HomeMy WebLinkAboutA18-0038_approved documents_1531752686.pdf 75 South Frontage Road Fire -Construction Permit West, TOWN OF VAIL A18-0038 Vail, CO 81657 Issued: 07/16/2018 TOWN of VAILOFOffice:970.479.2139 Inspections: inspections@vailgov.com Property Information Address: 4273 COLUMBINE DR(210112207011) (210112207011 ) Unit#: P a r c e IN u tuber: 210112207011 LegalDescription: Subdivision: BIGHORN 3RD ADDITION Block:9 Lot: 16 Contacts ContactType: Applicant Full Name: Brad Wolniak Address: 210 Edwards Village Blvd A108 Edwards,CO 81632 Phone: 9709268788 ContactType: PropertyOwner FuIlName: RS2 LLC Address: Phone: None Contractor Contractor Type: Alarm Company: SuperiorAlarm& Electronics, Inc State License#: Phone: 970-926-8788 Projectlnformation ProjectName: RS2 LLC Residence 2017 ProjectDescription: Install monitored fire alarm system-West side Fees Paid Account:001-0000.31111.00 Fire Alarm PermitFee Fee Amount: $120.00 Account:001-0000.31123.00 Fire Alarm ReviewFee Fee Amount: $288.00 TotalPaid: $408.00 Conditions Issued By: Town ofVailFire and EmergencyServices Department NOTICE: By issuance of this Permitthe applicantagrees to complyto all Titles of the Townof Vail Code and all applicable State and Federal law. Failure to do so will void this Permitand the applicantshall forfeitall applicable fees. GE IntrusionSolutions Security Concord4 Overview Concord'4 is a full-featured securitysystemforresidentialand Macrokeys(availableonlyonATP2100and ATP2600touchpads) commercialintrusionas wellas residentialfiredetectionthatcomplies simplifysystemoperation.Pressing a sing lebuttonperforms7 system withfalsealarmstandards.Easytoinstalland simpletouse,Concord's command,eliminating the need toenterin an entirecommand modulardesig nand advancedsoftwareprovideoutstanding system string Eachofthefourmacrobuttonson thesetouchpadscan be flexibilitytomeettheneedsofvirtuallyanyresidentialorcommercial programmed to performone systemcommandperpartitionSystem securityapplication. commandsup to 14keypressescan be programmed. H ig hstandards Macrokeyscan be usedtocreatecustomarminglevels.Forexample, a usermig htcreatean arminglevelthatwouldautomaticallybypass The panel comesstandardwitheig hthardwirezoneinputs,including selected interiorsensorstocreatea special"Nig ht"mode setting. a 2-wiresmokedetectorloopthatcan handle up to 20 detectorsA built-inR F receiverwith 96-zonecapacity(600-1021-95R onlylprovides instantcompatibiltywiththecompletelineof GE SecurityLearnMode Standard Features sensors.Twoprog rammableoutputscan be setup toactivateexternal devicesduringan alarmor othersystemevent. •Six partitions and eightbuilt-inhardwirezones-96zones maximum Easyexpansion as eitherhardwirewireless,or combination •96 wireless zones standard onboard(600-1021-95 Ronly) ExpandConcord'scapabilitiesbyadding SuperBus®20008Z Input •Two onboard programmableoutputs Modulesforeig htadditionalzonespermodule,or SuperBus2000 •Compatiblewithall GE Securitycrystaland SAW LearnMode sensors 4-RelayOutputModulestoadd fourmoreoutputpoints.SnapCards" •SIACP-01 FalseAlarmReductionStandard compliant also add tosystemzoneinputsand outputs.Eachcardlone perpanel) •2-and 4-wiresmokedetectorcompatibility connectseasilytothe panelcircuitboardinsidethecabinetfora •Panel auxiliarypowerprovidesl amp clutter-free,professional installation.IncreaseRFcoverageareaby •Built-inl2-wattsirendriver adding up tofourSuperBus2000 RFreceivers or SuperBus 2000 RF transceivers.Each receiversupportsall 96 zones. Expandthesystemevenfurtherwitha Phonelnterface/Voice Module Addition al Features foron-and off-site systemcontrolusingtouch-tonephones.The •230 user-programmable access codes with programmable module includesa speakeroutputthatprovideson-sitevoicestatus authoritylevels and alarm messages. •Latchkeynumericpaging withoptional keychaintouchpad activation Addinga SuperBus 2000 Energ SaverModule letsuserscontrol •Audio verficationin partition)withVOXmode heatingand air conditioning The PowerLineCarrierPowerTransformer (requireslnterrogator®2001 adds X101ightcontrol.TheWirelessGatewayModuleallowsusersto •250-evenihistorybufferviewablefromanyalphanumerickeypad, controland monitorthestatusofthesystemfromtheAlarm.com Downloader,orautomationdevice Website. •Keyswitch arming using a hardwireorwirelesszone Increasepowercapabilityforsystemperipherals witha SuperBus2000 •Programmable on siteusing alphanumerictouchpadsor offsite 2-amp PowerSupplyModulewithbatterybackup.The module provides using Enterprise 2 ampsat 12VDC. •Timeand statusdisplayed on all touchpads •16schedules availableforscheduled lighting and outputs Effortless programming Conductquickand easy on-siteprogramming withalphanumeric touchpadsand a menu-driventextinterfacewithshortcutmenu numbers.A quick programming menu makesit eveneasierto install smaller,basicsystems.Foroff-site prog ramminguse Enterprise® downloadersoftware(version3.land later). Concord 4 Powerful, expandable security with Learn Mode technology #•dingo GE Security NorthAmerica Specifications T 888-GE-SECURITY p 888-437-3287 Powersupply Outputs Required transformer Class II,16.5VAC,40VA,60Hz 12VDC,I.OA(max.combined Asia 12VDC,4.5Ahor7Ahre OUT1/+12V loutputl) withauxiliar owerout utl F852-2142-8108063 Backupbattery char eablesealed,lead-acid OUT2/OGout ut2) Open-collector,r,300mAmax F 852-2142-5063 g P Batterybackuptime 24 hours(whenfullycharg ed, Reg ulatedçurrent limited, Australia withappropriate externalload) Auxiliarypoweroutput self-resetting 12VDC:1.OA T 61-3-9239-1200 15 minutesunder load every (max.combinedwithoutputl) F 61-3-9239-1299 Batterytest 24 hourslevery4 hoursfor UL installations) Environmental Europe Transformerfuse Non-replaceable fuse 32 to 120°FIOto49°Cl;up T 32-2-725-11-20 Operating temperature to 140°F(60°Clunder F 32-2-721-40-47 Panelauxiliary Current-limited,l.OA max. temporary conditions voltageoutput @ 12V DC -30to140°F(-34to60°C) Latin America Communication formats Storag etemperature T 305-593-4301 DTM For pulsewithintegrated Relativehumidity 90%max.,noncondensing F 305-593-4300 Dialing lineseizurerelay SIA Dig itall1(300bpslor Physical www.gesecurity.com Formatssupported ContactlD 14.Ox 12.Ox 3.0 in.