HomeMy WebLinkAboutA18-0028_approved documents_1526659743.pdf FIRE ALARM PERMIT Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at the time of application submittal and must included information listed on the 2nd page of this form. Application will not be accepted without this information. Contractor Information: Company: _____________________________________________ Company Address: ______________________________________ City: ____________________ State: _______ Zip:_____________ Contact Name: _________________________________________ Contact Phone: _________________________________________ E-Mail ________________________________________________ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate fire alarm sys- tem drawings and state that all the information as required is cor- rect. I agree to comply with the information and fire alarm system drawings, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approval, National Fire Code, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. X___________________________________________________ Contractor Signature (required) Project Street Address: __________ ______________________________ ___________ (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: ________________________________ Property Information Parcel #: ______________________________________________ (For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) Tenant Name: __________________________________________ Owner Name: __________________________________________ Complete Valuation for Fire Alarm Permit: Fire Alarm $: __________________ Office Use: Project #: ________________________________________ Building Permit #: _________________________________ Alarm Permit #: ___________________________________ Lot #: ____ Block # ____ Subdivision: __________________ Detailed Scope and Location of Work:________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (use additional sheet if necessary) Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair ( ) Retro-Fit ( ) Other ( ) Type of Building: Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-Family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) Date Received: Does a Monitored Fire Alarm Exist? Yes ( ) No ( ) Does a Sprinkler System Exist? Yes ( ) No ( ) 2014-0916 Fire and Emergency Services 2399 N. Frontage Road W. Vail, Colorado 81657 Tel: 970-479-2252 www.vailgov.com Fire Marshal 1709 Geneva Drive West Unit 1709 Geneva Duplex Garrison Multi Media 210 Edwards Village Boulevard, C-209 Edwards CO 81632 John Garrison 970-376-5687 gmminc61@gmail.com 210312312312028 Attached on a separate sheet 4 4 4 4 Fire Department Process For Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm Systems Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at the time of submittal must include the following: __________ A Colorado Registered Engineer’s stamp __________ Device locations on reflected ceiling plans __________ Reflected Ceiling Plans (RCP) __________ Typical device wiring diagrams __________ Battery calculations __________ Battery calculations __________ A list of specific device model numbers __________ Equipment cut sheets of each type of device __________ The number of each type of device __________ Information indicating the specific zones __________ Circuit diagrams __________ Point to point wiring diagram __________ Wiring type, size and number of conductors __________ The source of AC power circuits __________ Fire alarm panel locations __________ Knox Box location __________ Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring agency This check list has been provided to ensure that our review process may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project/Street Address: _______________________________________________________ Contractor Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date Signed: _______________________________________________________ 2014-0916 NA X X X X NA X X X X X X X X X X X 1709 Geneva Drive, Vail, CO 81657 Project: 1709 Geneva Duplex Address: 1709 Geneva Drive – West Unit, Vail, CO 81657 Fire alarm contractor: Garrison Multi Media Inc. SCOPE OF WORK LETTER 1. Pre-wire in accordance with NEC, NFPA 72, NFPA 720 and town of Vail Fire Department amendments: 1.1. 9 smoke detector locations; 1.2. 1 heat detector location; 1.3. 1 sprinkler flow sensor; 1.4. 2 sprinkler valve tamper sensors; 1.5. 6 carbon monoxide detector locations; 1.6. 3 Mini-horn locations; 2. Install in accordance with NFPA 72, NFPA 720 and town of Vail Fire Department amendments: 2.1. 1x DSC-PC1832 conventional (non-addressable) combination (fire- burglary-environmental) alarm system; 2.2. 9x System Sensor 4-WTA-B polarity sensitive photo-electric smoke detectors with built-in notification appliance; 2.3. 1x System Sensor 5603 – 135oF fixed temperature heat detector; 2.4. 6x System Sensor 1224-CO Carbon monoxide detectors; 2.5. 1x DSC PK5500 Alarm annunciator; 2.6. 3x System sensor MHW mini horns – one per level plus one in the garage; 2.7. Connect the Fire sprinkler flow sensor to the alarm panel to generate a fire alarm in the event of water flow; 3. Connect the sprinkler control valve tamper sensors to the alarm panel to generate self-restorable supervisory signals in an event of a valve closure. 4. Mapping: 4.1. Activate smoke detectors’ notification appliances in tandem during any fire alarm; 4.2. Designate (define distinguished signals) automatic fire detection reporting by floor – per Vail Fire Department amendments. Daniel Dimitrov NICET Fire Alarms Level III – Cert.# 119879 Digitally signed by Daniel Dimitrov DN: cn=Daniel Dimitrov, o=Dimant Technologies LLC, ou, email=dimitrov.dimant@gmail.com , c=US Date: 2018.05.10 21:13:41 -06'00' o ,,, .. .. .. 12V 17 AHr 12V 17 AHr - , - - ,Bl.ACK­,, NON-POWER LIMI1ED DSC Modet BD7-12 or equ'Y8*,t Battery StandbvTIme: 24Hrs min. PowerSeries - PC16161PC18321PC1864 PC1616/1832/1864 Wiring Diagram 1.Inserl Stand aN into cablnef mounting hale in the desired location.Snap-In­ place. 2 Position circuit board mounting holes Over 'tandoNs.Press fIrmly on board to snap-in-place. Primary:120VAC/6OHz. Secondary: lB.SVAC 40VA DSCPID 1640UClass II Transformer NOTE: Do not connect Iranslormer to receptacle controlled by a switch 230 VAc/50 Hz International North America Only POWER LIMITED Cable Tie (nol supplied) recommended ~ P<t1616/183211864 0 "&~DD@ WARNING: High Voltage.Disconnect AC Power and telephone lines before servicing o .- - -----illi--II - ----- ­ IMPORTANT: a)Thls equipmenl. Alarm Controller PCt6161183211864 shall be installed and used within an environment that provides lhe poilulion degree max 2 and overvollages calegory II NON·HAZARDOUS LOCAnONS, indoor only.The equipmenl is FIXED and PERMANENTLY connecled and is designed 10 be installed by service persons only; [service person is deHned as a person haVing the appropriate technical training and experience necessary to be aware of hazards to which that person may be exposed in performing a lask and of measures to minimize the risks 10 thaI person or other persons.] b)The connection 10 the mains suppty must be made as per the local authorities rules and regulations. An appropriate disconnect device must be provided as part of the building installation.Where it is nol possible 10 rely on Identification of the neulral in Ihe AC Mains supply the disconnecting devtce must disconnect both poles simultaneously (line and neutral).The device shall disconnect the supply during servidng. c)llle equipment enclosure must be secured to the buIlding structure berore operation. e)lnlemal wiring must be rouled in a manner that prevents: - Excessive strain on wire and on terminal connections: - Loosening of terminal; connections; - Damage of conductor insulation t) Disposal 01 the used balleries shall be made according to the waste recovery and recycling regulatfons applicable to the intended markel. WARNING: Incorrect connections may result in PTCfailure or Improper operation. Inspect wiring and ensure connections are correct before applying power. Incorrect connection of balleries may result In ballery rupture or Fire Hazard. Do NOT allow melal objects to connect the Positive and Negative Terminals. Ensure that batteries are connected with correct polarity [Red to (+), Black to (-)]. Failure to comply with this may result In ballery rupture andlor Fire Hazard. All circuits are classified for UL Installations as Power Limited/Class II Power Limited except for ballery leads which are not power limited. 