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75 South Frontage Road West, Vail, CO 81657 Office: 970.479.2139 Inspection Line: 970.479.2149 Construction B18-0219 Issued: 06/19/2018 TOWN OF VAIL Property Information Address: 4879 MEADOW DR B (210113102023 B) ( 210113102023 ) Unit #: B Parcel Number: 210113102023 Legal Description: Subdivision: BIGHORN 5TH ADDITION Block: 5 Lot: 15 PARCEL B BK-0305 PG-0941 DEC 07-25-80 Contacts Contact Type: Applicant Full Name: Ron Kirkham Address: 356 Deer Blvd. West side Avon, CO 81620 Phone: 9703761793 Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: JONES, LAWRENCE M. & GAYLE R. Address: Phone: None Contractor Contractor Type: General Company: Burke Harrington Construction State License #: Phone: 970-376-2256 Project Information Project Name: Jones Residence 2018 Project Description: Replace all windows, add eave and rake roof overhangs, add 1-car garage, enlarge bedroom Fees Paid Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Building Permit Fee Fee Amount:$1,861.75 Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Building Plan Review Fee Fee Amount:$1,210.14 Account #: 110-0000.31060.00 - Construction Use Tax Fee Fee Amount:$4,900.00 Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Mechanical Permit Fee Fee Amount:$500.00 Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Mechanical Plan Review Fee Fee Amount:$125.00 Account #: 001-0000.31111.00 - Plumbing Permit Fee Fee Amount:$225.00 Account #: 001-0000.31123.00 - Plumbing Plan Review Fee Fee Amount:$56.25 Account #: 001-0000.31128.00 - Will Call Fee (Building Scope)Fee Amount:$5.00 Account #: 001-0000.31128.00 - Will Call Fee (Mechanical Scope)Fee Amount:$5.00 Account #: 001-0000.31128.00 - Will Call Fee (Plumbing Scope)Fee Amount:$5.00 Total Paid:$8,893.14 Conditions CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH PERMITS BECOME VOID: If construction is not begun within 6 months from the date permit was issued. If more than 5 months elapses between inspections. If incorrect information is given on the application at the time the permit was issued. Christopher Jarecki - Town of Vail Building Official NOTICE: By issuance of this Permit the applicant agrees to comply with all Titles of the Town of Vail Code and all applicable State and Federal law. Failure to do so will void this Permit and the applicant shall forfeit all applicable fees. Asbestos Inspection and Sampling Report 4879 Meadow Dr, Vail, Colorado 81657 Presented To: Mr. Ronald D. Kirkham architect / principal Resolution Designs ron@resodes.com 970.376.1793 Performed & Prepared By: Mr. Rich Kreuscher Colorado Certification #15812 DS Environmental Consulting PO Box 6864 Avon, CO 81620 (970) 389 - 3408 Project Details: Project Number: 18053 Conducted: June 7, 2018 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Scope of Work 3.0 Site Description 4.0 Certifications 5.0 Inspection, Sampling & Analytical Procedures 5.1 Inspection Procedures 5.2 Sampling Procedures 5.3 Analytical Procedures 6.0 Homogeneous Areas 6.1 Material Friability 6.2 Material Classifications 6.3 Material Conditions 6.4 Sample Quantities 7.0 Overview of Findings 8.0 Conclusion & Recommendations 9.0 Asbestos Abatement & Demolition Requirements 10.0 Major & Minor Asbestos Spill Response Actions 11.0 Project Design & Project Manager Requirements 12.0 Disclaimer & Limitations 13.0 Copyright Notice APPENDIX A Inspector & Firm Asbestos Certificates APPENDIX B Analytical Data 3 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.0 Introduction On June 7, 2018, Mr. Rich Kreuscher with DS Environmental Consulting (DS) conducted a limited asbestos inspection and collected asbestos bulk-samples of suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACM) within a portion of the single-family residence located at 4879 Meadow Dr, Vail, Colorado. The purpose of the limited inspection was to identify and sample potentially hazardous friable and non- friable ACM that may be impacted by restoration activities. Bulk-samples were collected of the knock-down textured drywall as well as the associated joint compound found throughout the residence. The black, mastic found on the upper level master closet wall (mirror glue) was also sampled. The black mirror glue was found to contain 8% Chrysotile asbestos. 2.0 Scope of Work The scope of the limited inspection and bulk-sampling was limited to specific areas and materials of the residence defined by the restoration company as listed above. The remaining areas and materials within the residence, garage or any out-building on the property were not included in the scope of the inspection. The limited asbestos inspection did not constitute a full building inspection and does not fulfill the asbestos inspection requirements for structures that are to be demolished. 3.0 Site Description The residence is a two-level, single-family residence with a two-car attached garage. 4.0 Certifications The limited asbestos inspection and bulk-sampling was conducted by Mr. Rich Kreuscher with DS. DS is a Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) certified Asbestos Consulting Firm, Registration No. 14912. Mr. Kreuscher is a CDPHE certified Building Inspector; having certification number 15812 (see Appendix A for certificates). 5.0 Inspection, Sampling & Analytical Procedures 5.1 Inspection Procedures The limited asbestos inspection was conducted by an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and CDPHE certified Building Inspector. The inspection procedures included identifying and sampling suspect ACM within the pre-defined areas, submitting samples to an accredited laboratory for analysis, classifying the materials and assessing their condition, and compiling a final report detailing the inspection and the analytical results of the bulk-samples. 5.2 Sampling Procedures Statistically random bulk-samples representative of the suspect ACM of each homogeneous area were collected according to the guidelines published as EPA Final Rule: Title II of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 USC, Sections 2641 through 2654 and in compliance with 40 CFR, Part 763 and CDPHE Regulation Number 8, Part B - Asbestos (Reg. 8). 4 DS has collected the appropriate number of bulk-samples to meet all regulatory requirements for the classification and quantity of each homogeneous area. Some minor destructive sampling was conducted; however, walls, columns and perimeter pipe chases were not broken into in order to locate and quantify suspect ACM. It should be noted that additional ACM might be located in these and other inaccessible areas. 5.3 Analytical Procedures All asbestos bulk-samples were analyzed by a National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredited laboratory via Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) for asbestos content (see Appendix B for laboratory report). The percentage of asbestos within each individual bulk-sample can vary depending on sample location, homogeneity of the material, and the type of application. Any sample reporting a “TRACE” amount of asbestos must be considered positive for asbestos greater than 1% unless it is re-analyzed utilizing the point-count method and verified to be less than or equal to 1%. Materials containing less than or equal to 1% asbestos are not regulated by CDPHE Regulation 8, Part B – Asbestos. However, all demolition/abatement activities should be performed following the applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. This would include, but not limited to, the appropriate asbestos training for the type of material being removed/disturbed as well as having a properly trained supervisor onsite, using wet removal methods, wearing adequate personal protective equipment (HEPA-filtered particulate respirators), medical surveillance of workers, personal-exposure air monitoring, area air monitoring in occupied buildings, etc. There may also be landfill disposal requirements for these materials, depending on the facility. DS recommends that all demolition/renovation areas involving any amount of asbestos be subjected to visual inspections and a final clearance air testing by a CDPHE-certified Air Monitoring Specialist (AMS) after the work has been completed, but before any containments are dismantled and the area is reoccupied. 6.0 Homogeneous Areas A Homogeneous Area (HA) includes materials that are uniform in appearance, color, texture and date of application. The asbestos content of the bulk-samples collected within a homogeneous area can be applied to the entire homogenous area if they conform to the above characteristics and the regulated minimum sample quantities of each type of material are collected and analyzed. 6.1 Material Friability A material can either be friable or non-friable. A friable material is one that, when dry, can be pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure, a non-friable material cannot. A non-friable material may become friable if its condition had deteriorated or has been impacted by forces that have rendered it friable. 6.2 Material Classifications Sampled materials are divided into one of the following three categories: Surfacing Material: sprayed or troweled onto structural building members Thermal System Insulation (TSI): any type of pipe, boiler, tank, or duct insulation Miscellaneous Material: all other materials not classified in the above two categories 5 6.3 Material Conditions Sampled materials are placed into one of the three following categories of conditions: Good: none to very little visible damage or deterioration Damaged: the surface is crumbling, blistered, water-stained, gouged, marred or otherwise abraded over less than one-tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed, or one-quarter if the damage is localized Significantly Damaged: the surface is crumbling, blistered, water-stained, gouged, marred or otherwise abraded over greater than one-tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed, or one-quarter if the damage is localized 6.4 Sample Quantities DS collected at least the minimum number of samples from each homogeneous area necessary to meet all regulatory requirements for the quantity of material to be disturbed. The quantities listed in this report are approximate and on-site verification of the exact quantity of each material is required. The following outlines the minimum sample quantities required per homogeneous area: Surfacing Materials: up to 1,000 ft2 of material requires a minimum of three (3) samples; between 1,000 ft2 and 5,000 ft2 of material requires a minimum of five (5) samples; over 5,000 ft2 of material requires a minimum of seven (7) samples; one (1) sample of each patch Thermal System Insulation (TSI): each homogeneous area requires a minimum of three (3) samples; at least one (1) sample must be collected from each patch; and collect enough samples sufficient to adequately assess the material and determine the asbestos content for TSI fittings such as pipe elbows or T’s. Miscellaneous Materials: collect enough samples sufficient to determine the asbestos content 7.0 Overview of Findings DS collected a total of nine (9) asbestos bulk-samples of three (3) homogeneous areas. Bulk-samples were collected of the knock-down textured drywall as well as the associated joint compound found throughout the residence. The black, mastic found on the upper level master closet wall (mirror glue) was also sampled. The black mirror glue was found to contain 8% Chrysotile asbestos. Table 1 below describes the materials composing each homogeneous area as well as the locations of each bulk-sample collected. Also listed is the classification, condition, friability and estimated quantity of material to be removed and/or disturbed, as well as the asbestos content within each bulk-sample. Please see Appendix B: Analytical Data for the layer break-down of each bulk-sample. TABLE 1 HA - Homogeneous Area G - Good CHRY - Chrysotile SM - Surfacing Material ND - None-detect D - Damaged ACT - Actinolite MM - Miscellaneous Material TR - Trace, <1% Visual Estimate SD - Significantly Damaged TSI - Thermal System Insulation HA # Sample ID Material Description Sample Location Material Classification Material Condition Estimated Quantity Material Friability Asbestos Content 1 SM1-1 Knock-Down Textured Drywall Upper Level Master Closet, East Wall SM SD ~2000 ft2 Friable ND SM1-2 Upper Level Master Closet, West Wall SM1-3 Upper Level Bedroom, West Wall SM1-4 Main Level Kitchen, East Wall SM1-5 Main Level Dining Room, North Wall 2 JC1-1 White, Joint Compound Upper Level Master Closet, West Wall MM SD ~2000 ft2 Friable ND JC1-2 Main Level Kitchen, North Wall 3 MST1-1 Black, Mirror Glue Upper Level Master Closet, West Wall MM D ~5 ft2 Non-Friable 8% CHRY MST1-2 Upper Level Master Closet, West Wall 8.0 Conclusion & Recommendations Asbestos was identified within the materials of the residence that were within the scope of the limited inspection and bulk-sampling performed on June 7, 2018; therefore, professional abatement activities are required to remove or disturb the above-referenced sampled materials. 