(356x 305 Dimensions1HxWxD) x76mm) Specifications subject to 3 centralstationphone change without notice. Capabilities numbersand 5 pag er Weight 51b.,10oz.12.5kgI phonenumbers Chassismaterial 0.048-in.11.2mml16gauge ©2010 General Electric Company steel,punchedand formed All Rig hts Reserved Inputs Color Beige 96 max.hardwireor wireless; 8 hardwirezonesbuiltin,96 Regulatory Inputzones zonewirelesscapacitybuiltin FCCPartsl5and 68 (600-1021-95R only) UL 985,U L 1023,UL 1635 Databusformat SuperBus2000with UL 1611600-104gganelonly), auto-enrolling capability cUL Databuscapacity Upto l6devices SIACP-012000 False Alarm Prevention Ordering Information Concord4 panels Touchpad options 600-1021-95R Concord4 RF panel 60-597-95 HiTechhandheld touchpad 600-1040 Concord 4 Commercial(does not include 96 zone 60-659-95R/60-832- Crystal,SAW and encrypted Learn More keychain wireless receiver) 95R/60-606-319.5 touchpad Expansion options 60-746-01/60-803-04 SuperBus 2000 2x16 and 2x20 LCD alphanumeric 60-620-01 SuperBus2000 energysaver module(ESM) touchpads 60-756 Combo input/outputSnapCard 60-804-04 SuperBus 2000 2x20 vacuum fluorescentdisplay 60-757 8Z hardwireinput SnapCard alphanumeric touchpad 60-758 4-outputSnapCard 60-820 SuperBus 2000 fixed display LCD touchpad 60-770 SuperBus 2000 4 output module 60-983 ATP1000 alphanumeric touchpad 60-774 SuperBus2000 8Z input module 60-985/60-984 ATP2100 and ATP2600alphanumeric touchpads 60-783-02 SuperBus 2000 automation module 600-1020 FTP1000fixed englishtouchpad 60-777-01 SuperBus 2000 phone interfaceand voice module Transformeroptions SuperBus2000 commercialtransceivermodule 600-1023 16.5 V,40 VA standard transformer,UL listed for 60-821-95 (compatible with crystal sensors and touchpads) U.S.applications 600-1053 SuperBus2000 GSM module 600-1023-CN 16.5 V,40 VA standard transformer,cUL/CSA listed 600-1019 SuperBus2000 2.0 A power supply module for Canadian applications 600-1025-01-95R SuperBus 2000 transceiver module 600-1024 16.5 V,40 VA power line carriertransformer,UL listed for U.S.applications 0 1'6 imagination at work 910-3243 2010/01 160105) Concord ATP-1000 and FTP-1000 mom • i. Touchpads fo ruse with Co nco rdSystems OVERVIEW Specifications Control Concord°panels witheithertheATP-1000 AlphanumericCompatibility Concord 3,Concord Express, programmable touchpad orthe FTP-1000 Fixed Eng lishtouchpad. Concord Ultra,Concord 4 Messages aredisplayed in a large and easy-to-see LCD window,and Electrical emergenc*eys are highlighted on the touchpad forsafety. Voltage 12VDC nominal Current 75mA(FTP-1000) BoththeATP-1000 and the FTP-1000 touchpads allowcontrol of 60mA typical,110mA in alarm Concord Express,Concord 3,Concord Ultra,and Concord 4 products. Current (ATP 1000) The large disp layprovides easy-to-read messages that indicate the Environmental Operatingtemperature 32 to 120°F(0 to 49°C) current status ofthe system.In addition,the ATP-1000 touchpad can be Sto rag etemperature -30 to (-34 t 140°Fto 60°C) used fo rinstaller/user programming ofthe Concord control panels and Relativetemperature 85%max.,n140°F sensing has the added capability of displaying customized zonenamingtext. Physical Bothtouchpads include police,fire,and auxiliarypanicbuttons thatcan Dimensions(LxWxD) 5 x 4.5x.75in.(127x 114 x 19 mm) beactivated anytime.A built-in speaker provides alarm,status,and Regulatory buttonpress so unds.The swing-down doorreveals a label withbasic UL(985,1023,1610) cUL(C1023-1974,S545-M89) system operating commands—or remove the do o rb ysimp lyo p eningit ForcULlistedapplications,theunitshallbe installed inaccordance past its sto ppoint.Thedoorcan b e reattached laterif desired.Emergency with Part1 of theCanadian Electrical Code. keys are highlighted on the keypad forsafetyand ease ofuse.Allkeys are backlit to insure errorfree operation—even in a darkroom. Ordering Information STANDARD FEATURES 600-1020 Fixed Eng lishTouchpad • Large easy-to-read display 60-98 3 Alp hanumericTouchpad • Improved backlighting of display and keys for better visibility •Stand-alone panic keys •Stand-alone arming keys •Traditional design to blend with any decor • Easy to install interlogix North America ` United Technologies T 855-286-8889 Asia interlogix.com T 852-2907-8108 Specifications subject to change without notice. Australia T 61-3-9239-1200 ©2013 Interlog ix. All rights reserved. Europe Interlog ixis part of UTC Climate,Controls&Security, T 32-2-725-11-20 a unit of United Techno log iesCorporation. Latin America 302-3636 2013/06 (74066) T 561-998-6114 SYSTEM • �$ SENSOR`°' TM i4 