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NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ TOWN OFVA _ഀ 5 SouthFrontage Road Department of Community Developmentഀ 7ഀ Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ 970-479-21381479-2139 Job Address: 352 MEADOW DRഀ FAX 970-479-2452 Location SAMEഀ Parcel No..: 2101-082-55-001ഀ APPLICANT DOVER ELEVATOR COMPANYഀ 6374 S RACINE CR, ENGLEWOOD CO 80111ഀ CONTRACTOR DOVER ELEVATOR COMPANYഀ 6374 S-RACINE CR, ENGLEWOOD CO 80111ഀ OWNER JWT 1987 VAIL LIMITED PARTNERSHIഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB, 352 E MEADOW D,ഀ Description:ഀ ELEV. UP-GRADEഀ Status...: ISSUEDഀ Applied..: 07/21/1995ഀ Issued...: 08/01/1995ഀ Expires..: 01/28/1996ഀ Phone: 3037908566ഀ Phone: 3037908566ഀ VAIL CO 81657ഀ Valuation > 17,482ഀ ******************irk*************************************** FEE SUMMARY *********ic******************~*ഀ Elevator-----> 55.00 Total Calculated Fees 58.00ഀ DRS Fee------ > .00 Additional Fees > .00ഀ Investigation> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 58.00ഀ Will Call---- > 3.00 Payments > 58.00ഀ TOTAL FEES 58.00 BALANCE DUE------------- > .00ഀ Item: 05800 NWCCOG COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTSഀ 07/21/1995 GARY Action: APPR FOR BILLYഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTഀ 07/21/1995 GARY Action: APPRഀ Ztem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENTഀ 07/21/1995 GARY Action: APPR N/Aഀ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTഀ 07/21/1995 GARY Action: APPR N/Aഀ Dept: BUILDING Division:ഀ Dept: BUILDING Division:ഀ Dept: PLANNING Division:ഀ Dept: FIRE Division:ഀ See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit.ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plotഀ plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,ഀ to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisionഀ codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE HONE TO N M FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PMഀ Signature:ഀ .terഀ RECYCLEDPAPERഀ rmiഀ tk1gWNഀ ഀ CONDITIONSഀ )219 as of 08/01/95 Status: ISSUEDഀ ഀ 7.adp;tht'rmy :R IERCIAL ELEV. PERMITഀ Vail., d&&&mlarff65ZOVER ELEVATOR COMPANYഀ 970-479-21381479-21393 7 9 0 8 5 6 6ഀ FAX 970-479-2452ഀ Job Address: 352 MEADOW DRഀ Location: SAMEഀ Parcel No: 2101-082-55-001ഀ Description:ഀ ELEV. UP-GRADEഀ Conditions:ഀ Departmeg,4!C!p@ffluni&792vr~opgggtഀ Issued: 08/01/1995ഀ To Expire: 01/28/1996ഀ ILow RECYCLED PAPERഀ ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemntഀ ഀ Statemnt Number:ഀ REC-0050 Amount: 58.00ഀ 08/01/95 11:30ഀ Payment Method:ഀ ഀ CHECK Notation: #067915ഀ ഀ Init: LRDഀ ഀ ഀ Permit No:ഀ B95-0219 Type: B-ELEV2 COMMERCIAL ELEV. PERഀ Parcel No:ഀ 2101-082-55-001ഀ Site Address:ഀ 352 MEADOW DRഀ Location:ഀ SAME .ഀ Total Fees:ഀ 58.00ഀ This Paymentഀ 58.00 Total ALL Pmts:ഀ 58.00ഀ Balance:ഀ .00ഀ ഀ Account Codeഀ Descriptionഀ Amountഀ 01 0000 41310ഀ COMMERCIAL EVEV. PER.FEEഀ 55.00ഀ 01 0000 41336ഀ ഀ WILL CALL INSPECTION FEEഀ ഀ 3.00ഀ ഀ A1o17rrF,pഀ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTഀ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ 970-479-2138ഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit B96-0301ഀ Job Address:ഀ 352 MEADOW DRഀ Status...:ഀ APPROVEDഀ Location...:ഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB 352ഀ MEApplied..:ഀ 10/02/1996ഀ Parcel No..:ഀ 2101-082-55-001ഀ Issued...:ഀ 10/29/1996ഀ Project No.:ഀ PRJ96-0160ഀ Expires..:ഀ 04/27/1997ഀ APPLICANT J. PRENTNER BUILDING CONTRACTORSഀ Phone: 502-429-8689ഀ 108 DAVENTRY LANE,ഀ SUITE 301, LOUISVILLE,ഀ KY 40223ഀ CONTRACTOR J. PRENTNER BUILDINഀ G CONTRACTORSഀ Phone: 502-429-8689ഀ 108 DAVENTRY LANE,ഀ SUITE 301, LOUISVILLE,ഀ KY 40223ഀ OWNER JWT 1987 VAIL LIMITഀ ED PARTNERSHIഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB,ഀ 352 E MEADOW DR, VAILഀ CO 81657ഀ Description:ഀ PHASE I LOWER 2 FLOORS VAIL ATHELETIC CLUBഀ Occupancy:ഀ Type Construction:ഀ Type Occupancy:ഀ Valuation: 800,000 Add Sq Ft:ഀ Fireplace Information: Restricted: Of Gas Appliances: #Of Gas Logs: #Of Wood/Pallet:ഀ FEE SUMMARYഀ Building----->ഀ 3,540.00ഀ Restuarant Plan Review-->ഀ .00ഀ Total Calculated Feesഀ 6,994.00ഀ Plan Checkഀ 2,301.00ഀ DRB Fee----------------->ഀ 400.00ഀ Additional Fees >ഀ .00ഀ Investigation>ഀ .00ഀ Recreation Fee---------- >ഀ .00ഀ Total Permit Fee-------->ഀ 6,994.00ഀ Will Call---- >ഀ 3.00ഀ Clean-Up Deposit-------->ഀ 750.00ഀ Payments >ഀ .00ഀ TOTAL FEES-------------->ഀ 6,994.00ഀ BALANCE DUE------------- >ഀ 6,994.00ഀ Item: 05100ഀ BUILDING DEPARTMENTഀ De t: BUILDINGഀ Division:ഀ 10/02/1996ഀ CHARLIEഀ Action:ഀ NOTEഀ PLANS TOഀ CHU~Kഀ 10/29/1996ഀ CHUCKഀ Action:ഀ APPRഀ Item: 05400ഀ PLANNING DEPARTMENTഀ Dept: PLANNINGഀ Division:ഀ 10/02/1996ഀ CHARLIEഀ Action:ഀ NOTEഀ PLANS TOഀ ANDYഀ 10/18/1996ഀ MIKEഀ Action:ഀ APPRഀ 10/18/1996ഀ MIKEഀ Action:ഀ APPRഀ See condition of approvaഀ 10/18/1996ഀ MIKEഀ Action:ഀ CANCഀ 10/23/1996ഀ MIKEഀ Action:ഀ APPRഀ See conditionഀ Item: 05600ഀ FIRE DEPARTMENTഀ Dept: FIREഀ Division:ഀ 10/02/1996ഀ CHARLIEഀ Action:ഀ NOTEഀ PLANS TOഀ MIKE MCGEEഀ 10/28/1996ഀ DANഀ Action:ഀ APPRഀ Item: 05500ഀ PUBLICഀ WORKSഀ Dept: PUB WORKഀ Division:ഀ 10/02/1996ഀ CHARLIEഀ Action:ഀ NOTEഀ PLANS TOഀ LARRYഀ 10/28/1996ഀ DANഀ Action:ഀ APPRഀ APPROVEDഀ LARRY PARDEEഀ See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit.ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plotഀ plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,ഀ to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisionഀ codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PMഀ Send Clean-Up Deposit To: TOM BRUSCA VAIL ATHLETIC CLUBഀ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNERഀ ഀ CONDITIONSഀ Permit B96-0301 as of 10/29/96 Status: APPROVEDഀ ഀ Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 10/02/1996ഀ Applicant: J. PRENTNER BUILDING CONTRACTORS To EIssued: xpire: 04/27/1997ഀ 502-429-8689ഀ Job Address:ഀ Location: VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB 352 MEADOW DRഀ Parcel No: 2101-082-55-001ഀ Description:ഀ PHASE I LOWER 2 FLOORS VAIL ATHELETIC CLUBഀ Conditions:ഀ 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BEഀ STARTED.ഀ 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.ഀ 3. 1) Revisions to the laundry/parking garage will be deferredഀ until Phase II of the remodel. The parking garage shallഀ have 24 valet parking spaces at Phase II. This was agreedഀ to by Stan Cope.ഀ 4. ELEVATORS LIFTS TO BE USED EXCLUSIVELY BY PHYSICALLYഀ IMPAIRED PERSONS ONLY.ഀ 5. day care location is not allowable as draw. must have exitsഀ directly to the exterior of the building.ഀ 6. upper level of the health club employees bathroom and lockerഀ room are required to be accessible and may need to comply wഀ ith over state and federal regulations.ഀ 7. door schedule is required with proper door ratings.ഀ 8. a copy of the asbestos reoprt is required.ഀ 9. eliminate door 151.3 or change door swing so as not to blockഀ the stair way.ഀ 10. Fire sprinkler is required in pool and mechanicalഀ First floor east end as part of phase one.ഀ 11. All egress must meet UBC 191 requirements before occupancyഀ of phase one.ഀ 12. Barrier is required at pool at lift.ഀ 13. Restaurant lift details required before phase two permit isഀ issued.ഀ 14. Doors to spa lobby must have exit signs and clear andഀ unobstructed path of egress. Path of egress must beഀ designated. Locking hardware must meet UBC requirements.ഀ 15. a full revised set of plans will be submitted to the buildinഀ g dept. prior to a framing inspectionഀ act Eagle County Assessors Officeഀ ~7A-328-8640 for Parcel TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PEPMIT #ഀ PARCEL 4~ PERMIT APPLICATION FORM at( Dഀ DATE: 10140,ഀ 0 IFഀ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDഀ PERMIT INFORMATIONഀ (JI" Building [r ]-Plumbing [electrical [Af-Mechanical [ ]-Otherഀ ~J' ClUtaഀ Job Name: yAiLo Q1&t,,f. 1C CIU~6 Job Address: Cഀ Legal Description: Lot p4L"' B?ock9AMC'= F ling` ( SUBDIVISION: VA"L. UV.C, 1;-ഀ Owners Name: ( (961 Lty. Address: 'j'Sr2 McPCO.u M . Ph-49p O-kXoഀ Architect: ',_644 P45FICIMS Address: BCI( ZMQ $VDH ( 'o _ Ph.R CI-ഀ General Description: L Oukz2 Two f=LmIZS C*4(( L/ഀ Work Class: [ ]-New [Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]Repair [ ]-Otherഀ Number of Dwelling Units: Number of Accommodation Units:ഀ N mber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pelletഀ VALUATIONഀ L3 - 630 0,?- y,?