9.0 Asbestos Abatement & Demolition Requirements If ACM is to be removed or disturbed in a single-family residence, and the total quantity exceeds any of the regulatory trigger levels of 50 linear ft. on pipes, 32 ft2 on other surfaces, or the volume equivalent of a 55-gallon drum, a CDPHE-certified General Abatement Contractor (GAC) is required to perform the work. The regulatory trigger levels within a commercial building are 260 linear ft. on pipes, 160 ft2 on other surfaces, or the volume equivalent of a 55-gallon drum. In addition, formal notification to CDPHE prior to the abatement of ACM as well as air monitoring, visual inspections, and final air clearances by a CDPHE-certified Asbestos AMS is required. DS can provide the client or building owner with a proposal for project design, abatement oversight and air monitoring upon request. CDPHE regulations allow for the demolition of a building that contains non-friable asbestos-containing materials, such as caulking, mastic or resilient floor tiles. However, demolition must be completed without causing the non-friable ACM to be rendered friable. Burning a building with any ACM is prohibited. Operations such as sanding, cutting, crushing, grinding, pneumatic jacking, etc. of ACM are not permitted. Recycling of building materials such as concrete, metal, or wood that are bonded or contaminated with ACM, e.g. glue, caulking, or mastic is also prohibited. If any of the non-friable asbestos containing materials are to be recycled and rendered friable after demolition (i.e. crushing mastic-coated concrete), these materials must be abated of all ACM prior to shipping offsite for recycling. OSHA regulations regarding occupational exposure during demolition activities is still mandatory. OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 requires that workers performing construction-related activities be protected from asbestos fibers in excess of the permissible exposure limit of 0.1 f/cc of air. Contractors are must comply with applicable provisions of OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1101 during demolition and renovation activities. These OSHA provisions include, but are not limited to, PPE and respirators, personnel training, personal- exposure air monitoring, employee medical surveillance, wet removal methods, signage for regulated areas, etc. 10.0 Major & Minor Asbestos Spill Response Actions If ACM is significantly damaged and the total quantity exceeds the regulatory trigger levels, the area is deemed a “Major Asbestos Spill.” The area is consequently subject to the requirements in Reg. 8, Section III.T.1. – Major Asbestos Spills, as outlined below. Additional asbestos air or dust sampling should also be conducted within the remaining areas not directly impacted by the Major Asbestos Spill to determine if asbestos-containing dust/debris has spread to adjacent areas. If asbestos fibers are found within any other areas or on building contents, they should be included in the scope of professional abatement and decontamination. The following response actions must be followed per Colorado Reg. 8 when a Major Asbestos Spill occurs: Restrict access to the area and post warning signs to prevent entry to the area by persons other than those necessary to respond to the incident. Shut off or temporarily modify the air handling system to prevent the distribution of asbestos fibers to other areas. 8 Immediately contact the Division by telephone, submit a notification in compliance with subsection III.E. (Notifications) and, if in an area of public access, apply for a permit in accordance with subsection III.G. (Permits). Be exempted from the requirements to have a certified Supervisor on-site at all times, until such time as the immediate danger has passed. Any cleanup or asbestos abatement that must occur after the immediate danger has passed shall be supervised by a person certified by the Division. Using certified Supervisors and certified Workers in accordance with section II. (Certification Requirements) of this Regulation, seal all openings between the contaminated and uncontaminated areas and establish none-detect air pressure within the contaminated area in accordance with paragraph III.J. (Air Cleaning and None-detect Pressure Requirements). This is to be accomplished using polyethylene sheeting to cover areas such as doorways, windows, elevator openings, corridor entrances, grills, drains, grates, diffusers and skylights. HEPA vacuum or steam clean all carpets, drapes, upholstery, and other non-clothing fabrics in the contaminated area, or discard these materials. Launder or discard contaminated clothing in accordance with subsection III.R. (Waste Handling). HEPA vacuum or wet clean all surfaces in the contaminated area. Discard all materials in accordance with subsection III.R. (Waste Handling). Following completion of subparagraph III.T.1.a. through III.T.1.i. above, comply with air monitoring requirements as described in subsection III.P. (Clearing Abatement Projects); air samples shall be collected aggressively as described in 40 C.F.R. Part 763, Appendix A to Subpart E (EPA 1995), except that the air stream of the leaf blower shall not be directed at any friable ACM that remains in the area and Comply with any other measures deemed necessary by the Division to protect public health. In the event of an asbestos spill involving less than or equal to the trigger levels, the building owner or contractor should take the following non-mandatory steps: Restrict entry to the area and post warning signs to prevent entry to the area by persons other than those necessary to respond to the incident. Shut off or temporarily modify the air handling system to prevent the distribution of fibers to other areas in the building. Seal all openings between the contaminated and uncontaminated areas. This is to be accomplished by using polyethylene sheeting to cover all areas such as windows, doorways, elevator openings, corridor entrances, drains, grills, grates, diffusers and skylights. HEPA vacuum or steam clean all carpets, draperies, upholstery and other non-clothing fabrics in the contaminated area, or discard all contaminated materials in accordance with subsection III.R. (Waste Handling). Launder or discard contaminated clothing in accordance with subsection III.R. (Waste Handling). HEPA vacuum or wet clean all non-fabric surfaces in the contaminated area. Following completion of subparagraphs III.T.2.a. through III.T.2.f. of Regulation 8, conduct air monitoring as described in paragraph III.P.3 of Regulation 8. (Final Clearance Air Monitoring and Sample Analyses); air samples shall be collected aggressively as described in 40 C.F.R. Part 763, Appendix A to Subpart E (EPA 1995), except that the air stream of the leaf blower shall not be directed at any friable ACM that remains in the work area. 9 11.0 Project Design & Project Manager Requirements DS can provide an Asbestos Project Design as well as fulfill the Colorado Asbestos Project Manager requirements for any asbestos abatement project, as applicable below. Project Design An abatement Project Design is an accurate and detailed scope of work, which includes project specifications and procedures, containment design/equipment placement, and descriptions of engineering controls and work practices for an asbestos abatement project or response action that is required by CDPHE Regulation Number 8, Part B - Asbestos (Reg. 8) on large asbestos abatement projects. Prior to the start of any asbestos abatement project in a non-school building, where the amount of asbestos-containing material (ACM) to be removed or disturbed exceeds 1,000 linear feet on pipes, or 3,000 square feet on surfaces, or in a school building in which the amount of friable ACM to be abated exceeds 3 linear feet on pipes, or 3 square feet on surfaces, a written Project Design must be developed by a State of Colorado certified Project Designer in accordance with subsection IV.G.7 of Regulation 8. A signed copy shall be posted on-site prior to commencing any abatement activities, shall be available on- site at all times, and shall remain onsite until final air clearances have been completed by a State of Colorado-certified Air Monitoring Specialist (AMS). Project Manager A Project Manager shall be used on all asbestos abatement projects in which the amount of friable asbestos-containing material to be abated exceeds 1,000 linear feet on pipes, or 3,000 square feet on other surfaces per CDPHE Regulation Number 8, Part B – Section III.B.6. An asbestos Project Manager on an abatement project shall be responsible for assessing that the project is conducted in accordance with Regulation 8, assessing that the Project Design is followed, assessing that the abatement project is cleared in accordance with Regulation 8, assessing that the asbestos waste generated on the project is properly manifested and disposed of in accordance with Regulation 8, and communicating these assessments to the building owner or GAC. Project Managers must have proof of Colorado certification as an asbestos Project Designer and Air Monitoring Specialist in accordance with Section II of CDPHE Regulation 8 as well as a minimum of one (1) year of experience supervising, overseeing or monitoring asbestos abatement projects. A 4-year college degree in industrial hygiene, a degree in environmental health with a major concentration in industrial hygiene, or the possession of a certified industrial hygienist (CIH) certificate given by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene (ABIH) may be substituted for the Colorado asbestos Air Monitoring Specialist course. The GAC shall notify the building owner during bid proposals as to whether or not a project manager is required. Project managers shall be independent of the asbestos abatement contractor and work strictly on behalf of the building owner to the extent feasible, unless the abatement is being performed in-house. Project managers must sign the original copy of the abatement permit for the permit to be valid. 12.0 Disclaimer & Limitations The activities outlined in this report were conducted in a manner consistent with a level of care and expertise exercised by members of the environmental consulting and industrial hygiene profession. All activities were performed in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations as well as generally accepted standards and professional practice. No warranty is either expressed or implied. DS assumes no responsibility or liability for error in public information utilized, statements from sources other than DS, or developments resulting from situations outside the scope of this project. 10 The details provided within this report outline the inspection activities on the date(s) indicated and should not be relied upon to represent conditions at a later date, the limited number of bulk-samples collected, and the laboratory results of those bulk-samples. The laboratory results contained in this report apply specifically to the materials in which bulk-samples were collected. The results do not include or apply to any other materials within the structure that were not sampled, but may contain asbestos; including materials that may be hidden or inaccessible. Additional inspection and bulk- sampling activities would be required to determine if any other materials contain asbestos. This report has been prepared on behalf of and exclusively for use by the Client, with specific application to their project as discussed in the scope of work. The results of any surfacing material indicated in this report also includes any associated overspray of that material, e.g., under carpet, above suspended ceilings, etc. The information contained in this report is intended as supplementary material for abatement design and is not to be used as the scope of work for abatement activities, bidding or billing purposes. Contractors or consultants reviewing this report must draw their own conclusions regarding further investigation or remediation deemed necessary. DS can provide a full scope of work for abatement upon request. DS does not warrant the work of regulatory agencies, laboratories or other third parties supplying information which may have been used in the preparation of this report. 13.0 Copyright Notice © DS Environmental Consulting 2018. All Rights Reserved. This document contains material protected under Federal Copyright Laws. No part of this document or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied, modified or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author and DS Environmental Consulting 11 APPENDIX A INSPECTOR & FIRM ASBESTOS CERTIFICATES 12 13 APPENDIX B ANALYTICAL DATA 780 Simms Street Suite 104 Golden, CO, 80401 303.232.3746 Certificate of Analysis www.aerobiology.net Client Name DS Environmental Consulting Date Collected: 06/07/18 Street address 7555 W. 10th Ave Date Received: 06/07/18 City, State ZIP Lakewood, CO 80214 Date Analyzed: 06/08/18 Attn: Rich Kreuscher 200860-0 Date Reported: 06/08/18 Client Project Name: 4879 Meadow Dr., Vail, CO Project ID: 18018979 Job ID: Test Requested: 3002, Asbestos in Bulk Samples Method: Polarized Light Microscopy / Dispersion Staining (PLM), Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials. EPA-600/R-93/116, July 1993. Non-Asbestos Non-Fibrous Matrix Fiber Material Material Client Percentage Percentage Composition P = Perlite B = Binder D=Diatoms NTR = Non-Asbestiform TR NAC = Non-Asbestiform AC 780 Simms Street, Suite 104, Golden, CO, 80401, 303.232.3746 SM1-1 SM1-2 SM1-3 SM1-4 SM1-5 N N 50% 50% 50% N N 18018979-3B White Texture with White Paint 18018979-4A White/Tan Drywall Trace=Less Than 1% N N 50% 50% 50% ND=None Detected CHRY=Chrysotile M = Mica CR = Crocidolite T = Tar TR = Tremolite A = Amosite Q = Quartz AC = Actinolite C = Carbonates AN = Anthophyllite G = Gypsum G ND 100 C ND 15 85 G 15 85 C ND 15 85 G ND 100 C ND ND 100 G ND 100 C ND 100 C 15 85 ND 15 85 G Asbestos Percentage White Texture with Tan Paint ND N 50% 50% Asbestos Detected White/Tan Drywall Laboratory Analyst Talena Oliver Asbestos Lab Supervisor Charles Brogan White Texture with Tan Paint White/Tan Drywall White/Tan Drywall 18018979-5B 18018979-4B 18018979-5A NVLAP Lab Code 18018979-2B 18018979-3A 50% N 50% 18018979-2A N Lab Sample Number N White/Tan Drywall White Texture with Brown Paint White Texture with White Paint Sample Identification Physical Description of Sample/Layer Homo- geneous (Y/N) Layer Percentage 18018979-1A 18018979-1B Page 1 of 4 780 Simms Street Suite 104 Golden, CO, 80401 303.232.3746 Certificate of Analysis www.aerobiology.net Client Name DS Environmental Consulting Date Collected: 06/07/18 Street address 7555 W. 10th Ave Date Received: 06/07/18 City, State ZIP Lakewood, CO 80214 Date Analyzed: 06/08/18 Attn: Rich Kreuscher 200860-0 Date Reported: 06/08/18 Client Project Name: 4879 Meadow Dr., Vail, CO Project ID: 18018979 Job ID: Test Requested: 3002, Asbestos in Bulk Samples Method: Polarized Light Microscopy / Dispersion Staining (PLM), Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials. EPA-600/R-93/116, July 1993. Non-Asbestos Non-Fibrous Matrix Fiber Material Material Client Percentage Percentage Composition P = Perlite B = Binder D=Diatoms NTR = Non-Asbestiform TR NAC = Non-Asbestiform AC 780 Simms Street, Suite 104, Golden, CO, 80401, 303.232.3746 Laboratory Analyst Asbestos Lab Supervisor ND=None Detected