Series Combination • CO/Photoelectric Smoke Detector (1 Best-in-class carbon monoxide(CO)an dsmoke detection technology i na single, system-connected device. Features Integration:The i4 Series combines CO and smoke detection • Single device for CO and smoke detection that uses less wiring into one device, requiring less wiring and fewer back boxes than two separatedevices.The i4 Series is compatible with i3(2WTA-B and fewer junction boxes or 4WTA-B),so an attractive CO monitoring solution can easily be • Compatible with a wide range of control panels with the use of the retrofitted into existing i3 installations.The i4 Series CO cell can be required i4 I nterfaceModule. easily replaced at end-of-life, resulting in a much lower life cost than • Sends distinct smoke and CO signals to the panel having to replace the entire detector. • Sounds Temporal 3 for smoke and Temporal 4 for CO Installation ease:The i4 Series Comb inationCO/Smokedetector • Built-in 85dB sounder requires less wiring than two separate CO and smoke devices. • LEDs display both CO and smoke status Installers can pre-wire its plug-in base,while its large wire-entry port and in-line terminalsp rovideample roomfor neatly routingwiring.The • External I R LED provides extended range sensitivity testing base accommodates several back box optionsand also direct mounts • Versatilemounting allows for wall or ceiling placement using drywallanchors.The i4 head plugs into the base with a simple • Easily rep laceableelectrochemical CO cell with 6-year end-of-life Stop-Drop'N LockTM action.When the detector's CO cell reachesend- timer that signals the panel and chirps to alert the homeowner of-life,it can be easily rep lacedin the field withouta tool. • RealTest®enables functional test using canned CO Intelligence:With the help of the module, the i4 Series transmits • Drift compensation and smoothing algorithms provide false distinct CO and smoke signals,allowing appropriate response alarm immunity from the central monitoring station.I ntelligentfeatures,such as drift • Compatible with SENS-R DR sensitivity tester compensation and smoothing algorithms,reduce nuisance alarms. • Full agency compliance with UL 268 and UL 2075 Instant inspection:The i4 Series LEDs enable instant inspection of detector status signaling normal/standbycondition,alarm condition, maintenance/trouble condition or functional test mode. 2-wire devices allow loop testing via the EZ Walk featurewhere wiring can easily be verified by checking the LED status at each detector. Smoke sensitivity can be easily measured using the wireless SENS- RDR device.CO cell functionality can also be quickly validated in the field with canned CO per NFPA720:2009 requirements using the Agency Listings detector's RealTest functionality. UL LISTED S268 1653:0227 i4 Series Combination CO/Smoke Detector Specifications Carbonmonoxide(C0)/Smoke detector shall be a System Sensor model number COSMO-2W(2-Wire)/COSMO-4W(4-Wire)listed to UL 268 for Fire Protection Signaling Systems and to UL 2075 for CarbonMonoxide Gas Detection.The detector shall be photoelectric smoke sensing and electrochemical CO sensing and equipped with a sounder cap ab leof Temp3 and Temp4 audible signals.The detector shall have nominal sensitivity of 2.5 percent p erfoot as measured in the UL smoke box.The detector shall be cap ab leof automatically adjusting its sensitivity by means of drift compensation and smoothing algorithms.The detector's base shall be able to mount to a single-gang electrical box or direct(surface mount)to the wall or ceiling.Wiring connectionsshall be made by means of SEMS screws.The detector shall provide LED indication that blinks to indicate normal standby,smoke alarm,smoke maintenance,CO alarm,CO trouble/end-of-life.When the detector is in CO troub lecondition,it shall send a troub lesignal to the panel.The detector shall p rovidea means to test CO gas entry into the CO sensing cell.The detector shall providethis with a test mode that acceptsCO gas froma test agent and alarms immediately upon sensing CO entry.The 2-wiremodel shall include a maintenancesignal to indicate the need for maintenanceat the alarm control panel and shall p rovidea loop testing capability to verifythe circuitwithouttesting each detector individually.The detector shall have a replaceable CO cell that can be rep lacedat end of cell life. Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage(VDC): Nominal:12/24;Minimum:8.5;Maximum:35 Maximum Standby Current: 50 uA MaximumAlarm Current: 2-Wire50mA;4-Wire40mA AudibleSignal: 85 dBA Maximum Reverse Polarity Current: 20 mA Maximum Start-up Current: 200uA Maximum Start-up Capacitance: .10 lJF Physical Specifications Dimension: Diameter:5.5 Depth:2.5"(includes base) Weight: 9.2 oz.