HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB18-0196_approved plans_1528837498.pdf .4"4:/e.
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ENERGY STAR'Qualification helps identify the window . ,
or door that is best for each climate zone. 03 {
Irimmg_ What la I.v,;l::GV STAT, . I
*fy� t,
ENERGY STAR' for Windows, Doors_}nd Skylights Products ENERGY STAR'I.,go „ ii_ mrST2f2o10
LI%.mi r.:gHtat CLIMATE ZONE MAP must meet stringent energy efficiency F NEHCY STAR rMpeeeeil244149.AM
cncrsf a•gov I
gu defines set by the U.S.Environmental 'wn'y'n4 ""'" "
we eaweiem ur miwr m,
Protect:on Agency and the U S.Department en.rgyirlhooicegw4ef.we way
we U.S.Errrelinrtdottlil Prot.teen
• ■ Northern of Energy.These guidelines are based on the wg.nrr.nt lwus newrerwnr
' - _ Mosey Heating of Eneryr ,
* heat ga n and loss of ea:h product in various
ry • North/Central
• H.a;mg a Cooling regions of the country.
• N.,
:...- In South/Central ,
Cooling 6 Heating . . - - • _ -
Illli Southern AntFers ;Pa��'4lci.. Glausiype U=Foci. SHGC' '.T'. i•
Mostly Cooling
•••' '��'^-� _ HP Low-E4 030 j 0.31 ; 0.53 •11
HP Lew E4 with cones_ 021 � 028 ,,l 0 47. I {
yo,� Insert. HP Low-E4 Sun , 030 g boo ■■�■ i
oorele-Hon(WIri6 i' HP Low-E4 Sun with Ulla 031 0.17 ; 0;26 •• IE i
ENERGY STAR'Qualification Criteria for . . HP Low-E4SmarlSun 0.29. 0.21 : 0.48 ■■iE
Residential Windows and Doers •
- - HP Lar-E4 SmartSun w/Grilles - 030 a 019 ' 0.43 MESE i!
Windows Ooora HPLax.E4 _ 0.29 ] 032 0.55, . M• EI
- HP Low Eli with Grilles 02O i 0.79 0;49 ��� I
OWN Leal T
..YYowlwack.In .- HP Law-E4 Sun 029 ; 0.20 _i 0:31 Maw.
m'6•' .ur Ierrhit'w;Yarldelw HP LowEli Sun with Grilles 031 0.1a k 0.27 ltl lid
l... • [�M�i.w .en .ue .-
ue �� ,� ,u . HP taw-E4 SrnartSun 028 0.21 0,50 MEM. •
"= i 'a~ .ew.err .-• XP Low-E4Smar15unw/Grilles 030 019 0.64 M• UM.
.. ..4.11 .w1 ,as.r.rw.r..M HP Low-E4 ' 029 - 033 0.56 ••
.ew .nn HP low E4 withGrilles 031 0 • ltl
1 0.50 E ■ i
•.WoadwngliCrinxfte HPLew_Ed Sun 0.30 I 0.709.31 I♦/iI♦_
ItWIuid w• HP LewE45unwithGdlles 0.31. j 018 , 0.
wwoti28 ••M
Andersen' NFRC Certified Total Unit Performance HPLewE4SmastSun . 028 j 0.2i--T 0:51 ■UIf1
_ HP Low-E4 SmartSun iv/Grilles _ 080 ,.j 0.207. 0"45 Mail.