CR = Crocidolite T = Tar TR = Tremolite Charles Brogan Talena Oliver Trace=Less Than 1% AC = Actinolite C = Carbonates AN = Anthophyllite G = Gypsum CHRY=Chrysotile M = Mica 92 T Q = Quartz C 18018979-8B Black Mastic N 96% CHRY 8 18018979-8A White Compound N 4% ND MST1-1 A = Amosite G 18018979-7D White/Tan Drywall N 94% ND 15 85 G 18018979-7C White Joint Compound N 2% ND 100 100 C 18018979-7B White Tape N 2% ND 99 1 18018979-7A White Texture with White Paint N 2% ND 100 JC1-2 C 18018979-6D White/Tan Drywall N 94% ND 15 85 G 18018979-6C White Joint Compound N 2% ND 100 JC1-1 100 C 18018979-6B White Tape N 2% ND 99 1 NVLAP Lab Code Sample Identification Physical Description of Sample/Layer Homo- geneous (Y/N) Layer Percentage Asbestos Detected Asbestos Percentage Lab Sample Number 18018979-6A White Texture with Tan Paint N 2% ND Page 2 of 4 780 Simms Street Suite 104 Golden, CO, 80401 303.232.3746 Certificate of Analysis www.aerobiology.net Client Name DS Environmental Consulting Date Collected: 06/07/18 Street address 7555 W. 10th Ave Date Received: 06/07/18 City, State ZIP Lakewood, CO 80214 Date Analyzed: 06/08/18 Attn: Rich Kreuscher 200860-0 Date Reported: 06/08/18 Client Project Name: 4879 Meadow Dr., Vail, CO Project ID: 18018979 Job ID: Test Requested: 3002, Asbestos in Bulk Samples Method: Polarized Light Microscopy / Dispersion Staining (PLM), Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materials. EPA-600/R-93/116, July 1993. Non-Asbestos Non-Fibrous Matrix Fiber Material Material Client Percentage Percentage Composition P = Perlite B = Binder D=Diatoms NTR = Non-Asbestiform TR NAC = Non-Asbestiform AC 780 Simms Street, Suite 104, Golden, CO, 80401, 303.232.3746 Laboratory Analyst Asbestos Lab Supervisor ND=None Detected CR = Crocidolite T = Tar TR = Tremolite Charles Brogan Talena Oliver Trace=Less Than 1% AC = Actinolite C = Carbonates AN = Anthophyllite G = Gypsum CHRY=Chrysotile M = Mica Q = Quartz A = Amosite 100 C 18018979-9B Black Mastic N 96% CHRY 8 92 T MST1-2 NVLAP Lab Code Sample Identification Physical Description of Sample/Layer Homo- geneous (Y/N) Layer Percentage Asbestos Detected Asbestos Percentage Lab Sample Number 18018979-9A White Compound N 4% ND Page 3 of 4 780 Simms Street Suite 104 Golden, CO, 80401 303.232.3746 Certificate of Analysis www.aerobiology.net DS Environmental Consulting Date Collected: 06/07/18 7555 W. 10th Ave Date Received: 06/07/18 Lakewood, CO 80214 Date Analyzed: 06/08/18 Rich Kreuscher 200860-0 Date Reported: 06/08/18 Client Project Name: 4879 Meadow Dr., Vail, CO Project ID: 18018979 Job ID: General Notes ND indicates no asbestos was detected; the method detection limit is 1 %. Trace or "<1" indicates asbestos was identified in the sample, but the concentration is less than 1%. Notes Required by NVLAP This test report relates only to the items tested or calibrated. This report is not valid unless it bears the name of a NVLAP-approved signatory. Any reproduction of this document must include the entire document in order for the report to be valid. 780 Simms Street, Suite 104, Golden, CO, 80401, 303.232.3746 NVLAP Lab Code This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government. All regulated asbestos minerals (i.e. chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite) were sought in every layer of each sample, but only those asbestos minerals detected are listed. Amosite is the common name for the asbestiform variety of the minerals cummingtonite and grunerite. Crocidolite is the common name used for the asbestiform variety of the mineral riebeckite. Tile, vinyl, foam, plastic, and fine powder samples may contain asbestos fibers of such small diameter (< 0.25 microns in diameter) that these fibers cannot be detected by PLM. For such samples, more sensitive analytical methods (e.g. TEM, SEM, and XRD) are recommended if greater certainty about asbestos content is required. Semi-quantitative bulk TEM floor tile analysis is accepted under NESHAP regulations. These results are submitted pursuant to Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inc.’s current terms and conditions of sale, including the company’s standard warranty and limitation of liability provisions. No responsibility or liability is assumed for the manner in which the results are used or interpreted. Unless notified in writing to return the samples covered by this report, Aerobiology Laboratory Associates, Inc. will store the samples for a minimum period of thirty (30) days before discarding. A shipping and handling charge will be assessed for the return of any samples. Aerobiology does not guarantee the results of tape lifts, microvacs, wipe, and/or debris samples. Accurate analysis cannot be performed due to particle size, media used, and/or amount of material given. Analysis of these materials should be preformed by a TEM. A result of ND does not indicate that the sample area does not contain asbestos. It means the analyst could not identify asbestos in the specific sample for the reasons listed above. Page 4 of 4 ACTION FORM Design Review Board (DRB) Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970-479-2139 www.vailgov.com Project Name: Jones Residence 2018 Application Number: DRB18-0047 Application Type: Addition Date Applied: 02/19/2018 Project Description:Replace all windows, add eave and rake roof overhangs, add 1-car garage, add stone wainscot on existing and new construction. CONTACTS Contact Type: Applicant Full Name: Resolution Design (Ron Kirkham) Address:PO Box 5631 vail , co 81658 356 deer blvd. wes Avon, CO 81620 Phone: 9703761793 Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: JONES, LAWRENCE M. & GAYLE R. Address: Phone: None Project Address: 4879 MEADOW DR B (210113102023 B) (210113102023) Job Site Location: B Legal Description: Subdivision:BIGHORN SUBDIVISION 5TH ADDITION Lot: 15 Block: 5 Parcel Number: 210113102023 BOARDS/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Cahill Action: Approved Second By: Rediker Vote: 4-0-0 Date: 05/16/2018 Conditions: - Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. - Design Review Board approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail building personnel prior to construction activities. - Design Review Board approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3 Appeals. - No changes to these plans maybe made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Matt Panfil 12.50 ft 1-3/4"x14"LVL is adequate to support garage roof. This is the gable end of the house and the second floor joist run parallel to the LVL. I assume that a trimmer will be placed under each "end" of the 12.5' span A Subsidiary of 0 000 Most Widely Accepted and Trusted ICC ‐ES Evaluation Report ESR‐1475 Reissued 10/2017 This report is subject to renewal 10/2019.ICC‐ES | (800) 423‐6587 | (562) 699‐0543 | www.icc‐es.org ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright © 2017 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. 2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC) Award in Excellence DIVISION: 07 00 00THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION: 07 31 13ASPHALT SHINGLES REPORT HOLDER: GAF 1 CAMPUS DRIVE PARSIPPANY, NEW JERSEY 07054 EVALUATION SUBJECT: GAF SHINGLE ROOF COVERING SYSTEMS Look for the trusted marks of Conformity! ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright © 2017 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 11 ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-1475 Reissued October 2017 Revised November 2017 This report is subject to renewal October 2019. www.icc-es.org | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council® DIVISION: 07 00 00THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section: 07 31 13Asphalt Shingles REPORT HOLDER: GAF 1 CAMPUS DRIVE PARSIPPANY, NEW JERSEY 07054 (973) 628-3000 www.gaf.com EVALUATION SUBJECT: GAF SHINGLE ROOF COVERING SYSTEMS 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Building Code® (IBC) 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 International Residential Code® (IRC) Properties evaluated: Weather resistance Fire classification Wind resistance 2.0 USES The GAF asphalt shingles described in this report comply with IBC Section 1507.2 and IRC Section R905.2 and are Class A roof coverings when installed as described in this report. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 Shingles: 3.1.1 General: The GAF asphalt shingles comply with ASTM D3462, and have been qualified for wind resistance as noted in Section 4.1.2 and Table 1. The shingles are available as threetab, fivetab and laminated asphalt shingle roof coverings. See Table 1 and Figure 1 for recognized product names and classifications, shingle types, manufacturing locations, overall dimensions, maximum exposure to the weather and fastening details. The shingles are self-sealing by means of adhesive strips located on either the weather side or the underside. See Figure 1 for dimensions, nailing locations and adhesive strip location for field shingles. 3.1.2 Three-tab Shingles and Five-tab Shingles: Three-tab and five-tab shingles are composed of a single layer of fiberglass mat, impregnated and coated with asphalt on both sides, and surfaced with mineral roofing granules on the weather side and a mineral release agent on the underside. 3.1.3 Laminated Shingles: Laminated shingles are composed of multiple thicknesses of coated and surfaced fiberglass mat, cut and bonded together in different patterns. The weather side is surfaced with mineral roofing granules, and the underside is surfaced with a mineral release agent. 3.1.4 Hip and Ridge Cap Shingles: Hip and ridge cap shingles consist of fiberglass mat, impregnated and coated with asphalt on both sides and surfaced with mineral roofing granules on the weather side and a mineral release agent on the back side for use in covering hips and ridges. See Table 2 for product sizes, exposure to the weather and manufacturing locations. See also Figure 2. Royal Sovereign® Ridge Cap Shingles: These ridge cap shingles are field-cut from Royal Sovereign® three-tab strip shingles. The field-cut ridge cap shingles are compatible with any of the GAF shingles recognized in this report. Z® Ridge Ridge Cap Shingles: These shingles are strips that are scored for separation into four ridge cap shingles. See Figure 2. Seal-A-Ridge® Ridge Cap Shingles, Seal-A- Ridge® ArmorShield Ridge Cap Shingles and Seal-A- Ridge® IR Impact Resistant Ridge Cap Shingles: These shingles are strips that are scored for separation into three ridge cap shingles. Seal-A-Ridge® ArmorShield Ridge Cap Shingles are also labeled as Seal-A-Ridge® IR Impact Resistant Ridge Cap Shingles . Ridglass® Premium Ridge Cap Shingles: These shingles are individual, thick, ultra-high profile ridge cap shingles available in two widths. See Figure 2. Timbertex® Premium Ridge Cap Shingles: These shingles are strips that are scored for separation into three ridge cap shingles. 3.1.5 Starter Shingles: General: Starter Strip shingles are factory-made shingles used under the first course of shingles being installed or applied on the roof. See Table 2 for product sizes and manufacturing locations. See also Figure 3. ESR-1475 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 11 Pro-Start® Eave/Rake Starter Strip Shingles: These shingles are strips that are scored for separation into two starter shingles. The mineral surfacing is on the weather side, with fine mineral granules on the underside. The self-sealing strip edge is applied facing up and along the roof eave or rake edge. WeatherBlocker™ Premium Eave/Rake Starter Strip Shingles: These starter shingles are strips with perforations to assist with alignment of various shingle sizes. The mineral surfacing is on the weather side, with fine mineral granules on the underside. StarterMatch™ Starter Strip Shingles: These starter shingles are color coordinated to match the Grand Sequoia®, Grand Sequoia® IR, Grand Sequoia® ArmorShield™, Grand Canyon® and Sienna™ field shingles. The starter shingles must be installed as the second starter at the eaves on Grand Sequoia®, Grand Sequoia® IR, Grand Sequoia® ArmorShield™, Grand Canyon® and Sienna® applications. 3.2 Fasteners: Fasteners must comply with ASTM F1667 and must be minimum No. 12 gage [0.105-inch-diameter (2.67 mm) shank], 3/8-inch-diameter-head (9.5 mm), galvanized, stainless steel, aluminum or copper, barbed-, deformed-, or smooth–shank roofing nails. Fasteners must be of sufficient length to penetrate 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) into the sheathing, or through the sheathing, whichever is less. 3.3 Underlayment: Under the 2015 IRC, the roof underlayment must be in accordance with Section R905.1.1 and Table R905.1.1(1). Under the 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 IBC, the roof underlayment must be in accordance with Section 1507.2.3. Under the 2015 IRC, the roof underlayment must be in accordance with Section R905.1.1 and Table R905.1.1(1). Under the 2012, 2009 and 2006 IRC, the roof underlayment must be in accordance with Section R905.2.3. Underlayment must comply with ASTM D226 Type I or Type II, or ASTM D4869 Type I or Type II, or ASTM D6757. 3.4 Asphalt Cement: Asphalt roofing cement used for hand-sealing the shingles must comply with ASTM D4586, Type I, Class I, or Type II, Class I. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4.1 New Construction: 4.1.1 General: When installed on new construction in accordance with this section, the shingles are a Class A roof covering. The shingles, underlayment and flashings must be installed in accordance with IBC Section 1507.2 or IRC Section R905.2 except as noted in this report. The shingles must be installed over roof decks of code- complying, minimum 3/8-inch-thick (9.5 mm) exterior-grade plywood; 7/16-inch-thick (11.1 mm) oriented strand board (OSB); or nominally 1-inch-by-6-inch lumber installed as solid sheathing conforming to 2015 IBC Sections 2304.8.2 or 2308.7.10 (2012, 2009 and 2006 IBC Section 2304.7.2 or 2308.10.8) or IRC Sections R803, as applicable, and underlayment in accordance with Sections 3.3 and Minimum roof slope must be 2:12 (16.7 percent) except for Glenwood® Shingle that must be installed on roofs with a minimum slope of 3:12 (25-percent). 