HomeMy WebLinkAbout303GoreCreekDr-U12-UGFC.pdf111111111111111111111111.111111. ■ y*y(j Contractor's Material & Test Certificate For Underground ion- rang Upon cornipietirm by work, inspection chseben laavna F�Csentative. Ail defects ai be eted and syrn left in servicefore contactor's personnel fiery the Job- 'k certificate sham be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving 5u tiinstes' con urn • and conyat:tor. Ir is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way prejudices any clam a or for faulty material., poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirement' or lel ordinances. )PERTY NAME kowisovSF .# I }PERTY ADDRESS 3 a 3 c,o f E g-E e 14Q)z. *1] VAI C, DATE• r' S7 ACCEPTED BY APPROVING AUTHORITIES(NAMES) ■ oro D0.iG - s A6.4- LLrG, .rArspL 4 .cAfizz f' t,..' YS ADDRESS 3 ,r i , . 0/.1 vi Art=, c o 4,16 C 7 INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PLANS #tigkEs ❑ NO EQUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED S NO IF NO,STATE DEVIATIONS HAS PERSON IN CHARGE OF FIRE EQUIPMENT B Ei Ai INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION OF CONTROL VALVES AND CARE&MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQU PM T? )yEs NO IF NO EXPLAIN a UCTIONS HAVE COPIES OF APPROPRIATE INSTRUCTIONS AND CARE&MAINTENANCE CHARTS BEEN LEFT ON PREMISES? n YES NO IF NO,EXPLAIN G A T ex,.,+lr rF' -7lr0 r ION SUPPLIES BUILDINGS g-010-1ittj PIPE TYPES AND CLASS - TYPE JOINT- ;ROUND PIPE CONFORMS TO 5 P A �° STANDARD SYES a NO VD FITTINGS CONFORM TO tis►a. 64 co STANDARD %YES n NO IF NO,EXPLAIN JOINTS NEEDING ANCHORAGE CLAMPED,STRAPPED, OR a YES NO BLOCKED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD IF NO,EXPLAIN tr Q J O 1E PITS ? P CION as per 10-2.2 of NFPA Flow the required rate until water is clear as indicated by no collection of foreign material in burlap bags ^la as hydrants and blow-offs. Flush at flows not less than 39OGPM(I476IfmM)for a 4"pipe, 830 GPM for 6"p0e, 1560 GPM(5905 IJ,nin)for 8"pipe, 2440GFM(923511mm)for 10"pipe, and 3520GPM (1331 "pipe. Wizen supply cannot produce stipulated flow rates, obtain maximum available. 7C: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13,Sbars)for two hours or 50psi (3.4 ban ,ensure in excess of 15Opsi(10.3 bars)for two hours. Vey pipe laid with rubber gasket joints shag if the workmanship is satisfactory, have little or no leakage amount of leakage at the joints shall not exceed 2gts. Per hr. (1.89,moi)per 100 joints irrespective of pi leakage shall be distributed over alljoints. If such leakage occurs atal few joints, the installation shall rxrrfir r al^fnr., and lorolleIl�rtl mini T min ■Intl 1 r/MrilJNf Jif drildiutrdilc, IMI,Strffilfri7 CT,JVtay na4 rrlarY% A., feeant* � f T r . NEW UNDERGoRU ING FLUSHED ACCORDING [ TO _fa CCl --r�4 .0 STANDARD BY YES c NO [ (COMPANY) dEA •.nr CxC� vA:.Z -' IF NO,EXPLAIN FLUSIx7NG TESTS HOW FLUSHING FLOW WAS OBTAINED? 'PUBLIC WATER ci TANK OR RESERVOIR o FIRE PUMP THROUGH WHAT TYPE OPENING? t ) . ALL NEW UNDERGROUND PIPING HYDROSTATICALLY ROSIATIC TESTED AT PSI FOR ,HOURS YDEST jowrS COVERED: Ai/.A a YES a NO Y TOTAL AMOUNT OF LEAKAGE MEASURED- GALS. HOURS h1."AA -- ,3O i.0 TN pz-PAS AKAGE TEST ALLOWABLE LEAKAGE GALS. HOURS NUMBER INSTALLED: Q TYPE AND MAKE: ►RAI TS � e ALL OPERATE SATISFACTORILY WATER CONTROL VALVES LEF '' CEDE OPENci YES %NO IF NO,STATE REASON: ry 0 ..41 �rTL ,r,eSTI! C) ['RdL HOSE THREAD OF FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS F5 AND HYDRANTS LNTERCHANGEABLE WITH THOSE OF FIRE DEPT.ANSWERING ALARM ++,,t/A YTS rs NO DATE LEFT IN SERVICE NAME OF INSTALLING CONTRACTOR TESTS WITNESSED BY: U5 FOR IOP' ' r �., : �' (SIGNED) .�.���. :_ TITLE: ig d p SAT FOR LNSTALLING ONTRACTOR (SIGNED)64414) TITLE: 5')?e ,,rrt1%v"r_ DATE: 3 / IAL EXPLANATION AND NOTES: ■ STATE OF COLORADO Division of Fire Prevention and Control -- vtiyy k, i}l �i 18-U-.O4 i69 Be 1t Known That Beaumont Excavating, Inc. Jeff Beaumont-Principal `was Successfully Completed CC‘Requirements to Become Registered Fire Suppression Systems Contractor - Underground 'Issued On January 1, 2018 Expiring On, `finless Earlier '.evoked December 31, 2018 In Accordance With S CCR 1507-11 .Yr • Air &Life Safety Section CDPS inion ofFire Prevention&Control Kipling Street,Suite 4100 4 *Se° ver, CO 80215 te.: Mike Morgan,DirectorCO I •