HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC18-0021_Approved Documents_1533682273.pdf Planning& Environmental Commission(PEC) O) Department of CommunityDevelopment 75 South Frontage Road West TOWN OF VAIL ACTION FORM Vail,CO81657 Tel: 970-479-2139 www.vailgov.com Project Name: Solar Vail Employee Housing Application Number: PEC18-0021 2017 Application Type: Development Plan Date Applied: 05/11/2018 Changes to approved plans as documented in letterto the PEC dated Project Description: 5/14/2018. Changes include re-designof buildingto eliminate units at west end that are in the 40% slope, reconfiguration of floorsto reduce GRFAyet maintain 65 units, reconfiguration of east parking garage,redesignof roof. CONTACTS ContactType: Applicant Fu lI Name: GPSL Architects (Henry Pratt) Address: 953 S. Frontage Road West 230 Vail,CO 81657 Phone: 9704761147 ContactType: Property Owner Full Name: SONNENALP PROPERTIES INC Address: Phone: None Project Address: 501 N FRONTAGE RDW (210106302011) (210106302011) Job Site Location: Legal Description: Subdivision: VAIL POTATO PATCH FILING 1 Lot: 8 Block: 2 Parcel Number: 210106302011 BOARDS/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kurz Action: Approved Second By: Kjesbo Vote: 6-1 Date: 06/11/2018 Conditions: - 1. Approval of this amendeddevelopment plan is contingent upon the applicant obtainingTownof Vail approval of an associated Design Review Board application. - 2. The Applicant shall obtain an access agreement fromthe Townof Vail, in a formacceptable to the Town Attorney, for any and all driveway improvements on, over or across Town owned Tract A, Middle Creek Subdivisionand across Townowned Vail Potato Patch,Block 2, Lot 8. Such agreements shall be executed priorto issuance of a building permit. - 3. Concurrent with the submissionof a building permit application, the applicant shall submita site specific geological investigation,in accordance with Section 12-21-13, Vail Town Code, for any proposed development withina mapped Rockfall Hazard Area.Theapplicant shall be responsible for any changes to the building permit plans required by the professional geologist or registered professional engineerwho prepared the report. - 4. Priorto issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the building, the applicant shall legally execute and record with the Eagle County Clerkand Recorderthe Town of Vail TypeVI employee housing unit covenantforall sixty-five (65) residentialunits withinthe building. - 5. Priorto issuance of a buildingpermit, the applicant shall exchange eleven(11) existing deed restrictions on the property to other locations in the Town,thoughthe Employee Housing Unit Deed Restriction Exchange Program, Section 12-13-5 VailTownCode. However, if the applicant obtainsonly one building permit for boththe demolition of the existing Solar Vail buildingand for construction of the new development (as opposedto separate demolition permit and building permit), then the timingfor exchange of the eleven (11) existing deed restrictions on the property may be delayed until issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the new Solar Vail building. Planner: ChrisNeubecker COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE HIGHWAY ACCESS CODE - DESIGN WAIVER Region/Section/Patrol Local Jurisdiction State Highway No/Mp/Side Permit No.(if approved) 03/02/2M19 Fred Etter Eagle County [070A/175.53/Left318045 WHEN USED, THIS FORM SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ACCESS PERMIT APPLICATION. 1. State specific reasons for this waiver request.Documents verifying statements should be provided with the request.State the specific sections of the State Highway Access Code from which this request seeks relief.