�leldienettl'P.Pr4l.c�t Glass !-Fader MCC' 4T' HP EGwE4 029 031 ; 048 -
HP Law E4w3NGHlles 031 0.28 .0.48 �� x1
_ .5ar1r1 _ -- - ew. _ lilt•Wash HP low-E4 Sun 030 0.19 0`.30, _M■III MI
HP L -E.4 018. .. 0.32 0.54 DonSla-Hun=,NHndew HP 11w-E4 Sun with Grilles -. 07,i1 _0.11 626U U ii I
I HP LowHPE4 with Grilles 0.29 _ 0.29 0.49 men HP Low-E4 SnmltSun 0.29 i 0-21 I text BM.U
t0WE45un 0.29 0.20 0.30 -M�• • HP Low,E45rnartSunw/GHIIn .030 .019 0,3__• I•
_HP Lar-E4 Sun with Grilles 03C- 0.18 0.27 ••III• HP LeviT-E4 : 020 I 0-33 f 0.57 .BM
HPLew-E4SmanSun Va. 0.21 0.49 -Ra
• _ HPLawE4withGrille 031 _ 0.30 051 ••
F - _ _ HP Lew-E4 SmanSun w/Grilles 029 0.19 0.45' m mmii 'Tthytknr�i _ HP law-E4 Sun 0.30 F...016- 0.32 •■•U
HP Low-14 028 0.31 0.53 ■U .-•rw•Wlai'aw HP Low E4 Suun with Gnats .j32 ] fLL Otic- I.U•
HPL_nw-Eli Will Grilles 029 0.29 0;99 ltl.I■ - HPLow•E4SmartSun 029 ' 022 i. 0.51 ••IN
HP Low-E4 Sun_ 0.29 0.19 030 I•RU• •� - HP Low(4 SmartSuri w/GAOes 0Si1 I 020 0.46_ •_ MEM
i -HPlowE4SunwithGrilles 0.29 0.18 0.27 •1•. HP tow-E4 0.28 I 0.32 I 0:55 •,MI 1
-- HP Lar E4SmanSun0.28 0.21 048 Wiris , HP Low E4 with Grilles .025 { 029 l 043. NEE r
- _ - HP L0wE4 SmartSun w/Grilles 0.28 0.19 0.44 • •• 111trWash. _ HP Low E4 Sun 927 E0,19--I co,. Nom. L
-_ HP Law-E4- 0.27 0.34 0.60 IIIA .11-mom, . HP Low 651;07h-61;r ,028 T_ 0.18 ; 0.27 Noon
HP Low-E4 with Grilres 0.2.8 _ 031 053 MEN _ HP Low-E4 SmarISun 026 01 ;2 0.49 'silk ti
e +anla8 --- HP Low E4 Sun - 027 0,21 033- U HP ter Ed SnwlSunwIGrilles 027 1019 094_ Ui UI
.Koi..rrwirrdo� HPIawE4Sun wale Grilles 0.29 0.19 0.30 MINN HPlow-E4030 1 031 j 9H4. f••__
HP Low E4 SmartSun_ 0.26 023 0.54 •UJTHP LoaE4 with Grilles 031 1 0.28 ; '0:48 fa_
- __ HPLaw-E4SmartSunw/Gn11es 0.28 0.21 0,48 MUSE i. a' __ HP low-E4 Sun 030 0.19 , 0:y1 •II_
HP tow E4 ' 030 _ 0.31 0.53 • : • i __ HP Low•E4 Sun with Gdoen 0°.31 i---0.17 ' 0.20 _-.IN
HP tow E4 with Grilles _ 031 0.28 _ 0.47 IOM_ HP LDw-Eli SmariSun 0.29 0 1 0:48 i i
--- HPLow•E4Sun 030 019 0.29 KEEN -HP 1ow-E4SmanSunw/Gdl1es 020 • 0-19 . 0.43 -.MOM.