4.1.2 Application: Fastening: Fasteners are as described in Section 3.2. Shingles must be fastened to the roof deck with a minimum of four fasteners or as shown in the Standard Nailing Pattern in Figure 1. Spacing of fasteners must be as shown in Figure 1, and each course of shingles must be offset from the preceding course as shown in the manufacturer’s published installation instructions. Shingle Sealing: In colder climates or wind regions where it is questionable whether the factory- applied adhesive will activate and seal the shingles, to ensure sealing, the shingles must be hand-sealed with a minimum of three 1-inch-diameter (25.4 mm) spots of asphalt roofing cement equally spaced on the unexposed surface across each shingle. For applications on slopes greater than 21:12, hand-sealing is required. Hand-sealing consists of applying a minimum of three 1-inch-diameter (25.4 mm) spots of asphalt roofing cement on the unexposed surface, equally spaced across each shingle. For three–tab and five–tab shingles, one spot of asphalt roofing cement is placed under each corner of each tab (two spots per tab); the tab must then be pressed into the cement. For laminated shingles, four equally spaced spots of asphalt roofing cement are placed under the exposed portion of the shingle; the shingle must then be pressed into the cement. See the manufacturer’s published installation instructions for hand-sealing guidelines. The shingles must be hand-sealed to the satisfaction of the code official. Underlayment: Under the 2015, 2012, 2009 and 2006 IBC, the roof underlayment must be installed in accordance with Section 1507.2.8. Under the 2015 IRC, the roof underlayment must be installed in accordance with Section R905.1.1 and Tables R905.1.1(2) and Table R905.1.1(3). Under the 2012, 2009 and 2006 IRC, the roof underlayment must be installed in accordance with Section R905.2.7. Minimum roof slope must be 2:12 (17-percent) except for underlayment used with the Glenwood® Shingle that must be installed on roofs with a minimum slope of 3:12 (25-percent). For roof slopes from 3:12 (25-percent) to 4:12 (33-percent), the Glenwood® Shingle must be installed with one layer of ASTM D1970 complying self-adhered underlayment. For roof slopes greater than 4:12, the roof deck must be covered with a minimum of one layer of underlayment as described in Section 3.3 of this report. For slopes between 2:12 and 4:12, two layers of the underlayment described in Section 3.3 of this report are required. In areas where there has been a history of ice forming along the eaves, causing a backup of water, an ice barrier must be provided in accordance with IBC Section 1507.2.8.2 or 2015 IRC Section R905.2.7 (2012, 2009 and 2006 IRC Section R905.2.7.1) as applicable. 4.2 Hip and Ridge Shingles: Hip and ridge shingles must be placed evenly over hips and ridges (or over shingle-over ridge vents), and fastened to the roof deck with two fasteners, described in Section 3.2 of this report, located on either side of the shingle, on the fastener line shown in Figure 1. Staples must not be used to fasten the ridge cap shingles. 4.3 Installation—Reroofing: When installed over existing Class A or Class C asphalt shingle roofs in accordance with this section, the shingles described in this report are recognized as a Class A roof covering. The existing asphalt shingle roof covering must be inspected in accordance with the provisions and limitations 2015 IBC Section 1511 (2012, 2009 and 2006 IBC Section 1510) or 2015 IRC Section R908 (2012, 2009 and 2006 IRC Section R907). Prior to the reroofing, hip and ridge covering must be removed. Except as noted in this section, the shingles must be installed in accordance with Section 4.1 of this report. Fasteners must be of sufficient length to penetrate 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) into the ESR-1475 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 11 sheathing, or through the sheathing, whichever is less. Flashing and edging must comply with the following, as applicable: • IBC: 2015 Sections 1511.5 and 1511.6 (2012, 2009 and 2006 Sections 1510.5 and 1510.6). • IRC: 2015 Sections R908.5 and R908.6 (2012, 2009 and 2006 Sections R907.5 and R907.6). 4.4 Wind Resistance: GAF asphalt shingles have been tested for wind resistance in accordance with ASTM D3161 or ASTM D7158. Shingles tested in accordance with ASTM D3161 are classified as Class F and qualify for use under 2015 IBC Section 1504.1.1 (2012 and 2009 IBC Section 1507.2.7.1 and 2006 IBC 1504.1.1) or IRC Section R905.2.4.1, as applicable. Shingles tested in accordance with ASTM D7158 are classified as Class H and qualify for use in locations where the maximum basic wind speed is 150 mph (67 m/s) or less with an exposure category of B or C (ASCE 7) and a maximum building height of 60 feet (18.3 m). Installation must be in accordance with IBC Section 1507.2.7 or IRC Section R905.2.6, as applicable. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The GAF asphalt shingle roof covering systems described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 The shingles must be manufactured, identified, and installed in accordance with the applicable codes, this report, and the manufacturer’s published installation instructions. In the event of a conflict between this report and the manufacturer’s published installation instructions, this report governs. 5.2 Installation must be in accordance with Section 4.0 of this report. 5.3 The GAF shingle products are manufactured at the locations noted in Table 1, under a quality control program with inspections by ICC-ES. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 Data in accordance with ASTM D3462. 6.2 Reports of wind resistance testing in accordance with ASTM D7158 and ASTM D3161. 6.3 Reports of testing in accordance with UL 790 (ASTM E108). 6.4 Quality documentation. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION Each bundle of shingles must bear a label with the name and address of the GAF manufacturing plant location; the product name; the roof classification (Class A); the installation instructions; the evaluation report number (ESR-1475); a reference indicating compliance with ASTM D3161 Class F or ASTM D7158, Class H, as applicable. Additionally, in accordance with ASTM D3462, each bundle of shingles must be marked with the area of roof surface covered and the style, type and color of the product. ESR-1475 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 11 TABLE 1—GAF SHINGLES – PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS AND MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS SHINGLE SHINGLE TYPE PLANT LOCATION DIMENSIONS (height x width) (inches) MAXIMUM EXPOSURE TO THE WEATHER (inches) LOCATION OF NAIL LINE1 (inches) CLASS Royal Sovereign® Three–tab Fontana, CA 131/4 x 393/8 55/8 6 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Dallas, TX Minneapolis, MN Mobile, AL Mt. Vernon, IN Myerstown, PA Savannah, GA Tampa, FL Tuscaloosa, AL 12 x 36 5 5 5/8 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Marquis WeatherMax ® Three–tab Mt. Vernon, IN 12 x 36 5 5 5/8 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Sentinel ® Three–tab Dallas, TX Mobile, AL Mt. Vernon, IN Savannah, GA Tuscaloosa, AL 12 x 36 5 5 5/8 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Fontana, CA 13 1 /4 x 39 3 /8 5 5/8 6 ASTM D3161 Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Slateline ® Five–tab Mt. Vernon, IN 17 x 40 7 1/2 9 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Camelot ® Camelot ® II Laminated Mt. Vernon, IN 17 x 34 1 /2 7 1 /2 8 1/2 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Grand Canyon ® Laminated Fontana, CA Mt. Vernon, IN 17 x 40 5 11 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Grand Sequoia ® Laminated Fontana, CA Mt. Vernon, IN 17 x 40 5 11 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Grand Sequoia ® IR, Grand Sequoia ® ArmorShield™ Laminated Fontana, CA 17 x 40 5 11 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Glenwood ® Laminated Mt. Vernon, IN 12 1/4 x 36 4-5 6 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Timberline ® ArmorShield™ II Laminated Ennis, TX Tuscaloosa, AL 13 1 /4 x 38 3 /4 5 5/8 6 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 lb/100 ft2 = 0.0488 kg/m2 ESR-1475 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 5 of 11 TABLE 1—GAF SHINGLES – PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS AND MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS (Continued) SHINGLE SHINGLE TYPE PLANT LOCATION DIMENSIONS (height x width) (inches) MAXIMUM EXPOSURE TO THE WEATHER (inches) LOCATION OF NAIL LINE1 (inches) CLASS Timberline® Natural Shadow® Laminated Baltimore, MD Dallas, TX Ennis, TX Fontana, CA Michigan City, IN Minneapolis, MN Mobile, AL Myerstown, PA Shafter, CA Tampa, FL Tuscaloosa, AL 13 1 /4 x 39 3 /8 5 5/8 6 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Timberline® Natural Shadow® Arctic White Laminated Shafter, CA 13 1 /4 x 39 3 /8 5 5/8 6 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Timberline HD ® Laminated Baltimore, MD Dallas, TX Ennis, TX Fontana, CA Michigan City, IN Minneapolis, MN Mobile, AL Myerstown, PA Shafter, CA Tampa, FL Tuscaloosa, AL 13 1 /4 x 39 3 /8 5 5 /8 6 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Timberline ® Cool Series ® Laminated Fontana, CA 13 1 /4 x 39 3 /8 5 5/8 6 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Timberline Ultra HD ® Laminated Baltimore, MD Dallas, TX Ennis, TX Fontana, CA Michigan City, IN Minneapolis, MN Mobile, AL Myerstown, PA Shafter, CA Tampa, FL Tuscaloosa, AL 13 1 /4 x 39 3 /8 5 5 /8 6 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Timberline ® American Harvest ® Laminated Fontana, CA Michigan City, IN Ennis, TX Myerstown, PA Tuscaloosa, AL 13 1 /4 x 39 3 /8 5 5/8 6 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Fortitude™ Laminated Myerstown, PA 13¼ x 39 3 /8 5 5/8 6 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Monaco ® Laminated Mt. Vernon, IN 17 x 40 7 1/2 8 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Woodland ® Laminated Mt. Vernon, IN 17 x 40 6 1 /2 - 7 1/2 8 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H Sienna ® Laminated Fontana, CA 17 3 /8 x 40 5 1 /2 7 1/2 ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D7158, Class H For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 lb/100 ft2 = 0.0488 kg/m2 1Nail line = distance from lowermost edge of shingle to target nail location. See Figure 1. ESR-1475 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 11 TABLE 2—ACCESSORY PRODUCTS – PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS AND MANUFACTURING LOCATIONS SHINGLE SHINGLE TYPE PLANT LOCATION DIMENSIONS (height x width) (inches) MAXIMUM EXPOSURE TO THE WEATHER (inches) Ridglass ® Premium Ridge Cap Shingles Hip and Ridge Fontana, CA 8 x 23 pieces or 10 x 23 pieces 8 Royal Sovereign® Hip and Ridge Fontana, CA 131/4 x 39 3/8 strip 131/4 x 97/8 pieces See Footnote 1 Dallas, TX Minneapolis, MN Mobile, AL Mt. Vernon, IN Myerstown, PA Savannah, GA Tampa, FL Tuscaloosa, AL 12 x 36 strip 12 x 12 pieces See Footnote1 Seal-A-Ridge ® Ridge Cap Shingles Hip and Ridge Tuscaloosa, AL Mobile, AL 12 x 36 strip 12 x 12 pieces 62/3 Seal-A-Ridge ® ArmorShield™ Ridge Cap Shingles Seal-A-Ridge ® IR Impact Resistant Ridge Cap Shingles Hip and Ridge Tuscaloosa, AL 12 x 36 strip 12 x 12 pieces 5 Mobile, AL 12 x 36 strip 12 x 12 pieces 5 Timbertex ® Premium Ridge Cap Shingles Hip and Ridge Mt. Vernon, IN 12 x 36 strip 12 x 12 pieces 8 Z-Ridge ® Ridge Cap Shingles Hip and Ridge Ennis, TX Shafter, CA 131/ 4 x 391/2 strip 131/4 x 9 7/8 pieces 5 5/8 Pro-Start ® Eave/Rake Starter Strip Shingles Starter Strip Tuscaloosa, AL Mt. Vernon, IN Dallas, TX 13 x 38 strip 61/2 x 38 pieces N/A Shafter, CA 131/4 x 38 strip 65/8 x 38 pieces N/A StarterMatch™ Starter Strip Shingles Starter Strip Fontana, CA 131/4 x 40 strip N/A WeatherBlocker™ Premium Eave/Rake Starter Strip Shingles Starter Strip Mt. Vernon, IN 17 x 40 strip 81/ 2 x 40 pieces N/A For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 lb/100 ft2 = 0.0488 kg/m2. 