00 NOT roote any wiring over circuli boards.Maintain at least 1"(25.4mm) separation. A minimum of 1/4" (6.4mm) separation must be maintained at all points between power limited wiring and all other non-power limited wiring. DSCo ,@o o o PC1616/183211864 ~, rig PG-LINKO laaaal ~ o ~ c,,"'SAT.IiAT· AUX·and Keybus fRed) ,,..Inlemaly Connectl!d To\Il cunentdflw (rom K~ypadllPGM OulpUts Ind AUKcilCUItSmusl nolnceed 7DOmA o WARNING: High Voltage.Dlsconnecl AC Power and telephone lines before servk:ing" 2 i Chapter 1 Installation & Wiring 1.1 Keybus Wiring The 4-wire KEYBUS (red, black, yellow and green) is the communication connection between the control panel and all modules. The 4 KEY­ BUS terminals of all modules must be connected to the 4 KEYBUS terminals of the main control panel. The following rules must be followed when wiring the Keybus: · Minimum 22 AWG wire, max. 18 AWG (2-wire twisted preferred) · Do not use shielded wire · Modules can be home run, connected in series or T-tapped, provided that the maximum wire distance from the control panel to any module does not exceed 1,000 feet (305m) · No more than 3,000 feet(915m) of wire can be used in total 1.2 Zone Wiring Zones can be wired for Normally Open or Normally Closed contacts, with Single-End-of-Line (SEOL) or Double End-of-Line (DEOL) resistors. Observe the following guidelines: · For UL Listed Installations use SEOL or DEOL only · Minimum 22 AWG wire, maximum 18 AWG · Do not use shielded wire · Wire run resistance shall not exceed IOOrt Refer to the chart below: Burglary Zone Wiring Chart Wire Gauge Maximum Wire Length to End-of-Line Resistor (ftlmeters) 22 3000/914 20 4900/1493 19 6200/1889 18 7800/2377 Figures are based on maximum wiring resistance of 100n · [00 I]-[004] Selects Zone Definition · [013] Opt [I] Selects Normally Closed or EOL resistors · [013] Opt [2] Selects SEOL or DEOL resistors · [10 I]-[I08] Opt [14], [15], [16] Selects Normally Closed SEOL or DEOL for on-board zones (PC 1832/1864. Zone 1-8; PC 16t6, Zones 1-6) Zone Status - Loop Resistance/Loop Status · Fault - on (shorted wire/loop) · Secure - 5600n (contact closed) 1.3 Zone Expanders Zone expanders add zones in groups of eight to the Alarm system. Module jumpers J I, J2, J3 are required to assign zones to these modules. Jumper settings for PC5108 v2 are shown here. · · ·PC5108 v1.0 supports first 32 zones only PC5700 enrolls as two modules Do NOT use PC5108 vI and PC5108 v2 on the same panel 1.4 Bell Wiring Module Zones Jumpers Assigned JI J2 J3 ON ON ON Zones Disabled OFF ON ON Zones 09-16 ON OFF ON Zones 17-24 OFF OFF ON Zones 25-32 ON ON OFF Zones 33-40 OFF ON OFF Zones 41-48 ON OFF OFF Zones 49-56 OFF OFF OFF Zones 57-64 Normally Closed Loops - Do NOT use lor UL Installations ANY Z ANY COM ANY Z ANY COM TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINALU=~~~OSED U~~~~OSED NO END OF UNE NO ENO OF UNE RESISTOR RESISTQA Single End-ol-Line Resistor Wiring ANY Z ANY COM ANY Z ANY COMTERMINAL TERMINAL TERMINALTERMINALUh~g~~LLY [ : ] 1NORMAllY OPEN CONTACT WITH CONTACTSWITH56000 5600{1ENDOFUNEEND OF LINERESISTORRESISTOR ANY 2 ANY COM ANY 2 ANY COMTERMINAL TERMINALTERMINALbbS~~Lk~gPEN a ~~~A~~~L~r?6EN 1NORMALLY ClOSED 2NOA~'ALLY CLOSEDCONTACTWITHCONTACTS WITH 560011 END OF LINE 500011 END OF LINERESISTORRESISTOR Double End-ol-Line Resistor Wiring ANY Z ANY COMTERMINAL TERMINAL ANY Z ANY COMTERMINAL TERMINALtJDEOl C IRClJlT "EOLCIROJfTS FJ, NORMALLY 2f'.KlAMA LLY Alarm C LO SED CONTACT T.i C l.OSED C-Cf'4I/lCTS Con!acl ~~~E C =~ ~~r~M~ I'.f SISTO"S ""S IS1011 · Tamper - infinite (broken wire, open) · Violated - II ,200n (contact open) ON OFF ON o 1010101010101010101010101010101010101 TA,MVAUXRED BlK YEL GAN 21 COM Z2 Z3 COM ZA Z5 COM Z6 D COM Z8 Refer to the associated installation sheet for Jumper locations for the PC51 08 vI and PC5700. These terminals supply 700mA of current at 12VDC for commercial installations and 11.1-12.6VDC for Be Sure To 0 serve Polamy WhenCannecllng Po(antearesidential installations (e.g., DSC SD-15 WULF). To comply with NFPA 72 Temporal Three Pattern SIrens Or Beltsrequirements, Program 10131Opt 181 must be ON. Note that Steady, Pulsed alarms are also supported. ~B LoopThe Bell output is supervised and power limited by 2A PTe.If unused, connect a looon resistor across r 700 mA MAXBell+ and Bell- to prevent the panel from displaying a trouble. See [*][2]. 3 PowerSeries - PC16161PC18321PC1864 1.5 AUX Power Wiring The control panel can provide a maximum of700mA of current for modules, powered detectors, relays, LEOs, etc. If the total current required exceeds 700mA, an additional power supply is required (e.g., PC5200, PC5204).See list below. Minimax operating voltages for devices, sensors and modules is 9.5VDC - 14VDC. 1.6 PGM Wiring PGMs switch to ground when activated from the control panel. Connect the positive side of the device to be activated to the AUX+ Terminal. Connect the negative terminal to the PGM. Current output is as follows: PGM 1,3,4 50mA PGM 2 300mA 2-Wire Smoke Detectors Initiating Circuit · Style B (Class B), Supervised, Power Limited · UL Compatibility Identifier. .............................. PC 18-1 · DC Output Voltage ................................9.8-13.8VDC · Detector Load .....................................2mA (MAX) · Single End-of-Line (SEOL) Resistor.........................2200n · Loop Resistance.................................... 24n (MAX) · Standby Impedance ..................... .......... 1020n (NOM) · Alarm Impedance............................. ..... 570n (MAX) · Alarm Current ....................................89mA (MAX) UL Compatibility 10 For FSA-210B Series is: FS200 NOTE: For ULe Listed installations use FSA-2JOA and FSA-4JOA series. Compatible 2-wire NOTE: Smoke Detector Refer to [nstallation Manual and DSC FSA-21 OB Series Smoke Detector Instruction Sheel FSA-210B FSA-210BT FSA-210BS FSA-210BST FSA-210BLST FSA-210BR FSA-210BRT FSA-210BRS FSA-210BRST FSA-210BLRST when positioning detectors. , PGM2== == For current levels greater than 300mA. a relay is required. PGM2 can also be used for 2-wire smoke detectors. NOTE: Use SEOL resistors onjire zones only. LED output with current limiting resistor and optional relay driver output LED INDICATOR RELAY OUTPUT AUXINPUT WIRING IMPORTANT: Minimum6.4mm (1/4') separation must be maintained between RM-l circuits and allother wiring "I'VX''IPGM~2 2200 Ohm " E~~~~~~E . ~ · EOLR-J NOTE: Do NOT combine models from differenI Manufaclurers On the same circuit. Operation may be impaired. i FSA-410BRST FSA-410BLRST reOM BLK r--=--::--"""---::--:'o max. SMOKE DETECTORPaNER12Voc GRN EOLR-2 ENO.QF-LINE L-'\M-=======--.JRESISTOR 5600 Ohm, O.5W ALARM INITIATING LOOP RESISTANCE 100 Ohm 4-Wire Smoke Detectors Smoke Detector must be latching type (e.g.· DSG F$A 41 DB Senes) To reset smoke detector, Enter 1*](7) (2) RM-l/RM-2 POWER LOOPzone InpUi SUPERVISORY RELAY 12VCc 35mA WHT Compatible 4-wire Smoke Detector DSC FSA-41 OB Seri! FSA-410B FSA-410BT FSA-410BS FSA-410BST FSA-410BLST FSA-410BR FSA-410BRT FSA-410BRS 1.7 Carbon Monoxide Detector Wiring CO DETECTOR ZONE « U ALARM (SEOl TYPE41) INITIATING PC1616/1832/1864 >­ ~N~[EI~==;±;~==+~L~INPUT :z~~ LOOP RM-l/RM-2 '-i---t=-_-.JRESISTANCE POWER LOOP 100 ohmSUPERVISORY RELAY (12VDC.3SmA) The following hardwired CO Detector models can be used with PC1616/PCI832/PC1864 v4.S (and higher) control panels: · Potter Model CO-12124, UL File E321434 · Quantum Model 12-24SIR, UL File EI86246 · NAPCO Model FW-COI2 or FW-COI224, UL File E306780 · System Sensor Model COI224, UL File E307195 NOTE: For multiple unit connections, the leads between CO detectors need to be broken. The power supervision relay has to be powered from the last detector in the loop. Wireless CO detectors are also available. When installing wire­ less CO detectors, use only DSC model WS4913. A DSC wireless receiver model RFS132-433 vS.1 (and higher) or DSC keypad receiver models RFKSSXX-433 (xx=00/01108/16/64) v1.2 (and higher) are required when installing wireless CO detectors. For more details on either the WS4913 CO detector or the receivers, please refer to their respective installation manuals. 4 [-----_J CD CD CD QlD CD CD CD aD CLJ CDCD CD CD CD G:) 00 CD ®CD CD WARNING: Please refer to the System Installation Manualfor information on limitations regarding product use andfunction and information on the limitations as to liability ofthe manufacturer. NOTE: These instructions shall be used in conjunction with the system Installation Manual of the Control Panel with which this equipment is intended to be used. DSC' CE: PDlNerSeries™ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 2 9 007 4 9 6 RO 01SECURITY SYSTEM The PK5S00 leyllildcon be used on security II"lems wiTh up 10 64 lones. The!e leYlX'ds are CDmlX'fib~ wiTh Ihe lales! YIllSioll ollhe 100IIo· . lng IlSCseculitysyslems; ·PCS80 ·PC585 ·PCISS5/.IX · P(156S ·P(16 16 ·1'(1832 ·PC1864 ·PCS005 · PCS008 ·1'(50I0 ·PCSOIS ·PCSOI6 · mOlO Specifications · Temperaru<erlJllge. ·IO'C~ +S5'C(14'F 10131'~ · Hurridir( (t.lAX); 93%R.H. · Plaslit erdJsu~ prote!1imdegllll> IP30 . IK04 · VohllJllroI ing;12Voc"moo! · Conneds!Omnno! flOI1~""4-wll8 leo,iJ", · I keypad zone inpuv1Ql ootpur · PKS500 Wnto'Draw; SOmA(slImdbyilJlSmA(m.. n;umj · Wa'mountlo. · Sprogrllll1lOObleluntfionkeys · Ready(_LEO).Arrrod(RedLEO). Trouble (Yeio'llLED). A((ljreen LEO) · tnWIUm!lOmIU"sensor; Abm 6"( (43'fVllesfore 9,((48'~ HaTE: ·Zonenol 10 be programmedas Firetype or24h type. Unpacking The Po,.~rkeypadpocfage indudes theIoll,,"ng pal!\ · One _ l2ypad · KeypadInnerdoorlobe~ · four mounr./lgscrew; ·llomp€r\Wl~h ·2end.;)I·lineresislo~ ·Inslollonon In~",diJns Mounting/.Iounllhe ke, padwnere ilis ocressible 10 d"ignoled I'li'~01enlry and exil. Once you have seleaed adry and seCUre loconon. perform Ihe lol~wing~eiJS10maunr the keypad. DisassembleKeypad I. Insert a1101hendlcrOt/d"",rinlo Ihe prO'llded slol(fi~ol"""). 2 lirm soel'driver lowllfd'the bad ~a~icondliffas in Ire lollowing diogrom. This willunhook one side ofthe fronl ~ c. 3. RepealSlep # I and 2 on 1M serondprmled sklllo disconnoo the fronlp~sli<o,dallow [lUtlS fac wicing. Mounl and Wire Keypad 1(r.~::I:Ovl Iln:::<' . OVI " I. Seem KeIllOfi ro""II uSlO9 .....1'1 "'Ie!.IJsooil4 S((." ~0'0d!d om"" mlllJnn"l ono Slilgfe lJ!fl'9 bo< 1. Pica! kO)1lOdir.. ""',," Ihe bo_andswifYJdow, 10"IJOIJ'J. iun.t.etluilllQhWIn'llsIolOf00I001< Col1J!fdK~ andPI>IV1D", wirifYJ10koypod. PIoa! fUm"" .. Ieb,,10 Iomll'r hoi. on bockpiJle. 4. Ie,""",. fmm ""'" PIx> koypmfi~"~. ~fI n..;re ~pushedbadin~tIe..,l!IS _ !lS"";\1e iootB I"' ..miflSlietiek!o,,.d _ ~high"mpo"",~ ore . Mkfed.Sooptiefionto,,"m­ bIy dosed. ,Il\ijrilri them " flO pressure 10 Ihe\eypod from tt. wirebelow. Half: If O"ylensionfound betweentheiranIkeypadassembly~ and!!iring, please 0fH!'lthekeypodreroute the.weanddoseagoin. Repeattheses/epsuntillhekeypodisdosedproperly. WiringI. !Ioil,. wintrgIhe",ii,If"'''!lull oll_ r (ACImnslomrerondboneI'() ~dl\Qlnm dfrom(he coollnlflOnel 1. Connod i!lt ~urkcytM"i!! !om PK5500Ihe00 """ ponel(red. iliad. ........ ­ond!Jl'lll)~""IeyporI,""""",b. "@- R I 'll leferlU diog""". iIl,.--B ''I J lil'fllllrn,nrrwrj" on ifljllJl.yrJlJ"'" 'R - - vi 'll mnnet1 °cte.n· lVCh fI!'thor rJf.-- G lei 00,,"'0· "' .lire 'P/t IIrIminrd of!1m 10".