Fie:Fres" - - - - -•
aeLrllrNu r[Irj icy HP Low E4 Sun with Grilles 0.30 0.18 0;42 •iim s -- _HP_ HP Low-Ed 030 ' 0.29 0.50 ••
HP low idSmartsun 0.29 __0.20_ _ 11.47 •1•. -- _tew-E4withGdiles 032 ___026 0;4 PIM
_ - _ •_ IIP Lar E4 SmanSun re/Glides 0.30 0._18 0.42 , IMP P It _ _ HP low-E4 Sun 031 0.18 0 I♦ I
27 -
HP Law-E4 0.27 _0 33 - 0.57 M)] - HP Low-Ea Sun with Grilles 0.37: I. 0.16 0.i4' M I[/MI f
HP Law E4 with Grilles 0,29 0.30_ 0.51 _wpm HP Low-Eli Srnart5un 030'.7 020 _ 045. IA.IN U
140410:A1 HP LewE4Sul 028 0.20 032 MEMO HPLow-E4SmartSunw/Grilles 0.31,._.0..0.18 0.40 mix
HP Low-E4 Sun w lh Godes 0.'19 0.18 _ 028 MM.. HP Iow-E40.27 ? 0.34 . 0.59 IIA
I 11PLowE4SmartSun 0.27 0.22 051 __•••• - HP Low-E4 with Grilles-
!. 0.29 r 0.31 _ 0.3 0.53 •I� ._ - ,
028 020 045 ■ II HPLowE4Sun0.280213 ISNHPLowE4 - : 033 057 ra HPLow-E4SunwithGdlles 0.290.19 0.29 with HPLowE4 Gri11es 029 030 0.51 I�p lE HPLowE4SmanSun _026 023 ' 053 ••Illli.
HPLawEE4Sun 0.28 020 032 ■EE■PALPrami _ HPLowEaSmariSonw/Grillo 0.28 0.20 048 ••.
HP Lew E4 Sun withGrilles 0.30 0.18 0.28 MII =mnedon not page
0.27 022 052 •• 0
HP tow E4 SmartSun w?Gripes 0.29 0.20 0.46 . ■ U III Notes on the next page also apply to this page. 1
z la
Andersen'NFRC Certified Total Unit Performance (=timed) 1
"-. . . ENERGY STAR'for Windows, Doors and Sk, 03
erseri xtod4tc GEassT}pe U Fadtd? SHGC M'�.r �K'�� -- --- - - O7
• • _ _ - - - CLIMATE ZONE MAP
200 .-_.. ..;M: .. '
Clear punt Pane 0:45'"' 0.60 p''0.6$" - 6/12/2018
Clear Dual Pane with Grilles 0;45 _0.54 J 0.56 - 12:00:00 AM
_ low-E 030. 0.32 055 mu
1. 'ung ]'dow. -_ Low{with Grilles 030 _0.29 0A9 _II,.
HP Low E4 SmartSun 038 0,21 0.49 • U r Northern
.. _ HP Low.E4-SmartSun w1Grilles 0,31 819 0.43 •.U laos:'t Hinti
ng4- __
Clear Dual Pane 0.45 0.61 __0$_-0 _ North/Central
krr,elDe* Clear Dual Pane with Galles 0;45 054 0.57, - _ Hvaana&Caotnp
LarMrReng:WIrrdow - ...� - Low E 0.30 0 32 _ 0.56 _ - - •
Low E with Grilles 031 0.29 0.5(1 ' J♦Jr . �' jry cxrW.Li♦ CSour &Huaal
ool�ny HueBnp
Clear Dual Pane 0.44 _ 0.63__0.6614 - • Southern
Nenaline Clear Dua+Pane w th Galles 0.44 0.57 0.59 Rtus.ly EDWIN
Transom. '� Low-E G27 0.34 .._ 0.58 •• ;{k .
Low.E with Ganes _0.27 0.30 0.5 • m
Clear Dual Pane 0:45 0.60 -0.93 - _ _
Clear Dual Pane with Grilles 0,45 0,54 0.56 - ENERGY STAR'Qualification Criteria for
GlWingr Low-IE030 0,32 0.55 En Residential Windows and Doors
- ,. LowrE with6- 0.30 0.29 0.49`'._. It
LawE5manSun 030 0-21 0.49 •Numb Windows Doors
., Low E SmartSun with Galles 031 0 19 0.43 -ems ii o...r... - - - Wane ra,r
Clear Dual Pane 0.43 0• .61_ O.fiS,-y - •r>*«• .u, mann.~
Clear Dual Pane with Grilles 0;43 _ 0.55 0.58 - � �
Atsi4ransem, -- Low-E .. 028 Ta33 •
__ 058 WM ▪• •ew hew"•• • .ahey ir
0 . .. . . t.ow E with Grilles 0.28 0.30 0.5$ EMI .w nu ime - 'rr+rr
• e 'sx' 4n°srr.roddirm..
