HomeMy WebLinkAboutE18-0167_Approved Plans_1534789612.pdf °Fk4 z 0 -0 Z o 45. NOTE: ISSUE LOG °' �' IP- ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS LEGEND D o 0 ALL SYMBOLS SHOWN ON LEGEND ARE - , hop NOT NECESSARILY USED. O ,- I- 3 08/20/18 O ELECTRICAL SHEET INDEX LIGHTING F IXTURESYMBOLS POWER SYMBOLS ABBREVIATIONS cn 4/ <v Z -- w 0 RECESSED LIGHTING F IXTURE e- SINGLE RECEPTACLE AFC - ABOVE F INISHED CEILING 6oQ z 0 to w 3 Q) DIRECTIONAL/ADJUSTABLE RECESSED LIGHTING F IXTURE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE AFF - ABOVE F INISHED F LOOK Q�� J E 0 SURF ACEMOUNTED LIGHT CGC DUPLEX RECEPTACLE MOUNTED ABOVE COUNTER AF G - ABOVE F INISHED GRADE # TITLE �o �0 o0 m Sj 4, 4, Jv PENDANT MOUNTED LIGHT DOUBLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE AHJ - AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION O O m E0.0 ELECTRICAL COVER STREET xi xi 'I �J (� o 0-1 WALL MOUNTED LIGHT f& GF CI DUPLEX RECEPTACLE AL - ALUMINUM Fl E0.1 ELECTRICAL SPECIF(CATIONS xi to w m 011 WALL MOUNTED UP-LIGHT & DUPLEX RECEPTACLE; HALF SWITCHED AP - ACCESS POINT 1101E D N Do MONO-POINT LIGHTING F IXTURE & ISOLATED GROUND DUPLEX RECEPTACLE AWG - AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE E2.0 ELECTRICAL F IRSTF LOOR PLAN-DEMO xi \I \I o E2.1 ELECTRICAL F IRST F LOOR PLAN-NEW xi ,I ,I Q °' II RECESSED STEP LIGHT ® MULTI-OUTLET PLUG STRIP BAS - BUILDING AUTOMATION SYSTEM 1-0-1 F LUORESCENTSTRIP LIGHT ® F LUSH F LOOR MOUNTED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE BF G - BELOW F INISH GRADE E3.0 LIGHTING F IRSTF LOORRCP-DEMO 1I xi Al Gip WALL MOUNTED LINEAR F LUORESCENTLIGHT r-° F LUSH F LOORMOUNTED DOUBLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE BMS BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM E3.1 LIGHTING F IRSTF LOORRCP NEW 1f xi xi E3.2 LIGHTING PORTE COCHERE RCP-DEMO xi RECESSED OR SURF ACEMOUNTED F LUORESCENTTROF F ER ® F LUSH F LOOR MOUNTED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE; HALF SWITCHED C - CONDUIT E3.3 LIGHTING PORTE COCHERE RCP NEW xi0 ////// ® F IXTUREWITH EMERGENCY BACKUP OR ON EM CIRCUIT a F LUSH F LOORMOUNTED DUPLEX RECEPTACLE AND TELECOM CATV - COMMUNITY(CABLE)ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM ® CEILING MOUNTED EXIT SIGN W/FACES&ARROWSAS SHOWN 0-1 WALL MOUNTED SPECIAL OUTLET AS NOTED CCTV - CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION E4.0 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS ,I xi xi WALL MOUNTED EXIT SIGN W/FACES&ARROWS AS SHOWN ® SPECIAL OUTLET AS NOTED CKT - CIRCUIT j u d g e + A S S o C I A T E S 11EMERGENCY LIGHTS QJ JUNCTION BOX CPU - CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT ISSUE LOG KEY: ARCHITECTS + PLANNERS ',I' ISSUED AS PART OF A SET w 00 Jude + 0-o EXTERIOR POLE MOUNTED LIGHT 0J ••1 WALL MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX CT - CURRENT TRANSFORMER ' ' NOT PART OF SET N N ISSUED FORINF ORMATIONONLY Q c1 N L° Associates m EXTERIOR POST(BOLLARD)MOUNTED LIGHT 0 F LOOR MOUNTED JUNCTION BOX DISP - GARBAGE DISPOSAL 0 cd rn cri O O o Architects+ Planners O DIVISION 15 EQUIPMENT POWER CONNECTION DW - DISHWASHER Post Office Box 1734 LIGHTING CONTROL SYMBOLS © TIMER SWITCH (E) - EXISTING Vail CO 81658.1734 (970) S SWITCH ❑,, F USED DISCONNECT EM - EMERGENCY GENERAL NOTES: email:general agare34 @vagarchitects.com s3 THREE-WAY SWITCH NON FUSED DISCONNECT EWC ELECTRIC WATER COOLER 1. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. VERIFYDIMENSIONS ON ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND IN FIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 105 Edwards Village Blvd,Suite G 104 Edwards,CO 81632 s4 FOUR-WAY SWITCH ® MOTOR STARTER FA - F IREALARM 2. VISIT SITE PRIOR TO BID AND VERIFYTHAT CONDITIONS ARE AS INDICATED. CONTRACTOR SHALL INCLUDE IN HIS BID COSTS REQUIRED TO MAKE HIS WORK MEET EXISTING CONDITIONS. SEAL SJ DOOR JAMB SWITCH g ENCLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKER F ACP - F IREALARM CONTROL PANEL II,,,,••,•.,�,, K 3. SYSTEM OUTAGES SHALL BE PERMITTED ONLY AT TIMES APPROVED BY OWNER-IN WRITING. WORK WHICH COULD RESULT IN AN ACCIDENTAL .. DO L/c • S KEY SWITCH g PULL BOX F BO - FURNISHED BY OTHERS OUTAGE(BEYOND BRANCH CIRCUITS)SHALL BE PERFORMED WITH THE OWNER'S MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ADVISED OF SUCH WORK. .... Q�� ,, , SV VARIABLE SPEED SWITCH Q PUSH BUTTON GC - GENERAL CONTRACTOR 4. SERVICE SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO EXISTING AREAS DURING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE PORTABLE GENERATORS, f,,VO��!�:/F �� T CABLES,OUTLETS,ETC.AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN CONTINUITY OF SERVICE. PLACEMENT OF SUCH PORTABLE EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SUBJECT • ? S THERMAL OVERLOAD SWITCH ® TIME CLOCK GF I GROUND FAULTCIRCUIT INTERRUPTER TO OWNER APPROVAL. ; 42215 gD DIMMER 0 PHOTO-CELL GRD - GROUND L-o 5. REVIEW ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL AND OTHER DRAWINGS PRIOR TO BID. �� '•. J -�� (v �� gp 3 THREE-WAY DIMMER gT TRANSFORMER IAW - IN ACCORDANCE WITH =�O'�� •••........... •��i�0 LV LOW VOLTAGE SWITCH G PANELBOARD OR LOADCENTER IC INTERMEDIATE CROSS CONNECT 6. WORK SHALL BE PERFORMEDIN A WORKMANLIKE MANNER TO THE SATISFACTIONOF THE ARCHITECT. =SS/ONAL EN,•'•� INTERMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION F RAME 7. WORK,MATERIALS,AND EQUIPMENT SHALL CONF ORMTO THE LATEST EDITIONS OF LOCAL,STATE,AND NATIONAL CODES AND ORDINANCES. S° WALL OCCUPANCY SENSOR/SWITCH © CONTACTOR IDF EA OCCUPANCY SENSOR-WALL MOUNTED XDOI ELECTRIC MOTOR IG - ISOLATED GROUND 8. PROVIDE PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS REQUIRED. ® OCCUPANCY SENSOR-CEILING MOUNTED g METER IR - INF RARED 9. CONTRACTOR'S FAILURETO ORDER OR RELEASE ORDER FOR MATERIALS AND/OR EQUIPMENT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AS A REASON TO Z SUBSTITUTE ALTERNATE MATERIALS,EQUIPMENT,OR INSTALLATION METHODS. 0 <g> OCCUPANCY SENSOR-CORRIDOR CEILING MOUNTED 0 THERMOSTAT LAN - LOCAL AREA NETWORK 10. EXISTING SYSTEMS AND CONDITIONS SHOWN ON DRAWINGS FOR EXISTING BUILDINGS ARE TO BE NOTED"FOR GUIDANCE ONLY". THE I- El DAYLIGHT PHOTO SENSOR ATS AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH MDF - MAIN DISTRIBUTION F RAME ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO F IELD CHECK ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BIDDING AND TO INCLUDE IN HIS BID AN ALLOWANCE FOR CIRCUIT HOMERUN (N) NEW REMOVAL AND/OR RELOCATION OF EXISTING CONDUITS,WIRES,DEVICES,F IXTURES,OR OTHER EQUIPMENT AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS OR Q AS REQUIRED TO COORDINATE AND ADAPT NEW AND EXISTING ELECTRICAL SYSTEM TO ALL OTHER WORK AS REQUIRED > CONDUIT RUN NIC - NOT IN CONTRACT 0 11. PROVIDE ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION REQUIRED. REF ERTO ARCHITECTURAL AND ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION DRAWINGS FOR LOCATION AND --- CONDUIT RUN BELOW GRADE NL - NIGHT LIGHT EXTENT OF DEMOLITION REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT SITE PRIOR TO BID TO DETERMINE EXTENT OF WORK INVOLVED. Z VOLTAGE: 120/208V, 3PH,4W CONDUIT UP NTS NOT TO SCALE L LI PANEL: (E) L11 -SEC. 1 12. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY DEMOLITION TO REMOVE EXISTING UNUSED CONDUIT,WIRE,CABLE,J-BOXES,RECEPTACLES,SWITCHES,LIGHTS, MINIMUM BUS: 125 F IREALARMS DEVICES,ETC. COMPLETE WITH ASSOCIATED CIRCUITING TO SOURCE. WHERE IT IS NOT F EASIBLETO REMOVE THE ABOVE,CONDUIT DOWN OC - ON CENTER ti U7 LOCATION: ELEC ROOM 110 MAIN: MLO OUTLET SHALL BE ABANDONED,WIRE REMOVED,AND BLANK COVER PLATES PROVIDED. wEt MOUNTING: SURFACE MINIMUM AIC: - S SWITCH PA - PUBLIC ADDRESS 17 CO 13. ALL(E)EQUIPMENT,LAMPS,BALLASTS,ETC.BEING REMOVED SHALL BE DISCARDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE EPA REQUIREMENTS. (n LOAD BREAKER BUS BREAKER LOAD T THERMAL OVERLOAD SWITCH REF - REFRIGERATOR V 0 CO NO. TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION TYPE LOAD DESCRIPTION NO. S 7 0 A B C POLE TRIP A B C TRIP POLE A B C 14. EXISTING LIGHT F IXTURES,ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT,ETC. BEING REMOVED SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE OWNER,EXCEPT FORTHOSE ITEMS L 1 L (E)WRK RM 103 1 20 + 40 2 E (N)LOUNGE FP 2 SV VARIABLE SPEED SWITCH TTB - TELECOMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL BOARD BEING RELOCATED. D l 0 3 SPARE 1 20 + -- -- E -- 4 5 SPARE 1 20 + 20 1 R (N)AV 6 SK KEY SWITCH TVSS - TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SURGE SUPPRESSOR 15. VERIF YEXACT LOCATION OF EQUIPMENT TO BE F URNISHED BY OTHERS PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. O (/) Q 7 R (E)WRK RM 103 N&W/TEF-1 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 8 TVTB - TELEVISION TERMINAL BOARD J Z 163 16. INSTALL ALL MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. ANY DEVIATIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE 0 O 9 R (E)WRKRM103S 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 10 ONE-LINE DIAGRAM SYMBOLS UG UNDERGROUND ARCHITECT/ENGINEER'S ATTENTION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. J J 11 R (E)WRK RM 103 S&W 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 12 - -I O 13 SPARE 1 20 + 20 1 R (E)ELEV LOBBY 122 14 - DISCONNECT SWITCH UNO - UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 17. FINALCONNECTIONS TO EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S APPROVED WIRING DIAGRAMS,DETAILS,AND U 15 R (E)TRSH RM/AUTO DOOR 1 20 + 20 1 R (E)CORRIDOR 139 16 INSTRUCTIONS. