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U„'•M—M 7/17/2018 12:00:00 AM
21 June 2018
Members of the Council:
On June 20, 2018,the DRB denied the proposed changes to the a pproved pla ns for the Solar Vail
employee housing project by means of a 2-2 vote.
The grounds for denia I were general incompatibilitywith Vail architecture. More specifica Ily,the DRB
had no issues with the colors or materia lsor the genera!form and detailing of the proposed building
facades,but rathertook issue with the simplicity of the south facing roof(the side facing I-70). While
acknowledgingthatthe simple roof would not be visible from the immediate vicinity,they were worried
a bout the impact this roof would have on views from Vail Mountain and other elevated viewpoints in
Rapidly rising construction costs(lumber up 60%since Ja nua ryas of two weeks ago and drywall up
15%),we have been forced to revise and simplify the building design as much as possible while still
keeping the number of units at 65. Among other steps,we removed the previously a pprovednorth wing
of the building that would have been on/in the 40%sloped hillside and simplified both the parking
garagesandthe roof design to tryand bring the building cost back within the supportablebudget.While
the USGS height of the ridge increased by 10',the height of the building itself(as measured by the TOV)
was essentia Ily uncha nged.
At the June 6th meeting of the DRB,we presented the revised design for the building that was
subsequently approved by the PEC(6-1 vote) on June 11 for conceptua I review. At that meeting the
members of the DRB had askedthat we look into adding dormers or other means of brea kingup the
simplicity of this roof. Based on cost considerations and the factthat adding dormers.etc that serve
only an unoccupied attic space provided no tangible benefits to the building occupants,we decided not
to follow the advice of the DRB members and re-presented the building on June 20 without any cha nges.
While we appreciatethatour proposed building is challengingfor the DRB,we would like you to
consider the following arguments:
(1) The existing SolarVail building is not only old and in dire need of significantinvestment,it is also
a building design that would likely not be approvedtoday. The proposed new building is a
significa ntimprovement.
(2) The proposed Sola rVail design is, in our opinion, not out of cha racterwith the immediate
neighborhood.We have no neighbor to the immediate east,north,or south. Our neighbor to
the west is the Red Sandstone Gymnasium,the Red Sandstone School and the new parking
structure,a very utilita ria n a nd commercia I set of buildings. Further to the west is the Lions
Ridge Apartmentcomplex which is very similar in overall design. The buildings to the south,
953 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 230 • Vail, CO 81657 • tel: 970.476.1 147
info@gpslarchitects.com • www.gpslarchitects.com
Appeal of DRB denial ofSola rVailcha ngestoapprovedplans,June 212018
across)-70, are governed by a very different and very specific set of design guidelines that do 14O 1I110
not a pplyto the Sola r Va it site.
(3) It is very difficult if not impossible to treata deed restricted employee housing project follaiir1812:00:00AM
the same design criteria used for multi-million dollar privateresidences and hotel/condominium
projects.If employee housing in the upper Va it Valley is to become a rea lity,the DRB has to have
the tools to a pprovedesign solutions that are more straightforwardand simple,yet a ppropriate
in their specific locations.The Solar Vail Project meets those criteria.
(4) The project will not/cannotgo forwardwith additional costs not directly related to the
occupa ncya nd operation of the building.The DRB recommendation would add ma rgina I
cosmetic elements to the roof but would not cha nge the genera I a ppea ra nceof the building nor
add any utility.We cannot a bsorb cost for further redesign or cost escalation resulting from not
being able to locking in subcontractor pricing. We need you to not only override the DRB
decision but do it without delay.
Tha nkyou,
Henry Pratt GPSL Architects
Johannes Faessler,Sonnenalp Properties
953 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 230 • Vail, CO 81657 • tel: 970.476.1 147
info@gpslarchitects.com • www.gpslarchitects.com
101 F
Department of Community D.
75 South Fro 9
OWN OF VAllTeL 970 •ail, 140 -.01
Development Review C idrdii+aatogo:oo AM
Appeals Form
General Information: This form is required for filing an appeal of a Staff, Design Review Board or Planning
and Environmental Commission action/decision. A complete form and associated requirements must be sub-
mitted to the Community Development Department within twenty (20) calendar days of the disputed ac-
Action/Decision being appealed: Denial of DRB 18-0216(Solar Vail Employee Housing) by a 2-2 vote.
Date of Action/Decision: 20 June 2018
Board or Staff person rendering action/decision: DRB
Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If yes, are you an adjacent property owner? ❑ Yes El No
Name (s) of Appellant(s): Sonnenalp Properties, Inc.
Mailing Address: 20 Vail Road
Phone: 479-5470
Physical Address in Vail: 501 N. Front•ge Road
Legal Description of Appellant (s) Pr.�;ij�' ail: Lot: 8 Block: 2 Subdivision: Vail Potato Patch
Appellant (s) Signature (s): •
(Attach a list of signatures if more space is r:quired.)
1. On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, provide a detailed explanation of how you are an
"aggrieved or adversely affected person".
2. On a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, specify the precise nature of the appeal. Please site
specific code sections having relevance to the action being appealed.
3. Provide a list of names and addresses (both mailing and physical addresses in Vail) of all owners of prop-
erty who are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including owners whose proper-
ties are separated from the subject property by a right-of-way, stream or other intervening barrier).
4. Provide stamped, addressed envelopes for each property owner listed in (3).
Submit this form and all submittal requirements to:
Town of Vail
Community Development Department
75 South Frontage Road
Vail, CO 81657
For Office Use Only:
Date Received: _ _ _ Activity No.: _
Planner: Project No: