HomeMy WebLinkAboutB18-0218_approved plans_1529696140.pdfA000 COVER SHEET P R O J E C T :SCHACHT RESIDENCED R A W N B Y : D A T E : R E V I S I O N S :1800 SIERRA TRAILVAIL, COLORADO06.12.2018 - 17-SCH Schacht Residence 1800 SIERRA TRAIL, VAIL, COLORADO GENERAL NOTES: 1. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 2. VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS, AND UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY WORK OR ORDERING ANY MATERIALS. NOTIFY ARCHITECT OF ANY CONFLICTS OR DISCREPANCIES IN THE DOCUMENTS IMMEDIATELY. 3. AREAS OF CONFLICTS OR DISCREPANCIES MUST BE FULLY RESOLVED WITH WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE ARCHITECTS BEFORE CONSTRUCTION CONTINUES IN THESE PARTICULAR AREAS. 4. PLAN DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUD, CENTERLINE OF STEEL, TIMBER, STUD COLUMNS, OR FACE OF CONCRETE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SECTION AND ELEVATION DIMENSIONS ARE TO TOP OF CONCRETE, TOP OF PLYWOOD, OR TOP OF WALL PLATES OR BEAMS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY BLOCKING IN STUD WALLS AND CEILINGS. LOCATIONS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO CEILING AND WALL MOUNTED FIXTURES, TOILETS, TOILET ACCESSORIES, CABINETRY, COUNTERTOPS, SHELVES, CLOSET RODS AND FALSE BEAMS. 6. REFER TO FLOOR PLANS FOR DOOR LOCATIONS. REFER TO DOOR SCHEDULE FOR DOOR TYPES. 7. REFER TO FLOOR PLANS FOR WINDOW LOCATIONS. REFER TO WINDOW SCHEDULE FOR WINDOW TYPES. 8. COORDINATE ALL ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL FIXTURES TO FIT WITHIN CEILING FLOOR AND WALL SPACES. VERIFY WITH ARCHITECT WHEN DIVERTING FROM DRAWINGS. 9. IN THE EVENT THAT ADDITIONAL DETAILS OR GUIDANCE IS NEEDED BY THE CONTRACTOR FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ANY ASPECT OF THE PROJECT, THEY SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT. FAILURE TO GIVE 10 DAY NOTICE TO ARCHITECT SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE A DELAY IN THE PROJECT. 10. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SATISFYING ALL APPLICABLE CODES AND OBTAINING ALL PERMITS AND REQUIRED APPROVALS. COMPLIANCE WITH ALL CURRENT CODES IS MANDATORY. THE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS SHALL NOT PERMIT WORK THAT DOES NOT CONFORM TO ALL RELEVANT CODES INCLUDING THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE AND ALL LOCAL AND REGIONAL CODES. 11. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL FIELD COORDINATE AND OBTAIN APPROVALS FROM THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER BEFORE ANY CUTTING, NOTCHING, OR DRILLING OF ANY CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE, STRUCTURAL FRAMING, OR ANY OTHER STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS WHICH MAY AFFECT THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF THE CONSTRUCTION. 12. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING GRADES AND SCALE OUT THE BUILDING FOOTPRINT FOR OWNER AND ARCHITECT APPROVAL PRIOR TO BEGINNING ANY SITE WORK. 13. THE OWNER HAS BEEN ADVISED THAT DUE TO HARSH WINTER CONDITIONS, ROOF & DECK SURFACES MUST BE MAINTAINED REASONABLY FREE OF ICE & SNOW TO ENSURE MINIMAL PROBLEMS WITH THESE SURFACES. 14. SUBSTITUTIONS OF "EQUAL" PRODUCTS WILL BE ACCEPTABLE WITH ARCHITECT'S WRITTEN APPROVAL. 15. IT IS THE INTENT AND MEANING OF THESE DOCUMENTS THAT THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND EACH SUBCONTRACTOR PROVIDE ALL LABOR, MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION, SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT, ETC. TO OBTAIN A COMPLETE JOB WITHIN THE RECOGNIZED STANDARDS OF THE INDUSTRY. 