_ Low E SmartSun 027 J 0.22 051 MINIS ,e r I .err
Low E SmartSun with Galles 0,37 0.20 I 0.45 . • • ��
Clear Dual Pane .0.44 0,61 0.61,:4 - (
Clear Dual Pane with Ordles 0.45 0.53 0.5& 1 _T
Low.E 0.29 0.32 _` 0.56 -
.Low-E with Grilles 0.30 0.29 1.49 ••II•
Low.E sun 0290,20 03: ilium
Low E Sun with Grilles 031 --U.18_- 0.27 ...1.- Andersen.Products Total Unit Recycled Content Percentages
law-E SmartSun (, .0.28. 0.21 _ 0.50 __•Uj.Low.E SmartSun with Gri les D30.1 0.19 044 .� %ycted nsumer
etsen'.I3abue#+ - +NFRC Rauh Window Slee Recy[ied Content
Clear Dual Pane 0:43 0.61 _ 0.64 - - _ -��
Clear Dual Pane with Grilles 0:43- 0.54 . 0.56 6 's - --
Low E 028 0 32-.- 056. _ I.��L 24-048' 4%
Law-E withGnlles : 030 _ 0.29 - 2.49 ...X ---- ' '-
1. d. Awning 48'x24• 4%
Low-E Sun 0.291 _0 L9__ 03:; _'VAT ., ._
Low-E Sun with Grilles ; 030; 0.17 0.27' EINEM Weedwdghr Full-Frame Deuble•Heng 36'a 60' (3%
Low.E SmariSon 027 0.22 __ 0.50 Mimi, Woodwdg6l'Insert DoubH-Hunj 36'e fA• - I4A.. .
Low E SmartSun with Gnites 02-7.377.771:10 044..j Maim _ - -
Clear Dual Pane 1 043 0.45 0.471 - IReWash Deuble-Hueg 36'x 60' 5%
Clear Dual Pane with Grilles 003 ' 0.39 0.4011 - I Gilding Widow 60'r 36' 4% T T
Low-E 0.32,. 0.24 0.401 II NH - -._---- _ _
t :' --- Low E with Gnnes-...033 0,21 035' - Specialty,All(based on Fiedtrame'; 49'a 48' 8% f
.. '1.. Law E Sun '032 0.15 _ 021 1 r uU Fronelracier Ceding - 72'x82' - 4% _-
Low E Sun with Grates .034 013 0.19 - _,._ f
µLow E SmanSun0.32 0.16 _ 037 MGM. 'renamed'Hinged-Inswing 38'c 82' 4% r
.. -
Low-E SmartSun with Grilles _ 033 - 0.14 031 - _ Freedmen(Hinged-Ontswing 38's 82' 3%
•For NFRC certified total unit performance on units with capillary breather lubes for high attitudes,pleaseI-- - - - - ,
visil andersenwlndows.com. Com'`'"'``
•'High Performance Low-E4"(HP luw-E4),'High.Performancetow-E4'Smart Sun"(HP Low.E4SmartSua) Casement 24•x48• 3% it
and'High-Performance Lew-E4 Sun'{HP Low E4 Sun)are Andersen trademarks for'Low-E'glass. ---- -
U-Facid defines the amount of heat loss through the total unit in 010/hr sq.ft°F The lower the value. MeoureeMal Ooubre-Nun! 36'x 60' 4% P
the less heal Is lost through the entire product.Window values represent non-tempered glass.Use of - .,
tempered glass can Increase U Factor ratings See andersenwindows.com for speak performance values Specialty,Rectangular Find 48'c 48- 7%
Door values represent tempered grass .-- .._- _
'Solar Heal Gain Coefficient(SHGC)defines the fraction of solar radiation admitted through theglass both Architectural DeersI
B 38'a 82' 3%
directly transmitted and absorbed and subsequently released inward.The ower the value the less heat is -''--' -- -- --
transmitted through the product. Ceemeldal Entq Doers 38'c 82' 4% /
'Visible Transmittance(VI)measures how much ighl comes through a product(glass and risme'.The OQrtiri ,ea- - ---
higher the value,tram 0 tot the more daylight the product lets in over the product's total unit area _ .-.