(261 g) Operating Temperature Range: 0—50°C(32—122°F) Operating H umidityRange: 20-95%RH StorageTemperature Range: -10—70°C(14—158°F) Sensitivity: 2.5%/ft nominal InputTerminals: 14 to 22 AWG Mounting: Backboxes:3.5"and 4"Octagonal;Single-gang;4"Square;2 x 4",3.5"and 4"round ceiling. Direct mount to wall or ceiling. Operation Modes/LED Status Green Red Blue Sounder Alarm Smoke: Off On Off Temp3 AlarmCO: Off Off On Temp4 AlarmSmoke&CO: Off On On Temp3 Power Up: Blink 5 sec. Blink 5 sec Blink 5 sec. Off Standby: Blink 5 sec. Off Off Off RealTest®Mode(CO): Off Off Blink 1 sec. Off After CO is Sprayed: Off Off On Temp 4 SmokeMaintenance: Off Blink 5 sec. Off Off CO Trouble: Off Off Blink 5 sec. Off End-of-Life: Off Off Blink 5 sec. I ntermittent i4 Series Interface and Reversing Relay Module The i4 Interface Module connects u pt o1 2detectors t oa wide range of control panels using only 2 t o3 zones. I t also interconnects t h edevices, s o when on edevice alarms, they al lsound. Features Integration:The i4 module allows up to 12 i4 Series or compatible • Easily integrates up to 12 compatible detectors to a wide rangeof i3 Series smoke detector models to be integrated into a fire alarm panel using only 2 to 3 zones:a smoke zone,a CO zone and an control panels optional trouble zone. Detectorssound Temp 3 for smoke and Temp • 2-wire module is compatible with COSMO-2W combination 4 for CO events.The i4 module can be used to alarm all sounders in detectors and 2WTA-B smoke detectors. compatible detectorsfor smoke and CO events.When one detector • 4-wire module is compatible with COSMO-4W combination detects smoke or CO and goes into alarm,all connected detectors detectors and 4VVTA-B smoke detectors. alarm,offering the highest level of warning to the homeowner. • Sends distinct smoke and CO signals from i4 detectorsto the panel Installation ease:The i4 Series I nterfaceModule mounts to a • LED indication shows when a detector on the loop requires 411/1s-inch square back box for quick and easy installation.Terminal cleaning or maintenance(2-wire detectors only) blocks with durable SEMS screws ensure a reliable connection. I t • I nitiatesthe EZ Walk loop test(2-wire detectors only) also has pre-drilled holes for easy mounting inside a metal enclosure • Module interconnects the sounders of all devices connected to it. Intelligence:The i4 I nterfaceModule allows i4 and compatible i3 No RSS-MOD is required.Optional trigger inputs are provided to sound multiple modules. smoke detector models(2VVTA-B and 4WTA-B)to communicate with any listed fire alarm control panel capable of utilizing this module. Instant inspection:The i4 I nterfaceModule provides LED status indication for the loop,displaying normaloperation,loopwiringfault, smoke events,smoke maintenance(2-wire only),CO events,and CO maintenance/end-of-life. Agency Listings Tlfs UL LISTED S911 1653:0228 i4 Serieslnterface Module Specifications The i4 module shall be a System Sensor i4 Series model numberCOSMOD2W(2-wire)or COSMOD4W(4-wire)listed to UL 864 and UL 985 for Control Units for Fire Protection Signaling Systems.The module shall include provisions for mounting to 4-inch square backbox. Wiring connectionsshall be made by means of SEMS screws.The module shall p rovide4 LED indicators that blink or illuminate to indicate communicationstatus,maintenancealert,alarm or freezetroub leconditions,and EZ Walk loop test mode(2-wiremodule only).The module shall allowcommunicationto i4 Series and i3 Series detectors with sounderswith any UL 864-and UL 985-listedfire alarmcontrolpanel cap ab leof utilizing this module.The 2-wiremodule shall offer provisions for Style D/Class A wiring on I DC loop sand shall p rovidea loop testing capability(EZ Walk)to verify the initiating loop wiring. Electrical Specifications Module Operating Voltage(VDC): Nom.: 12/24;Min.:8.5(2-wire),10(4-wire,powerlimited);Max.:35 VDC(powerlimited) StandbyCurrent: 2-Wire:61mA(max.),45mA(12V I n),26mA(24V I n); 4-Wire:52mA1(max.),37mA1(12V I n),22mA1(24V I n) AlarmCurrent2: 2-Wire: 181mA(max.),121mA(12V I n),64mA(24V I n); 4-Wire:78mA1(max.),57mA1(12V I n),34mA1(24V I n) Maximum Ripple Voltage: 30%of ap p liedp ower MaximumAlarmThreshold: 9.2 VoItsDC Alarmand Maintenance Contact Rating: 100 mA @ 36 Volts DC,resistive,25 ohms Maximum Loop Wiring Resistance: 2-Wire50 Ohms;4-Wire300 Ohms Trigger inputs: Min On Voltage: 1.5V;Max.:Vin 1 Does not include current drawfromattacheddetectorsor EOL relay.2 Does not include reverse polarity current drawfromattacheddetectors. Physical Specifications Module Dimension: Height:6.04 Width:6.04 Depth:1.00" Weight: 9.6 oz.272(g) Operating Temperature Range: 0—50°C(32—122°F) Operating H umidityRange: 5-95%RH StorageTemperature Range: -20—70°C(-4—158°F) InputTerminals: 14 to 22 AWG Mounting: 411/16"square backbox or inside a metal enclosure Operation Modes/LED Status Green Yellow Red Blue AlarmSmoke: Blink 1 sec. Off On Off AlarmCO: Blink 1 sec. Off Off On AlarmSmoke&CO: Blink 1 sec. Off On On No power/No communication: Off Off Off Off Loopwiringfault: Blink 1 sec. On Off Off EZWalkTestMode(2-wire only): Blink 1 sec. Blink 5 sec. Off Off SmokeMaintenance(2-wire only): Blink 1 sec. Off Blink 5 sec. Off Smoke FreezeTrouble(P 2WTA-Bonly): Blink 1 sec. Off Blink 10 sec. Off CO Trouble: Blink 1 sec. Off Off Blink 5 sec. Module Power-Up Sequence/LED Status Condition Duration Maintenance/Freeze troub IeLED indication 6 minutes EZ Walktest available 6 minutes after powerup or panel reset Ordering Information Part No. Description COSMO-2W 12/24 volt,2-wire,system-connected,comb inationcarbonmonoxide/smoke detector with RealTest technology COSMO-4W 12/24 volt,4-wire,system-connected,comb inationcarbonmonoxide/smoke detector with RealTest technology COSMOD2W 2-wireinterface module(requiredto use with COSMO-2W models) COSMOD4W 4-wireinterface module(requiredto use with COSMO-4W models) CO-REPL Replacement CO cell forCOSMO-2W and COSMO-4W models SENS-RDR Sensitivity