HomeMy WebLinkAboutF18-0028_approved documents_1527605692.pdf75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, CO 81657 Office: 970.479.2139 Inspection Line: 970.479.2149 Fire - Construction Permit F18-0028 Issued: 05/29/2018 TOWN OF VAIL Property Information Address: 2794 SNOWBERRY DR (210314301046) ( 210314301046 ) Unit #: Parcel Number: 210314301046 Legal Description: Subdivision: VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV SUB Block: 9 Lot: 16 Contacts Contact Type: Applicant Full Name: Jason Haire Address: 1419 14 Rd 1419 14 Rd Loma, CO 81524 Phone: 9708588863 Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: LAST RIDGE DEVOLOPMENT CORP Address: Phone: None Contractor Contractor Type: Fire Protection Company: Affordable Fire Protection State License #: 18-S-05339 Phone: 970-858-8863 Project Information Project Name: Manchester Residence 2016 Project Description: New NFPA13D/VAIL fire suppression system in new duplex. Unit A=47 sprinklers Fees Paid Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Fire Suppression Permit Fee Fee Amount: $497.25 Account #: 001-0000.21123.00 - Fire Suppression Review Fee Fee Amount: $432.00 Total Paid: $929.25 Conditions Issued By: Town of Vail Fire and Emergency Services Department NOTICE: By issuance of this Permit the applicant agrees to comply to all Titles of the Town of Vail Code and all applicable State and Federal law. Failure to do so will void this Permit and the applicant shall forfeit all applicable fees. )LUH DQG (PHUJHQF\ 6HUYLFHV  1 )URQWDJH 5RDG : 9DLO &RORUDGR  7HO  ZZZYDLOJRYFRP )LUH 0DUVKDO ),5( 635,1./(5 3(50,7 &RPPHUFLDO  5HVLGHQWLDO )LUH $ODUP VKRS GUDZLQJV DUH UHTXLUHG DW WKH WLPH RI DSSOLFDWLRQ VXEPLWWDO DQG PXVW LQFOXGH WKH IROORZLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ  $ &RORUDGR 5HJLVWHUHG (QJLQHHU¶V VWDPS RU 1,&(7 OHYHO ,,, PLQ VWDPS  (TXLSPHQW FXW VKHHWV RI PDWHULDOV  +\GUDXOLF FDOFXODWLRQV  $ 6WDWH RI &RORUDGR FRQWUDFWRU UHJLVWUDWLRQ QXPEHU  3ODQV PXVW EH VXEPLWWHG E\ D 5HJLVWHUHG )LUH 3URWHFWLRQ &RQWUDFWRU &RQWUDFWRU ,QIRUPDWLRQ &RPSDQ\ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &RPSDQ\ $GGUHVV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &LW\ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 6WDWH BBBBBBB =LSBBBBBBBBBBBBB &RQWDFW 1DPH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &RQWDFW 3KRQH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB (0DLO BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB , KHUHE\ DFNQRZOHGJH WKDW , KDYH UHDG WKLV DSSOLFDWLRQ ILOOHG RXW LQ IXOO WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ UHTXLUHG FRPSOHWHG DQ DFFXUDWH VSULQNOHU V\V WHP ZRUNLQJ SODQ DQG VWDWH WKDW DOO WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ DV UHTXLUHG LV FRUUHFW , DJUHH WR FRPSO\ ZLWK WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG VSULQNOHU V\VWHP ZRUNLQJ SODQV WR FRPSO\ ZLWK DOO 7RZQ RUGLQDQFHV DQG VWDWH ODZV DQG WR EXLOG WKLV VWUXFWXUH DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH WRZQ¶V ]RQLQJ DQG VXEGL YLVLRQ FRGHV GHVLJQ UHYLHZ DSSURYDO 1DWLRQDO )LUH 3URWHFWLRQ $VVR FLDWLRQ  ,QWHUQDWLRQDO %XLOGLQJ DQG 5HVLGHQWLDO &RGHV DQG RWKHU RUGLQDQFHV RI WKH 7RZQ DSSOLFDEOH WKHUHWR ;BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &RQWUDFWRU 6LJQDWXUH UHTXLUHG 3URMHFW 6WUHHW $GGUHVV BBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBB 1XPEHU 6WUHHW 6XLWH  %XLOGLQJ&RPSOH[ 1DPH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3URSHUW\ ,QIRUPDWLRQ 3DUFHO  BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB )RU SDUFHO  FRQWDFW (DJOH &RXQW\ $VVHVVRUV 2IILFH DW  RU YLVLW ZZZHDJOHFRXQW\XVSDWLH 7HQDQW 1DPH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 2ZQHU 1DPH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &RPSOHWH 9DOXDWLRQ IRU )LUH 6SULQNOHU 3HUPLW )LUH 6SULQNOHU  BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 2IILFH 8VH 3URMHFW  BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB %XLOGLQJ 3HUPLW  BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 6SULQNOHU 3HUPLW  BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB /RW  BBBB %ORFN  BBBB 6XEGLYLVLRQ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 'HWDLOHG 'HVFULSWLRQ RI :RUN BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB XVH DGGLWLRQDO VKHHW LI QHFHVVDU\ :RUN &ODVV 1HZ   $GGLWLRQ   5HPRGHO   5HSDLU   5HWUR)LW   2WKHU   7\SH RI %XLOGLQJ 6LQJOH)DPLO\   'XSOH[   0XOWL)DPLO\   &RPPHUFLDO   5HVWDXUDQW   2WKHU   'DWH 5HFHLYHG 'RHV D 0RQLWRUHG )LUH $ODUP ([LVW" <HV   1R   'RHV D 6SULQNOHU 6\VWHP ([LVW" <HV   1R   'HWDLOHG /RFDWLRQ RI :RUN BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB  ,QVWUXFWLRQV IRU FDOFXODWLQJ ),5( $/$50 RU 635,1./(5 SHUPLW IHHV VHH DSSOLFDEOH VHFWLRQ EHORZ  'HWHUPLQH WKH YDOXDWLRQ ODERU  PDWHULDOV  6HH EDVH 3HUPLW )HH IODW IHH  &DOFXODWH WKH 3ODQ UHYLHZ IHH PXOWLSO\ WKH YDOXDWLRQ E\ WKH DSSOLFDEOH SHUFHQWDJH OLVWHG )LUH $ODUP 3HUPLW )HH  RI WKH YDOXDWLRQ 3ODQ 5HYLHZ )HH  GXH DW SHUPLW VXEPLWWDO )LUH 6SULQNOHU 3HUPLW )HH  RI WKH YDOXDWLRQ 3ODQ 5HYLHZ )HH  GXH DW SHUPLW VXEPLWWDO 27+(5 )LUH 3HUPLW )HHV 3HUPLWV LVVXHG XQGHU D 6FRSH RI :RUN OHWWHU VKDOO EH DVVHVVHG D IHH QRW OHVV WKDQ  DQG PD\ EH LQFUHDVHG DW D UDWH RI  SHU KRXU IRU LQVSHFWLRQV UHYLVLRQV DQG VLPLODU HOHPHQWV 5HLQVSHFWLRQV DQG SODQ UHYLHZ IRU UHVXEPLWWDOV VKDOO EH ELOOHG DW  SHU KRXU 2SHUDWLRQDO 3HUPLWV 6SHFLDO (YHQW 3HUPLWV DQG &RQVWUXFWLRQ 3HUPLWV RWKHU WKDQ WKRVH UHTXLUHG IRU )LUH $ODUP DQG )LUH 6SULQNOHU V\VWHPV LVVXHG XQGHU SURYLVLRQV RI WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO )LUH &RGH VKDOO EH EDVHG RQ DQ KRXUO\ UDWH RI  SHU KRXU SHU SHUVRQ IRU VLWH LQVSHFWLRQV SODQ UHYLHZ DQG SHUPLW SURFHVVLQJ 7RZQ RI 9DLO )LUH 3HUPLW )HH 6FKHGXOH 1419 14 Road, Loma, Colorado 81524 Phone 970-858-8863 - Fax 970-858-8876 Affordable Fire Protection, Inc. FIRE PROTECTION HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS AND PRODUCT SUBMITTALS 2794 Snowberry Drive 13D/Vail Fire Sprinkler System VAIL, COLORADO JASON S. HAIRE, SET #103325, LVL IV Affordable Fire Protection Inc 1419 14 Road Loma, Colorado 81524 970.858.8863 Job Name : 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT B Building : UNIT B Location : 2794 SNOWBERRY DR‚ VAIL‚ CO 81657 System : B Contract : 182006 Data File : 2794 SNOWBERRY - UNIT B COPPER SYSTEM D-SYS PUMP 6.625IMP.WX Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 1 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT B Date 05/04/18 HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Name - SNOWBERRY DUPLEX Date - 05/04/18 Location - 2794 SNOWBERRY DR‚ VAIL‚ CO 81657 Building - UNIT B System No. - B Contractor - AFP Contract No. - 182006 Calculated By - J.HAIRE Drawing No. - ONE Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non-Combustible Ceiling Height 14.33' OCCUPANCY - S Type of Calculation: ( )NFPA 13 Residential ( )NFPA 13R (X)NFPA 13D Y Number of Sprinklers Flowing: ( )1 (X)2 ( )4 ( ) S (X)OtherMINIMUM 0.10 GPM/SQFT DENSITY PER VAIL REQUIREMENTS T ( )Specific Ruling Made by Date E M Listed Flow at Start Point - Gpm System Type Listed Pres. at Start Point - Psi (X) Wet ( ) Dry D MAXIMUM LISTED SPACING 16 x 16 ( ) Deluge ( ) PreAction E Domestic Flow Added - 0 Gpm Sprinkler or Nozzle S Additional Flow Added - 0 Gpm Make Model I Elevation at Highest Outlet - Feet Size K-Factor 5.6 G Note:RSV-1 SHUTOFF VALVE PROVIDED TO Temperature Rating 155F N ELIMINATE RESIDENTIAL FLOW Calculation Gpm Required 52.4 Psi Required 63.7 At Pump Summary C-Factor Used: Overhead 150 Underground 150 W Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of Test - 04/19/18 Rated Cap. 60 Cap. T Time of Test - @ Psi 53.3 Elev. E Static (Psi) - 31.5 Elev. 1 R Residual (Psi) - 4 Other Well Flow (Gpm) - 735 Proof Flow Gpm S Elevation - 0 P Location: ON SITE TEST P L Source of Information: ON SITE TEST. 35/34@735 ACTUAL‚ 35/4.45@735 DERATE‚ Y 31.5/4@735 DERATE-10% Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 2 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT B Date 05/04/18 10 20 30 40 E 50 R 60 U 70 S 80 S 90 E 100 R 110 P 120 130 140 150 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 FLOW ( N ^ 1.85 ) City Water Supply: Pump Data: Demand: C1 C2 C1 - Static Pressure : 31.5 C2 - Residual Pressure: 4 C2 - Residual Flow : 735 A1 City Water Adjusted to Pump Inlet for Pf - Elev - Hose Flow A1 - Adjusted Static: 27.067 A2 - Adj Resid : 19.927 @ 40 A3 - Adj Resid : 0 @ 91.75 Al + P1 A2 + P2 A3 + P3 A2 A3 P1 - Pump Churn Pressure : 71 P2 - Pump Rated Pressure : 67 P2 - Pump Rated Flow : 40 P3 - Pump Pressure @ Max Flow : 52 P3 - Pump Max Flow : 91.75 City Residual Flow @ 0 = 790.98 City Residual Flow @ 20 = 458.80 City Water @ 150% of Pump = 30.91 Pump flow terminated at adjusted curve 0 psi D1 - Elevation : 15.286 D2 - System Flow : 52.427 D2 - System Pressure : 63.749 Hose ( Demand ) : _______ D3 - System Demand : 52.427 Safety Margin : 17.150 D1 D2 Water Supply Curve C Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 3 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT B Date 05/04/18 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name ½ ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Ball B Ball Milw BB-SC100 2.25 2 2.5 2.25 10 E NFPA 13 90' Standard Elbow 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 G NFPA 13 Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 L NFPA 13 Long Turn Elbow 0.5 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 13 16 18 24 27 30 34 40 S NFPA 13 Swing Check 0 0 5 7 9 11 14 16 19 22 27 32 45 55 65 T NFPA 13 90' Flow thru Tee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 Zaa Ames 2000B Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow Units Summary Diameter Units Inches Length Units Feet Flow Units US Gallons per Minute Pressure Units Pounds per Square Inch Note: Fitting Legend provides equivalent pipe lengths for fittings types of various diameters. Equivalent lengths shown are standard for actual diameters of Sched 40 pipe and CFactors of 120 except as noted with *. The fittings marked with a * show equivalent lengths values supplied by manufacturers based on specific pipe diameters and CFactors and they require no adjustment. All values for fittings not marked with a * will be adjusted in the calculation for CFactors of other than 120 and diameters other than Sched 40 per NFPA. Fittings Used Summary Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 4 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT B Date 05/04/18 SUPPLY ANALYSIS Node at Static Residual Available Source Pressure Pressure Flow Pressure Total Demand Required Pressure P2 See Information on Pump Curve 80.899 52.43 63.749 W 31.5 4 735.0 31.292 52.43 31.292 NODE ANALYSIS Pressure Discharge Node Tag Elevation Node Type at Node at Node Notes B1 35.295 5.6 22.95 26.83 B11 35.795 24.44 B13 35.67 26.39 B14 34.0 32.25 B15 33.0 35.48 B16 22.17 40.76 B18 22.17 41.26 B20 22.17 42.16 B22 10.92 47.54 B25 10.92 49.14 B26 10.92 52.39 TOR 10.92 54.39 P2 1.0 63.75 P1 1.0 16.22 R2 1.0 21.29 R1 1.0 22.31 UG1 1.0 27.47 UG2 0.0 30.47 W 0.0 31.29 B2 35.295 5.6 20.9 25.6 B12 35.795 22.25 B17 22.17 40.72 B19 22.17 41.34 B21 22.17 44.02 B23 10.92 49.54 B24 22.17 42.85 Flow Summary - NFPA 2007 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 5 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT B Date 05/04/18 Node1 Elev1 K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftng's Pe ******* Notes ****** Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqv. Ln. Total Pf/Ft Pf B1 35.295 5.60 26.83 0.75 E 2.797 0.500 150 22.949 to 0.0 2.797 -0.217 B11 35.795 26.83 0.811 0.0 3.297 0.5193 1.712 Vel = 16.66 B11 35.795 0.0 1 E 3.107 2.250 150 24.444 to T 7.768 10.875 0.054 B13 35.670 26.83 1.055 0.0 13.125 0.1442 1.893 Vel = 9.85 B13 35.670 25.60 1 E 3.107 7.210 150 26.391 to 0.0 3.107 0.723 B14 34 52.43 1.055 0.0 10.317 0.4981 5.139 Vel = 19.24 B14 34 -38.61 1 6E 18.644 31.920 150 32.253 to 2T 15.536 34.181 0.433 B15 33 13.82 1.055 0.0 66.101 0.0423 2.796 Vel = 5.07 B15 33 0.0 1 E 3.107 10.830 150 35.482 to 0.0 3.107 4.690 B16 22.170 13.82 1.055 0.0 13.937 0.0423 0.590 Vel = 5.07 B16 22.170 0.0 1 T 7.768 4.080 150 40.762 to 0.0 7.768 0.0 B18 22.170 13.82 1.055 0.0 11.848 0.0423 0.501 Vel = 5.07 B18 22.170 -3.00 1 E 3.107 14.540 150 41.263 to 2T 15.536 18.644 0.0 B20 22.170 10.82 1.055 0.0 33.184 0.0269 0.893 Vel = 3.97 B20 22.170 0.0 1 T 7.768 11.250 150 42.156 to 0.0 7.768 4.872 B22 10.920 10.82 1.055 0.0 19.018 0.0269 0.512 Vel = 3.97 B22 10.920 0.0 1 2E 6.215 37.920 150 47.540 to 2T 15.536 21.751 0.0 B25 10.920 10.82 1.055 0.0 59.671 0.0269 1.605 Vel = 3.97 B25 10.920 27.24 1 T 7.768 4.000 150 49.145 to 0.0 7.768 0.0 B26 10.920 38.06 1.055 0.0 11.768 0.2754 3.241 Vel = 13.97 B26 10.920 14.37 1.5 2E 12.089 19.500 150 52.386 to 0.0 12.089 0.0 TOR 10.920 52.43 1.61 0.0 31.589 0.0636 2.008 Vel = 8.26 TOR 10.920 0.0 1.5 S 9.0 9.920 120 54.394 to Ball 2.5 11.500 7.296 * * Fixed Loss = 3 P2 1 52.43 1.61 0.0 21.420 0.0961 2.059 Vel = 8.26 0.0 P2 52.43 63.749 K Factor = 6.57 System Demand Pressure 63.749 Safety Margin 17.150 Continuation Pressure 80.899 Pressure @ Pump Outlet 80.899 Pressure From Pump Curve -64.675 Pressure @ Pump Inlet 16.224 P1 1 0.0 1.5 Zaa 0.0 2.250 150 16.224 to 0.0 0.0 4.883 * * Fixed Loss = 4.883 R2 1 52.43 1.527 0.0 2.250 0.0827 0.186 Vel = 9.19 R2 1 0.0 2 0.0 1.000 150 21.293 to 0.0 0.0 1.000 * * Fixed Loss = 1 R1 1 52.43 2.009 0.0 1.000 0.0210 0.021 Vel = 5.31 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams - 2007 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 