HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-05-08 VLHA Meeting Results
Vail Local Housing Authority
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Regular Meeting
3:00 PM –5:00 PM
Town Council Chambers
75 South Frontage RoadWest, Vail, Colorado 81657
Steve LindstromMary McDougall
James Wilkins
Molly Morales
Francisco Meza
George Ruther
Lynne Campbell
A quorum being present Lindstrom called the meeting to order at 3:08PM. McDougall was absent from
this meeting. Alsopresent at the meeting was Town Manager Greg Clifton.
The Board reviewed and approved the April 20, 2018 meeting results as presented. The meeting date
listed on the agenda stated April 10, 2018 which was incorrect.
MOTION:WilkinsSECOND: MoralesVOTE:4-0
The Board reviewed and made motions to approve Resolutions 2-7, 9 and 10.
Wilkins motionedto approve Resolution No. 2, Series 2018a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a
Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described
as Vail Intermountain Dev. Sub., Block 9, Lot B Unit: A & ½ Interest in Common Parcel C, Eagle
County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 2850 Basingdale Blvd. Unit A, Vail Colorado; Subject to
Ratification by the Vail Town Council; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto.
Wilkins motioned to approve Resolution No. 3, Series 2018 a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a
Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described
as Vail Intermountain Dev. Sub., Block 9, Lot B Unit: B& ½ Interest in Common Parcel C, Eagle
County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 2850 Basingdale Blvd. Unit B, Vail Colorado; Subject to
Ratification by the Vail Town Council; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto.
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Wilkins motioned to approve Resolution No. 4, Series 2018 a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a
Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described
as Vail Intermountain Dev. Sub., Block 9, Lot AUnit: A & ½ Interest in Common Parcel C, Eagle
County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 2860 Basingdale Blvd. Unit A, Vail Colorado; Subject to
Ratification by the Vail Town Council; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto.
Wilkins motioned to approve Resolution No. 5, Series 2018 a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a
Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described
as Vail Intermountain Dev. Sub., Block 9, Lot AUnit: B& ½ Interest in Common Parcel C, Eagle
County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 2860 Basingdale Blvd. Unit B, Vail Colorado; Subject to
Ratification by the Vail Town Council; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto.
Wilkins motionedto approve Resolution No. 6, Series 2018 a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a
Deed RestrictionInterest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described
as Innsbruck Condo Unit 7, Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 2783 KinnikinnickUnit
7, Vail Colorado; Subject to Ratification by the Vail Town Council;and Setting Forth Details in Regard
Wilkins motioned to approve Resolution No. 7, Series 2018 a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a
Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described
as Brooktree Townhouses Bldg.C Unit 115, Eagle County, Coloradowith a Physical Address of 980
Vail View Drive Unit 115C, Vail Colorado; Subject to Ratification by the Vail Town Council; and Setting
Forth Details in Regard Thereto.
Wilkins motioned to approve Resolution No. 9, Series 2018 a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a
Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described
as Altair Vail Inn Unit 210-A, Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 4192 Spruce Way Unit
210A, Vail Colorado; Subject to Ratification by the Vail Town Council; and Setting Forth Details in
Regard Thereto.
Wilkins motioned to approve Resolution No. 10, Series 2018 a Resolution Approving the Purchase of a
Deed Restriction Interest in Property (Type III Deed Restriction) in the Town of Vail Legally Described
as Garmisch Townhouses Lot 15-B, Eagle County, Colorado with a Physical Address of 2308 Garmisch
Drive Unit 15B, Vail Colorado; Subject to Ratification by the Vail Town Council; and Setting Forth
Details in Regard Thereto.
Next up Ruther reviewed a draft memooutlining amendments to the lottery process and additional
lottery amendment for the May 15Town Council meeting. Ruther asked for the Board’s feedback.
Goals are to amend process criteria to improve efficiency, predictability, etc. Page 5 of the memo
provides a summary of the Town Council’s comment. Council stated simpler is better, recognition
weight and tiered system needs updating, want to see change in family household size and continue to
establish and maintain alist of prospective and interested homebuyers. We would still maintain who is
interested to keep communication goingwith interested folks. Council supports a separate lottery
process as homes become available.
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Lindstrom asked for clarification on home type vs. home address.
Ruther said the Town willstill require homebuyer class, a signed acknowledgement of intent around a
deed restrictionand a prequalificationletter from lender.This allows for full understanding of what
buyer is purchasing.
What else is there coming up with a lottery process? Council did want one that does grant preference to
certain categories of applicants. They didn’t want to see preference to prior lottery participation.
Ruther referred the Board to recommendation on item #2on page 6 of the memo“If deemed
important/relevant, how is this policy best implement? (i.e., purchase a deed restriction, allow multiple
ownership, etc.).”If applicant ownstoday, they agree to deed restrict the existing home and continue to
ownthe resale deed restriction. Ruther thinksthis needs further discussion. Council’s desire is to not
just trade one deed for another rather than addunits. Is it an appropriate allocation of tax payer dollars
to allow one person to double dip system and allow others only get one chanceto participate?