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PROVIDE MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT COMPATIBLE WITH EQUIPMENT 17 R (E)ELEV LOBBY/AUTO DOOR 1 20 + 20 1 R (E)PANTRY 120 S 18 19 R (E)LOUNGE 117 EAST 1 20 + 20 1 R (E)LOUNGE 117 N 20 ® FUSE V VOLT ACTUALLY SUPPLIED. N J Q 21 R (E)PRIVLOUNGE 118E 1 20 + 20 1 R (E)LIBRARY 116\N 22 -(Th- L CIRCUIT BREAKER W - WATT 18. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE F OR REPLACING EQUIPMENT WHICH IS DAMAGED DUE TO INCORRECT F IELD WIRING PROVIDED UNDER 0 23 R (E)CORRIDOR 109 1 20 + 20 1 R (E)LIBRARY 116 W&S 24 THIS SECTION,OR FACTORY WIRING IN EQUIPMENT PROVIDED UNDER THIS SECTION. 25 R (E)CORRIDOR 111 1 20 + 20 1 E (N)WEST FIRE PIT 26 -3 CURRENT TRANSFORMER WAN - WIDE AREA NETWORK I- 27 R (E)RECEPTION 105 W 1 20 + 20 1 E (N)EAST FIRE PIT 28 29 SPARE 1 20 + 20 1 R (N)LIBRARYTV 30 3E- POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER WAP - WIRELESS ACCESS POINT 19. ALL ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS COMPONENTS SHALL BE LISTED OR LABELED BY U.L.OR OTHER RECOGNIZED TESTING F AGILITY. J 31 R (E)ELECTRM 110 E 1 20 + 20 1 R (N)LIBRARYTV 32 33 SPARE 1 20 + 20 1 R (N)LIBRARY TV 34 O METER WLAN - WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK 20. WIRING DEVICES SHALL BE SPECIF ICATIONGRADE AND RATED AT 20 AMPERES FOR LIGHT SWITCHES,AND 20 AMPERES FORDUPLEX 35 SPARE 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 36 RECEPTACLES. THE COLOR OF THE DEVICES AND COVER PLATES SHALL BE AS DIRECTED BY ARCHITECT. Q 37 SPARE 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 38 O VOLT-METER WP - WEATHERPROOF U 39 SPARE 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 40 21. ALL WIRING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LISTED METALLIC RACEWAYS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. CONNECTORS SHALL BE INSULATED THROAT 41 SPARE 1 20 + 20 1 SPARE 42 O AMP-METER XP - EXPLOSIONPROOF TYPE. MINIMUM RACEWAY SIZE IS 3/4".ALL FEEDERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN RACEWAY CONFIGURATIONS SHOWN ON ONE-LINE.BRANCH NJ O FEED THRU SUBFEED FEEDER GENERAL NOTES: SS SURGE SUPPRESSION DEVICE +18" - MOUNTING HEIGHT TO CENTERLINE OF CIRCUITS 25A AND LARGER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN INDIVIDUAL RACEWAYS. BRANCH CIRCUITS 20A AND SMALLER MAY BE GROUPED INTO I- LOAD TYPE PANEL TOTAL DEMAND FEEDER TOTAL RACEWAYS AS TO NOT EXCEED 6 CURRENT-CARRYING 75-DEGREE CONDUCTORS,OR 9 CURRENT-CARRYING 90-DEGREE CONDUCTORS,IN A TOTAL TOTAL SUBTOTAL A. EXISTING LOADS NOTED WITH(E). DEVICE ABOVE F INISH F LOOR(VERIFY W/ARCH ELEVS) (L)LIGHTING 0 0 0 125% 0 B. NEW LOADS NOTED WITH(N). SELECTOR SWITCH SINGLE RACEWAY. METAL CLAD CABLE IS PERMITTED. d O (R)RECEPTACLES 0 0 0 NEC 220 0 C. w (LM) 0 0 0 25% 0 D. GF GROUND FAULTPROTECTION 22. ALL EMPTY RACEWAY SYSTEMS SHALL HAVE A 200LB NYLON PULL STRING OR EQUAL,AND SHALL BE IDENTIF IEDAT ALL JUNCTION, PULL AND W (M)MOTORS(ALL) 0 0 0 100% 0 E. TERMINATION POINTS,USING PERMANENT METALLIC TAGS. TAG SHALL INDICATE INTENDED USE OF CONDUIT,ORIGINATION,AND TERMINATION (E)EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 100% 0 SPECIFIC NOTES: ST SHUNT TRIP POINTS OF EACH INDIVIDUAL CONDUIT. ``' NOTES: Current Issue: N (A)APPLIANCES 0 0 0 0 0 (1) NORMALLY OPEN CONTACT 00 -123. WIRE SHALL BE COPPER,75 DEGREE CELSIUS RATED F OR GENERAL USE. WIRING WITHIN 3 INCHES OF F LUORESCENTBALLASTS WIRE SHALL BE rn PANELTOTAL(KVA): 0.0 (2) O (3> • LIGHT LINEWEIGHT INDICATES EXISTING. COPPER,MINIMUM 90 DEGREE CELSIUS RATED.SIZES INDICATED ARE F OR INSTALLATION INA MAXIMUM 30 DEGREE CELSIUS AMBIENT. ° Z NORMALLY CLOSED CONTACT 100%Construction Documents PANELTOTAL(A): 0 (4) = GROUND CONDUCTOR AMPACITY SHALL BE DERATED F OR HIGHER AMBIENT INSTALLATIONS. _ • HATCHED AREAS INDICATE DEMOLITION. /////� QII 24. PROVIDE NEW UPDATED PANELBOARD DIRECTORIESF OR EXISTING AND NEW CIRCUITS BEING UTILIZED FOR COMPLETION OF PROJECT. O O COLD WATER GROUND CONNECTION • 'C'ADJACENT TO A DEVICE INDICATES C(l Z MOUNTING ABOVE COUNTERTOP. 1T 25. PANEL DIRECTORIES SHALL BE REMOVABLE. ROOM NAMES AND NUMBERS SHALL BE AS DIRECTED BY OWNER. DIRECTORIES SHALL BE TYPED Issued: 0 I BUILDING STEEL GROUND CONNECTION AND INSTALLED UNDER CLEAR PLASTIC COVERS. I- 25%DD SET 07/10/2017 O 26. F INALCONNECTIONS TO MOTORS,TRANSFORMERS,AND OTHER VIBRATING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE SEAL TITE F LEXAND APPROVED F ITTINGS. 75%DD SET 08/21/2017 Z DO NOT SECURE CONDUITS,DISCONNECTS,OR DEVICES TO DUCTWORK OR MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. LOAD BEING REMOVED F ROM PANEL'Lit: LESS THAN 50%OF THE LUMINAIRES IN 25%CD SET 09/25/2017 w RECEPTACLES 1,620 VA THE SCOPE OF WORK ARE BEING 27. FIRE ALARM,SOUND,TELEPHONE,COMPUTER AND SIMILAR SYSTEMS CONDUITS LARGER THAN 1" SHALL HAVE LONG RADIUS SWEEPS(12 TIMES 75%CD SET 12/04/2017 O LOAD BEING ADDED F ROM PANEL'L11': REPLACED AND ENERGY USE IS NOT THE DIAMETER). BUILDING PER MIT 03/15/2018 Z RECEPTACLES 1,440 VA INCREASED WHICH COMPLIES WITH O F IRE PITS(x2) 360 VA EXCEPTION#7 IN C503.1 OF THE 2015 IECC. 28. SYSTEMS SHALL BE TESTED F OR PROPER OPERATION. IF TESTS SHOW THAT WORK IS DEF ECTIVE,CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE CORRECTIONS FIREPLACE 6,656 VA NECESSARYAT NO COST TO OWNER. TOTAL 8,456 VA Q 19 AMPS OF LOAD ADDED AT 208Y/120V,3-PHASE. 29. GUARANTEE THE INSTALLATION AGAINST DEF ECTSIN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP WHICH MAY OCCUR UNDER NORMAL USAGE F ORA PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AFTEROWNER'S ACCEPTANCE. DEF ECTSSHALL BE PROMPTLY REMEDIED WITHOUT COST TO THE OWNER. Z I-0 30. SYSTEMS SHALL BE COMPLETE,OPERABLE,AND READY FOR CONTINUOUS OPERATION. LIGHTS,SWITCHES,RECEPTACLES, MOTORS,ETC. SHALL BE CONNECTED AND OPERABLE. IE Q U N Sheet Title: E ELECTRICAL N COVER SHEET DO cn H U w O rI d Date: 03.15.2018 0 Designed: BAS rn Reviewed: MAS Project No: 8234.15 Sheet o: 0 co N 4 E0 . 0 co 1.6 c'> Scale: As Shown 0 1414OF Pei! ....rs,iiiiii4 . 4,4*.lo r 00 A ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS. _ J Y Zo w J V. - NOD' DIVISION 26-ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS O ~ a' 08/20/18 3.06 FINAL ACCEPTANCE 3.02 WIRE INSTALLATION _ O0 SECTION 26010--GENERAL PROVISIONS: A. Final acce ptanceby the Owne rwill not occur until all ope ratinginstructions are re ce ive dand Owne r'spe rsonne!have be e nthoroughly indoctrinate din the mainte nance A. Branch circuit conductors shall be as follows: 0 = -a and ope rationof all equipment. 1. For gene ralapplications through size#8:THWN 75°C wire and full size ground,or type THHN 90°C. Z e- w PART 1 - GENERAL B. Ope ratingmanual, parts lists,and indoctrination of ope ratingand mainte nancepe rsonne l:Furnish the se rvicesof a qualified representative of the supplie rfor each item 2. Branch circuit conductors through size#10 to be solid,#8 and large rstrande d. - > or syste mite mize dbe lowwho shall instruct spe cif icpe rsonne I,as designate dby the Owne r,in the ope rationand mainte nance of that ite m or syste m. 3. Unless indicated on the drawings,(the minimum)wire use d for branch circuits shall be#12 THWN protected by 20 ampe recircuit breakers. 0 u w 1.01 PROJECT DESCRIPTION C. De live rthree(3)completeope ratingmanuals and parts lists to the Owne r(or his designatedrepresentative)at the time of the above re quire dindoctrination. Fully 4. Branch circuits for receptacles shall be on 20 amp,single pole circuit breakers with#12 conductors. No more than eight(8)duplex receptacles shall be on any one J 0 A. This proje ctis a re mode land addition of a comme rcialbuilding. The proje ctis approximate ly5,300 square feetocatedat 728 W.Lionshe ad Circle in Vail,Colorado. explainthe conte ntsof the manuals as part of re quire dindoctrination and instruct the Owne r'spe rsonne lin the correct proce durein obtaining service,both during and branch circuit. Circuits se rvingbathroom GFCI receptacles may se rvelighting but shall not se rveany othe rre ce ptacles. - z afterthe guaranteeperiod.The operatingmanual and parts lists shall give completeinformationas to whom the Ownershall contact forserviceand parts,including the 5. Lighting branch circuit shall not be loadedto more than 70%of breakerrating,in effect, 14 amps percircuit. D N Oo 1.02 PROVISIONS address and phone number. Furnishevidencethatanauthorizedserviceorganizationregularlycarriesacompletestockofrepairpartsfortheseitems(orsystems),and B. The drawings indicate the ge ne raldire ctionof route sof branch circuit home runs. Continue all such home runs to pane Is as though the route swe recomplete ly m }' a A. Work performed unde r this division of the spe cif icationsshall conform to the re quire me ntsof Division 1, and the e le ctricaldrawings and all ite ms he re inafte spe cif ie d. that the organization is available for service.Se rviceshall be furnishe dwithin twe ntyfour(24)hours afte rre que ste d. indicated. nn�� N w 1. The drawings and spe cif icationsfor the e le ctricalwork are inte nde dto de scribea comple tee le ctricalsyste m;omission of minor ite ms obviously ne cessaryto D. Cle an up: Re moveall mate rials,scrap,e tc.,re lativeto the e le ctricainstallation and le ave the pre mise sand all e quipme nt,lamps,fixtures,etc.in a cle an,orde rly 1. Conductors shall be continuous from outle t box to outle t box,or junction box,with no splice s e xce ptin such boxes. V >. D accomplish the above inte ntshall not re lievethe Contractorfrom providing same. condition. Any costs to the Owne rfor cle an up of the site will be chargedagainst the Contractor. 