6 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT B Date 05/04/18 Node1 Elev1 K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftng's Pe ******* Notes ****** Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqv. Ln. Total Pf/Ft Pf R1 1 0.0 1.5 3L 9.066 60.000 150 22.314 to T 12.089 21.155 0.0 UG1 1 52.43 1.61 0.0 81.155 0.0636 5.160 Vel = 8.26 UG1 1 0.0 2 T 11.635 93.000 150 27.474 to 0.0 11.636 0.433 UG2 0 52.43 1.959 0.0 104.636 0.0245 2.559 Vel = 5.58 UG2 0 0.0 2 G 1.164 21.000 150 30.466 to T 11.635 12.799 0.0 W 0 52.43 1.959 0.0 33.799 0.0244 0.826 Vel = 5.58 0.0 W 52.43 31.292 K Factor = 9.37 B2 35.295 5.60 25.60 0.75 E 2.797 0.500 150 20.898 to 0.0 2.797 -0.217 B12 35.795 25.6 0.811 0.0 3.297 0.4762 1.570 Vel = 15.90 B12 35.795 0.0 1 E 3.107 12.250 150 22.251 to 2T 15.536 18.644 0.054 B13 35.670 25.6 1.055 0.0 30.894 0.1323 4.086 Vel = 9.40 0.0 B13 25.60 26.391 K Factor = 4.98 B14 34 38.60 1 0.0 11.830 150 32.253 to 0.0 0.0 5.124 B17 22.170 38.6 1.055 0.0 11.830 0.2827 3.344 Vel = 14.17 B17 22.170 -27.23 1 E 3.107 2.540 150 40.721 to 2T 15.536 18.644 0.0 B19 22.170 11.37 1.055 0.0 21.184 0.0295 0.624 Vel = 4.17 B19 22.170 -14.37 1 T 7.768 24.790 150 41.345 to 0.0 7.768 0.0 B18 22.170 -3.0 1.055 0.0 32.558 -0.0025 -0.082 Vel = 1.10 0.0 B18 -3.00 41.263 K Factor = -0.47 B19 22.170 14.37 1 E 3.107 32.375 150 41.345 to 3T 23.304 26.411 0.0 B21 22.170 14.37 1.055 0.0 58.786 0.0454 2.671 Vel = 5.27 B21 22.170 0.0 1 E 3.107 11.250 150 44.016 to 0.0 3.107 4.872 B23 10.920 14.37 1.055 0.0 14.357 0.0454 0.652 Vel = 5.27 B23 10.920 0.0 1 2E 6.215 33.125 150 49.540 to 3T 23.304 29.518 0.0 B26 10.920 14.37 1.055 0.0 62.643 0.0454 2.846 Vel = 5.27 0.0 B26 14.37 52.386 K Factor = 1.99 B17 22.170 27.23 1 E 3.107 11.250 150 40.721 to 0.0 3.107 0.0 B24 22.170 27.23 1.055 0.0 14.357 0.1483 2.129 Vel = 9.99 B24 22.170 0.0 1 T 7.768 1.830 150 42.850 to 0.0 7.768 4.872 B25 10.920 27.23 1.055 0.0 9.598 0.1483 1.423 Vel = 9.99 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 7 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT B Date 05/04/18 Node1 Elev1 K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftng's Pe ******* Notes ****** Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqv. Ln. Total Pf/Ft Pf 0.0 B25 27.23 49.145 K Factor = 3.88 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc 1419 14 Road Loma, Colorado 81524 970.858.8863 Job Name : 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT A Building : UNIT A Location : 2794 SNOWBERRY DR‚ VAIL‚ CO 81657 System : A Contract : 182006 Data File : 2794 SNOWBERRY - UNIT A COPPER SYSTEM D-SYS PUMP 6.625IMP.WX Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 1 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT A Date 05/04/18 HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Name - SNOWBERRY DUPLEX Date - 05/04/18 Location - 2794 SNOWBERRY DR‚ VAIL‚ CO 81657 Building - UNIT A System No. - A Contractor - AFP Contract No. - 182006 Calculated By - J.HAIRE Drawing No. - ONE Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non-Combustible Ceiling Height 14.33' OCCUPANCY - S Type of Calculation: ( )NFPA 13 Residential ( )NFPA 13R (X)NFPA 13D Y Number of Sprinklers Flowing: ( )1 (X)2 ( )4 ( ) S (X)OtherMINIMUM 0.10 GPM/SQFT DENSITY PER VAIL REQUIREMENTS T ( )Specific Ruling Made by Date E M Listed Flow at Start Point - Gpm System Type Listed Pres. at Start Point - Psi (X) Wet ( ) Dry D MAXIMUM LISTED SPACING 16 x 16 ( ) Deluge ( ) PreAction E Domestic Flow Added - 0 Gpm Sprinkler or Nozzle S Additional Flow Added - 0 Gpm Make Model I Elevation at Highest Outlet - Feet Size K-Factor 5.6 G Note:RSV-1 SHUTOFF VALVE PROVIDED TO Temperature Rating 155F N ELIMINATE RESIDENTIAL FLOW Calculation Gpm Required 52.5 Psi Required 70.2 At Pump Summary C-Factor Used: Overhead 150 Underground 150 W Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of Test - 04/19/18 Rated Cap. 60 Cap. T Time of Test - @ Psi 53.3 Elev. E Static (Psi) - 31.5 Elev. 1 R Residual (Psi) - 4 Other Well Flow (Gpm) - 735 Proof Flow Gpm S Elevation - 0 P Location: ON SITE TEST P L Source of Information: ON SITE TEST. 35/34@735 ACTUAL‚ 35/4.45@735 DERATE‚ Y 31.5/4@735 DERATE-10% Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 2 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT A Date 05/04/18 10 20 30 40 E 50 R 60 U 70 S 80 S 90 E 100 R 110 P 120 130 140 150 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 FLOW ( N ^ 1.85 ) City Water Supply: Pump Data: Demand: C1 C2 C1 - Static Pressure : 31.5 C2 - Residual Pressure: 4 C2 - Residual Flow : 735 A1 City Water Adjusted to Pump Inlet for Pf - Elev - Hose Flow A1 - Adjusted Static: 27.067 A2 - Adj Resid : 20.001 @ 40 A3 - Adj Resid : 0 @ 92.19 Al + P1 A2 + P2 A3 + P3 A2 A3 P1 - Pump Churn Pressure : 71 P2 - Pump Rated Pressure : 67 P2 - Pump Rated Flow : 40 P3 - Pump Pressure @ Max Flow : 52 P3 - Pump Max Flow : 92.19 City Residual Flow @ 0 = 790.98 City Residual Flow @ 20 = 458.80 City Water @ 150% of Pump = 30.91 Pump flow terminated at adjusted curve 0 psi D1 - Elevation : 15.141 D2 - System Flow : 52.521 D2 - System Pressure : 70.215 Hose ( Demand ) : _______ D3 - System Demand : 52.521 Safety Margin : 10.741 D1 D2 Water Supply Curve C Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 3 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT A Date 05/04/18 Fitting Legend Abbrev. Name ½ ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ 2 2½ 3 3½ 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Ball B Ball Milw BB-SC100 2.25 2 2.5 2.25 10 E NFPA 13 90' Standard Elbow 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 14 18 22 27 35 40 45 50 61 F NFPA 13 45' Elbow 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 7 9 11 13 17 19 21 24 28 G NFPA 13 Gate Valve 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 L NFPA 13 Long Turn Elbow 0.5 1 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 8 9 13 16 18 24 27 30 34 40 S NFPA 13 Swing Check 0 0 5 7 9 11 14 16 19 22 27 32 45 55 65 T NFPA 13 90' Flow thru Tee 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 50 60 71 81 91 101 121 Zaa Ames 2000B Fitting generates a Fixed Loss Based on Flow Units Summary Diameter Units Inches Length Units Feet Flow Units US Gallons per Minute Pressure Units Pounds per Square Inch Note: Fitting Legend provides equivalent pipe lengths for fittings types of various diameters. Equivalent lengths shown are standard for actual diameters of Sched 40 pipe and CFactors of 120 except as noted with *. The fittings marked with a * show equivalent lengths values supplied by manufacturers based on specific pipe diameters and CFactors and they require no adjustment. All values for fittings not marked with a * will be adjusted in the calculation for CFactors of other than 120 and diameters other than Sched 40 per NFPA. Fittings Used Summary Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 4 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT A Date 05/04/18 SUPPLY ANALYSIS Node at Static Residual Available Source Pressure Pressure Flow Pressure Total Demand Required Pressure P2 See Information on Pump Curve 80.956 52.52 70.215 W 31.5 4 735.0 31.291 52.52 31.291 NODE ANALYSIS Pressure Discharge Node Tag Elevation Node Type at Node at Node Notes A1 34.96 5.6 20.9 25.6 A11 35.46 22.25 A12 35.75 26.08 A13 35.5 29.38 A14 33.0 36.38 A16 22.17 43.24 A17 22.17 44.8 A18 22.17 46.88 A21 10.92 53.33 A23 10.92 58.74 TOR 10.92 60.85 P2 1.0 70.22 P1 1.0 16.3 R2 1.0 21.39 R1 1.0 22.41 UG1 1.0 28.86 UG2 0.0 30.46 W 0.0 31.29 A2 35.25 5.6 23.11 26.92 A15 34.54 38.26 A20 22.17 45.14 A19 22.17 45.07 A22 10.92 52.46 Flow Summary - NFPA 2007 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 5 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT A Date 05/04/18 Node1 Elev1 K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftng's Pe ******* Notes ****** Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqv. Ln. Total Pf/Ft Pf A1 34.960 5.60 25.60 0.75 E 2.797 0.500 150 20.898 to 0.0 2.797 -0.217 A11 35.460 25.6 0.811 0.0 3.297 0.4762 1.570 Vel = 15.90 A11 35.460 0.0 1 T 7.768 15.910 150 22.251 to 2E 6.215 13.982 -0.126 A12 35.750 25.6 1.055 0.0 29.892 0.1322 3.953 Vel = 9.40 A12 35.750 26.92 1 E 3.107 3.290 150 26.078 to 0.0 3.107 0.108 A13 35.500 52.52 1.055 0.0 6.397 0.4999 3.198 Vel = 19.28 A13 35.500 -24.59 1 T 7.768 21.000 150 29.384 to 3E 9.322 17.089 1.083 A14 33 27.93 1.055 0.0 38.089 0.1554 5.918 Vel = 10.25 A14 33 0.0 1 E 3.107 10.830 150 36.385 to 0.0 3.107 4.690 A16 22.170 27.93 1.055 0.0 13.937 0.1554 2.166 Vel = 10.25 A16 22.170 0.0 1 T 7.768 2.250 150 43.241 to 0.0 7.768 0.0 A17 22.170 27.93 1.055 0.0 10.018 0.1553 1.556 Vel = 10.25 A17 22.170 -4.79 1 E 3.107 8.125 150 44.797 to T 7.768 10.875 0.0 A18 22.170 23.14 1.055 0.0 19.000 0.1097 2.085 Vel = 8.49 A18 22.170 0.0 1 E 3.107 11.250 150 46.882 to 0.0 3.107 4.872 A21 10.920 23.14 1.055 0.0 14.357 0.1098 1.576 Vel = 8.49 A21 10.920 0.0 1 4T 31.073 18.210 150 53.330 to 0.0 31.072 0.0 A23 10.920 23.14 1.055 0.0 49.282 0.1098 5.409 Vel = 8.49 A23 10.920 29.38 1.5 2E 12.089 21.080 150 58.739 to 0.0 12.089 0.0 TOR 10.920 52.52 1.61 0.0 33.169 0.0638 2.115 Vel = 8.28 TOR 10.920 0.0 1.5 S 9.0 9.920 120 60.854 to Ball 2.5 11.500 7.296 * * Fixed Loss = 3 P2 1 52.52 1.61 0.0 21.420 0.0964 2.065 Vel = 8.28 0.0 P2 52.52 70.215 K Factor = 6.27 System Demand Pressure 70.215 Safety Margin 10.741 Continuation Pressure 80.956 Pressure @ Pump Outlet 80.956 Pressure From Pump Curve -64.654 Pressure @ Pump Inlet 16.302 P1 1 0.0 1.5 Zaa 0.0 2.250 150 16.302 to 0.0 0.0 4.898 * * Fixed Loss = 4.898 R2 1 52.52 1.527 0.0 2.250 0.0822 0.185 Vel = 9.20 R2 1 0.0 2 0.0 1.000 150 21.385 to 0.0 0.0 1.000 * * Fixed Loss = 1 R1 1 52.52 2.009 0.0 1.000 0.0220 0.022 Vel = 5.32 R1 1 0.0 1.5 3L 9.066 80.000 150 22.407 to T 12.089 21.155 0.0 UG1 1 52.52 1.61 0.0 101.155 0.0638 6.453 Vel = 8.28 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams - 2007 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Affordable Fire Protection Inc Page 6 13D/VAIL 2 HEAD CALCULATION - UNIT A Date 05/04/18 Node1 Elev1 K Qa Nom Fitting Pipe CFact Pt to or Ftng's Pe ******* Notes ****** Node2 Elev2 Fact Qt Act Eqv. Ln. Total Pf/Ft Pf UG1 1 0.0 2 2F 4.654 43.000 150 28.860 to 0.0 4.654 0.433 UG2 0 52.52 1.959 0.0 47.654 0.0245 1.169 Vel = 5.59 UG2 0 0.0 2 G 1.164 21.000 150 30.462 to T 11.635 12.799 0.0 W 0 52.52 1.959 0.0 33.799 0.0245 0.829 Vel = 5.59 0.0 W 52.52 31.291 K Factor = 9.39 A2 35.250 5.60 26.92 0.75 T 5.594 0.500 150 23.111 to 0.0 5.594 -0.217 A12 35.750 26.92 0.811 0.0 6.094 0.5225 3.184 Vel = 16.72 0.0 A12 26.92 26.078 K Factor = 5.27 A13 35.500 24.59 1 2T 15.536 28.540 150 29.384 to 8E 24.858 40.395 0.416 A15 34.540 24.59 1.055 0.0 68.935 0.1227 8.461 Vel = 9.02 A15 34.540 0.0 1 0.0 12.375 150 38.261 to 0.0 0.0 5.357 A20 22.170 24.59 1.055 0.0 12.375 0.1228 1.520 Vel = 9.02 A20 22.170 -29.38 1 T 7.768 3.420 150 45.138 to 0.0 7.768 0.0 A19 22.170 -4.79 1.055 0.0 11.188 -0.0060 -0.067 Vel = 1.76 A19 22.170 0.0 1 2T 15.536 30.500 150 45.071 to 0.0 15.537 0.0 A17 22.170 -4.79 1.055 0.0 46.037 -0.0060 -0.274 Vel = 1.76 0.0 A17 -4.79 44.797 K Factor = -0.72 A20 22.170 29.38 1 E 3.107 11.250 150 45.138 to 0.0 3.107 4.872 A22 10.920 29.38 1.055 0.0 14.357 0.1706 2.449 Vel = 10.78 A22 10.920 0.0 1 2E 6.215 22.830 150 52.459 to T 7.768 13.982 0.0 A23 10.920 29.38 1.055 0.0 36.812 0.1706 6.280 Vel = 10.78 0.0 A23 29.38 58.739 K Factor = 3.83 Final Calculations - Hazen-Williams Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 97 Seagull Circle, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80921 Phone 719-534-0548 Affordable Fire Protection, Inc. FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT INDEX I. SPRINKLERS A. VICTAULIC V3806 CONCEALED RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLER II. PIPE AND TUBE A. SCHEDULE 40 STEEL PIPE B. COPPER TYPE ‘M’ TUBE III. FITTINGS A. SPF DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS B. COPPER SWEAT FITTINGS IV. HANGERS A. SIOUXSTRAP 551 SERIES HANGER V. VALVES A. AMES 2000 BACKFLOW PREVENTER B. AGF M1011 TESTANDRAIN VALVE C. TYCO RSV-1 RESIDENTIAL SHUT-OFF VALVE VI. CONNECTIONS A. NONE VII. ELECTRICAL A. D-SYSTEM MODEL P-SH502-PS 13D PUMP B. POTTER VSR-S FLOW SWITCH VIII. MISCELLANEOUS A. SPARE SPRINKLER CABINET B. SIGNS C. PURECORE PIPE (REFERENCE ONLY, INSTALLED BY PLUMBER) SPRINKLER OPERATION: The operating mechanism is a frangible glass bulb which contains a heat responsive liquid. During a fire, the ambient temperature rises causing the liquid in the bulb to expand. When the ambient tem- perature reaches the rated temperature of the sprinkler, the bulb shatters. As a result, the waterway is cleared of all sealing parts and water is discharged towards the deflector. The deflector is designed to distribute the water in a pattern that is most effective in controlling the fire. COVERAGE: Residential spray coverage up to 400sq.ft/37.2sq.m room sizes per NFPA. The V3806 concealed, designer style sprinkler allows up to 1"/8 mm adjustment to accom- modate concealment needs. The separate two-piece mounting cup/cover plate allows easy installation and testing prior to ceiling installation. It also permits removal of suspended ceiling panels without system shutdown. Model V3806 is UL Listed for use under smooth flat horizontal ceilings. The design incorporates state-of-the-art, heat responsive, frangible glass bulb design (quick response) for prompt, precise operation. The V3806 sprinkler is now available with the aesthetically pleasing flat cover plate, which also is available in various finishes to meet many design requirements. SOCKET WRENCH The V3806 sprinkler incorporates a new cup design which allows the sprinkler to be installed using the new V38-4 socket wrench. This wrench engages the slots in the cup instead of the sprinkler frame wrench boss. This virtually eliminates wrench slippage during installation. Because the cup is attached to the hex boss of the sprinkler frame, the cup cannot be rotated loose during installation. Only the V38-4 socket wrench can be used to install the V3806 sprinkler. 