16. ALL CONSTRUCTION IS TO FIT WITHIN THE BUILDING ENVELOPE AND/OR OUTSIDE SETBACKS WITHOUT CREATING EASEMENTS. NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 17. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES. ALL UTILITIES SHALL BE LOCATED TO MINIMIZE EXCAVATION AND VEGETATION IMPACTS TO THE SITE. 18. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE THE LIMITS OF EXCAVATION AND TAKE ADEQUATE MEASURES TO PROTECT ALL VEGETATION BEYOND THE LIMITS OF EXCAVATION. ALL AREAS OF DISTURBANCE SHALL BE RE-VEGETATED TO BLEND WITH THE NON-DISTURBED LANDSCAPE. 19. THE SOILS REPORT IS AVAILABLE FROM OWNER'S SOILS ENGINEER. 20. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL SITE DEVELOPMENT WITH LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. THE SITE PLAN IS FOR GRADING AND LANDSCAPE PLAN IS FOR LAYOUT; IN CASE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES VERIFY WITH ARCHITECT. ARCHITECTURAL A 000 COVER SHEET A 001 GRFA ANALYSIS A 100 EXISTING LOWER LEVEL PLAN A 101 EXISTING AND PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLAN A 103 EXISTING AND PROPOSED UPPER LEVEL PLAN STRUCTURAL S1 FRAMING PLANS S2 DETAILS CODE: 2009 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE ZONING: PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: TYPE R, DIV. 3 CONSTRUCTION CLASSIFICATION: TYPE V-B ASBESTOS TESTING OF EXISTING CONDITIONS: NEGATIVE, SEE REPORT PROJECT LOCATION: 1800 SIERRA TRAIL VAIL, COLORADO 81657 N PROJECT SUMMARY: DRAWING INDEX: PROJECT TEAM: ARCHITECT: CURRENT ARCHITECTS PO BOX 9253 VAIL, CO 81657 WWW.CURRENTARCHITECTS.COM PHONE: 970-331-6345 CONTACT: MICHAEL CURRENT STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: KERRIGAN ENGINEERING PO BOX 3032 EAGLE, CO 81631 PHONE: 970-331-4733 CONTACT: SEAN KERRIGAN GENERAL CONTRACTOR: LMS CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 3497 VAIL, CO 81657 PHONE: 970-393-2163 CONTACT: LEE SEDOTA 06/22/18 LOWER LEVEL AREA: 1,034sf MAIN LEVEL AREA: 2,070sf UPPER LEVEL AREA: 1,009sf GRFA ANALYSIS: ZONING: TWO-FAMILY P/S LOT AREA: 10,634sf SITE COVERAGE ALLOWED: 2,127sf SITE COVERAGE EXISTING: 2,080sf GRFA ALLOWED: 4,841sf GRFA EXISTING AND PROPOSED: LOWER LEVEL: 434sf MAIN LEVEL: 2,071sf UPPER LEVEL: 1,009sf TOTAL: 3,514sf *LOWER LEVEL INCLUDES 600sf GARAGE CREDIT, AND CRAWLSPACE OVER 5' IN HEIGHT, BUT DOES NOT INCLUDE BELOW GRADE WALL DEDUCTION. MAIN LEVEL INCLUDES CRAWL/STORAGE AREA SPACES OVER 5' IN HEIGHT. A001 SITE PLANS P R O J E C T :SCHACHT RESIDENCED R A W N B Y : D A T E : R E V I S I O N S :1800 SIERRA TRAILVAIL, COLORADO05.15.2018 - 17-SCH 1 1/8" = 1'-0" LOWER LEVEL AREA PLAN 2 1/8" = 1'-0" MAIN LEVEL AREA PLAN 3 1/8" = 1'-0" UPPER LEVEL AREA PLAN 06/22/18 GARAGE UP CRAWL 205 SQ-FT. OVER 5' FOUNDATION FOOTER/STEP TYP. FOUNDATION FOOTER/STEP TYP. FOUNDATION PAD. FOUNDATION PAD. 37'-912" 12'-038"12'-412" 7'-212"8'-812" 26'-4" 23'-0"33'-0" 7'-0" 4'-7" **EXISTING CONDITIONS DIMENSIONS FOR REFERENCE ONLY A100 FLOOR PLANS P R O J E C T :SCHACHT RESIDENCED R A W N B Y : D A T E : R E V I S I O N S :1800 SIERRA TRAILVAIL, COLORADO05.15.2018 - 17-SCH 1 1/4" = 1'-0" EXISTING LOWER LEVEL PLAN 06/22/18 DN NEW BATH FOR BEDROOM 2. INCLUDES DEMO OF EXISTING FLOOR & STAIR FRAMING TO EXTEND EXISTING LANDING, VERIFY LOC. OF CLOSET ABOVE, ALIGN WEST WALL BEDROOM 2 REPLACE EXISTING NON-EGRESS WINDOW WITH NEW +/-34"x60" CASEMENT WINDOW, NEW HEADER NOT REQ'D, LOWER SILL TO ±34" AFF UP NEW BATH IN EXISTING CRAWL, ONE STEP AT ENTRY IF REQ'D. UP NEW CLOSET POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL STORAGE LOCATION UNDER STAIRS FOR BEDROOM 4? 