reader EOLR-1 End-of-linerelay(requiredwith 4-wiresystems) *--Th SYSTEM 3825 Ohio Avenue•St.Charles,IL60174 ©2013 System Sensor. SENSOR® Phone:800-SENSOR2•Fax:630-377-6495 Product specifications subject to changewithout notice.Visitsystemsensor.com forcurrent product information,including the latestversion of this datasheet. www.systemSensor.com coDs3o3o2•11/13 SYSTEM �$ SENSOR' • SmokeDetectorswith 4 1110 Sounder and RelayOption 1111 System Sensorir sounderand relaysmokedetectors applytheguidingprinciplesof installation ease, 3 intelligence,and instantinspection in a seriesof TAA specialty conventional devices. Features Installationease.Throughout the i3 series,installation is simple 85 dB sounder with its installer-f riendlybase and p lug-indesign.The base • accommodates a broad range of back box and direct mounting •Form C relay options and provides ample sp aceforpre-wiring the device.To Isolated thermal sensor complete the installation,the i3 detector p lugs into its base with a • simp leStop-Drop'N Lockaction. •Plug-in design (base included) Intelligence.To reduce the likelihood of nuisance alarms,all •In-line terminals P detectors are equip p edwith both drift comp ensationand •Flexible mounting options smoothing algorithms.These capabilities minimize both short-and Stop-Drop'N Lock'attachment to the base long-term causes of nuisance alarms,such as RF interference and • dust accumulation.When connected to the 2W-MOD2 loop test/ •Removable cover and chamber maintenance module or an i3 Ready'panel 2-wire i3 detectors can generate a remote maintenance signal when in a maintenance or •Remote maintenance signaling freeze trouble condition.To measure the sensitivity of any i3 detector, •Drift comp ensationand smoothing algorithms the SENS-RDRdisp laysthe reading,in terms of percent-per-foot •Simp lifted sensitivity measurement obscuration within seconds. •Dual-color LEDs Instantinspection.i3 has red and green LEDs to simplify local status indication during power-up,standby,alarm,maintenance, and freeze trouble conditions.When in alarm,i3 sounder models generate an 85 dB temporal tone.If connected to the RRS-MOD reversing relay/synchronization module,all i3 sounders on the loop will activate when one detector is in alarm.The RRS-MODalso synchronizes i3 sounder output to ensure a clear audible signal. Agency Listings Should the application call fordifferentiating between a local and a general alarm,the i3 line offers an isolated thermal model,which c MEA MSFM EIY initiates a local alarm when smoke is detected,and a general alarm LISTED APPROVED I approved approved cC•T� ® us when the thermal sensor is activated. S911 3015195 7272-1653:164 372-02-E 2133 3180932 Cb Smoke DetectorSpecifications Electrical Specifications LED Modes OperatingVoltage Nominal:12/24V non-polarized LED Mode Green LED Red LED Condition Duration 2-wire:8.5Vto35V Powerup Blink every Blinkeveryl0 Initial LED 80 seconds 4-wire:10 V to 35 V 10 seconds seconds status Maximum RippleVoltage 30%of applied voltage(peaktopeal4 indication StandbyCurrent 2-wire:50 pA maximum average Normal Blinkevery5 off 4-wire:50 pA maximum average (standby) seconds PeakStandbyCurrent 2-wire:100 pA Out of off Blinkevery5 4-wire:n/a sensitivity seconds MaximumAlarmCurrent 2-wire:2WTR-B:130 mA limited by control Freeze off Blinkeveryl0 panel trouble seconds 2WTA-B:130 mA** Alarm off Solid 4 wire:4WTA B,4WTR B:35 mA Power-UpSequencef or LED Indication 4WTAR-B,4WITAR-B:50 mA *'EDirectPower(Non-Reverse Polarity):130 Condition Duration mA limited by panel.Reverse PolarityPower: Initial LED 80 seconds 30 mA forthe 2WTA-Bin alarm;12 mA forall status other2WTA-Bunits on the loop.Add 25 mA indication forthe RRS-MODreversing relayalarm current. Architect/Engineer Specifications AlarmContactRatings 2-wire:n/a Smoke detectorshall be a System Sensoria Series model number , 4-wire:0.5 A @ 30 V AC/DC listed to Underwriters Laboratories UL 268 forFire Protection Signaling FormC ContactRatings 2 A @ 30 V AC/DC Systems.The detectorshall be a combination photoelectric/thermal Physical Specifications equipped with a sounder(model 2WTA-B,4WTA-B),a Form C relay(model 2WTR-B),a combination sounder/relay(model 4WTAR-B),or an isolated OperatingTemperature 32°F to 100°F(0°C to 37.8°C) thermal/sounder/relay(model 4WITAR-B).The detectorshall include a Range mounting base formounting to 31/2-inch and 4-inch octagonal,single-gang, OperatingH umidity 0 to 95%RH non-condensing and 4-inch square back boxes with a p lasterring,or directmountto the Range ceiling using drywall anchors.Wiring connections shall be made by means ThermalSensor 135°F(57.2°C)fixed of SEMS screws.The detectorshall allow pre-wiring of the base and the FreezeTrouble 41°F(5°C) head shall be a plug-in typ eThe detectorshall have a nominal sensitivity Sensitivity 2.5%/ft.nominal of 2.5 p ercenlp erfootas measured in the UL smoke box.The detector shall be capable ofautomaticallyadjusting its sensitivityby means of drift InputTerminals 14-22 AWG compensation and smoothing algorithms.The detectorshall provide dual- Dimensions(including 5.3 inches(134 mm)diameter,2.0 inches color LEDindication that blinks to indicate power-up,normal standby,out of base) (51 mm)height sensitivity,alarm,and freeze trouble conditions.When used in conjunction ApproximateWeight 7.1 oz(200 g) with the 2W-MOD2 module,2-wire models shall