HomeMy WebLinkAboutB18-0100_B18-0100 Permit Documents_1526591036.pdf 75 South Frontage Road Construction West, TOWN OF VAIL B18-0100 Vail,CO 81657 Issued: 05/17/2018 TOWN of VAIL(0. Office:970.479.2139 InspectionLine:970.479.2149 Property Information Address: 2794 SNOWBERRY DR(210314301046) Unit#: ParcelNumber: 210 31430 10 46 LegalDescription: Subdivision:VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEV SUB Block:9 Lot:16 Contacts ContactType:Applicant Full Name:Gary Manchester Address: 2794 SnowberrWail,CO 81657 Phone: 7206708129 ContactType:PropertyOwner Full Name:MANCHESTER,GARYP.&JEANE M. Address: Phone: None Contractor Contractor Type:General Company: Last Ridge DevelopmentCorp. State License#:State ID No.20141742737 Phone: 7206708129 Projectlnformation ProjectName:ManchesterResidence2016 Secondaryunit of new wood-framed duplex(primary/secondary)residence.2.5 stories above grade plane. ProjectDescription: 1-hourfireseparationbetweendwelling units.A monitored alarm and fire suppressionsystem to be installed per NFPA 13R. Fees Paid Accounl#:001-0000.31111.04 Building Permit Fee Fee Amount: $5,692.70 Account#:001-0000.31123.00 Building Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $3,700.26 Account#: 110-0000.31060.O0ConstructionUseTax Fee Fee Amount: $20,257.72 Account#:001-0000.31111.04 MechanicalPermit Fee Fee Amount: $1,100.00 Account#:001-0000.31123.00 MechanicalPlan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $275.00 Account#:001-0000.31111.04 Plumbing Permit Fee Fee Amount: $720.00 Account#:001-0000.31123.00 Plumbing Plan ReviewFee Fee Amount: $180.00 Accounl#: 111-0000.31127.00-RecreationAmenities Fee Fee Amount: $583.05 Account#: 110-23010.00 -Traffic ImpactFee Fee Amount: $6,333.00 Accounl#:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Building Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 Accounl#:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Mechanical Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 Accounl#:001-0000.31128.00 Will Call Fee(Plumbing Scope) Fee Amount: $5.00 TotalPaid: $38,856.73 Conditions CONDITIONS UNDER WHICHPERMITS BECOME VOID: If construction is not begun within 6 months from the date permitwas issued. If more than 5 months elapses betweeninspections. Ifincorrectinformationis given on the application at the time the permitwas issued. ChristopherJarecki-Townof Vail Building Official NOTICE: By issuance of this Permitthe applicantagrees to complywith all Titles of the Townof Vail Code and all applicable State and Federal law.Failure to do so will void this Permit and the applicantshall forfeitall applicable fees. DESIGN:STANDARD: Limit Equilibrium-- USA Life expectancy of the structure is between 10 and 60 years. Height of slope, H [ft]` 4..00 Slope angle, i 76.00 Horizontal length,A [ft] 2.00 Horizontal length, B [ft] 30.00 Backslope angle, a ° 0.00 ' Slope at bottom',of wall, a ° 45 00 Surcharge load over A, Q1 [lb/ft 2] 0.00 Surcharge load over backslope B, Q2 [lb/ft 2] 500.00 Surcharge load away from backslope, Q3 [lb/ft 2] 0.00 Water is not present. 1.") FT I LL w�► SN°W € VEN!c°L-Ai� V\VVVVV\ vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\iVVVVVVVVVVvvvvvvvvvvvvvv\/Vv\vvvvvvvvv‘ SCALE: 0 2 4 6[ft] .. .. .. .. .. roSlopa bSSs Ss 2.I StlM�Slopv.Vawon z.l'Sh,YSbye VS Ss2i.Stral�Rlopa Vs ss2.l 555. P�/ i.2.I 5555 55555552.12 5.Sl^V.V5255xl 525.55pevmionz.l vmionz.i svwsbpeVwon z:�smaslope vemonz.tsa.us�ope va+im za sw sww vadon z.�sausbpu V.rnm z.tsa.mskoc va.�z.�se.aswa vmnw,ai su. vmimz�sv.utsbpe vm�wnz.�so-.uvope va.wnz.i san v Wildstar Retaining Walls Page 2 of 6 Copyright©2004-2006 ADAMA Engineering,Inc. License number STRATA128581290 SOIL DATA REINFORCED SOIL.: Internal angle of friction, 30.0 Cohesion, c [lb/ft 2] 0.00 Moist unit weight, y [1b/ft 3] 127.00 Type of fill: Sands/ Silts RETAINED SOIL: Internal angle of friction, 40 30.0 Cohesion,c [lb/ft 2] 0.00 Moist unit weight, ty [lb/ft 3] 127:00 FOUNDATION SOIL: Internal angle of friction, ° 30.0 Cohesion,c [lb/ft 2] 0.00 Moist unit weight,y [lb/ft 3] 127.00 GENERAL DATA Assumed angle of interwedge force (direct sliding analysis), b 20:00 Pullout interaction coefficient(reinforced soil),.Ci 0.70 Pullout interaction coefficient(foundation soil), Ci 0.70 Direct sliding coefficient(along reinforced.soil), Cds 0.70 Direct sliding coefficient(along foundation soil), Cds 0.70 Minimum required length ateach elevation was specified. SEISMIC PARAMETERS (Seismicity was set to "NO") Horizontal seismic coefficient,Kh 0.00 Vertical seismic coefficient,Kv 0.00 Kh and Kv ARE NOT applied to the reinforced mass and surcharge in direct sliding analysis. FOUNDATION EFFECTS Slip surfaces in tieback and compound analyses are allowed to penetrate the foundation soil. Bishop's deepseated analysis was invoked and:circles may penetrate the foundation to a maximum depth '[ ]th of ft 3 9.3 7 GEOSYNTHETIC DESIGN PARAMETERS (of Cluster) ( Manual input data GENERAL SAFETY FACTORS Factor of safety on soil shear strength 1.30 Factor of safety on geosynthetic strength 1.30 Factor of safety on pullout resistance 1..50 Factor of safety on direct sliding resistance 1.10 t . Vaebn7.iSmu&ope Vanion 215tMeSbpe Version 1.I S.. kp.Vaaml:I SbNe$bpe Vernon 2l StnWSbpe Vection].l S... pe Version 2l SltwSbpeVmim].ISmhSbpe Vuum].I Smu51ope Vaem 2l SUWSiope Vaggi l.l-StlWS1p.Vmion7.I Sm45bpe Venion2.ISmuSlop.Vmim7,I SmIrSbpa Vaeon l.I SbuSlgro Vaeon 2.15YtlsSbye Version].I StlWSbpe Vapors 3.l stn Slope Vaianl.l Wildstar Retaining Walls Page 3 of 6 Copyright©2004-2006 ADAMA Engineering,Inc, License number STRATA12858.1290 SUMMARY OF TIEBACK ANI) COMPOUND RESULTS Strength : ' # Elevation Length Mode Required, Ultimate, Long-term Actual Status of Tr ' T-ult (design) T-ltds Overall Fs [ft] Name [ft] Failure [1b/ft] [lb/ft] [1b/ft] 1 0.00 SG150 5.03 Compound 704.76 1875.00 916.19 > 1.30 OK 2 1.00 SG150 3.77 Tieback 248.29 1875:00 916.19: 3.69 OK.', 3 2.00 SG150 2.66 Tieback 55.42 1875.00 916.19 16.53 OK 4 3.00 SG150 3.31 Tieback 18.47 1875.00 916.19` 49.62: OK :,"Venpn2.I SUW9op Veisanxl Sb4s51oln Ve.don2.I Slnb5lop.Venpn2.fsn.uswvevadax.I su.1.sbpevmimxslnusbpay.,k 2.l u.usbyevmimxspx,soveva.ss2.I Sv.usbpevmna,2.5W.sa s 5ssiss2.sa.WSbpsVs55s2:t 555.55 Vsssxl S5S.sgpevayonxl sh,YsopevauonxI so-wsopevmimxI Sln5Pop.vmiasx,55 55pnvenion2.so-.u5spa S55ss2I Wildstar Retaining Walls Page 4 of 6 Copyright©2004-2006ADAMA Engineering,Inc: : License number STRATA128581290 DETAILED RESULTS OF TIEBACK AND COMPOUND ANALYSES Strength for # Elevation` Total Embedded Length Compound Tieback Controlling Length Length to slip stability (required) Mode of Name to resist surface, : (available). T-tieback Failure pullout,Le La T-compound [ft] [ft] [ft] [ft] [lb/ft] [lb/ft] 1 0.00 SG150 4.46 1.91 2.54 704.76' 250.63 Compound 2 1.00 SG150 2.85. 