2. Do not install wire in conduits until afte rplaste ringor drywall is complete dand all moisture has bee nre move dfrom conduits. 0n N 0 © 2. Prior to any work being performed unde r this division e xamine architectural,me chanical,and inte riorde sign drawings and spe cif icationsand if any discre pancies E. Acceptance Demonstration:Upon comple tionof the work,at a time to be designate dby the Architect,the Contractor shall de monstratefor the Owne rthe ope rationof wM occur betweerthemand the electricakirawingsand spe cif ications,reportsametothe Architect inwriting and obtain writteninstructionsfor the work. theentireinstallation,includingallsystemsprovidedunderthiscontract. 3.03 WIRING DEVICE INSTALLATION , a 3. Electricaldrawings are diagrammatic but shall be followe das close lyas actual construction of the building will permit.All change s f rom drawings necessaryto make F. Operatingand Acceptance Tests: Provide a!l labor,instrume nts,and e quipme ntfor the performance of testsas specified.Submit three(3)copiesof a typewritten test A. Re vie warchitectural and me chanicaldrawings beforeinstalling outlets. Changing of outle tsto conformto the se drawings and any othe rslight change in mounting height NCO the e le ctricalwork conform to the building as constructed shall be made without cost to the Owner. re portfor the Archite ctfor his approval. or location of outlets re quire dshall be conside re das a part of this contract. Use outle t boxe sof sufficie ntsize and shape to be stsuit the particular location and to Q M 4. Coordinate the e le ctricalwork with the Ge ne ralContractor and be re sponsibleto him for satisfactory progressof same. Coordinate e le ctricalwork with all other 1. Re cordthe full load curre ntin each phase or line at the main se rvicee ntranceand for e achfe e de de aving the main distribution pane!board.Readings shall betaken contain the e nclose dwire and conne ctionswithout crowding. Size all boxespe rN.E.C.Article 370. trade son the proje ctwithout cost to the Owner. with the maximum installed load conne cte dand in operation. B. Switch and receptacle outlet boxesshall be standard boxe swith cove rplates.Whe remore than one switch or de vice is locate dat one point,use gang boxe sand gang 5. Do not scale drawings. Ve rifydime nsions on architectural drawings and in fie Id prior to comme nce me nbf work. 2. Perform a care fulinspe ction of the main switchboard bus structure and cable conne ctionsto ve rifythat all conne ctionsare mechanicallyand e le ctricallytight. cove rplate s. 6. All work and mate rialscove re dby drawings and spe cif icationsshall be subje ctto re vie wat any time by representatives of the Archite ctand Owne r. If the Architect 3. Me asurethe re sistanceto ground for the se rviceground,which shall not e xce e de n(10)ohms unde r normal soil moisture conditions. If re quire d,install additional C. Flush mount lighting switche s4'0"ce nte rlineabove f inishe d floor unless othe rwiseindicate d. Flush mount wall type receptacles and othe rwall mounte d wiring de vices or Owne r'sage nt finds any mate rialor installation that doe s not conformto these drawings and spe cif ications,Contractor shall re movethe mate r ialf rom the ground provisions in a manne racce pte dby the Engine a rat no additional cost to the Owner. and outlets 18 inches ce me rlineabove finished floor unless othe rwiseindicate d. pre mise sand correct the installation to the satisfaction of the age nt. D. Route de dicate dne utralconductors on line and load side of dimme rspe r manufacturer's instructions. 7. In acce ptanceor re je ctionof installe d e le ctricalsyste ms,no allowance will be made for lack of skill on the part of the installe rs. 3.07 IDENTIFICATION E. Se t me talfloor boxesle ve I.Trim afte rinstallation to fit flush with f inishe d floor surface s. A. General:Provide the following service sand mate rialsto assist the Owne rin ope rationand maintenance. 1.03 WORK INCLUDED B. Directory Cards,Name plate sand Labels:No temporary markings,which are visible on e quipme nt,shall re mainafte rthe projectis complete.Repainttrims,housing, 3.04 DEVICES 0 A. The e le ctricalsyste mre quire dfor this work to include,but is not ne ce ssarilylimite d to: e tc.,whe resuch markings cannot be re adily re move d.Defacedfinishesmust be refinished.All engravedmetalor plastic name plate sshall be white letterson a black or A. Support all junction boxesand othe re lectricakievice sin a manne ras re quire dby the N.E.C. Use e xtrabracing,supports,e tc.as ne ce ssaryto provide a prope rand 1. Complete branch circuit wiring for lighting, motors,re ce ptaclesjunction boxesand similar uses. gray background. Raise d le tte rtype tape shall not be used. No abbreviations in labeling will be pe rmitte dNithout spe cialapproval. All pane lboardsshall be labe le das substantial base to which all e le ctricale quipme ntis attached. 2. Lighting fixtures,wall switches,receptacles and similar ite ms. designate don the e le ctricaldrawings. Thoroughly cle an surf ace to which pre ssurese nsitivetype labe Is are applie d to assure adhe re nceof labe I. Directory cards, 3. Electricalrequire ments`orfireplace,if applicable. name plate s,and labelsshall indicate the ge ne ralare aand type of e le ctricaload se rve dby e ach circuit. Provide the following type sof labe!sat these locations. 3.05 EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY OTHERS AND/OR OWNER judge + A s S o c I A T E s 4. Powe rOwne rfurnishe de quipme nt. 1. For all branch circuit pane lboarddire ctories,provide ne atlytype d,re movablecards and protective plastic face s.Spare circuit breakers shall be ide ntif ie das such. A. Ve rifye xactlocation and re quire me ntsof e quipme ntto be furnishe dby othe rsprior to rough-in. _ B. Inspectowne rfurnishe de quipme ntfor damage,defects,missing compone nts,etc. Re portdeficie nciedo the Owne rimme diate ly.Do not install or connectdeficie nt ARCHITECTS + PLANNERS 1.04 CODES AND STANDARDS 3.08 CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING AND POWER equipment. e Jud A. The late ste ditions of the following standards(including supple mentsand official interpretations)are minimum requirements: A. Provide a!l temporary facilitie sre quire dto supply construction Powe rand light. Install and maintain facilitiesin a manne rthat will protectthe public and workmen. C. Rough-in equipme ntfurnishedby Owne rto locations as required.Final conne ctionswill be made by ElectricalContractor. Associates ssocia l es 1. NFPA 70-National ElectricalCode(NEC). Comply with all applicable laws and regulations. 2. NFPA 72-National Fire Alarm Code. B. The Gene ralContractor shall pay for all powe rand light used by him and his subcontractors whe reconstruction powe ris separate lyme to re dpr is take nfrom the 3.06 EQUIPMENT CONNECTIONS A 3. NFPA 101 -Life Safe tyCode. permanentprojectmeterecte rvicesolelyforconstruction use. A. Final conne ctionsto motors,transformers and othe rvibrating e quipme ntshall be with se al tite fle xand approvedfittings. Do not se cureconduits,disconne cts,or Architects+Planners 4. NFPA 110 -EmergencyPowerSystems device sto ductwork or me chanical equipment. Post Office Box 1734 5. Conform to all applicable State and Local Codes. 3.09 REMODELING PROVISIONS B. Final conne ctionsto e quipme ntshall be in accordance with manufacturer's approve dwiring diagrams,de tails,and instructions. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility Vail CO 81658.1734 6. Ame ricanNational Standards Institute(ANSI). A. Existing syste msand conditions shown on the drawings are provide df or guidance only. The ElectricalContractorshall fie ldcheckall existing conditions prior to bidding to provide mate rialsand e quipme ntcompatible with e quipme ntactually supplied. (970)949.7034 7. National ElectricalSafetyCode(NESC). and shall include in his bid an allowance for the re movaland re locationof existing conduits,wires,devices,fixtures,or othe re quipme ntas indicate don the plans or as email:general@vagarchitects.com 8. Americanswith DisabilitiesActs(ADA)and AmericanNational Standards Institute(ANSI)117. requiredto coordinate and adapt newand e xistinge le ctricalsyste msto all otherworkrequiredforthis project. END OF SECTION 26100 9. National ElectricalManufacturer's Association(NEMA). B. Whe rethe re useof existing conduits,outlets,junction boxes,etc.,is permissible,make ce rtainthat the wiring form the mis continuous from outle tto outlet. Provide 105 Edwards Village Blvd,SuiteG104 10. Underwriter's Laboratories(UL). modifications to assure that circuits,or syste m,shall not pass through outlets or junction boxeswhich may be re nde re dnacce ssible by changes to be made to the SECTION 26500--LIGHTING Edwards,CO 81632 11. lnsulatedCable EngineersAssociation(ICEA). building. Existing conduits,wire,devices,fixtures,etc.,which shall be removedshall be comethe property of this Contractorunlessotherwisenoted. 