ഀ BUILDING: 3,&brbo o ELECTRICAL: $ n o Doe . OTHER: $ഀ PLUMBINGG~:j o e _ MECHANICAL:$ o TOTAL:ഀ ***a*`'~ CONTRACTOR INFOATIONഀ Xeneral Contractor: 1~1Z~-t't"~N1~12 C~ACtoeS Town of Vail Reg . NOഀ Address: 106 baU MQ1~4 LAME= , L)V15U111X_--y y Phone Number:ഀ Electrical Contractor: tU= 9j:a cti21CAL Town of Vail Reg. NO. Lr Z►ഀ Address: e04 IWO &%.e12 hI1 Co. Phone Number:ഀ Plumbing Contractor: ,75a ~wesr" eULQ= LlL Town of Vail Reg. NO. 3sPഀ Address: E504. ~f ~~-171A} CJDZ CAD Phone Number: 41(a-ഀ Mechanical Contractor: I~IG cs _ Town of Vail Reg. NO. zoഀ Address: Bp-4, -7a C'Vp:a ~ 705 Phone Number: CKSഀ BUILDING PERMIT FEE:ഀ PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:ഀ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:ഀ ELECTRICAL FEE:ഀ OTHER TYPE OF FEE:ഀ DRB FEE : ~ReeA•d 4,500. °Sഀ OFFICE USEഀ BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:ഀ PLUMBING PLAN CHECK YEE:ഀ MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE:ഀ RECREATION ,M-ഀ CLEAN-UP 4= q 'ഀ CLEAN-UP Dഀ TOTAL PERMS:ഀ TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION BUILDING:ഀ SIGNATURE:ഀ ZONING:ഀ SIGNATURE:ഀ Comments:ഀ 0ഀ 310 - smoഀ CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ~ BexSCAA ©UVMഀ VP'lV pvs,~ l C, C.,LY& Sys- 37Co oഀ FORഀ rl - Vഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ 970-479-2138ഀ iഀ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit B96-0348ഀ Job Address:ഀ 352 MEADOW DRഀ Status...:ഀ ISSUEDഀ Location...:ഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUBഀ Applied..:ഀ 11/04/1996ഀ Parcel No..:ഀ 2101-082-55-001ഀ Issued...:ഀ 11/06/1996ഀ Project No.:ഀ PRJ96-0160ഀ Expires..:ഀ 05/05/1997ഀ APPLICANT MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA, INC. Phone: 3039496339ഀ P 0 BOX 2670, VAIL CO 81658ഀ CONTRACTOR MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA, INC. Phone: 3039496339ഀ P 0 BOX 2670, VAIL CO 81658ഀ OWNER JWT 1987 VAIL LIMITED PARTNERSHIഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB, 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL CO 81657ഀ Description:ഀ CONSTRUCT OUTDOOR GUNITE SPAഀ Occupancy:ഀ Type Construction:ഀ Type Occupancy:ഀ Valuation: 10,000 Add Sq Ft:ഀ Fireplace Information: Restricted: #Of Gas Appliances: NOf Gas Logs: #Cf Wood/Pallet:ഀ k********************************************************** FEE SUMMARYഀ Building-----> 145.00 ReDs rant Plan Review--> .00 Total Calculated Fees 342.25ഀ Plan Check---> 94.25 r 00 Additional Fees >ഀ Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .00ഀ Will Call > 3.00 Clean-UP Deposit > 100.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 342.25ഀ .00 Payments > 342.25ഀ TOTAL FEES--------------> 342.25 BALANCE DUE------------- > .00ഀ ഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:ഀ 11/04/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIEഀ 11/05/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISഀ Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:ഀ 11/04/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO DOMINICഀ 11/06/1996 MIKE Action: APPR Mike is plannerഀ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:ഀ 11/04/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/Aഀ Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division:ഀ 11/04/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/Aഀ See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit.ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information equired, completed an accurate plotഀ plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comp witiC the information and plot plan,ഀ to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according t the Town's zoning and subdivisionഀ codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of t Town appli able thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEP NE T,~9~138 RAT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PMഀ Send Clean-Up Deposit To: MAX COMFORT POOLഀ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNERഀ aഀ CONDITIONSഀ Permit B96-0348 as of 11/06/96 Status: ISSUEDഀ Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 11/04/1996ഀ Applicant: MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA, INC. Issued: 11/06/1996ഀ 3039496339 To Expire: 05/05/1997ഀ Job Address:ഀ Location: VAIL ATHLETIC CLUBഀ Parcel No: 2101-082-55-001ഀ Description:ഀ CONSTRUCT OUTDOOR GUNITE SPAഀ Conditions:ഀ 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.ഀ 2. ALL CONCRETE PRODUCTS MUST BE PROTECTED FROM FREEZING.ഀ ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprinted: 11/06/96 12:57 Statemntഀ ഀ Statemnt Number:ഀ REC-0228 Amount: 342.25ഀ 11/06/96 12:55ഀ Payment Method:ഀ ഀ CK Notation: #17123ഀ ഀ Init: CDഀ Permit No:ഀ ഀ B96-0348 Type: A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUILD Pഀ Parcel No:ഀ 2101-082-55-001ഀ Site Address:ഀ 352 MEADOW DRഀ Location:ഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUBഀ Total Fees:ഀ 342.25ഀ This Paymentഀ 342.25 Total ALL Pmts:ഀ 342.25ഀ Balance:ഀ .00ഀ ഀ j Account Codeഀ Descriptionഀ Amountഀ 01 0000 41310ഀ BUILDING PERMIT FEESഀ 145.00ഀ 01 0000 41332ഀ PLAN CHECK FEESഀ 94.25ഀ 01 0000 22002ഀ CLEANUP DEPOSITSഀ 100.00ഀ 01 0000 41336ഀ WILL CALL INSPECTION FEEഀ 3.00ഀ 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ഀ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ഀ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ഀ OCT-29-1996 15:41ഀ 1ഀ PERKINS-BOBER ARCH. P.03ഀ ADDENDA 0001ഀ FIRE PROTECTION AND ALARM UPGRADEഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUBഀ DIVI$160 15330ഀ 1. an drawing FP-0 - revise the residual pressure on the flow test results to 80 psi.ഀ i2- 0n. rawing.FP-1.0 - delete the shut-off valve and new sprinkler head in the lift near column. K-1 f.ഀ 3. On drawing FP-2.Q - delete the existing sprinkler head in the lift near column ;K-11-ഀ 4. On drawing FP-2.0 - provide a fire department siamese connection with the outlets perpendicularഀ to the exterior wall.ഀ DIVISION 16721-ഀ 1. Add smoke detection at the top of the elevator shaft and machine room near column K-11ഀ 2. Add smoke detection at the elevator machine room for the new lift (to be installed- in Phase II)` inഀ Room 235.ഀ NOTE, THE SMOKE, DETECTORS PROVIDED ABOVE MUST INITIATE A . GENERAL ALARMഀ CONDITION FOR THE OVERALL BUILDING.ഀ iഀ TOTAL P.03ഀ DATE: 10/11/96ഀ Tnm:. 2:30 p.m.ഀ PROJRCT 5822ഀ iഀ PROJECT : Vail Athletic Club rഀ PERSOK. COKSULTSD : FIRM:ഀ BY:.Tyler.Beals PHONE NO.ഀ PURPOSE OF CONTACT.,ഀ PRESENT: John Perkins, Roger Lanning, JPAഀ Tommy $rusca, Vail Athletic Clubഀ Dan Stanek, Chuck Feldman, Town of Vailഀ 00ഀ BEAMDINഀ GANZEഀ CONSULTINGഀ ENGINEERS, INC.ഀ TELEPHONE CONVERSATION X-- MEETING MIഀ Sഀ 1.ഀ Vestibule 232 will require.a phonesince it wഀ ill; now beഀ a refuge, areaഀ 2.ഀ The wesrt locker room area will stay as an ocഀ pancy/ഀ area separation. Therefore, the fire damperഀ willഀ stay. Chuck.later said that they do not weഀ irei.anഀ oeaupancy/area. separation. However, the firഀ daispersഀ have already been orderod.ഀ -3.ഀ The drop ceiling/gypsum ceiling plus bar joiഀ sts plusഀ rood deck plus`conerete deck will make the 2ഀ houw floorഀ ceiling assembly. This conforms with case 3-ഀ A, pageഀ 3450, of the 91 V8C Handbook for fire resistiഀ ve ckorridorഀ constrPotion. -ഀ 4,ഀ The.structural beams will be'sprayed and theഀ structuralഀ corns will be wrapped with 2 layers of 5/81ഀ 1 gyp boardഀ to provide a 2-hour protection. of all structഀ ural steel.ഀ (This'rating does not contribute to the 2-hoഀ ur floorഀ ceiling -assembly) .ഀ 5.ഀ Corridor.. 215 does not have to be rated.ഀ 6. All of the light fixtures in the therapy poo:ഀ located on-the lower floor shall be on emergeഀ 7.: John w*11 research the lift recall requiremeiഀ lift :-located on the lower floor.ഀ 20iz0'd 6ST9 666 OL6 'ON3 'SN00 3ZNUO NIQnUMഀ areaഀ .ഀ Icy Power. P.O. Box 39'ഀ v4 CO 81651,ഀ h On the (970) 9-19.610=ഀ Fi,x: (970) 9,19-615'1ഀ 14142 Denver Wmt Pkwy.ഀ Smile 195ഀ GUI&A CO 80401 .ഀ (303) 278-Mഀ Fax: (W) 2773-3Wഀ S?-:OT 966T-ST-100ഀ W ' d IUi0iഀ Coa~crenive Rocore'~ഀ Vail Athl'eric Clulyഀ i Odtob'er 11, 1996ഀ Pagel - '2ഀ iഀ Iഀ jഀ All ceiling, pemetrativns; diffusers, I:Lghtsng` etc. ,ഀ must be protected for fire. Wherefore, a<11ഀ diffusers/'registers/grilles will require a ce linqഀ radiatio4 damper and all light penetrations a all beഀ tinted.ഀ The above is considered correct useless response to theഀ contraty is received>vithin 5:days from the above ape.ഀ END;OF CONFERENCE RECORDഀ cc: All in Attendance Fileഀ Deals Beaudin,;BGCE Faxഀ mailഀ iഀ l Mഀ Iഀ Iഀ sr\wvsx4OJOCU\iS224 oi.rraഀ 20/20'd 6SZ9 6b6 0L6 'JN3 'SN03 3ZNUO N[anutiH ~~:At q~FL-cT.-I^1nഀ John Perkins, AIAഀ 0047 E. Beaver Creek Blvd.ഀ P.O. Box 2007ഀ Avon, Co 81620ഀ 970-949-9322ഀ 970-949-0629 faxഀ PROJECT MEMORANDUMഀ . twat ` y t :ഀ O C T 1 5 1996 'ഀ Taഀ DE"Tഀ To: Town of Vail Building Department: Dan Stanek,& Chuck Feldmanഀ From: John Perkins Architectsഀ Date: October 15, 1996ഀ Re: Vail Athletic Club Remodelഀ Required Revisions:ഀ Upper Level:ഀ • Change door swings at elevator vestibule to swing in direction ofഀ travel.ഀ • Note area of refuge in vestibule (232).ഀ • Delete or relocate room number's 252, 258 to create exit corridor fromഀ • women's locker room area.