Greg Clifton, Town Manageroffered comments on item 2. He has concernsabout someone buying into
a subsidized unit and maintaining a free market or deed restriction. Does this create issues?He is
concerned how this would look to others in the community. Clifton wants to discuss how to best
structure this. He said didn’t hear at Town Council about owners continuing to own property after
moving into a deed restriction. A deed restrictionsubject to the Town purchase of deed and then
property sold within Xnumber of days. Owner would benefit from the sale of that deed restriction.
Morales trying to differentiatethe lottery subsidized housing vs. Vail InDEED.
Clifton said both programs are merging together. Difference is VLHA is purchasing restriction for a cost
and VLHA now entering into a discussion of a Town built property. Clifton suggested to place deed on
existing property and then sold.
Vail InDEED is for free market homes. The lottery is for those properties for existing TOV deed
Wilkins said can’t have a Vail InDEED property and enter lottery cannot keepboth. Give time frame to
sell Vail InDEED restriction, can’t have both.
Lindstrom asked if this is anincentive to allow others to get into lottery.
Clifton acknowledged potential lossof free market unit. Is there a way the Town has mechanism where
both properties are deed restricted but the owner has to sell one to be in a Town subsidized home.
Wilkins thinks we needto be prepared to discuss subsidizing.Council is going to have a hard time
separating the two situations. What extent is the Town willing to subsidize someone who is interested in
getting into the Town lottery?
The Board discussed concerns and options for ability to deed restrict one home to enter a subsidized
Lindstrom asked Ruther if Council was looking for recommendation of this piece, entering the lottery.
Ruther replied yes. There was a great dealof discussion about this subject of multiple deed restrictions.
He said Council wanted to review again with Bruno was present.
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Wilkins recommendedsome language modification around item #2, deed restrict current residential
property subject to Town Council approval or deed restrict prior to close not at time of application. Upon
purchase and close then the deed restriction on the lottery unit will prevail.
Ruther askednow what after applicant wins. Preserving and protecting existing dwelling units was the
thought process the Town hadn’t pursued previously.
Wilkins reiterated what is the Town’sdeed restriction goal. Councilman Moffetsaid “is purpose of the
housing program to be sure people don’t double dip or preserve housing for locals”. If former then
need to think about it if the later think about getting more restrictions.
Ruther suggested the Boardstate they don’t know exactly how but we know what.What is preserving
and protecting the loss of residentoccupied non-deed restricteddwelling units. We shouldn’t loose
sight of that.
#2 reads as written except adding deed restriction current residential property for employee housing,
subject to Town Council approval. If that doesn’t work then come up with another way to preserve and
2.Allow current residential property owners, including vacant residential land, to participate
in the lottery with the understanding that they must either1)deed-restrict their current
residential property for employee housing, subject to Town Council approval,or, 2)
dissolve their interest in the real estate prior to closing on the new deed-restricted
Ruther discussed his lottery process take on the weighted lottery. The Board discussed different
weighted scenarios. .
The Board recommended totalof 5 ticketsmaximum.
1.Enterlottery meeting minimum criteria= 1ticket
2.Work in Vail = 1 ticket
3.Work in Vail 10years or more=1 ticket
4.Live in Vail= 1ticket
5.Live in Vail 10years or more=1 ticket
If applicant meets all 5 criteria they get a total of 5 tickets, i.e. entries. Basis is on cumulative yearsin
During the lottery all names/tickets will be placed in tumbler and all names will be pulled creating a wait
list for the sale.
Does name get strickenafter name pulled with multiple tickets?Yes name pulled all other tickets
removed, don’t count.
Wilkins askedwhen does one enter.Applications will be accepted as homes become available. Ruther
brought up the employee housing guidelines. There are certain obligations today which we need to
make sure we adhereto doing re-sale. 2 weeks ads, 2 open houses,
Morales motioned to enter Executive Session per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) -to discuss the
purchase, acquisition,lease, transfer orsale of real, personal or other propertyinterests; for
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the purposes ofreceiving legal advice on specific legal questions and to determine positions
relative tomatters that may be subject to negotiations regarding: Vail InDEED applications and
deed restrictions.
MOTION: MoralesSECOND:WilkinsVOTE:4-0(all in favor)
VLHA convenedexecutive session. Present were Lindstrom, Morales, Meza and Wilkins, staff
consisted of Ruther and Campbell.
The Board reconvened the regular meeting at 5:06PM.
Morales reviewed the housing subcommittee will meet 1Thursday following the first Tuesday council
meeting. The Bruno and Moffet want to review Housing Guidelines review, way to invest in deed
restrictions outside the Town of Vail, housing policies and additional funding. The Board needs to
review and recommend to Council interest in investing in down valley deed restrictions.
Ruther reminded the Board the Town Council joint afternoon session is scheduled for June 5.
Wilkins made a motion to adjournthe meeting at 5:15PM.
Next Meeting –May 22, 2018
Future Agenda Items:
Housing Policy Update Discussion
Update Economic Value of Housing Discussion
VLHA Business Plan
East Vail Parcel Update
Open Lands PlanDiscussion
West Vail Master Plan Discussion
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