HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-06-12 VLHA Meeting Results Vail Local Housing Authority Meeting Results Tuesday, June 12,2018 RegularMeeting 3:00 PM–5:00PM Housing Department Large Conference Room 75 South Frontage RoadWest, Vail, Colorado 81657 (Public Invited) MEMBERS PRESENTMEMBERS ABSENT Steve Lindstrom Mary McDougall Molly Morales Francisco Meza James Wilkins Staff George Ruther Lynne Campbell Lindstrom called the meetingto order at 3:15PM. All members present. TheBoard reviewedand approved the May30, 2018 meeting results. MOTION: MoralesSECOND: McDougallVOTE: 3-0-2 (Wilkins, Meza abstained) McDougall and Ruther reviewed the Council meeting discussionregardinglottery resale applicants. Conclusion by Council was an ownerof existing residential propertymay enter, upon winning a deed- restricted home they need to deed restrict the existing home upon Council approval or sell. The Town, however, will not purchase the deed restriction. The Board discussedEmployee Housing Unit Deed Restriction Exchange Requests.44 Willow Place Unit 3/44Vail Road Unit 3 is a noncompliant underperforming restriction and is going through a major remodel removing the EHU. Theownerand their representative Kyle Webb are proposingto exchange the unit. Staff having presented at the prior meeting,Morales summarized the exchange forthe Board. Ruther asked the Board toconsider the “noncompliant EHU” and deemed this type unit as an “underperforming unit”as it is not required to be rented. Ruther stated there would not be anet loss of deed restrictions. The Board agrees to the request for 3 times the equivalent replacement upon property identification at which time a formal recommendation to Council will be made. Page 1 1875West Gore Creek Drivewas discussed for exchange. The owners of the Type I would like to exchange for 2:1. They are looking at a replacement property in East Vail. The home needs tocomply with zoning and GRFA. Rutherhas asked the planners to look into confirming the existing GRFA. The obligation is to have a deed restrictedunit. thrd Ruther said the housing policy discussion scheduled for June 19has been moved to the July 3 Council meeting. Instead,the housingresale lottery administrative procedures will be heard onJune th 19. Ruther reviewed a housing lottery flow chart the Town is putting into place. Ruther asked the Board for their thoughts on process. The Town has a standard for the transaction. Per Ruther the lottery basically remains the same except the tickets system replaces tiered lottery and individual sales vs. master list. The Board and staff reviewed how a resale usually is handled and options to update the process. Ruther indicated the for-sale properties included in theprocessare Vail Commons, Red Sandstone Creek, NorthTrail Townhomes, Arosa Duplexand Chamonix Vail. Discussion ensued and the outcome was: Lottery Resale Timelines: 2business days from calculation to advertising 7business days from ad to open houses 2business days from open house to application due 5days from app due to publish qualified buyer 2days to qualified buyer to lottery 18Total business days from seller notice to lottery Morales questioned whether there isenough time for the buyer to get their qualification materials together for the application. Staff will create calendar and review to understand if there are any gaps. The summary will be inserted to the Resale Housing Lottery Administrative Procedures to be presented th on June 19. Morales motioned to enter Executive Session per C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(a)(e) -to discuss the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer or sale of real, personal or other property interests; and to determine positions,develop a strategy and instruct negotiators, regarding:Vail InDEED applications and deed restrictions. MOTION: MoralesSECOND: WilkinsVOTE: 5-0 Wilkinsmotioned to exit the executive session and reenter the regular meeting. MOTION: WilkinsSECOND: McDougallVOTE:5-0 Back into the regular meeting, in attendance all board members, staff, Ruther and Campbell. There was no action from executive session. Wilkins motioned to adjournthe meeting at 5:15PM. MOTION: WilkinsSECOND: MezaVOTE:5-0 Next Meeting –June 26,2018 Page 2 Future Agenda Items: Housing PoliciesVLHA Business Plan Long Term Funding SourceEast Vail Parcel Update 2019 BudgetOpen Lands Plan Discussion Update Economic Value of HousingWest Vail Master Plan Discussion Discussion Housing Data Page 3