include a maintenance Sound Pressure Output 85 dBA(models 2WTA-B,4WTA-B,4WTAR-B, signal to indicate the need formaintenance at the alarm control p aneland and 4WITAR-B only) shall provide a loop testing cap abilityto verifythe circuitwithouttesting each Mounting 311/z inch octagonal back box 4-inch octagonal detectorindividually.When used in conjunction with the RRS-MODmodule, back box,single gang back box 4-inch square all i3 sounder models on a loop shall sound when one sounderalarms,all shall backboxwith a p lasterring directmountto be synchronized,and all sounders may be silenced from the panel. ceiling Ordering Information Model Thermal Wiring AlarmCurrent Model Description 2WTA-B Yes 2-wire 130 mA max.limited by RRS-MOD Reversing relay/synchronization module control panel 2W-MOD2 2-wire loop test/maintenance module 2WTR-B Yes 2-wire 130 mA max.limited by SENS-RDR Sensitivityreader control p anel RT Removal/replacement tool 4WTA-B Yes 4-wire 35 mA A77-AB2 Retrofitadap terbracket 4WTR-B Yes 4-wire 35 mA 4WTAR-B Yes 4-wire 50 mA 4WITAR-B Yes 4-wire 50 mA *--Th SYSTEM ©2009 System Sensor. 3825 Ohio Avenue•St.Charles,IL 60174 Productspecificationssubjecttochange withoutnotice.Visitsystemsensoccom for ��)' SENSOR Phone:800-SENSOR2•Fax:630-377-6495 currenyaroductnformation,includingthelatestversionofthisdatasheet. A05-0348-004.6/09.#2170 12/24VDC � � � _ CarbonMonoxide Detecto rwith SafeTestT0� 260-CO "Th 417 e o c1" flc\ 6> �I Overview Standard Features The SafeAirTM 260-CO carbon monoxide(CO)detectoris an accu- • 10-year end-of-lifesignal rate and reliable means of alerting building occupants of potentially • SafeTestt"feature — functional test with sprayof real CO gas dangerous levels of CO in the protectedarea.The internal electro- chemical sensor communicates with a sophisticatedon-board • Advancedelectro-chemical sensing technology microprocessor that accurately tracks CO levels overtime. • Wiring option activates sounders of all connected detectors This commercial-grade detection technology results in quick when any one of them goes into alarm response,reliable sensing,fast reset time, and superiorfalse alarm • Deep housing with plenty of room forwiring immunity. Its small size allows the 260-COto blend inconspicu- ously with any deco r,and its smooth contoured design is compat- • UL 2075 compliant ib le with both residential and co mmercialenviro nments. • Transmits sensor end-of-lifeto the sup ervisingpanel and cen- Unaffected by normal indoor temperature variations,the 260-CO tral station if the system is monitored auto maticallyadjusts forenvironmentalchanges and operates • CO sensitivity conforms to UL 2034 requirements reliablyunder a wide variety of conditions. It also monitors its own performance and compensatesfor sensitivity drift throughout the • Built-in trouble/power sup ervisio nrelay course of its service life. • Self-diagnosticskeep the device op eratingoptimallythrough- The 260-COfeatures the SafeTestTM functional test feature,which out its service life facilitates testing with real CO gas.SafeTest meets the functional • 12 or 24VDC operationand 150mA Form C relay test requirement in NFPA 720, 2009/2012 editions. • LargeSEMS terminals ease wiring installation 14 to 22 AWG Like all CO detectors,the 260-CO has a limited service life. But • One-touchTEST/HUSH button simplifies local operation unlike most,which last only six years,the 260-CO'sadvanced sensor features a service life rated at 10 years.When it approach- • Integrated85 dBa temporal-4sounder forlocal notification es this point,the 260-CO'send-of-lifdimer auto maticallytriggers • On-board_EDprovideslocal alarm and trouble indication a warning that indicates the device must be serviced.This warning annunciates at the detector, as well as at the control panel,and • Inconspicuous footprintand attractively contoured design optionally at a remote monitoring station. • Adapter plate simplifies rep lacing ESL 240-CO edetectors An integrated temporal-4 sounder provides localsignalingcapability fo rthe 260-CO,and it easily interfaces with any intrusion o r fire alarm system by means of its outputrelay.Its Iowcurrent draw results in little additional demand on the system power supply. Pagel of4 DATA SHEET ESL85001-0632 interlogix.com Not to be used for installation purposes. Issues Application ✓ Centrally located on every habitable level of the building and in everyHVACzone based on an engineering evaluationcon- The SafeAir 260-COCarb o nMonoxide Detector is intended for sidering potential sources and migration of carbonmonoxide ordinary indoor-dwelling unit applications in both residential and commercial occupancies, including single/multiple family residential 1( On the ceiling in the same room as permanentlyinstalled fuel occupancies,hotel rooms,dorm rooms,and otherareas approved burning appliances by the authority havingjurisdiction(AHJ).The 260-COdetector ✓ In any area required by local building codes,legislation,or the can co nnectto either UL 985(Ho useholdFireWarning)or UL 864 autho rity having jurisdictio n (Commercial Fire)controlpanels.lt is not intended foruse in indus- 1/ On a firm, permanentsurface trialapplications such as gasoline refineries or parking garages, which require different listings. Do not install the CO detector: The 260-COis a four-wire devicethat uses a Class 2 output from X Within 5 ft.