13'-312" 13'-612" 8'-6"5'-6"5'-6" ±6'-278"(N)30x80 3'-0" 312" 4'-0" 1'-6" 1'-6" 3'-0" EXISTING STEP AND ELEC PANEL TO REMAIN ±3'-678" 312"2'-1"3'-4" 312" ±2'-512" 36x66 30x66 2'-6" 1'-6" 1'-6" 3'-0" TWO STEPS AT ENTRY TO BEDRM TO REMAIN (STEPS ARE +/-6" EA. LAUNDRY ~12" BELOW BEDROOM. DOOR DOES NOT SWING OVER STEP)(N)28x80(N)28x60(VFY)1'-7"2'-4" 6'-812" 2'-4" 612" 3'-6" (N)24x80GENERAL ELECTRICAL NOTES: 1. POWER AND LIGHTING DISTRIBUTION TO FOLLOW REQUIREMENTS PER 2015 IRC 2. POWER AND LIGHTING TO CONFORM TO THE 2014 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE. 2. PER 2015 IECC, 75% OF ALL NEW LIGHTING TO BE HIGH EFFICACY 3. ALL EXISTING OUTLETS & SWITCHES TO REMAIN, MODIFICATIONS AS SHOWN ON PLANS, VFY NEW SWITCH LOCATIONS 4. ELECTRICAL WALK-THRU IS REQUIRED WITH ARCHITECT AT ROUGH-IN 5. TYPICAL COLOR OF OUTLETS, SWITCHES, AND COVERS (LUTRON ARCHITECTURAL MATTE): ALMOND (AL) DRYWALL LOCATIONS; BROWN (BR) STONE & NATURAL WOOD LOCATIONS, VERIFY. 6. TYPICAL SWITCH HEIGHTS: 48" AFF TO THE TOP OF SWITCH BOX FOR STANDARD SWITCHES, +42" AFF TTT FOR BESIDE SWITCHES 7. LED LIGHT COLOR TEMPERATURES: CLOSETS AND BATHS = 4000K (WHITE) ALL OTHER LOCS = 3000K (WARM WHITE) LIGHTING SYMBOLS BATHROOM EXHAUST FAN s SWITCH RECESSED LENSED SHOWER LIGHT F L RECESSED CAN LIGHT: FIXED DOWN LIGHTA GROUND FAULT DUPLEX OUTLET, +42" U.O.N. COMBINATION SMOKE AND CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR ELECTRICAL LOAD CALCULATIONS: EXISTING HOME ELECTRICAL SERVICE: 150 AMPS TOTAL LIGHTING LOAD (3500SF @ 3VA/FT): 10,500 VA TWO 20A APPLIANCE OUTLET CIRCUITS: 3,000 VA LAUNDRY CIRCUIT: 1,500 VA RANGE: 10,000 VA WATER HEATER: GAS DISHWASHER: 1,500 VA CLOTHES WASHER: 1,500 VA CLOTHES DRYER: 5,000 VA MICROWAVE: 1,500 VA FURNACE (2): 3,000 VA HOT TUB: 1,500 VA DISPOSAL: 1,500 VA HEAT TAPE: 2,000 VA TOTAL: 42,500 VA APPLICATION OF DEMAND FACTOR (220.82 b) FIRST 10 KVA OF GENERAL LOAD @ 100%: 10,000 VA REMAINDER OF GENERAL LOAD @ 40%: 13,000 VA TOTAL: 23,000 VA 23,000 VA / 240 VOLTS = 96 AMPS EXISTING SERVICE = 96 AMPS LIGHT AND VENTILATION PER IRC R303.3 FF SMOKE AND CO DETECTORS PER IRC R314 AND R315 s s VERIFY WORKING SMOKE AND CO DETECTORS PER IRC R314 AND R315 INSIDE EACH SLEEPING ROOM AND OUTSIDE EACH SLEEPING AREA, INSTALL NEW AS REQ'D. SURFACE MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE LLA A BEDROOM 4 (NEW) CRAWL/STORAGE (N)32x80NO CHANGE TO EXISTING EGRESS COMPONENTS IN ANY SLEEPING ROOM, EXCEPT BEDROOM 4 A101 FLOOR PLANS P R O J E C T :SCHACHT RESIDENCED R A W N B Y : D A T E : R E V I S I O N S :1800 SIERRA TRAILVAIL, COLORADO06.12.2018 - 17-SCH 1 1/4" = 1'-0" PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0" EXISTING MAIN LEVEL PLAN2 06/22/18 NEW BATH FOR BEDROOM 3. RAISE FLOOR UP TO LEVEL WITH EXISTING BEDROOM. NEW DOOR AND DEMO OF EXISTING STAIRS TO MIDLEVEL DN BATHROOM 2 BELOW (STORAGE ABOVE) BEDROOM 2 BELOW 5'-812" 5'-812"±9'-1112" BEDROOM 3 MASTER MASTER BATH MASTER CLO (N)28x80 (N)28x8030x66 HIGH BATH STORAGE 2'-1034" 2'-8" 7'-834" F L A VERIFY WORKING SMOKE AND CO DETECTORS PER IRC R314 AND R315 INSIDE EACH SLEEPING ROOM AND OUTSIDE EACH SLEEPING AREA, INSTALL NEW AS REQ'D. LIGHT AND VENTILATION PER IRC R303.3 A102 FLOOR PLANS P R O J E C T :SCHACHT RESIDENCED R A W N B Y : D A T E : R E V I S I O N S :1800 SIERRA TRAILVAIL, COLORADO06.12.2018 - 17-SCH 1 1/4" = 1'-0" PROPOSED UPPER LEVEL PLAN11/4" = 1'-0" EXISTING UPPER LEVEL PLAN 06/22/18 NORTHFRAMING PLAN NOTES 1. REFER TO GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS ON SHEET S-2. 