(Additional sheets may be attached).If waiver is temporary,state conditions which will change allowing the access to conform to the access code.If date is known when conformance can be achieved,provide that date. We are requesting a design waiver from SHAC Section 4.9(2)&(4) in regards to draining the driveway away at 2.0% for 20-feet and extending the access driveway 40-feet at a 90 degree angle. The site's steep topography, the location and elevation of the proposed building, and the required centerline turning radius limits our design alignment and grades from the North Frontage Road. We have included a intersection valley pan to capture drainage and provided a near 90 degree intersection angle. Please refer to the submitted plans for detailed information. NOTICE:Providing false information to a government agency is punishable as perjury in the second degree,as well as being punishable under any other applicable state or federal laws. This form submitted 'Date (X) , ITEMS BELOW THIS, INE ARE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY. 2. Recommendation of local government authority.When local government has issuing authority,this recommendation must be signed by an authorized offical.(provide written statement) (X) Date 3. Recommendation of region traffic and safety engineer or design engineer:(provide written statement) r ae m ct pq'c,t,EJ.Q.el •`S Wa,1 v air b a SP ®t-t- -- oce.c.y. 014 S I lvt4 I , (X) Date / 5 lit eit 4. Recommendation of th egion access manager:(provide written statement) reCI)me*s,di 9/000")Vat( oe k;r des.q„ war�/2•- be`cause or A 4,,,,041.c i.�ir.i�a7'c,nr of dye SaZ�Q y tai a dpi-oopoc.,-art m it,f q arr24.$4 ;f S yf'Trr�:� <qs,/� s7P/}er/ 'r6r e -/'p' ' 4.�c�.`7 47,,p.,4,,;,,. and t<r✓e ,pra�a si'J CDN ,`,�/a�'Clcn�+' $4?4/1 a eC�,�rempe�s�►te 5' 'e turgvl.,; rnoue.weA,- 4.14 •t/i des, , v-e 4',c4 . ( Date X) 5 J.O �Co nc� �� h�, Ry �i ccea� �'�'iy mer �J FINAL ACTION TAKEN BY THE REGION TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR: Having reviewed this waiver request and all materials attached,I hereby 0 approve, 0 deny,this request for waiver from the design standards of the State Highway Access Code.(signatttre shall be that of a registered professions r) Date (X) _ � s/ / Copy distribution,required 1.Region permit files 2.„1.-- •ccess S . Previous editions are obsolete and may not be used CDOT Form#112 8198 V • G °11111 ' PLANNING FEE RECEIPT TOWN OF VAIL Case # PEC18-0021 Date Printed: 08/07/2018 TOWN OF VAIL - FEES RECEIPT Planning Summary Type: Planning & Environmental Commission (PEC) Submittal Date: 05/11/2018 Subcases: Development Plan Bond Expire D ate: Changes to approved plans as docu mented in letter to the PEC dated 5/14/2018. Changes include Description of Work: re-design of building to eliminate units at west end that are in the 40%slope, reconfiguration of floors to reduceGRFA yet maintain 65 units,reconfiguration of east parking garage, redesign of roof. Property Information Address: 501 N FRONTAGE RD W(210106302011) Tax ID: 210106302011 Owner: SONNENALP PROPERTIES INC Contacts Contact Type: Applicant Company Name: GPSL Architects Full Name: Henry Pratt Address: 953 S. Frontage Road West 230 Vail, CO 81657 Email: henry@gpslarchitects.com Contact Type: Property Owner Full Name: SONNENALP PROPERTIES INC Address: Planning Fees Fee Information Account Amount Postage Fee 001-0000.31947.00 $7.28 Payment Information D ate Paid Payment Type Amount Postage Fee 08/07/2018 Check $7.28 Paid By:Sebastian Faessler-Notes:ck#105 FEE TOTAL $7.28 AMOUNT PAID BALANCE D UE $0.00 75 South Frontage Road West,Vail,Colorado 81657 08/07/2018-3:04:45 PM-Generated by:cgodfrey 1/1 r►III trciD,AIN UP/A MM FLagE1711 14 May 2018 Members of the PEC: First of all, thank you for your time and the p rojectap p rovalat our last meeting back in February. Much has hap p enedsince then and we need to come back in for app rovalof our prop osedchanges to the