1.44 1.42 704.76. . 248.29 :Tieback 3 2.00 SG150 2.66 0.21 2.45 704.76` 55.42 Tieback 4 3.00 SG150 3.31 0.07 ' 3.24 704.76 18.47 Tieback 52812111.2 SpwSbq Ver8on 2.1 SVx25bpe VeB{on2.1 Str8�Sbpe V58m 2.1 Stl.l.Sbp.V5sim 2.I SW.Sbp.VS ion2.l Slnl Sbp.V..s.2.i SS.SS1 p.VS.S.2.l Smt�Sbp.S..SS 2.I 85.5bpa.Vni882.1 555.85 s 52852 2:2 Sw58.558582.1 StrY�Sio 8 Vmion 2.I 8.YSbp.Vmipll,I 88N�585.55.58 558812.1 Slnu2igw Vgwon 2.l StM.Sbpe 5..158 2.1 Wildstar Retaining Walls Page 5 of 6 Copyright 0 2004-2006:ADAMA Engineering,Inc. License number STRATA128581290 1 • RESULTS OF DIRECT SLIDING AND DEEPSEATED ANALYSES DIRECT SLIDING Required length of bottom layer to produce the specified Fs-direct sliding= 1.10 is`5.03 ft. Maximum length based on compound and tieback analyses to insure Fs-uncertainties= 1.30 and Fs-pullout 1.50,is 4.46 ft. DEEPSEATED Deepseated factor of safety, Fs-deepseated,'based on Bishop's analysis, is 0.71: The critical circle is forced to pass outside the reinforced zone defined by the bottom geosynthetic layer, its maximum potential depth is restricted to 39.37 ft. The critical circle is at: Xc= .13.48, Yc= 12.00, Radius=.22.06 feet... In case the crest elevation is above H, StrataSlope assumes a tension crack between the crest and H (see graphic screen) 1 _ - NOTES: (1) To obtain satisfactory Fs-deepseated,re-run.StrataSlope with a larger specified value of Fs-direct sliding. This will force deeper circles that should yield largerdeepseated safety factor (2) When having poor material in the backfill soil or in the foundation soil, please be aware that this Bishop-analysis gives only an indication'of the Fs-deepseated. Use in this case other soil stability software programs to verify this achieved Fs-deepseated.. TIEBACK& COMPOLJNL Tieback/compound slip surfaces are not restricted from penetrating the foundation soil. vmwon:.I SWSbpe VmrionZJ StreleSbpavaiian2.1 S4auSkp.Vaeion215bWSbpe Vaion 3:I StNSbpe Venia2.ISum3bpe Vmiwl2.lSIroYSbpe Vanan2J StlYSbpa Vnspn 3.1 S4.ISIopnV s 2.ISMYSbpe.V.nio.1.1 Stru,Sbpe Vadan 3.1 Sti♦YSlope V.s5sli Shq.SlSpe VnS I.l SS.S.Sbpe Ve�m3.I SS.Skpevemm3.l SwuSIS evmion S.i Sw.SS5 VS S].I StrYwSbpaVrnion 21 Wildstar Retaining Walls Page 6 of 6 Copyright©2004-2006 ADAMA Engineering,Inc.` License number STRATA128581290 KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. JOB I?o - 03 P.O. Box 4572 SHEET NO. 6/S9 ? 7,4q OF S Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 949-9391 CALCULATED BY /WTIJ DATE 5h/(B www.krmconsultants.com CHECKED BY DATE SCALE , 2 3 a 5 5 2 3 i 2 3 i 2 3 .. •3 5 , 7 1 3 '3 LA7CR4L DCS/GA-a 45 pct S ITE CLASS D A 0 f A 2 - 2.5? 6011)s)( ) (2. ) Cz,_6,„A vG, QauLodx. slz�� , 5,6 K G-o � -� .81k � S. / � o.14. 6 0 i3oUzMa WALL ,2 D PRODUCT207 DESIGN STANDARD: Limit Equilibrium USA s Life ex eof the structure is between 10 and 60 yera ctanc y Keight of slo e, H ft :: r. 6 00 Slope angle, i • 85 00 Iorizont d length,A :: ft] • 1`.50 :orizontallen B ft Backslo a angle,.P g � a 17.00 . Slope at bottom;o f wall, :oc ::i,..,0.,99....‘ ° ,. ..s. :::..,-Surcharge•load:over A, Q [lb/ft 2] .....,...0,o9........,..,. Surcharg e load:over backslo e B'. 2 lb/ft g P , Q [ 2] 000 Surchar a load awa from.backslo e Q3` lb/ft 2 g Y P , [ 00 , Water:is notP resent. - . ....,*-. : : :.- . , .. . .. .., . . ,' -.',' ' - ' , -.: 1. '.. ' .: s -,. ., , . '•,._ ••,•, ' :'...11.•:•-• l'-' - -•-•.' --i.:-.....:..' .*:::-.'...:' -:•'-. ....... ...:- :- .:1::-.•' .6 :•F t .." kiki-.4. ....:'''-•' ...--- 1 -:..-1': ::r--:''-''.......‘...:::•••••''''.''..:::'-'..:'.'''•---•:::•:*:. ::::'-'::::::-.... '-:....1• ". 1. . : :.• .--: ...: . ...-:,....'...--... : ...... . .. . SCALE. 0 2 4 . 6[ft] VNSL1SpWBIq�Vawn7.1 SbY9ap VY.g1LI SYM�S4peVn 2 Sba�9bplVawm21 . '. L1tWSbp Ve�n21SOYSbps Yesm218YWLge Ya1be215nwSbp.Va�iae215ar�Skpe Vwlia2l>iYWBb�eVmig121 SAYYop VIwa111teYibpe Vweonli5ar>Oge Va�o.213Ywf1epeYae21>Y�4ep Vnon21&�w4gr Vmiw215tWSyga V.wm2l bmY&geYpsJ.l Wildstar Resierices Page 2 of 6 Co ©2004-2006 ADAMA Engineerin Inc. AYria g,' License number STRATA128581290 SOIL:DATA REINFORCED SOIL Internal angle friction, (1)° ;:30.Q. ohesion, c.;[lb/ftof 2] 0.00 Moist unt uweight lb/ft 3] Y:[ 127.00 i Type of f ll: Sands/Silts '30 RETAINED:SOIL Internal angle:of friction, (1)° Cohesion, c .[lb/ft'2] 0.00 g Moist unit wei ht ` lb/ft 3 y � ] 1:27.00, FOUNDATION SOIL: Internal angle'of friction Cohesion c lb/ft.2 , 4,0 , , .,. , 0. Moist 127 unit weight 'y [lb/ft 3]: 00 :GENERAL DA,TA. Assumed an le of iriterwed e:force` direct'slidin anal :sis. S 20 00 Pullout.interaction coefficiente. reinforced soil), Ci Pullout interaction coefficient foundation:soil), Ci Direct sliding coefficient(along reinforced soil ,Cds 00.70 Direct slidingcoefficient(along foundation soil Cds )� Minimum:required length'at:each:elevation was s ecified. 70 - „) ' ' ' " - 1. SEISMIC:P ' - E'1't✓RS : (Seismicity was:set to NO Horizontal.seismic.coefficient,Kh - Vertical seismic coefficient,:Kv 0.00`: Kh and Kv RE NOT applied to the reinforced mass and surcharge.in direct sliding analsis. , y FOUNDATION EFFECTS Slipsurfaces in tieback:and compound analyses are allowed to penetrate,the foundation soil. Bishop's deepseated analysis was invoked and circles may penetrate lie _ ':, foundation to:a maximum.:de th of ` ft :. 39 37..: P [ ] GEOSYNTI3ETIC:DESIGN PA►RAMETERS'(of Cluster) (Optimized spacing was conducted by'StrataSope) Geogrid:Desi Designation T ult gn _R.Fid(Installation:: R.d(Durability)' RFc (Creep) [lb ft] age) / darn SG700 :11800 00 : 1 07 1.10 I.55 SG600 9100.00 1.07 1.10 1.55 SG550 8150.00 1.07 1.10 1.55 SG500 6400.00 1 07. 