(1.5 m)of any cooking appliance a controlpanel.Nonetheless,the primary alarm notificationde- X Within 10 ft.(3 m)of a fuel-burningappliance vice remainsthe 260-CO's internalsounderwith the controlpanel X Near air conditioners,heatingregisters,and anyotherventilation secondary to these purposes.The 260-COis not a sub stitutefo rlife source that may interfere with CO gas entering the detector safety devices,and should be only considered as an integralpartof a comprehensive safety program. X Wherefurnitureor draperies may obstructthe airflow X In a recessed area Selecting a suitable location is critical to the correct operationof CO detectors.Install the 260-CO in accordance with NFPA 720 Standard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide(CO)Detection and Warning Equipment. Place wall-mo unteddetecto rsat least Operation 5 ft.(1.5 m) up fromthe floor.For ceiling mounted applications, SafeTest functional test:This test facilitates the use of CO test place the detectorat least 1 ft.(0.3 m)fro many wall. sprayto verify the correct operationof the detector,which is man- Recommended CO detector locations: datoryper NFPA 720.The SafeTest mode is activated by pressing ✓ Within 10 ft.(3 m)of all sleeping areas,including areassuch and holding the test/hush button for 5 10 seconds.While in Saf as hotel rooms and dorm rooms. eTest mode,directing UL-classifiedCO testing sprayat the sensor port will result in the activationof the alarm relay,and the sounder ✓ In a suitable environment:areaswith a temperature range and red LED in a temporal-four pattern.Pressing and holding the of 40 to 100 °F(4.4 to 37.8°C)and with a relative humidity test/hush will exit SafeTest mode. range of 10 to 90%noncondensing. ✓ In residential dwellings, locate detectorsin every bedroom Distinct temporal-four sounder alarm:The 85 dB temporal- and on each level.At a minimum, place one detectoroutside four sounder providesa distinctive alarm notification that is easy the sleeping areas. to differentiate fromsmoke alarm notification devices.The alarm beeps four times, rests five seconds and then repeats the pattern. Test/hush button:Use the test/hush button to test the alarm and silence an activatedalarm.Pushing the test/hush button silences 'Mil the integral sounder forfive minutes.The red alarm light stays on owiiiiiiirmippril and if CO is still presentafterfive minutes,the detectoronce again WI W sounds in the temporal-four pattern. r� p = " End of sensor life indicator:The detector uses both a flashing ���� ! Imo`_ green LED and intermittent so underchirpsto indicatethat the de- I _' X111111,1- '��' tectorneeds replacing.To silence the detector, push the test/hush grolliiini - 1.1Olir4a\—== button.The detector also begins signaling a troublewhen the CO sensoris approaching end-of-life. Common trouble relay:The trouble relay opens to indicate a trouble condition upon lost power,CO sensor cell trouble,or cell 0 Recommended locations fo rCO detectors end-of-lifeWhen connectedto a listed controlpanel,the trouble Always checkwithyour local buildingcodes, relay can report a troublecondition locallyat the paneland option- legislation,and Authority HavingJurisdiction ally at the central station,if the system is monitored. for specific CO location requirements in yourarea Recommended CO detectorlocations in commercial occupancies: WARNINGS:Connect the CO detectoronly to a zone dedicat ed exclusivelyforCO detection and that is monitored 24 hours ✓ Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity a day.Do not connect to an initiating circuit with fire or security of the bedrooms(including areassuch as hotel rooms and devices.Failureto properly install,test,and maintain a CO dorm rooms) detector may cause it to fail,potentiallyresulting in loss of life. ✓ On every occupied level of a dwelling unit, including base- ments, but excluding attics and crawl spaces Page 2 of 4 DATA SHEET ESL85 001-0632 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1 Installation The 260-CO/240-COe , adap terp late The 260-COCarbon Monoxide Detectoris a four-wire device Use a 250-COPLT adaptor J designed to use a Class 2 output fro ma control panel or auxiliary platewhen replacing a 240- powersupply Listed to UL 985 or 864 standards. COe with a 260 Coto cover All wiring must conformto the NFPA 70 National Electric Code, UL any paint discoloration left 2075, NFPA 720, and applicablecodes.Use 14 to 22 AWG wire. behind. r Wiring Single device, Multip ledevices, Multip ledevices, single zone single zone separate alarm,troublezone EOL device EOL device EOL device �L�c - c - c `��ii - NC - NC II\�I ��I IlCo�71 NIC 0] NC 0 CEN moi.01 I;0I NO 0 NO Alarm + - `, '0, c IDC Power `N'* Nc 10] NC -1A. -IA Tandem Interconnect: Use a Single Circuit Reversal Module when wiring multiple 260-CO detecto rsfor tandem le.NC NC irE. Interco nnect.O n alarm,the NO NO module disconnects the detec- tor fromits normal powersupply and applies reverse polarityfrom f.