12. InternationalBuildingCode. C. Conne ctne w work to e xisting in a manne rthat will assure prope rracewaygrounding throughout in conformance with the National Ele ctricalCode. PART 1 - GENERAL _ 13. InternationalMechanicalCode. D. Re mode!Work Cutting and Patching: The Contractor shall perform cutting,channeling,chasing,drilling,etc.,as requiredto install or removeelectricalequipmentin SEAL 14. InternationalFire Code. areasof remodeling.This work shall be performed so as to minimize damage to portions of wall finishes,surface s,plastering,or the structure which are to be re used, 1.01 PROVISIONS yes,,,,,,"' 15. Institute of Electricaland Ele ctronicEngine e rs(IEEE). resurfaced,plaste re dor painted unde r anothe rdivision of the se spe cif ications. A. Provide all inte riorand exteriodighting fixtures as shown on the plans and he re inafte spe cif ie d.All ite msshall be providedto make a comple teand ope rablelighting ,•.. ,.D0 L I c =„ 16. She e tMe tal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association(SMACNA). E. Care ful!ycoordinatewith the require dremode lingwork,cutting and patching etc.,performed bythe othe rtrades. Removeorrelocateexistingelectricabonduits,wires, system,including lamps,ballasts,poles,hange rs,painting,plaste rf rame s,e tc. 0 \.,, NS ti B. Comply with re quire me ntsof Underwriters Laboratories for all ite msinstalle d for which U.L.standards have be e ne stablishe d. de vice s,fixtures and othe re quipme ntas ne ce ssary. B. Verifytrim,finishand generaldescriptionofall lighting fixturesthrough shop drawing approval prior toplacing orderfor fixtures.Modify catalog numbe rsaccordingly. !to 0(-) 1►,' P 'C�e. Q C. The drawings and specificationstake precede nceNhe n the yare more stringe ntthan code s,statute s,or ordinance sin effect. Applicable codes,ordinances,standards F. All outages on portions of e xisting e le ctricalsyste msshall be minimize d and shall be at a time and of duration as acce pte dby the Owne r. `' f 2; and statute stake pre cede nceNhe nthe yare more stringe ntor conflict with the drawings and specifications. PART 2- PRODUCTS • • • 3.10 ELECTRICAL DEMOLITION • 42215 •• •1.05 EXAMINATION OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS A. Examination 2.01 INCANDESCENT FIXTURES : .fl • A. Each bidde r shall e xaminethe bidding docume nts care f ully,and not late rthan se ve ndays prior to the date of re ce iptof bids,shall make writte nre questto the Architect 1. Ve rityfie Id me asure me ntsand circuiting arrange me ntsare as shown on drawings. A. Incandesce ntfixturestobecompletewithlamps,and all necessaryaccessoriedoprovide for the irinstallation. Provide ne ce ssaryblocking or othe rprotection to t'Q ''•, 3 '1 C. 1 CL- I for interpretation or correction of any discre pancies,ambiguities,inconsiste ncies,or errors the re inwhich he may discove r.The Archite ctwill issue any interpretation or 2. Verifythatabandonedwiringandequipmentserveonlyabandonedfacilities. maintain separationofrecessecfixturesfrom combustible mate rialandbuilding insulation system.All recessecfixturestohave the rmalprotectiondevice.Provide ,���� correction as an Addendum. Only a writteninterpretation or correction byaddendum shall be binding. No biddershall relyupon interpretations or corrections give nby 3. Demolitiondrawings are base don casual fie Id obse rvationand e xisting record documents. Re portdiscre pancie sto Archite ctbeforedisturbing existinginstallation. sloping ce iling adaptors whe rere quire dto place lamp centerline be am candle powe rpe rpe ndicularto the working plane. �S'8 �NG,f1� anyothermethod. Ifdiscrepancies,ambiguities,inconsistencies,orerrors are not cove re dby adde ndum or writte ndire ctive,Contractor shall include in his bid,labor, 4. Beginning of de molition me ans installe racce ptse xisting conditions. +..���K*���e•� mate rialsand me thods of construction resulting in highe r cost. Afte raward of contract,no allowance or e xtracompe nsationwill be made on be half of the Contractor due B. Preparation 2.02 FLUORESCENT FIXTURES to his failure to make the writte nre que stsas describe dabove. 1. Disconne cte le ctricalsyste msin walls,floors,and ce ilings sche dule dfor re moval. A. Fluoresce ntfixtures to be completewith lamps,and all necessaryaccessoriesto provide for the ircompleteinstallation. Ballasts to be HPF,CBM/ETL,and U.L.listed, B. Failure to re questclarification during the bid phase of any inadequacy,omission,or conflict will not re lie vethe Contractor of the irresponsibilities.The signing of the 2. Coordination outages with Architect/Owner. class P. Surface fluoresce Ofixtures to be mountedon low de nsity combustible ce ilings to have a U.L.listing for such mounting. A!l lensesto be acrylic prismatic plastic contract will be conside re das implicitly de noting that the Contractor has a thorough compre he nsionof the full inte nt and scope of the working drawings and 3. Provide temporary wiring and conne ctionsto maintain e xistingsyste msin se rviceduring construction. Whe nwork must be performed on energize dequipme ntor type sor as shown in the schedule. specifications. circuits,use pe rsonne le xpe rie nce di such ope rations. B. Fluoresce ntballasts shall be e le ctronicprogrammed-start type,sound rating A,THD less than 10 pe rce nt,ballast f actor of.88 or highe r and powe rfactorof 0.95 or 7 4. Fire protection,fire alarm,and de te ctionsyste msshall be maintained and capable of prope rope rationduring construction. The local Fire Marshall shall be notified higher. Z 1.06 EXAMINATION OF PREMISES before construction starts,when ache dule dinterruptions are e xpe cte cbnd afte rconstruction is complete.Protect and support life safe tysyste msroute dthrough 0 A. Visit site prior to bid and verifythat conditions are as indicated. Contractor shall include in his bid costs re quiredto make his work meetexistingconditions. areasof demolition. 2.03 HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE FIXTURES 5. Existing te le phonesyste m:Maintain e xistingsyste m in se rvice.Disable syste m only to make switchovers and conne ctions. Notify Owner/Architect in writing at least A. High inte nsitydischarge fixtures to be comple tewith lamps and all ne ce ssaryaccessoriesto provide for the ircompleteinstallation. Ballasts to be constant wattage 1.07 EXISTING CONDITIONS 24 hours before partially or comple te lydisabling system. Minimize outage duration. auto-transformer type s,e xce ptwhe renote d. A. Existing syste msand conditions shown on drawings for existing buildings are to be noted"for guidance only". The ElectricalContractorshall fie ldche ckall existing C. Demolitionand Exte nsionof Existing ElectricalWork B. All HID ballasts shall be manufactured to ANSI standards and so labeled. HID ballasts shall be e le ctronictype,sound rating A,THD le ssthanl5 percent,powerfactor conditions prior to bidding and is to include in his bid an allowance for e xte nsion,re movaland/or re locationof existing conduits,wire s,de vice s,fixtures,or other 1. Demolish and e xte nde xistinge le ctricatwork unde r provisions of Division 1, Division 2,and this section. of 0.90 or higher. e quipme ntas indicate don the plans or as re quire dto coordinate and adapt newand e xistinge le ctricalsyste mto all othe rwork. 2. Re move,re locate,and e xte nde xisting installations to accommodate new construction. O B. Wherethereuseofexistingconduits,wires,devices,etc.ispermissible,make ce rtainthat the wiring for same is continuous f rom outle tto outle t and that such circuit or 3. Re moveabandone d wiring to source of supply. 