Visible Transmittance is measured over the 380 to 760 nanometer portion of the solar spectrum. lilt-Wash Deble-Hung 36'a 60' 4%
•NFRC ratings are based an modeling by a third party agency as validated by an independent lest lab in -
compliance with NFRC program and procedure requirements. Narrallee'Seuble•Heg 36'e 60' 5%
+]his data Is accurate as of December 2010.Due to ongoing product changes updated test results Cr new -- --
ndustry standards or requirements,this data may change over time Ratings are for sizes specified by 0114ingN7rWow 60'0 36' 5%
NFRC for testing and certification Ratings mpy vary depending on use of tempered glass,different guSe -"'--- -
options,glass for high altitudes etc Handled'Ming T2'c 82' 6% i
•Pan veSue glass values are available an;me et andersenwindaws,com. Penna-Shield Gliding 72'x82' 4%
Hinged-taming 39'r 82' 3% 1
•`%Pre Consumer Recycled Content'Is verified by Scientific Certification Systems LSCS)to meet ISO
y 14021 standards based on NFRC sizing.
Andersensaki 4,"34%
{ #
Andersen'NFRC Certified Total Unit Performance rcoarlaued) ,,�
1. 420
0 15
1 : Glass llpe U+actor` S)[GC'. 11i r r
73:"4..f.. - --.. _ ® '_r_.,n, I _ Glass Type ... U deli; '.
u�'. . .- . - v ii= _-...
HP Low•E4 0.27' 0.35 • 660
= - N® --
HPlaw•E4 "032�02f$l12/2018
HP Lrnw.E4 with Grilles 028 Q 31 0.54 M_ HP Low-E4 with Grilles '0.32 _ 0,25-2:00�0 AM *En
'•rrreI D HP Law E4 Sun 0.27 0.21 0.33 ■DSI HP low-EA Sun '0.32 _ 017 _O.e6 ��
.•5:e -v,p.j_.h i HP LOW-E4 Sun with Grilles 0.29; • 0.19 _ 0:>7 EQ • ""'f
s I HP Low-E4 Sun with Grilles 032 0.16 D2? ir
P - HP Low-E4SmanSun 6�_= 023 034 �• (m• HP Low.E4SmartSun 0.31 Q.I8 04a ;-WIN
+ --- HP Low-E4 SmartSun w/Grilles . .E.28... 021 L 0,49; •W- • HP Low-E4 SmartSun w/Grilles 031 0 17 038 �� ,n o
HPlaw•E4 S27 _ 035 v.Cb �0 - _ HP law-E4 032 0.28 0:47 ; Aim
I HP Low E4 will Grilles D.28 031 - 0,54 HP Law E4 with Grilles 0 32
�-- -i 025 042
HPLaw.E4Sun 02,i1 _ 021 7`073 ENN■ !;- -: t,.l-,n.-.; HP LowE45un 032 01T 0 6 •��
HP Lax-E4 Sun with Grilles 0.79 0.19 0x9 �A HP Low-14 Sun with Grilles 032 016 0.23 i ■os-
r HP Law-E4 SmartSun x:26- 0.23 0.54 ■��■ _ HP Law•E4 smartSun 0.31 0.18 0.42- -Vim