1`.10 1.55 SG3o 5000.00 1:i0 1::10 1.55 ...and others.... GENERAL`SAFETY FACTORS Factor of safe on soil shear strep tY.. :. Factor of safety on eos ntletic strength tY g Yn 1.30 Factor of safety on'pullout.resistance 1.50 Factor of safety on direct sliding resistance 1.10 V...11 SouSbp Vr..7.1 E.M.Sbpe : s EUW9.pi 8YM.71gw .S.Y.SIgO Ww21 ;p—3,........Va.ia 2Li—....... V.r7.,s....—.EYWBay.rs page 3SOf Y CwoiPld31staziQhRt©esi2e0n0cV4oe-2006 ADVdAMA2E..nbEiVg6 neerVina25.W" ' Incpwll a7S..I..Vwa2lMrSpbaL .MSapLicense.number STRATAI28581290 li i • 1 • i S Y•OF•TIEBACK AND•COMPOUND RESULTS r e n ::'g . t' h _ Elevation Length :;Mode Re ulre Ult ate, ;Long-term _ .....ctual .., Status • G un -; ....of..:..,....-...- Tr T:ult (design) T-;ltds Overall Fs [ft] :•Name: _. .�[ft] : �:Failure [lb/ft] .,.,. .••••,:::•1'.... 1.:00 5G150 6 94: :Compound 704.76 1:875 00 9.1.619 > 1.30 .:OK • 2 2.00 SG150 6.28 Compound 704.76 1875:00 •9:16 19 > L 30� '.OK: 3 3.00 SG150 4 17, Tieback 123:93 : 1875:00 : .91'6 19 7 39 :OK' 4 4.00 SG15.0 4 18 Tieback 70.81 1875.00 9.16 19 `12 94 ::OK 5 ` 5.00 SG150 4.82`:. ..Tieback_.: ' 23.:15 1875.00. 916 19": '39,57;„ :OK:, • • v xi cewtkp.var x�a.w�ea v..w x�s.+�srw va.an x�srus�ava.+.�x�s.wswrwesx�s.se�.va:w z�ar.wop.v.aeu:a awsq.v.Aa�x� �� • ... .:� . s.w.snap.va..,taar.sb.,vwp,x�swa�.P.vmawx�argw„v,m,,,x'awusMpvrwxasew.abpev.:onz�w.r.aw,�..x�s.r.w�.v«sx�Ywuae�evr,.z� r...siep.va:..x� Wildstar Resiences' Page 11 Copyright�2004-2006 ADAMA Engineering,Inc, „�.��.� ,,..".n_ .w„�.a U_w,,,,�, >,�.�.ay.: ,,�.�,v_ License number STRATAI285RI290 • DETAILED:RESULTS OF TIEBACK A.ND.COMPOUND,ANALYSES :'Streng.th fo:r # E1 . evation Total Embedded Length Compound Tieback Controllin Len Length to slip stab�li : re uired Mode of`:g . . Name to resist : surface available T tieback � ) Failure pullout,Le ompound La 'T c [ft] [lb%ftp 1 1..00 SG1'S0 ::-:6.72"'...,..:,...:::::::.:-.2:71,.. ..:, 6 72... 2.19 4.53 704 76:; 566.75 Compound: 2 2.00 S.G150 -..6-28'..::•:.'...-6.28: 2.71 : 3:56 �: :189:16 ;Compound 3:. .00 SG150 3 45 '.....0.:7(..) . 2.75.: ':-"..:704.',.70....'1::'.,.-.. `,7081....,...': .7:04 70. 123.93 Tieback 4.:.18::...':',..:.::-. SG1500'50 3.67 704:70.1'. 7081 Tieback ..,:::::„.::::::-.....--,....,5 4: 4,00 : . 5.00 SG1'50 0:53 4.82 � 4..59 .: :: 704 76 23 15 : Tieback _ - 1/ ' .....' .:. . ..''•,.'..1..'.'':.'..'..-.::,:1,..::!';',:2'.i',.‘;;.‘!",.:,::::::i.11:....../.;...1::.: ;.,..,-:1::.:.....:'...:2,1.,:s.:..-: ..'';.......-,: ...,''r..:.,,..1.......:.:.1..*.'',....'.....-.S:::::::,..,.,::,..'1:.;.,......... 1:': ''',1"'.:....'..:...2.:.::'‘.:;,....:::':'-.,'.'.:.':..;.'...',::(:.'. .';.:-.,::. . ::' .' . . ., ' : . ......... .'...'::::',...'....:. :l...:'.::,::::‘:::::1::.......1.:-.:::-..,:::::.:.:::!'''':'..':':.'..:'',.....:.:;....:..........:,.:,:r...;:S!........,.'•-....::::;1:::::::::'::::::,.''',.:::.....::::::.::,:".......'.:E:,..:.:.....':::.s.:::::.:::::::.:.:.,..-1:::'..:::....',.::.:::::.'''',....;:,...';'!'''.'1......;':.;.:,..:...:',.'.......::,..1.',....:::',....;:::::.::.'''''.„1.-,...:1•. 1._:.• ..:' .. :. :'...:.•.:','. ..1 1 . ... ....','...:::::: v.q.zIS,W9opr v.azl a7w5ky.va.mxlaw.srrev...+xgwtbw vr..x,s`wsq.vmoaarualoNvw.a7d saww�.wnw,x�fawaiep.v.ma.xl swaloo.vmsxi serwopve.wsa �x z�s sws�v � acs.nsieMva.mx�s..rs�yswwi.�swsgrv.r:sx�a.wsbpminwu�ay..mx smusbpvmxsv.w.z, Wildstar Resiences Page S of 6 Copyright 4 2004-2006 ADAIVIA Engineering,Inca License number STRATA12858'1290 RESULTS OF DIRECT SL• IDING AN-I?'DEEPSEA.1 ED ANALYSES DIRECT;SLIDING •Required length of:bottom:layer to produce the specified Fs direct sliding 1 10, is 6.94 ft Maximu •m'length•based on corn oundd:and:tieback anal ,ses to insure P .. Y Fs-•uncertainties ''..1:'.30 :a• nd,: Fs=pullout ..-•,:1:7 50, is 6 72.ft A:17ED,,•:••••••••••••••,••••....::- .....-•,.....,,..........,•:-••••••:,,,f.,::...,,:-...:.:,..,..:,--,...,; ED ::D eepseated factor of safeFs• deepseated,based on Bishop's analysis, is ;1 61 ''' '''' reed zone.defined The critical circle is forcedao pass outside:the reinfo . by��the bottom <geosyll ,:•,,,,,,.c.'::::..:.::::•••,•'.,:...'•::::::••::',..-,.,:,:::'..:•.,',,,l;-,i.:.1.•',.•;.,••,.••••,....•,-;•••'...1.',-••••:"...„',*:;:.:•'.."..,••-•;:":„•••:•,.,.;.::.: • retic la er its maximum otential depth is"restricted to 3.9 :7 ft The critical circle is at Xc 0.52, Yc .: 12.00, Radius 1'3 65 •feet. -'...-2. ...•....,','•::'i' .'...2,: • • ••*•••••• •,,, • •••,..:**,"„:•.. : In.ca e the crest.elnation isab•ove H ::StrataSlope assumes a tension.crack between.the ':. crest and H see. a hic screen N01S: 1 To obtain satisfacto Fs-dee seated,re r•un StrataSlo e'with;a larg eraspecified ry• :. P P • g P value of Fs-direct slidin This will force;•dee er circles that:shouldield P y larger deep•seated••,safet•y factor (2)When bhaving p oor material n the:backfill;soil;or•in the foundation soil, please , be aware that his`Bishop...,analysis..:gi•v•es only • • an indication of the Fs dee• seated P Use:><n this case other soil:stability software ro ams to`veri las achieved P fY Fs deepseated TIEBACK& COMPOUND Tieback�'compound.slip surfaces:are not.restricted fr•o•m•penetrating the foundation soil • Y utwSa�.v..sz . pvm..ifa 9ope v..ena� vwwo.a.�N. wvre,.s�wa vn.s i�w�us ay.wZa v..o.Y�&w�pva.wx.1as+7bw vdia.x.�awaop.v—"'"*"""ww•.�.l�m�e vow.abw am.J.;awa& vo.x's.'"*.v."''''''