project. After our last meeting together, hard cost estimates for the projectfinally started coming in. It appears that in the last 6 months or so, lumber and steel p riceshave taken a very steep turn higher resulting in p rojectcosts being about $2m above what the p roject can sup p ort.With a deficit this large,the only way to cut costs is to cut scop eand comp lexitywithout cutting the number of units. While the building configuration is generally the same as before,we are proposingthe following changes. • We have removed the (10)ten "west wing" units that were supposed to sit on the 40%slope but ended up being dug into the hillside. • We have removed all officespace exceptfora small manager's officeat the entry. This allows us to recoup(3)three units as well as reduce the p ressureon the parkingnumbers. • We have reconfiguredeach of the east end multi-bedroom units into a studio and one bedroom. • GRFA has decreased from 38,383 SF to 37, 154 SF. • We have eliminated the "cut-away" design of the top floor and raised the roof so it can be constructedfrom limp le wood trusses. • Building height relativeto the p revioudy ap p rovedheight has increased by ap p roximately7'to 9'. Relative to the interpolated preexisting grade, we are app rox.60' to 65' to the ridges. • We have re-designed the east garage (12 sp aces)so that it is an open garage with tandem parkingthat sits under the building above. Even with tandem spaces,parkingmanagement is easier without need for office parking. • No change in the number of comp actp arkingsp aces p reviouslyap p roved. • Due to conversion of officesp ace into residential, we have eliminated two parkingspaces. • By eliminating the 24'drive aisle required for the garage,we are able to pull the mechanical spaces back under the building above and createa spacefortenant storage. • By moving the p reviouslyoutdoor accessible space into the enclosed west garage, we can re- grade the front half of the site and thereby raise the entire building by 2'. This reduces the cuts into the hillside and reduces the number and height of site retaining walls. • Setbacks have changed: North has increased significantly,East has decreased slightly and West has increased slightly(see p rojectdata sheet at the end of this letter). • No changes to entry drive or Fire lane. GPSL ARCHITECTS , P . C . 953 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 230 • Vail, CO 81657 • tel: 970.476.1 147 info@gpslarchitects.com • www.gpslarchitects.com Solar Vail; PEC Changes to Ap p rovedPlans- 14 May 2018 2 While we have maintained the unit count at 65 units, the distribution of unit typ eshas changed. No more 3 bedroom units (these would have been a challenge to keep occupied). Instead, a significant increase in the number of one bedroom units. • 39 Studios (42 as p reviouslyap p roved) • 22 One bedroom units (13 as p reviouslyap p roved) • 4 two bedroom units (6 as p reviouslyap p roved) • 0 three bedroom units (3 as p reviouslyap p roved) The enclosed west garage remains as app roved,albeit 18" higher than before. The east garage changes eliminate the need for a garage door and the door width variance you app rovedin February. We are prop osingto lose two(2) p arkingsp aces,reducing the total count to 32. But,this is more than offset by the p arkingsp aces(4)gained by converting most of the p reviouslyap p rovedoff ice sp ace into residential units. Asa result,there is a net gain of 2 spaces for use by the tenants. The parking management p lan has been amended to reflectmanagement of the tandem parking. Building setbacks have changed slightly as we have shiftedthe building slightly eastward on the site. North side (up hill)has increased significantly as we are no longer p rop osingto build into the hillside. East side setback has shrunk by about a foot and west side setback has