2. ENGINEER OF RECORD IS EXPECTING TO OBSERVE CONSTRUCTION AT SIGNIFICANT CONSTRUCTION EVENTS. NOTIFY ENGINEER AFTER CONSTRUCTION AREAS HAVE BEEN OPENED UP FOR INSPECTION AND REVIEW. BECAUSE EXISTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS WHERE NOT VISIBLE DURING THE ORIGINAL WALK-THROUGH, IT SHOULD BE EXPECTED THAT DESIGN MODIFICATIONS MAY BE REQUIRED AFTER CONCEALED ITEMS ARE MADE VISIBLE. 1/4" = 1'-0" DN BATHROOM 2 BELOW BEDROOM 2 BELOW 5'-812" 5'-812"±9'-1112" BEDROOM 3 MASTER MASTER BATH MASTER CLO (N)28x80 (N)28x8030x66 A S-2 ADD 2x8 FLOOR JOISTS @ 16" O.C. UPPER LEVEL FRAMING PLAN MAIN LEVEL FRAMING PLAN A S-2 6'-3"C S-2 B S-2 EXIST. FLOOR JOISTS EXIST. FLOOR JOISTS ADD 1114 LVL FLOOR JOISTS @ 16" O.C. ADD P.T. 2x8 FLOOR JOISTS @ 16" O.C. TRIM EXISTING FLOOR JOIST RE: SECTION C/S-2 EXIST. GARAGE CEILING BEAMEXIST. GARAGE CEILING BEAMADD JOISTS BLOCKING BELOW WALL DOUBLE JOIST BELOW NEW PARTITION WALL NO. ISSUEPROJECT: JOB NO. SHEET NO.JURISDICTION: 0 04.30.18 ISSUED FOR PERMIT S-1 18007 MAIN AND UPPER LEVEL FRAMING PLANS VAIL, CO SCHACHT RESIDENCE RENOVATION 1800 SIERRA TRAIL 4.30.18 06/22/18 SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0 A S-3 C SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0S-3 B SCALE: 3 4"=1'-0 S-3 4'-0"VERIFY5'-8 1/2" 5'-8 1/2" 2x8 LEDGER WITH 12" Ø EXP. ANCHOR, INSTALL IN 'W' PATTERN NEW PLUMBING WALL PARTITION 2x STUDS @ 16" o.c., ADD BLOCKING BELOW PARTITION EXISTING STUD WALL EXISTING FLOOR SHEATHING REPLACE ROTTED STUDS w/ P.T. STUDS REMOVE EXISTING CRAWL SPACE SOIL COVERING FOOTING 2x8 JOISTS @ 16" o.c. EXISTING 2x4 FURRING STUDS EXISTING FOUNDATION WALL 3 4" SHEATHING 2x8 LEDGER w/ (2) LEDGERLOK SCREWS @ 16" o.c. EXISTING FLOOR JOISTS 1'-514"914" EXISTING FOOTING TO REMAIN 34" FLOOR SHEATHING ON NEW FLOOR JOISTS RE: PLAN EXISTING FLOOR FRAMING 1'-8" NEW FOOTING, CONTINUOUS, w/ (3) #5s, LONGITUDINAL & #4s TRANSVERSE @ 24" O.C.8"3"16d DRIVE PINS @ 16" o.c. INTO P.T. SILL PLATE 1 2 NEW PARTITION WALL, NON-BEARING 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. CRIPPLE WALL, P.T. 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. EXIST. FLOOR FRAMING REMOVE PORTION OF EXISTING FRAMING RE: PLAN NEW RIM JOIST ADD RIM JOIST UPON REMOVAL OF FLOOR JOIST 2x8 LEDGER w/ (2) LEDGERLOK SCREWS @ 16" o.c. PRESSURE TREATED 2x6 STUDS @ 16" w/ SINGLE TOP PLATE AND BOTTOM PLATE. SHEATH SOIL SIDE w/3 4" P.T. PLYWOOD SHEATHING SEALED WITH BITUTHANE FOUNDATION STEP ENCLOSURE EXISTING GRADE EXISTING FOUNDATION WALL PRESSURE TREATED 2x8 PLATE SECURE TO FOUNDATION WALL w/ 14" DIAMETER x 3" TAP-CON SCTEWS @ 16" O.C. SECURE STUD TO FOUNDATION WALL w/ 14" DIAMETER x 3" TAP-CON SCTEWS @ 16" O.C. AND TO BOTTOM PLATE w/ 16d GALVANIZED NAILS @ 16" O.C. PRESSURE TREATED 2x8 PLATE ON CRUSH GRAVEL BEDDING CRAWL SPACE SOIL -HAND TAMP EXISTING FOOTING TO REMAIN Design Criteria: Code Edition: 2015 IRC Live Loads: Floor 40 psf Dead Loads: Floor 15 psf This project only entails interior remodeling. Roof structure is not to be modified. Foundations: A. Continuous concrete footings and foundations are based upon a maximum allowable design soil bearing pressure of 1000psf (dead load plus full live load). B. All footings shall bear on firm, undisturbed natural