2.04 EMERGENCY OR NIGHT LIGHTING systemssha!!pass through no outle tor junction boxeswhich may be re nde re dnacce ssible by the structural change sto be made to the building. Existing conduits,wire, 4. Re movee xpose dabandone d conduit,including abandonedconduit above acce ssiblece iling finishe s. Cut conduit flush with walls and floors,and patch surface s. A. Fixture sindicate d as beingon emergencypr night light circuits shall be provide dwith self-containedbatterypoweredinverte runit for dire ctmounting in fixture.Provide 7 de vice s,e tc.which are not indicated for reuseshallbecomethe property ofthis Contractor howeverlightingfixtures,pane!fuse dswitches,circuit breakers,fire alarm 5. Disconne ctabandone d outle tsand re movede vices.Re moveabandone d outle ts if conduit se rvicingthe m is abandone d and re move d.Provide blank cove rfor unit with fully automatic two rate charge r,nicke!cadmium battery,AC"on"pilot light,and testswitch.De sign and wire unit to automatically transfe rto batte rysupply on Z e quipme nt,e tc.shall be comethe property of the Owner. abandoned outle ts,which are not re moved. loss of normal AC powe rand to ope rate32 watt T8 fluoresce niamp with minimum output of 600 lumens for minimum 1-1/2 hours. W C. Syste moutage s shall be pe rmitte cbnly at time sapprove dby Owne rin writing. Work which could re sultin an accide ntaloutage(be yondbranchcircuits)shall be 6. Disconnectand removeelectricakJevice sand e quipme ntse rving utilization e quipme ntthat has bee nre moved. n/ performed with the Owne r'smainte nance pe rsonne!advise d of such work. 7. Disconne ctand re moveabandone d luminaire s. Re movebrackets,ste ms,hangers,and othe raccessories. 2.05 LAMPS LL D. Serviceshall be maintainedto existingare asduring construction. Contractor shall provide portable generators,cables,outlets,etc.as re quire dto maintain continuity of 8. Re pairadjace nt construction and finishesdamage d during de molition and extensionwork. A. Lamps shall be as shown in the fixture scheduleas manufactured byOsram-Sylvania,G.E., Phillips,or approve dequivalent. Et Lf) service.PlacementofsuchportableequipmentshallbesubjecttoOwnerapproval.Generatorsystemshallbecompleteandoperableandshallincluderequired 9. Maintain accessto e xistinge le ctricalnstallations,which re mainactive.Modify installation or provide accesspane I as appropriate. W U coo accessories,fue!tanks,piping,muffler,block he ate r,battery charge r,e tc. 10. Exte nde xisting installations using mate rialsand me thods compatible with e xisting e le ctricalinstallation,or as spe cif ie din individual se ction. PART 3- EXECUTION V 0 CO E. Imme diate lyafte raward of contract,ve rifyavailable physical space and ampacity of e xisting pane lboards,switchboards,distribution boards,motor control ce nte rs,e tc., D. Cle aning and Re pair and provide writte ndocume ntation of findings to the Architect/Engineer. Docume ntationshall include a minimum 24-hour recordingamperereadingon all existing 1. Cle an and re paire xisting mate rialsand e quipme nt,which re mainor are to be reused. 3.01 INSTALLATION Z < 0 switchge arbe ing utilize d for this proje ct. 2. Pane lboards:Cle an e xpose dsurface sand che cktightne ss of e le ctricalconne ctions. Re placedamage d circuit breakers and provide closure plate sfor vacant A. Install lighting fixtures straight and true with reference to adjace nt walls,and se cure lyfaste nto and support by structural me mbe rsof the building. Re fe rto architectural D w 0 F. Provide new updated pane lboarddirectoriesfor existingand newcircuits being utilize dfor completionof project. positions. Provide type dcircuit dire ctoryshowing re vise dcircuiting arrange me nt. or inte riorreflected ce iling plans and e le vationsfor e xactlocation of fixtures. = Q 3. Luminaries: Re movee xisting luminaire sf or cle aning. Use mild de te rge nto cle an all e xte riorand inte riorsurf ace s;rinse with cle an wate rand wipe dry. Re place B. Provide photocontrols,time clocks,contactors,re lays,e tc.to control inte riorand e xte riorfixtures.All ite ms for lighting controls that are to be mounte d outdoors or in wet O (n 1.08 PERMITS,FEES&NOTICES lamps,non-operationalballasts,and brokenelectricalparts. locations shall be installed in weatherproof housings. A. Obtain and pay for all necessarypermits,inspectionsandcertificatesthat may benecessaryforthe full completion ofthe work. Furnish the Architect with a certificate of E. Installation C. Re cesse dight fixtures installe d in gyp.board or plaste rce ilings shall have plaste rframesinstalle d prior to ce iling mate rial. J z 0 final inspectionand approval from the AHJ ove rthe electricalinstallation. 1. Install re locatednate rialsand e quipme ntunde r the provisions of Division 1. D. Multi-ballastedfluorescenttixtures shall be dual switchedunlessnote dothe rwise. J O J B. Notify prope rauthoritie swhe n work is re adyf or inspe ctions re quire dby applicable code s,rule sand re gulations,allowing sufficie nttime for inspe ctionsto be made E. Fixture sre ce sse dn"t-bar"ce iling shall besupportedindependentlyofceilingsystem,withfour#12hangerwiresuptostructure. Se curehange r wire sto come rsof - J 0 without hinde ring progressof the work. Furnish to the Owne rcopiesof inspectioncertificates of acceptance. END OF SECTION 26010 fixture. Clip fixture to grid on two sideswith factory-furnished clips. Final connectionto fixture shall be made with a flexibleU.L.approvedassembly. Q\ > U > 1.09 TESTS SECTION 26100--BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS END OF SECTION 26500 CO J A. Upon comple tion of all work and adjustme nt of all e quipme nt,provide comple teope rationalte stsof all e le ctricale quipme ntprovide dunde r this division. Z N Q PART 1 - GENERAL(Not Used) END OF DIVISION N. O 1.10 WARRANTY A. Guarante ethat all work gove me dby this division shall be f re eof de f e ctsin workmanship,mate rialsand parts for a periodofone(1)yearafterwrittenacceptance. PART 2- PRODUCTS F- Promptly re pair,re vise,and re placedefe ctsas dire cte dwith no additional cost to the Owne r(lamps and fuse sare e xe mpt). J 2.01 RACEWAYS AND FITTINGS N 1.11 RECORD DRAWINGS A. Conduit: fl A. During the progressof the work,maintain an accurate record of the installation of the e le ctricalsyste m.Upon completionof the e lectricalinstallation,transfe rail record 1. Conduits installed unde rgroundor in grade slabs shall be Schedule 40 PVC with ground wire. data to prints of the original drawings.Drawings shall include all adde ndum ite ms,change orders,altemate s,reroutings,etc.As a condition of acce ptanceof the proje ct, 2. Conduits subje ctto mechanical damage or whe reothe rwisere quire dby code shall be galvanized rigid he avywall conduit;all othe rconduit may be e le ctricme tallic de live rto the Architect one copy of the record drawings. tubing. U 3. Fle xibleme tallicconduit shall be use d whe revibration or othe r re asonsdo not allow solid conne ctionsto motors,e quipme nt,e tc. F le x may also be use d to fish in 1.12 PROTECTION e xistingwalls or whe rere quire dto conne ctionin millwork. The use of fle xshall be he Id to a minimum. Whe refle xibleme tallicconduit is use d in are assubje ctto N A. Of People:Arrange barriers,signs, etc.as requiredto minimize the hazard of people.Comply with applicable safe tyand he alth regulations. Coordinate as necessary moisture,PVC-coatedflex(Liquidtight)shall be used. F- CD with the Owne rand the Gene ralContractor. B. Fittings: 0 B. Of Work:Take all me asuresne ce ssaryto protect the work both be foreand afte rinstallation,to assure that it will be in cle an,undamaged,unble mishe dcondition when 1. Use solve ntwe Ide dfittings for all PVC conduit. n/ turne dove rto the Owne r. Repair/replace work damaged during construction. 2. Use set-screor compre ssionfittings for all EMT conduit. LL d 3. Use threadedfittingsforall rigid conduit. in PART2- PRODUCTS I 2.02 WIRE AND CABLE 4 2.01 STANDARD FOR MATERIALS A. Voltage range 0 to 24:High conductivity coppe r,the rmo-plasticinsulation,300 volt rating. co A. All e le ctricalmate rialshall be newand of the quality and type specified. B. Voltage range 24 to 600:High conductivity copper,moisture-resistant thermo-pl asticinsul ation,600 vol t75°C rating for general use. For HID fixtures and wiring within 3 Currentlssue: oo B. Manufacture rand catalog numbe rshown in the se spe cificationsor on drawings are inte ndedas a guide to quality. Equivalent mate rialsand e quipme ntof other inches of fl uorescentbal lasts,wire shall be copper,minimum 90°C rated. Sizes indicated are for install ationin a maximum 30°C ambient. Conductor ampacity shall be C manufacturers will be conside re dprovide dsuch substitutions are re que ste do accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.03 and shall include all information de rate dfor higher ambie nt installations. 100%Construction Documents Z ne cessaryto support the claim of e quivale ncy. C. Conductors used spe cif icallyfor e quipme ntor se rviceground may be bare or have insulation to match circuit/feeder conductors. § C. No extensionof completiondate shall be allowed for time lost in consideration,shipping,or installation of approve dsubstitutions. Revie wof substitutions signifies Q generale quality of mate rialsand e quipme ntonly. This re vie wdoe s not re lie vethe Contractor of re sponsibilityfor prope rope rationof the syste m,compliance with 2.03 WIRE CONNECTIONS pspe cif icationsandnecessarychangesdue todime nsionaldifferences orspace require ments. A. All electricabonnectionsshallbeelectricallyandmechanicallysecure,using the following methods: Z 1. Wire size#8 and smaller--pressure type conne ctors(scotch-lok)or equivalent. O 2.02 PRODUCT HANDLING 2. Wire size#6 and large r--mechanicabr compressionlugs, Burndy,T&B,!Isco or equivale nt. Issued: H A. Use all me ans ne ce ssaryto prote cte le ctricalsyste mmate rialsbe fore,during and afte rinstallation and to protect the installe d work and mate rialsof all othe rtrade s. B. Wire termination provisions for panel boards,circuit breakers,safety switches,and al l other el ectricalapparatus shal I be I isted as suitabl efor 75°C. jB. In the eve ntof damage,immediate lymake all re pairsand re place me ntsie cessaryto the approval of the Architect at no additional cost to the Owner. 