increased by about 2' feet,South setback remains unchanged. Site coverage has drop p edsubstantially with the removal of the west wing and the pulling of the subterranean boiler room back under the building above. Amenity sp aces have moved around a bit but remain as app roved the ski room is now in the garage, the mail room is now in the garage, closer to where most tenants will enter the building, the laundry rooms are now closer to the middle of the building on every level instead of just the top three levels (the machine count is unchanged), and the lobby/common area remains as before. We have also created miscellaneous sp aces in the garage that can be used for tenant storage, bikes,etc. We hop ethat you will consider this p rojectas submitted and give us app rovalfor the changes so that we may get under way as soon as possible. We are still looking for an immediate start to construction and occupancyin late Fall of 2019.. Information required by the TOV as part of the application: Describe the natureof the proposeduse and measuresproposedto make the use compatible withthe other properties in the vicinity. App licantresponse: No real change in the use; still p redominatelyresidential- even more so with the conversion of officesp ace to residential. The relation and impactof the use on developmentobjectives of the Town. Applicantresponse: There are no changes to relation and impact on the Town's development objectives. The 65 employee housing units will come on line in late 2019. GPSL ARCHITECTS , P . C . 953 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 230 ■ Vail, CO 81657 ■ tel: 970.476.1 147 info@gpslarchitects.com ■ www.gpslarchitects.com Solar Vail; PEC Changes to Ap p rovedPlans- 14 May 2018 3 Theeffect of the use on lightand air,distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities,schools, parksand recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facility needs. Ap p licantresponse: No change fromthe ap p rovedp rop osalon light and air, distribution of population, transportationfacilities, utilities, p arksand recreation facilities, public facilities or needs. The taller ridge height will have no imp act on any neighboring p rop erties. Theeffect upon traffic, with particularreference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safetyand convenience, traffic flowand control, access,maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. App licantresp onse: No change from app roved. Theeffect upon the characterof the area in whichthe proposeduse isto be located, including the scale and bulkof the proposeduse in relation to surrounding uses. App licantresponse: Bulk and mass have been re-arranged. Building footprintis smaller due to removal of the units going up the hillside. Building will now appearas 4 stories with roof above instead of previous3 stories with mansards and flat roof. Proposed Design parameters(changes in red): Lot area (buildable): 42,637.5 sf (22,259 sf) Density: 65 EHU's(no changes) (39 studios, 22 One Bedroom,4 Two bedroom,0 Three bedroom) Total building area: 59,517 sf(53,463 sf) GRFA: 38,383 sf(37,154 sf) Max Height above p re-existing grade: app rox.60'-0"to 65'-0" Setbacks: North: 65' 0" (89'-9") South: 30' 0" (no change) East: approx.17'-10" (approx.16'-8") West: approx.7'-10" (approx.10'-0") Parking: 34 spaccs(9 compact)+ 1 loading bay(32 sp aces(9 compact)+ loading bay) Site Coverage: 13,947 sf(32.7 %}11,695 sf(27.4%) Paved area (on site only): 5,556 sf+ 1045 sf snowmelted Snow storage required(on site); 1,667 sf+ 105 sf= 1772 sf Snow storage p rovided(on site): ap p rox.2323 sf GPSL ARCHITECTS , P . C . 