soil or properly compacted structural fill in accordance with the recommendations of a geotechnical engineer. Center all footings under walls, columns or grid lines unless otherwise noted on plans and details. C. Avoid excessive wetting or drying of the excavations, keeping the excavation reasonably free from water during placement of concrete. D. Contractor shall retain a licensed geotechnical engineer to verify soils conditions during excavation. Verify any discrepancies from the original values in writing to structural engineer for re-evaluation of the foundation design. Reinforced Concrete: A. All structural concrete has been designed in accordance with ACI 318. All structural concrete construction work shall conform to ACI 301 (latest edition) unless noted otherwise. B. Cast in place concrete shall be made with type I/II sulfate-resistant cement to maintain the following requirements. Admixtures containing chloride salts shall not be used. Element: F'c Mix Type Max W/C Ratio % Air Foundations & Footings 3000 psi ---- ---- Interior Slabs on Grade 3000 psi 0.5 ---- Exterior Slabs 4500 psi 0.45 6-8% C. Concrete coverage for reinforcing steel shall provide the following: 1. Concrete poured permanently against earth: 3" 2. Concrete poured in forms (exposed to weather or earth): 2" 3. Concrete (not exposed to weather or earth) · Slabs and walls 3/4" · Beams and columns 1 1/2" D. Concrete slabs on grade shall have sawn or trowel cut control joints at a maximum spacing of 12'-0" in each direction or 144 sq-ft within 12 hours of pouring. Carry reinforcement through joints and locate isolation joints around columns at exterior wall. Consult engineer prior to connecting the slab on grade to other portions of the superstructure. E. Hot and cold weather concreting procedures shall conform to the recommendations in the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice. F. Anchor bolts in wood sill plates shall be spaced at a maximum of 24" on center, with one anchor at 12" from each end or corner and a minimum of two anchors per piece. G. Expansion bolts shall be placed a minimum of 6 bolt diameters from concrete edge and maintain a 10 bolt diameter in spacing, unless noted otherwise. H. Any stop in concrete work must be made at third point of span with vertical bulkheads and horizontal shear keys, unless noted otherwise. Slabs, footings, beams and walls shall not have joints in a horizontal plane. Reinforcing Steel: A. All reinforcement detailing, fabrication and placement shall conform to the ACI Details and Detailing of Reinforcement (ACI 315). B. All reinforcing shall be of high grade deformed bars conforming to ASTM A615, grade 60, except ties and anchors which shall conform to ASTM A615, grade 40 or ASTM A706, grade 60. C. Welded wire fabric shall conform to ASTM A185, grade 60 and be lapped a minimum of one full mesh plus two inches at side and end splices and be wired together. D. Lap splices of reinforcement, where permitted, shall be a minimum of 48 bar diameters for #6 bar and smaller and 80 bar diameters for #7 and #8 bar, unless noted otherwise. Contact engineer for splicing recommendations prior to construction where not specifically detailed or noted. Do not weld or use mechanical splicing. E. Continuous top bars shall be spliced at mid-span and continuous bottom bars over supports. F. At corners make bar continuous through discontinuity or provide corner bars. Corner bars to extend 3'-0" each side of corner. Place two #5's (per 8" of