ഀ • Change door swing on outside door of spa lobby to swing in direction ofഀ travel.ഀ Lower Level:ഀ • Add doors from men's locker room to lobby (152), at grid line eight.ഀ • Provide a ninety minute labeled fire door, at elevator entrance.ഀ • At the therapy pool (132), remove concrete stairs and portions of theഀ pool deck to create exit path to new stairs, to exit door.ഀ Included: Revision Sketchesഀ Lഀ 3ഀ vഀ pഀ xഀ pഀ nഀ nഀ tpഀ rഀ 0ഀ 2ഀ I ~lഀ bഀ 1' -Pഀ Cr~ഀ o ~p ~ DYഀ fy-ഀ Nഀ Nഀ Fഀ Z.ഀ Nഀ Nഀ toഀ Pഀ 1,ഀ Nഀ ---_J •ഀ Nഀ Yഀ Nഀ -~Jഀ LRഀ 0ഀ Aഀ PMTഀ filഀ -fJഀ iഀ iഀ Iഀ ~ഀ t.ഀ 70ഀ f~ഀ C~ഀ cnഀ Uഀ sഀ ~Oഀ iz F~nഀ 1ഀ lpഀ Rഀ t1~ഀ Nഀ rഀ 11ഀ 10ഀ Oഀ s Nഀ Z Nഀ Clഀ Irഀ vഀ Tz 1ഀ SEP 1 1 1996ഀ 7CODE REVIEWഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUBഀ ADDITION AND RENOVATIONഀ February28,1996ഀ COFF OFPidt Copyഀ Prepared byഀ kirkഀ P.O. BOX 7224ഀ VAIL, CO 81858ഀ PHONE 970.926.3240ഀ FAX: 970.926.3240ഀ JINDEXഀ SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................................................3ഀ EXISTING STRUCTURES ...........................................................................................................................................4ഀ OCCUPANCY GROUPS ..............................................................................................................................................4ഀ SQUARE FOOTAGE - EXISTING / FLOOR ..............................................................................................................4ഀ SQUARE FOOTAGE - PROPOSED / FLOOR 4-5ഀ FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS ...........................................................................................................................5ഀ / ALARM SYSTEMS ......................................................................................................................................................5ഀ ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREAS AND BUILDING HEIGHT 6-7ഀ EXTERIOR WALL AND OPENING PROTECTION BASED ON LOCATION 7-8ഀ FIRE-RESISTIVE REQUIREMENTS BASED ON CONSTRUCTION TYPE ...........................................................8ഀ REQUIRED FIRE-RESISTIVE RATINGS OF VARIES BUILDING ELEMENTS ...................................................9ഀ EXISTING FIRE-RESISTIVE RATINGS OF VARIES BUILDING ELEMENTS .....................................................9ഀ OPENINGS IN VARIES WALL CONSTRUCTION 10-11ഀ EXITING REQUIREMENTS 11-12ഀ ELEVATOR LOBBY AND SHAFT ENCLOSURE ..................................................................................................12ഀ INTERIOR FINISHES ................................................................................................................................................12ഀ ACCESSIBILITY 12-15ഀ INTERIOR ENVIRONMENT .....................................................................................................................................15ഀ ROOFS AND ROOF STRUCTURES .........................................................................................................................15ഀ MINIMUM PLUMBING FIXTURES .........................................................................................................................15ഀ MEETING NOTES WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING OFFICIAL 16-17ഀ CODE REVIEW - 2ഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUBഀ CODE CHECK AND REVIEWഀ Summaryഀ Limitations:ഀ This report does not presume to take place of or be in lieu of a thorough review andഀ understanding of both local building codes and on site inspections by all parties involved withഀ the Vail Athletic Club Addition and Renovation. This report relied on proposed alteration andഀ addition drawings by Michael Barclay Architect and on original contract documents prepared inഀ 1977 by Pierce Briner & Fitzhugh Scott, Inc. An exhaustive on site inspection of currentഀ conditions and past renovations and additions was not undertaken by the author of this report.ഀ Concealed physical conditions may be encountered during the Documents Preparation Phase andഀ in the Construction Phase which differ materially from the documents provided the author forഀ this report.ഀ Americans with Disabilities Act: The alterations and additions to the Vail Athletic Clubഀ shall comply with the Standards for Accessible Design. Alterations shall Comply withഀ Section 4.1.6 - Accessible Buildings: Alterations. Additions shall comply with Sectionഀ 4.1.5, Accessible Buildings: Additions.ഀ Code:ഀ • Which Code to use as a basis for this project was discussed with the Town of Vail Buildingഀ Official on February 20, 1996. Currently the TOV is under the 1991 UBC. Although theഀ 1994 UBC has been published, the TOV has decided not to adopt this code but wait tillഀ January of 1997 to adopt the 1997 UBC due to be published in June of 1996. The 1994 codeഀ reflects a change in format from the 1991 UBC yet very few revisions were made from theഀ 1991 UBC to the 1994 UBC. Although no one can say what changes will be incorporatedഀ into the 1997 UBC, the TOV suggested using the 1994 UBC as a guideline for now andഀ "clean-up," if necessary, with the 1997 UBC . An alternative is to permit the entireഀ renovation before the end of the year. Thus, the permit would be issued under the 1991 code.ഀ The TOV building permit has an expiration of 6 months if no activities occur.ഀ Basis for review:ഀ • Plans dated 12.08.95, by Michael Barclay Architect.ഀ • Original contract documents prepared in 1977 by Pierce Briner & Fitzhugh Scott, Inc.ഀ Section sheets A14 through A22.ഀ • 1994 Uniform Building Code format used.ഀ CODE REVIEW - 3ഀ EXISTING STRUCTURESഀ 1. Section 3403.2 - When additions and alterations allowed: Additions, alterations orഀ repairs may be made to any building or structure without requiring the existing buildingഀ or structure to comply with all the requirements of this code, provided the addition orഀ alteration conforms to that required for a new building.ഀ 2. Any Building plus new additions shall not exceed the height, number of stories and areaഀ specified for new buildings.ഀ 3. Additions or alterations shall not be made to an existing building or structure when suchഀ existing building or structure is not in full compliance with the provisions of this codeഀ except when such addition or alteration will result in the existing building or structureഀ being no more hazardous based on life safety, firesafety and sanitation, than before suchഀ additions or alterations are undertaken.ഀ OCCUPANCY GROUPSഀ Health Spa (basement and sub-basement) A-3ഀ Restaurant first floor) A-3ഀ Conference Room first floor) A-3ഀ Hotel ces first through fifth floors) .........................................................................R-1ഀ (base ) ....................................................................................................................E-3ഀ Par ng arage (basement) S-3ഀ SQUARE FOOTAGE - EXISTING/FLOORഀ Sub-basement ....................................................................................................................13,419 s.f.ഀ Basement .........................................:.................................................................................11,051 s.f.ഀ Parking Garage at basement level .......................................5,017 s.f.ഀ First floor ........................................................................................................................13,569 s.f.ഀ Second floor ......................................................................................................................11,299 s.f.ഀ Third floor .........................................................................................................................12,902 s.f.ഀ Fourth floor ...........................................................................................................5,789 s.f.ഀ TOTAL .................................................................................................................68,285 s.f.ഀ SQUARE FOOTAGE - PROPOSED/FLOORഀ Sub-basement ....................................................................................................................13,419 s.f.ഀ Basement ...........................................................................................................................12,263 s.f.ഀ CODE REVIEW - 4ഀ 11ഀ Parking Garage at basement level .......................................5,017 s.f.ഀ First floor ..........................................................................................................................14,885 s.f.ഀ Second floor ......................................................................................................................13,288 s.f.ഀ Third floor .........................................................................................................................13,635 s.f.