." ,manZ, •, v,....2,, ...11 . Wildstar.ResiencesPage 6 of 6 Copyright®2004.2006 ADAMA Engineering,Inc. License number STRATA128581290 . . Generatedliance by REScheckCertificate-Web Software Comp Project Manchester Snowberry Duplex Energy Code: 2015 IECC Location: Vail, Colorado Construction Type: Single-family Project Type: New Construction Orientation: Bldg. faces 0 deg. from North Conditioned Floor Area: 9,280 ft2 Glazing Area 24% Climate Zone: 6 (9248 HDD) Permit Date: Permit Number: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: 2794 Snowberry Drive Gary Manchester Seth Bossung Vail, CO 81657 Last Ridge Development Intention Architecture 1720 Wazee, Unit 5D 1891 Eagle Ranch Road Denver,CO 80202 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (720) 670-8129 seth@intentionarchitecture.com garymanchester@haselden.com Compliance:Passes using UA trade-off Compliance: 7.0% Better Than Code Maximum UA: 1657 Your UA: 1541 The%Better or Worse Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DO ESNOTprovide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Envelope Assemblies Gross Area Cavity Cont. Assembly or R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Perimeter Ceiling: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic) 4,375 56.0 21.0 0.013 57 NORTHWALLTOTALEXPOSED:Wood Frame,24" o.c. 2,791 23.0 0.0 0.053 110 Orientation:Front Solid Doors:Solid Door(under 50% glazing) 170 0.210 36 Orientation:Front Door:Glass Door(over 50% glazing) 26 0.230 6 Orientation:Front WINDOWS:Wood Frame 526 0.290 153 Orientation:Front WEST WALLTOTALEXPOSED:Wood Frame,24" o.c. 3,352 23.0 0.0 0.053 130 Orientation:Right side Door:Solid Door(under 50% glazing) 152 0.210 32 Orientation:Right side Door:Glass Door(over 50% glazing) 33 0.230 8 Orientation:Right side Window: Wood Frame 708 0.290 205 Orientation:Right side SOUTH WALLTOTALEXPOSED:Wood Frame,24" o.c. 1,934 23.0 0.0 0.053 73 Orientation:Back Window: Wood Frame 561 0.290 163 Orientation:Back Project Title: Manchester Snowberry Duplex Report date: 04/07/18 Data filename: Page 1 of10 Gross Area Cavity Cont. Assembly or R-Value R-Value U-Factor UA Perimeter EAST WALLTOTALEXPOSED:Wood Frame,24" o.c. 1,459 23.0 0.0 0.053 56 Orientation:Left side Window: Wood Frame 393 0.290 114 Orientation:Left side CRAWLSPACE FLOOR:All-Wood Joist/Truss 437 30.0 0.0 0.033 14 FIRST FLO G RSLAB O N GRADE:Slab-0 n-Grade(Heated) 411 10.0 0.767 315 Insulation depth: 2.0' North Basement: Solid Concrete or Masonry 601 23.0 10.0 0.029 17 Orientation:Front Wall height: 10.0' Depth below grade: 9.0' Insulation depth: 10.0' West Basement: Solid Concrete or Masonry 93 23.0 10.0 0.027 3 Orientation:Right side Wall height: 10.0' Depth below grade: 10.0' Insulation depth: 10.0' South Basement: Solid Concrete or Masonry 1,666 23.0 10.0 0.027 45 Orientation:Back Wall height: 10.0' Depth below grade: 10.0' Insulation depth: 10.0' Crawlspace Wall: Solid Concrete or Masonry 124 10.0 10.0 0.050 4 Wall height: 7.0' Depth below grade: 4.0' Insulation depth: 5.0' Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans, specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in REScheck Version: REScheck-Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist. Name -Title Signature Date Project Title: Manchester Snowberry Duplex Report date: 04/07/18 Data filename: Page 2 of10 REScheck Software VersionChecklist: REScheck-Web Inspect Energy Code: 2015 IECC Requirements: 41.0% were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the "Comments/Assumptions"column is provided by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen. For each requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided. Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Pre-Inspection/Plan Review Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 103.1, ,Construction drawings and Complies Requirement will be met. 103.2 documentation demonstrate Does Not [PRI]1 ;energy code compliance for the Location on plans/spec: al ;building envelope.Thermal ❑Not Observable A0.1, BUILDING SECTIONS envelope represented on ❑Not Applicable AND DETAILS ;construction documents. 103.1, ;Construction drawings and 1 ,❑Complies 103.2, documentation demonstrate ❑Does Not 403.7 ;energy code compliance for [PR3]1 ;lighting and mechanical systems. ['Not Observable Lq Systems serving multiple ENot Applicable ;dwelling units must demonstrate ;compliance with the IECC Commercial Provisions. 302�eating and cooling equipment is'. Heating: Heating: ;❑Complies 403.7 sized per ACCA Manual S based Btu/hr Btu/hr ;❑Does Not [PR2]2 on loads calculated per ACCA Cooling: Cooling: Manual J or other methods ['Not Observable Btu/hr Btu/hr approved by the code official. ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Manchester Snowberry Duplex Report date: 04/07/18 Data filename: Page 3 of10 Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Foundation Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 402.1.2 Slab edge insulation R-value. R- ' R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies [F0111 ❑ Unheated ; ❑ Unheated EDoes Not table for values. �j ❑ Heated ❑ Heated ['Not Observable ENot Applicable i I 402.1.2 Slab edge insulation ft ft �❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies [FO3]1 depth/length. EDoes Not table for values. Ca ['Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.1.1 :Conditioned basement wall R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies [FO4]1 insulation R-value. Where interior R- R- Does Not❑ table for values. 0 :insulation is used, verification ENot O bservable :may need to occur during Insulation Inspection. Not ENot Applicable :required in warm-humid locations :in Climate Zone 3. 303.2 Conditioned basement wall ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FO5]1 insulation installed per EDoes Not manufacturer's instructions. Location on plans/spec: [Not Observable A5.1 , ,ENot Applicable 402.2.9 Conditioned basement wall ft ft ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies [FO6]1 insulation depth of burial or EDoes Not table for values. distance from top of wall. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.2.11 Unvented crawl space wall R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies [FO7]1 insulation R-value. R- R- EDoes Not table for values. ❑Not Observable ENot Applicable 303.2 Unvented crawl space wall ❑Complies [FO8]1 insulation installed per EDoes Not CIO manufacturer's instructions. ['Not Observable ENot Applicable 402.2.11 ;Unvented crawl space continuous ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FO9]1 vapor retarder installed over EDoes Not Q, :exposed earth,joints overlapped Location on plans/spec: :by 6 in. and sealed, extending at ['Not Observable A2.1 least 6 in. up and attached to the ❑Not Applicable j wall. 402.2.11 Unvented crawl space wall in. in. EComplies See the Envelope Assemblies [FO10]1 insulation depth of burial or EDoes Not table for values. 