thickness) to extend a minimum of 2'-6" around all openings/steps in walls, slabs and beams. Provide #5 x 5'-0" diagonal at all openings/steps in walls, slabs and beams. G. Contractor shall place (2)-#5's vertically full height of wall at high side of all wall steps higher that 4'-0" in addition to wall reinforcing shown otherwise. H. Extend reinforcing steel a minimum of 2'-6" through cold joints and coordinate cold joint locations with structural engineer. Structural Steel: A. Structural steel shall be detailed, fabricated and erected in accordance with the latest provisions of AISC "Manual of Steel Construction". B. All structural steel rolled shapes, including plates and angles, shall conform to ASTM A36. Tube shapes shall conform to ASTM A500 Grade B. Pipe columns shall conform to ASTM A53. The latest editions of these requirements shall be used. Steel supplier may optionally provide ASTM Grade 50. C. All structural bolts used in steel framing shall be as shown and or noted. All anchor bolts shall be of ASTM A307 or manufactured expansion anchors as shown. D. All welding shall be performed by an AWS qualified welder. E. Delay painting within 3" of field welds until welds are completed. General Requirements: A. Structural erection and bracing: The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with all elements in their final positions supported and braced. The contractor, in the proper sequence, shall provide shoring and bracing as may be required during construction to achieve the final completed structure. Contact engineer for consultation as required. B. Existing structures: Where construction adjoins an existing structure, the contractor shall be responsible for verifying dimensions, elevations, framing, foundation and anything else that may affect the work shown on the structural plans. Under pinning, shoring and bracing of the existing structure shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. C. Dimensions: Check all dimensions against field and architectural drawings prior to construction. Do not scale drawings. D. Construction practices: The general contractor is responsible for means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures for construction of this project. Notify structural engineer of omissions or conflicts between the working drawings and existing conditions. E. Coordinate requirements for mechanical/electrical/plumbing penetrations through structural elements with structural engineer. Prior to installation of such equipment or other items to be attached to the structure, the contractor shall obtain approval for connections and support. Contractor shall furnish required hangers, connections, etc. required for installation of such items, unless specifically noted on plans. F. Jobsite safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor. G. The structural engineer may make periodic observation visits to the jobsite for determination of general conformance with the construction documents. Such observation visits shall not replace required inspections by the governing authorities or serve as "special inspections" as may be required by Section 17 of the International Building Code. H. Though every effort has been made to provide a complete and clear set of construction documents, discrepancies or omissions may occur. Release of these drawings anticipates cooperation and continued communication between the contractor, architect and engineer to provide the best possible structure. These drawings have been