25%DD SET 07/10/2017 O C. Uponcompletionofallinstallations,lampingandtesting,thoroughlyinspectallexposedportionsoftheelectricalinstallation and complete lyre moveall e xpose dlabe Is, 2.04 SURFACE RACEWAYS 75%DD SET 08/21/2017 Z soil,markings,and foreignmaterials. A. Surface Metal Raceways:Galvanize dstee!with snap-on covers.Manufacturers standard ename!finish incolor selecte cbyArchitect. ° Lu 25%CD SET 09/25/2017 rY B. Manufacture rshall be Thomas&Be ttsCorporation,Walke rsyste ms,Inc.(The Wire mold Company),or approve de qual. w PART 3- EXECUTION 75%CD SET 12/04/2017 z 2.05 OUTLET BOXES D 3.01 WORKMANSHIPAND COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION A. Outletboxesshallbe:one pie cesteel,galvanized,Ste e!City Ele ctric,AppletonEle ctric,Raco or approve de quivale nt.Whe re NMC or ENT is use d,plastic boxesare BUILDING PERM IT 03/15/2018 O A. Contractor's pe rsonne land subcontractors se le cte do perform the work shall be we live rse dand skille din the trade sinvolve d. acceptable. J B. Coordinate e le ctricale quipme ntand mate rialsinstallation with othe r building compone nts. C. Se que nce,coordinate,and inte grateinstallations of e le ctricalmate rialsand e quipme ntfor efficie nt low of the Work. Give particular atte ntionto large e quipme nt 2.06 DEVICES - requiring positioning prior to closing-in the building. A. Wiring devicesshall be spe cif icationgrade and ratedat 20 ampe re sfor light switchesand 20 ampe re sfor duple x re ce ptacle s.Switche s,re ce ptacle sand othe rdevices D. Any change sor deviationsfromthe drawings and spe cif icationsmust be acceptedin writing by the Architect/Engineer. A!l errors in installation shall be corrected at the shall be Le vitonDe corastyle,or Pass Se ymour,Coope r,or Hub be Ile quivale nt.Color shall be ivory unle ss note d othe rwiseby Architect. Z expe nseof the Contractor. All spe cialtiesshall be installe d as de taile don the drawings. Whe rede tailor spe cif icinstallation re quire me nts3re not provide d, B. Wall Switch Occupancy Se nsors: 120/277V,adjustable time de lay up to 20 minutes,180 de gre efie Id of vie wswitch a minimum cove rageare aof 300 square fe e t. O manufacturer's re comme ndationsshall be followed. C. Wall plate sshall be smooth,high-impact the rmoplasticmate rialfor finishe d space s. E. Upon completion of work,all e quipme ntand mate rialsshall be installed complete thoroughly checked,correctly adjusted,and leftre adyfor inte nde duse or operation. D. Poke Through Asse mbliesshall be factory fabricated-and-wired asse mblyof be lowfloor junction box with multi-channe le d,through-floor raceway/firestop unit and All work shall be thoroughly cle ane dand all residue shall be re move dfrom surf ace s.Exte riorsurface sof all mate rialand e quipme ntshall be de live re dn a perfect, detachable matching floor se rviceoutle tasse mbly.Provide four simple x receptacles and space for four RJ-45 jacks,se le cte do fit nominal 3-inch core dhole in floor and Q U unble mishe dcondition. matche d to floor thickne ss. Unit shall be listed and labe le dfor fire rating of floor-ce ilingasse mbly. - N F. Contractor shall provide a completeinstallation,including all requiredlabor,material,cartage,insurance,permits,and taxes. E. Multioutl etassembl iesshal I be aluminum 3"high,divided channel raceway for use as a completematching assembly. Duplex20 amp receptacles shall be located I - H every 18"or as shown in drawings. Route#12AWG minimum. Derate conductors as required by NEC. She e tTitle: lY 3.02 PROGRESS OF WORK in A. Orde rthe progressof e le ctricalwork to conformto the progre ssof the work of the othe rtrades.Completethe e ntireinstallation as soon as the condition of the building PART3- EXECUTION ELECTRICAL 4 will permit.Any cost re sultingfrom defectiveor ill-time dwork performed unde rthis Se ctionshall be borne by this Contractor. CO 3.01 CONDUIT INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS CO U7 3.03 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. All wiring shall be installe d in liste d me tallic race ways.Race waysin slab-on-grade or be lowgrade shall be sche dule 40 PVC. Transitions f rom be lowto above grade A. Provide all cutting, nching,backfilling,tre nchin g, g,patching and re finishingor resurfacing re quire dfor e le ctricalwork in a manne r me e tingthe approval of the Engine e rand at no shall be with rigid ste e le lbowswith P.V.C.Jacke tor approve de qual prote ction.EMT fittings shall be malle able iron or ste e I.Conne ctorsshall be insulate d throat type. O additional cost to the Owner. B. Make conduit be nds with standard conduit e lbowsor conduit be ntto not le ss than the same radius. All be nds shall be fre efrom dents or flatte fling. W B. All ope nings made in fire-rated walls,floors,or ceilings shall be patche dand made tight in a manne rto conform to the fire rating for the surface pe ne trate d. C. All fittings in wetplaces,locations exposedto weathe r,or buriedin masonry,concreteor fill,shall be wate r-tight.Apply listed compound to thre adsof race wayand O fittings before making up joints. Follow compound manufacturer's instructions. 3.04 DELIVERYAND STORAGE OF MATERIALS D. At locations subje ctto moisture or vibration,use insulating bushings to prote ctconductors,including conductors smalle rthan No.4 AWG. Date: 03.15.2018 w O A. Arrange and be held re sponsiblefor de live ryand safe storage of mate rialsand e quipme ntfor e le ctricalinstallation. E. Cap conduit ends to pre ve nte ntranceof fore ignmate rialsduring construction. m B. Care f ullyche ck mate rialsf urnishe dto this Contractor for installation,and provide re ce iptacknowle dging acce ptanceof de live ryand condition of the mate rialsre ce ive d. F. Run conce ale dconduits in a dire ctline. Run e xpose dconduits para!!eIto,or at right angle swith,line sof the building. Install a!l conduits at least6"away from flue s, Designed: BAS co Thereafter,assume full re sponsibilityfor its safe kee pingintil the final installation has be e nre viewe cland acce pte d. ste amand hot wate rpipes. Install horizontal race wayruns above wate rand ste am piping. Reviewed: MAS G. Run underground conduits a minimum of 2'0"belowgrade. ProjectNo: 8234.15 3.05 PROTECTION OF WORK AND PROPERTY H. Se al all conduit penetrationsof fire rate dwalls,floor,or ce ilings with U.L.liste d"Dow Corning"#2000 or#2001 fire stop se alantor equivale nt. A. Whe rethe reare existingfacilities,be re sponsiblefor the protection the reof,whethe mr not such facility is to be re move dor relocated.Moving or re movingany facility I. All a mptyracewaysyste msshall have a polypropylene pullwire or equal,and shall be identifiedat all junction,pull and terminationpoints using germane ntmetallictags. 0_ must be done so as not to cause interruption of the work of Owne r'sope ration. Tag shall indicate intendeduse of conduit,origination,and te rminationpoints of each individual conduit. SheetNo: B. Close all conduit openings with caps or plugs during installation. Coverall fixtures and equipmentand protect against injury. At the final completion,cleanal!work and J. Non-metallicand flexiblemetalconduits shall have a code-sizedcoppergrounding conductor. Increaseconduit size as required. c? de live rin an unble mishe dcondition,or re finishand re paintat the discre tionof the Architect. K. Conduits pe netratingthrough roof shall have roof flashing with caulk type counte rflashing sle e ve.Installation shall be wate rtight. in C. Any equipment or conduit systems found to have been damaged or contaminated above"MILL"or"SHOP"conditions shat I be repl acedor cl eanedto the Engineer's L. Whe repave Is are installe d flush with walls,a mptyconduits shall be exte nde(from the pane Ito an accessiblespace above or be low.A minimum of one 3/4"c shall be O . w 4 satisfaction. installe dfor eve rythre esingle pole spare circuit breakers or spaces,or fraction the reof,but not less than two conduits. E 'I co in M o Scale: As Shown OF zo ..„,04044irole. il 0 'a Zo *I§ ,3 NOTES: _ o N o O 1. SALVAGE EXISTING ELECTRICAL AND FIRE ALARM © ,_ F- a' 08/20/18 p DEVICES FOR REUSE.REFER ELECTRICAL PLAN ON SHEET E2.1 FOR NEW LOCATIONS. Z w w 2. SALVAGE EXISTING ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS FOR REUSE.REFER TO ELECTRICAL PLAN ON SHEET E2.1 N— — pFOR LOCATIONS OF WHERE REUSED CIRCUITS J E Empin2L:L I. o,`;� - T� SHALL BE USED. G1� . \\ \\ 11 ii 4\I • Im +,T z I o p \\ % \\ I 3 EING REUWHERE ISED REMOVCIRCUISTING ELECTRICAL T IN`ITS ENTIREITS ARE OTY �,110 \ l�d / GG \\ TO PANEL. toN�1oJ G\1=43 \\\\\ ;j �; gI= FLAG NOTES: N/ � Ch0SALVAGE THE EXISTING CIRCUIT SERVING THIS RECEPTACLE FOR REUSE.REFER TO ELECTRICAL T — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — PLAN ON SHEET E2.1 FOR NEW RECEPTACLE I I I I I LOCATION. U 1 � ❑ O SALVAGE EXISTING FIRE ALARM DEVICE FOR RELOCATION.REFER TO ELECTRICAL PLAN ON SHEET E2.1 FOR NEW DEVICE LOCATION. 