ഀ Fourth floor .......................................................................................................................10,372 s.f.ഀ TOTAL .................................................................................................................79,462 s.f.ഀ FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMSഀ 1. Automatic Sprinkler Systems required to be installed throughout under the followingഀ provisions:ഀ • 904.2.2 # 1. Basements over 1,500 s.f. (system is currently installed atഀ the basement levels).ഀ • 904.2.3.1. Drinking Establishments where the unseparated area exceeds 5,000ഀ s.f.ഀ • 904.2.3.2. Group A occupancy in a basement with a floor area exceedingഀ 1,500 s.f.ഀ • 904.2.8. Group R-1 buildings of three stories or more.ഀ 2. Class I Standpipe (2%z" outlet) required per Table 9-A, #2.ഀ 3.ഀ ALARM SYSTEMSഀ 1. Sprinkler system valves controlling the water supply shall be electrically monitoredഀ (904.3.1).ഀ 2. An approved audible sprinkler flow alarm shall be provided on the. exterior andഀ interior in a normally occupied location (904.3.2).ഀ 3. Occupancies shall be provided with an approved manual and automatic fire alarmഀ system (310.10). Exception #1. A separate fire alarm system need not be provided inഀ buildings which are protected throughout by an approved supervised fire sprinklerഀ system having a local alarm to notify all occupants.ഀ 4. Smoke detectors shall be provided in all rooms used for sleeping purposesഀ (310.9.1.1).ഀ 5. Dwelling units - a detector shall be provided in each sleeping room and at a pointഀ centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each separate sleeping area.ഀ When the dwelling unit has more than one story a detector shall be provided on eachഀ story. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping areas of the dwellingഀ unit in which they are located.ഀ 6. Smoke detector for recall purposes shall be provided at the elevator lobby andഀ machine room (3003.2).ഀ CODE REVIEW - 5ഀ ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREAS AND BUILDING HEIGHTഀ Basement excluded per 504.5 for a proposed floor area of 53,780 s.f. (79,462 - 25,682).ഀ Tabie 5-B: Tvue II - F.R.ഀ Occupancy Group Max. Max. Area Allowable increasesഀ Storiesഀ A-3ഀ 12ഀ 29,900ഀ 1. 29,900 x 2 = 59,800 s.f.ഀ 2. 59,800 x 1.7 = 101,660 s.f.ഀ 3. 101,660 x 2 = 203,320 st allowableഀ R-1ഀ 12ഀ 29,900ഀ 1. 29,900 x 2 = 59,800 s.f.ഀ 2. 59,800 x 1.7 = 101,660 s.f.ഀ 3. 101,660 x 2 = 203,320 st allowableഀ S-3ഀ 12ഀ 39,900ഀ 1. 39,900 x 2 = 79,800 s.f.ഀ 2. 79,800 x 1.7 = 135,660 s.f.ഀ 3. 135,660 x 2 = 271,320 s.f. allowableഀ E-3ഀ 4ഀ 45,200ഀ 1. 45,200 x 2 = 90,400 s.f.ഀ 2. 90,400 x 1.7 = 153,680 s.f.ഀ 3. 153,680 x 2 = 307,360 st allowableഀ 1. Allowable floor areas of buildings over one story, 504.2, may be twice that permittedഀ by Table 5-13 for one-story buildings.ഀ 2. Allowable area increase due to 505.1.2, Separation on three sides. Minimum width isഀ 48', thus, (48'-20') x 2%Z% = 70% increase.ഀ 3. Allowable area increase due to 505.3, Automatic Sprinkler Systems. Area may beഀ doubled in buildings of more than one story.ഀ Type II - One Hour; This construction tvve not allowable as noted in chart helawഀ Occupancy Groupഀ Max. Storiesഀ Max. Areaഀ Allowable increasesഀ A-3ഀ 2ഀ 13,500ഀ 1. 13,500 x 2 = 27, 000 sf.ഀ 2. 27, 000 x 1.7 = 45,900 sf.ഀ 3. 45,900 x 2 = 91,800 sf allowableഀ R-1ഀ 4ഀ 13,500ഀ 1. 13,500 x 2 = 27,000 sf.ഀ 2. 27, 000 x 1.7 = 45,900 sf.ഀ ഀ ഀ ഀ -ഀ 3. 45,900 x 2 = 91,800 sf. allowable'ഀ -ഀ ORഀ 4ഀ -ഀ ഀ 13, 500ഀ ഀ ഀ 1. 13, 500 x 2 = 27, 000 sf.ഀ R-1ഀ "2. 27, 000 x 1.7 = 45,900 sf allowable .ഀ 4. Increase to allowable 5 Stories`,ഀ S-3ഀ 4ഀ 18,000ഀ 1. 18, 000 x 2 = 36, 000 ifഀ 2. 36,000x 1.7 = 61,200 sf.ഀ 3. 61,200 x 2 =122,400 sf. allowableഀ E-3ഀ 2ഀ 20,200ഀ 1. 20,200 x 2 = 40,400 sf.ഀ 2. 40,400 x 1.7 = 68,680 sf.ഀ 3. 68,680 x 2 =137,360 sf allowableഀ 11 CODE REVIEW - 6ഀ 1. Allowable floor areas of buildings over one story, 504.2, may be twice that permittedഀ by Table 5-B for one-story buildings.ഀ 2. Allowable area increase due to 505.1.2, Separation on three sides. Minimum width isഀ 48', thus, (48'-20 ) x 2Y2% = 70% increase.ഀ 3. Allowable area increase due to 505.3, Automatic Sprinkler Systems. Area may beഀ doubled in buildings of more than one story.ഀ 4. Allowable building height increase due to 506, Automatic Sprinkler Systems. Shallഀ not apply if sprinkler system installed for area increase.ഀ EXTERIOR WALL AND OPENING PROTECTION BASED ON LOCATION ONഀ PROPERTYഀ Table 5-A (Type II - F.R.]:ഀ Occupancyഀ Bearing wallsഀ Nonbearing wallsഀ openingsഀ A-3ഀ 4 hr. N/Cഀ 4hr. N/C less than 5'ഀ not permitted less than 5 feetഀ 2hr. N/C less than 20ഀ protected less than 20 feetഀ 1 hr. N/C less than 40'ഀ N/R, N/C elsewhereഀ R-1ഀ 4hr. less than 3 feetഀ 4hr. N/C less than 3'ഀ not permitted less than 3 feetഀ 2hr. N/C elsewhereഀ 2hr. N/C less than 20'ഀ protected less than 20 feetഀ 1 hr. N/C less than 40'ഀ N/R, N/C elsewhereഀ E-3ഀ 4 hr. N/Cഀ 4hr. N/C less than 5'ഀ not permitted less than 5 feetഀ 2hr. N/C less than 20ഀ protected less than 20 feetഀ 1 hr. N/C less than 40'ഀ N/R, N/C elsewhereഀ S-3ഀ 4hr. N/C less than 5'ഀ 4hr. N/C less than 5'ഀ not permitted less than 5 feetഀ 2hr. N/C elsewhereഀ 2hr. N/C less than 20'ഀ protected less than 20 feetഀ 1 hr. N/C less than 40'ഀ N/R, N/C elsewhereഀ 1. The west wall of the building is separated from the neighboring building (which actuallyഀ sits on the VAC property) by 16 feet. Per provision 503.3 the property line is assumed toഀ be between the two buildings. Therefore, the west wall of the VAC is 8 feet from theഀ assumed property line and the exterior nonbearing wall is required to be two-hourഀ construction. Openings shall be protected.ഀ The Structural frame shall be protected per note 1 of Table 6-A, two-hourഀ construction.ഀ 2. The north wall of the building faces the public way of East Meadow Drive and per theഀ provision of 503.1 the property line is in the centerline of the right-of-way. Therefore,ഀ CODE REVIEW - 7ഀ the exterior nonbearing walls are required to be one-hour construction due to beingഀ less than 40 feet but more than 20 feet to the assumed property line. Openings needഀ not be protected.ഀ 3. The east wall of the building faces the public way of Vail Valley Drive and per theഀ provision of 503.1 the property line is in the centerline of the right-of-way. The stairഀ tower is within 40 feet of the assumed property line and is therefore required to beഀ no less than one-hour construction. Openings need not be protected.ഀ Note: Per 1009.2 the stair enclosure shall not be of less than two-hour fire-ഀ resistive construction.ഀ 4. The south wall of the building faces the public way of Gore Creek. All exteriorഀ nonbearing walls exceed 40' to the centerline of the creek and therefore no protection isഀ required based on Location on the property. Openings need not be protected.ഀ Note: Per 310.2.2 R-1 occupancies more than two stories in height shall be ofഀ not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout.ഀ FIRE-RESISTIVE REQUIREMENTS BASED ON CONSTRUCTION TYPEഀ Table 6-A [Type II-F.R.]:ഀ Building Elementഀ Fire-resistance in hoursഀ 1.ഀ Bearing walls - exteriorഀ 4 (the exterior walls of the VAC are non-load bearing except atഀ the basement levels)ഀ 2.ഀ bearing walls - interiorഀ 2ഀ 3.ഀ nonbearing walls - exteriorഀ 4 (also see requirements based on location above)ഀ 4.ഀ Structural frameഀ 2ഀ 5.ഀ Partitions- permanentഀ 1 (fire-retardant-treated wood may be used in the assembly)ഀ 6.ഀ Shaft enclosuresഀ 2ഀ 7.ഀ Floors and floor-ceilingsഀ 2ഀ 8.ഀ Roofs and roof-ceilingsഀ .'1 (noncombustible construction - the current roof constructionഀ contains combustible materials)ഀ 9.ഀ Exterior doors andഀ windowsഀ opening protection requirements per table 5-Aഀ 10. Stairway constructionഀ reinforced concrete, iron or steel with treads and risers ofഀ concrete, iron or steel. finish of the treads and risers shall beഀ of noncombustible material.ഀ CODE REVIEW - 8ഀ REQUIRED FIRE-RESISTIVE RATINGS OF VARIES BUILDING ELEMENTSഀ Walls separating guest rooms and residences one hourഀ Corridor walls one hourഀ Interior stairway enclosures two hourഀ Shaft enclosures two hourഀ J Structural frame two hourഀ Floor and ceiling assemblies two hourഀ Construction throughout of Group R-1 occupancies more than 2 stories one hourഀ Construction of Group A-3 occupancies in a Basement or above the first floor.... one hourഀ Separations:ഀ R-1 occupancies and A-3 occupanciesഀ one hourഀ R-1 occupancies and S-3 occupanciesഀ two hourഀ R-1 occupancies and E-3 occupanciesഀ one hourഀ A-3 occupancies and E-3 occupanciesഀ no requirementഀ A-3 occupancies and S-3 occupanciesഀ two hourഀ E-3 occupancies and S-3 occupanciesഀ two hourഀ EXISTING FIRE-RESISTIVE RATINGS OF VARIES BUILDING ELEMENTSഀ 1. Exterior Bearing Walls, Basement level only; 12" thick'reinforced concrete -fourഀ hour per Table 7-11 # 7-1.1.