prepared for the use of a qualified contractor experienced in the construction techniques and systems depicted. Structural Wood Framing Below Grade: A. All 2" nominal lumber shall be Hem Fir or Southern Pine #2 or better, pressure treated in accordance with the treating and drying requirements of the American Wood Preservers Bureau (AWPB-FDN) Standards. B. Required preservative salt retention shall be 0.60 pounds per cubic foot of wood. C. Alternatively, 2" nominal lumber may be untreated California Redwood #2 or better. Notify structural engineer if this option is to be used. D. Exterior plywood sheathing shall be APA rated plywood with thickness and identification index as noted on drawings, pressure treated according to AWPB-FND Standards. Unless noted otherwise, plywood shall be installed with face grain horizontal to studs and joints staggered. E. Edges of lumber and plywood cut after treatment must be field treated with the same preservative used in the original treatment. Cuts that occur 8" or more above grade need not be field treated. F. Fasteners used to connect treated lumber and plywood members must be corrosion resistant. Type 304 or 316 stainless steel fasteners (nails or screws) are required for attaching plywood to lumber. Hot-dipped or hot-tumbled galvanized nails may be used for lumber-to-lumber connections. G. Caulk plywood joints with an acrylic latex caulk and apply 6-mil polyethylene vapor barrier to the outside face of walls prior to backfilling. H. Provide foundation drainage according to the recommendations of the geotechnical engineer. I. Do not backfill against wood retaining walls until all lateral supporting elements are in place. This includes floor framing at the top of the wall and concrete slab or floor framing at the bottom of wall. Structural Wood Framing: A. All framing and truss lumber shall be of dry Douglas Fir-Larch (DF), graded by Western Wood Products according to the following recommendations. All 2" nominal lumber, except studs shall be of DF #2 or better, and solid timber beams and post 3" nominal and wider shall be DF #2. B. All studs shall be of Stud Grade Douglas Fir or Hem-Fir (HF). C. Built-up 2x nominal lumber members shall be of the following requirements: Element Connection Beams 2x - DF #2 or better (2)-rows of 12d nails @ 12" o.c. (size per plan) or (2)-rows of 1/2" dia. thru-bolts @ 24" o.c. Beams 3x - DF #2 (2)-rows of 12d nails @ 12" o.c. (size per plan) or (2)-rows of 1/2" dia. thru-bolts @ 24" o.c. Posts DF or HF #2 or better (2)-rows of 12d nails @ 6" o.c. 2x4 or 2x6 studs D. Top and bottom plates shall be of Douglas Fir-Larch or Hem-Fir #2 or better. Plates in direct contact with concrete or masonry shall be of pressure treated Hem-Fir #2. Preservative treated lumber requires all connections and nailing be galvanived per code. E. For all solid or built-up columns bearing through floor joist spaces, provide blocking in joist space with cross sectional area to match column above. Typical door/window headers noted on plans consisting of a single stud are exempt from this requirement. F. Except as otherwise noted, the minimum nailing shall be provided as specified in the "Nailing Schedules (IBC Table 2304.9.1). G. Bolts used for wood framing connections shall be installed with standard washers and nuts. H. Unless noted otherwise, steel connectors such as those manufactured by the Simpson Company shall be used to join rafters, joists or beams to other beams at flush-framed conditions. Use all specified