40.43_1 V38, K5.6 Residential Low Flow Adjustable Concealed Pendent V3806 QUICK RESPONSE 40.43FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS – AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS (V3806) JOB/OWNER CONTRACTOR ENGINEER System No. ______________________________Submitted By ____________________________Spec Sect _______________ Para ___________ Location ________________________________ Date ___________________________________ Approved _______________________________ Date ___________________________________ www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2013 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REV_E SEE VICTAULIC PUBLICATION 10.01 FOR DETAILS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: Models: V3806 Style: Residential Adjustable Concealed Nominal Orifice Size: 1/2"/13 mm K-Factor: 5.6 Imp./8.1 S.I.^ Nominal Thread Size: 1/2" NPT/15 mm Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi/1200 kPa Factory Hydrostatic Test: 100% @ 500 psi/3450 kPa Min. Operating Pressure: 8.2psi/57 kPa Temperature Rating: See chart on page 3 Material Specifications Deflector: Bronze per UNS C22000 Cover Plate: Fusible solder Bulb: Glass with glycerin solution. Bulb Nominal Diameter: • Quick Response: 3.0 mm Load Screw: Bronze per UNS C65100 Pip Cap: Bronze per UNS C65100 Cover Plate Spring: Stainless steel per UNS S30100 Seal: Teflon* tape Frame: Die cast brass 65-30 Pins: Stainless steel per UNS S30400 Cup: Cold rolled steel, zinc chrome plated Cover/Escutcheon: Plated Steel Lodgement Spring: Stainless steel per UNS S30200 Protective Cap: Polyethylene Accessories Installation Socket Wrench: • Concealed: V38-4 Sprinkler Finishes: • Plain brass (only) Cover Finishes: • Chrome painted • White painted • Flat black • Custom painted ^ For K-Factor when pressure is measured in Bar, multiply S.I. units by 10.0. * Teflon is a registered trademark of Dupont Co. 40.43_2 40.43FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS – AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS V38, K5.6 Residential Low Flow Adjustable Concealed Pendent V3806 QUICK RESPONSE VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2013 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REV_E APPROVALS/LISTINGS Model Orifice Size Nominal K-Factor Response Deflector Type Approvals ‡ Inches mm Imperial S.I.^ Standard or Quick cULus NYC/MEA† CSFM § V3806 1 5.6 Quick Concealed Pendent 1 55 68 1 55 68 155 6813 8.1 ^ For K-Factor when pressure is measured in Bar, multiply S.I. units by 10.0. † MEA #62-99-E. § CSFM #7690-0531:112 RATINGS All glass bulbs are rated for temperatures from –67°F/–55°C to those shown in table below. SPRINKLER - V3806 COVER - V38 SprinklerTemperature Classification Victaulic Part Identification Temperature – ºF/ºC Temperature – ºF/ºC Nominal Temperature Rating Maximum Ambient Temperature Allowed Glass Bulb Color Victaulic Part Identification Nominal Temperature Rating Maximum AmbientTemperature Allowed Ordinary C 155 100 Red A 135 100 3868 38 57 ORDERING INFORMATION Please specify the following when ordering: Sprinkler Model Number Style Temperature Rating K-Factor Thread Size Quantity Cover Finish Wrench Model Number 40.43_3 40.43FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS – AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS V38, K5.6 Residential Low Flow Adjustable Concealed Pendent V3806 QUICK RESPONSE www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2013 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REV_E WARNING WARNING • Always read and understand installation, care, and maintenance instructions, supplied with each box of sprinklers, before proceeding with installation of any sprinklers. • Always wear safety glasses and foot protection. • Depressurize and drain the piping system before attempting to install, remove, or adjust any Victaulic piping products. • Installation rules, especially those governing obstruction, must be strictly followed. • Painting, plating, or any re-coating of sprinklers (other than that sup- plied by Victaulic) is not allowed. Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious personal injury and/or property damage. The owner is responsible for maintaining the fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. For minimum maintenance and inspection requirements, refer to the current National Fire Protection Association pamphlet that describes care and maintenance of sprinkler systems. In addition, the authority having jurisdiction may have addi- tional maintenance, testing, and inspection requirements that must be followed. If you need additional copies of this publication, or if you have any questions about the safe installation of this product, contact Victaulic World Headquarters: P.O. Box 31, Easton, Pennsylvania 18044-0031 USA, Telephone: 001-610-559-3300. AVAILABLE WRENCHES Socket Wrench V3806 V38-4 * * The V38-3 recessed wrench CANNOT be used to install the V3806 sprinklers. Only the V38-4 socket wrench will engage properly 40.43_4 40.43FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS – AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS V38, K5.6 Residential Low Flow Adjustable Concealed Pendent V3806 QUICK RESPONSE VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2013 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REV_E DIMENSIONS ROOM SIZE Victaulic V3806, 5.6 K-Factor Concealed Pendent Sprinkler For Ceiling types refer to NFPA 13, 13R or 13D 2013 Editions Max. Coverage Area(a) Ordinary TempRating 155°F/68°C Intermediate TempRating 175°F/79°C Deflector to Ceiling Installation Type Minimum Spacing Ft. x Ft. m x m Flow(b) GPM L/min Pressure(b) PSI bar Flow(b) GPM L/min Pressure(b) PSI bar Ft. m 12 X 12 16 8.2 N/A N/A N/A Concealed Sprinkler using Model V38 Coverplate Assembly 8.0 2.4 3.7 X 3.7 60.6 0.57 14 X 14 16 8.2 N/A N/A4.3 X 4.3 60.6 0.57 16 X 16 16 8.2 N/A N/A4.9 X 4.9 60.6 0.57 18 X 18 21 14.1 N/A N/A5.5 X 5.5 79.5 0.97 20 X 20 25 20.0 N/A N/A6.1 X 6.1 94.6 1.38 (a) For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated, use the minimum required flow for the next highest coverage area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. (b) For NFPA 13 residential applications, the greater of 0.1gpm/ft2 over the design area of the flow in accordance with the criteria in the table must be used. 40.43_5 40.43FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS – AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS V38, K5.6 Residential Low Flow Adjustable Concealed Pendent V3806 QUICK RESPONSE www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2013 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REV_E 1®¯°" (35 mm) 2®¯°" (60 mm) Typical Ceiling Tile Finished SurfaceMINIMUM EXTENSION 2®¯°" (60 mm) Min. Hole 2±±¯²³" (68 mm) Max. Hole 2´¯²³" (65 mm) 1µ¯°" (41 mm) 3¼" (83 mm) Cover Plate MAXIMUM EXTENSION 3±¯°" (79 mm) Typical Ceiling Tile Finished Surface VAIL REQUIREMENTS HIGHER, USE MINIMUM 0.10GPM/SQFT DENSITY NOMINAL WETTING PATTERNS Model V3806 K5.6 Residential Concealed 21 GPM/79.4 LPM – 18' x 18'/5.5 x 5.5m Model V3806 K5.6 Residential Concealed 16 GPM/60.5 LPM – 16' x 16'/4.9 x 4.9 m coverage area 8' 2,4 m 5' 1,5 m 7' 2,1 m 6'1,8 m 4' 1,2 m 1'0,3 m 3' 0,9 m 2' 0,8 m 0' 2' 0,6 m 4' 1,2 m 6' 1,8 m 8' 2,4 m 6' 1,8 m 4' 1,2 m 2' 0,6 m 0' CLOF ROOM NOMINAL WETTING PATTERN 8'2,4 m 5'1,5 m 7'2,1 m 6' 1,8 m 4'1,2 m 1' 0,3 m 3' 0,9 m 2' 0,8 m 0' 2' 0,6 m 4' 1,2 m 6' 1,8 m 8' 2,4 m 8' 2,4 m 9' 6' 1,8 m 4' 1,2 m 2' 0,6 m 0' CLOF ROOM 40.43_6 40.43FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS – AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS V38, K5.6 Residential Low Flow Adjustable Concealed Pendent V3806 QUICK RESPONSE VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2013 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REV_E NOTES: 1 Data shown is approximate and can vary due to differences in installation. 2 These graphs illustrate approximate wall-wetting patterns for these specific Victaulic FireLock Automatic Sprinklers. They are provided as information for guidance and should not be used as minimum sprinkler spacing rules for installation. Sprinkler location shall be in accordance with the obstruction rules for residential sprinklers in NFPA 13 (2002 or later revision). Failure to follow these guidelines could adversely affect the performance of the sprinkler and will void all Listings, Approvals and Warranties. 3 All patterns are symmetrical to waterway. Model V3806 K5.6 Residential Concealed 25 GPM/94.5 LPM – 20' x 20'/6.1 x 6.1m coverage area 8' 2,4 m 5'1,5 m 7'2,1 m 6' 1,8 m 4' 1,2 m 1' 0,3 m 3' 0,9 m 2' 0,8 m 0' 2' 0,6 m 4' 1,2 m 6' 1,8 m 8' 2,4 m 8' 2,4 m 10' 3,0 m 6' 1,8 m 4' 1,2 m 2' 0,6 m 0' CL OF ROOM 40.43_7 40.43FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS – AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS V38, K5.6 Residential Low Flow Adjustable Concealed Pendent V3806 QUICK RESPONSE www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2013 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REV_E WARRANTY Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. NOTE 40.43 V38, K5.6 Residential Low Flow Adjustable Concealed Pendent V3806 QUICK RESPONSE 40.43FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS – AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS For complete contact information, visit www.victaulic.com 40.43 3607 REV E UPDATED 04/2013 VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2013 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. FM Approved and Fully Listed Sprinkler Pipe Wheatland’s A53 Schedule 40 steel fire sprinkler pipe is UL® Listed and FM Approved, sizes 1–6 NPS, for use in fire sprinkler pipe applications, and is suitable for welding, threading and grooving. 8 NPS Schedule 40 is FM Approved but not UL Listed. Approvals and Specifications The product meets or exceeds the following standards: • ASTM A53, Type F, Grade A, 1–4" • ASTM A53, Type E, Grade B, 2–8" • ASME B36.10M • Federal Specification WW-P-404 Manufacturing Protocols The weld seam of Wheatland’s A53 ERW Grade B is heat- treated after welding to 1,400° F; we slowly cool the steel in order to toughen it and reduce its brittleness. Our products are subjected to the toughest possible testing protocols to ensure the highest quality and long-lasting performance. Wheatland’s SureThread™ standard steel pipe is hot-formed and heated during tube formation — not just the edges. As the coiled steel reaches 2,450° F, rollers bend the steel into a cylindrical shape, and the pressure and heat fuse the edges together. There are no flash forms in this process, allowing for a continuous weld. It all adds up to an extremely strong yet easily machinable pipe. Our 1–4" SureThread product is a full- bodied annealed product. Finishes and Coatings The average weight of zinc coating shall not be less than 1.8 ounces per square foot of surface (inside and outside). When galvanized pipe is bent or otherwise fabricated to a degree that causes zinc coating to stretch or compress beyond the limit of elasticity, some flaking of the coating may occur. Wheatland’s MIC SHIELD™ antimicrobial coating, when initially applied to the inner wall of the pipe, acts as a sanitizing agent to clean the contact surface. MIC SHIELD coating thereafter adheres to the pipe wall, serving as a protective coating that guards against contamination by impeding the attachment of microbes to the pipe wall. This limits the opportunities for corrosion from microbiological organisms in the water supply when the sprinkler pipe is initially installed. The integrity and benefits of this protection can be preserved through a combination of additional and routine treatment options outlined in NFPA 13. MIC SHIELD coating is available for Wheatland black steel pipe, sizes 1–6" and 8" upon request. Product Marking Each length of Wheatland fire sprinkler pipe is continuously stenciled to show the manufacturer, type of pipe, grade, size and length. Bar coding is acceptable as a supplementary identification method. NPS NOM. OD INCHES NOMINAL WALL WT. / FT. H2O FILLED WT. / LBS. FT. 1 1.315 0.133 2.052 2.17 1 1 1.660 0.140 2.919 2.27 1 1 1.990 0.145 3.601 2.72 2 2.375 0.154 5.109 3.66 2 1 2.875 0.203 7.871 5.80 3 3.500 0.216 10.783 7.58 4 4.500 0.237 16.311 10.88 5 5.563 0.258 23.262 14.63 6 6.625 0.280 31.498 18.99 8* 8.625 0.322 50.210 28.58 WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS CHART Fire Sprinkler Pipe A53 Schedule 40 Submittal Data Sheet PROJECT: ENGINEER: LOCATIONS: CONTRACTOR: SPECIFICATION REFERENCE: DATE: SYSTEM TYPE: COMMENTS: SUBMITTAL INFORMATION info@wheatland.com wheatland.com Follow us on Twitter: @WheatlandTube WFS-080416 700 South Dock Street Sharon, PA 16146 P 800.257.8182 F 724.346.7260 *8 NPS Schedule 40 is FM Approved but not UL Listed. Page 40 D.I. THREADED FITTINGS For fire protection services request submittal GRS 1.3 DUCTILE