ഀ 2. Exterior nonbearing walls; 6" metal studs with 5/8" type X gypsum board at theഀ interior face, full batt insulation, 1/2" gypsum sheathing with 1-1/2" insulation boardഀ and synthetic plaster finish at the exterior face - one -hour, 2602.5.2.2.ഀ 3. Floor and ceiling assembly; 3" concrete topping on metal form units over steel joistsഀ with a ceiling of 5/8" type X gypsum wallboard on metal furring two-hour perഀ table 7-C # 6-4.1.ഀ 4. Structural frame; unprotected at current mechanical room in the eastern mostഀ attic. Other areas unobserved.ഀ Roof and ceiling assembly; original construction consisted of wood shingles on 5/8"ഀ plywood decking on 2x8 nailers attached to steel joists with a ceiling of 2 layers 5/8"ഀ type X .gypsum wallboard (either on furring channels or as a suspended ceiling). Aഀ metal roof was added at a later date. - No available rating confirmed.ഀ 6. Interior non-load bearing walls; no available information.ഀ 7. Shaft walls; the kitchen exhaust hood shaft is not rated. All other existing shaftsഀ need to have a detailed investigation to determine existing conditions.ഀ CODE REVIEW - 9ഀ OPENINGS IN VARIES WALL CONSTRUCTIONഀ Corridors, Section 1005:ഀ 1. Doors into One-hour fire resistive Corridors; 20 minute fire-protection rating withഀ tight-fitting smoke and draft control and shall be self-closing.ഀ 2. Openings other than Doors or ducts shall be protected by fixed glazing with a fire-ഀ protection rating of three-fourths hour. The area of all openings other than doors shallഀ not exceed 25 percent of the corridor wall of the room.ഀ 3. Doors into Two-hour fire resistive Corridors; one and one-half hour fire-protectionഀ rating with tight-fitting smoke and draft control and shall be self-closing.ഀ Shaft enclosures, Section 711.4:ഀ Fire-protection rating of one hour for one-hour fire-resistive walls.ഀ 2. One and one-half hours for openings through two-hour fire-resistive walls.ഀ Occupancy separations, Section 302.3:ഀ 1. Two-hour'fire-resistive occupancy separation - openings shall be protected by a fireഀ assembly having a one and one-half-hour fire-protection rating.ഀ 2. one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation - openings shall be protected by a fireഀ assembly having a one-hour fire-protection rating.ഀ Smoke Dampers required at ducted and unducted air openings, Section 713.10:ഀ 1. Penetration of area or occupancy separation walls.ഀ 2. Penetration of the fire-resistive construction of corridors serving as required exits.ഀ Except openings for steel ducts penetration the required fire-resistive construction ofഀ corridors are not required to have smoke dampers when such ducts are of not less thanഀ 0.019 inch thickness(26 ga.) and have no openings serving the corridor.ഀ 3. Penetration of shaft enclosures. Except exhaust-only openings serving continuouslyഀ operating fans and protected using the provisions of Chapter 9.ഀ 4. Penetration of Smoke Barriers.ഀ 5. Penetrations of elevator lobbies.ഀ 6. Penetrations of areas of refuge. Except ventilation systems specifically designed andഀ protected to supply outside air to these areas during an emergency.ഀ Fire Dampers required at ducted and unducted air openings, Section 713.11:ഀ 1. Penetration of area or occupancy separation walls.ഀ 2. Penetration of the fire-resistive construction of corridors serving as required exits.ഀ Except openings for steel ducts penetration the required fire-resistive construction ofഀ CODE REVIEW -10ഀ corridors are not required to have smoke dampers when such ducts are of not less thanഀ 0.019 inch thickness(26 ga.) and have no openings serving the corridor.ഀ 3. Penetration of shaft enclosures. Except duct penetrations by steel exhaust airഀ subducts extending vertically upward at least 22" above the top of the opening in aഀ vented shaft where the airflow is upward and penetrations of a fire-resistive floorഀ forming the base of a shaft enclosure may be protected by fire dampers listed forഀ installation in the horizontal position.ഀ 4. Penetrations of the ceiling of fire-resistive floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assembliesഀ shall be protected in accordance with Section 710.2.ഀ 5. Penetrations of the building exterior required to have protected openings by Sectionഀ 503.ഀ 6. Penetrations of areas of refuge. Except ventilation systems specifically designed andഀ protected to supply outside air to these areas during an emergency.ഀ A fire damper is not required where fire tests have demonstrated that fire dampers are notഀ required to maintain the fire resistance of the construction.ഀ EXITING REQUIREMENTS 777-71ഀ 1. Per Section 1003.1; Every building or usable portion thereof shall have at least oneഀ exit, not less than two exits where required by Table 10-A. See meeting notes at theഀ end of this report for comments addressing exiting requirements at theഀ occupancies located in the Basement and Sub-basement. All other areas appearഀ to comply with this Section.ഀ 2. Per Section 1003.1; Exits required; Occupants on stories above the first floor and inഀ basements shall have access to not less than two separate exits from the story orഀ basement.ഀ 3. Per Section 1003.1, exception #3, only one exit need be provided from the secondഀ floor or a basement within an individual dwelling unit. The fifth level bedroomsഀ exit through their respective fourth level units. However, the exceptionഀ specifically address only individual dwelling units. See meeting notes at the endഀ of this report.ഀ 4. Per Section 1003.5, rooms may have one required exit that passes through anഀ adjoining or intervening room.ഀ 5. Per Section 1017.10, Group E-3 occupancies in basements - exit stairways from aഀ basement shall open directly to the exterior of the building without entering the firstഀ floor corridor. The exiting requirements for the day-care facility in the Basementഀ must be addressed. See meeting notes at the end of this report.ഀ 6. Doors shall swing in the direction of exit travel when serving an occupant load of 50ഀ or more. Opening force shall not exceed 30 pounds when applied to the latch sideഀ (1004.2).ഀ 7. Exit doors from Group A-3 occupancies having an occupant load of 50 or more shallഀ not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware (1016.4).ഀ CODE REVIEW - 11ഀ 8. Per Section 1009.1, interior stairways in other than groups H and I, an enclosure needഀ not be provided for a stairway serving only one adjacent floor. Any two suchഀ interconnected floors shall not be open to other floors. One of the open stairs in theഀ lobby (one to the spa and the other to the second level) is required to beഀ enclosed.ഀ 9. Per Section 1003.4, the maximum travel distance defined as the total length of theഀ exit path an occupant must travel from any point within the occupied portions of aഀ building to reach an exterior exit door, horizontal exit door, exit passageway door orഀ an enclosed exit stairway door for a sprinkled building is 200 feet. Furthermore, theഀ 200 feet allowed may be increased to 300 feet if the last 100 feet is entirely within aഀ one-hour fire-resistive corridor. The occupants of the fourth and fifth floorsഀ exiting through the third level two-hour corridor should be thoroughly reviewedഀ to meet this criteria. The current layout appears to comply with this Section.ഀ All other portions of the Building appear to comply, although an exhaustiveഀ review was not performed.ഀ ELEVATOR LOBBY AND SHAFT ENCLOSUREഀ Section 1005.10, Elevators opening into a corridor serving a R-1 occupancy with an occupantഀ load of 10 or more or other occupancies with occupant loads of 30 or more shall be providedഀ with an elevator lobby at each floor.ഀ The elevator shaft shall be of two-hour fire resistive construction and openings shall be protectedഀ by a one and one-half hour tight fitting smoke and draft control.ഀ INTERIOR FINISHESഀ 1. Interior finishes shall conform to Chapter 8.ഀ 2. Interior wall and ceiling finish shall mean interior wainscoting, paneling or other finishഀ applied structurally or for decoration, acoustical correction, surface insulation, sanitationഀ or similar purposes. Requirements for finishes in this chapter shall not apply to trimഀ defined as picture molds, chair rails, baseboards and handrails; to doors and windows orഀ their frames; or to materials which are less than 1/28 inch in thickness applied directly toഀ the surface of walls or ceilings, if these materials have surface-burning characteristics noഀ greater than paper of this thickness applied directly to a noncombustible backing in theഀ same manner.