953 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 230 ■ Vail, CO 81657 ■ tel: 970.476.1 147 info@gpslarchitects.com ■ www.gpslarchitects.com Inter-Mountain ENGINEERING Civil Engineers & Surveyors March 30,2018 Sonnenalp Properties,Inc. Attn:Johannes Faessler 20 Vail Road Vail,CO 81657 Phone: 970-479-5444 j faess ler@asonnenalp.com Re: Solar Vail Apartments—Traffic Assessment Letter 501 North Frontage Rd.W,Vail,CO 81657 Dear Mr. Faessler: The purpose of this traffic assessment is to determine if the redevelopment of the Solar Vail property will require auxiliary lanes according to State of Colorado State, Highway Access Code, Volume 2, Code of Colorado Regulations 601-1 March 2002. As outlined in Section 3-13, auxiliary turn lanes shall be installed on category F-R roadways according to the criteria summarized below: • A left turn lane with storage length plus taper length is required for any access with a projected peak hour left ingress turning volume greater than 25 vehicles per hour(vph)for speed limits under 40 mph. • A right turn lane with storage length plus taper length is required for any access with a projected peak hour right ingress turning volume greater than 50 vehicles per hour(vph)for speed limits under 40 mph. • A right turn acceleration lane with taper is required for any access with a projected peak hour right turning volume greater than 50 vehicles per hour(vph)when the posted speed on the highway is greater than 40 mph and the highway has only one lane for through traffic in the direction of the right turn. (*Not applicable as the posted speed limit is under 40 mph) • A left turn acceleration lane with transition taper may be required if it would be a benefit to the safety and operation of the roadway or as determined by subsection 3.5. A left turn acceleration lane is generally not required where: the posted speed is less than 45 mph, or the intersection is signalized, or the acceleration lane would interfere with the left turn ingress movements to any other access. DENVER OFFICE 6551 S.Revere Pkwy.,Suite 165 I Centennial,CO 80111 I Phone:303.948.6220 I Fax:303.948.6526 VAIL VALLEY OFFICE 40801 U.S. Highway 6,Suite 203 I PO Box 978 I Avon,CO 81620 I Phone:970.949.5072 I Fax:970.949.9339 WWW_GOIME_COIV1 Re: Solar Vail Apartments—Traffic Assessment Letter 501 North Frontage Rd.W,Vail,CO 81657 EXISTING CONDITIONS The Solar Vail property is located at 501 N. Frontage Rd. W, Vail, Colorado and is located within the Vail Potato Patch Subdivision, Block 2, Lot 8 according to Eagle County records. The existing site driveway access is located at approximately milepost 175.6 along the Interstate 70 North Frontage Road (West), which is approximately 2,100 feet to the west of the Main Vail Exit 176. The North Frontage Road has a posted speed limit of 35 mph and is classified as CDOT Category F-R. Nearby adjacent access points are the Middle Creek Apartments (Ma Bell Rd.) approximately 1,700 feet to the east and Red Sandstone Elementary School approximately 700 feet to the west. The closest minor road intersection to the site property is Red Sandstone Road at approximately 2,460 feet to the west. All access points are along the northerly side of the North Frontage Road. The Solar Vail Apartments are owned by Sonnenalp Resorts and are used for seasonal employee housing. Sonnenalp Resorts has two locations where employees work: Sonnenalp Resort in Vail and Sonnenalp Club in Edwards. The original 3-story building constructed in 1978 (formally Sun Vail)has 24 one-bedroom units with 24 surface parking spaces available onsite. The existing access to the site is a steep asphalt paved driveway that intersects the North Frontage Road at a skew angle of approximately 66 degrees. The Solar Vail Apartments are located in close proximity walking distance along the pathways (approximately 1,200 feet to the west) to a public bus stop and pedestrian bridge crossing the interstate. The residents will be able to access both Sonnenalp Resort locations and the Town of Vail via the public bus