~" - - P/Z ItI:>i»-pud . Thisd:nitnsI~""" ro ;r"l.lOln'J '<=!IInwimsbo"~Ih!fDf'lml""nellor ·the dcriC!. TocoJlll(! n._."'"""'''' lromIre"" IIIlire 'Pf/'_ifllli and tie. tler willrromt!rem rotieB(bbctj ~nnit>ll.For 1".. redd.;UI, fUll r!>ered.ire roIt:. I ~ ~) lermillli ond!1mb1ad<.iffllDlho 8 (""'lfIIi'!1 cemilDoL\\l\a,,,,",w ofliro ..'fIIIIri· ,W~,.,""" ~.zo,., "",,""'u10"'~01tiewnligurolions . ""ioedin \Our .~Iem·,1!lSInIfolion""'n",1 4. 1I!ha'P!/, !enrIioI;, proglUlM»d05 on oulpul. cf~ oulpullob-s m. P(i\\ progrommedkI 'iediDn[OBO] A Sl'OOI ro~.blUleffW oI1IecDC operoloddM:e "" be CfIM6(Ied bet_tie IIl5iIil< supp~,oo0Q0 ondIhe~fl'lBrfnitci(fMlimumWI is SOmA). Applying Power 0", oMwltItlg ~mmplora, ,od tire 0\,.1 is "(\1".1CoIheba~ ~lu({u",wiIf101krnst two l<_ Olll~~ ~"" OIOlrolpallet I. Co,,"" clio[,,"<1'1SuI! 10tt. botrery. 2. Co,""" thoACna nner. Fo, """' infomtollOnon (~1I1~pOllel p,,.,,,,r s""ifiml~ns.,.. lhoCOIlImIpo",llnlJoilolioflAI,,,,,.!. Insta lla tion Instruction for Power Su pervisio n Module x W"Of a m- 011 U K ~ ~ s ` , ~·T~ i POWER ~~nlol L mini 01 LIEME 4 1111111 ~iiD ~ii~ d 01 ∎IUI ∎iU~~ a, mom 401C M°°r 4e~CarRold 4012 pbWa1 lad aft . h" aiam 1oa+w W*O · www I -+ 204-6V K40" 44W Moth 446N d~aelor -+ -+ r! %Tn' ~~~ f~`Tn' ~~! I~I POWER10 SUPERVISIONnowUNrr ∎ I ∎ 1~ Lz 00ELECTRIC-AL VEC&r EM of UK DEVICE 204-12124V 204-12124V OF ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Power Supervision Unit 204 - 6V Power Supervision Unit 204 -12124VOperating Voltage 5.1 - 15 VDC Operating Voltage 8.5-33 VDC Operating Current 33 mA ® 6VDC; 66 mA 012 VDC Operating Current 14 mA 012VDC; 28 mA 0 24 VDC Contact Rating (resistive) 2A 026VDC or 115 VAC Contact Rating (resistive) 2 A 026VDC or 115 VAC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1 .Connect brown initiating leads as indicatedsuchthat theendof line 3.Neatly dress wires andpower supervision unit into deviceis connectedin series withthepower supervising contact. junction box . (seewiring diagram) 4.Mount detector according to manufacturers installation 2.Connect appropriatecontrol leads as shown .Red incoming and red instructions. frommoduleto terminal 1 .Black incoming andblack frommoduleto terminal 2. o r , E S L nc. Corporate Headquarters: SeroW, Inc.,esemnthe · m12345 SWLeveton Drive dmvWspecificationswithoutnnodco. Tualatin, OR97062 P R O DU G ()F S E N T R O L INC 503-692-4052 U.S. & Canada: 800-547-2556 01904s«*rd, inc. Technical Support: 800-648-7424 ®Printedonreoyiladpaper E-se31o9¢10258REV. 6 1 I56-2958-002R 06-10 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS MHR and MHW Mini-Horns 3825 Ohio Avenue, St. Charles, Illinois 60174 800/736-7672, FAX: 630/377-6495 www.systemsensor.com SPECIFICATIONS General Specifications Standard Operating Temperature: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Humidity Range: 10 to 93% non-condensing Nominal Voltage: Regulated 12DC/FWR or regulated 24DC/FWR Operating Voltage Range: 8-33 Operating Voltage with MDL3: 8.5-33 Sounder Frequency: 3kHz (nominal) Mechanical Specifications Input terminal wire gauge: 12 to 18 AWG Horn dimensions: 4.6˝L×2.9˝W×.45˝D (117 mm L×74 mm W×11.5 mm D) GENERAL DESCRIPTION The SpectrAlert Advance MH Series mini-horns are available in red or white. They feature 12 or 24 volt operation, high and low volume settings, and tem- poral or continuous tones. These small footprint horns can be mounted to single gang back boxes for aesthetically sensitive applications. If required, the MDL3 module can be used to provide synchronization. NOTICE: This manual shall be left with the owner/user of this equipment. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS The National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72, requires that all horns, used for building evacuation installed after July 1, 1996, produce temporal coded sig- nals. Signals other than those used for evacuation purposes do not have to produce the temporal coded signal. POWER SUPPLY CONSIDERATIONS Panels typically supply DC filtered voltage or FWR (full wave rectified) volt- age. The system design engineer must calculate the number of units used on a loop based on the type of panel supply. Be certain the sum of all the device currents does not exceed the current capability of the panel. Calculations are based on using the device current found in the subsequent charts and must be compatible with the current specified for the panel or power supply used. Loop Design and Wiring The system designer must make sure that the total current drawn by the de- vices on the loop does not exceed the current capability of the panel supply, and that the last device on the circuit is operated within its rated voltage. The current draw information for making these calculations can be found in the tables within this manual. For convenience and accuracy, use the volt- age drop calculator on the System Sensor website (www.systemsensor.com) or CD-ROM. When calculating the voltage available to the last device, it is necessary to consider the voltage drop due to the resistance of the wire. The thicker the wire, the smaller the voltage drop. Wire resistance tables can be obtained from electrical handbooks. Note that if Class A wiring is installed, the wire length may be up to twice as long as it would be for circuits that are not fault tolerant. WIRING FIGURE 1. NON-SYNCHRONIZED DEVICES; ANY COMBINATION OF MODELS POWERED BY A 2-WIRE CIRCUIT Horn (+) (–) (+) (–) E OL (+) (–) (+) (–) Horn/strobe Strobe Only Two Wire System Any Mix of Models Wired for Tandem Operation FIGURE 2. SYNCHRONIZED DEVICES; ANY COMBINATION OF MODELS POWERED BY A 2-WIRE CIRCUIT Horn Synchronization Module (+) (–) (+) (–) E OL (+) (–) (+) (–) Horn/strobe Strobe Only Two Wire SystemAnyMix of Models Wired forTandem OperationMDL3 A0111-01 NOTE: For further information on synchronization see MDL3, panel, or power supply installation manual. NOTE: For 24 volt applications, the total number of horns on a single NAC must not exceed 85 with a maximum loop resistance of 120 ohms. For 12 volt applications, the total number of horns must not exceed 85 with a maximum loop resistance of 120 ohms.I56-2958-002R 2 I56-2958-002R ©2016 System Sensor. 06-10 SOUNDER SELECTION Sounder setting selection is accomplished by using the rotary switch on the back (see Figure 3). The sound measurements for the various settings are shown in Table 1A. The current draw for the various settings is shown in Table 1B. TABLE 1A. SOUNDER OUTPUT (dBA) REVERBERANT SWITCH SETTINGPATTERNOUTPUT LEVEL 8 VDC 8 VFWR 12 VDC 12 VFWR 16-33 VDC 16-33 VFWR 1 TEMPORAL HIGH 68 67 71 70 78 76 2 TEMPORALLOW 66 65 69 68 76 75 3 NON- TEMPORALHIGH 72 71 75 74 80 79 4 NON- TEMPORALLOW 70 69 73 72 78 77 TABLE 1B. SOUNDER CURRENT DRAW (mA RMS) SWITCH POSITION SOUND PATTERN VOLUME 8-17.5 VOLTS 16-33 VOLTS DC FWR DC FWR 1 TEMPORAL HIGH 12 10 17 15 2 TEMPORAL LOW 10 9 14 13 3 NON- TEMPORAL HIGH 22 17 29 25 4 NON- TEMPORAL LOW 17 13 21 19 The horn will not work without power. The horn gets its power from the fire/security panel monitoring the alarm system. If power is cut off for any reason, the horn will not provide the desired audio or visual warning. The horn may not be heard. The loudness of the horn meets (or exceeds) current Underwriters Laboratories’ standards. However, the horn may not alert a sound sleeper or one who has recently used drugs or has been drinking alcoholic beverages. The horn may not be heard if it is placed on a different floor from the person in hazard or if placed too far away to be heard over the ambient noise such as traffic, air conditioners, machinery or music appliances that may prevent alert persons from hearing the alarm. The horn may not be heard by persons who are hearing impaired. THE LIMITATIONS OF HORNS WARNING THREE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY System Sensor warrants its enclosed product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of three years from date of manufacture. System Sensor makes no other express warranty for this product. No agent, representative, dealer, or employee of the Company has the authority to increase or alter the obligations or limitations of this Warranty. The Company’s obligation of this Warranty shall be limited to the replacement of any part of the product which is found to be defective in materials or workmanship under normal use and service during the three year period commencing with the date of manufacture. After phoning System Sensor’s toll free number 800-SENSOR2 (736-7672) for a Return Authorization number, send defective units postage prepaid to: Honeywell, 12220 Rojas Drive, Suite 700, El Paso TX 79936, USA. Please include a note describing the malfunction and suspected cause of failure. The Company shall not be obligated to replace units which are found to be defective because of damage, unreasonable use, modifications, or alterations occurring after the date of manufacture. In no case shall the Company be liable for any consequen- tial or incidental damages for breach of this or any other Warranty, expressed or implied whatsoever, even if the loss or damage is caused by the Company’s negligence or fault. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential dam- ages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. FCC STATEMENT SpectrAlert Strobes and Horn/Strobes have been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equip- ment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. Please refer to insert for the Limitations of Fire Alarm Systems MOUNTING 1. The MH Mini-Horn is intended for mounting to a standard 2½˝ deep which allows sufficient clearance for conduit entrance. 