agreement of the parties,but su added at customer's Request. i materials shall be refused by the purchaser and returned to the seller with a writt S- ■ P statement of the reason for the refusal thereof,Otherwise, receipt of such materigigsi Because the conditions;of use and applica{ton of colored concrete are beyond and the signature of the consignee or the consignee's agent shall preclude any and AIV. our control,Casey Concrete makes no warranty'of thier antability or-fitness for claims by purchaser. No cancellation accepted after concrete has been loaded i any particular purpose And expresslyedlsclaims liability for consequential or carrier's truck at cur plant- f incidental damages,whether based oh warranty or negligence. } Water added on job at customer's request • . Gal PLANT YARD TICKED?. ORDER# TRUCK# LOAD SIZE MIX ~ SLUMP DATE ' CUSTOMER# SOLD TO - - - P.O# PROJECT# ii - DELIVERY ADDRESS • �, ZONE` USE S DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS _ hr e GAL TO CY EST. -'" GAL TO CY ES. , . • GAL TO CY EST. ' 1 GAL TO CY EST. " .• LOAD CUMULATIVE ORDERED PRODUCT I 30DUC DESORPTION UNIT OF UNIT AMOUNT QUANTITY QUANTITY QUANTITY CODE MEASURE PRICE ? . ,; .0'. e } Y ' t�u , j.0. . . ;`r t a ` CONTACT WITH WET(UNHARDENED)CONCRETE,MORTAR,CEMENT,OR CEMENT-MiURES CAN CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION,SEVERE CHEMICAL BURNS OR SERIOI, EYgDAVIAGE.Wear waterproof gloves,a long-sleeved shirt,full-length trousers aq roper eye protection when working with4hese materials.If you have to stand in wet cone t ,use waterproot boots that are high enough to keep concrete from flowing'into. trr.Wash wet concrete,mortar,cementtni�or cement mixtures from your akin .r t' I immecomersat arc tact.indirect comersthrough clothing can be as serious as direct contact; prm omptly rinse out Wet concrete, ortal cement,or cement mixtttlifrotri , clothiri ' diate medical attent'!n if you have persistent or severe discomfort.Irk ca' of eye contact.flush with plenty of water,or,at leasttl'S minutes.Consult a • physician imrriediatell KEEP 0 T• ACH CHILDREN:USER AGREES TO CONVEY'1Ivis WARNING TO ALL PERSONS WHO MAY PURCHdi®€.USE OR COME i ° IN CONTACT-WITH . ' ED)CET RE,MORTAR,CEMENT,OR CEMENT'MIXTURES. a ..• '' , sicy +A a • t ' CUMER COf P'� "" -."- , , • . . INTERNAL USE ONLY ase eoncrei: ::' . Observations - Comments - Results Western Slope Concret-' _•_ • fit PO Box 1319 Carbondale, CO -623 . : Office:970-963-3973• Fax: 970-96 -2 - 'lant 001 -Carbondale-- 14682 Hwy 82-Carbone-•e, CO 97@-963-0180 Plant 002- Dotsero-4155 Hwy 6-Gypsum, CO 970-5242820 . \ Plant 003-Silt- 1412 CO RD 311 -Silt, CO 970-8764':)4 PLACEMENT AND JOBSITE C©NDmONS - Circle all that apply 1. Windy - Breeze - Still 3. Subgrade - Frpzen - Wet - Dry 5. Access Issues - Explain Above 2. Rain -- Snow - Hot 4.,:Placement Coerns - Expit. - .Ab: a 6. Pump Issues - Explain Above 10-1 Load 10-2 Leave Plant 10-3 Arrive Jab Site 10-tart Disirlerge ---t _- _ _ =:- " = -__ = Job G''=I 10-10 Arrive Plant Ilik In the event of delivery beyond curbline,this - T- will not assn liabiirtt for N(I1E: This concrete contains correct water contents for strength of mix damage to sidewalk, driveway or other prToe purchaser sh n no i int "' ted. We do not assume responsibility for strength test when water is accept deliveries of materials not in accord with Up.agreement of the parties;but st h added*,customer's request. materials shall be refused by the pwche andleturned to the seller with a w n • statement of the reason for the refusal fi eof..Otherwise,receipt of such mat a Because the conditions cif userend application of colored concrete are beyond and the signature of the consignee or the in agent snail preclude any II our coot'r..,Casey Concrete makes no warranty of merchantability or fitness for 1 claims by purchaser. No cancellation accepted after concrere twelve-4.1 in any par'.:_la purpose and expressly disclaims liability for consequential or carrier's truck at our plant. incidental Homages,whether based on warranty or negligence. - -" ' = Water added on id at customer's request _Gal c, PLANT YARD TICKET# ORDERe TRUCK# LOAD S if ACM t - w SLUMP DATE - . i i . • ‘14 . CUSTOMER# SOLD TO - ...I - ' - .O.# - P yy PRDJEC"m • • DELIVERYADDRESS '_ USE 1 _ DRIVER _ - • -f':) - - INSTRUCTIONSL e - GAL TO CY EST. GAL TO CY EST .. - lit A _-,_,,, i „..,_. GAL TO f'� CY EST. GTO CY EST ' : LOAD r CUMULATIVE OR REI = EC UNIT OF UNIT• AMOUNT QUANTITY QUANTITY QU. nY IPRODUCT DEE'�''-'1ON N;t=ASURE =POE k 1• CONTACT WITH WET(UNHARDENEDI CONCRETE,MORTAR, ►C ENT,OR••= IXTURES CAN :.E SKIN EtR1TATION,SEVERE CHEMICAL BURNS OR • SERIOUS EYE DAMAGE.Wear waterproof gloves,a long-sleeved>• full-length ire - d proper eye. n when wad ng wilnittese:materials.It you have to stand in wet concrete,use waterproof boots that are high enough to keep' rate from flowing :them.Wash rate,mortar,cement,or cement mixtures from your skin immediately after contact.Indirect contact through clothing can be .rious as direct co• -so promptly ri • wet concrete,mortar.cement,pr cement mixtures from clothing.Seek immediate medical attention if you have persistent.-. ere discomfort.in :'e of eye cont.• .h with plenty of water for at least-1-5 minutes.Consult a �^ physician immediately KEEP EP OUT OF ECA CONCRETE,CHILDREN: EN: -' MENT, TO CON • •HISS WAR INC i LL ERSONS WHO MAY PURCHASE,USE OR COME IN CONTACT WITH • by: , CL '..MERCOP' i