service. Alternatively, residents can use the Town of Vail's core trail system to access a majority of the Town's amenities and central business district via the pedestrian bridge crossing the interstate or along the North Frontage Road pathway. The Sonnenalp Resort and Town core is within a mile walking distance.Refer to the attached vicinity map. PROPOSED CONDITIONS The redevelopment of the Solar Vail property will require full demolition of the existing building, site improvements, and existing access to construct the new building. The proposed Solar Vail Apartments will have four stories of housing over a parking garage, which includes a total of 65 deed-restricted employee units and 1,625 square feet of commercial office space. The employee housing units will be a mix of studio, one,two, and three-bedroom apartment units. The majority of the housing units will be occupied by Sonnenalp Resort employees, except for 9 housing units that are proposed to be transferred to other Town of Vail qualifying employers for their employees. The commercial office space will be occupied by Sonnenalp Resorts leasing office for support and management of the housing units. The newly constructed driveway access will be shifted to the east of the existing access by approximately 70 feet to ensure grades meet the code. The Owner will be granted an easement from the Town of Vail for the relocated access that crosses the Town's property. There are only 34 onsite parking spaces (covered and uncovered) provided. The Owner coordinated a parking variance from the Town's standards via a parking management plan.This plan demonstrates; • Close proximity or availability of alternative modes of transportation including,but not limited to, public transit or shuttle services. • A limitation placed in the deed restrictions limiting the number of cars for each unit. • A demonstrated permanent program including, but not limited to, rideshare programs, carshare programs, shuttle service,or staggered work shifts. DENVER OFFICE 6551 S. Revere Pkwy.,Suite 165 I Centennial,CO 80111 I Phone:303.948.6220 I Fax:303.948.6526 VAIL VALLEY OFFICE 40801 U.S.Highway 6,Suite 203 I PO Box 978 I Avon,CO 81620 I Phone:970.949.5072 I Fax:970.949.9339 WW W_t3 OIIU E_COM Re: Solar Vail Apartments—Traffic Assessment Letter 501 North Frontage Rd.W,Vail,CO 81657 There is a proposed loading bay onsite for deliveries and trash pickup. Fire and trash trucks will access the site from the Red Sandstone Elementary School property to the west and exit to the east. This driveway will have a secure gate to limit access for those entities only. TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY Projected traffic generation for the project is calculated using data from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 9TH Edition. The site is evaluated using 100%-unit occupancy with a single site access point from the North Frontage Road. This a conservative approach, as only 34 parking spaces are available for the 65 units. Trip generation for each land use was analyzed using the peak hour of adjacent street traffic for both A.M. and P.M. This redevelopment includes two land uses, residential and commercial. These land uses are calculated separately, but their respective peak hour trip generations are assumed to coincide and were combined for to the simplicity of this traffic assessment. The site weekday peak hour A.M and P.M trip generations for the 65 employee housing units and 1,625 square feet of commercial leasing space are calculated using land use data for Low/Mid-Rise Apartment (Code 221) and Single Tenant Office Building(Code 715),respectively.The ITE manual provides trip-generation rates for a variety of different apartment buildings, including low-rise (1-2 floors), mid-rise (3-10 floors), and high-rise (greater than 10 floors). Mid-rise