99 distance from top of wall. ['Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 303.2.1 A protective covering is installed ❑Complies Exception: Requirement is [FO11] 'to protect exposed exterior EDoes Not not applicable. mil insulation and extends a ['Not Observable minimum of 6 in. below grade. ❑Not Applicable 403.9 Snow-and ice-melting system ❑Complies [FO12]2 controls installed. EDoes Not J ' [Not O bservable ENot Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Manchester Snowberry Duplex Report date: 04/07/18 Data filename: Page 4 of10 Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Framing/ Rough-In Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 402.1.1, Door U-factor. U- U- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.4 EDoes Not table for values. [FR1]1 ['Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.1.1, Glazing U-factor(area-weighted U- U- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.1, average). ❑Does Not table for values. 402.3.3, 402.5 ['Not Observable [FR2]1 Not Applicable 303.1.3 U-factors of fenestration products EComplies Requirement will be met. [FR4]1 are determined in accordance ❑Does Not twith the NFRC test procedure or [Not O bservable taken from the default table. ❑Not Applicable 402.4.1.1 ;Air barrier and thermal barrier EComplies Requirement will be met. [FR23]1 :installed per manufacturer's ❑Does Not i. instructions. ENot Observable Location on plans/spec: ❑Not Applicable A0.1,A5.2 402.4.3 ;Fenestration that is not site built EComplies Requirement will be met. [FR20]1 :is listed and labeled as meeting ❑Does Not al AAMA/WDMA/CSA101/I.S.2/A440 ['Not Observable or has infiltration rates per NFRC X400 that do not exceed code ❑Not Applicable ;limits. 402.4. IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures EComplies Requirement will be met. [FR16] sealed at housing/interior finish ❑Does Not and labeled to indicate <_2.0 cfm leakage at 75 Pa. [Not Observable ' ❑Not Applicable 403.3.1 :Supply and return ducts in attics ❑Complies [FR12]1 insulated >= R-8 where duct is ❑Does Not 4, >= 3 inches in diameter and >= R-6 where< 3 inches. Supply and [Not Observable return ducts in other portions of ❑Not Applicable the building insulated >= R-6 for diameter>= 3 inches and R-4.2 for< 3 inches in diameter. i 403.3.5 :Building cavities are not used as ❑Complies [FR15]3 'ducts or plenums. ❑Does Not LQ' [Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.4 HVAC piping conveying fluids R- R- EComplies [FR above 105°F or chilled fluids ❑Does Not below 55 °F are insulated to >_R- 3 [Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.4.1 :Protection of insulation on HVAC ❑Complies [FR24]1 piping. ❑Does Not [Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.5.3 Hot water pipes are insulated to R- R- ❑Complies [FR18]2 >_R-3. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.6 Automatic or gravity dampers are ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FR19]2 installed on all outdoor air ❑Does Not intakes and exhausts. Location on plans/spec: ENot Observable A0.1 ❑Not Applicable 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Manchester Snowberry Duplex Report date: 04/07/18 Data filename: Page 5 of10 Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Manchester Snowberry Duplex Report date: 04/07/18 Data filename: Page 6 of10 Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Insulation Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 303.1 All installed insulation is labeled ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [IN13]2 or the installed R-values ❑Does Not provided. Ill IN ot Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.1.1, Floor insulation R-value. R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.6 El Wood El Wood ❑Does Not table for values. [IN1]1 ❑ Steel ❑ Steel ['Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 303.2, ;Floor insulation installed per EComplies Requirement will be met. 402.2.7 :manufacturer's instructions and ❑Does Not [IN2]1 in substantial contact with the Location on plans/spec: ia, :underside of the subfloor,or floor ❑Not Observable BUILDING SECTIONS/DETAILS 'framing cavity insulation is in ❑Not Applicable contact with the top side of sheathing, or continuous insulation is installed on the :underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the :top of all perimeterfloorframing members. 402.1.1, :Wall insulation R-value. If this is a R- R- EComplies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.5, :mass wall with at least 1/2 of the ❑ Wood ❑ Wood ❑Does Not table for values. 402.2.6 :wall insulation on the wall [IN3]1 :exterior,the exterior insulation III Mass III Mass ['Not O bservable :requirement applies(FR10). III Steel III Steel ❑Not Applicable 303.2 ;Wall insulation is installed per EComplies Requirement will be met. [IN4]1 :manufacturer's instructions. EDoes Not ['Not Observable Location on plans/spec: A5.2 ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Manchester Snowberry Duplex Report date: 04/07/18 Data filename: Page 7 of10 Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Final Inspection Provisions Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 402.1.1, Ceiling insulation R-value. R- R- ❑Complies See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.1, ❑ Wood ❑ Wood ❑Does Not table for values. 