1Weather exposure must not exceed that permitted for the field of the roof ESR-1475 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 7 of 11 FIGURE 1—GAF SHINGLES ESR-1475 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 8 of 11 FIGURE 1—GAF SHINGLES (Continued) ESR-1475 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 9 of 11 FIGURE 1—GAF SHINGLES (Continued) ESR-1475 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 10 of 11 FIGURE 2—STARTER AND RIDGESHINGLES ESR-1475 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 11 of 11 FIGURE 3—RIDGE AND STARTER SHINGLES sq ft: Modified Limited Warranty (Applies to these line item numbers) Customer Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Sales Rep Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________ (This order is subject to the terms and conditions printed on the back page. Please read them before signing.) Chuck Hair 0.30 Weighted Values U-Fac: SHGC: 0.22 762 Delivery Item Total Setup & Misc. Charges Net Total Tax Rate Labor Charge Check or Cash Price $38,853.70 $37,216.19 $1,637.51 $0.00 4.4% $0.00 $685.69 $36,530.50 Payment if made by other than check or cash, price $40,055.36 BURKE HARRINGTON CONSTRUCTION P. O. BOX 2943 VAIL, CO 81658- (970)376-2256-Work BURKE HARRINGTON bhcco@comcast.net 94401451 Page 1 of 10Order Number 8.17 2/8/18 Terms: Required Deposit: PO # : Job # : Permit # : Box Screens: Box Hardware: Cash on Delivery NEEDED Direct Ship: Subdivision: Tract Number: Property Location: No Yes Yes Add-On to: 4879 MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657- __________ Sold To: __________ Ship To:__________ Lender:__________ Property Owner: May 23, 2018 11:52 AM JONES RES 4879 MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657- JONES RES 4879 MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657- ________ Glazing / Lites ________ Rough Opening ________ Species ________ Quantity ________ Operation ________ Jamb Size ________ Primed vs Natural ________ Exterior Trim ________ Hardware ________ Screens ________ Drawing Page(s) ________ O/S Purchase lead time ________ O/S Purchase warranty ________ WUI Compliant ________ Terms and Conditions ________ Owners Manual/SPW Warranty ________ Installation Instructions ________ Shop Drawings _____ (Exterior) _____ (Interior) Distressed _____ Colonial _____ Contemporary Color(s) (Clad) in order __________ 024 Bronze 2605 Order Check List Warranty Information Sierra Pacific Windows P.O.Box 5311 Eagle, Co 81631 (970)569-2096 (Office) (970)471-0974 (Cell) chair@spi-ind.com CUSTOMER COPY $18,000.00 Order Summary A Division of Sierra Pacific Industries Itm Qnty Product Code Rough Opening Width x Height (Inches) Oper Sym Location Glaze Options Lite or Grille Pattern Hardware Exterior Trim Jamb Size (inches) Additional Options Unit Price Item Total Page 2 of 10 94401451 Order Number: Initials:________ 1 7 C-DG-3030-1 Direct Glaze U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.25 Vt: 0.58 CR: 52 30 3/4"x30 3/4" O A GARAGE Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 1 Lite No Hardware No Screen No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Cntmp Profile No Int Kerf $286.00 $2,002.00 2 1 C-AC2-3048-2 Aspen Casement 2.0 U-fac: 0.28 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.43 CR: 58 60 3/4"x48 3/4" LR K BED 1 Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen HC1412 Hinge Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf $953.15 $953.15 3 1 C-DG-4072-1 Direct Glaze Mulled Unit @Plant Item #:4(B) U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.25 Vt: 0.58 CR: 52 40 3/4"x102 3/4" O H BED 1 Blk Warm Edge Insulated Tempered Capillary LoE³-366 1 Lite No Hardware No Screen No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Cntmp Profile No Int Kerf $1,426.15 $1,426.15 4 1 C-AA2-4030-1 Aspen Awning 2.0 Mulled Unit @Plant Item #:3(T) U-fac: 0.29 SHGC: 0.22 Vt: 0.50 CR: 57 See Item # 3 X H BED 1 Blk Warm Edge Insulated Tempered Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf 5 7 C-DG-4072-1 Direct Glaze Mulled Unit @Plant Item #:6(B) U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.25 Vt: 0.58 CR: 52 40 3/4"x102 3/4" O H DINING/SITTING Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 1 Lite No Hardware No Screen No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Cntmp Profile No Int Kerf $1,170.95 $8,196.65 6 7 C-AA2-4030-1 Aspen Awning 2.0 Mulled Unit @Plant Item #:5(T) U-fac: 0.29 SHGC: 0.22 Vt: 0.50 CR: 57 See Item # 5 X H DINING/SITTING Blk Warm Edge Insulated Tempered Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf 7 1 C-PS-7584-2 Patio Slider Drawing Required U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.42 CR: 54 74 15/16"x86 1/4" OX G SITTING Blk Warm Edge Insulated Tempered Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead Head:4 5/8" Stile:4 5/8" Kick:6 13/16" 1 Lite Verona/2170 Rustic Umber - Hardware 024 Bronze Ext:- Screen 1580 Screen No Brickmould 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White No Int Kerf $2,334.20 $2,334.20 Itm Qnty Product Code Rough Opening Width x Height (Inches) Oper Sym Location Glaze Options Lite or Grille Pattern Hardware Exterior Trim Jamb Size (inches) Additional Options Unit Price Item Total Page 3 of 10 94401451 Order Number: Initials:________ 8 1 C-TR-74 3/1666-1 Triangle Drawing Required U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.25 Vt: 0.58 CR: 52 74 15/16"x66 3/4" L E OVER DOOR G Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 1 Lite No Hardware No Screen No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Cntmp Profile No Int Kerf $977.90 $977.90 9 1 C-PS-9684-2 Patio Slider U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.42 CR: 54 95 15/16"x86 1/4" XO F LIVING ROOM Blk Warm Edge Insulated Tempered Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead Head:4 5/8" Stile:4 5/8" Kick:6 13/16" 1 Lite Verona/2170 Rustic Umber - Hardware 024 Bronze Ext:- Screen 1580 Screen No Brickmould 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White No Int Kerf $2,335.85 $2,335.85 10 1 C-DG-47 5/836-1 Direct Glaze Mulled Unit @Plant Item #:11(R) U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.25 Vt: 0.58 CR: 52 96"x36 3/4" O E OVER DOOR F Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 1 Lite No Hardware No Screen No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Cntmp Profile No Int Kerf $824.45 $824.45 11 1 C-DG-47 5/836-1 Direct Glaze Mulled Unit @Plant Item #:10(L) U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.25 Vt: 0.58 CR: 52 See Item # 10 O E OVER DOOR F Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 1 Lite No Hardware No Screen No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Cntmp Profile No Int Kerf 12 1 C-AC2-4266-1 Aspen Casement 2.0 U-fac: 0.28 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.43 CR: 58 42 3/4"x66 3/4" R D LIVING ROOM Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen HP Hinge Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf $741.40 $741.40 13 1 C-DG-4236-1 Direct Glaze U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.25 Vt: 0.58 CR: 52 42 3/4"x36 3/4" O D1 OVER D WINDOW Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 1 Lite No Hardware No Screen No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Cntmp Profile No Int Kerf $372.90 $372.90 14 1 C-AC2-2448-2 Aspen Casement 2.0 U-fac: 0.28 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.43 CR: 58 48 3/4"x48 3/4" LR B LAUNDRY Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf $846.45 $846.45 Itm Qnty Product Code Rough Opening Width x Height (Inches) Oper Sym Location Glaze Options Lite or Grille Pattern Hardware Exterior Trim Jamb Size (inches) Additional Options Unit Price Item Total Page 4 of 10 94401451 Order Number: Initials:________ 15 1 C-AC2-2448-2 Aspen Casement 2.0 U-fac: 0.28 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.43 CR: 58 48 3/4"x48 3/4" LR C ENTRY Blk Warm Edge Insulated Tempered Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf $1,050.50 $1,050.50 16 1 C-AC2-3060-1 Aspen Casement 2.0 U-fac: 0.28 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.43 CR: 58 30 3/4"x60 3/4" L R MASTER BATH Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen HC1412 Hinge Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf $535.15 $535.15 17 1 C-AC2-3060-1 Aspen Casement 2.0 U-fac: 0.28 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.43 CR: 58 30 3/4"x60 3/4" R S MASTER BATH Blk Warm Edge Insulated Tempered Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen HC1412 Hinge Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf $694.65 $694.65 18 1 C-AC2-3060-1 Aspen Casement 2.0 U-fac: 0.28 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.43 CR: 58 30 3/4"x60 3/4" L Q MASTER BED Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen HC1412 Hinge Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf $535.15 $535.15 19 1 C-DG-9630-1 Direct Glaze U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.25 Vt: 0.58 CR: 52 96 3/4"x30 3/4" O P MASTER BED Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 1 Lite No Hardware No Screen No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Cntmp Profile No Int Kerf $664.95 $664.95 20 1 HORZ ½" INTER-LOCK * Priced By Factory 36"x0 1/2" O Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White ½" Inter-Lock $267.30 $267.30 21 1 C-AC2-3072-1 Aspen Casement 2.0 U-fac: 0.28 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.43 CR: 58 30 3/4"x72 3/4" L P MASTER BED Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen HC1412 Hinge Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf $594.00 $594.00 Itm Qnty Product Code Rough Opening Width x Height (Inches) Oper Sym Location Glaze Options Lite or Grille Pattern Hardware Exterior Trim Jamb Size (inches) Additional Options Unit Price Item Total Page 5 of 10 94401451 Order Number: Initials:________ 22 1 C-DG-6672-1 Direct Glaze U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.25 Vt: 0.58 CR: 52 66 3/4"x72 3/4" O P MASTER BED Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 1 Lite No Hardware No Screen No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Cntmp Profile No Int Kerf $783.75 $783.75 23 1 C-AC2-3260-2 Aspen Casement 2.0 U-fac: 0.28 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.43 CR: 58 64 3/4"x60 3/4" LR N BED 3 Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen HC1412 Hinge Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf $1,157.20 $1,157.20 24 1 C-TR-3030-1 Triangle Mulled Unit @Plant Item #:25(B) Drawing Required U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.25 Vt: 0.58 CR: 52 30 3/4"x90 3/4" L M BUNK Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 1 Lite No Hardware No Screen No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Cntmp Profile No Int Kerf $1,030.15 $1,030.15 25 1 C-AC2-3060-1 Aspen Casement 2.0 Mulled Unit @Plant Item #:24(T) U-fac: 0.28 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.43 CR: 58 See Item # 24 R M BUNK Blk Warm Edge Insulated Tempered Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen HC1412 Hinge Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf 26 1 C-DG-7230-1 Direct Glaze Mulled Unit @Plant Item #:27(B) U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.25 Vt: 0.58 CR: 52 72 3/4"x90 3/4" O Y BUNK Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 1 Lite No Hardware No Screen No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Cntmp Profile No Int Kerf $1,644.50 $1,644.50 27 1 C-AC2-3660-2 Aspen Casement 2.0 Mulled Unit @Plant Item #:26(T) U-fac: 0.28 SHGC: 0.19 Vt: 0.43 CR: 58 See Item # 26 LR Y BED 3 Blk Warm Edge Insulated Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen HC1412 Hinge Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf 28 1 C-DG-048132-1 Direct Glaze 1½" Steel(B) U-fac: 0.31 SHGC: 0.25 Vt: 0.58 CR: 52 Field Mull Layout See Item # 31 O W STAIRS Blk Warm Edge Insulated Tempered Capillary LoE³-366 1 Lite No Hardware No Screen No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Cntmp Profile No Int Kerf $2,075.15 $2,075.15 29 1 HORZ 1½" STEEL Item #:28(T) Item #:30(B) * Priced By Factory Field Mull Layout See Item # 31 O W STAIRS No Brickmould Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White 1½" Steel No Int Kerf $216.70 $216.70 Itm Qnty Product Code Rough Opening Width x Height (Inches) Oper Sym Location Glaze Options Lite or Grille Pattern Hardware Exterior Trim Jamb Size (inches) Additional Options Unit Price Item Total Page 6 of 10 94401451 Order Number: Initials:________ 30 1 C-AA2-4836-1 Aspen Awning 2.0 1½" Steel(T) U-fac: 0.29 SHGC: 0.22 Vt: 0.50 CR: 57 Field Mull Layout See Item # 31 X W STAIRS Blk Warm Edge Insulated Tempered Capillary LoE³-366 Cntmp Bead 1 Lite Bronze - Hardware Bronze Int:- Screen Boxed Screen Boxed Hardware No Brickmould No Sill Nose 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine Primed Int-White Designer Sash Cntmp Profile Shdw Bd Stop No Int Kerf $692.45 $692.45 31 1 FIELD MULL LAYOUT 1½" Steel Tubing Drawing Required 49 1/4"x171" W STAIRS 4 9/16" Coating: 2605 Clad: 024 Bronze Pine 32 6 VELUX SKYLITES OS_Misc * Priced By Factory $573.38 $3,440.28 33 3 Boxed Almn Screens(25)- HOLD $34.38 $103.14 34 1 Boxed Window Hardware -HOLD $34.38 $34.38 35 1 Silver Level Lock & Slide Order Number 94401451 Page 7 of 10 Initials:________ Glaze Options Hardware Options Exterior Trim Additional Options Insulated - Insulated Glass SIM DL - Simulated Divided Lite Lami IG-Ext - Laminated Glass to Exterior Lami IG-Int - Laminated Glass to Interior TSL - Tandem Sash Lock Adj Hinges - Adjustable Hinges BB Hinges - Ball Bearing Hinges Prem Screen - Premium Screen Swing Screen - Swing Door Screen Const Hdw - Construction Hardware Rem Handle - Removable Handle Spl Trim Sets - Special Trim Sets SBM = Stucco Brickmould ESN 2 = Extended Sill Nose 2" ESN 3 = Extended Sill Nose 3" ESH = Extended Sill Horn Primed Int. - Primed Interior Clear Int. - Clear Interior Primed Ext. - Primed Exterior Clear Ext. - Clear Exterior Colnl Profile - Colonial Profile Cntmp Profile - Contemporary Profile No Int Kerf - No Interior Kerf Shdw Bd Stop - Shadow Back of Bead Stop Abbreviation Key Sierra Pacific Windows provides a modified Limited Warranty for certain windows and doors, including, but not limited to: 1. Products exceeding their certified test/design size as defined by the Window and Door Manufacturer’s Association (WDMA) Hallmark Program. 2. Products subjected to conditions exceeding their WDMA Hallmark certified design pressure limitations. Products described in Items 1 and 2 are not certified for air infiltration, water penetration, structural loading, forced entry or hardware load testing. These products carry a warranty on the exterior aluminum clad finish and insulated glass only. Customer is advised to carefully review the Limited Warranty for the specific provisions applicable to the products purchased. 3. Products with anodized or mill finish aluminum exterior cladding. Products described in Item 3 do not carry coverage under the “Metal Clad-Powder Coated Finishes” portion of the Sierra Pacific Windows Limited Warranty. These products carry a warranty on insulated glass, hardware and wood components only. Customer is advised to carefully review the Mill Finish letter attached to the bid or the Anodized Finish letter supplied separately for specific provisions applicable to the products purchased. MODIFIED LIMITED WARRANTY Warranty Information a. All C.O.D. orders are to be paid in full to the delivery driver with either a Cashier's Check or a personal check, preprinted with the Buyer's name and address, prior to unloading the order. On orders where vouchers are pre-approved, they must be presented to the driver prior to unloading the order. b. This quoted price includes a 3% discount for payment made in cash or check. Payment by any other means will waive this discount. c. No deductions may be taken from the invoice amount unless authorized by Sierra Pacific Windows prior to delivery. Sierra Pacific Windows will not be responsible for any back charges resulting from additional materials or work performed by others (see Warranty for further information) d. Past due balances are subject to 1.5% monthly finance charge. e. Any check or other payment returned to Sierra Pacific as the result of insufficient funds or canceled payment will result in a $50 processing fee added to the order total. 