ഀ ACCESSIBILITYഀ Americans with Disabilities Act: The alterations and additions to the Vail Athletic Club shallഀ comply with the Standards for Accessible Design. Alterations shall Comply with Section 4.1.6 -ഀ Accessible Buildings: Alterations. Additions shall comply with Section 4.1.5, Accessibleഀ Buildings: Additions.ഀ CODE REVIEW - 12ഀ 1. Section 1111.1.1 - Compliance: Alterations shall not reduce or have the effect ofഀ reducing accessibility or usability of a building, portion of a building, or facility. Ifഀ compliance is technically infeasible, the alteration shall provide access to the maximumഀ extent technically feasible.ഀ 2. Section 1111.1.2 - Existing Elements: Altered existing elements, spaces, essentialഀ features or common areas shall comply with the applicable provisions for accessibility.ഀ Exception: Accessible means of egress required by Section 1104 need not beഀ provided in alterations of existing buildings and facilities. Section 1104 dealsഀ with egress requirements for stairs, elevators and areas of refuge. Note: Seeഀ meeting notes at the end of this report.ഀ 3. Section 1103.1.1 - Accessibility to Buildings or Portions thereof shall be provided for allഀ occupancy classifications. The pool as shown on the Drawings is not accessible.ഀ 4. Section 1103. - Apartment Houses: In Apartment houses containing more thanഀ 20 dwelling units, at least 2 percent of the dwelling units shall be accessible. The VACഀ has 8 dwelling units and therefore no requirement for accessible units.ഀ 5. Section 1103. - Hotels and Lodging Houses: In hotels containing six or moreഀ guest rooms, one of the first 30 guest rooms and one additional guest room for eachഀ additional 100 guest rooms, or fraction thereof, shall be accessible. Bathing, toilet andഀ other facilities accessory to an accessible guest room shall be accessible. In hotels withഀ 51 or more guest rooms, 50 percent, but not less than one, of the accessible guest roomsഀ shall have a roll-in shower. The VAC has 55 guest rooms, therefore, 2 guest roomsഀ shall be accessible and one shall have a roll-in shower. 'ഀ Three Guest Rooms shall be equipped for the hearing impaired. The guestഀ rooms shall be provided with visible and audible alarm-indicationഀ appliances, activated by both the in-room smoke detector and the buildingഀ fire-protective signaling system (1103. and Table 11-B).ഀ 6. Section 1103.2.3 - Accessible entrances: Each building shall be provided with at leastഀ one entrance which complies with the accessible route provisions of CABO/ANSIഀ Al 17.1. At least 50 percent of all entrances shall be accessible. The Main entry at aഀ minimum will be required to be accessible. Further review and approval by theഀ Building Official will be required.ഀ ADA - when an entrance is being altered, it is preferable that those entrancesഀ being altered be made accessible to the extent feasible.ഀ CODE REVIEW - 13ഀ 7. Section 1103.2.4.1 -Symbols of accessibility: Accessible parking spaces, areas ofഀ refuge, passenger loading zones and toilet and bathing facilities shall be identified by theഀ international symbol of accessibility (1103.2.4.1).ഀ 8. Section 1103.2.4.2 - Other Signage:ഀ a) Inaccessible entrances, public toilets and elevators not on an accessible route shall beഀ provided with directional signage indication the route to the nearest similar accessibleഀ element (1103.2.4.2).ഀ b) Each door to an exit stairway shall have a tactile sign, including raised letters andഀ Braille, stating EXIT.ഀ c) At exits and elevators serving a required accessible space, but not providing anഀ approved accessible means of egress, signs shall be installed indication the location ofഀ accessible means of egress.ഀ 9. Section 1105.2.1 - Bathing facilities: When bathing facilities are provided, at least oneഀ of each type of fixture or element shall be accessible. One shower in the men's and oneഀ in the women's locker room shall be accessible.ഀ 10. Section 1105.2.2 - Each toilet room shall be accessible. At least one of each type ofഀ fixture or element in each accessible toilet room shall be accessible. When toilet stallsഀ are provided in a toilet room, at least one toilet stall shall be wheelchair accessible. Theഀ Toilet Facilities in the first level lobby area shall be accessible.ഀ Section 1111.2.5 -Existing toilet facilities; one accessible unisex toilet facilityഀ accessible to occupants on the floor may be provided in lieu of making existingഀ toilet facilities accessible when it is technically infeasible to alter existing toiletഀ and bathing facilities to be accessible.ഀ 11. Section 1105.3 - Platform lifts may be used in lieu of an elevator subject to approval byഀ the building official under the condition where existing site constraints or otherഀ constraints make use of a ramp or elevator infeasible. Platform lift in lieu of ramp atഀ the main building entry and accessibility to the pool.ഀ 12. Section 1105.4.1 - Drinking fountains: On any floor where drinking fountains areഀ provided, at least 50 percent, but not less than one fountain, shall be accessible.ഀ 13. Section 1105.4.3 - Lockers: At least one of each type shall be provided complying withഀ . CABO/ANSI A117.1.ഀ 14. Section, 1105.4.4.2 - Counters: A portion of each service counter shall be accessible.ഀ Counters at the Spa areas and The Main Registration Desk shall be accessible.ഀ 15. Section 1105.4.5 - Controls, operating mechanisms and hardware in accessibleഀ spaces, along accessible routes or as parts of accessible elements shall be accessible.ഀ CODE REVIEW - 14ഀ 16. Section 1105.4.6 - Alarms: Alarm systems shall include both audible and visible alarms.ഀ The alarm devices shall be located in hotel guest rooms as required by Sectionഀ 1103.; accessible public-and common-use areas, including toilet rooms andഀ bathing facilities; hallways; and lobbies.ഀ 17. Section 1107 - Parking Facilities: At least one van accessible parking space shall beഀ provided. Note: see meeting notes at the end of this report.ഀ INTERIOR ENVIRONMENTഀ Interi or light and ventilation shall be provide under the provisions of Chapter 12 for allഀ occupancy groups.ഀ ROOFS AND ROOF STRUCTURESഀ Table 15-A - Minimum Roof class: Type II - F.R.ഀ Occupancy Groupഀ Roof Classഀ A-3ഀ Bഀ E-3ഀ Bഀ S-3ഀ Bഀ MINIMUM PLUMBING FIXTURESഀ Table A-29-A: Minimum plumbing fixtures;ഀ 1. Group A - Level one of the VAC: 313 occupant load, 1/2 men, 1/2 women = 157ഀ men/157 women.ഀ a) Men - 2 w.c., 2 urinals, 4 lavs.ഀ b) Women 4 w.c., 41avs.ഀ • CODE REVIEW - 15ഀ MEETING NOTES WITH TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING OFFICIALഀ February 20, 1996ഀ Meeting notes: Code issuesഀ Attendees: Kirk Akerഀ Tommy Bruscaഀ an Stanek, TOV Building Officialഀ _~~Chuck Feldmann, TOV Plan examinerഀ 1. A floor by floor cursory review of the building was under taken to familiarize the Buildingഀ Officials to the general scope of work to be done on the Vail Athletic Club. A phasedഀ construction schedule was discussed with the Spa and Restaurant scheduled for this summerഀ (1996) and the remainder in the Spring of 1997.ഀ 2. Which Code to use as a basis for this project was discussed. Currently the TOV is under theഀ 1991 UBC. Although the 1994 UBC has been published, the TOV has decided not to adoptഀ this code but wait till January of 1997 to adopt the 1997 UBC due to be published in June ofഀ 1996. The 1994 code reflects a change in format from the 1991 UBC yet very few revisionsഀ were made from the 1991 UBC to the 1994 UBC. Although no one can say what changesഀ will be incorporated into the 1997 UBC, the TOV suggested using the 1994 UBC as aഀ guideline for now and "clean-up," if necessary, with the 1997 UBC . An alternative is toഀ permit the entire renovation before the end of the year. Therefore, the permit would beഀ issued under the 1991 code. The TOV building permit has an expiration of 6 months if noഀ activities occur.ഀ 3. Dan Stanek inquired if anestos ibeen done. He would like to see thisഀ done.ഀ 4. Accessibility of the swimming pool was discussed. At the present time the pool is notഀ accessible to the mobility disadvantaged. Platform lifts and/or ramps from the Men's andഀ Women's locker rooms were discussed.ഀ 5. There was a discussion as to weather we have met the exiting requirements from theഀ Women's Locker Room. Occupant load calculations and exiting requirements must to beഀ further evaluated.ഀ 6. The code review indicates that elevator lobbies will be required.ഀ 7. There was a discussion as to the location of the Daycare Room. The daycare use (E-3) basedഀ on occupancy of 9 children in a basement location presents several exiting problems. Oneഀ requirement is that an E-3 occupancy group have a separate exiting system where theഀ occupants can exit the building without going through any other spaces. Solutions: Reduceഀ CODE REVIEW - 16ഀ # of occupants to less than 6 to a Group B occupancy (reduce size of room). Move toഀ alternate location.