1111. / \ �� I j u d g:do + ASSOCIATES i. T r1I1I� I I — 1_ ❑ ARCHITEC + PLANNERS 16 r- — , (E)PANEL IJ12' // \\ /o\\\ "" cb °JoueAssciates L Architec + Planners H. Post ce Box 1734 Vail 81658.1734 I (97949.7034 � Q � � � � � � email:genervagarchitects.com '�--, 105 Edwards Vge Blvd,Suite G 104 EdwarCO 81632 �� %� ! i0AL L /. ----- O L nl fir /�P-J1 qP I::: s \ I - Mr 11 1, /r L/ 2 2 N p U or IT rZ ,/ L_-� ��_J����� ����I� ��- • 4221) �� l 4i1 \ • • .. J V 4` 6 — 00 O ' ss/CNAL EN�0-I 6 0 0 0 0 0 ❑® 0 ❑®Oz 0 0 4P 4- 4P 'SF 8R84 L II — IIH Z ,_ O \ G 0 \ _ LQ LQ zQ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q '� II 0 II F z H 0 1 W 1 0 ❑® 0 ' W 0! �0 i i i i El i i i cp � O O O O O O O � � ' L � O Jinr7 CO D � Lo %'' Z 11 r❑i I--2‹ Ii___I i - - J rr- --1 err----� ILH L 1 1I eN I I J Z I0 0 J 0'-'- r- _ O Q J L OO OO OO OO DCH;0 • Z ~ Q O > J ,j --,J a Et r (E)DIMA-1\[ �(E)PANEL'L11' (E)DIMA-2\ L KO Q (E)DIMA-3\[ /y� N Il a Vie` --11_ ❑ r I. i Lf Z 0 (E)DIMB 1 o NI \ (E)DIMB 2 N Lu LU COC\ICurrent Issue: u) n n n I z � 1 II I — 100%Construction Documents < J I I I - - - - — — — — o I – / laI=,\ I Issued: 0 — • — — — 7c GGi \ \ \\ ' -T/, 25%DD SET 07/10/2017 o I \ H i'''p//// \\\\\\O% \ �\\ // Z .\\\ / o ll \\ \\ \` i '. Lc 7 0 08/21/2017 — — I \\ p /1ll \\\ \\\ ``\ i i • 25%CD SET 09/25/2017 • // \\ , L 75%CD SET 12/04/2017 Z n-- -- u BUILDING PER MIT 03/15/2018 u 0 - s ELECTRICAL FIRST FLOOR PLAN - DEMO J SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" I I I - ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 I- J CC Q 0 N Sheet Title: E ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Lo I ELECTRICAL N I FIRST FLOOR cc U) PLAN - DEMO 0 aw L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tl Date: 03.15.2 018 co Designed: BAS CO. Reviewed: MAS Project No: 82 34.15 Sheet o: a N in 4 E2 . 0 cc Lc, o Scale: As Shown OF k4 .15M er,71.4144 . eft E N J oNOTES:0' _ o -,��� O 1. METER PANEL'L11' IN ELECTRICAL ROOM 110 FOR 30 © ,_ ~ a' 08/20/18 — Q DAYS PER NEC 220.87 TO DETERMINE AVAILABLE LOAD CAPACITY.IT IS ASSUMED AT TIME OF PERMIT, LL r PANEL'L11' HAS SUFFICIENT CAPACITY FOR ADDED z .- w .o LOADS.ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TO PROV IDE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER WITH METERED DATA PRIOR 0 to o TO INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS TO J E V ERIFYSUFFICIENT CAPACITY IN PANEL. D w o 2. FIRE ALARM SCOPE LIMITED TO REMODEL SCOPE CO ) Q ONLY.FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SHALL COMPLY WITH n� H v � � NATIONAL,STATE,AND LOCAL CODES.SYSTEM ❑ H g oN SHALL BE DESIGN/BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. FIRE L CO ALARM DEV ICESSHOWN ON PLAN ARE FOR DESIGN Ifili O w �' 'II% INTENT. FINAL DESIGN RESPONSIBILITY BY N DESIGN/BUILD CONTRACTOR. Q Sico p1-28 FLAG NOTES: <#.441P4)4 O REUSE EXISTING TV RECEPTACLE CIRCUIT FROM EAST WALL OF BAR TO SERV ENEW TV LOCATION. II I I I I O 02 REUSE EXISTING TV RECEPTACLE CIRCUIT FROM 0 L ❑ ❑ ❑ WEST WALL OF PRIVATELOUNGE TO SERVENEW I-1 L TV LOCATION. ❑ . - O REUSE EXISTING ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT FROM WEST WALL RECEPTACLES BEING REMOV EDTO SERVE j u d g e + ^s s o c i^T E s NEW FLOOR RECEPTACLES.PROVIDEHUBBELL ARCHITECTS + PLANNERS I ❑ - J DUPLEX IT2 8" FIRE RATED POKE-THROUGHATEXWITH(2) ^� DUPLEX RECEPTACLES.COORDINATE EXACT Judge �� } t r �Q� REQUIREMENTS WITH LOW-VOLTAGE CONTRACTOR Associates rir ,, 1_,I_ ❑ ❑_ PRIOR TO ROUGH IN.COORDINATE EXACT �, (E)PANEL 1112' (b ,1 (tb(E) © Ijl •(E) <4(-- > LOCATION WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ROUGH-IN. Architects+ Planners TV OREFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS FOR FIRE Post Office Box 1734 PROOFING OF PENETRATION. Vail CO 81658.1734 0 (970)949.7034 He (E) • 0 REUSE EXISTING ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT FROM WEST email:general@vagarchitects.com ___)-1 L4 4) Fi WALL RECEPTACLES BEING REMOVEDTO SERV E 105 Edwards Village Blvd,Suite G 104 (E) 44 INEW TV RECEPTACLE. Edwards,CO 81632 0 2 ❑ dE) O(E) (E) 2 ❑ F(E) (E) IT O REUSE EXISTING RECEPTACLE CIRCUIT FROM LC- 7 (E) PRIVATELOUNGE TO SERVENEW RECEPTACLE SEAL LOCATION. ,e,so OOO Or �L11-6 O O O ROUTE 1" CONDUIT WITH PULL STRING FROM it 6\, 'P• NS ELECTRICAL ROOM 110 TO THIS LOCATION FOR �� C� , .C c) % I UJI O FUTURE USE. •• a• 11 1 co ❑ ' O 42215 • 2: (E) O RELOCATE EXISTING FIRE ALARM DEV ICEAT THE ` 11 SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE EXISTING FIREPLACE 1::3) 3 -1 C- l '. $ 8i ,.,,,PPA OOa N ❑ E _ 0 -1 TO THIS LOCATION. '� A ' ., ( ) mum / HH I " O I'� O 08 RELOCATE THE EXISTING FIRE ALARM DEV ICESAT ss/CNAL E� 06� p(E) ❑ 0 (E)C (E)C Gi • 4 ISI" Lpl LO J THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE EXISTING �.�rr•*s. H— A = E © ❑ FIREPLACE TO THIS LOCATION. �� ) r 00 �� (E) (E) (E) C- ( ) E) (E) 9 PROV IDE(2#12& 1#12GRD) IN A 3/4"C FROM PANEL (E)os. — 0 OO OO 0 (E) (E) LJ (E) ❑® (E) (E) (E) TV, 4 r—di(E) TV (E) (E) (E) �� (E) O O 0 'L11' LOCATED IN ELECTRICAL ROOM 110 TO THIS Z 0 O� (E) ❑ 4� (E)� 41)08 (11) EY LOCATION. 0 O - C- - 10 COORDINATE EXACT POWER REQUIREMENTS OF FIREPLACE WITH FIREPLACE SUBMITTAL PRIOR TO I— ®0 O ROUGH-IN. Q (E) (E) > _p(E) ❑O (E) ' 0(E) 0 0 0 0 0(E) 0 0 O(E)FP 0 z INC (7(\mDc), w E (E) E) (E) - _ Lt Lf) ( ) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) ®� (E) ❑® (E) W U H 0 OO E3(E)(E) O8 OQ 0 0 0 OQ 0 0 U' co mo' (E) E) E) z Q O (E) L ® Ali , ❑ (E) ❑ _I L <*r_ O> 1 _. dS Tei 0 C5 < ❑ wI \ UI U nUn❑ JzO\ II — J0 1) <� E U � ) �� 4 > co '-- zCO - 7 O > (E) (E) (E) (E) (E) ) (E 1 1� z 0 0 0 0 DCS E J (E) Et I E) ) $ O j0 U O I\ r (E)DIMA-1\[ N (E)PANEL'L11' (E)DIMA-2 O •EiII.I \ \{ TV TV TV (E) Q (E)DIMA-3\[ "' "' "' ❑ Y p rl w r1Th❑I O ,_,L Lf') ❑ - L 11-30 (E)DIMA M (E)DIMBa2 L11-34 /j Current Issue: co 0 Z O 100%Construction Documents O _ H ❑ ❑ 0 I I I I I ❑ z L 0 i I $ IY.' 10 tIssued: ❑ 25%DD SET 07/10/2017 O>.< Q ► 1.26 75%DD SET 08/21/2017 L 25%CD SET 09/25/2017 w 75%CD SET 12/04/2017 O �. BUILDING PER MIT 03/15/2018 4 0 LJ Q ❑ _. Z O I- J 1 1 U ❑-ey. • ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ � _ Sheet Title: in ELECTRICAL N 1— ❑ FIRST FLOOR ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 6 PLAN - NEW 0 W O Date: 03.15.2018 0 Designed: BAS cii Reviewed: MAS Project No: 8234.15 ELECTRICAL FIRST FLOOR FLOOR PLAN - NEW Sheet No: 1 7? SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 4 E2 . 1 6 C) Scale: As Shown C *ski OF zo4 h 15 � o 0-' ��� „I NOTES: rI w o Y o = i— 08/20/18 1. AREAS NOTED WITH HATCHING ARE FIXTU RESTO BE - o DEMO'D.SALVAGE EXISTING ELECTRICAL CIRCU ITS 0LL FOR REUSE. II a' Z w Lu > EJ 3 _ _ NI1H0l�w 0 FLAG NOTES: -1 E a z -----%-,---______,„ T 1. SALVAGE EXISTING FIXTU RESFOR RELOCATION.RE: RCP ON SHEET E3.1 FOR NEW LOCATION. CO 4-1 (r t/1 IIT M >' C3 I I V1 Ri W co R ch I • A \\ // 1 • I COMIL 0 c?:? cj Q co / O \\ \\ // / \\ I $,,\ \\\\ \\ \\ / ,\c\\ I 1 \\,�,� 1/// // \_\.- j/ al- 2NI-1Hlb`N SNIHlb N T — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — II II 7_____ 0 u ❑ ❑ �NI�HIb`N � H � �_ judge + ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS + PLANNERS — — — I Judge + \-1__ Associates N J ° Architects+ Planners Post Office Box 1734 (-----,- ❑ ❑ Vail CO 81658.1734 1 \F C; F\ 970 949.7034 0 II 0 II 0 0 I 1r - 0 <O O 0 �Q . email:general@vagarchitects.com I I I I 105 Edwards Village Blvd,Suite G 104 ___) (__,H4 1 LiJ �� Edwards,CO 81632 il I I11 00 il J J J / SEAL 110 �! I•<0 • • 0Jriii/. rQQ ���O��DO L/�<O �_ tiII I ��/, i-�' ��►� IliIli ��'�V�f1►",�P' �,"'Z5': � LFuji <O .I ;. .I zu :' 2:,_ °� Ii 0 i O : 42215• O I 0O❑/ JO ° (Q i ��/ / -► I-��- II ° Ii 0 0 0 '�i II O O 2 'P9 0 0 ■w v a,�` ****(f I k, / \ • ■. ALJ■� JI .. M .�. � O O ;�,�■'�rn . T r o o 0121 O 'M • 1�. 0> <0 <0 I Z O <O b I RaRaR. BRB I rQ 011 \ �pI o/- \\O0 0 O e m >--< <1 ILI a 0> Aor . a 0 0° 0 a <0 0 qI zCt Lo O _ ��O 0 WU co / ■ o g o o <0 0> <0 <0 z Q CO E 1 i \\ 0 0° ° \ / / \ . ° ° 0 0> t-N 2 < 0000 <O O O O Jz . ii? ." 0 6 el .A - / - 111z _I O • 1 \ \- �I I • ��■ Ti — O j I 6 u 18 z I� Z co J -I Q I F.- - _iN-O O 0 1 ) O 0> ■. :4, M M / J - IEt o� �o 0 0 N 110 M. I— o 0 0 OJ LO 0 0> - 1 / Id cO Lu I iii•Amm: .4", immEcommu.. immEnzEmmil. in 4C\ —I I aMI ❑ ❑ I r D i I Current Issue: co I ZI / 100%Construction Documents Q CCID o ❑ ❑ I Issued: > SNI�H17N I I I . 25%DD SET 07/10/2017 0Iw :1 L _ _ — — _ _ _ _ --_\ / q -- i--- 75%DD SET 08/21/2017 SNI�H�lb N / 25%CD SET 09/25/2017 l w 7 \\ ~ I 75%CD SET 12/04/2017 Z 0 cls - moo ��c al= O I BUILDING PER MIT 03/15/2018 o — — — — — /u,,, \ \ �_ \ / ////y\\\\\\` \oma 1'/' J \� /moi /'' �'/ // \\ \\\ \`\ �� �/ E J 3N11H1b W \ r // \\ \ / 0 > // \\ 417$ • a o U R \--- - 1 m J C I Q N0 I I I I Sheet Title: E I , it-- ry • • • • u ELECTRICAL co FIRST FLOOR RCP N co I- ❑ I - DEMO a I a I Date: 03.15.2018 0 Designed: BAS cij Reviewed: MAS Project No: 8234.15 — — — — — — — — — — — — y — — — — — — — — — — a SNI-1H0Vb`W SNI1HN i Sheet No: co 0 N in4E3 LIGHTING FIRST FLOOR RCP PLAN - DEMO . 