1. TERMS: 2. RIGHT TO LIEN: 3. ATTORNEY FEES: 4. ESTIMATE OR BIDS: 5. ORDERS: 6. CHANGE ORDERS: 7. TAILGATE DELIVERY: 8. SALES TAX: a. In the event the contract amount is not paid in full, Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to place a lien or bond which may be asserted under any provision of the law, to secure payment of the contract amount. a. If any legal action is required, Sierra Pacific Windows is entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees, court costs and all other reasonable professional expert or consultant fees and costs related to such legal action. a. All pricing is good for 30 days unless specifically noted to the contrary. b. Sierra Pacific Windows assumes no responsibility for errors in take-offs or pricing. a. Upon signing, Customer agrees to all terms and conditions of this contract. b. Orders are subject to delay due to strikes, fire, floods, accidents, or any other cause beyond our control. Sierra Pacific Windows will not be responsible for loss or damage beyond its control. c. Seller is not liable for prospective profits or special indirect, consequential or incidental damages, nor may the recovery of any kind against seller be greater in amount than the purchase price of the specific material sold and causing the alleged loss damage or injury. a. Order changes will only be accepted within 3 days of signing the original order. b. Special order items may only be changed or cancelled within 3 days from signing the original order. c. Cancellations may only be made within 3 days from signing the original order. d. Order changes are immediately binding. They do NOT allow an additional 3 days for modification or cancellation. e. Sierra Pacific Windows reserves the right to adjust prices or to add charges for additional costs for order changes made at the request of the buyer at any time following original order acceptance. For example, storage fees for failure to take delivery as scheduled. f. Any change to the order may result in a delayed delivery date. a. Sierra Pacific Windows is not responsible for labor to unload. Buyer must provide sufficient labor at the job site when driver arrives. b. Back orders will be noted on the paperwork and will deliver as soon as possible. c. Any items missing or damaged must be noted on the driver's paperwork at the time of delivery or it will be assumed complete and in good condition. d. Sierra Pacific Windows is not responsible for goods picked up by buyer in his\her own vehicle. a. The Sales Tax rate in this quote is estimated at the time of the quote. Customer agrees to pay the actual Sales Tax in effect at the time of delivery of any portion of this order. Terms and Conditions of Sale Outside Purchase Items: Warranty covered by product manufacturer's specific warranty. Sedonas with jambs greater than 4-9/16: Limited screen opening Radius Sedonas: Limited sash opening Triple Glaze Units do not include shadow bar Disclaimer Information I. LIMITED WARRANTY FOR RESIDENTIAL PRODUCTS. This Limited Warranty for Wood/Clad Products (the “Limited Warranty”) is provided by Sierra Pacific Windows (“SPW”), on the terms and conditions set forth herein solely for Residential Products as described herein. A. General Eligibility of Residential Products. Subject to the other terms and conditions set forth herein, Residential products eligible for coverage under this Limited Warranty are limited to certain residential wood and clad window and door products which were (1) manufactured by SPW on or after May 1, 2017, (2) purchased from a SPW salesperson or an authorized dealer of SPW, (3) installed in a single family detached dwelling unit in the United States or Canada in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with any installation instructions or other specifications of SPW, and (4) satisfying the other terms, conditions and restrictions contained herein (“Residential Products”). Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the Limited Warranty shall not apply to, and SPW does not warrant, any Residential Product which is sold subject to another express or implied warranty, whether provided by SPW or a third party, or which is sold in “as-is” condition, as a sample or open box item, as a returned product, in defective, damaged, used, or previously sold condition or otherwise not in new, original and as-manufactured condition. This Limited Warranty is available to the original purchaser of an eligible Residential Product and it is transferable to a subsequent owner of the same real property in which such eligible Residential Product is installed, for the remaining warranty period of such eligible Residential Product as set forth herein. B. Limited Warranty for AAMA 2605 Powder Coated Finishes. i. Thirty (30) Year Limited Warranty for Cracking or Checking. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that the coating on the metal cladding in Residential Products will be free from cracking or checking, when observed at a distance of ten feet (10’) from the metal surface and inspected at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface as set forth in AMAA 2605-11, resulting from defects in workmanship or materials for a period of thirty (30) years from the date of manufacture of such Residential Product. ii. Twenty-Five (25) Year Limited Warranty for Color Change. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that Residential Products will be free from color change of more than seven (7) Delta E units in accordance with ASTM D2244 resulting from defects in workmanship or materials for a period of twenty-five (25) years from the date of manufacture of such Residential Product. iii. Twenty (20) Year Limited Warranty for Color Change, Chalking, Adhesion Loss. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that the metal cladding in Residential Products will be free from color change of more than five (5) Delta E units in accordance with ASTM D2244, chalking in excess of a number eight (8) rating based on ASTM D4214, and adhesion loss (peeling), that materially and adversely affects the appearance of the surface to which the coating is applied when observed at a distance of ten (10) feet from the metal surface and inspected at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface as set forth in AAMA 2605-11, resulting from defects in workmanship or materials for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of manufacture of such Residential Product. iv. Coverage Terms. This Limited Warranty for AAMA 2605 Powder Coated Finishes provides full coverage, in a manner consistent with Section III herein below, for fluoropolymer powder performance for the first twenty (20) years from date of manufacture. For the succeeding ten (10) years, SPW’s responsibility for corrective action due to fluoropolymer powder failure will be: years 21 through 24 – 60%; years 25 through 27 - 25%; years 28 through 30 – 5%. Customers’ percentage of responsibility for replacement product shall be calculated using current list price of items being replaced; customers’ prorated responsibility for cost of repair is based upon SPW’s invoiced repair costs; refunds will be based upon original purchase price of the product. C. Ten (10) Year Limited Warranty for AAMA 2604 Powder Coated Finishes: Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that the coating on the metal cladding in Residential Products will be free from color change of more than five (5) Delta E units in accordance with ASTM D2244, chalking in excess of a number eight (8) rating based on ASTM D4214, and cracking, checking or adhesion loss (peeling), that materially and adversely affects the appearance of the surface to which the coating is applied when observed at a distance of ten (10) feet from the metal surface and inspected at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface as set forth in AAMA 2604-10, resulting from defects in workmanship or materials for a period of ten (10) years from the date of manufacture of such Residential Product. D. Five (5) Year Limited Warranty for Anodized Finishes. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that all aluminum clad Residential Product that has been anodized will be free from chalking in excess of a number eight (8) rating based on ASTM D4214, or fading or change in color in excess of five (5) Delta E units based on ASTM D2244, each of which materially and adversely affects the appearance of the surface when observed at a distance of ten (10) feet from the metal surface and inspected at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface as set forth in AMAA 611-12, resulting from defects in workmanship or materials for a period of five (5) years from the date of manufacture of such Residential Product. E. Two (2) Year Limited Warranty: Interior Finish. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that all factory-applied interior paint and stain finishes in Residential Products will be free from material Finish Defects for a period of two (2) years from the original date of manufacture of such Residential Product. For purposes of this Limited Warranty, a “Finish Defect” shall mean cracking, peeling, delaminating, blistering, flaking, chalking in excess of a numerical rating of six (6) (measured per ASTM D4214) or fading or change in color in excess of five (5) Delta E units (calculated per ASTM D2244). F. Twenty (20) Year Limited Warranty: Wood Deterioration. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that the wood components of a Residential Product, regardless of wood type, shall be free from material wood deterioration caused by decay or insect, including wood rot, for a period of twenty (20) years from the original date of manufacture of such Residential Product. G. Limited Warranty: Hermetic Seals. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants the air seal in Residential Products as follows: i. Twenty (20) Year Limited Warranty: Dual Insulated Glass Product. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that the Dual Insulated Glass Product supplied in its Residential Products will be free from the failure of the air seal due solely to defects in workmanship or materials for a period of twenty (20) years from the original date of manufacture of such Residential Product. ii. Ten (10) Year Limited Warranty: Triple Insulated Glass Product. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that the Triple Insulated Glass Product supplied in its Residential Products will be free from the failure of the air seal due solely to defects in workmanship or materials for a period of ten (10) years from the date of manufacture of such Residential Product. H. Ten (10) Year Limited Warranty: FeelSafe™ and Laminated Glass. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that the SPW FeelSafe™ or Laminated Glass in its Residential Product will be free from any material obstructions of vision due to glass delamination from defects in workmanship or materials for a period of ten (10) years from the date of manufacture of such Residential Product. I. Five (5) Year Limited Warranty: Specialty Glass. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that Residential Products with custom or special glazings and/or other specialty, custom or non-standard glass options not listed in our product literature or not generally and regularly manufactured by SPW, and all leaded or decorative glass Residential Products, shall be free from defects in workmanship for a period of five (5) years from the original date of manufacture of such Residential Product. J. Two (2) Year Limited Warranty: Glass Stress Cracks. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that all glass in its Residential Product shall be free from stress cracks from defects in workmanship or materials for a period of two (2) years from the date of manufacture of such Residential Product. K. Ten (10) Year Limited Warranty: General. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that each Residential Product, including its wood components, hardware, weatherstrip and standard screens which accompany the Residential Product (the “Components”), will be free from defects in workmanship or materials which unreasonably affect such Residential Product’s normal functioning for a period of ten (10) years from the original date of manufacture of such Residential Product. L. One (1) Year Limited Warranty: Specialty Screens. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, SPW warrants that specialty screens (e.g. retractable screens, swing door screens) manufactured by others, not by SPW, for a Residential Product will be free from defects in workmanship or materials which unreasonably affect such specialty screen’s normal functioning for a period of one (1) year from the earlier of the original date of manufacture of such specialty screen or the date of manufacture of such Residential Product. II. LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS AND DETAILS OF LIMITED WARRANTY. A. SPW Residential Products are manufactured to certain specifications and ratings, which may include air and water infiltration, structural performance, thermal performance and/or sound transmission. The performance of installed windows and doors as noted on the labels showing National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) and Window and Door Manufacturer’s Association (WDMA) Hallmark ratings can and will change over time due to environmental conditions, installation technique, maintenance, normal wear and tear, and other factors beyond SPW’s control. The initial ratings and specifications are furnished solely to assist the purchaser in comparing products at the time of purchase and are not intended to warrant or guarantee specific field performance at those ratings or specifications as installed or over the life of the Residential Product. These ratings may also apply to single units only, not to mulled configurations. B. This Limited Warranty is limited solely to defects in workmanship and materials arising from the production and manufacture of Residential Products by SPW. Whether or not any of the above warranties apply, in whole or in part, to a Residential Product or are excluded shall be determined by SPW in its sole discretion. SPW will not be liable for, and some or none of the above warranties will apply to or cover problems, claims or liabilities, costs, expenses, damages or losses, or other damage or defects caused by, arising from, or related to, any of the following: 1. Failure to follow any directions, recommendations, maintenance and care instructions, and/or guidelines set forth in SPW’s Care and Maintenance Guide, any SPW Owner’s Manual for a Residential Product, the Anodized Care and Maintenance Guide, or any other guide, direction or similar publication otherwise established by SPW, found at sierrapacificwindows.com Initials:________Page 8 of 10 94401451 Order Number SIERRA PACIFIC WINDOWS LIMITED WARRANTY FOR WOOD/CLAD RESIDENTIAL PRODUCTS Effective May 1, 2017 Effective 05/01/17 (collectively, the “SPW Guides”), or the failure to perform regular, normal or routine and other required maintenance to a Residential Product; 2. Residential Products ordered or manufactured as a custom order, special product or otherwise manufactured according to specifications supplied by the consumer or to specifications other than SPW’s standard specifications for a Residential Product; 3. Residential Products having dimensions greater than those listed in SPW’s standard offering of sizes; 4. Residential Products installed in applications or conditions exceeding their WDMA Hallmark certified performance ratings, tested sizes and/or configurations; 5. Any air infiltration or water penetration damage resulting from non-factory mulled or non- SPW assembled Residential Products; 6. Improper handling or installation of Residential Products, including failure to follow SPW’s installation instructions and/or failure to install in conformance with accepted construction practices or applicable building codes; 7. Installation of the window or door in its opening in a manner which is not plumb, square and true and adequately shimmed on all sides; 8. Installation other than vertical (slope glazing); 9. Installations in sauna, swimming pool or hot tub rooms, boats, greenhouses or other rooms with high humidity conditions and installations in areas with direct, constant water contact, such as a shower or in the path of sprinkler water; 10. Operational problems or problems related to water and/or air infiltration/leaking as a result of improper or inadequate flashing, improper installation, flaws in building design or defects in construction; 11. Any Residential Products installed in any face barrier system or exterior insulation finish system using stucco, synthetic stucco, or other materials, unless the owner can demonstrate to SPW’s satisfaction, in its sole discretion, that there is an effectively engineered system for the control and drainage of water or moisture vapor; 12. Stress or strain due to building movement or settlement, including strain which is applied to the window or door by movement of the building or where provisions have not been made in accordance with sound industry practices for adequate expansion or contraction of framing members; 13. Products that have been altered or removed and reinstalled; 14. Wood cellular structure failure for any Components with prolonged or excessive exposure to moisture or soil, including failure to store the Residential Product upon delivery in a dry temperate environment prior to installation; 15. Improper painting, staining, or field finishing maintenance of wood Components, or failure to apply a coating system meeting SPW’s standards, recommendations or guidelines or sound industry practices to bare wood surfaces within the lesser of thirty (30) days after purchase, or as otherwise specified by SPW; 16. Prolonged exposure to weather in the unfinished and/or primed state; 17. Minute fracturing or surface mars in finishes occurring during the fabrication process; 18. Failures arising from the failure to periodically cap bead, check and replace weatherstrip and caulking, and to perform regular, normal or routine maintenance of a Residential Product, whether as set forth in the SPW Guides or otherwise; 19. Variance in color, grain or texture of wood; 20. Painting or staining of vinyl parts or weatherstrip; 21. Any Residential Product installed at an altitude higher than recommended by SPW, whether in the SPW Guides or otherwise: 22. Any dual insulated glass Products manufactured without capillary tubes and installed at altitudes above 5000 feet without factory pre-approval. Triple glaze insulated glass Products manufactured without capillary tubes and installed at altitudes above 2200 feet; 23. Rattling of air space grilles; 24. Scratches, imperfections or blemishes on glass surfaces that do not impair the integrity of the unit, or were not caused by SPW during the manufacturing process, or that do not materially affect normal vision or performance per the guidelines established by ASTM C1036; 25. Slight imperfections, color variations, wavy or shimmering distortions in the glass related to a laminate interlayer or heat strengthening of the glass; 26. Any insulated glass unit that has an after-market tint, UV block, or other film or coating applied; 27. Damage to a Residential Product resulting from any reason other than a manufacturing defect by SPW, including, without limitation, any such damage arising, in whole or in part, from any accident, abusive handling, misuse, or as a result of any cause beyond the control of SPW (e.g. vandalism, fire, flood, earthquake, acts of God or nature, war, civil unrest, natural causes and/or natural disasters, including earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons or hurricane or typhoon conditions, or any other cause beyond SPW’s control); 28. Condensation, surface fogging or frost on exposed surfaces of Residential Products and any related water damage which may occur as the natural result of humidity within the structure or due to changes in interior/exterior temperatures; 29. Door warpage of less than 1/4” as measured across the diagonals for doors up to 3’-6” x 7’-0” and/or 3/8” for doors over 3’-6” x 7’-0”. This does not refer to the relation of the door panel to the frame or jamb in which it is hung. (NOTE: door warpage may vary as door panels adjust to temperature and humidity in their installed positions.) Action on any claim for warpage may be deferred for up to twelve (12) months at SPW’s option to permit conditioning of the door to humidity and temperature ranges at the jobsite; 30. Door warpage on doors 8 feet and taller, if such doors do not have multipoint hardware; 31. Doors with flat, low profile or ADA compliant sills will not be warranted against air and water infiltration; 32. Normal wear and tear and/or natural weathering of any surfaces, including discoloration of interior or exterior finishes, including hardware finishes; 33. Corrosion, wear or failure of hardware including loss of functionality in extreme conditions including, but not limited to, seacoast or other corrosive environments, as well as based on elevation, orientation, and altitude; 34. Finish failures or corrosion of aluminum cladding or damage to other Components caused by contact with caustic chemicals or chemical fumes, including but not limited to industrial cleaning agents, acid-based products, chlorine, salt spray, airborne pollutants, mortar, mortar cleaner, alkali hydroxides and brickwash; 35. Obstructions of air flow to products, including draperies or storm panels; 36. Products purchased through SPW that are manufactured by a third party (e.g. electric operators, skylites, custom hardware) are not covered under the terms of this warranty. Refer to product manufacturer’s warranty for terms of coverage; 37. Damage occurring or arising from any reason other than a manufacturing defect by SPW, including, without limitation, installation or delivery; 38. Windows or doors sold with no hardware, special hardware or hardware to be supplied by others; 39. Problems caused by modification to the product by others (e.g. modifications made to add alarm systems or remote window operators); 40. Failure to comply with any other provision of this Limited Warranty. C. Inert Gases. Residential Products may contain inert gas, intended to improve the thermal performance of the Residential Product. 1. The migration of an inert gas, such as argon, is a natural process that occurs over time and is not a defect. SPW provides no warranty with respect to the migration of an inert gas. 2. Argon gas within an insulated glass Residential Product will dissipate over time. The conditions of exposure and manner of use of the Residential Product will affect the rate of dissipation. The best manufacturing techniques cannot guarantee that the initial fill rate of inert gas will be maintained during the Residential Product’s lifetime. SPW provides no warranty with respect to the dissipation, rate of dissipation or initial fill rate. If the Residential Product is fitted with a capillary tube system, it must be treated as if it is entirely air filled. SPW provides no warranty with respect to the amount or percentage of argon remaining in the insulated glass unit or any thermal performance related to inert gas at any time after manufacture. D. Allocation of Risks of Residential Product Performance. Because some water infiltration must be anticipated in all construction, it is imperative that the wall system be designed and constructed to properly manage moisture and that the Residential Products be properly installed. SPW is not responsible for, and provides no warranty with respect to, any claims or damages caused by anticipated or unanticipated water infiltration; deficiencies in building design, construction and maintenance; failure to install SPW products in accordance with SPW Guides; or the use of SPW products in systems, such as barrier wall systems, unless management of moisture within the wall system is adequately incorporated within the design of the system, as determined by SPW in its sole discretion. The determination of the suitability of all building components, including the use of Residential Products, as well as the design and installation of flashing and sealing systems, are the responsibility of the buyer, owner, architect, contractor, installer, or other construction professionals and are not the responsibility of SPW, and SPW disclaims all liability with respect thereto. All risks related to building design and construction, fitness or suitability of Residential Products for a particular purpose, or the maintenance, installation, and use of Residential Products shall be assumed by the buyer and/or owner in conjunction with the architect, contractor, installer, or other construction professionals, and such parties waive and release SPW from any claims or damages related to such risks. E. General Residential Product Disclaimers. 1. The performance of the exterior aluminum coated finish, hardware and/or Components may vary based on installation in extreme environments, including but not limited to seacoast and other corrosive environments, as well as based on elevation, orientation, altitude and other atmospheric conditions. Normal, regular maintenance of the product is required to maintain the appearance, to extend the finish life, and to keep the warranty intact. 2. Fading or color changes may not be uniform if the surfaces are not equally exposed to the sun and elements and such variation in fading or color is not considered to be a defect, and SPW provides no warranty and hereby disclaims any and all liabilities with respect thereto. 3. Screens are intended solely as protection from insects and are not designed for or intended to provide safety protection or to prevent falling through an open window, and SPW provides no warranty and hereby disclaims any and all liabilities with respect thereto. 4. Window opening control devices (“WOCDs”) are not a substitute for careful monitoring of children. WOCDs must be checked regularly, as necessary, to determine if they are operating properly. SPW provides no warranty and hereby disclaims any and all liabilities with respect thereto. III. WARRANTY RESOLUTION; EXCLUSIVE REMEDY UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. A. In the event the product fails to conform to the express warranties described above within the stated time period, the Residential Product owner’s sole and exclusive remedy is that SPW will, at SPW’s sole option and discretion, either repair or provide replacement Residential Product or Components for any defective Residential Product or Component, or refund the original purchase price or original catalog list price, whichever is lower, of the defective Residential Product or Component. SPW may, in its sole discretion, substitute a current design for the original Residential Product or Component or otherwise provide a comparable Residential Product as a substitute. If SPW elects to provide a replacement Residential Product or Component, SPW will pay for the freight to deliver the replacement Residential Product or Component to the place where the defective Residential Product or Component was first Initials:________Page 9 of 10 94401451 Order Number Effective 05/01/17 delivered from SPW’s factory. Any freight or delivery charges beyond that destination will be the Residential Product or Component owner’s responsibility. Provision of a replacement Residential Product or Component does not extend the warranty time period for the Residential Product or Component, and the warranty time period of the original Residential Product or Component shall continue to apply. SPW may, in its sole discretion, charge the Residential Product or Component owner a fee for performing an onsite inspection if SPW believes coverage under this Limited Warranty is not clear. SPW may, in its sole discretion, refund any such onsite inspection charge if the subsequent inspection by SPW reveals a defect which is covered by this Limited Warranty. B. As more fully set forth in Section IV below, the limited warranties set forth in Section I above are the sole and exclusive warranties provided by SPW with respect to Residential Products. As more fully set forth in Section III (A) above and subject to the terms of this Limited Warranty, the sole and exclusive remedy is repair, replacement or refund. SPW