r HP Low E4 SmartSun w/Ganes 0.28'..'' 021 O.d0 •• HP Low-E4 SmartSun w/Gripes .0.31 0 17 0.38 .. NEE-
E E-
s HP Law•E4 0.28' 0.33 0.58, . 55 ■
yl ---- - HP low-E4 0.32 028 0.4 �
HP Law-E4 with Gales 0.29 0.30 • .0.52 .a HP law-E4 with Grilles 0.32 0.25 0.42' MIN
1 HP Law-E4 Sun .0.211 _ 0,20 .•431 ] N E N E HP Low-E4 sun 0.32 0.17 0.26 . 111.U
ISHP'pr-fa Sun with Gases 0.29 0 18 0.28' HP Low-E4 Sun with Grilles 0.32 0.16 0.23
HPLow-E4SmartSun '0.27 0.23 052 ' 1555 HP low-E45mart5un .0.3I 0.19 0.w 42 Mei-
E4SmarlSunw;'Griaes 0.28 02! 9.461. _• HP Low-E4SmartSun ,Grates 031 0.17 0.38 ENE
a _ HP Low-E4 0.27 0.33 p, : _ 55 HP low-E4 0.31. 0.32 0.55
! HP Low.E4 withGalles 0.28 ' 0.30 :�$. - - --
HP Low-E4 Sun 0.27 0.20 4i.0 ■ HP Law E4 with Grilles 031 0.29 0.49 - se
Y �� IIP Low-E4 Sen 0.31 _ 0.20 031 1.•1111
I HP Low-E4 Sun with Grilles 0.29 0 18 .......028 ..�55 I F'- , , HP Low-E4 Sun with Grilles 431 0.18_ 028 IBM.
HP low-14SmartSurr 726 0.23 '7.0-a't U mai HP law-E45mar15un 03I 0.31 0.50 NEM
I HP Low.E4 SmartSun w/Gri les 028. 0.21 '0.46';• 115 -- HP Low-E4SmartSun vi,..'Grilles . i 031' 0.19 0.44 ■
i _ HP Low E4 0.31 033 0;58 .,. HP Low-E4 . •0.30 0.37 0.64. NE
1 1 HP Low.E4 with Gdaes 0.32 0.30 0.52• . •5 HP Low-E4 with Grilles 0.30, 033 0.57_ M_
HP low-E4 Sun 0.31 0.20 y.0,3 _ HP Lear-E4 Sun 0.31 0.22 0.36
HP Low-E4 Sun with Grilles 033 0.18 ..70N x Y---Y/t+. -.
'' - ''
1t. MEM
HP law-E4 Sun with Grilles 031 020 032 111115
HPLow E4 SmanSun 0.30 023 '",765 1.'J II. • _ HP Low-E45matSun ,030. 0.24 058- _Ewes
- HP low-14SmanSunw/Gripes 032 0.21 14 ..55,'_ 5 HP Low-E4SmartSunw/Gilles 0.30 022 0.52'•IMMO'
i HP Low-E4 • 030 0.30 0.27 • •5_ _UDIU _ HPLerwE4 0.32 0.22 037 5555
( _ HP Law.E4 with Gales 0.32 0.23_0 : M O IN]_ T HP Law-E4 with Grilles 0.33 020 0.33
HP LowE45un 031 016 U2'; 'US
- __ 'Ili!:. : HP Low•E4 Sun -033 4.14 0.21
l HP Low-E4 Sun with Grilles .,.32 0.14 c ..i,Z,' 'Eq . .so .-. .. • HP Low-E4 Sun with Grilles 034 0.13 0.18
HP Low-E4 SmartSun C:30 018 I. EA': N 0 NE HP Low-E4 SmartSun •032 0.15 0.33' _•B••
j HP low-E4 SmarlSon*Mattes 0.31 . 0.16 : 0 15 ,ME•• ___ HP Low-S4 SmartSun w/Grilles 0.33 _ 014 0.30