IRON 90 DEG. ELBOW NOMINAL ITEM MAX.WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH (INCH) # P.S.I. A B PIECE 1 DB90033 500 1.50 1.50 0.62 1 1/4 DB90044 500 1.751.750.90 1 1/2 DB90055 500 1.94 1.94 1.20 2 DB90066 500 2.25 2.25 1.85 DIMENSIONS DUCTILE IRON STRAIGHT TEE NOMINAL ITEM MAX. WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH (INCH) # P.S.I. A B PIECE 1 DT333 500 1.50 1.50 0.85 1 1/4 DT444 500 1.751.751.22 1 1/2 DT555 500 1.94 1.94 1.55 2 DT666 500 2.25 2.25 2.45 DIMENSIONS DUCTILE IRON RED.90 DEG. ELBOW NOMINAL ITEM MAX. WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH (INCH) # P.S.I. A B PIECE 1X1/2 DB90031 500 1.26 1.36 0.44 1X3/4 DB90032 500 1.37 1.45 0.52 1 1/4X1/2 DB90041 500 1.34 1.53 0.64 1 1/4X3/4 DB90042 500 1.451.62 0.72 1 1/4X1 DB90043 500 1.58 1.67 0.75 1 1/2X1 DB90053 500 1.651.80 0.92 1 1/2X1 1/4DB90054 500 1.82 1.88 1.08 2X1/2 DB90061 500 1.49 1.88 1.08 2X3/4 DB90062 500 1.60 1.97 1.24 2X1 DB90063 500 1.73 2.02 1.40 2X1 1/4 DB90064 500 1.90 2.10 1.52 2X1 1/2 DB90065 500 2.02 2.16 1.65 DIMENSIONS DUCTILE IRON COUPLING NOMINAL ITEM MAX. DIMENSION WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH (INCH) # P.S.I. A PIECE 1 DCL033 500 1.67 0.40 1 1/4 DCL044 500 1.93 0.57 1 1/2 DCL055 500 2.15 0.75 2 DCL066 500 2.53 1.15 DUCTILE IRON RED. COUPLING NOMINAL ITEM MAX. DIMENSION WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH (INCH) # P.S.I. A PIECE 1X1/2 DRC031 500 1.69 0.39 1X3/4 DRC032 500 1.69 0.53 DUCTILE IRON 45 DEG. ELBOW NOMINAL ITEM MAX. WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH (INCH) # P.S.I. A B PIECE 1 DB45033 500 1.12 1.12 0.46 1 1/4 DB45044 500 1.29 1.29 0.73 1 1/2 DB45055 500 1.43 1.43 0.92 2 DB45066 500 1.68 1.68 1.50 DIMENSIONS DUCTILE IRON THREADED FITTINGS ARE UL, ULC LISTED AND FACTORY MUTUAL APPROVED FOR 500 PSI SERVICE. DUCTILE IRON PER ASTM A 536 GRADE 65-45- 12. DIMENSIONS CONFORM TO ANSI B16.3 CLASS 150. THREADS ARE NPT PER ANSI/ASME B1.20.1 NOTICE: DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS HAVE HIGHER TENSILE STRENGTH THEN THAT OF STEEL PIPE. THEREFORE, OVER TIGHTENING CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO PIPE THREADS WHICH MAY CAUSE LEAKAGE. DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS SHOULD BE TIGHTENED THREE TURNS BEYOND HAND TIGHT, BUT NO MORE THAN FOUR TURNS. A Page 41 DUCTILE IRON REDUCING TEE NOMINAL ITEM MAX. WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH (INCH) # P.S.I. A B C PIECE 1X1X1/2 DT331 500 1.26 1.26 1.36 0.64 1X1X3/4 DT332 500 1.37 1.37 1.45 0.73 1X1/2X1 DT313 500 1.50 1.36 1.50 0.71 1X3/4X1 DT323 500 1.50 1.45 1.50 0.76 1X1X1 1/4 DT334 500 1.67 1.67 1.58 0.98 1X1X1 1/2 DT335 500 1.80 1.80 1.65 1.16 1 1/4X1X1/2 DT431 500 1.34 1.26 1.53 0.82 1 1/4X1X3/4 DT432 500 1.451.37 1.62 0.90 1 1/4X1X1 DT433 500 1.58 1.50 1.67 1.00 1 1/4X1X1 1/4 DT434 500 1.751.67 1.75 1.08 1 1/4X1X1 1/2 DT435 500 1.88 1.80 1.82 1.42 1 1/4X1 1/4X1/2 DT441 500 1.34 1.34 1.53 0.86 1 1/4X1 1/4X3/4 DT442 500 1.451.451.62 0.92 1 1/4X1 1/4X1 DT443 500 1.58 1.58 1.67 0.95 1 1/4X1 1/4X1 1/2 DT445 500 1.88 1.88 1.82 1.45 1 1/4X1 1/4X2 DT446 500 2.10 2.10 1.90 1.75 1 1/2X1X1/2 DT531 500 1.41 1.34 1.66 0.95 1 1/2X1X3/4 DT532 500 1.52 1.37 1.75 1.14 1 1/2X1X1 DT533 500 1.651.50 1.80 1.17 1 1/2X1X1 1/4 DT534 500 1.82 1.67 1.88 1.34 1 1/2X1X1 1/2 DT535 500 1.94 1.80 1.94 1.45 1 1/2X1 1/4X1/2 DT541 500 1.41 1.34 1.66 1.05 1 1/2X1 1/4X3/4 DT542 500 1.52 1.451.75 1.15 1 1/2X1 1/4X1 DT543 500 1.651.58 1.80 1.25 1 1/2X1 1/4X2 DT546 500 2.16 2.10 2.02 1.90 1 1/2X1 1/2X1/2 DT551 500 1.41 1.41 1.16 1.15 1 1/2X1 1/2X3/4 DT552 500 1.52 1.52 1.75 1.24 1 1/2X1 1/2X1 DT553 500 1.651.651.80 1.30 1 1/2X1 1/2X1 1/4 DT554 500 1.82 1.82 1.88 1.48 1 1/2X1 1/2X2 DT556 500 2.16 2.16 2.02 1.98 2X1X2 DT636 500 2.25 2.02 2.25 2.15 2X1 1/4X2 DT646 500 2.252.10 2.25 2.30 2X1 1/2X1/2 DT651 500 1.49 1.41 1.88 1.50 2X1 1/2X3/4 DT652 500 1.60 1.52 1.97 1.62 2X1 1/2X1 DT653 500 1.73 1.652.02 1.64 2X1 1/2X1 1/4 DT654 500 1.90 1.82 2.10 1.80 2X1 1/2X1 1/2 DT655 500 2.02 1.94 2.16 2.00 2X1 1/2X2 DT656 500 2.252.16 2.25 2.35 2X2X1/2 DT661 500 1.49 1.49 1.88 1.60 2X2X3/4 DT662 500 1.60 1.60 1.97 1.68 2X2X1 DT663 500 1.73 1.73 2.02 1.85 2X2X1 1/4 DT664 500 1.90 1.90 2.10 2.04 2X2X1 1/2 DT665 500 2.02 2.02 2.16 2.18 2X2X2 1/2 DT556 500 2.60 2.60 2.39 3.61 2 1/2X2X3/4 DT762 500 1.74 1.60 2.32 2.28 DIMENSIONS DUCTILE IRON CAP NOMINAL ITEM MAX. DIMENSION WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH (INCH) # P.S.I. A PIECE 1 DCP003 500 1.16 0.32 1 1/4 DCP004 500 1.28 0.43 1 1/2 DCP005 500 1.33 0.60 2 DCP006 500 1.45 0.91 DUCTILE IRON CROSS NOMINAL ITEM MAX. WEIGHT SIZE CODE WORKING EACH (INCH) # P.S.I A B PIECE 1 DX033 500 1.50 1.50 0.98 1 1/4 DX044 500 1.751.751.50 1 1/2 DX055 500 1.94 1.94 1.90 2 DX066 500 2.25 2.25 2.95 1 1/4X1 DX043 500 1.58 1.67 1.27 1 1/2X1 DX053 500 1.651.80 1.48 2X1 DX063 500 1.73 2.02 2.10 DIMENSIONS DT667 DUCTILE IRON BUSHINGS NOMINAL ITEM SIZE CODE (INCH) # DIMENSIONS 1x1/2 DBUSH31 0.75 0.25 1.42 OUT 1x3/4 DBUSH32 0.75 0.25 1.42 OUT 1 1/4x1 DBUSH430.800.281.76OUT 1 1/2x1 DBUSH530.830.312.00OUT 1 1/2x1 1/4DBUSH540.830.312.00OUT 2x1 DBUSH63 0.88 0.41 1.95 IN 2x1 1/4 DBUSH640.880.342.48OUT 2x1 1/2 DBUSH650.880.342.48OUT 0.22 0.17 0.28 0.44 0.30 0.66 0.72 0.61 DIMENSIONS A B C STYLE WT. EACH D.I. THREADED FITTINGS For fire protection services request submittal GRS 1.3 OUTSIDE HEAD INSIDE HEAD POLYETHYLENE CTS FULL CLAMP 551 SERIES SPECIFICATION Sioux Chief 551 series SiouxStrap, full clamp pipe hanger shall be used where necessary to secure ½" through 1" CTS supply lines in residential or commercial applications. Clamp shall be 100% corrosion proof and UV resistant. Clamp shall be impact resistant to 0°F, and be able to withstand continuous temperatures up to 160°F. Clamp shall include preloaded, continuous ring shank, zinc-plated nail to resist rust. Clamp shall be designed to protect tube from damage if nail is overdriven. Clamp shall be compatible with CTS copper, PEX or CPVC tube. INSTALLATION Follow all national and local code hanger spacing requirements. Position clamp around tube. Secure to structure. Note: for IPS pipe, use the next larger hanger size (example: if installing ½" IPS, use a ¾" SiouxStrap). MATERIALS Body: UV-resistant high density polyethylene (black or ivory) Nail: zinc-plated continuous ring shank SAFE WORKING LOAD ½" CTS clamp: 12 lbs. ¾" CTS clamp: 16 lbs. 1" CTS clamp: 24 lbs. SAFE WORKING TEMPERATURE Maximum temperature: 160ºF (71ºC) continuous Impact resistance to 0ºF (–18ºC) DIMENSIONS 551-2 551-3 551-4 A: Tube size ½" CTS ¾" CTS 1" CTS B: Height 118" 1½" 1¾" C: Width 3 8" 716" ½" D: Length 1" 13 8" 12132" 551-2C 551-3 Create Item Number 551-AB e.g. 551-2C: ½" CTS SiouxStrap with nail (ivory) 2 = ½" CTS 3 = ¾" CTS 4 = 1" CTS _ = (leave blank) black body with nail C = ivory body with nail (for CPVC) TUBE SIZE A OTHER OPTION B Made in USA SiouxStrap ™ B C A D Sioux Chief Manufacturing Company | P: 1.800.821.3944 | F: 1.800.758.5950 | www.siouxchief.com 8-15 ITEM # SUBMITTED����������������������������������������� JOB NAME ����������������������������������������������� LOCATION ����������������������������������������������� ENGINEER ����������������������������������������������� CONTRACTOR �������������������������������������������� PO# ������������������������ TAG ������������������������ Series 2000B-FP Double Check Valve Assemblies shall be installed at referenced cross- connections to prevent the backflow of polluted water into the potable water supply. Only those cross-connections identified by local inspection authorities as non-health hazard shall be allowed the use of an approved double check valve assembly. Check with local authority having jurisdiction regarding vertical orientation, frequency of testing or other installation requirements. These valves meet the requirements of ASSE Std. 1015 and AWWA Std. C510 and are approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California. Specifications A Double Check Valve Assembly shall be installed at each not ed location. The assembly shall consist of two positive seating check modules with captured springs and rubber seat discs. The check module seats and seat discs shall be re placeable. Service of all internal components shall be through a single access cover secured with stainless steel bolts. The assembly shall also include two resilient seated gear operated slow close isolation valves and four resilient seated test cocks. The as sembly shall meet the requirements of ASSE Std. 1015 and AWWA Std. C510. Approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California. Assembly shall be an Ames Company Series 2000B-FP. Approvals Approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California. Horizontal approval on all sizes. ES-A-2000B-FP 2000B-FP Series 2000B-FP Double Check Valve Assemblies Sizes: 1" – 2" (25 – 50mm) Features • Ease of maintenance with only one cover • Top entry • Replaceable seats and seat discs • Modular construction • Compact design • 1" – 2" (25 – 50mm) Cast bronze body construction • Low pressure drop • No special tools required • Gear operated, slow close shutoffs • Pre-wired tamper switch (2) per shutoff Pressure — Temperature Temperature Range: 33°F – 140°F (0.5°C – 60°C) Maximum Working Pressure: 175psi (12.1 bar) Standards AWWA Std. C510, IAPMO PS31 1015 B64.5 1" - 2" Job Name ________________________________________________ Contractor ______________________________________________ Job Location ______________________________________________ Approval _______________________________________________ Engineer _________________________________________________ Contractor’s P.O. No. ______________________________________ Approval _________________________________________________ Representative ___________________________________________ Ames Fire & Waterworks product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact Ames Fire & Waterworks Technical Service. Ames Fire & Waterworks reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials without prior notice and without in curring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Ames Fire & Waterworks products previously or subsequently sold. The information contained herein is not intend- ed to replace the full product installation and safety information available or the experience of a trained product installer. You are required to thoroughly read all installation instructions and product safety information before begin- ning the installation of this product. NOTICE Capacities As compiled from documented Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California lab tests. *Typical maximum system flow rate (7.5 feet/sec., 2.3 meters/sec.) ∆P * kPa psi 110 16 83 12 69 10 55 8 41 6 28 4 14 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 gpm 0 19 38 57 76 95 114 133 152 171 190 209 228 lpm 5 7.5 10 15 fps 1.5 2.3 3.0 4.6 mps ∆P * kPa psi 96 14 83 12 69 10 55 8 41 6 28 4 14 2 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 gpm0 38 76 114 152 190 228 266 304 342 380 418 456 lpm 5 7.5 10 15 fps 1.5 2.3 3.0 4.6 mps kPa psi 83 12 69 10 55 8 41 6 28 4 14 2 0 0∆P0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 gpm 0 38 76 114 152 190 228 266 304 342 380 418 456 lpm 5 7.5 10 15 fps 1.5 2.3 3.0 4.6 mps * ∆P * kPa psi 83 12 69 10 55 8 41 6 28 4 14 2 0 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 gpm0 95 190 285 380 475 570 665 760 lpm 5 7.5 10 15 fps 1.5 2.3 3.0 4.6 mps 1" (25mm) 11⁄4" (32mm) 11⁄2" (40mm) 2" (50mm) Dimensions – Weights Strainer sold separately Pressure LossPressure LossPressure LossPressure Loss Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate Flow Rate MODEL SIZE DIMENSIONS WEIGHT A B C D E F G H I in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm lbs. kgs. 2000B-FP 1 25 131⁄4 337 41⁄2 114 31⁄2 89 1 25 71⁄2 191 53⁄4 146 27⁄8 73 27⁄8 73 143⁄8 365 12.2 5.5 2000B-FP 11⁄4 32 155⁄8 397 53⁄8 136 33⁄4 95 15⁄8 41 91⁄2 241 61⁄16 154 27⁄8 73 33⁄16 81 161⁄2 419 17.3 7.8 2000B-FP 11⁄2 40 163⁄8 416 55⁄8 143 4 102 15⁄8 41 93⁄4 248 61⁄4 159 27⁄8 73 33⁄8 86 17 432 19 8.6 2000B-FP 2 50 191⁄8 486 61⁄2 165 41⁄4 108 21⁄4 54 133⁄8 340 61⁄2 165 27⁄8 73 35⁄8 92 191⁄2 495 26.4 12 C H D G B F I A E ES-A-2000B-FP 1536 © 2015 Ames Fire & Waterworks USA: Backflow Tel: (978) 689-6066 • Fax: (978) 975-8350 • AmesFireWater.com USA: Control Valves Tel: (713) 943-0688 • Fax: (713) 944-9445 • AmesFireWater.com Canada: Tel: (905) 332-4090 • Fax: (905) 332-7068 • AmesFireWater.ca Latin America: Tel: (52) 81-1001-8600 • Fax: (52) 81-8000-7091 • AmesFireWater.com A Watts Water Technologies Company NOTICE Inquire with governing authorities for local installation requirements Reliability, Versatility, Code Compatibility Note: It is important to note that the pressure rating of the relief valve indicates an operating range of pressure for both opening and closing of the valve. Standard relief valves are required to oPeN in a range of pressure between 90% and 105% of their rating. the valves are required to CLoSe at a pressure above 80% of that rating. the relief valve should be installed where it is easily accessible for maintenance. Care should be taken that the relief valve CANNot be isolated from the system when the system is operational. A relief valve should NeVeR have a shutoff valve or a plug downstream of its outlet. SS-M1011A_V001 · 06/13 TESTanDRAIN® is a registered trademark of AGF Manufacturing Inc. Model 1011A TESTanDRaIn® Sectional Floor Control Test and Drain Valve for Systems Requiring Pressure Relief Valve Complies with NFPA 13 and NFPA 13R Requirements• Compact, Single-Handle Ball Valve• Tamper-Resistant Test Orifice and Sight Glasses• 300 PSI rated.