and high-rise apartments tend to generate less vehicular traffic volumes when located in close proximity to public transportation and within close walking distances to shopping and employment opportunities. Using low-rise apartments trip generation rates should be a more conservative approach. The average trip generation rate was used for both land uses since no actual traffic counts were obtained. Assumptions were also made that the left turn (egress) and right turn (ingress) movement distribution is 70% due to the site location to the Town business core and the closer proximity to the I-70 on-ramp(Exit 176). Large truck trip generation was assumed to be limited and would occur during non-peak hours so it was not included. DENVER OFFICE 6551 S.Revere Pkwy.,Suite 165 I Centennial,CO 80111 I Phone:303.948.6220 I Fax:303.948.6526 VAIL VALLEY OFFICE 40801 U.S. Highway 6,Suite 203 I PO Box 978 I Avon,CO 81620 I Phone:970.949.5072 I Fax:970.949.9339 W WW_OOIM E_COM Re: Solar Vail Apartments—Traffic Assessment Letter 501 North Frontage Rd.W,Vail,CO 81657 Projected Traffic Generation DESCRITPION ITE VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATES TOTAL GENERATED TRIPS AND DISTRIBUTION ITE PEAK % CURRENT LAND USE CODE HOUR UNIT AVG. %IN OUT DHV VPH IN VPH OUT Low/Mid-Rise Apartment 221 AM 65 0.46 21 79 29.9 6.3 23.6 (Per Occupied DU) Low/Mid-Rise Apartment (Per Occupied DU) 221 PM 65 0.58 65 35 37.7 24.5 13.2 Single Tenant Office Bldg. 715 AM 1'625 1.80 89 11 2.9 2.6 0.3 (Per KSFA2) Single Tenant Office Bldg. 715 PM 1,625 1.74 15 85 2.8 0.4 2.4 (Per KSFA2) Table-1 PROJECTED LEFT TURNING MOVEMENTS CURRENT LAND USE ITE PEAK VPH VPH NOTES CODE HOUR IN* OUT* Low/Mid-Rise+Office 221/715 AM 2.7 16.8 <25 VPH Low/Mid-Rise+Office 221/715 PM 7.5 10.9 <25 VPH Table-2 PROJECTED RIGHT TURNING MOVEMENTS CURRENT LAND USE ITE PEAK VPH VPH NOTES CODE HOUR IN* OUT* Low/Mid-Rise+Office 221/715 AM 6.2 7.2 <50 VPH Low/Mid-Rise+Office 221/715 PM 17.5 4.7 <50 VPH Table-3 Notes: Trip Generation information is derived from the ITE Trip Generation Manual 9th Edition *Assumptions were made that left(egress)and right(ingress)turning movements will account for 70% Definitions: ITE=Institute of Transportation Engineers DU=Dwelling Unit DHV=Design Hourly Volume KSFA2=Units of 1,000 Square Feet VPH=Vehicles Per Hour Rate(s)=Trip Generation Per Unit DENVER OFFICE 6551 S.Revere Pkwy.,Suite 165 I Centennial,CO 80111 I Phone:303.948.6220 I Fax:303.948.6526 VAIL VALLEY OFFICE 40801 U.S.Highway 6,Suite 203 I PO Box 978 I Avon,CO 81620 I Phone:970.949.5072 I Fax:970.949.9339 WWW-G 0 I M E_C O M Re: Solar Vail Apartments—Traffic Assessment Letter 501 North Frontage Rd.W,Vail,CO 81657 AVG=Average SUMMARY As shown in Table-2, the projected combined ingress left turn AM and PM peak hour volumes are 2.7 vph and 7.5 vph, respectively. These projected peak hour volumes are less than 25 vph, therefore a left turn auxiliary lane is not required for this site. As shown in Table-3, the projected combined right turn AM and PM peak hour volumes are 6.2 vph and 17.5 vph (ingress) and 7.2 vph and 4.7 vph (egress), respectively. These are less than 50 vph and the posted speed limit is less than 40 mph,therefore a right turn auxiliary lane is not required for this site. Limited onsite employee parking, close proximity to the public bus stop, and amenities within walking distance is anticipated to minimize vehicular traffic to and from the site. Impacts to the adjacent intersections are negligible due to the low traffic volumes projected from the site compared to the higher volumes on the frontage road.No further intersection assessment was considered. Brad Stempihar,PE OQ' ��L!CF *'�h Inter-Mountain Engineering • 9 � � +,, r .