* Nce r 'g* N the notification appliance +I,.circuit. EOL device +M! EOL device This causes the sounders to I I activateon other 260-COdetec- ® N m ® e m m e tors that are on the same loop. s . e e z . e e Onlythe initiatingdetectorwill ESL405 ESL405 PolarityReversal PolarityReversal sound and blink red.All others i Module Module in tandem mode will sound but 1 NC , e 5 , I,•; NC , s 5 7 not blink red. B ® ® ® "�t-c--• ® ® ® ® NOi_�� NO ® i ? ® ® ® ® ® i I ? ® ® is AlarmControl Panel Power NAC Alarm SUPV Power NAG IDC IDC IDC Control Panel Page3of4 DATA SHEET ESL85001-0632 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1 Specifications Input voltage 12 or 24 VDC supplied by UL 985 or UL 864 listed control panel or resettable auxiliarypowersupply Currentconsumption Normal 20 mA Alarm 40 mA(75 mA in test) Alarm relay 150 mA at 33 VDC Type Form C UL rating Zone Common trouble relay 150 mA at 33 VDC Type Normally opened held closed with powerapplied UL rating Common Sensor life 10 yearsfromdate of manufacture Sounder 85 dB Compatible control panel Listed to UL 985 or 864 standards Compatible electrical box 2-1/2 in.(64 mm)single-gang Wire size 14 to 22 AWG(0.25 to 2.0 mm2) Dimensions(W x L x D) Detector 3.1 x 4.6 x 1.4 in.(7.8 x 11.7 x 3.6 cm) Adapter plate 4.5 x 6.5 x 0.2 in.(11.4 x 16.5 x 0.5 cm) Color White 0 peratingenviro nment Temperature 40 to 100 °F(4.4 to 37.8°C) Relativehumidity 10 to 90%noncondensing CO sensitivity 70 ppm,60 to 240 minutes 150 ppm, 10 to 50 minutes 400 ppm,4 to 15 minutes North America T 885-286-8889 Asia T852-2907-8108 Ordering Information F 852-2142-5063 Model Descrip tion Australia 260-CO SafeAir Carbon monoxide detector,alarm&trouble relays, T 61-3-9239-1200 sounder,end-oflife signal, 12/24VDC F 61-3-9239-1299 250-COPLT-5PKG Adaptor plate fo ruse when rep lacingthe 240-CO eCO detector with a 260-CO Europe ESL405-01 PolarityReversal Module,24 VDC T32-2-725-11-2o ESL405-03 PolarityReversal Module,12 VDC F 32-2-721-40-47 ESL 405-05 PolarityReversal Module,12/24VDC Latin America CO Gas Test Spray Functional CO gas test spraySolo C-6 fro mSDI T 561-998-6114 (www.sdifire.com)availab lethrough security distribution. F 561-994-6572 interlogix interlogix.com Specifications subject to change without notice. ©2012 Interlogix. Interlogix is part of UTC Climate Controls&Security, a unit of United Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET ESL85 001-0632 7 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 1 SYSTEM _ �$ SENSOR' Mini-Horns F.. The SpectrAlert®Advance series of mini-horn sounders are designed t osimplify installations t oprovide primary and secondary signaling for fi ram dsecurity applications. Et) SPECTRimert difiemmyA N Features The MHR and MHW mini-horns operate at 12 and 24 volts and are ideal for hotel,motel or residential fire system applications,where a • 12 and 24V operation smaller notification device is desired.The mini-horns offer high and • High and low volume settings low volume settings,and temporal or non-temporal tones. The horns • Temporal and non-temporal tones can be mounted to single gang back box esfor aesthetically sensitive • Mounts to single gang back box applications.Synchronization is also provided when using the MDL module. • Compatible with MDL sync module • Mechanically and electrically compatible with PA400 series The MHR and MHW mini-horns can operate between 32 and 120 Mini-AlertTM sounders degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified, unfiltered power supply.They are listed to Underwriter's Laboratories • Listing for ceiling or wall mounting Standard UL 464 for fire protective signaling systems. Agency Listings U` tiNc Tz O s�OE LISTED APP® S4011 3028007 CS1099 7135-1653:196 SpectrAlert®Advance Mini-Horn Specifications Architectural/Engineering Specifications Mini-horns shall be a System Sensor Model MHR or MHW capable of operating at nominal 12 or 24VDC and shall mount to a deep single gang back box.Mini-horn shall be listed to Underwriter's Laboratories Standard UL464 for fire protective signaling systems.Mini-horns shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC,or full-wave rectified,unfiltered power supply.When used with the Sync•Circuif°Module, 12-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between nine and 17.5 volts;24-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 17 and 33 volts. Physical Specifications Dimensions 4.61 x 2.9"W x .45"D Weight 2.67 oz. Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 120°F(0°C to 49°C) Mounting Surface:deep single-gang back box(23/4"deep) Flush:Standard 4"x 4"back box with single gang mud ring,which allows sufficient clearance for conduit entrance. Electrical Specifications InputTerminals 12 to 18 AWG Nominal Voltage Regulated 12DC/FWRor regulated 24DC/FWR Operating Voltage 8-33 Operating Voltage with MDL 9-33 UL Sound Output and Current Draw Data Sounder Output(dB A) Switch Setting Pattern Output Level 8-17.5 VDC 8-17.5 VFWR Nominal 12 Nominal 12 16-33 16-33 VDC VFWR VDC VFWR 1 Temporal High 68 67 71 70 78 76 2 Temporal Low 66 65 69 68 76 75 3 Non- High 72 71 75 74 80 79 temporal 4 Non- Low 70 69 73 72 78 77 temporal Sounder Current Draw(mA RMS) 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts Switch Position Sound Pattern Volume DC FWR DC FWR 1 Temporal High 12 10 17 15 2 Temporal Low 10 9 14 13 3 Non-temporal High 22 17 29 25 4 Non-temporal Low 17 13 21 19 Ordering Information Part No. Description MHR Mini-Horn,Red MHW Mini-Horn,White *� SYSTEM ©2012 System Sensor. 3825 Ohio Avenue•St.Charles, IL 60174 Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit systemsensotcom �� I SENSOR® Phone:800-SENSOR2•Fax:630-377-6495 forcurrent product information,including the latest version of this data sheet. AVDS01500.3/12