nails. Connector conditions not otherwise noted shall utilize Type U or Type HU hangers of a size specifically designed for the member supported, as shown in the manufacturer's published tables. Contact structural engineer for details as required. I. Manufactured joists shall be from an approved manufacturer and shall be equivalent in load carrying capacity and deflection criteria to joists shown on plans. Provide blocking, bracing, web stiffeners and other accessories as required by the manufacturer. Alternative joists of the same depth and spacing may be considered provided their load carrying capacity is equivalent or greater bending, shear and deflection. All joist alternatives shall be approved by the Engineer of Record (EOR ) prior to use. J. Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) shall have the following stress properties: · Flexural stress 2800 psi · Modulus of elasticity 2,000,000 psi · Tension parallel to grain 2100 psi · Compression parallel to grain 3000 psi · Compression perpendicular to grain 900 psi · Horizontal shear 285 psi L. For multiple member beam connections, unless noted otherwise in manufacturer's specification, use the following guide: · Strong-axis Loading of Beams (vertical loading): 1. For members 12" deep or less, nail each member to the next with (2)-rows of 12d nails @ 12" o.c. 2. For members greater than 12" deep, nail each member to the next with (3)-rows of 12d nails at 12" o.c. 3. For four member beams, bolt through with (2)-rows of 1/2" dia. bolts staggered at 12" o.c. · Weak-axis Loading of Beams (lateral loading): 1. For two or three member beams, nail each member to the next with (3)-rows of 12d nails @ 12" o.c. 2. For four member beams, bolt through with (2)-rows of 1/2" dia. bolts at 12" o.c. 3. For members consisting of more than four members, contact structural engineer. M. Framing Notes: · Interior Load Bearing Walls: a. Interior load bearing walls are 2x4 or 2x6 studs (as indicated on plans) @ 16" o.c. with 1/2" plywood wallboard, unless noted otherwise. Cap with double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. If overlap is not possible, strap top plates together with metal strap ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). b. Floor and roof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5" of stud beneath. c. Provide (2)-2x10 headers over all openings in wall, with (1)-2x4 or (1)-2x6 trimmer and (1)-2x4 or (1)-2x6 king stud each end, unless noted otherwise. d. At beam bearing locations in stud walls, provide multiple-stud posts equal to width of bearing member unless noted otherwise. · Floor Construction: a. Provide 3/4" thick APA rated Sturdifloor rated @ 24" o.c., tongue and groove, exposure 1. Glue and nail panels with 10d nails @ 6" o.c. along panel edges and @ 12" o.c. at intermediate supports, unless noted otherwise. Install sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to joists and end joints staggered. b. Provide solid blocking between floor joists at all bearing locations. Blocking material shall match floor joist material. c. Panels shall be identified with the grade-trademark of the American Plywood Association and shall meet the requirements of U.S. product standard PSI, latest edition for plywood. d. Floor construction shall have blocking at intervals not greater than 8'-0. NO. ISSUEPROJECT: JOB NO. SHEET NO.JURISDICTION: 0 04.30.18 ISSUED FOR PERMIT S-2 18007 DETAILS VAIL, CO SCHACHT RESIDENCE RENOVATION 1800 SIERRA TRAIL 4.30.18 06/22/18