ഀ 8. The main Lobby toilet facilities will be required to be upgraded to full Code compliance.ഀ 9. The employee areas in the basement level shall be accessible.ഀ 10. Accessible facilities shall be provided in the Men's and Women's Locker Rooms.ഀ 11. There was a discussion of accessible parking spaces and accessibility of the parking garage.ഀ The concept of valet parking was discussed. Perhaps the garage need not be accessible underഀ these conditions, and therefore, perhaps an accessible parking space need not be provided.ഀ Further investigation by the Architect and the Building Official will take place.ഀ 12. The main Entry shall be accessible. A platform lift was discussed as a possible solution. 1ഀ 13. The construction type was discussed. Based on use, square footage (79,462 s.f.) and numbersഀ ek willഀ of Stories (5) the construction type is required to be Type II - F.R. Dan tanഀ investigate the original permit to see what the construction type *as back ir> 1977.) Theഀ Architects review of existing building elements indicates the building is of Type II - F.R.ഀ construction.ഀ ,..;.044. Emergency egress from the employee sleeping area on the first floor will need to be solved.ഀ 15. The corridor at the third level shall be of two hour construction due to the fourth level exitഀ stair exiting through the third level corridor. A required exit passageway must maintain aഀ two hour rating until exiting from the building occurs.ഀ 16. Exiting from the fifth level was discussed. The code allows that the second level within aഀ dwelling unit may exit through the unit that it serves. The concern here is the definition ofഀ what a dwelling unit is and does unit 409/410 constitute a dwelling unit?ഀ 17. The need for refuge areas at stairs and elevators were discussed. Aker indicated a codeഀ provision that the areas of refuge are not required during alterations to existing buildings.ഀ Stanek requested that we wait till after he and Feldmann have attended a seminar in March onഀ the new code provisions.ഀ This is my interpretation of the discussions. If you have any comments on these notes, pleaseഀ give me a call at 926.3240.ഀ Sincerely;ഀ Kirk Aker, AIAഀ Kirk Aker Architect, Inc.ഀ CODE REVIEW - 17ഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ 970-479-2138ഀ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ ELECTRICAL PERMITഀ Permit E96-0245ഀ Job Address:ഀ 352 MEADOW DRഀ Status...:ഀ ISSUEDഀ Location...:ഀ 353 MEADOW DR (VAILഀ ATHLEApplied..:ഀ 10/02/1996ഀ Parcel No..:ഀ 2101-082-55-001ഀ Issued...:ഀ 10/29/1996ഀ Project No.:ഀ PRJ96-0160ഀ Expires..:ഀ 04/27/1997ഀ APPLICANT ELF ENTERPRISESഀ P 0 BOX 1100, GYPSUM COഀ CONTRACTOR ELF ENTERPRISESഀ P 0 BOX 1100, GYPSUM COഀ OWNER JWT 1987 VAIL LIMITED Pഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB, 352ഀ Description: ELECTRICAL FOR PHASE Iഀ 81637ഀ 81637ഀ NRTNERSHIഀ E MEADOW DR,ഀ REMODELഀ Phone: 3035247744ഀ Phone: 3035247744ഀ VAIL CO 81657ഀ Valuation: 100,000.00ഀ FEE SUMMARYഀ Electrical--->ഀ 1,757.00ഀ Total Calculated Feesഀ 1,760.00ഀ DRB Feeഀ .00ഀ Additional Fees >ഀ .00ഀ Investigation>ഀ .00ഀ Total Permit Fee-------->ഀ 1,760.00ഀ Will Call---- >ഀ 3.00ഀ Payments >ഀ 1,760.00ഀ TOTAL FEESഀ 1,760.00ഀ BALANCE DUE------------- >ഀ .00ഀ ഀ Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:ഀ 10/29/1996 CHUCK Action: APPRഀ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:ഀ 10/29/1996 CHUCK Action: APPRഀ ഀ CONDITION OF APPROVALഀ ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plotഀ plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,ഀ to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisionഀ codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PMഀ 6")ഀ C",ഀ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR 1 IM AND OWNERഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ 970-479-2138ഀ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ ELECTRICAL PERMITഀ Job Address: 352 MEADOW DRഀ Location...: VAIL ATHLETIC CLUBഀ Parcel No..: 2101-082-55-001ഀ Project No.: PRJ96-0160ഀ Permit E96-0285ഀ Status...: ISSUEDഀ Applied..: 11/04/1996ഀ Issued...: 11/04/1996ഀ Expires..: 05/03/1997ഀ OWNER JWT 1987 VAIL LIMITED PARTNERSHIഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB, 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL CO 81657ഀ CONTRACTOR ELF ENTERPRISES Phone: 3035247744ഀ P 0 BOX 1100, GYPSUM CO 81637ഀ APPLICANT ELF ENTERPRISESഀ Description: ELEC FOR OUTSIDE SPA Valuation: 1,000.00ഀ FEE SUMMARYഀ Electrical--->ഀ 50.00ഀ Total Calculated Feesഀ 53.00ഀ DRB Feeഀ .00ഀ Additional Fees >ഀ .00ഀ Investigation>ഀ .00ഀ Total Permit Fee-------->ഀ 53.00ഀ Will Call---- >ഀ 3.00ഀ Payments >ഀ 53.00ഀ TOTAL FEESഀ 53.00ഀ BALANCE DUE------------- >ഀ .00ഀ Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDiNU ijivlslon:ഀ 11/04/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ERNSTഀ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:ഀ 11/04/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/Aഀ ഀ CONDITION OF APPROVALഀ 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.ഀ ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plotഀ plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,ഀ to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisionഀ codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PMഀ ~E, eഀ S A E OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNERഀ ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemntഀ ഀ Statemnt Number: REC-0251 Amount: 53.00 03/05/97 13:53ഀ Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #29144-------------Init_-CDഀ ഀ Permit No: E96-0285 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMITഀ Parcel No: 2101-082-55-001ഀ Site Address: 352 MEADOW DRഀ Location: VAIL ATHLETIC CLUBഀ Total Fees: 53.00ഀ This Payment 53.00 Total ALL Pmts: 53.00ഀ Balance: .00ഀ ഀ Account Code Description Amountഀ 01 0000 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 50.00ഀ 01 0000 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00ഀ ഀ 1OWt4 OF ARIL C011-DEV i D :707-4T9 -.,1521 G(= T 08 9~ 9:38 14o.002 P.02ഀ 6 * Conrnct. Eagle County Aesessors Officeഀ kf-at 970-328-8640 for Parcel TONY( CVAIL CONSTRUCTIONഀ PERMIT #ഀ ORMഀ PARCEL Il ; Pma I►pPLEN-14-1ഀ DATE t .ഀ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDഀ #*#RRR+1R#k###+~s.t#1rkltiRd###l.i# PERMIT INFORMATIONഀ [)-Building []-Plumbing ( Electrical [ )-Maahaniaal (ഀ )-Otherഀ Job Name:. C -eh.j rob Address _ kf-aa_ഀ ,w ;Ur r V<,ഀ Yഀ V ~°Sഀ ,ഀ Legal Description: Lot slacltഀ yഀ _ ~ SUIlDI ISIഀ pN:ഀ owners Name: Addreastഀ -ഀ Ph.ഀ - - -ഀ Architect: Address:ഀ -ഀ Ph rഀ .ഀ General Description! {j( /,x e°• " C EQ,.Q j~CJ ~X) ~rQ Q,„ഀ Work Class: KI-New t- ,J--Alteration ( ]-Additional ( ]-Repair [ഀ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:ഀ Number of Accommodation Units:ഀ tuber and Type of Fireplaces; Gae Appliances„ Gas Lags Wood/Polletഀ a~~,t~**+r~r,sk**rrtr~re**~r**~**~c***e~r~r* VALUATIONS ,r**~r,~**~*a~**a*~~,~*#~~~rr~►~rrrr~~+►~*ഀ BUXLDXNG: 3 ELECTRICAL: ; OCHER:ഀ LUMBING : $ MEC bWXCAL: TOTAL:ഀ **rr*tkRYk****,~*a,a r**r.t#*~1 C NTRAC OR IKFQ TION ~~~**,r*##art~!**e,r**~*+k#~1*r►,~ഀ eneraI Contractor: Town Of Vail. Reg. No.ഀ Address: Phone Number: `ഀ Electricg1l~ Contractor:ഀ Address: i;n.&-)V IIM)ഀ Plumbing Contractor:ഀ Address:ഀ Mechanical Contractor:ഀ Address:ഀ BUILDING PERMIT F$E:ഀ PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:ഀ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:ഀ ELECTRICAL FEE:ഀ OTHER TYPE OF FEE:ഀ DRB FEE:ഀ Town of Vail Reg. No. a0='ഀ Phone Number: ,cf_ - Tഀ Town of Vail Reg. N0.ഀ Phone Number:ഀ ഀ Town of Vail Reg. No..ഀ Phone Number:ഀ rOR OFFICE USE a** * ►rr*~~~a***,~*,~~,~**rrrt*#+a+w#ഀ BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:ഀ PLUMBING PLAN CHECKJFEE:ഀ MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE:ഀ .RECREATION FEE:ഀ , CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT:ഀ TOTAL PERMIT FEES:ഀ TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATZ" BUILDING:ഀ SIGNATURE:~-ഀ ZONING:ഀ SIGNATURE: ---'w"ഀ Comments:ഀ UPഀ . s~ഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ 970-479-2138ഀ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit M96-0163ഀ Job Address...: 352 MEADOW DR Status...: APPROVEDഀ Location......: 352 MEADOW DR (VAIL ATHLETIC CApplied..: 10/02/1996ഀ Parcel No.....: 2101-082-55-001 Issued...: 10/29/1996ഀ Project Number: PRJ96-0160 Expires..: 04/27/1997ഀ APPLICANT PACIFIC SHEET METAL INC. Phone: 970-925-2454ഀ P.O. BOX 70, CARBONDALE, CO 81623ഀ CONTRACTOR PACIFIC SHEET METAL INC. Phone: 970-925-2454ഀ P.O. BOX 70, CARBONDALE, CO 81623ഀ OWNER JWT 1987 VAIL LIMITED PARTNERSHIഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB, 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL CO 81657ഀ Valuation: 199,1ഀ 75.00ഀ Description:ഀ MECH FOR PHASE I REMODELഀ Fireplace Information:ഀ Restricted:ഀ #Of Gas Appliances:ഀ #Of Gas Logs: Ofഀ Wood/Pallet:ഀ ic~t***kicicicintic* FEE SUMMARYഀ 00 Total Calculated Feesഀ 5,003.00ഀ Mechanical--->ഀ 4,000.00ഀ Restuarant Plan Review-->ഀ >ഀ ഀ RB Fഀ .