2. The MH Mini-Horn is compatible with DC line supervision. The horn is polarized and has terminals marked with polarity. Apply positive supply voltage to the (+) terminal and negative to the (–) terminal. (See Figure 3) 3. Mount the horn to the electrical outlet box using the two mounting screws supplied. NOTE: SHOWN WITH CONTROL PANEL IN ALARM. PANEL POLARITY REVERSED IN SUPERVISORY CONDITION. TO EOL OR NEXT DEVICE FROM CONTROL PANEL OR PREVIOUS DEVICE FIGURE 3. A0358-00 Current Draw in Standby State Current Draw in Alarm State Total Current Draw in Standby State Total Current Draw in Alarm State Amps Amps Amps Amps DSC PC1832 PC1832 1 0.180 0.880 0.180 0.880 DSC PK5500 annunciator PK5500 1 0.050 0.125 0.050 0.125 System Sensor polarity reversal module SYS-RRS-MOD 1 0.000 0.025 0.000 0.025 ESL - power supervision module ESL-204-12/24 3 0.014 0.014 0.042 0.042 System Sensor 4 wire smoke alarm SYS-4WTAB 9 0.00005 0.0035 0.00045 0.032 System Sensor carbon monoxide detector SYS-CO1224 6 0.020 0.040 0.12000 0.240 System Sensor mini horn white SYS-MHW 3 0.000 0.022 0.000 0.066 System Current Draw in Standby State 0.392 Amps System Current Draw in Alarm State 1.410 Amps Address: 1709 Geneva DriveWest Unit Vail, CO 81657 24 Hours Calculated Draw in Standby State 9.419 Amp-Hours Alarm Contractor: Garrison Multi Media Inc. 15 minutes Calculated Draw in Alarm State 0.352 Amp-Hours Total Calculated Battery Load 9.771 Amp-Hours 15% Battery Wear Factor 1.466 Amp-Hours Total Battery Amperage Load Required 11.237 Amp-Hours Daniel Dimitrov Projected Battery Backup NICET Fire Alarms Level III Cert.#1198791x12VDC 12AH BATTERY CALCULATIONS SHEET Project: 1709 Geneva Duplex Device Type Part Number Quantity Digitally signed by Daniel Dimitrov DN: cn=Daniel Dimitrov, o=Dimant Technologies LLC, ou, email=dimitrov.dimant@gmail.com, c=US Date: 2018.05.10 21:14:55 -06'00' Project: 1709 Geneva Duplex Address: 1709 West Unit, Vail CO 81637 Fire Alarm Contractor: Garrison Multi Media Inc. DEVICE MODEL LIST 1. Fire Alarm Control Panel – Tyco DSC PC 1832 2. Annunciator – Tyco DSC PK5500 3. Smoke Detector – System Sensor 4WTA-B 4. Heat Detector – System Sensor 5600 series, Model #5603 5. Carbon Monoxide Detector – System sensor CO-1224 6. Polarity Reversal Module – System Sensor RRS-MOD 7. Mini Horn in white – System Sensor, Model #MHW 8. Power Supervision Module – Interlogix ESL, Model #204-12/24V Daniel Dimitrov NICET Fire Alarms Level III – Cert.# 119879 Digitally signed by Daniel Dimitrov DN: cn=Daniel Dimitrov, o=Dimant Technologies LLC, ou, email=dimitrov.dimant@gmail.c om, c=US Date: 2018.05.10 16:09:58 -06'00' IT'S A POWER SURGE! 11 NEW EASY-TO-SELL KEYPADS & SCREENS I ALL NEW PK KEYPADS:multiple chime support,input/output terminal can be programmed to operate as a zone input, programmable output or low temperature sensor I ALL NEW PK KEYPADS:universal ICONS on key mat & display I ALL PK buttons:bigger,backlit & smarter ergonomic layout I ALL PKs stylish, slimmer (13/16") & smaller profile I PKs include hardwired and an optional integrated wireless receiver & LCD,8 & 16 zone LED & ICON I Stunning new touchscreen & economical 5511 series * Except PK5590CL touchscreen MORE THAN 100 NEW FEATU 11 NEW KEYPADS LCD5511 LED5511 PK5500, RFK5500 PK5508, RFK5508 PK5516, RFK5516 CP-01 Compliant! IT'S A HUGE VALUE SURGE! 3NEW FUTURE-SMART CONTROL PANELS I ALL PANELS compliant with CP-01 I ALL PANELS support wireless,video,IP,wireless communicators,home automation;plus added headroom for the future I ALL PANELS: 500-event buffer,programmable daylight savings time,night zone,Contact ID & partitionable auto-arm timer I ALL PANELS:same programming & backward compatibility I More partitions NOW YOU'VE REALLYGOT THE POWER! & 3 NEW PANELS RES—EXCEPTIONAL VALUE! PK5501, RFK5501 PK5590CL POWERSERIES CONTROL PANELS POWERING CHANGE WITH ULTRA-CAPABLE NEW POWERSERIES CONTROL PANELS History in the Making:DSC Raises the Bar Again Aleader with loyal installers in more than 140 countries,DSC was the original innovator with small,easy-to-use keypads and microprocessor control panels.Now,surrounded by imitators,we push the industry bar higher once again;helping your business surge ahead with 3 future-smart POWERSERIES control panels and 11 stunning new keypads to go with them. •More than 100 added features,EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. •Fully backward compatible with existing POWERSERIES technology. • Same warranties apply. • Existing line remains available and supported. •Same programming,no basic retraining required, but new POWERSERIES courses now available. • Easy to sell, easy to install and easy to use. With near limitless capabilities, POWERSERIES control panels seamlessly integrate with our award-winning T-Link Internet and network alarm communicators,GSM universal wireless alarm communicators,industry-leading VVM110 visual alarm verification module, SKYROUTE wireless alarm communicator and other specialty modules, wireless devices and structured cabling solutions. PANEL FEATURES Features PC1616 PC1832 PC1864 On-board Zones 6 8 8 Hardwired Zones 16 (1 x PC5108) 32 (3 x PC5108) 64 (7 x PC5108) Wireless Zones 16 32 32 Keypad Zone Support Yes Yes Yes On-board PGM Outputs PGM 1 = 50 mA PGM 2 = 300 mA PGM 1 = 50 mA PGM 2 = 300 mA PGM 1,3,4 = 50 mA PGM 2 = 300 mA PGM Expansion 8 x 50 mA (PC5208) 4 x 500 mA (PC5204) 8 x 50 mA (PC5208) 4 x 500 mA (PC5204) 8 x 50 mA (PC5208) 4 x 500 mA (PC5204) Keypads 8 8 8 Partitions 2 4 8 User Codes 32+ Master Codes 32+ Master Codes 32+ Master Codes Event Buffer 500 Events 500 Events 500 Events Battery Required 4Ah / 7 Ah / 14 AHr 4Ah / 7 Ah / 14 AHr 4Ah / 7 Ah / 14 AHr Bell Output 12 V / 700 mA (cont) 12 V / 700 mA (cont) 12 V / 700 mA (cont) POWERSERIES CONTROLPANELS New POWERSERIES Feature Comparison Chart Not all features available without both panel & PK keypad. •New AC status ICON •Wire channel •Dual wall-mount and front cover tamper •Easy-to-install mounting hinge •Individual FAP keys •Multiple door chime per zone •Adjustable backlight and keypad buzzer •Surface or single-gang box mount •Available in black or white bezels •RFK5500 includes all of the same features and supports 32 wireless zones and 16 wireless key POWERSERIES KEYPADS Keypad Features: • High-gloss back painting for 3D sensation •Stylish,slimmer and smaller profile POWERSERIES high-quality,slim-profile keypads use advanced plastics technology to achieve a clean unobtrusive look that homeowners welcome.Installers will appreciate easy installation and programming. •Buttons are larger,backlit and ergonomically located •Universal ICONS/symbols and display/keys 8-ZONE LED KEYPAD PK5508 •Modern,slim-line landscape keypad •Enlarged keypad buttons •5 programmable function keys •Input/Output terminal can be programmed to operate as a zone input or a programmable output •Individual FAP keys •Wire channel 16-ZONE LED KEYPAD PK5516 • Modern, slim-line landscape keypad •Enlarged keypad buttons •5 programmable function keys • Input/Output terminal can be programmed to operate as a zone input or a programmable output • Wire channel •Dual wall-mount and front cover tamper •Easy-to-install mounting hinge • Individual FAP keys •Multiple door chime per zone •Adjustable backlight and keypad buzzer • Surface or single-gang box mount •RFK5516 includes all of the same features and supports 32 wireless zones and 16 wireless keys •New AC status ICON • Dual wall-mount and front cover tamper • Easy-to-install mounting hinge • Multiple door chime per zone • Adjustable backlight and keypad buzzer • Surface or single-gang box mount • RFK5508 includes all of the same features and supports 32 wireless zones and 16 wireless keys •New AC status ICON * Feature only available with new POWERSERIEScontrol panels 64-ZONE LCD PICTURE ICON KEYPAD PK5501 • Modern, slim-line landscape keypad •Enlarged keypad buttons •5 programmable function keys • Intuitive clock programming* •Input/Output terminal can be programmed to operate as a zone input or a programmable output •Wire channel •New AC status ICON •Dual wall-mount and front cover tamper •Easy-to-install mounting hinge • Individual FAP keys • Multiple door chime per zone •Adjustable backlight and keypad buzzer • Surface or single-gang box mount •Available in black or white bezels • RFK5501 includes all of the same features and supports 32 wireless zones and 16 wireless keys 64-ZONE LCD FULL-MESSAGE KEYPAD PK5500 •8 language support •Global partition status •Full 32-character programmable phrases •Modern,slim-line landscape keypad •Enlarged keypad buttons •5 programmable function keys •Intuitive clock programming* •Input/Output terminal can be programmed to operate as a zone input or a programmable output COLOR TOUCHSCREEN SECURITY INTERFACE PK5590CL The color touchscreen security interface features a contemporary design that complements the décor of today’s modern installations.The security interface combines basic keypad functionality with an intuitive touchscreen environment to provide an increased level of user convenience.Executing everyday functions such as arming/disarming, zone bypass and system configuration are simplified through the inherent usability of the touchscreen display. The faceplate and the design of the GUI can be customized* per dealer’s or distributor’s preferences. Choose colored faceplate designs, tailor the appearance of the display and add graphics to suit preferences and décor. POWERSERIES KEYPADS 8-ZONE LED KEYPAD LED5511 • Modern, slim-line portrait keypad • Large,backlit buttons on keypad for trouble-free viewing and activation •4 programmable function keys • 2 partition support •Dual FAP keys •Dual tamper support •Wire channel 5511 SERIES ECONOMICAL KEYPADS Among the new products comprising the updated POWERSERIES product platform are the value series LED5511 and LCD5511 portrait keypads. Both keypads present the system status of DSC POWERSERIES security systems through the display of fixed symbols and numbers.Quick to install, the keypads are equipped with a wire channel for flush-mount applications and large,backlit buttons for trouble-free viewing and activation. 