402.2.2, ❑ Steel ❑ Steel [Not Observable 402.2.6 [F11]1 ❑Not Applicable 303.1.1.1, Ceiling insulation installed per EComplies Requirement will be met. 303.2 manufacturer's instructions. ❑Does Not [F12]1 Blown insulation marked every ❑Not O bservable Location on plans/spec: 300 ft2. A5.2 ❑Not Applicable 402.2. Vented attics with air permeable EComplies Exception: Requirement is [F122] insulation include baffle adjacent ❑Does Not not applicable. to soffit and eave vents that extends over insulation. ENot Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.2.4 ;Attic access hatch and door R- R- EComplies Requirement will be met. [F13]1 insulation >_R-value of the ❑Does Not ;adjacent assembly. Location on plans/spec: ENot Observable NOT APPLICABLE ❑Not Applicable 402.4.1.2 Blower door test @ 50 Pa. <=5 ACH 50 = ACH 50 = EComplies Requirement will be met. [F117]1 ach in Climate Zones 1-2, and ❑Does Not <=3 ach in Climate Zones 3-8. Location on plans/spec: ❑Not Observable A0.1 ❑Not Applicable 403.3.4 Duct tightness test result of<=4 cfm/100 cfm/100 EComplies [F14]1 cfm/100 ft2 across the system or ft2 ft2 ❑Does Not <=3 cfm/100 ft2 without air handler @ 25 Pa. For rough-in ['Not O bservable tests,verification may need to ENot Applicable occur during Framing Inspection. 403.3.3 Ducts are pressure tested to cfm/100 cfm/100 EComplies [F127]1 determine air leakage with ft2 ft2 ❑Does Not either:Rough-in test:Total leakage measured with a ['Not Observable pressure differential of 0.1 inch ❑Not Applicable w.g. across the system including the manufacturer's air handler enclosure if installed at time of test. Postconstruction test:Total leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g. across the entire system including the manufacturer's air I handler enclosure. i 403.3.2.1 :Air handler leakage designated EComplies [F124]1 :by manufacturer at <=2%of ❑Does Not design air flow. ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.1.1 Programmablethermostats EComplies [F19]2 installed for control of primary ❑Does Not heating and cooling systems and initially set by manufacturer to ['Not Observable code specifications. , ❑Not Applicable 403.1.2 Heat pump thermostat installed ❑Complies [F110]2 on heat pumps. ❑Does Not ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.5. Circulating service hot water ❑Complies FI1 systems have automatic or EDoes Not accessible manual controls. ['Not O bservable E Not Applicable 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Manchester Snowberry Duplex Report date: 04/07/18 Data filename: Page 8 of10 Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Final Inspection Provisions Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 403.6.1 ,All mechanical ventilation system' ElComplies [F125]z 'fans not part of tested and listed ❑Does Not HVAC equipment meet efficacy and air flow limits. [Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 403.2 Hot water boilers supplying heat ❑Complies [F126]z through one-or two-pipe heating ❑Does Not systems have outdoor setback control to lower boiler water ['Not Observable temperature based on outdoor ENot Applicable temperature. 403.5.1.1 Heated water circulation systems ❑Complies [F128j2 have a circulation pump.The ❑Does Not system return pipe is a dedicated return pipe or a cold water supply [Not O bservable pipe.Gravity and thermos- ❑Not Applicable syphon circulation systems are not present.Controls for circulating hot water system pumps start the pump with signal for hot water demand within the occupancy. Controls automatically turn off the pump when water is in circulation loop is at set-point temperature and no demand for hot water exists. 403.5.1.2 Electric heat trace systems ❑Complies [F129]2 comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL ElDoes Not :515. Controls automatically adjust the energy input to the ['Not Observable heat tracing to maintain the ENot Applicable desired water temperature in the piping. 403.5. Water distribution systems that ❑Complies [F130]2 have recirculation pumps that ❑Does Not pump water from a heated water supply pipe back to the heated ENot O bservable water source through a cold ENot Applicable water supply pipe have a demand recirculation water system. Pumps have controls that manage operation of the pump and limit the temperature of the water entering the cold water piping to 104°F. 403.5.4 Drain water heat recovery units ❑Complies [F131]2 tested in accordance with CSA ElDoes Not B55.1. Potable water-side pressure loss of drain water heat [Not Observable recovery units < 3 psi for ❑Not Applicable individual units connected to one or two showers.Potable water- side pressure loss of drain water heat recovery units < 2 psi for individual units connected to three or more showers. 404.1 75% of lamps in permanent ❑Complies [F16]1 fixtures or 75% of permanent ❑Does Not fixtures have high efficacy lamps. Does not apply to low-voltage [Not Observable lighting. ENot Applicable 404.1.1 Fuel gas lighting systems have ❑Complies [F123]3 no continuous pilot light. ElDoes Not Divot O bservable ❑Not Applicable 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Manchester Snowberry Duplex Report date: 04/07/18 Data filename: Page 9 of10 Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Final Inspection Provisions Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 401.3 Compliance certificate posted. ❑Complies Requirement will be met. [F17]2 ❑Does Not [Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 303.3 Manufacturer manuals for ❑Complies [F118130 mechanical and water heating ❑Does Not systems have been provided. • [Not Observable ❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: Manchester Snowberry Duplex Report date: 04/07/18 Data filename: Page 10 of10 C2015 IECC Energy IEfficiency Certificate Insulation Ratin• 141111=1111 Above-Grade Wall 23.00 Below-Grade Wall 33.00 Floor 30.00 Ceiling / Roof 77.00 Ductwork(unconditioned spaces): Glass &Door Rating U-Factor SHGC Window 0.29 Door 0.21 Heating&Cooling Equipment Efficiency Heating System: Cooling System: Water Heater: Name: Date: Comments Hepworrh-PawIak Geotechnical,Inc. G igritech 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs,Colorado 81601 Phone:970.945-7988 HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Fax.970-945-8454 lipgeo@hpgeorech.com February 23, 2016 Last Ridge Development Corp. Attn: Gary Manchester 1720 Wazee#5D Denver, Colorado 80202 garymanchester@haselden.com Job No. 115 596A Subject: Review of Site Conditions, Proposed Duplex Residence, Lot 16,Block 9, Vail Intermountain, 2794 Snowberry Drive, Vail, Colorado Dear Gary: As requested, we are providing a review of the site conditions for the purpose of providing preliminary design recommendations for the