cannot and shall not be liable for any other express or implied warranties, guarantees or representations related to a Residential Product or other remedy made or provided by any distributors, dealers, salespersons or other representatives of SPW in any manner, whether written or oral. NO PARTY IS AUTHORIZED TO EXPAND OR CHANGE THE PROVISIONS OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IN ANY MANNER. SPW provides the Residential Products on an “as-is” basis. SPW makes no other representations, statements of fact, promises, guarantees or other warranties of any kind or nature, express or implied, with respect to the Residential Products. Except as expressly set forth herein, SPW disclaims any and all other warranties, express or implied, including any warranty relating to workmanship, merchantability, fitness for particular purpose, freedom from defects, or non-infringement. C. Limited Labor Coverage. In the event that SPW elects pursuant to Section III (A) above to provide for the repair or replacement of a Residential Product covered by this Limited Warranty, SPW will, at its cost and expense, provide the labor to repair or replace such Residential Product, the extent and/or scope of said repair and replacement shall be decided by SPW in its sole discretion, for a period of two (2) years from the date the Product was manufactured. SPW shall not be responsible for, and shall not bear any cost or expense with respect to, any repainting, refinishing or similar activities related to or arising from the repair or replacement of any Residential Product. For purposes of clarification, SPW will not be responsible for any costs or expenses related to labor for repair or replacement outside of the time period specified above. D. Notice of Warranty Claim. SPW must receive written notice, containing the information below and at the following addresses, from a Residential Product owner claiming coverage under this Limited Warranty within the warranty period and within ninety (90) days of the date the problem with the Residential Product first became known, or should have been known through the exercise of reasonable care, to such owner. In the event that a Residential Product owner fails to comply with the foregoing, such Residential Product owner shall not be entitled to the benefits of any provision of this Limited Warranty. The notice of claim under this Limited Warranty must contain the following information: 1. The Residential Product owner’s name and telephone number; 2. The original order number; 3. The address where the Residential Product is installed; 4. A description of the Residential Product; 5. Proof of ownership of the single family detached dwelling unit in which the Residential Product is installed; 6. The name of the SPW Salesperson or Dealer from whom the product was purchased. 7. A description of the defect and the date of first discovery of the claimed defect. The foregoing notice shall be delivered to SPW at: SIERRA PACIFIC WINDOWS SIERRA PACIFIC WINDOWS Attn: Warranty Claim -Or- Attn: Warranty Claim 11605 Reading Road/PO Box 8489 575 South Whelen Avenue Red Bluff, CA 96080 Medford, WI 54451 IV. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. A. In order to achieve a quick and final resolution of disputes, You and SPW agree that any dispute or claim of any kind or amount arising out of the sale of windows, doors, and related or associated products (“Residential Products”), or otherwise relating to SPW, shall be resolved as follows, hereinafter “Dispute Resolution Agreement” or “Agreement”: i. The dispute or claim shall be submitted to mediation, as described herein; and ii. If the mediation does not resolve the dispute or claim in its entirety, then that dispute or claim, or portion thereof, shall be resolved through binding arbitration, as described herein. B. Disputes and claims subject to this Agreement include, but are not limited to: i. Any alleged breach of contract or breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing; ii. Any alleged breach of warranty, express or implied; iii. Any alleged construction defect, including any claims brought under Civil Code Section 895 et seq. (generally referred to as “the Right to Repair Act” or “SB 800”); iv. Any alleged violation of federal or state law or regulation; v. Any alleged violation of consumer protection or unfair business practice; vi. Any alleged tort claim, including but not limited to, claims for negligence, strict liability, or fraud; vii. Any other claims, whether arising in equity or common law, and whether seeking damages, injunctive relief, specific performance, declaratory or equitable relief; viii. Any dispute regarding the enforceability or applicability of this Dispute Resolution Agreement or any term herein; ix. Any dispute regarding the rights, duties and obligations of the parties with respect to this Dispute Resolution Agreement. C. Agreement to Mediate. You and SPW agree that any dispute or claim arising out of the sale of Residential Products, or otherwise relating to SPW, shall be submitted to non-binding mediation prior to any arbitration proceedings. Either party may commence mediation by notifying the other party in writing of its desire to pursue mediation and the subject of the dispute or claim. The parties will cooperate with one another in selecting a mediator and in scheduling the mediation proceeding. The mediation will be held in Sacramento, California, unless the parties agree otherwise. The parties agree that they will participate in the mediation in good faith. SPW shall be responsible for paying the costs of the mediation. Each party shall be responsible for their own attorney fees and expert fees, if any. All offers, promises, conduct and statements, whether oral or written, made in the course of the mediation by any of the parties, their agents, employees, experts and attorneys, and by the mediator, are confidential, privileged and inadmissible for any purpose, including impeachment, in any arbitration or other proceeding involving the parties, provided that evidence that is otherwise admissible or discoverable shall not be rendered inadmissible or non-discoverable as a result of its use in the mediation. D. Agreement to Arbitrate. In the event that a dispute or claim arising out of the sale of Residential Products, or otherwise relating to SPW, is not resolved through mediation, You and SPW agree that such dispute or claim shall be resolved through binding arbitration. Arbitration shall be conducted with JAMS, a private alternative dispute resolution business, pursuant to its Comprehensive Arbitration Rules and Procedures and in accordance with the Expedited Procedures in those Rules. SPW shall be responsible for paying the costs of the JAMS arbitration. Each party shall be responsible for their own attorney fees and expert fees, if any. The arbitration will be held in Sacramento, California, unless the parties agree otherwise. Judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. E. No Jury Trial. YOU AND SPW AGREE TO WAIVE ANY RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL AND AGREE TO HAVE ALL DISPUTES HEARD AND DECIDED SOLELY BY THE ARBITRATOR CONDUCTING THE BINDING ARBITRATION. F. No Class Action or Representative Action. YOU AND SPW AGREE THAT ALL DISPUTES OR CLAIMS SHALL BE BROUGHT ONLY ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS, AND SHALL NOT BE BROUGHT AS A REPRESENTATIVE OR CLASS ACTION. THE PARTIES AGREE THAT THE ARBITRATOR SHALL NOT HAVE THE POWER TO CONDUCT THE ARBITRATION AS A REPRESENTATIVE OR CLASS ACTION. G. Limitations on Liability. You and SPW agree to waive any right to recover indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or losses, including but not limited to, damages or losses from business interruption, loss of use, loss of business, loss of revenue, or loss of profits. You and SPW agree to waive any right to recover punitive or exemplary damages. You and SPW agree that the arbitrator is not empowered to award such damages. Some states do not allow for the exclusion or limitation of incidental, consequential or indirect damages or losses, so this limitation may not apply to you. You and SPW agree that in no event or circumstance shall the aggregate amount of damages awarded in arbitration(s) exceed the aggregate amount paid to SPW in connection with the sale of the Residential Products; this limit applies regardless of whether damages are awarded in connection with one claim or multiple claims or one arbitration or multiple arbitrations, and regardless of the timeframe over which the claim(s) are made or arbitration(s) instituted. H. Governing Law and Severability. This Dispute Resolution Agreement and the rights of the parties hereunder shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, exclusive of conflict or choice of law rules. The parties acknowledge that this Dispute Resolution Agreement evidences a transaction involving interstate commerce. Notwithstanding the provision in this paragraph with respect to applicable substantive law, any arbitration conducted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C., Secs. 1-16). In the event any aspect of this Dispute Resolution Agreement is found to be unenforceable or void, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. I. Opt-Out Procedure. You may opt-out of this Dispute Resolution Agreement within twelve (12) months from the date of manufacture of your Residential Product by visiting the website www.sierrapacificwindows.com/optout and completing the form to opt-out of this Dispute Resolution Agreement. (For additional information, including SPW Guides, care and maintenance instructions, installation instructions and previous warranties, refer to www.sierrapacificwindows.com or contact your local Sierra Pacific Windows Service Center or Dealer. Initials:________Page 10 of 10 94401451 Order Number Effective 05/01/17 10/26/2015 PRODUCT INFORMATION SHEET Timberline HD® Shingles Made To Protect Your Home. Your Story. And Those Of Over 50 Million Of Your Fellow North Americans! PRODUCT INFORMATION "Value and performance in a genuine wood-shake look" Timberline HD® Shingles Provide These Unique Benefits: Dimensional Look . . . Features GAF's proprietary color blends and enhanced shadow effect for a genuine wood-shake look Highest Fire Rating . . . Class A fire rating from Underwriters Laboratories High Performance . . . Designed with Advanced Protection® Shingle Technology, which reduces the use of natural resources while providing excellent protection for your home (visit gaf.com/aps to learn more) Stays In Place . . . Dura Grip™ Adhesive seals each shingle tightly and reduces the risk of shingle blow-off. Shingles warranted to withstand winds up to 130 mph (209 km/h). 1 Peace Of Mind . . . Lifetime ltd. transferable warranty with Smart Choice® Protection (non-prorated material and installation labor coverage) for the first ten years2 Perfect Finishing Touch . . . Use Timbertex® Premium Ridge Cap Shingles or Ridglass® Premium Ridge Cap Shingles3 1This wind speed coverage requires special installation; see GAF Shingle & Accessory Ltd. Warranty for details. 2See GAF Shingle & Accessory Ltd. Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions. The word “Lifetime” refers to the length of coverage provided by the GAF Shingle & Accessory Ltd. Warranty and means as long as the original individual owner(s) of a single-family detached residence [or the second owner(s) in certain circumstances] owns the property where the shingles are installed. For owners/structures not meeting the above criteria, Lifetime coverage is not applicable.3These products are not available in all areas. See www.gaf.com/ridgecapavailability for details. COLORS/AVAILABILITY COLORS: Barkwood, Birchwood, Biscayne Blue, Canadian Driftwood, Charcoal, Copper Canyon, Driftwood, Fox Hollow Gray, Golden Amber, Hickory, Hunter Green, Mission Brown, Oyster Gray, Patriot Red, Pewter Gray, Shakewood, Slate, Sunset Brick, Weathered Wood, White, and Williamsburg Slate REGIONAL AVAILABILITY*: Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, West, and Central Areas *See http://www.gaf.com/Roofing/Residential/Products/Shingles/Timberline/High_Definition for color availability in your area 10/26/2015 APPLICABLE STANDARDS & PROTOCOLS UL 790, Class A Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved – 130419.04 (Location dependent; contact Technical Services at 800.766.3411) Florida Building Code Approved FL10124-R12 UL 997 modified to 110 mph ASTM D7158, Class H ASTM D3161, Class F ASTM D3018, Type 1 ASTM D3462 ICC ESR-1475, ESR-3267 ** Texas Department of Insurance CSA A123.5 *** ENERGY STAR ® Qualified (White Only) (U.S. Only) Title 24 Compliant, CRRC Listed, and Meets Los Angeles Green Building Code (Birchwood, Copper Canyon, Golden Amber, and White Only) Effective 7/1/08, existing NYC MEA's may be used but are no longer required. **Obtained ESR 3267 evaluation from ICC Evaluation Services based on compliance with the requirements of AC438, an acceptance criteria established by ICC Evaluation Services to evaluate asphalt shingles that contains performance tests in addition to those required by the building code. (ICC Evaluation Services provides technical evaluations of building products that directly address the issue of code compliance. Building inspectors use these evaluation reports to help determine code compliance and enforce building regulations.)***Refers to shingles sold in Canada only. PRODUCT/SYSTEM SPECIFICS† Fiberglass Asphalt Construction Dimensions (approx.): 13 1/4” x 39 3/8” (337 x 1,000 mm) Exposure: 5 5/8” (143 mm) Bundles/Square: 3 Pieces/Square: 64 Nails/Square: 256 (384 where 6 nails per shingle is required)†† StainGuard® Protection: Yes (Location dependent; contact Technical Services at 800.766.3411) Hip/Ridge: Timbertex®; Seal-A-Ridge®; Z® Ridge; Ridglass® 8"; Ridglass® 10" Starter: ProStart® & WeatherBlocker ™ †Refer to complete published installation instructions.††Required by some local codes and required for enhanced wind coverage on certain products. INSTALLATION Detailed installation instructions are provided on the inside of each bundle wrapper of Timberline HD® Shingles. Installation instructions may also be obtained at www.gaf.com.