64-ZONE ICON LCD KEYPAD LCD5511 •Modern,slim-line portrait keypad •Large,backlit buttons on keypad for trouble-free viewing and activation •Intuitive symbols and backlit display •Input/Output terminal can be programmed to operate as a zone input,a programmable output or a low temperature sensor •Built-in low-temperature zone • 4programmable function keys •8 partition support •Clock display • Multiple chime support •Dual FAP keys •Dual tamper support •AC status ICON •Wire channel •Aesthetically pleasing,modern design •High-contrast,color touchscreen QVGA display •User-defined functionality •Customizable faceplate and GUI designs* • Flush-mount •Prominently displayed FAP keys (with blue LED background) •Intuitive LED indication of security system status •Auto-adjusting CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lighting) backlight •Compatible with PC1616,PC1832 and PC1864 control panels •Info button leads to Help screens •Available in English and French languages *The cost of customization is dependent on the complexity of the request.DSC will work with its customers to maximize affordability and appearance POWERSERIES Distributed by: For product information www.dsc.com Product specifications and availability subject to change without notice. Certain product names mentioned herein may be trade names and/or registered trademarks of other companies. ©2006 2006•03P/N 30000362 R001 Printed in CanadaVALUE SURGE The new POWERSERIES platform offers more than 100 additional standard features, resulting in unparalleled value in the industry. COMPATIBILITY & CHANGE •Fully backward compatible with all existing POWERSERIES technology •Same warranties apply to all products • Original POWERSERIES line and support remain available RETRAINING NOT REQUIRED If you’re already familiar with POWERSERIES, our next- generation platform will be an easy transition for you. Despite the addition of a number of value-added features,traditional programming remains unchanged, as does the installation process. OPTIONAL TECHNICAL TRAINING AVAILABLE For those new to POWERSERIES,technical training is available online,at key industry tradeshows (ISC West), on CD and through seminars with participating distributors.Training is recommended for those who would like to familiarize themselves with the new features or meet new listing requirements such as SIA CP-01,DD-243 and EN-50131-1/3. Security at your Fingertips PowerSeries high-quality, slim-profile keypads achieve a clean, unobtrusive look that homeowners welcome and installers will appreciate for their easy programming and installation. The keypads feature an input/output terminal that can be programmed to operate as a zone input, programmable output or as a low temperature sensor. The keypads also include adjustable backlit keys that address low-light situations and five programmable keys for simple one button activation of system functions. PK5500/RFK5500 64-zone full-message keypads support eight languages, global partition status and full, 32-character programmable phrases. DSC PowerSeries Keypads Features that make a difference: Common to all Keypads: • Modern, slim-line landscape keypad • Large, backlit keypad buttons • 5 programmable function keys • Programmable Input/Output terminal • Individual FAP keys • Multiple door chime per zone • Adjustable backlight and keypad buzzer • Wire channel • Dual wall-mount and front cover tamper • Easy-to-install mounting hinge • Surface or single-gang box mount Contact your DSC distributor www.dsc.com | 1-905-760-3000 panels, keypads & modules PK5508 | RFK5508PK5500 | RFK5500 PK5501 | RFK5501 PK5516 | RFK5516 panels, keypads & modules For product information www.dsc.com Product specifications and availability subject to change without notice. Certain product names mentioned herein may be trade names and/or registered trademarks of other companies. ©2011 2011-06 Easy To Use To simplify usage, the keypads feature five programmable keys for easy one-button activation of system functions. The default tasks assigned to the five function keys are stay arming, away arming, door chime, smoke detector reset and quick exit. With the quick exit function there’s no need to disarm and rearm the system every time an occupant leaves the house or lets the dog out, for example. Flexibility The keypads’ integrated temperature sensor can be programmed to activate when room temperature dips below 43° F (6° C) and restores at 47° F (8° C). Built-in logic prevents the panel from cycling in and out of alarm mode during minor temperature fluctuations, helping to reduce false alarms.) Wireless Convenience RF versions of the keypads are available. They include all of the same features as their hardwired equivalents and are able to support 32 wireless zones and 16 wireless keys without taking up a wireless zone slot. Compatibility The keypads are compatible with all PowerSeries control panels. Specifications Dimensions ............................... 6 1/16” x 4 7/16” x 13/16” ......................................... (154 mm x 113 mm x 20.5 mm) LCD Viewable Area ...................................3 9/10” x 15/16” ...............................................................(99 mm x 24 mm) Current Draw ................................................125 mA (Max) Voltage .....................................................12 VDC Nominal Operating Environment ..................................32° to 120° F ....................................................................... (0° to 49° C) Relative Humidity ................................................. 5 to 93% Ordering Information: PK5500 ......................64-Zone Full-Message LCD Keypad RFK5500 .....Wireless 64-Zone Full-Message LCD Keypad PK5501 ...................... 64-Zone LCD Picture ICON Keypad RFK5501 ..... Wireless 64-Zone LCD Picture ICON Keypad PK5516 ............................................16-Zone LED Keypad RFK5516 ............................Wireless 16-Zone LED Keypad PK5508 ..............................................8-Zone LED Keypad RFK5508 ..............................Wireless 8-Zone LED Keypad PN 30000383 R002Full message LCD Keypad languages supported: Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish Agency Listings Smoke Detectors with Sounder and Relay Option System Sensor i3™ sounder and relay smoke detectors apply the guiding principles of installation ease, intelligence, and instant inspection in a series of specialty conventional devices. Features • 85 dB sounder • Form C relay • Isolated thermal sensor • Plug-in design (base included) • In-line terminals • Flexible mounting options • Stop-Drop ’N Lock™ attachment to the base • Removable cover and chamber • Remote maintenance signaling • Drift compensation and smoothing algorithms • Simplified sensitivity measurement • Dual-color LEDs Installation ease. Throughout the i3 series, installation is simple with its installer-friendly base and plug-in design. The base accommodates a broad range of back box and direct mounting options and provides ample space for pre-wiring the device. To complete the installation, the i3 detector plugs into its base with a simple Stop-Drop ’N Lock action. Intelligence. To reduce the likelihood of nuisance alarms, all i3 detectors are equipped with both drift compensation and smoothing algorithms. These capabilities minimize both short- and long-term causes of nuisance alarms, such as RF interference and dust accumulation. When connected to the 2W-MOD2 loop test/ maintenance module or an i3 Ready™ panel, 2-wire i3 detectors can generate a remote maintenance signal when in a maintenance or freeze trouble condition. To measure the sensitivity of any i3 detector, the SENS-RDR displays the reading, in terms of percent-per-foot obscuration, within seconds. Instant inspection. i3 has red and green LEDs to simplify local status indication during power-up, standby, alarm, maintenance, and freeze trouble conditions. When in alarm, i3 sounder models generate an 85 dB temporal tone. If connected to the RRS-MOD reversing relay/synchronization module, all i3 sounders on the loop will activate when one detector is in alarm. The RRS-MOD also synchronizes i3 sounder output to ensure a clear audible signal. Should the application call for differentiating between a local and a general alarm, the i3 line offers an isolated thermal model, which initiates a local alarm when smoke is detected, and a general alarm when the thermal sensor is activated. 2133 372-02-E 7272-1653:164 3015195 S911 3180932 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 ©2009 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet. A05-0348-004 • 6/09 • #2170 Ordering Information Model Thermal Wiring Alarm Current 2WTA-B Yes 2-wire 130 mA max. limited by control panel 2WTR-B Yes 2-wire 130 mA max. limited by control panel 4WTA-B Yes 4-wire 35 mA 4WTR-B Yes 4-wire 35 mA 4WTAR-B Yes 4-wire 50 mA 4WITAR-B Yes 4-wire 50 mA Smoke Detector Specifications Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage Nominal: 12/24 V non-polarized 2-wire: 8.5 V to 35 V 4-wire: 10 V to 35 V Maximum Ripple Voltage 30% of applied voltage (peak to peak) Standby Current 2-wire: 50 µA maximum average 4-wire: 50 µA maximum average Peak Standby Current 2-wire: 100 µA 4-wire: n/a Maximum Alarm Current 2-wire: 2WTR-B: 130 mA limited by control panel 2WTA-B: 130 mA** 4-wire: 4WTA-B, 4WTR-B: 35 mA 4WTAR-B, 4WITAR-B: 50 mA **Direct Power (Non-Reverse Polarity): 130 mA limited by panel. Reverse Polarity Power: 30 mA for the 2WTA-B in alarm; 12 mA for all other 2WTA-B units on the loop. Add 25 mA for the RRS-MOD reversing relay alarm current. Alarm Contact Ratings 2-wire: n/a 4-wire: 0.5 A @ 30 V AC/DC Form C Contact Ratings 2 A @ 30 V AC/DC Physical Specifications Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 100°F (0°C to 37.8°C) Operating Humidity Range 0 to 95% RH non-condensing Thermal Sensor 135°F (57.2°C) fixed Freeze Trouble 41°F (5°C) Sensitivity 2.5%/ft. nominal Input Terminals 14–22 AWG Dimensions (including base) 5.3 inches (134 mm) diameter, 