proposed duplex residence at the subject site. The findings of our observations and recommendations are presented in this letter. The services were performed in accordance with our agreement for professional engineering services to Last Ridge Development Corp. dated February 2, 2016. Background Information: Access onto the site to drill borings in the building area for a subsurface study is not possible at this time due to the steep terrain and snow cover. It has been requested we provide preliminary geotechnical recommendations for the proposed building foundation and site grading designs. The basis of our recommendations is our experience on nearby lots and in the Vail area, review of available literature, and a recent site visit. Proposed Construction: The duplex residence will be a three story, wood frame structure cut into the mountainside slope. The lower portion of the building foundations retaining the mountainside cut will be concrete. Ground floors will be slab-on-grade. Preliminary plans indicate the ground floor elevation will be 8076 feet for both units. This will require cut depths up to about 25 feet that daylight to the northwest/west. It is planned to support the uphill sides of the excavation cuts with permanent shoring. We assume relatively light to moderate foundation loadings typical of the proposed type of building construction. Parker 303-841-7119 • Colorado Springs 719-633-5562 a Silverthome 970-468-1989 Last Ridge Development Corp. February 23, 2016 Page 2 When site grading and foundation loading information have been developed, we should be notified to perform additional analyses as needed prior to construction, including exploratory borings when access is made into the building area. Site Conditions: The lot is vacant and situated on moderately steep to steep, northwesterly to westerly facing mountainside terrain above Snowberry Lane. Slope grades on the lot range from about 20 to 60% with the steeper slopes in the southern part. In the proposed building area, the slope grades range from about 20 to 40%. Elevation difference across the proposed building footprint is about 25 feet and across the lot is about 90 feet. Vegetation consists of grass and weeds with scattered evergreen trees. When we observed the site in December of 2015, about 2 feet of snow covered the ground surface. Geologic Conditions: The site is not located within potential geologic hazard areas for rockfall, debris flow and avalanche according to the Town of Vail mapping. (Town of Vail 2000a, 2000b, and 2000c). We do not believe the subject Lot 16 is within a landslide complex. The soils at the site appear to consist of colluvium and alluvial deposits. The underlying bedrock is the Minturn Formation. There is a risk of construction induced slope instability at the site due the planned relatively deep cuts. The risk of construction induced slope instability should be low provided the uphill sides of the planned excavation are retained such as with a permanent soil nail wall system. Discussion: Development of the site as generally planned appears feasible based on geotechnical considerations with proper planning, design and construction. The project will be difficult to construct due to the steep hillside terrain and the extensive grading planned. Retaining the uphill side cuts of the excavation with permanent shoring will be needed to reduce the potential for construction induced slope instability. Soil nail walls are typically used in the area as shoring and should be feasible at this site. Vertical micro-pile walls may also be feasible. The shoring should be designed and built by a qualified contractor with experience in the area. We expect the subsoils at the site consist of clayey silty sand and gravel with cobbles and possible small boulders. Groundwater could be encountered in deeper excavations, especially if made during springtime and early summer snow melt runoff. Shallow seasonal seepage is typical of the area. Bedrock could also be encountered in the deeper Job No, 115 596A Gc"ei ech Last Ridge Development Corp. February 23, 2016 Page 3 cuts. The exploratory borings are expected to identify the subsurface conditions needed for design level recommendations. Lightly to moderately loaded spread footings bearing on the natural granular soils are expected to be feasible for foundation support of the building with a relatively low risk of settlement. Drilled piers or driven piles down into bedrock are expected to be feasible foundation alternatives to spread footings, would provide a low risk of foundation movement and could be used to help resist lateral loadings. We understand spread footings are desired for foundation support of the building. Some settlement of a spread footing foundation should be expected due to assumed variable foundation loading and excavation cut depths. Preliminary Design Recommendations: Spread footings placed on the undisturbed natural granular soils can designed for an assumed allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. Footings should be a minimum width of 18 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for columns. Minimum frost depth for footings in the Vail area is 48 inches. Foundation walls should be heavily reinforced to span local anomalies and resist lateral earth loadings when acting as retaining structures. Foundation walls and retaining structures up to 15 feet in height which are laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a slight amount of deflection should be designed for an assumed lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 50 pcf for backfill consisting of the on-site granular soils. Foundation walls and retaining structures greater than 15 feet in height which are laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a slight amount of deflection can be designed for an assumed uniform lateral earth pressure of 25H in psf where H is the wall height in feet for backfill consisting of the on-site granular soils. Surcharge loading such as from an upward sloping backfill, snow storage etc. should be added to the lateral earth pressure values. It should be feasible to reduce