• Specifiable orifice sizes: ³⁄• 8" (2.8K), 7⁄16" (4.2K), ½" (5.6K), 17⁄32" (8.0K), 5⁄8" (11.2K, ELO), ¾" (14.0K, ESFR), and K25 Relieves Excess System Pressure caused by Surges or Temperature Changes• Shipped with Relief Valve and Bypass Drain Ports Plugged to Expedite Pressure Testing• Locking Kit Available• Repair kits are available for all TESTanDRaIn® valves. Kit includes: Adapter Gasket (1), Ball (1), Valve Seats (2), Stem Packing (1), and Stem Washer (1). Valve and orifice size must be specified when ordering. The AGF Model 1011A TESTanDRaIn® provides the test and express drain functions for wet fire sprinkler systems on multi-story installations requiring pressure relief (NFPA 13 and NFPA 13R). The Model 1011A features a Model 7000 Pres- sure Relief Valve with drain pipe. The Model 1011A is available in a full range of sizes (¾" to 2") with NPT connections (BSPT available). The Model 7000 Pressure Relief Valve (UL/FM) features a flushing handle and a 175 PSI factory rating (other pressure ratings available). Sizes: ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" Dimensions SIZE A B C D E F G H ¾"79⁄16" (191 mm) 11⁄2" (37.5 mm) 23⁄16" (57 mm) 35⁄8" (93 mm) 33⁄8" (86 mm) 113⁄16" (46 mm) 49⁄16" (117 mm) 63⁄8" (162.5 mm) 1"79⁄16" (191 mm) 11⁄2" (37.5 mm) 23⁄16" (57 mm) 35⁄8" (93 mm) 33⁄8" (86 mm) 113⁄16" (46 mm) 49⁄16" (117 mm) 63⁄8" (162.5 mm) 11⁄4"715⁄16" (201 mm) 111⁄16" (43 mm) 29⁄16" (65 mm) 41⁄4" (108 mm) 35⁄8" (91 mm) 115⁄16" (51 mm) 59⁄16" (141 mm) 71⁄2" (192 mm) 1½"8 15⁄16" (227 mm) 113⁄16" (45 mm) 31⁄4" (81.5 mm) 51⁄16" (127 mm) 37⁄8" (99 mm) 25⁄8" (67 mm) 81⁄4" (207 mm) 107⁄8" (274 mm) 2"8 15 ⁄16" (227 mm) 1 13⁄16" (45 mm) 31⁄4" (81.5 mm) 51⁄16" (127 mm) 37⁄8" (99 mm) 25⁄8" (67 mm) 81⁄4" (207 mm) 107⁄8" (274 mm) *Available on 1¼" to 2" size units only • **Available on 1½" and 2" size units only Approvals UL and ULC Listed: (EX4019 & EX4533) FM Approved NYC-BSA No. 720-87-SM Job Name:__________________________________ Architect: ___________________________________ Engineer: ___________________________________ Contractor: _________________________________ USA Patent # 4741361 and Other Patents Pending Materials Handle ................ Steel Stem ................... Rod Brass Ball ......................C.P. Brass Body ................... Bronze Valve Seat ...........Impregnated Teflon® Indicator Plate .... Steel Relief Valve ......... Bronze Bypass Fittings ... Brass Bypass Tubing .... Nylobraid Orifice Sizes 3⁄8", 7⁄16", ½",17⁄32", 5⁄8" ELO*, ¾" ESFR*, and K25** AGF Manufacturing Inc. 100 Quaker Lane, Malvern, PA 19355 Phone: 610-240-4900 Fax: 610-240-4906 www.testandrain.com The Model 1011A provides the following… From the 2013 Edition of NFPA 13 Chapter* Provisions shall be made to properly drain all parts of the system. Chapter Drain connections, interior sectional or floor control valve(s) – & shall be provided with a drain connection having a minimum size as shown in Table Chapter Drains shall discharge outside or to a drain capable of handling the flow of the drain. Chapter A. (Wet Pipe System) test connection is permitted to terminate into a drain capable of accepting full flow… using an approved sight test connection containing a smooth bore corrosion-resistant orifice giving a flow equivalent to one sprinkler… Chapter The test connection valve shall be accessible. Chapter shall be permitted to be installed in any location… downstream of the waterflow alarm. Chapter (Dry Pipe System) a trip test connection not less than 1" in diameter, terminating in a smooth bore corrosion-resistant orifice, to provide a flow equivalent to one sprinkler… Chapter The trip test connection… with a shutoff valve and plug not less than 1", at least one of which shall be brass. Chapter 7.1.2 - a wet pipe system shall be provided with a listed relief valve set to operate at 175 PSI or 10 PSI in excess of the maximum system pressure, whichever is greater. Chapter* A listed relief valve of not less than ½" in size shall be provided on the discharge side of the pressure-reducing valve set to operate at a pressure not exceeding rated pressure of the system. Chapter A. - consideration should be given to piping the discharge from the (pressure relief) valve Model 1011A TEST an DRaIn® Model 1011A 300 PSI Bronze Ball Valve, Model 7000 Pressure Relief Valve Factory Rated at 175 PSI with other setting available TO DRAIN A D B C Model 1011A - Front View Model 1011A - Plan View TO DRAIN H F G E A INLET RAPID RESPONSE Model RSV-1 Residential Shut-Off Valve, Dual-Purpose Water Supply, Domestic and Fire Sprinkler System Page 1 of 6 JULY 2016 TFP980 Worldwide Contactswww.tyco-¶ re.com General Description The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Model RSV-1 Residential Shut-Off Valves are intended for use in dual-purpose resi- dential water supply piping that serves both domestic and residential ¶ re pro- tection sprinkler system needs. The 1 Inch (DN25) Valve is intended for NFPA 13D system needs, whereas the 2 Inch (DN50) Valve is intended for systems designed in accordance with either NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R. When a ¶ re sprinkler operates, the Model RSV-1 Residential Shut-Off Valve automatically diverts the avail- able water supply to the ¶ re sprin- kler system. Consequently, when the Model RSV-1 Valve is utilized, the system designer does not need to add the domestic · ow demand to the ¶ re sprinkler system · ow demand, as would otherwise be required by NFPA 13D or 13R. Consider use of the Model RSV-1 Res- idential Shut-Off Valve when either the water supply cannot adequately provide for both the domestic design demand and the fire sprinkler flow demand, or it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of the ¶ re sprinkler system by automatically diverting the domestic · ow. The Model RSV-1 Residential Shut- Off Valve maximizes the effective use of an existing water supply. There- fore, in areas with limited water sup- plies, it may eliminate the need to add costly pumps, pressurized reservoirs, or electrically operated domestic shut- off valves. The Model RSV-1 Valve has a built-in check valve in the ¶ re sprin- kler system outlet that eliminates the need for a separate check valve. Also, the Model RSV-1 Valve automatically resets, thereby eliminating the need for valve disassembly after a ¶ re sprinkler system test or operation. NOTICE The Model RSV-1 Residential Shut- Off Valves described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addi- tion to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the integrity of this device. The owner is responsible for main- taining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating con- dition. Contact the installing contrac- tor or product manufacturer with any questions. Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed Certi¶ ed to all requirements of NSF/ANSI 61, Annex G and NSF/ANSI 372 Notes: The 1 Inch (DN25) Model RSV-1 Resi- dential Shut-Off Valve is suitable for use in water supply arrangements for resi- dential ¶ re sprinkler systems designed per NFPA 13D. The 2 Inch (DN50) Model RSV-1 Resi- dential Shut-Off Valve is suitable for use in water supply arrangements for resi- dential ¶ re sprinkler systems designed per NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R. Maximum Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Weight 1 Inch (DN25): 11 lbs. (5 kg) 2 Inch (DN50): 29 lbs. (11 kg) Pressure Loss Refer to Graphs A and B Patents 2 Inch (DN50) Model RSV-1 Valve Patent Pending Physical Characteristics 1 Inch (DN25) Valve Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Copper Alloy Top and Bottom Cover . . . . . . . . . .Copper Alloy Upper Cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brass Bottom Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brass Piston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plastic* Differential Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plastic* Sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plastic* Upper and Lower Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPDM O-Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buna-N Piston Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stainless Steel Piston Screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stainless Steel Cap Screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stainless Steel 2 Inch (DN50) Valve Body and Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Copper Alloy Piston Insert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Copper Alloy Bottom Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Copper Alloy Piston Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plastic* Insert Sleeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plastic* Piston Seal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPDM O-Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPDM Piston Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stainless Steel Piston Nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stainless Steel Retainer Ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stainless Steel *Glass Reinforced Polyphenylene Oxide TFP980 Page 2 of 6 Operating Principles When a ¶ re sprinkler activates during domestic usage, the TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Model RSV-1 Residential Shut-Off Valve automatically diverts · ow to the domestic system and diverts the available water supply to the ¶ re sprinkler system, thereby eliminating a reduced · ow condition in the sprinkler system that might otherwise be caused by possible signi¶ cant domestic water usage. When the Model RSV-1 Valve is in the normal standby position as shown in Figures 4 and 5, the Piston Assembly, assisted by its Spring, is in the down position. With the Piston Assembly in the down position, the Fire Sprinkler Seal permits the Model RSV-1 Valve to perform as a conventional check valve. Also, with the Piston Assembly in the down position, water is available on demand through the Domestic Flow Passage and out the Domestic Port. Upon operation and with a minimum design water · ow (e.g., 12.5 GPM (47,3 LPM) for the 1 inch Valve or 8 GPM (30,5 LPM) for the 2 Inch Valve) to the automatic residential ¶ re sprinkler system, the Piston Assembly moves upward. With the Piston Assembly in the up position, any water · ow to the Domestic Port is diverted to the Fire Sprinkler Port. The contours of the Piston Assembly are speci¶ cally con¶ gured to minimize its upward movement except under the level of sustained ¶ re sprinkler system · ow resulting from operation of one or more ¶ re sprinklers. However, because most ¶ re sprinkler systems contain air pockets, the Piston Assembly tends to move momentarily upward when there is a surge in supply pressure. The momentary opening and re-clos- ing of the Piston Assembly at the Fire Sprinkler Line Seal traps a portion of the pressure increase within the ¶ re sprinkler system. Trapped pres- sure increases within the ¶ re sprinkler system help to prevent a subsequent surge in the supply pressure from causing the water-flow detector to signal a false alarm. As indicated above, domestic system usage can reduce the pressure avail- able to the fire sprinkler system. However, when utilizing the Model RSV-1 Valve, you do not need to include additional hydraulic · ow of the domes- tic system, when otherwise required by NFPA standards (NFPA 13D or 13R), to determine the minimum possible resid- Design Criteria The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Model RSV-1 Residential Shut-Off Valve must be installed vertically with the Water Supply Port at the bottom, the Fire Sprinkler Port at the top, and the Domestic Port at the side (Ref. Figures 4 and 5). Figure 1 shows the typical installation arrangement. Refer to the Installation section for additional design considerations. Water Supply Requirements 1 Inch (DN25) Valve In order for the 1 Inch (DN25) Model RSV-1 Valve to operate automati- cally upon sprinkler operation, the ¶ re sprinkler system from the water main to the most hydraulically remote sprin- kler must be designed to provide a minimum single sprinkler · ow of 12.5 GPM (47,3 LPM) when the supply pressure at the main is at its minimum expected value. The minimum single sprinkler flow rate of 12.5 GPM (47,3 LPM), required for use with the 1 Inch (DN25) Model RSV-1 Valve, does not take precedence over any more hydraulically demanding single sprinkler · ow rate speci¶ ed for the residential sprinklers in use. When performing hydraulic design cal- culations for the ¶ re sprinkler system, you need not account for the trickle · ow through the 1 Inch (DN25) Model RSV-1 Valve By-Pass Restriction into the domestic system. For the 1 Inch (DN25) Model RSV-1 Valve, the maximum water supply service line is 1 inch (DN25). 2 Inch (DN50) Valve In order for the 2 Inch (DN50) Model RSV-1 Valve to operate automatically at sprinkler activation, the ¶ re sprin- kler system from the water supply main to the most hydraulically remote sprinkler must be designed to provide a minimum single sprinkler · ow of 8 GPM (30,5 LPM) when the water supply pressure at the water supply main is at its minimum expected value. The minimum single sprinkler · ow rate of 8 GPM (30,5 LPM), required for use with the 2 Inch (DN50) Model RSV-1 Valve, does not take precedence over any more hydraulically demanding single sprinkler · ow rate speci¶ ed for the residential sprinklers in use. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PRESSURE GAUGE WATERFLOW DETECTOR (FIRE ALARM) MODEL RSV-1 RESIDENTIAL SHUT-OFF VALVE (AUTOMATIC) WATER METER MAIN CONTROL VALVE WATER SUPPLY WATER SUPPLY GATE VALVE BACKFLOW PREVENTER AS REQUIRED BY AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLERS TO DOMESTIC SYSTEM SUPPLY PRESSURE GAUGE DOMESTIC CONTROL VALVE DRAIN AND FLOW TEST CONNECTION ALARM TEST CONNECTION WATER SUPPLY MAIN FIGURE 1 MODEL RSV-1 RESIDENTIAL SHUT-OFF VALVE TYPICAL INSTALLATION ARRANGEMENT TFP980 Page 3 of 6 ual (· owing) pressure available to the ¶ re sprinkler system. For operation of the Model RSV-1 Resi- dential Shut-Off Valve, you need only design the ¶ re sprinkler system from the water supply main to the most hydraulically remote sprinkler. Domes- tic · ow does not require consideration. As long as the single sprinkler · ow is equal to or greater than 12.5 GPM (47,3 LPM) for the 1 Inch Valve or 8 GPM (30,5 LPM) for the 2 Inch Valve when the supply pressure at the main is at its minimum expected value, the Model RSV-1 Valve automatically diverts the domestic · ow. After the Piston Assembly has moved to the full up position, only a small amount of water is permitted to trickle through the Internal By-Pass Restric- tion to the Domestic Port (Ref. Figures 4 and 5). The trickle · ow through the Internal By-Pass Restriction permits the Model RSV-1 Valve to reset auto- matically after a sprinkler operation or test without draining the ¶ re sprinkler system. When the Domestic Control Valve is closed, the Internal By-Pass Restriction allows the Supply and Domestic Port pressures to equalize and the Piston Assembly to move back down to the standby position. When using the 1 inch RSV-1, the maximum · ow rate through the Internal By-Pass Restriction, when the Model RSV-1 Valve is in the operated position, is no greater than .25 GPM (0,9 LPM) for a typical residual (· owing) pressure of 40 psi (2,8 bar) at the inlet. Conse- quently, when performing hydraulic design calculations for the ¶ re sprinkler system, you do not need to consider trickle · ow through the Model RSV-1 Valve Internal By-Pass Restriction into the domestic system. When using the 2 inch RSV-1, the maximum · ow rate through the Internal By-Pass Restriction, when the Model RSV-1 Valve is in the operated position, is no greater than 1.5 GPM (5,7 LPM) for a typical residual (· owing) pressure of 40 psi (2,8 bar) at the inlet. Conse- quently, when performing hydraulic design calculations for the ¶ re sprin- kler system, a 1.5 GPM (5,7 LPM) · ow demand is required to be added at the RSV-1 and calculated back to the source. Components: - 2 Body1 - 4 9 12 13 1 7 8 6 3 2 5 8-3/16" (208,0 mm) 4-15/16" (125,4 mm) 3-1/4" (82,6 mm) 2-3/8" (60,3 mm) WATER SUPPLY PORT, 1" NPT 3-5/8" DIA. (92,1 mm) FIRE SPRINKLER PORT, 1" NPT DOMESTIC PORT, 1" NPT 11 14 15 10 5 Top Cover Screw, Upper Cap 3 - Upper Cap- 4 O-Ring, Cover (2) 5 - Upper Seal6 - O-Ring, Upper Sleeve 7 - Sleeve8 - Spring9 - Differential Ring 10 - Lower Seal11 - Screw, Piston (4) 12 - Bottom Cover13 - Piston- 14 O-Ring, Lower Sleeve 15 - Components: 4-1/2" (114,3 mm) 4-9/16" (115,9 mm) 5-3/8" DIA. (136,5 mm) 3-3/4" (95,3 mm) 9-1/16" (230,2 mm) FIRE SPRINKLER PORT, 2" NPT DOMESTIC PORT, 2" NPT WATER SUPPLY PORT, 2" NPT - 2 Insert Sleeve Cover O-Ring Insert Sleeve O-Ring (2) Piston Seal Bottom Seal - 8 - 4 7 - 3 - Body1 - Piston Nut Piston Spring - 6 5 - Piston Cover Piston Insert Cover Retainer Ring 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - - 13 Bottom Seal O-Ring 3 7 9 4 2 9 11 10 6 5 1 12 8 13 FIGURE 2 1 INCH (DN25) MODEL RSV-1 RESIDENTIAL SHUT-OFF VALVE ASSEMBLY AND DIMENSIONS FIGURE 3 2 INCH (DN50) MODEL RSV-1 RESIDENTIAL SHUT-OFF VALVE ASSEMBLY AND DIMENSIONS TFP980 Page 4 of 6 Installation Figure 1 illustrates a typical installation arrangement using the TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Model RSV-1 Residen- tial Shut-Off Valve. The arrangement may need to be modi¶ ed to meet the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. However, the Model RSV-1 Valve must be installed in accordance with this section. General Instructions A ¶ re sprinkler water supply connec- tion to a public water supply is usually subject to local regulations concern- ing metering and back· ow prevention requirements. Consult with the local water authorities concerning local requirements that may apply to the arrangement of these components in the ¶ re sprinkler system water supply. For the 1 Inch (DN25) Valve, the maximum water supply service line is 1 Inch (DN25). Step 1. Ensure that the water supply to the Model RSV-1 Valve is free of contaminants and particles of a size greater than 1/8 inch (3,2 mm). Step 2. Install the Model RSV-1 Valve vertically with the Supply Port at the bottom, the Fire Sprinkler Port at the top, and the Domestic Port at the side. Ensure that the arrows cast on the Body point in the direction of · ow. A suitable clamp along the water supply riser piping is recommended to provide support for the weight of the Model RSV-1 Valve. Step 3. Place a Domestic Control Valve between the Model RSV-1 Valve and the domestic system. Position the inlet to the Domestic Control Valve within 12 inches of the Domestic Port of the Model RSV-1 Valve. Step 4. The Drain and Flow Test Con- nection (Ref. Figure 1) is recommended to be a minimum 1/2 inch (DN15) size for systems per NFPA 13D, and it must be a minimum 1 inch (DN25) size for systems per NFPA 13R. Step 5. Install an Alarm Test Connec- tion with a test ori¶ ce equal to or less than the smallest K-factor sprinkler in the system downstream of the Water- · ow Detector. Step 6. Apply pipe-thread sealant spar- ingly only to the male pipe threads that are to be assembled to the three ports of the Model RSV-1 Valve. The use of a non-hardening pipe-thread sealant such as TEFLON is recommended. Valve Setting Procedure Perform steps 1 through 9 when initially ¶ lling the ¶ re sprinkler and domestic system piping with water or after a ¶ re sprinkler operation (Ref. Figure 1). Step 1. Close the Main Control Valve. Step 2. Close the Domestic Control Valve and all water outlets in the domestic piping system. Step 3. In addition to the Drain and Flow Test Connection in the ¶ re sprin- kler system, close all drain valves and replace all operated sprinklers as necessary. Step 4. Partially open the Main Control Valve until the sound of · owing water just begins, then leave the Main Control Valve in the partially open position. FLOW RATE IN GALLONS PER MINUTE (GPM) 2.0 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.8 1.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 5.0 56 10 8 20 304050NOMINAL PRESSURE DROPIN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH (PSI)0,04 0,03 0,02 0,01 0,30 0,20 0,08 0,10 0,06 0,05 0,40 NOMINAL PRESSURE DROP IN BAR(1 PSI = 0,06895 BAR)20 40 30 60 80 50 100 FLOW RATE IN LITERS PER MINUTE (LPM) (1 GPM = 3,785 LPM)DOMESTIC PORTFIRE SPRINKLER PORT200 FLOW RATE IN GALLONS PER MINUTE (GPM) 0.6 0.9 1.0 0.7 0.8 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.0 60 50 80 100 200 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 0,09 0,08 0,10 0,07 0,05 0,06 0,20 0,30 0,60 0,40 0,50 200 500 400 300 700 900 D O M E S TIC PORTFIRE SPRINKLER PORT FLOW RATE IN LITERS PER MINUTE (LPM) (1 GPM = 3,785 LPM)NOMINAL PRESSURE DROPIN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH (PSI)NOMINAL PRESSURE DROP IN BAR(1 PSI = 0,06895 BAR)GRAPH A 1 INCH (DN25) MODEL RSV-1 VALVE RESIDENTIAL SHUT-OFF VALVE NOMINAL PRESSURE LOSS VS. FLOW GRAPH B 2 INCH (DN50) MODEL RSV-1 VALVE RESIDENTIAL SHUT-OFF VALVE NOMINAL PRESSURE LOSS VERSUS FLOW TFP980 Page 5 of 6 SUPPLYSUPPLY TO DOMESTIC TO FIRE SPRINKLERS OPERATEDSTANDBY FIRE SPRINKLER FLOW PASSAGE SUPPLY PORT FIRE SPRINKLER PORT DOMESTIC PORT FIRE SPRINKLER SEAT SUPPLY PORT FIRE SPRINKLER SEAT DOMESTIC PORT FIRE SPRINKLER PORT PISTON ASSEMBLY DOMESTIC SEAT INTERNAL BY-PASS RESTRICTION PISTON ASSEMBLY DOMESTIC FLOW PASSAGE DOMESTIC SEAT OPERATEDSTANDBY SUPPLYSUPPLY TO FIRE SPRINKLERS TO DOMESTIC FIRE SPRINKLER FLOW PASSAGE SUPPLY PORT FIRE SPRINKLER PORT DOMESTIC PORT FIRE SPRINKLER SEAT SUPPLY PORT FIRE SPRINKLER SEAT DOMESTIC PORT FIRE SPRINKLER PORTPISTON ASSEMBLY DOMESTIC SEAT INTERNAL BY-PASS RESTRICTION PISTON ASSEMBLY DOMESTIC FLOW PASSAGE DOMESTIC SEAT FIGURE 4 1 INCH (DN25) MODEL RSV-1 RESIDENTIAL SHUT-OFF VALVE STANDBY AND OPERATED CONDITIONS FIGURE 5 2 INCH (DN50) MODEL RSV-1 VALVE RESIDENTIAL SHUT-OFF VALVE STANDBY AND OPERATED CONDITIONS GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS | 1400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 | Telephone +1-215-362-0700 TFP980 Page 6 of 6 Copyright © 2016 Tyco Fire Products, LP. All rights reserved. TEFLON is trademark of The DuPont Corporation Step 5. After the ¶ re sprinkler system pressure gauge indicates approxi- mately the same pressure as the supply pressure gauge, fully open the Main Control Valve. Step 6. Open the highest elevation outlet on the domestic system. Step 7. Partially open the Domestic Control Valve until the sound of · owing water begins. Allow the domestic piping to ¶ ll slowly with water. Step 8. Close the highest elevation water outlet on the domestic system when unaerated water begins to · ow. Step 9. Completely open the Domes- tic Control Valve, then check that the domestic system is properly pressur- ized by verifying that at least three water outlets in the domestic system can · ow full at the same time. • If the water outlets fl ow fully, the Model RSV-1 Valve is set and ready for service. Close the water outlets on the domestic system. • If the water outlets do not fl ow fully, re-close the Domestic Control Valve, wait a minimum of ten seconds, and ensure that there is no fl ow from the fi re sprinkler system piping. Reopen the Domestic Control Valve, then recheck that the water outlets are fl owing fully. Care and Maintenance The following inspection procedure for the TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Model RSV-1 Residential Shut-Off Valve must be performed as indicated, in addition to any speci¶ c requirements of the NFPA. Any impairment must be imme-diately corrected. Before closing a ¶ re protection system control valve for inspection or main- tenance work on the ¶ re protection system that it controls, obtain per- mission to shut down the affected ¶ re protection system from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. Make no attempt to repair any Model RSV-1 Valve component in the ¶ eld. The Model RSV-1 Valve is not ¶ eld- repairable. If malfunction occurs, the entire unit must be replaced. The operational test and · ow test pro- cedures result in operation of the asso- ciated alarms, as well as an interruption of the domestic water supply service. You must notify the owner, building occupants, and the ¶ re department, central station, or other signal station to which the alarms are connected. After placing a ¶ re protection system in service, notify the proper authorities and advise those responsible for moni- toring proprietary and/or central station alarms. The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their ¶ re protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having juris- diction. Contact the installing contrac- tor or product manufacturer regarding any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems should be inspected, tested, and maintained by a quali¶ ed Inspection Service in accor- dance with local requirements and/or national codes and standards. Operation Test Procedure Step 1. Fully open two or three water outlets in the domestic piping system. Step 2. To simulate a sprinkler opera- tion, open the Alarm Test Connection of the ¶ re sprinkler system. Step 3. Verify that any alarms are oper- ating and that the · ow from the domes- tic water outlets decreases to no more than a trickle. Step 4. Reset the Model RSV-1 Valve in accordance with the Valve Setting Procedure described in this data sheet. Flow Test Procedure Step A. While there is no water · owing in the domestic system, com- pletely open the Drain and Flow Test Connection. Step B. While water is · owing, record the pressure reading on the ¶ re sprin- kler system pressure gauge and then compare this reading to previous readings. If there is a signi¶ cant decrease in pres- sure since the last time the pressure reading was taken and this decrease is not due to a normally expected drop in the water supply pressure, an impair- ment may exist that should be immedi- ately identi¶ ed and corrected. Step C. Close the Drain and Flow Test Connection to allow the Model RSV-1 Valve to reset automatically. Automatic resetting occurs within ten seconds. Step D. After waiting ten seconds, com- pletely open at least three water outlets in the domestic system and allow these outlets to · ow simultaneously. If the water outlets flow fully, the Model RSV-1 Valve is set and ready for service. Close the water outlets on the domestic system. If the water outlets do not · ow fully, close the Domestic Control Valve and verify that there is no · ow from the ¶ re sprinkler system piping, such as at the Inspector’s Test Connection. Wait a minimum of ten seconds. Re-open the Domestic Control Valve and then recheck that the domestic system water outlets are · owing full. Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-¶ re.com. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Valves with NPT Connections Specify: 1 Inch NPT (DN25) Model RSV-1 Residential Shut-Off Valve, P/N 52-540-1-001 Specify: 2 Inch NPT (DN50) Model RSV-1 Residential Shut-Off Valve, P/N 52-540-1-002 C Supervised Control Valve PRINTED IN USA MFG. #5401206 - REV G 12/08 VSR-S VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD FOR SMALL PIPE PAGE 1 OF 3 Stock No. 1144440 The Model VSR-S is a vane type water fl ow switch for use on wet sprinkler systems that use 1" (25mm), 1¼" (32mm), 1½" (38mm) or 2" (50mm) pipe size. The unit may also be used as a sectional water fl ow detector on large systems. The unit contains two single pole double throw snap action switches and an adjustable, instantly recycling pneumatic retard. The switches are actuated when a fl ow of 10 gallons per minute (38 LPM) or more occurs downstream of the device. The fl ow condition must exist for a period of time necessary to overcome the selected retard period. Enclosure The VSR-S switches and retard device are enclosed in a general purpose, die-cast housing. The cover is held in place with two tamper resistant screws which require a special key for removal. A fi eld installable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate unauthorized removal of the cover. See bulletin number 5401103 for installation instructions of this switch. Installation These devices may be mounted in horizontal or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side of the pipe where they will be accessible. The units should not be installed within 6" (15cm) of a valve, drain or fi tting which changes the direction of the water fl ow. Select the proper paddle for the pipe size and type of TEE used see Fig. 1 for instructions on changing paddle. The unit has a 1" NPT bushing for threading into a non-corrosive TEE. See Fig. 2 for proper TEE size, type and installation. Use no more than three wraps of tefl on tape. Screwthe device into theTEE fi ttingasshown in Fig. 2. Caremust be takento properlyorientthe deviceforthe directionof waterfl ow. The vane must not rub the inside of the TEE or bind in any way. The stem should move freely when operated by hand. The device can also be used in copper or plastic pipe installations with the proper adapters so that the specifi ed TEE fi tting may be installed on the pipe run. Note: Do not leave cover off for an extended period of time. Potter Electric Signal Company, LLC · 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO, 63146-4161 · Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada 888-882-1833 · www.pottersignal.com UL, ULC, CSFM Listed and NYMEA Accepted Service Pressure: Up to 300 PSI (20,7 BAR) Flow Sensitivity Range for Signal: 4-10 GPM (15-38 LPM) UL Maximum Surge: 18 FPS (5,5 m/s) Enclosure: Die-cast, red enamel fi nish Cover held in place with tamper resistant screws Contact Ratings: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 10.0 Amps at 125/250 VAC 2.0 Amps at 30 VDC Resistive 10mAmps min. at 24 VDC Conduit Entrances: Two openings provided for 1/2" conduit. Individual switch compartments suitable for dissimilar voltages. Usage: Listed plastic, copper and schedule 40 iron pipe. Fits pipe sizes - 1" (25mm), 1 1/4" (32mm), 1 1/2" (38mm) and 2" (50mm) Note: 12 paddles are furnished with each unit, one for each pipe size of threaded and sweat TEE, one for 1" (25mm) CPVC, one for 1" (25mm) CPVC (Central), one for 1" threaded Nibco CPVC, and one for 1 1/2" (38mm) threaded (Japan).Environmental Speci fi cations: · NEMA-4/IP54 Rated enclosure suitable for indoor or outdoor use with factory installed gasket and die-cast housing when used with appropriate conduit fi tting. · Temperature range: 40° F to 120° F, (4,5° C to 49° C) UL Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-13 One or two family dwelling NFPA-13D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-13R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 Optional: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stock No. 0090148 (See Fig. 7 for terminations) Replaceable Components: Retard/Switch Assembly, stock no. 1029030 Installation must be perfomed by qualifi ed personnel and in accordance with all national and local codes and ordinances. Shock hazard. Disconnect power source before servicing. Serious injury or death could result. Risk of explosion. Not for use in hazardous locations. Serious injury or death could result. 4440 PRINTED IN USA MFG. #5401206 - REV G 12/08 VSR-S VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD FOR SMALL PIPE PAGE 2 OF 3 COVER TAMPER SWITCH MOUNT SO ARROW ON BUSHING POINTS IN DIRECTION OF WATERFLOW 1” NPT THREADED FITTING ON ALL SIZES RUN OF THE TEE MAY BE THREADED OR SWEAT PIPE DIRECTION OF WATERFLOW DWG# 802-30A Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Notes: 1. The Model VSR-S has two switches, one can be used to operate a central station, proprietary or remote signaling unit, while the other is used to operate a local audible or visual annunciator. 2. For supervised circuits see “Switch Terminal Connections” drawing and caution note (Fig. 3). Retard Adjustment The time delay is factory set at 30 ± 10 seconds. The delay can be adjusted by rotating the retard adjustment knob from 0 to the max setting (60- 90 seconds). The time delay should be set at the minimum required to prevent false alarms. Fig. 3 Switch Terminal Connections Clamping Plate Terminal OUTGOING I NCOMING DWG# 923-3 To remove knockouts: Place screwdriver at edge of knockouts, not in the center. Screw the device into the tee fi tting as shown. Care must be taken to properly orient the device for the direction of waterfl ow. On sweat tees, no threaded bushings, inserts, or adapters are permitted, unless they comply with the dimensions listed in the chart below. Important - The depth to the inside bottom of the tee should have the following dimensions: DIRECTION OF WATER FLOW DWG# 737-31 Shown with optional Cover Tamper Switch Kit. DWG# 1146-4 DWG# 8810018-2 C (WHT) N.O. (RED) N.C. (BLK) Fig. 7 Cover Tamper Switch Wiring (Shown with cover in place) DO NOT LEAVE COVER OFF FOR EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME 4,3MM (1 11/16”)APPROX. DEPTH DWG# 735-33 Approximate Depth Requirement Tee Size Threaded Sweat CPVC 1" x 1" x 1" 2 1/16" 1 3/4" 2 7/16" 1 1/4" x 1 1/4" x 1" 2 7/16" 2 7/16" N/A 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 1" 2 11/16" 2 1/4" N/A 2" x 2" x 1" 3 3/16" 2 3/4" N/A DWG# 1146-3A POSITIVE DC ORHOT AC NEGATIVE DC ORNEUTRAL AC WATERFLOW ZONE ONFIRE PANEL BELL EOLR COMNC NO NONC COM Breakoutthinsectionofcoverwhenwiring both switches from one conduit entrance. DWG# 1206-2 An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminal and serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed, thereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the wire become dislodged from under the terminal. Failure to sever the wire may render the device inoperable risking severe property damage and loss of life. Fig. 4 Typical Electrical Connections Fig. 5 Fig. 6 There are 12 paddles furnished with each unit. One for each size of threaded, sweat or plastic TEE as described in Fig. 2. These paddles have raised lettering that shows the pipe size and type of TEE that they are to be used with. The proper paddlemustbeused.Thepaddlemustbeproperly attached (see drawing) and the screw that holds the paddle must be securely tightened.Do not use more than three wraps of tefl on tape. PRINTED IN USA MFG. #5401206 - REV G 12/08 VSR-S VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD FOR SMALL PIPE PAGE 3 OF 3 Testing The frequency of inspection and testing for the Model VSR-S and its associated protective monitoring system should be in accordance with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently.) An inspector's test valve (usually located at the end of the most remote branch line) should always be used for test purposes. If there are no provisions for testing the operation of the fl ow detection device on the system, application of the VSR-S is not recommended or advisable. A minimum fl ow of 10 gpm (38 Lpm) is required to activate this device. Please advise the person responsible for testing of the fi re protection system that this system must be tested in accordance with the testing instructions. Maintenance Inspect detectors monthly for leaks. If leaks are found, replace the detector. The VSR-S water fl ow switch should provide years of trouble- free service. The retard and switch assembly are easily fi eld replaceable. In the unlikely event that either component does not perform properly, please order replacement retard switch assembly stock #1029030. There is no maintenance required, only periodic testing and inspection. DWG# 1206-5 GROUND SCREWS 3.50" 5.56" (89.0 mm) (59.4 mm) 2.34" (141.2 mm) (52.3 mm) 4.89" 2.00" (50.8 mm) 1"-11 1/2 NPT Mounting Dimensions Water fl ow switches that are monitoring wet pipe sprinkler systems shall not be used as the sole initiating device to discharge AFFF, deluge, or chemical suppression systems. Water fl ow switches used for this application may result in unintended discharges caused by surges, trapped air, or short retard times. Removal · To prevent accidental water damage, all control valves should be shut tight and the system completely drained before waterfl ow detectors are removed or replaced. · Turn off electrical power to the detector, then disconnect wiring. · Use a wrench on the fl ats of the bushing. Turn the switch counterclockwise to disengage the pipe threads. · Gently lift with your fi ngers, roll the vane so it will fi t through the hole while continuing to lift the waterfl ow detector. · Lift detector clear of pipe. Sprinkler Cabinets 3, 6, & 12 Sprinklers, 1/2 or 3/4 Inch NPT 6 ESFR Sprinklers, 3/4 or 1 Inch NPT Page  of 4 AUGUST, 2007 TFP785 Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 General Description Tyco® Sprinkler Cabinets are con- structed of metal enclosures with hinged covers designed to provide on- site storage of an emergency supply of sprinklers and a sprinkler wrench. NFPA 13 requires a representative number of each type of sprinkler used in a sprinkler system to be stored in a cabinet on-site to allow for immediate removal and replacement of sprinklers that may have operated or become damaged. Sprinkler Cabinets are manufactured of heavy gauge steel with knock-outs to accommodate NPT threaded sprin- klers and are painted an attractive red enamel. WARNINGS The Sprinkler Cabinets described here- in must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation, in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdic- tion. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. Technical Data Material Carbon Steel Weights 3 Sprinkler Cabinet ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.5 Lbs. (0,68 kg) 6 Sprinkler Cabinet ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.3 Lbs. (1,04 kg) 12 Sprinkler Cabinet ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.0 Lbs. (1,81 kg) 6 ESFR Sprinkler Cabinet .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.3 Lbs. (1,36 kg) Page 2 of 4 TFP785 5-1/4" R (133,4 mm) DOOR SWING MINIMUM CLEARANCE 6" (150 mm) 2-9/16" (65,1 mm) HOLES ACCOMMODATE (127,0 mm)(25,4 mm) SCREWS 3/16" (5 mm) HOLES FOR 2"1-3/16" (50,8 mm) 1"5" (30,2 mm) (127,0 mm) 5" (184,2 mm) 7-1/4" 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) REMOVE KNOCKOUTS 3/4" NPT SPRINKLERS TO ACCOMMODATE 1/2" NPT SPRINKLERS 1-3/4" (44,5 mm) (98,4 mm) 3-1/4"2-5/8" (66,7 mm) 1-1/8" (28,6 mm) 1" (25,4 mm) STRAP HANGER SLOTS FORSPRINKLER SHELF WRENCH SHELF 1-5/16" (33,3 mm) HINGES DOOR NOT SHOWN AND HINGES 1-3/4" (44,5 mm) (152,4 mm)3-1/4" (98,4 mm) 10-13/16" (274,6 mm) 6" 14-1/16" (357,2 mm) (30,2 mm) (127,0 mm)1" (25,4 mm) 5" 1-5/8" 1-3/16" (41,3 mm) (31,8 mm) 1-1/4" TO ACCOMMODATE 3/4" NPT SPRINKLERS REMOVE KNOCKOUTS 1/2" NPT SPRINKLERS (33,3 mm) 1-5/16" HOLES ACCOMMODATE MINIMUM 6" (150 mm) CLEARANCE (65,1 mm) 2-9/16" DOOR SWING (133,4 mm) 5-1/4" R (50,8 mm) 2" SHELF WRENCHHOLES FOR 3/16" (5 mm) SCREWS SPRINKLER SLOTS FOR STRAP HANGER 1" (25,4 mm)SHELF HINGES DOOR NOT SHOWN AND HINGES FIGuRe 1 3 SpRINkleR CAbINet FIGuRe 2 6 SpRINkleR CAbINet TFP785 Page  of 4 (127,0 mm) HOLES ACCOMMODATE 1-3/4"(25,4 mm) SCREWS 3/16" (5 mm) HOLES FOR (44,5 mm) 1" (25,4 mm) STRAP HANGER SLOTS FORSPRINKLER SHELF WRENCH SHELF 1-1/2" (98,4 mm) 3-1/4"6" 2" 1-3/16" (152,4 mm) (50,8 mm) 1"5" (30,2 mm) (274,6 mm) 10-13/16" (357,2 mm) 14-1/16" (41,3 mm) 1-5/8" 1-1/8" (28,6 mm) (38,1 mm) REMOVE KNOCKOUTS 3/4" NPT SPRINKLERS TO ACCOMMODATE 1/2" NPT SPRINKLERS 5-1/4" R 4-1/8"MINIMUM CLEARANCE (104,8 mm) 6" (150 mm) DOOR SWING (133,4 mm) 1-1/2" (38,1 mm)HINGES DOOR NOT SHOWN AND HINGES (357,2 mm) 14-1/16" (274,6 mm) 10-13/16" (157,2 mm) 6-3/16" MINIMUM 7" (180 mm) (152,4 mm) 6" (39,7 mm) 1-9/16" 2" (50,8 mm) 1-5/8" (41,3 mm) (96,8 mm) 3-13/16" (60,3 mm) 2-3/8" CLEARANCE DOOR SWING (163,5 mm) 6-7/16" R 1-3/16" (30,2 mm) (25,4 mm) 1" 3/4" NPT SPRINKLERS HOLES ACCOMMODATETO ACCOMMODATE REMOVE KNOCKOUTS 1" NPT SPRINKLERS 3-1/8" (79,4 mm) DOOR AND HINGES SLOTS FOR STRAP HANGER 1" (25,4 mm)3/16" (5 mm) HOLES FOR SCREWS SHELF WRENCH SHELF SPRINKLER HINGES (39,7 mm) 1-9/16" NOT SHOWN FIGuRe 3 12 SpRINkleR CAbINet FIGuRe 4 6 eSFR SpRINkleR CAbINet Page 4 of 4 TFP785 TYCO FIRE & BUILDING PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale Pennsylvania 19446 Installation Sprinkler Cabinets are designed with two 3/16 Inch (4,7 mm) diameter holes for wall mounting or direct attachment to the system riser with a strap-type hanger. The Sprinkler Cabinet should be installed at or near the system con- trol valve and must be stocked with an adequate supply of spare sprinklers and a sprinkler wrench. The stock of spare sprinklers should include sprinklers of each type and temperature rating as are installed in the sprinkler system, in the following quantities: Sprinklers In System Spare Sprinklers Required Under 300 6 300-1000 12 Over 1000 24 The 3, 6, and 12 Sprinkler Cabinets are designed to accept both 1/2 & 3/4 Inch NPT threaded sprinklers, where- as the 6 ESFR Sprinkler Cabinets are designed to accept both 3/4 & 1 Inch NPT threaded sprinklers. As neces- sary, insert a screwdriver blade from the front top of the shelf and under the near bottom part of the knockout an- nular ring. Press the screwdriver han- dle down to remove the knockout ring. Care and Maintenance The Sprinkler Cabinet, wrench, and stock of spare sprinklers should be in- spected at least quarterly. The follow- ing items should be checked: • The Sprinkler Cabinet should be readily accessible, and not exposed to a corrosive atmosphere or tem- peratures in excess of 100°F (38°C). • The stock of spare sprinklers should include an adequate number of each type and temperature rating. • The stock of sprinklers must be in good condition. • A sprinkler wrench of the appropriate type must be included in the Sprin- kler Cabinet. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire & Building Products (TFBP) are war- ranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in mate- rial and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by TFBP. No warran- ty is given for products or components manufactured by companies not af- filiated by ownership with TFBP or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper in- stallation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Juris- diction. Materials found by TFBP to be defective shall be either repaired or re- placed, at TFBP’s sole option. TFBP neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other ob- ligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. TFBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer’s representatives. In no event shall TFBP be liable, in contract, tort, strict liability or under any other legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special or consequential dam- ages, including but not limited to labor charges, regardless of whether TFBP was informed about the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall TFBP’s liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. The foregoing warranty is made in lieu of any and all other warranties, ex- press or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This limited warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy for claims based on failure of or defect in products, materi- als or components, whether the claim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any other legal theory. This warranty will apply to the full ex- tent permitted by law. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any portion of this warranty will not affect the remainder. Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Contact your local dis- tributor for availability. Sprinkler Cabinet: Specify: (Description), P/N (specify). 3 Sprinkler Cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 1177 6 Sprinkler Cabinet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 1119 12 Sprinkler Cabinet ................P/N 1124 6 ESFR Sprinkler Cabinet ........... P/N 1111 Identification Signs For Sprinkler Systems and Devices NFPA 13 Signing Requirements Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 Page  of 4 AUGUST, 2007 TFP65 WARNINGS The Identification Signs described herein must be installed and main- tained in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. Technical Data Material & Finish 18 gauge aluminum with mylar facing. Installation The Identification Signs are provid- ed with 1⁄8 Inch (3,2 mm) diameter or larger holes (or slots) in the corners for easy attachment using standard hard- ware chain, wire, plastic lock ties, or light gauge metal strap (not included). General Description Identification Signs (Ref. Figure 1) are designed to provide information to the end user about the sprinkler system and its components. They are avail- able with a variety of wording combi- nations to meet the signing require- ments of NFPA 13. The five basic types of Identification Signs are as follows: Type A- Control Valve Sign Type B- Multi-Purpose Text Signs (See Below) Type D- Fire Alarm Sign Type E- Hydraulic Calculation Sign Type B- Identification Signs are avail- able with the following text options: AIR CONTROL AIR LINE ALARM TEST ANTIFREEZE SYSTEM AUXILIARY DRAIN CONTROL VALVE DRAIN DRAIN VALVE INSPECTORS TEST MAIN CONTROL MAIN DRAIN Care and Maintenance The following inspection procedure must be performed as indicated, in ad- dition to any specific requirements of the NFPA, and any impairments must be immediately corrected. The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devic- es in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable stan- dards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority hav- ing jurisdiction. The installing contrac- tor or product manufacturer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprin- kler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local re- quirements and/or national codes. After placing a fire protection system in service, notify the proper authorities and advise those responsible for mon- itoring proprietary and/or central sta- tion alarms. INSPECTION PROCEDURE Annual visual inspections are recom- mended to ensure that Identification Signs are properly located. Width x Height Inches (mm) Type A 9 x 7 (229 x 178) Type B 6 x 2 (152 x 51) Type C 7¾ x 1¼ (197 x 32) Type D 9 x 7 (229 x 178) Type E 5 x 7 (127 x 178) Page 2 of 4 TFP65 SIGN- type B, AvAIlABle WIth the FolloWING text optIoNS “AIR CONTROL” .........................P/N 2328 “AIR LINE” ..............................P/N 2302 “ALARM TEST” ........................P/N 2304A “ANTIFREEZE SYSTEM” ..................P/N 2306 “AUXILIARY DRAIN”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P/N 2307 “CONTROL VALVE” ......................P/N 2310 “DRAIN” ...............................P/N 2311 “DRAIN VALVE” .........................P/N 2327 “INSPECTORS TEST” ....................P/N 2313 “MAIN CONTROL” .......................P/N 2319 “MAIN DRAIN” ..........................P/N 2320 SIGN- type e, p/N 2317 SIGN- type D RectANGulAR 6-1/2” x 8-1/2”, p/N 2316 oR RouND 7-1/4” DIAmeteR, p/N 2329 SIGN- type A, p/N 2300A FIGuRe 1 IDeNtIFIcAtIoN SIGNS TFP65 Page  of 4 Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire & Building Products (TFBP) are war- ranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in mate- rial and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by TFBP. No warran- ty is given for products or components manufactured by companies not af- filiated by ownership with TFBP or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper in- stallation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Juris- diction. Materials found by TFBP to be defective shall be either repaired or re- placed, at TFBP’s sole option. TFBP neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other ob- ligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. TFBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer’s representatives. In no event shall TFBP be liable, in contract, tort, strict liability or under any other legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special or consequential dam- ages, including but not limited to labor charges, regardless of whether TFBP was informed about the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall TFBP’s liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. The foregoing warranty is made in lieu of any and all other warranties, ex- press or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This limited warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy for claims based on failure of or defect in products, materi- als or components, whether the claim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any other legal theory. This warranty will apply to the full ex- tent permitted by law. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any portion of this warranty will not affect the remainder. Ordering Procedure Orders must include the description and Part Number (P/N). Contact your local distributor for availability. Hardware for hanging is not sup- plied with the Sign. It must be ordered separately. Identification Signs, (Types A, C, D, or E) Specify: Type (A, C, D, or E) Identification Sign, P/N (specify). Identification Signs (Type B) Specify: Type B Identification Sign in- scribed (specify, e.g. “AIR CONTROL”), P/N (specify). Type A ..........................P/N 2300A Type D (Round) ....................P/N 2329 Type D (Rectangle) .................P/N 2316 Type E ...........................P/N 2317 Type B “AIR CONTROL” ...................P/N 2328 “AIR LINE” ........................P/N 2302 “ALARM TEST” ...................P/N 2304A “ANTIFREEZE SYSTEM” ............P/N 2306 “AUXILIARY DRAIN”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P/N 2307 “CONTROL VALVE” ................P/N 2310 “DRAIN” .........................P/N 2311 “DRAIN VALVE” ...................P/N 2327 “INSPECTORS TEST” ..............P/N 2313 “MAIN CONTROL” .................P/N 2319 “MAIN DRAIN” ....................P/N 2320 Page 4 of 4 TFP65 TYCO FIRE & BUILDING PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale Pennsylvania 19446 PWPipe is the largest producer of PVC pipe in western North America and our products are available from distributors throughout this geographic area. PWPipe products include PVC and polyethylene pipe and tubing for a variety of applications servicing the potable water, well casing, sewer, turf, agriculture, plumbing, communications, and electrical markets. Our manufacturing facilities in Oregon, Washington, California, Utah, and Nebraska assure on-time delivery. P.O. Box 10049, Eugene, OR 97440•(800) 347-0200• (541) 343-0200 • FAX (541) 686-9247 • www.pwpipe.com Eagle Pure-Core®Blue Pipe and Tubing Eagle Pure-Core® Blue Pipe and Tubing •Pipe meets the requirements of ASTM D 2239 and AWWA C901. • Tubing meets the requirements of ASTM D 2737 and AWWA C901 with Copper Tube Size (CTS) outside diameters. • Material is high-density PE 3408, meeting cell class 345444 or 335444. • Listed for potability to ANSI/NSF Standard 61. • Natural core with blue exterior. • Color-coded tags denote product and pressure rating for improved warehouse control. • 50 year warranty Eagle Pure-Core®PipeEagle Pure-Core® Pipe •Meets the requirements of ASTM D 2239. • Material is medium-density PE 2406, meeting cell class 224343. • Listed for potability to ANSI/NSF Standard 61. • Natural core with carbon black exterior. • Color-coded tags denote product and pressure rating for improved warehouse control. • 50 year warranty Pure-Core ®MDPEPipe – ASTM D2239Premium GradeFlexible NSF Listed Nominal Approximate Average Minimum Approximate Standard Pipe SizeOutside DiameterInside DiameterWall Thickness Weight Coil Lengths (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (lbs/100') (feet) 3¯4 1.07 0.824 0.118 15 100-400 1 1.37 1.049 0.150 25 100-300 11¯4 1.80 1.380 0.197 43 100-300 11¯2 2.10 1.610 0.230 59 100-250 Pure-Core® Blue HDPE Pipe P.R. 200 psi, SIDR 7, Mandarin Tag Color Nominal Average Approximate Minimum Approximate Standard Pipe SizeOutside DiameterInside DiameterWall Thickness Weight Coil Lengths (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (lbs/100') (feet) 1¯2 0.625 0.47 0.069 5 100-400 3¯4 0.875 0.66 0.097 10 100-400 1 1.125 0.85 0.125 17 100-300 11¯4 1.375 1.04 0.153 26 100-300 11¯2 1.625 1.23 0.181 36 100-250 2 2.125 1.62 0.236 62 100-200 Pure-Core® Blue HDPE Tubing P.R. 200 psi, SDR 9, White Tag Color Nominal Pressure Approx. Average Min. Wall Approx. Coil Pipe SizeSIDR Rating Tag O. D. I. D. Thickness Weight Lengths (inches) (psi) Color (inches) (inches) (inches) (lbs/100') (feet) 9 100 Blue 0.77 0.622 0.069 7 100-400 1¯2 7 125/160 Green 0.81 0.622 0.089 9 100-400 11.5 80 Goldenrod 0.98 0.824 0.072 9 100-400 3¯4 9 100 Blue 1.02 0.824 0.092 12 100-400 7 125/160 Green 1.08 0.824 0.118 15 100-400 11.5 80 Goldenrod 1.24 1.049 0.091 14 100-300 1 9 100 Blue 1.30 1.049 0.117 19 100-300 7 125/160 Green 1.37 1.049 0.150 25 100-300 11.5 80 Goldenrod 1.64 1.380 0.120 25 100-300 11¯4 9 100 Blue 1.71 1.380 0.153 32 100-300 7 125/160 Green 1.80 1.380 0.197 43 100-300 11¯2 9 100 Blue 1.99 1.610 0.179 44 100-250 2 9 100 Blue 2.56 2.067 0.230 73 100-200 Note PWPipe product specifications and warranties are continually updated. If more than 12 months have passed since the date of this brochure, call your PWPipe representative and ask about changes. State of Colorado division of fire Prevention and Control ______________________________ Mike Morgan, Director Be It Known That Has Successfully Completed All Requirements to Become Registered Issued On Expiring On, Unless Earlier Revoked In Accordance With Fire & Life Safety Section Division of Fire Prevention & Control 700 Kipling Street, Suite 4100 Denver, CO 80215 18-S-05339 Affordable Fire Protection, Inc. Jason Haire-RME Fire Suppression Systems Contractor January 1, 2018 December 31, 2018 8 CCR 1507-11