2.0 inches (51 mm) height Approximate Weight 7.1 oz (200 g) Sound Pressure Output 85 dBA (models 2WTA-B, 4WTA-B, 4WTAR-B, and 4WITAR-B only) Mounting 3½-inch octagonal back box, 4-inch octagonal back box, single-gang back box, 4-inch square back box with a plaster ring, direct mount to ceiling LED Modes LED Mode Green LED Red LED Condition Duration Power up Blink every 10 seconds Blink every 10 seconds Initial LED status indication 80 seconds Normal (standby) Blink every 5 seconds off Out of sensitivity off Blink every 5 seconds Freeze trouble off Blink every 10 seconds Alarm off Solid Power-Up Sequence for LED Indication Condition Duration Initial LED status indication 80 seconds Architect/Engineer Specifications Smoke detector shall be a System Sensor i3 Series model number_______, listed to Underwriters Laboratories UL 268 for Fire Protection Signaling Systems. The detector shall be a combination photoelectric/thermal equipped with a sounder (model 2WTA-B, 4WTA-B), a Form C relay (model 2WTR-B), a combination sounder/relay (model 4WTAR-B), or an isolated thermal/sounder/relay (model 4WITAR-B). The detector shall include a mounting base for mounting to 3½-inch and 4-inch octagonal, single-gang, and 4-inch square back boxes with a plaster ring, or direct mount to the ceiling using drywall anchors. Wiring connections shall be made by means of SEMS screws. The detector shall allow pre-wiring of the base and the head shall be a plug-in type. The detector shall have a nominal sensitivity of 2.5 percent per foot as measured in the UL smoke box. The detector shall be capable of automatically adjusting its sensitivity by means of drift compensation and smoothing algorithms. The detector shall provide dual- color LED indication that blinks to indicate power-up, normal standby, out of sensitivity, alarm, and freeze trouble conditions. When used in conjunction with the 2W-MOD2 module, 2-wire models shall include a maintenance signal to indicate the need for maintenance at the alarm control panel and shall provide a loop testing capability to verify the circuit without testing each detector individually. When used in conjunction with the RRS-MOD module, all i3 sounder models on a loop shall sound when one sounder alarms, all shall be synchronized, and all sounders may be silenced from the panel. Model Description RRS-MOD Reversing relay/synchronization module 2W-MOD2 2-wire loop test/maintenance module SENS-RDR Sensitivity reader RT Removal/replacement tool A77-AB2 Retrofit adapter bracket Agency Listings RRS-MOD Reversing Relay/ Synchronization Module The RRS-MOD reversing relay/synchronization module enhances the operation of 2- and 4-wire i3™ Series detectors equipped with a sounder. Features Is compatible with 2- and 4-wire i3 detectors equipped with a• sounder Activates all i3 sounders on a loop when one alarms• Synchronizes all i3 sounders on the loop for a clear alarm signal• Is usable with bell/alarm, alarm relay, or NAC outputs• Has a field-selectable switch to accommodate both coded and• continuous alarm signals Allows i3 detector silencing from the panel or keypad• Operates on 12 and 24 volt systems• Simplifies connections with quick-connect harness and color-coded• wires Installation ease. The RRS-MOD reversing relay/synchronization module includes a Velcro® attachment for easy installation into the fire alarm control panel cabinet. A quick-connect harness and color- coded wires simplify connections. Intelligence. The RRS-MOD module’s design is flexible to accommodate virtually any application. It is compatible with both 2- and 4-wire i3 Series detectors operating over 12 V and 24 V systems. The module can be used with either bell/alarm, alarm relay, or NAC outputs, and its field selectable switch accommodates both coded and continuous alarm signals. Instant inspection. To meet fire alarm requirements, the RRS-MOD reversing relay/synchronization module activates all i3 sounders on a loop when an individual sounder alarms. Additionally, it synchronizes the output of the i3 sounders, regardless of whether the panel’s alarm signal is continuous or coded, to ensure a clear alarm signal. S3705 3018895 7300-1653:165 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 ©2007 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet. A05-0350-001 • 8/07 • #1676 Wiring Diagrams NOTE: These diagrams represent two common wiring methods. Refer to the RRS-MOD installation manual for additional wiring configurations. Ordering Information Part No. Description RRS-MOD Reversing relay/synchronization module for i3 Series smoke detectors RRS-MOD Specifications Architectural/Engineering Specifications Reversing relay/synchronization module shall be a System Sensor i3™ Series model number RRS-MOD, listed to Underwriters Laboratories as a smoke detector accessory. The module shall allow all 2-wire and 4-wire i3 Series detectors equipped with a sounder on a loop to sound when one alarms. The module shall provide a switch to toggle between coded mode and continuous mode. When in coded mode, the module shall synchronize the i3 sounders on the loop to mirror the input signal. When in continuous mode, the module shall synchronize the i3 sounders on the loop to the ANSI S3.41 temporal coded pattern. In either coded or continuous modes, the RRS-MOD module shall permit sounders to be silenced at the panel. The RRS-MOD module shall operate between 8.5 and 35 VDC, and shall provide 18 AWG stranded, tinned conductors connected to a quick-connect harness. Physical Specifications Dimensions 2.5 in H × 2.5 in W × 1 in D (63 mm × 63 mm × 25 mm) Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 131°F (0°C to 55°C) Wire Connections 18 AWG stranded, tinned, 16 in length Operating Humidity Range 5% to 85% non-condensing Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage Nominal: 12/24 V Min: 8.5 V Max: 35 V Average Operating Current: 25 mA Relay Contact Rating 2 A @ 35 VDC EOL OPTIONAL REMOTEANNUNCIATOR (RA400Z) OPTIONAL REMOTEANNUNCIATOR (RA400Z) + – UL LISTEDALARMCONTROLPANEL 2–WIREINITIATING DEVICE CIRCUIT PURPLE T+ + – + – AUX POWER YELLOWIN+ ORANGE IN– REDPWR+ BLACK PWR– BROWN OUT+ WHITE OUT– 1 + IN 2 + OUT 3 - IN/OUT 4 RA+ 5 RA- 1 + IN 2 + OUT 3 - IN/OUT 4 RA+ 5 RA- + – BELL/ ALARM CIRCUIT(positive signalin alarm state) ALARMRELAY(NO Contact) UL LISTEDALARMCONTROLPANEL 2–WIRE INITIATINGDEVICE CIRCUIT PURPLE T+ + – + – AUX POWER YELLOW IN+ ORANGE IN– RED PWR+ BLACKPWR– BROWN OUT+ WHITE OUT– EOL OPTIONALREMOTE ANNUNCIATOR (RA400Z) OPTIONALREMOTE ANNUNCIATOR (RA400Z) + – 1 + IN 2 + OUT 3 - IN/OUT 4 RA+ 5 RA- 1 + IN 2 + OUT 3 - IN/OUT 4 RA+ 5 RA- + – S0101-00 2-Wire System Triggered from Alarm/Bell Circuit S0103-00 2-Wire System Triggered from Alarm Relay Contact Agency Listings CO1224 Series Carbon Monoxide Detectors with RealTest® Technology The System Sensor CO1224T, CO1224TR, and CO1224A (Canada) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors use a highly accurate and reliable electrochemical sensing cell to provide early warning of dangerous CO levels. Features • A 10-year end-of-life timer • RealTest® enables a functional test using canned CO • A code-required trouble relay • Wiring supervision with SEMS terminals • 12/24 VDC • A low current draw of 20 mA in standby and 40 mA in alarm • Versatile mounting for wall and ceiling • Accurate and reliable electrochemical sensing technology • Optional CO-PLATE CO Detector Replacement Plate to upgrade previously installed competitor detectors to the CO1224T or CO1224A. • CO1224T tested up to 12,000 feet above sea level When dangerous amounts of CO are detected, the CO1224 Series CO detectors alert residents by sounding and fl ashing a temp 4 signal alarm. With 24/7 central station monitoring, residents are guaranteed protection whether they are away from home, sleeping, or already suffering from the effects of CO. The CO1224 Series detectors are designed for system operation. These detectors are fully listed to UL 2075 (US models only) and CSA 6.19-01 (Canada model only) and offer a code-required trouble relay to send a sensor failure or end-of-life signal to the control panel and the central station. The CO1224 Series detectors also use SEMS-type terminal Philips head screws for quicker and more positive wiring connections and code-required wiring supervision. With a low current draw, these detectors enable more devices to be connected to the panel, limiting the need to purchase extra power supplies or more expensive panels. As 12/24 VDC detectors, the CO1224 Series detectors will operate on most industry security and fi re alarm control panels. With RealTest® technology, the CO gas sensing cell used in the CO1224 Series CO detectors can be tested using a CO gas agent, fully meeting the requirements of NFPA 720: 2009 (US models only). Simply put the detector into RealTest mode, spray a small amount of CO into the detector per the installation instructions, and within seconds the detector will alarm, indicating successful gas entry. (See the reverse page or the user manual for complete instructions.) E307195 E304075 Note: CO1224T & CO1224TR are in full compliance with UL 2075 and CO1224A is in full compliance with ULC CSA 6.19-01. CO1224T CO1224A CO1224TR US: 3825 Ohio Avenue St. Charles, IL 60174 800-SENSOR2 systemsensor.com ©2016 System Sensor. Product specifi cations subject to change without notice. Visit our websites for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet. CODS88600 • 10/16 Canada: 6581 Kitimat Rd, Unit 6 Mississauga, Ontario L5N 3T5 800-SENSOR2 systemsensor.ca Ordering Information Part No. Description CO1224T 12/24 volt, 6-wire system-monitored carbon monoxide detector with RealTest® Technology (US only) CO1224TR 12/24 volt, 6-wire system-monitored round carbon monoxide detector with RealTest® Technology (US only) CO1224A 12/24 volt, 6-wire system-monitored carbon monoxide detector with RealTest® Technology (Canada