ഀ .00 Additional Fees >ഀ 00ഀ Plan Checkഀ 1,000.00ഀ 00ഀ eeഀ Dഀ TOTAL FEES-------------->ഀ 5,003.00 Total Permit Fee-------->ഀ 5,003.00ഀ 00ഀ Investi ation>ഀ 9ഀ .ഀ Payments >ഀ .ഀ Will Call---->ഀ 3ഀ BALANCE DUE------------- >ഀ 5,003.00ഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:ഀ 10/17/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE AP TO CHUCKഀ 10/29/1996 CHUCK Action: APPRഀ FIRE Division:ഀ Item: 0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:ഀ 10/29/1996 CHUCK Acton: APPRഀ CONDITION OF APPROVALഀ 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.ഀ 2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.ഀ 3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDഀ TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.ഀ 4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDഀ SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 UMC.ഀ 5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 ANDഀ 703 OF THE 1991 UMC.ഀ 6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.ഀ UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.ഀ 7. PERMIT PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICALഀ ROOM PkIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST.ഀ 8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERഀ SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.ഀ 2119 OF THE 1991 UMC.ഀ 9 as built drawings required prior to final inspectionഀ ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ pLo subdivision an, zoning and I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate p Lotഀ plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to li compLy c wihet e ho thes ithereto.formation andഀ to comply with all Town ordinances ces and nd state taus, and to build this structure according to tഀ codes, design review approved, Uniform otherഀ OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PMഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOURഀ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNERഀ Itഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ 970-479-2138ഀ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit M96-0194ഀ Job Address...:ഀ 352 MEADOW DRഀ Status...:ഀ ISSUEDഀ Location......:ഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUBഀ Applied..:ഀ 11/19/1996ഀ Parcel No.....:ഀ 2101-082-55-001ഀ Issued...:ഀ 11/19/1996ഀ Project Number:ഀ PRJ96-0160ഀ Expires..:ഀ 05/18/1997ഀ APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING Phone: 3038275736ഀ P 0 BOX 340, MINTURN CO 81645ഀ CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING Phone: 3038275736ഀ P 0 BOX 340, MINTURN CO 81645ഀ OWNER JWT 1987. VAIL LIMITED PARTNERSHIഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB, 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL CO 81657ഀ Description: Valuation: 109,000.00ഀ ALTERATION TO FIRE PROTECTION SYS, 1ST-2ND FLOORSഀ Fireplace Information:ഀ Restricted:ഀ #Of Gas Appliances:ഀ NOf Gas Logs: Ofഀ Wood/Pallet:ഀ ************int**********ഀ FEE SUMMARYഀ ഀ Mechanical--->ഀ 2,180.00ഀ Restuarant Plan Review-->ഀ .00 Total Calculated Feesഀ 2,728.00ഀ Plan Checkഀ 545.00ഀ DRS Fee----------------->ഀ .00 Additional Fees >ഀ .00ഀ Investigation>ഀ .00ഀ TOTAL FEES-------------->ഀ 2,728.00 Total Permit Fee-------->ഀ 2,728.00ഀ Will Call---- >ഀ 3.00ഀ Payments >ഀ 2,728.00ഀ BALANCE DUE------------- >ഀ .00ഀ ഀ ഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTഀ 1119/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPRഀ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTഀ 11/19/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPRഀ N/A Dept: BUILDING Division:ഀ Dept: FIRE Division:ഀ PER MIKE MCGEഀ CONDITION OF APPROVALഀ 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.ഀ 2. A FINAL INSPECTION AND A SET OF AS BUILTS MUST BE SUBMITTEDഀ AND APPROVED BY THE FIRE DEPT., PRIOR TO A TCO BEING ISSUEDഀ TO THE PROJECTഀ ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plotഀ plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,ഀ to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisionഀ codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PMഀ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER j~~ , TN-t4,Y_Zbഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemntഀ ഀ Statemnt Number: REC-0234 Amount: 2,728.00 11/19/96 15:33ഀ Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #24542 Init: CDഀ ഀ Permit No: M96-0194 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMITഀ Parcel No: 2101-082-55-001ഀ Site Address: 352 MEADOW DRഀ Location: VAIL ATHLETIC CLUBഀ Total Fees:ഀ This Payment 2,728.00 Total ALL Pmts:ഀ Balance:ഀ ഀ Account Code Descriptionഀ 01 0000 41312 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEESഀ 01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEESഀ 01 0000 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEEഀ ഀ 2,728.00ഀ 2,728.00ഀ .00ഀ ഀ Amountഀ 2,180.00ഀ 545.00ഀ 3.00ഀ ഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ 970-479-2138ഀ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTഀ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMESഀ PLUMBING PERMIT Permit P96-0163ഀ Job Address: 352 MEADOW DR Status...: APPROVEDഀ Location...: 352 MEADOW DR (VAIL ATHLEApplied..: 10/02/1996ഀ Parcel No..: 2101-082-55-001 Issued...: 10/29/1996ഀ Project No.: PRJ96-0160 Expires..: 04/27/1997ഀ Phone: 970-476-2338ഀ APPLICANT SOUTHWEST BUILDERS, LLCഀ P.O. BOX 1330, VAIL, CO 81658 Phone: 970-476-2338ഀ CONTRACTOR SOUTHWEST BUILDERS, LLCഀ P.O. BOX 1330, VAIL, CO 81658ഀ OWNER JWT 1987 VAIL LIMITED PARTNERSHIഀ VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB, 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL CO 81657ഀ Description: PLUMBING FOR PHASE I REMODEL Valuation: 200,000.00ഀ * FEE SUMMARYഀ Plumbing > 3,000.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> .00 Total Calculated Fees 3,753.00ഀ Plan Check 750.00 TOTAL FEES-------------- > 3,753.00 Additional Fees > .00ഀ igatio .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 3,753.00ഀ 3.00 Payments > 00ഀ WiLL Cഀ Wll all > BALANCE DUE------------- > 3,753.00ഀ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:ഀ 10/29/1996 CHUCK Action: APPRഀ FIRE Division:ഀ Item: 0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept:ഀ 10/29/1996 CHUCK Acton: APPRഀ CONDITION OF APPROVALഀ ഀ DECLARATIONSഀ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plotഀ plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,ഀ to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisionഀ codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto.ഀ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PMഀ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNERഀ FEB-03-1997 11:31 BEALLIN GANZE CONS. ENG. 970 949 6159 P.02ഀ CONFERS CE RECORDഀ DATE: 1/31/97ഀ TIME: 8:45 ONഀ PROJECT 5822.00ഀ BEAUDnvഀ PROJECT: Vjil thletic Club GANഀ PERSON CON*L D: Chuck Feldman FIRM: Town of Vail coramTvsഀ BY: Tyler Beal PHONE NO. 479-2325 Mഀ PURPOSE OF CON ACT: Fire/Smoke Dampers to ftMW WON Pft*ഀ PRE SENT : Denis Beaudi nഀ • OONRfഀ ire t~ 2/i~tAഀ X TELMPHO~E CONVERSATION MEETING MINUTESഀ THE FOLLOW31NG WAS DISCUSSED:ഀ 1. Chucklin4cated that three options are acceptable.ഀ Option #Iഀ : Install combination fire/smoke dampersഀ iഀ at all corridor ceiling penetrations andഀ support them from structure.ഀ vഀ BGCE believes that this option would beഀ acceptable and would willingly proposeഀ Iഀ this option to the Owner.ഀ Option #2ഀ : Install smoke dampers in the corridorഀ walls that do not extend to structure.ഀ eഀ BGCE believes that.this option does notഀ `ഀ meet the intent of the 91 Uniformഀ Building Code (UBC) and does not permitഀ any sort of Life Safety protection.ഀ iഀ Therefore, BGCE will not accept thisഀ option as a viable solution and will notഀ recommend this option to the Owner.ഀ Optiop! #ഀ Extend the corridor walls to structureഀ iഀ and then install smoke dampers in theഀ corridor walls to allow acceptable in-ഀ stallation standards.ഀ BGCE believes that this is the bestഀ option and does meet the intent of theഀ 91 UBC.ഀ 2. BGCE toldഀ Chuck that we would recommend Options #1 & #3ഀ to the (Nഀ mer and let the Owner decide which option heഀ FORM 12ഀ OCTOBER 19931ഀ FEB-03-1997 1132 BEAUDIN GANZE CONS. ENG. 970 949 6159 P.03ഀ would like to install (since both options are adequateഀ to theiTo of Vail and HGCE).ഀ The above is considered correct unless response to theഀ contrary isire ived within 5 days from the above date.ഀ END OF CONFERENCE RECORDഀ iഀ cc: Tommy JFrkins ca - VAC ~774-Pa2 3 File Xഀ Stan - VAC Fax Xഀ John - JW '121q -O(,21 mailഀ All id Attendanceഀ FORM 12ഀ OCTOBER 1993ഀ TOTAL P.03ഀ