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DRB18-0252_approved documents_1529348716.pdf
Design ReviewBoard(DRB) Department of CommunityDevelopment 75 South Frontage Road West TOWN nF VAIL ACTION FORM Vail,CO81657 Tel: 970-479-2139 www.vailgov.com Project Name: Nico Vail Restaurant 2018 Application Number: DRB18-0252 Application Type: Change to Approved Date Applied: 06/13/2018 The following changes were made to the approved plansforthe Lallonna Rest., Unit 24 of Vail Village Plaza:1) Louverswere added to accommodate the Kitchen equipment. All paintedto matchsurface they are within.2) The Roof Hatchwas moved to make betteraccess for the fire dept and exhaust fan Project Description: servicing.3)There was an erroruponthe understanding of the planneron the patio foldingdoor due to graphics. The door is still a foldingdoor and will have the same appearance. within the door thereexists panelsthat swing like conventional door(French doors)The Door is still a 'Nana'Door foldingunit.the swing component is needed for building conde compliance. CONTACTS ContactType: Applicant Full Name: Martin Manley Architects (Jeff Manley) Address: po box 1587 pob 5668 Eagle, CT 81631 Phone: 9703281299 ContactType: Property Owner Full Name: NICO VAIL INC SLIFERMGMT Address: Phone: None Project Address: 100 E MEADOW DR 24 (210108256024 24) (210108256024) Job Site Location: 24 Legal Description: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Lot: 0 Block: 5D Parcel Number: 210108256024 BOARDS/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: StaffApproved Second By: Vote: Date: 06/18/2018 Conditions: - Approval of this project shall lapse and becomevoid one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. - Design Review Board approval shall not becomevalid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the VailTownCode, Chapter12-3-3 Appeals. - No changesto these plans maybemade without the written consentof Townof Vail staff and/orthe appropriate review committee(s). - Allexistingdamagedand discolored stucco in the vicinity of the workshall be repaired and paintedto match priorto requesting any final inspections. Planner:Jonathan Spence MARTIN M A N L E Y ARCHITECTS Date: 06-14-2018 Response to Building Department comments on Permit drawings Item 1 Sheet A9.1 Proposed bathrooms reduce the level of accessibility to that which currently exists. Response:The comments below in this item are not valid with the current design direction(currently exists) shown in the revised plans. We are leaving the existing toilet room'as-Built'with the following changes. Add new grab bars at the toilets, new toilets, sinks/faucets, new floor finishes,and reducing the size of the mens toilet room slightly by adding a wall on the west to accommodate a recessed kitchen element on the other side of the wall. 1. Proposed urinal encroaches the turning space in the mens bathroom. 2. A min 18" maneuvering clearance is required on the pull side of a door. 3. The door to the womens bathroom does not have a min 60" depth maneuvering clearance on the pull side of the main door. 4. The door to the womens bathroom does not have the min 48" depth maneuvering clear space on the entry approachto the bathroom. 5. The proposed compartment in the womens is required to have 9"toe clearance below the front and side partition. 6.The width of the door approach leaving the mens bathroom is less than the min 48" required. Item 2 Sheet A0.0 Please submit asbestos test report. Response:An asbestos report was completed and will be submitted to the Town of Vail with this response, if not delivered already by the contractor. Item 3 and 4 Sheets A4,0 and A4.1 Priorto Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with section updates shown. Response: Louvers were needed to be provided to accommodate the mech systems for the kitchen equipment/condensers. These are necessaryforthe function of the kitchen. Louvers will be pained to match the existing color of the stucco wall they reside within. An application for change to approved plans is submitted to the TOV. Item 5 and 6 Sheets A3.1 Revise sheet to show edge of wall on elevation. Sheet A3.1 Prior to Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with elevation updates shown. Response: Please clarify needed wall information. No work is being done in the area clouded by the planner. I have included a photo on the sheet A3.1. There is a railing that this not shown, but not work is occurringto the railing either. The roof hatch needed to be relocated to be functional for access the roof without climbing through the access scuttle door of the upper level. This access from the storage area abovethe toilet rooms allows easier access that should be a benefit to the fire department and forservicingthe exhaust vents. An application for change to approved plans is submitted to the TOV. Item 7 Sheet A3.0 Prior to Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with elevation updates shown Response: Louvers were needed to be Provided to accommodate the mech systems for the kitchen equipment/condensers. These are necessaryforthe function of the kitchen. Louvers will be pained to match the existing color of the stucco wall they reside within. An application for change to approved plans is submitted to the TOV. 970.328.5151 info©martinmanleyarchitects.com martinmanleyarchitects.com P.O. Box 1587 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Item 8 Sheet A3.0 Prior to Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with elevation updates shown with french doors. Response: The Folding `Nana' type door is still accurate. The swinging door leafs are shown on the plan and elevation to explain to the building dept. that the code will be satisfied with having one of the leaves operate as a swing door within the entire 6-panel folding door configuration. The door will be made of 6 panels. The 5th panel can either f old or be operated like a standard swing door. The 6th panel can be operable and f old upon the east wall if desired to open the entire opening. Item 9 Sheet A3.0 Prior to Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with elevation updates shown. Response: Louvers were needed to be provided to accommodate the mech systems for the kitchen equipment/condensers. These are necessaryforthe function of the kitchen. Louvers will be pained to match the existing color of the stucco wall they reside within. An application for change to approved plans is submitted to the TOV. Item 10 Sheet A3.0 Prior to Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with elevation updates shown. Response: see response in item 8 and 9. An application for change to approved plans is submitted to the TOV. Item 11 Sheet A2.2 Priorto Planning approval,submit for DRB Change to ApprovedPlans with roof hatch location changes. Response:The roof hatch needed to be relocated to be functionalfor access the roof without climbing through the access scuttle door of the upper level. This access from the storage area abovethe toilet rooms allows easier access that should be a benefitto the fire department and forservicingthe exhaust vents. An application for change to approved plans is submitted to the TOV. Thank you, Jeffrey P Manley AIA Martin Manley Architects 970-328-1299 (direct) 970-688-0326 (cell) www.martinmanleyarchitects.com 970.328.5151 info@martinmanleyarchitects.com martinmanleyarchitects.com P.O. Box 1587 Eagle, Colorado 81631 L.,_ 1. 1• o a _0 0 0 3 n 0 CD U O N p - U (D We N .0 Zn m (D a- N p O CV 0 O Q O 0 0 .0 3 0 3 xi Q- 0 w N in 4-. O Q Q CD U . .. O - a- a (D Q CD -Q 0 N 3 = CCD CD O CO �� a N p CD (D CD (=D CD CD �. — CD CD CS O (D `.. 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