only) CO-PLATE CO detector replacement plate to cover the footprint of previously installed competitive detectors (US & Canada) CO1224 Series Detectors Carbon Monoxide Detector Specifications Architectural/Engineering Specifi cations Carbon monoxide (CO) detector shall be a system-connected System Sensor model number CO1224T or CO1224TR listed to Underwriters Laboratories UL 2075 for Gas and Vapor Detectors and Sensors. The Canadian model CO1224A, is ULC listed to CSA 6.19-01, for residential carbon monoxide alarm devices. The detector shall be equipped with a sounder and a trouble relay. The detector’s base shall be able to mount to a single-gang electrical box or direct (surface) mount to the wall or ceiling. Wiring connections shall be made by means of SEMS screws. The detector shall provide dual-color LED indication that blinks to indicate normal standby, alarm, or end-of-life. When the sensor supervision is in a trouble condition, the detector shall send a trouble signal to the panel. When the detector gives a trouble or end-of-life signal, the detector shall be replaced. The detector shall provide a means to test CO gas entry into the CO sensing cell. The detector shall provide this with a test mode that accepts CO gas from a test agent and alarms immediately upon sensing CO entry. For the CO1224T only, the detector shall perform in the detection of CO up to 12,000 feet above sea level and alarm within the time specifi ed by ANSI/UL 2034 for CO concentrations of 70, 150 and 400 parts per million (ppm), as verifi ed by a Nationally Recognized Test Laboratory. Electrical Specifi cations Operating Voltage 12/24 VDC Audible Signal 85 dB in alarm Standby Current 20 mA Alarm Current 40 mA (75 mA test) Alarm Contact Ratings 0.5 A @ 30 VDC Trouble Contact Ratings 0.5 A @ 30 VDC Physical Specifi cations Size: CO1224T & CO1224A Length: 5.1 in (130 mm), Width: 3.3 in (84 mm), Height: 1.3 in (33 mm) Size: CO1224TR Diameter: 6.0 in (152 mm), Height: 1.3 in (33 mm) Approximate Weight CO1224T & CO1224A: 7 oz (198 g); CO1224TR: 11 oz (312 g) Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 104° F (0°C to 40° C) Operating Humidity Range 22 to 90% RH Input Terminals 14 to 22 AWG Mounting Single-gang back box; surface mount to wall or ceiling Operation Modes Operation Mode Green LED Red LED Sounder Normal (standby) Blink 1 per minute — — Alarm — Blink in temp 4 pattern Sound in temp 4 pattern RealTest® Feature: The System Sensor CO1224 Series CO Detectors enable evaluation of the functionality of the CO sensing cell using a canned CO test agent. Hush Feature: Pushing the Test/Hush button will silence the sounder for 5 minutes (except in RealTest mode). Trouble Feature: When the detector is in a trouble condition, it will send a trouble signal to the panel. End-of-Life Timer: After the detector’s internal sensor has reached the end of its life, a trouble signal will be sent to the panel to indicate it is time to replace the detector. An electrochemical CO detector lifespan is about ten years. The detector must be replaced by the date marked on the inside of the product. CO-PLATE: System Sensor also offers the CO-PLATE CO Detector Replacement Plate to cover the footprint (when necessary) of previously installed competitive carbon monoxide detectors that require replacement. CO-PLATE 3. Push and hold the Test/Hush button for two seconds to enter RealTest mode. The green LED will fl ash once every second to indicate RealTest mode has started. Spray canned CO agent into the detector. Verify CO sensing at the control panel. The detector will automatically exit RealTest alarm mode after about 20-60 seconds. 1. 2.NOTE: Check with local codes and the AHJ to determine if a functional gas test is desired for an installation. Agency Listings 5600 Series Mechanical Heat Detectors System Sensor’s 5600 series mechanical heat detectors offer a low-cost means for property protection against fire, and for non-life-safety installations where smoke detectors are inappropriate. Features • Multiple configurations for installations: – Single- and dual-circuit models – Fixed temp and combination fixed- temp/rate-of-rise 135°F or 194°F ratings. • Plain housing for residential installations (Model 5601P) • Easy-to-use terminal screws • A broad range of back box mounting options: – Single gang – 3.5˝ and 4˝ Octagonal – 4˝ square with square to round plaster ring • Reversible mounting bracket Multiple configurations. The 5600 series offers a full-line of configurations to accommodate a broad range of applications. Both single- and dual-circuit models are available for low- and high- temperature ratings with either fixed temperature or combination fixed temperature/rate-of-rise (ROR) activation. The ROR element of the fixed/ROR models is restorable to accommodate field-testing. Installation flexibility. To satisfy a variety of installation needs, the 5600 series easily mounts to single-gang and octagonal back boxes. And these models accommodate four-square back boxes, when used with a square to round plaster ring. The reversible mounting bracket permits both flush- and surface-mount back box installations. Visual identification. The 5600 series provides clear markings on the exterior of the unit to ensure that the proper detector is being used. Alphanumeric characters identify the activation method, as well as the temperature rating, in Fahrenheit and Celsius degrees. Fixed temperature models are identified FX, while combination fixed/ rate-of-rise units are marked FX/ROR. The 5600 series also provides a post-activation indicator in the form of a collector. When the detector is activated, the collector drops from the unit, making it easy to identify the unit in alarm. S2101 3016008 CS630 7270-1653:0167 5601P 5621 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 www.systemsensor.com ©2013 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet. SPDS30001 • 7/13 Specifications Architectural/Engineering Specifications Mechanical heat detector shall be a System Sensor 5600 series model number _________, listed to Underwriters Laboratories UL 521 for Heat Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems. The detector shall be either a single-circuit or a dual-circuit type, normally open. The detector shall be rated for activation at either 135°F (57°C) or 194°F (90°C), and shall activate by means of a fixed temperature thermal sensor, or a combination fixed temperature/rate-of-rise thermal sensor. The rate-of-rise element shall be activated by a rapid rise in temperature, approximately 15°F (8.3°C) per minute. The detector shall include a reversible mounting bracket for mounting to 3½-inch and 4-inch octagonal, single gang, and 4-inch square back boxes with a square to round plaster ring. Wiring connections shall be made by means of SEMS screws that shall accommodate 14–22AWG wire. The detector shall contain alphanumeric markings on the exterior of the housing to identify its temperature rating and activation method. The rate-of-rise element of combination fixed temperature/rate-of-rise models shall be restorable, to allow for field-testing. The detectors shall include an external collector that shall drop upon activation to identify the unit in alarm. Physical/Operating Specifications Maximum Installation Temperature 5601P, 5603, 5621, and 5623: 100°F (38°C) 5602, 5604, 5622, and 5624: 150°F (65.6°C) Operating Humidity Range 5 to 95% RH non-condensing Dimensions with mounting bracket Diameter: 4.57 inches (11.6cm) Height: 1.69 inches (4.3cm) Alarm Temperature 5601P, 5603, 5621, and 5623: 135°F (57°C) 5602, 5604, 5622, and 5624: 194°F (90°C) Weight 6 oz. (170 grams) Rate-of-Rise Threshold 15°F (8.3°C) rise per minute (models 5601P, 5602, 5621, and 5622 only) Mounting 3½-inch octagonal back box 4-inch octagonal back box Single gang back box 4-inch square back box with a square to round plaster ring Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage / Contact Ratings 6–125VAC / 3A 6–28VDC / 1A 125VDC / 0.3A 250VDC / 0.1A Input Terminals 14–22 AWG Ordering Information Model Circuit Identification Method on Exterior Temperature Rating Activation UL Protected Spacing – 10 Foot Ceiling* 5601P Single None 135°F (57°C) Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 50 feet × 50 feet (15.24m × 15.2m) 5602 Single Lettering 194°F (90°C) Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 50 feet × 50 feet (15.24m × 15.2m) 5603 Single Lettering 135°F (57°C) Fixed Temperature 25 feet × 25 feet (7.62m × 7.62m) 5604 Single Lettering 194°F (90°C) Fixed Temperature 25 feet × 25 feet (7.62m × 7.62m) 5621 Dual Lettering 135°F (57°C) Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 50 feet × 50 feet (15.24m × 15.2m) 5622 Dual Lettering 194°F (90°C) Fixed Temperature / Rate-of-Rise 50 feet × 50 feet (15.24m × 15.2m) 5623 Dual Lettering 135°F (57°C) Fixed Temperature 25 feet × 25 feet (7.62m × 7.62m) 5624 Dual Lettering 194°F (90°C) Fixed Temperature 25 feet × 25 feet (7.62m × 7.62m) *NOTE: Refer to NFPA72 guidelines for spacing reductions when ceiling heights exceed 10 feet. 5601P FX/ROR194°F/ 90°C 5602, 5622 FX 135°F/ 57°C 5603, 5623 FX 194°F/ 90°C 5604, 5624 FX/R OR135°F/57°C 5621 Insta lla tion Instruction for Power Su pervisio n Module x W"Of a m- 011 U K ~ ~ s ` , ~·T~ i POWER ~~nlol L mini 01 LIEME 4 1111111 ~iiD ~ii~ d 01 ∎IUI ∎iU~~ a, mom 401C M°°r 4e~CarRold 4012 pbWa1 lad aft . h" aiam 1oa+w W*O · www I -+ 204-6V K40" 44W Moth 446N d~aelor -+ -+ r! %Tn' ~~~ f~`Tn' ~~! I~I POWER10 SUPERVISIONnowUNrr ∎ I ∎ 1~ Lz 00ELECTRIC-AL VEC&r EM of UK DEVICE 204-12124V 204-12124V OF ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Power Supervision Unit 204 - 6V Power Supervision Unit 204 -12124VOperating Voltage 5.1 - 15 VDC Operating Voltage 8.5-33 VDC Operating Current 33 mA ® 6VDC; 66 mA 012 VDC Operating Current 14 mA 012VDC; 28 mA 0 24 VDC Contact Rating (resistive) 2A 026VDC or 115 VAC Contact Rating (resistive) 