0 co 6 1 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" C'') Scale: As Shown 0 OF goAND o iii;605 ZI (o) 4. tp NOTES: °' o Y op _ 0 3 1. NEW LIGHT FIXTURES ARE OWNER-PROVIDED, 0 '- 1- °) oa/zo/1a 4 'll_\ CONTRACTOR INSTALLED.REFER TO p 5 j ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLANS FOR LL FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS. cc °' O 2. NEW LIGHTING IS EQUAL TO OR LOWER WATTAGE OF Z '� w "3Q H E Z EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURES.ELECTRICAL J CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCONNECT EXISTING LIGHT ZO FIXTURES AND CONNECT NEW LIGHT TO EXISTING > II I I I I I I • 4 CIRCUIT. c0 H2u FLAG NOTES: to 0 °° w co M 1. FIXTURE SHALL BE REPLACED WITH OWNER , D N PROVIDED,CONTRACTOR INSTALLED FIXTURE. m c6) Q o 2. RELOCATED LIGHTING FIXTURE. O>00 � \_ - / �\\ H �I�l 3. PROVIDE LUTRON MS-B102 DUAL TECHNOLOGY, y ❑ O LINE-VOLTAGE OCCUPANCY SENSOR SWITCH OR 0 I II I \ ^ ^ / ^ ^ EQUIVALENT. O(E) I __ . OHo I <WE) O (E)° (E) O (°E) \ (E) © O> (O O OO (E) S> R4OVIDED,(E) - �(E) <(E) O> rIl <• judge + ASSOCIATES (E) ■ (E ©� (� (� •°cE) � I j +� lO etc) ARCHITECTS + PLANNERS — Judge 1 © � Judge <0(E) A © � o o(E) \ H Associates �� __ (E) L. (E) / (E) (E) Architects+ Planners u j 1 0 (E) �� ► A (E)° E) °(E) � E) COPost Vail CGOice Box 8 658.1734 34 IWA° YI - - ��i O C� ;, ;, 1 _/ 4 a (970)949.7034 VillierACO'l� email:general@vagarchitects.com — OIOIO O(E) L -�— r0 105 Edwards Village Blvd,Suite G 104 i D m I 1� • 4 pp Edwards,CO 81632 _ :.: 1 . I SEAL 00 ■ yil (IE) (E) (E) • <0 O. (E) (E) CO(E) ��m� EE _/ , � .�'to . O OSE // 8w8 (E) (E) c) (E) c) y (E) E O , 1� V� • <O O O O O 42 2 • (E) O (E) 210 °(//- - C) (E)0 1111•111 MIMI I • 2 -ic- tili,,a-$ 1 -0 1„,,. ...... ....- .‹, 0 <0(E) 1 i i (E)O) 1 �� • � (E) (E) (O CO �'csS��NA� �'........... G\�r\-\�• <0(E) 0 � 0 1 I (E) 1 .K. (E) (E) L J O(E) O(E) O(E) O(E) <0(E� 0> <0 e(E) - - Z (E)O (E) (E) O (E)O (O(E) 0 (O(E) \ '0000\ (E) (E) (E) (E) O4 (O(E) °(E) (E) °(E) 0 (E) O• O• / [ rill > ��i lw_ 1 1_° _� O .1i" 1 1—, __ J 111 Et N- Ct Ls, w f7 CO z _ � J ) z o 01 i )(j 7_ __ 0> ( ) ( ) )_,E) (E) ;H„ r . + Io w aDQ ME i I a • ) O ) O)ilf ( ) O> ® - Q U all OO * , . coZ I. I O > - 71 I 1 . . )- . Et . , _._ . i_ _1 Q 0 1 1 11 .� I— a i � 11 11 11 I o 4 a 411 1 4 O N Current Issue: o Cl) C7 Z 4 100%Construction Documents Q C 0 Z - O Issued: I- Q 25%DD SET 07/10/2017 O I I 75%DD SET 08/21/2017 w o-P N N • ❑ 25%CD SET 09/25/2017 CC w 75%CD SET 12/04/2017 Z BUILDING PER MIT 03/15/2018 D 0 J Q > Z 0 I- J CC Q 0 111_ Sheet Title: E ELECTRICAL M FIRST FLOOR RCP N 0 u) - NEW 0 w O ct d Date: 03.15.2018 m Designed: BAS Cl) Reviewed: MAS Project No: 8234.15 1 LIGHTING FIRST FLOOR RCP PLAN - NEW ISheetNo: a 0 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Lo4E 3 . 1 o Lri c,-; Scale: As Shown 0 it; iii ,Illh .11 z 0 'a Zo ' in lei — ov ° 08/20/18 *:— O ac _ a z - w "3 > N w 3 J E o D w o m Om N 00 N gN W co 8 M AMILc. D N CO M QO cn — 9 11 I 9 • 0 \ —— ju d g e + ASSOCIATE s / : ARCHITECTS + PLANNERS -0- O O Jud + Associates Architects+ ePlanners 1 / \ Y Post Office Box 1734 da Vail CO 68. a(i91 94981.75034 1734 I . email:general@vagarchitects.com 105 Edwards Village Blvd,Suite G 104 Edwards,CO 81632 1 • \ / 4 e v SEAL :00 OOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 / ilIn4 C)i...4/ 1C:::::) 4‘'' l/4°2°2 15 ( SS;CNAL.; 6iss O O K0 O O 1011011014\ Q 1 O w • ct I-0 —4• w 0 0 O D w o Q Io o 0 0 0 _J z J 0 Et O 1 Q O \ / \ / > co J Z ti Q 1 \ 0 / a O > 7 1— S ` N r N o / 0 0 00( I2 M L co — Current Issue: co u) O VALET 100%Construction Documents 1,..0/i )97z iOzz i0/2 Z 12 4 7 17 7 o 1 11 II 1 II Issued: I— Q 25%DD SET 07/10/2017 O 75%DD SET 08/21/2017 Z Lu 25%CD SET 09/25/2017 Lu 75%CD SET 12/04/2017 Z BUILDING PER MIT 03/15/2018 D O NOTES: J 1. AREAS NOTED WITH HATCHING ARE FIXTURES TO BE Q DEMO'D.SALVAGE EXISTING ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS Z FOR REUSE. 0 I— J rY Q 0 N Sheet Title: E Lc ELECTRICAL M c., PORTE COCHERE co RCP - EXISTING U inO LIGHTING PORTE COCHERE RCP - DEMO ry c, 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Date: 03.15.2018 co Designed: BAS 6 Reviewed: MAS Project No: 8234.15 Sheet No: IL N N N in4 c E3 . 2 o Lri o-i Scale: As Shown 0 OF,,,o7iiiiiiiiii4i4 l, 4;iive.1 5 i 0 'a Zo ,� ep, w o 0 _ , g) 08/20/18 O a _ ^ LL 5 z w Lug > 0 to w 1 J E a D w o CO +- in — M > II II V1 DN w co n(E) (- (E) , � 0`l6 `�' Y D N \ / \ 1 11 I CO o Q co - *, \ / NNN I__ 0 / J O O • (E) (E) judge + ASSOCIATES \ / N ARCHITECTS + PLANNERS N / v / 9(E) Judge + Associates • Architects+ Planners Post 34 .E) E) Vail CCO1C8 658.1e Box 7 34 / (970)949.7034 / N 1 email:general@vagarchitects.com 1 \ / N_ (E) 105 Edwards Village Blvd,Suite G 104 \ / \ / \ / \ / \ Edwards,CO 81632 0(E) 0(E) 0 0 SEAL I•, ' �.DO L/C =.. / N / \I / N / N / 0'„I o�� P': 661::..�s� • 4221 v 3 -1c- ti • / \ / \ / \ / \ / N .'. �CNAL E .��� N / N / 0(E) \ / \ / I 7 IO(E) 0(E) 0(E) 0(E) 0(E) 0(E) 0 1' / / / N / / / Q E) qE) E) (E) (E) W �0E) / \ \ 0 / \ / \ �/ \ = 1 Et N- N \ / (E) N / N / N Wco U, U a CO J, 0(E) 0(E) 0(E) 0(E) 0(E) Z W 0 -0(E) _ _ \ / \ / \ / \ O z Et 1 V / \ / \ _1 Q Q (E) J 0 0- > CO — Z ti Q / ( Q > iril ‘ /10 < 0 O(E) 0 O(E) E DE) E (D(E) N 0 S / NN cO c) w to VALET O O O 0 co C\I124 / ) (_ ( 1 ± ) (� / \ ( ) (� ( \ Current Issue: co Z I Y i I III `r `r LI I III 100%Construction Documents Q CC a -2- 0 O Issued: Q 25%DD SET 07/10/2017 > O 75%DD SET 08/21/2017 Lu NOTES: 0 FLAG NOTES: 25%CD SET 09/25/2017 Ct in 75%CD SET 12/04/2017 O 1. FIXTURE SHALL BE REPLACED WITH OWNER Z 1. NEW LIGHT FIXTURES ARE OWNER-PROVIDED, PROVIDED,CONTRACTOR INSTALLED FIXTURE. BUILDING PER MIT 03/15/2018 D CONTRACTOR INSTALLED.REFER TO O ARCHITECTURAL REFLECTED CEILING PLANS FOR J FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS. J•_ > 2. NEW LIGHTING IS EQUAL TO OR LOWER WATTAGE OF Z EXISTING LIGHT FIXTURES.ELECTRICAL O CONTRACTOR SHALL DISCONNECT EXISTING LIGHT JH FIXTURES AND CONNECT NEW LIGHT TO EXISTING CC CIRCUIT. Q 0 N Sheet Title: E Lo ELECTRICAL M C\I PORTE COCHERE 00 RCP - NEW H0 inO LIGHTING PORTE COCHERE RCP - NEW ry a 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Date: 03.15.2018 0 Designed: BAS 6 Reviewed: MAS Project No: 8234.15 Sheet No: a CV N in E3 . 3 co Lri c`"> Scale: As Shown 0 OF . ,,,:740144ii:, M. Z 0 41; � ? o 4- orb N J o 4. lifi _ J Y hoop�03 FINISHED CEILING — O `o A 0 — 3 08/20/18 EQ —,,C (E) ._g _ CBOT - z .� w EQ EQ EQ . to 0 40 J_ z ALIGN DEVICES(OUTLETS, CONTROLS,ETC.) m VERTICALLY. DO NOT n� y — VERTICALLY ALIGN POWER V >. D Q AND COMMUNICATIONS flHO O DEVICES SIMULTANEOUSLY. Lu m Ail g 00 D N DOOR WINDOW °J° o Q co Q 6" 20" MIN. MAX. ABOVE COUNTER 9 1 V c. 90 DEVICE LIGHTING 9 CONTROL Q BACKSPLASH A COUNTERTOP judge + ASSOCIATES 6"MIN. [...ciEQ EQ1=.1 o o�� ,C I ARCHITECTS + PLANNERS a a Judge + Associates Architects+ Planners Post Office Box 1734 9 RECEPTACLE 9 9 9 Vail CO 81658.1734 (970)949.7034 email:general@vagarchitects.com 105 Edwards Village Blvd,Suite G 104 Edwards,CO 81632 SEAL 0.- OOOOOOO FINISHED FLOOR I I I p� �•�.L�� NOTES: :' -• 1. IF ALIGNMENT OF DEVICES INDICATED HERE IS IN CONFLICT OFFSET COMMUNICATIONS 42215 WITH ADA REQUIREMENTS DUE TO INSTALLATION DETAIL,ADA • • DEVICES FROM POWER VIA • DIMENSIONS SHALL GOVERN. t DEVICES TO EITHER `�Q -��� !� �� TYPICAL DEVICE ALIGNMENT 2. REFERENCEARCHITECTURAL INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. OPPOSITE SIDE OF STUD BAY, �'�ss/ANAL E •', LOCATIONS SHOWN ON INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHALL OR ADJACENT STUD BAY. NO SCALE SUPERCEDE LOCATIONS SHOWN HERE,UNLESS LOCATIONS ''""K,*00• SHOWN ON INTERIOR ELEVATIONSARE NOT CODE COMPLIANT. FINISHED CEILING Z 0 Ili 1— TOP OF DEVICE WALL-MOUNT OC 6"MIN- - ill \Q 0 9'-0"+CEILING Z MINIMUM,TOP OF DEVICE00 w ct Lo - - 8'-0"CEILING 8 LLI — co Q pp - © © z Q O BOTTOM OF DEVICE = Q TOP OF CABINET r�I El CB I U ( F- O r UU TOP OF CABINET FACPI J O 0 J — J J 120° _ aVMAX. TOP OF CABINET IA N N N J4- > T7 TOPOF CABINET 90" L7_ m ® 80" O MIN. 1- TOP OF DEVICE III �—I 78" 96" 78" _ LL TOP OF DEVICE S LV D E MAX. �7 64" 0 N O 64" 48., H d 48" CL OF DEVICE O LL., in v CO CNJ Current Issue: co VV V V V V V V V V ° Z0 FINISHED FLOOR ELECTRICAL DEVICES FIRE ALARM DEVICES 100/°Construction Documents Q NOTES: CC 1. IF MOUNTING HEIGHT OF DEVICES INDICATED HERE IS IN O CONFLICT WITH ADA REQUIREMENTS DUE TO INSTALLATION Z DETAIL,ADA DIMENSIONS SHALL GOVERN. 0 Issued: I- Q 2. REFERENCEARCHITECTURAL INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. 25%DD SET 07/10/2017 TYPICAL DEVICE MOUNTING HEIGHTS LOCATIONS SHOWN ON INTERIOR ELEVATIONS SHALL 75%DD SET 08/21/2017 Z SUPERCEDE LOCATIONS SHOWN HERE,UNLESS LOCATIONS CC NO SCALE SHOWN ON INTERIOR ELEVATIONS ARE NOT CODE 25%CD SET 09/25/2017 W COMPLIANT. 75%CD SET 12/04/2017 O BUILDING PER MIT 03/15/2018 D 0 J J_ Q Z 0 I- J CC Q 0 N Sheet Title: C7 ELECTRICAL M N DIAGRAMS CO 6 I- 0 w O r a Date: 03.15.2 018 0 Designed: BAS 6 Reviewed: MAS Project No: 8234.15 Sheet No: a co co N in4 . 0 co 6 C'') Scale: As Shown 0