i _ HP Low•E4 031 '' 034 1,0.'4 L' ' !O M HP Inw-E4 033 0 25 0.41 _
L HP low-E4 with Gales -0.32 _421 +i.35 5_ • AHP Lar-E4 withGAlles 0.34 022 0.36
r HP Low E4 Sun 031 0.15 023 NM.5 ;i. .. -
( HP Law-E4 Sun 0.33 0.16 023 il
• HP Low£4 Sun with Grilles 03; 0.13 1 B NINE ,.. : HP Low-E4 Sun with Grilles 0.35 0.14 0.20 -
HP Low-E4 SmartSun 0.30 0.16 ;.:1:37. •U5 _ - -- HPL,ow-E4SmartSun 032 0.17 fl.37 �a �
HP Loin£4 SmanSun wJGriges 031 0.14 e t
.. " HP law E4 SmartSun wJGdllas 434 o,1s 0.32
I HP Low E4 0.31,;j 025 .It 5••5 -__ HP 10w-E4 033 0,23 '038 --
1 HP Lar-E4 with Gallesrg0:3u HP - U
0.32 0.2115 �� Law-E4 with Grilles _ 033 4.21 0.34 _
_ _ HP Low-E4 Sun 0.31 0.15 ,` 0;33. •• 55
..... - . . .. - HP lar•E4 Sun 0.33 0-14 0.21 -
r HP Law•E4 Sun with GdHes _0.32 7 0.13 0,15 WE- .....:-• _ HP Low E4 Sun with GdlIwi 034 4,13 0.19 _ -
rHP Low-E4 SmartSun 0.17 arc..3. •5• HP Low-E4 SmartSua 0.32 0.15 034 -
{ .HP low-EA SmartSun w/Grilles 0.31 0.15 ;;;;•40.31' NM M� HP Lar•E4 5martSun w/Grilles 033 0.14 0.30
i • HP low E4 0.31 • 0.22 X37; '.•u• .. HP Low-E4 0.32 - (1.25 OAI -
IS]I HP Luw•E4 with Grilles 032'' 0.20 ;.$0.33 .r M HP Low-EA with Grilles 033 0.22 11.3T-
HPLow-E4 Sun ,032 0.14 i?i�.0+21 } HP Lor-E4 Sun 0.32 0.15 0.23
HP Law-E4 Sun with Grilles '.'632'b 0.13 17 p;11 r MER --.,..- HP Low-E4 Sun with Grips 033 0.14 0 20
HP Lo £4 SmanSvn 0.31 0.15 '+'0.33 �� HP Low-E4 SmartSun 0.32 0.16 0.37 --
1 HP lar-14 SmariSun iv/Grilles 0.32 0.14 •.,029. NEN _ HP Lora-E4 SmartSun w/Grilles 0.32 0.15 033
iHPLow-E4 030 0.24 0.40.-'••El 5 HPLaw-EA .0.35 0.26 {).44 -
r HP!ow•E4 with Gripes 030 0.21 "'035 HP Low•E4 with Grilles 0.36 _ 0.23 038
i HP low-E4Sun 0.30 0.E5 .'022 ;i NENE --
ftp 1-..,'::..,..Z.-- HP Low-E4 sun with Grilles 0.31 0.13 '.`'0.20 ;num. HPLow•E4Sun 035 0.15 024
HP law-E4 sun with Gales 4.38 : 0.14 0.21 _ -
HP Lar-E4 SmarlSun 0.29 0.16 -•0.36''. �� HP low-E4 SmartSun 0.34 0.17 039 -
t HP law-E4 SmanSun w/Grilles '030 0.14 ''0.32-. 5
-,„ „ ..- . HP low-E4 SmartSun w/Grilles 036 0.15 0.34
ratiswed on neat page
•For NFRC certified total unit performance on units with capillary breather tubes for high attitudes,please visit andersenwindows.com.