the lateral earth pressure load on the uphill building wall provided the excavation cut slope is retained with a permanent soil nail wall structure. A perimeter foundation drain should be provided to prevent temporary buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the basement walls and prevent wetting of the lower level. The drain system should include at least 6 inches of drain gravel below the basement level slabs, and possibly include interior lateral drains if groundwater is encountered. We should review our lateral earth pressure recommendations following subsurface exploration at the site and when the grading and soil nail wall plans have been developed. Job No. 115 596A Last Ridge Development Corp. February 23,2016 Page 4 Limitations: The recommendations submitted in this letter are based on our experience in the area and do not include subsurface exploration at the site. We make no warranty either express or implied. Borings should be drilled at the site when access is available prior to construction and additional geotechnical recommendations made at that time. It is possible the data obtained by subsurface exploration could change the recommendations contained in this letter. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to the recommendations presented herein. Sincerely, HEPWORTH—P LAKr��1ICAL, INC. r E Lri#9j rts: °C;` 4. 6" [:s p OF• Ei David A. Young, P.E zq c,2.l5i c r v Rev. by: SLP ����1Sj „FNAL .40 DAY/ksw REFERENCES Town of Vail,2000a. Official Rockfall Hazard Map, Town of Vail. Prepared by the Town of Vail, Vail, Colorado (Adopted by the Town Council on October 17, 2000). Town of Vail, 2000b. Official Debris Flow Hazard Map, Town of Vail. Prepared by the Town of Vail,Vail,Colorado (Adopted by the Town Council on October 17, 2000). Town of Vail, 2000c. Official Avalanche Hazard Map, Town of Vail. Prepared by the Town of Vail, Vail, Colorado(Adopted by the Town Council on October 17, 2000). Job No, 115 596A Gtech RadiantWorks Professional Mechanical Summary Report 2/15/2018 Project Information Contact Information Project Assumptions Project Number Designed By Brent Hettinger Outdoor Temp-21 °F Project Quote Company Name George T.Sanders Company Elevation 8200 ft Project Name Last Ridge Snowberry Duplex Phone Number 970-468-8254 Wind Speed 10 mph North Designed For Job Type Residential VAIL,CO (Colorado) Pump Specs Zone Name Flow Head Delta T Supply Fluid Temp Zone 1 1.9 GPM 2.5 ft 20 95°F Zone 2 0.5 GPM 1.6 ft 20 105 °F Zone 3 1.3 GPM 1.6 ft 20 120 °F Zone 4 0.3 GPM 0.9 ft 20 120 °F Zone 5 0.4 GPM 2 ft 20 120 °F Zone 6 0.4 GPM 1.3 ft 20 120 °F Zone 7 0.2 GPM 0.2 ft 20 95°F Zone 8 2.5 GPM 1.9 ft 20 120 °F Zone 9 1 GPM 1.3 ft 20 120 °F Zone 10 0.2 GPM 0.1 ft 20 105 °F Last Ridge Snowberry Duplex N..rad Copyright(c)Watts Radiant 2008 Page 1 of 3 RadiantWorks Professional Mechanical Summary Report 2/15/2018 Heated Area Descriptions Application Construction Heated Area Product Totals Zone 1 <> Room List(Garage,Mud) Radiant Heating Slab 875 ft2 (4)250'Lengths of 1/2" None RadiantPEX+ Zone 2 <> Room List(Entry) Radiant Heating Slab 161 ft2 (1) 175' Lengths of 1/2" None RadiantPEX+ Zone 3 <> Room List(Family,Laundry,Strorage) Radiant Heating ThinSlab 569 ft2 (3)200'Lengths of 1/2" None RadiantPEX+ Zone 4 <> Room List(South Bed) Radiant Heating ThinSlab 165 ft2 (1) 175' Lengths of 1/2" None RadiantPEX+ Zone 5 <> Room List(North Bed, Bath) Radiant Heating ThinSlab 227 ft2 (1)250'Lengths of 1/2" None RadiantPEX+ Zone 6 <> Room List(Jr Master) Radiant Heating ThinSlab 178 ft2 (1)200'Lengths of 1/2" None RadiantPEX+ Zone 7 <> Room List(Jr M. Bath) Radiant Heating ThinSlab 138 ft2 (1) 150' Lengths of 1/2" None RadiantPEX+ Zone 8 <> Room List(Liv,Kit,Din,Hall) Radiant Heating ThinSlab 896 ft2 (6)250'Lengths of 1/2" None RadiantPEX+ Zone 9 <> Room List(M.Bed, M.CIst) Radiant Heating ThinSlab 436 ft2 (3)250'Lengths of 1/2" None RadiantPEX+ Zone 10 <> Room List(M.Bath) Radiant Heating ThinSlab 113 ft2 (1) 125' Lengths of 1/2" None RadiantPEX+ Heating Load Summary Tube Back/Edge Total Total Spacing Intensity Losses Required Provided Supp. (in) (BTU/h•ft2) (BTU/h•ft2) (BTU/h) (BTU/h) Needed Zone 1 16327 20900 Garage 12 20.06 2.55 15750 19338 Mud 12 6.41 2.43 577 1562 Last Ridge Snowberry Duplex N..rad Copyright(c)Watts Radiant 2008 Page 2 of 3 RadiantWorks Professional Mechanical Summary Report 2/15/2018 Zone 2 3731 5039 Entry 12 23.18 5.27 3731 5039 Zone 3 12031 19217 Family 12 24.49 1.39 9994 11206 Laundry,Strorage 12 12.65 0.98 2037 8011 Zone 4 3103 4189 South Bed 12 18.8 1.23 3103 4189 Zone 5 3979 6998 North Bed 12 20.44 1.30 3372 4189 Bath 12 9.79 1.01 607 2809 Zone 6 3510 4520 Jr Master 12 19.72 1.27 3510 4520 Zone 7 1680 3293 Jr M. Bath 12 12.17 0.42 1680 3293 Zone 8 23650 25616 Liv,Kit,Din,Hall 8 26.4 1.48 23650 25616 Zone 9 9547 11410 M. Bed 8 23.08 1.43 8677 9905 M.Clst 8 14.5 1.10 870 1505 Zone 10 1501 3553 M.Bath 12 13.29 0.68 1501 3553 Project Summary Total Flow: 8.6 GPM Total System Head: 2.5 ft Boiler Load: 85622 BTU/h Total System Volume: 49 Gallons Total Heated Area: 3758 ft2 Please verify all project information for accuracy. Signature: Date: Last Ridge Snowberry Duplex N..rad Copyright(c)Watts Radiant 2008 Page 3 of 3 OUT DOOR SENSOR RADIANT PANELS(ONLY 3 SHOWEN) TRIANGLE TUBE DIVIDED SKY 2-16-18 T PRESTIGE SOLO PA399 LAST RIDGE DUPLEX N. TEKMAR 360 MI OUT DOOR SENSOR MIXING CONTROL ® 3/4" ` �� 3/4" 3/4" 1 MIX SUPPLY SENSOR A V A T .-7 , _, _....._ A Y m . m a 1-1/4" 0 F 1111 z_ - 3 7 1-1/4" ?) 1-1/4" A A A m 1"3-WAY MIXING VLV SNOWMELT PANEL z . a 1" OUTDOOR - SENSOR 1-1/2" TEKMAR 665 li i Al SNOWMELT CONTROL A A 6"MAX 090SLAB I SENSOR O V 1-1/2" A 1-1/2" L6006C1018 STRAP ON AQUASTAT 1 I 1-1/4" 1-1/4" I TTP4-24 VAL ► , I ► O O i I �— – PUMP W/INTREGAL CHECK HX-1• PUMP W/INTREGAL CHECK BFP PRV 1 , 9z HEAT iA 1-1/4" EXCHANGER O O ET-1 n i EXP A1\430 r JTANKJ 0 0 x I 4 SX3OV TRIANGLE PUMP SCHEDULE SPD SMART ER ES P1 -GRUNDFOS UPS43-44FC 2 1-1/2" NOTE:FILL P2-GRUNDFOS UPS26-69FC 2 DOMESTIC EXP INNER TANK P3-GRUNDFOS UPS43-44FC 2 FIRST. TANK P4-GRUNDFOS UPS 15-58FC 3 \ ET-1 / WH-1 P5-GRUNDFOS UPS26-99FC 3 FIRECT WATER HEATER 8OGAL