2 A 026VDC or 115 VAC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1 .Connect brown initiating leads as indicatedsuchthat theendof line 3.Neatly dress wires andpower supervision unit into deviceis connectedin series withthepower supervising contact. junction box . (seewiring diagram) 4.Mount detector according to manufacturers installation 2.Connect appropriatecontrol leads as shown .Red incoming and red instructions. frommoduleto terminal 1 .Black incoming andblack frommoduleto terminal 2. o r , E S L nc. Corporate Headquarters: SeroW, Inc.,esemnthe · m12345 SWLeveton Drive dmvWspecificationswithoutnnodco. Tualatin, OR97062 P R O DU G ()F S E N T R O L INC 503-692-4052 U.S. & Canada: 800-547-2556 01904s«*rd, inc. Technical Support: 800-648-7424 ®Printedonreoyiladpaper E-se31o9¢10258REV. 6 Agency Listings Mini-Horns The SpectrAlert® Advance series of mini-horn sounders are designed to simplify installations to provide primary and secondary signaling for fire and security applications. Features • 12 and 24V operation • High and low volume settings • Temporal and non-temporal tones • Mounts to single gang back box • Compatible with MDL sync module • Mechanically and electrically compatible with PA400 series Mini-Alert™ sounders • Listing for ceiling or wall mounting The MHR and MHW mini-horns operate at 12 and 24 volts and are ideal for hotel, motel or residential fire system applications, where a smaller notification device is desired. The mini-horns offer high and low volume settings, and temporal or non-temporal tones. The horns can be mounted to single gang back boxes for aesthetically sensitive applications. Synchronization is also provided when using the MDL module. The MHR and MHW mini-horns can operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. They are listed to Underwriter’s Laboratories Standard UL 464 for fire protective signaling systems. S4011 3028007 CS1099 7135-1653:196 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 ©2012 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet. AVDS01500 • 3/12 Ordering Information Part No. Description MHR Mini-Horn, Red MHW Mini-Horn, White SpectrAlert® Advance Mini-Horn Specifications Architectural/Engineering Specifications Mini-horns shall be a System Sensor Model MHR or MHW capable of operating at nominal 12 or 24VDC and shall mount to a deep single gang back box. Mini-horn shall be listed to Underwriter’s Laboratories Standard UL464 for fire protective signaling systems. Mini-horns shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC, or full-wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. When used with the Sync•Circuit™ Module, 12-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between nine and 17.5 volts; 24-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 17 and 33 volts. Physical Specifications Dimensions 4.6˝L × 2.9˝W × .45˝D Weight 2.67 oz. Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Mounting Surface: deep single-gang back box (23˝ deep) Flush: Standard 4˝ × 4˝ back box with single gang mud ring, which allows sufficient clearance for conduit entrance. Electrical Specifications Input Terminals 12 to 18 AWG Nominal Voltage Regulated 12DC/FWR or regulated 24DC/FWR Operating Voltage 8–33 Operating Voltage with MDL 9–33 UL Sound Output and Current Draw Data Sounder Output (dBA) Switch Setting Pattern Output Level8–17.5 VDC8–17.5 VFWRNominal 12 VDC Nominal 12 VFWR 16–33 VDC 16–33 VFWR 1 Temporal High 68 67 71 70 78 76 2 Temporal Low 66 65 69 68 76 75 3 Non- temporal High 72 71 75 74 80 79 4 Non- temporal Low 70 69 73 72 78 77 Sounder Current Draw (mA RMS) Switch Position Sound Pattern Volume 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC FWR DC FWR 1 Temporal High 12 10 17 15 2 Temporal Low 10 9 14 13 3 Non-temporal High 22 17 29 25 4 Non-temporal Low 17 13 21 19 Project: 1709 Geneva Duplex Address: 1709 Geneva Drive West Unit, Vail CO 81657 Fire Alarm Contractor – Garrison Multi Media Inc. DEVICE NUMBER LIST 1. Fire Alarm Control Panel – 1 2. Annunciator – 1 3. Smoke Detector – 9 4. Heat Detector – 1 5. Carbon Monoxide Detector – 6 6. Polarity Reversal Module – 1 7. Mini Horn in white – 3 8. Power Supervision Module – 3 Daniel Dimitrov NICET Fire Alarms Level III Cert.#119879 Digitally signed by Daniel Dimitrov DN: cn=Daniel Dimitrov, o=Dimant Technologies LLC, ou, email=dimitrov.dimant@gmail.com, c=US Date: 2018.05.10 21:16:42 -06'00' Project: 1709 Geneva Duplex Address: 1709 Geneva Drive West Unit, Vail CO 81657 Fire Alarm Contractor: Garrison Multi Media Inc. ZONES INFORMATION Zone 1 – First Floor Fire Alarm Zone 2 – Second Floor Fire Alarm Zone 3 – Third Floor Fire Alarm Zone 4 – Fire Sprinkler Flow Zone 5 – Supervisory Sprinkler Valve Tamper Zone 6 – Supervisory Sprinkler Valve Tamper Zone 7 – 1st floor garage entry CO detector Zone 8 – 1st floor Common Area CO Detector Zone 9 – 2nd floor Living Room CO Detector Zone 10 2nd floor Kitchen CO Detector Zone 11 – 2nd floor Hallway CO Detector Zone 12 – 3rd floor Hallway CO Detector Daniel Dimitrov NICET Fire Alarms Level III Cert.#119879 Digitally signed by DanielDimitrovDN: cn=Daniel Dimitrov,o=Dimant Technologies LLC, ou,email=dimitrov.dimant@gmail.com, c=US Date: 2018.05.10 21:18:01 -06'00' Primary Power Supply 16.5 VAC Trans- former 120 VAC 20A dedicated circuit Project: 1709 Geneva Duplex Secondary Power Supply 2x12V12AH Lead-Acid Batteries Address: 1709 Geneva Drive, West Unit, Vail, CO 81657 Notification Appliance Circuit 1 Fire Alarm Contractor: Garrison Multi Media Inc. IDC#1 First Floor Fire Alarm IDC#2 Second Floor Fire Alarm IDC#3 3rd Floor Fire Alarm IDC#4 Fire Sprinkler Flow IDC#5 Sprinkler Valve Tamper #1 IDC#6 Sprinkler Valve Tamper #2 IDC#7 1st floor garage entry CO Detector IDC#8 1st floor common area CO Detector IDC#9 2nd floor living room CO Detector IDC#10 2nd Floor Hallway CO Detector IDC#11 2nd Floor Kitchen CO Detector Daniel Dimitrov NICET Level III Cert #118978 FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANELIDC#12 3rd floor CO detector P P P 5.6 kΩ EOLR P P 5.6 kΩ EOLR WF 5.6 kΩ EOLR 5.6 kΩ EOLR 5.6 kΩ EOLR CO CO CO CO CO 5.6 kΩ EOLR 5.6 kΩ EOLR 5.6 kΩ EOLR 5.6 kΩ EOLR 5.6 kΩ EOLR P 1350F 5.6 kΩ EOLRP CO 5.6 kΩ EOLR P P Digitally signed by Daniel Dimitrov DN: cn=Daniel Dimitrov, o=Dimant Technologies LLC, ou, email=dimitrov.dimant@gmail.com, c=US Date: 2018.05.10 21:26:05 -06'00' Project: 1709 Geneva Duplex Address: 1709 Geneva Drive West Unit, Vail CO 81657 Fire Alarm Contractor: Garrison Multi Media Inc. WIRE TYPE INFORMATION Zone 1 – First floor fire alarm – 18/4 FPLR Zone 2 – Second floor fire alarm – 18/4 FPLR Zone 3 – Third floor fire alarm – 18/4 FPLR Zone 4 – Sprinkler Flow – 18/4 FPLR Zone 5 – Valve tamper – 18/4 FPLR Zone 6 – Valve tamper – 18/4 FPLR Zone 7 – 1st floor garage entry CO detector – 22/4 CMR Zone 8 – 1st floor common area CO detector – 22/4 CMR Zone 9 – 2nd floor living room CO detector – 22/4 CMR Zone 10 – 2nd floor kitchen CO detector – 22/4 CMR Zone 11 – 2nd floor hallway CO detector – 22/4 CMR Zone 12 – 3rd floor hallway CO detector – 22/4 CMR BUS – Annunciator – 18/4 FPLR NAC #1– Mini Horns – 22/2 CMR Daniel Dimitrov NICET Fire Alarms Level III Cert.# 119879 Digitally signed by Daniel Dimitrov DN: cn=Daniel Dimitrov, o=Dimant Technologies LLC, ou, email=dimitrov.dimant@gmail.c om, c=US Date: 2018.05.10 21:36:40 -06'00' Project: 1709 Geneva Duplex Address: 1709 Geneva Drive West Unit, Vail CO 81657 Fire Alarm Contractor: Garrison Multi Media Inc. AC POWER CIRCUIT INFORMATION 120 VAC, 20 Amps dedicated circuit. Circuit number and breaker locations will be determent during the process of install. Daniel Dimitrov NICET Fire Alarms Level III Cert.#119879 Digitally signed by Daniel Dimitrov DN: cn=Daniel Dimitrov, o=Dimant Technologies LLC, ou, email=dimitrov.dimant@gmail.com, c=US Date: 2018.05.10 21:44:02 -06'00' Project: 1709 Geneva Duplex Address: 1709 Geneva Drive West Unit, Vail CO 81657 Fire Alarm Contractor: Garrison Multi Media Inc. MNITORING INFORMATION 1. Monitoring method – Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter via POTS analog phone line; 2. Monitoring Agency – Criticom Monitoring Services Inc., 715 W SR 434, Ste J, Longwood, FL, 32752, tel. 1-877-705-7705. Daniel Dimitrov NICET Fire Alarms Level III Cert.# 119879 Digitally signed by Daniel Dimitrov DN: cn=Daniel Dimitrov, o=Dimant Technologies LLC, ou, email=dimitrov.dimant@gmail.co m, c=US Date: 2018.05.11 16:14:56 -06'00' 75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, CO 81657 Office: 970.479.2139 Inspection Line: 970.479.2149 Fire - Construction Permit A18-0028 Issued: 05/18/2018 TOWN OF VAIL Property Information Address: 1709 GENEVA DR (210312312028) ( 210312312028 ) Unit #: Parcel Number: 210312312028 Legal Description: Subdivision: MATTERHORN VILLAGE FIL 1 Lot: 4 Contacts Contact Type: Applicant Full Name: Daniel Dimitrov Address: P.O. Box 4631 60 Mill Rd. M2 Eagle, CO 81631 Phone: 9706880621 Contact Type: Applicant Full Name: John Garrison Address: 0210 Edwards Village Blvd. . C209 Edwards, CO 81632 Phone: 9709269700 Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: H-B 1709 GENEVA LLC Address: Phone: None Contractor Contractor Type: Alarm Company: Garrison Multi Media State License #: Phone: 970-376-5687 Project Information Project Name: H-B 1709 Geneva LLC 2017 Project Description: Side B (west) of duplex, new construction fire alarm. Fees Paid Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Fire Alarm Permit Fee Fee Amount:$300.00 Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Fire Alarm Review Fee Fee Amount:$288.00 Total Paid:$588.00 Conditions Issued By: Town of Vail Fire and Emergency Services Department NOTICE: By issuance of this Permit the applicant agrees to comply to all Titles of the Town of Vail Code and all applicable State and Federal law. Failure to do so will void this Permit and the applicant shall forfeit all applicable fees.