•'High-Performance'low-E4"(HP Low.E4),'Hlgh-Performance'Low-E4'SmartSun"(HP Low-E4 SmartSun)and'IV.Performance'Low.E4'Sun'(HP Low•E4 Sun)are Andersen trademarks lar'Low f'glass
r 0-Factor defines the amount of heat loss through the total unit in BTU/hr sq.ll.'F.the lower the value,the less heal Is lost through the entire product.Window values represent non-tempered g ass.Use of tempered glass can
Increase 0.Factor ratings See andersenwindows.com for specific performance values.Door values represent tempered glass.
r Solar Heat Gain Coefficient(SHGC)defines the fraction of solar radiation admitted through the glass both directly transmitted and a bsorbed and subsequently released Inward.The lower the nitre,the ess heat is transmitted
through the product.
$Visible Transmittance(VT)measures how much light comes through a product(glass and frame).The higher the value,from 0 to 1,the more daylight the product lets in over the product's total unit area Visible Transmittance
Is measured over the 380 to 760 nanometer portion of the solar spectrum.
•MC ratings are based on modeling by a third party agency as validated by an Independent test lab in compliance with NFRC program and procedural requirements.
•Thls data is accurate r s of December 2010.Due to ongoing product changes.updated test results or new Industry standards or requirements,this data may change over time.Ratings are(or sites Specified by NFRC for
testing and cenlficaLon.Ratings may vary depending on use of tempered glass,different grille options,glass for high altitudes.etc.
•PassiveSnn glass values are avaitable online at endersenwindows.cnm
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< This is the new door
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The applicant must submit written joint property owner approval for applications affecting shared ownership properties
such as duplex, condominium, and multi-tenant buildings. This form, or similar written correspondence, must be com-
pleted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the authorized agent of the home owner's association in the case of a con-
dominium or multi-tenant building.All completed forms must be submitted with the applicants completed application.
I, (print name) Tim Hargreaves , a joint owner, or authority of the association,
of property located at 114 Willow Rd Unit 660 , provide this letter as written
approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the
Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address not-
ed above. I understand that the proposed improvements include:
Replacement door
understand that modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance
with the Town's applicable codes and regulations; and that it is the sole responsibility of the applicant to keep the joint
property owner apprised of any changes and ensure that the changes are acceptable and appropriate. Submittal of an
application results in the applicant agreeing to this statement.
1 31 6/7/18
Signature Date
Tim Hargreaves
Print Name
Patio Door Order Form Fax to your Customer Service Associate (1 CIF 1'4d
Z 114 WILLOW RD.#660 et —
i= Iti
VAIL 81657131_ 025
= pga
'15- TOTAL NUMBER OF DOORS FOR JOB PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER _Check if accompanied by window product order for'APPROVED
,2p 18
� Page___ of___ Check if NOT accompanied by window product orde'12,s�y��d6'b0 AM
SALES REP ID NUMBER REFERENCE Check if accompanied by Sidelight&Transom Order Form
1 49/16" Frenchwood Hinged(FWH) 1 FWH2968 00 1 Dark Bronze Dark Bronze
2 2
a 3 U 3
s 4 4
2 Hardware Key Metro Hardware Collection Andiron Hardware Collection Estate Hardware Collection
1 (X) BOTH X Newbury Oil Rubbed Brz
2 ( I ) INTERIOR _ _ _
3 ( E ) EXTERIOR _ _ _
Matched Hinges(inswing doors only) Grille Type Grille Width Grille Pattern WxH Hardware Accessories Quantity
1 Matching Auxiliary Lock(FWG,PS,NLGD) 1
z 4
0 I I
Z5 Insect Screens Sill Options Mull/Joining Kits Qty Jamb Accessories Depth Quantity
1 Glidir
Special Instructions: Room Locations: Floor: Thresholds Quantity
1 Oak Threshold
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