HomeMy WebLinkAboutE18-0168_Approved Plans_1534789904.pdf .5,4111111111111111111111if. GE tt,140,Ipk, Lighting 4 M.� highlight �o 08/20/18 t e'. r �� liii s i • lc Nkomo•■ The bright white radiance of the GE's LEDGU10 lamps isn't just something you see, it's something you feel. LED GU10 lamps For decorative lighting applications,GE's dimmable 1,4,and 6-watt DIMMABLE LEDGU10 lamps offerthe ideal solution. • Dims from 100%to 10% LOW-COST OPERATION BEAM PATTERNS •For example, using only 4 watts of energy,save over$83 in •Available in 35° beam patterns energy costs over the rated life of a lamp versus a standard 35-watt halogen lamp based on$0.11 per kWh ENVIRONMENTALLY CONSCIOUS •Energy efficiency and long life mean few erlamp replacements •These lamps are energy efficient,contain no lead or versus standard incandescent and halogen light sources mercury,and are compliant with material restriction requirementsof RoHS EXCELLENT COLOR RENDERING •Available with a CRI of 80 GE QUALITYAND RELIABILITY •3-year limited warranty COLORTEMPERATURE •Available in 3000K LONG LIFE •Up to 25,000 hours rated life 1L70) To learn more about saving money and energy, go to: gelighting.com/ThinkLED When you Think LED lighting, Think GE. ecomagination- V Information provided is subject to change without notice.Please verifyall details with GE.All values are design or imagination at wo rk typical values when measured under laboratoryconditions,and GE makes no warrantyor guarantee,expressed or implied,that such performancewill be obtained under end-use conditions. LEO GU10 lamps lo Direction alLamps(MR16) 4 � ma Z Initial *Rated ENERGY 0 Bulb Base Order Case MOL Lumens Color Wattage Life STAR® #Location Ada, "10;ek VII Shape Type Watts Code Description Volts Qty" (In) Initial CBCP Temp CRI Replacement L70(Firs) Dimmable Status Rating Infor, 120 Volt GU10 -MOD 4 15 MR16 GU10 3.5 37114 LED4D/GU1083035 120 6 2.1 250 550 3000 80 35W 25,000 Yes * Dry Flood,35°be. 1 4 89020 LED4D/GU10/NFLTP 120 3 2.1 250 720 3000 80 35W 25,000 Yes * Damp FI ,Y°lgeam,White 6 26346 LED6D/GU10/NFL/TP 120 3 2.1 380 1100 3000 80 50W 25,000 Yes * Damp Flood,35°beam,White Get more information at GELighting.com/ThinkLED Information provided is subject to change without notice.Please verifyall details with GE.All values are design or typical values when measured under laboratory conditions,and GE makes no warrantyor guarantee,expressed or implied,that such performancewill be obtained under end-use conditions. The life rating is based on the hours of operation the lamp will provide beforereaching 70%of its original rating IL701 Minimum order quantity=6 *ENERGYSrARmstatus:ENERGYSTAR®certified.Lamps w ithouta"*"are not ENERGY STAR®certified. #UL 1993 Environmental Requirementsfor LED LAMPS Location,damp-Exterioror interiorlocation that is normally or periodically subjectto condensation of moisture in,on,or adjacent to,electrical equipment, and includes partially protectedlocations. Location,dry -Location not normally subject to dampness,may include a location subjectto temporarydampness,i.e.,building under construction, provided ventilation is adequate to preventan accumulation of moisture. Location,w et -Location in w hichw ateror other liquid can drip,splash,or flow on or against electrical equipment. Notes: 11 Productdescriptions ending in'YTP"indicate a corded blisteror clamshell package nested in a trayfor shelf display.Cards also designed for hook display. LEARN MORE AT C ® US -e energystar.gov Product is compliant with material restriction requirementsof RoHS ENERGYSTAR°and the ENERGY STAR®logo are registered U.S.marks www.gelighting.com IliV GE and the GE Monogram are trademarksofthe General ElectricCompany.All othertrademarksarethe property /7 of their respectiveowners.Information provided is subject to change without notice.All values are design or typical values when measured under laboratory conditions.GE Lighting and GE Lighting Solutions,LLCare businesses of the General ElectricCompany.0 20166E. 63556(Rev10/24/161