` Enclosures: Vicinity Map i �`='t , :1 • • i o•3 ' DENVER OFFICE 6551 S.Revere Pkwy.,Suite 165 I Centennial,CO 80111 I Phone:303.948.6220 I Fax:303.948.6526 VAIL VALLEY OFFICE 40801 U.S. Highway 6,Suite 203 I PO Box 978 I Avon,CO 81620 I Phone:970.949.5072 I Fax:970.949.9339 WWW_G O I IVI E_CONI co }erti).. /y a 'TZ CSD 1‘60t. .••,,, --Int ; Z I— 1 ` gi Cr) Z 1— 64 i Z Q X •• ~ W M Wrr '� -� w y _ iw ;I:4.- •.. -, `S 1i y •i i: . . ' 1,4 It‘14;31.: '.., ,,,,..`--Pi, . tr,,-;,-_- Lu a _ Ld x G j'�• R• IL O- �,• Y ,r �'**. . ". LA.: '�� * < > 0 .. t. • 1 L1J -. om. +T '''•:.5,01"‘ tee•t� •4:�i a LL ..-..e. ` '• . u�1- �� S IA - V, ; ' ''''`_1 J_ '%..,-,,,,-,' t• � � 7 5F � W �1 �l-WY- r -4:U i ,, ,":r-t.. i :&f. . ,,. 4 Ili,* a t,...„.4, .0. ,-.1.i-,.. ...f ,., CD w , 4 * I Z J H o •ocSc&n Q u) L1J O O oF _ .� � • -r •. e�� O EC=&1B$ .� -. _ 1M x g LU D Q a « Baa _ - ..`.1..ti;'• Q $&gcc eg CO LU ..i - L. Z g Z o - -44- Ar3 . TF • • • ani i N....:". �?�.* � 0 E £S .. _ may : r d. • v r yeti %� yE�i_ a F `� 4'{ ' ''"".r -� .� 3 `¢ c-.. ti 0� :� z0 ,,. , . C LY In Iii rn o N COQ s 1',i y�‘ 'Y i ii. Y amu. - ..i �, .. / / : UTILITY APPROVAL&VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not Impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used In conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan,and elevations,shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COM- MENTS FROM THE UTILITY COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail, Subject Property Address: 501 N.Frontage Rd.W Lot 8 Block 2 Subdivision: Vail Potato Patch Prima o• •c 'A ner Representative: Brad Stempihar(Inter-Mountain Engineering) Phone: 970-949-5072 SP :/ . . , .. . Plans Dated: p i 1.15t — Primary Contac awner Representative Signature Authorized Signature Cotntnents Date fIf CENTURY LINK 970.328.8288(tel) hdl h14 �fAoPGmaeonn ft is the responsibility of the customer to obtain ' 970.328.8282(fax) locates and call to have moved any Centuryl,ink 02/23/2018 Contacts:Kelly MCCEernan facilities in direct conflict with this project,. keliy.mcclernon@cenferyiink.com XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS '('Ge( roes tfrr Ptes AcG-e.. (i{p6) 970.262.4077(tel) 303.570.5459(coil) ":- — - 0022- (DI ve ctirl qa f. rupbon, 970.488.1401(fax) i ir to the add i- a above, 11F6. is7 Contact:John Burette c.( I/f c. )ahn,w.surette@xcelenergy.cam HOLY CROSS ENERGY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, 970,947.5425(tel) / �!•1/�IO'T-- DEVELOPER WILL COMPLETE ALL . 970.945.4081 (fax) AGREEMENTS AND MAKE PAYMENT Contact:Jeff Vroom 3/1/18 jvtcom@holycross.00rn FOR ALL NEW AND RELOCATED HOLY CROSS ENERGY FACILITIES. XCEL Energy Please apply at xcelenergy,coln 970,262.4038(tel) 970,262.4038(fax) e n/rCc (--- for both demo and new 2/26/18 Contacts:Britt Mace Installation, brittany.mace@xcalenergy.com EAGLE STRi DISTRICT WATER&SANITATION � � a f( Urs„1-ei moi -to , • 970,477.5449(tel) k vtr t t1L �C ( t��vuEr L �i,,✓ 970.845.7218(fax) hel j ii i 111uAt 7 J{r C.Q;fe°V Rer 5\C6 U i Contact:Tug Birk ./��e.I L Q,, Fx,1rt hn) t,,,-c,{-t`' J dbirk@erwsd.org l ',t- 4_ O - a G�W4dlGit)n IN COMCAST CABLE +t'i in P[+VI r 970,930A713(tot) 303,603.1004(fax) Approved byComcast 2-27-18 Contact Michael Johnson MILhaet johilson pp MichaelJohnson@cable.cotncast.com COOT(Only in COOT Right-of-way) 970.683.6264(tel) Contact: Dan Roussln Daniel.roussin@dot,state.co.us NOTES: 1. Utility locations must be obtained before digging. i. 2. A Revocable Right-of-Way Permit may be required for any Improvements within a street right-of-way. Contact the Public Works Department for verification 970.479.2198. �. 3. It is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve problems Identified above. 4, The Primary Contact/Owner Representative Is required to submit any revised drawings to the above agencies for re-approval &re-verification if the submitted plans are altered In any way after the authorized signature date.