HomeMy WebLinkAboutStrata Fire Protection & Life Safety Commissioning ReportSTRATA LIONS RESIDENCES AT VAIL, COLORADO TABLE OF CONTENTS BCER SUMMARY REPORT FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION BCER FIRE ALARM AND FIRE PROTECTION DEFICIENCY REPORT RK MECHANICAL/BRADSHAW BUILDING SYSTEM COMMISSIONING REPORT ALL STATE FIRE PROTECTION TESTING REPORT AND CERTIFICATION REPORT STRATA VAIL-BCER FIRE PROTECTION/LIFE SAFETY REPORT FIRE PROTECTION and LIFE SAFETY COMMISSIONING REPORT Project: Strata Lions Residences Vail, Colorado -Architect: OZ Architecture February 16, 2017 As approved by the TOVFES, BCER Engineering provided witnessing of the Commissioning and Acceptance Testing of the Smoke Management, Fire Alarm and Fire Protection Systems. BCER Engineering is the Fire Protection Engineer of Record for the project and has provided fire protection engineering design for the fire protection, fire alarm and smoke management systems throughout the design and construction of the project. BCER Engineering witnessed commissioning and testing of the fire protection and life safety systems on January 4, 9, 18, 25, 30, February 6, 7, 13, 15, 2017. The TOVFD was present during the system testing on February 17, 2017. This document is a compilation of several fire protection and life safety documents that support the final testing and occupancy of the Strata Lions Residence in Vail, Colorado. Those documents include the following and are provided in this Commissioning Report: • Systems Group Fire Alarm and Emergency Communication System Record of Completion • BCER Fire Alarm and Fire Protection Deficiency Report • RK Mechanical, Bradshaw Building Systems Smoke Management System Commissioning Report • All-State Fire Protection Testing Report and Contractors Material and Test Certification Report • DAS Integrators Emergency Radio Enhancement Report • Vail, Emergency Operations Management Plan -Not provided for this Report • Strata, Vail -BCER Fire Protection and Life Safety Report Based on BCER witnessing of the fire alarm, sprinkler system and smoke management system testing, and with confirming re-inspection of the identified deficiencies, BCER Engineering deems that these systems meet the intent of the BCER Engineering design and specifications and the adopted codes and standards related to those systems. BCER Engineering recommends that the occupancy of the Strata Lion Residences in Vail, Colorado be permitted. Prepared by: BCER ENGINEERING, INC. Stephen C. Rondinelli, AIA. Date Principal/Director of Fire Protection and Life Safety 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 F ax· (303) 650-5667 FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION To be completed by the system i11stallatio11 contractor al 1/ie time a/system acceptance and approval. It shall he permitted to modifi.• this f orm as needed to provide a more complete and/or clear record. Insert NIA in all unused lines. Attach additional sheets. data, or calculations as necessary to provide a complete record. 1. PROPERTY INFORMATION Form Completion Date: 02/03/2017 Job #: 1-14100 Name of property: Strata Vail Address: 1705 E Lwnshead Circle Vail Colorado 81657 Description of prope1ty: Residential Condominiums, Hotel Lock-On: Restraurant, Indoor Pool, Parking. Retail Occupancy type : R-2. R-I .A-2,A-3,S-l ,S-2,M Name of property representative: Address: 1705 E Lionshead Circle Vail Colorado 81657 Phone: Fax: :'>I A E-mail : Authority having jurisdiction over this property: Vail Fire Department Phone: 970-4 79-2252 Fax: "l' A E-mail: 2. INSTALLATION, SERVICE, AND TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Installation contractor for this equipment: _L_u_dv_i_k_E_l_e1:_·t_ri_c_ln_c_. _____________________ _ Address: 3900 South Teller Street Lakewood, Colorado 80235 License or certification number: Phone: 303-781-960 l Fax: 303-783-6346 E-mail: Note srondinelli Installation contractor for Conduit & Back boxes: Ludvik Electric Inc. Confirm this is the correct Address: 3900 South Teller Street Lakewood, Colorado 80235 Systems Group Address License or certi ti cation number: Phone: 303-781-960 I Fax: 303-783-6346 E-mail: Service org anization for this equipment: Systems Group Address: 14818 West 6th Avenue Suite 6A Golden. CO 80401 License or certification number: Phone: 303-298-7900 Fax: 303-650-5667 E-mail: mike([4systemsgroup.net A contract for test and inspection in accordance with NFPA standards is in effect as of: _N_IA __________ _ Contracted testing company: --'S"-'-st_ern--'s-'G'-r-'-o-'-u"-------..---.-------------------- Address: 14818 West 6th Avenue Suite 6A Golden, CO 80401 Phone: 303-298-7900 Fax : 303-650-566 7 A E-mail: mike@systemsgroup.net Contract expires: NIA Contract number: NI A Frequency of routine inspections: _N_IA ___ _ FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICA no SYS fEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig 1(p.1of32) REVlSION NUMBER 2013·001 4800 West 60th Aye Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 3. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM OR SERVICE Note srondinelli D F. 1 < . ) Incorrect reference. Design ire a arm system nonvo1ce d d · h ocuments an permit s op 1:8] Fire alarm with in-building fire emergency voice alann communication system (E' drawings reference 2010 NFPA D Mass notification system (MNS) 72 D Combination system, with the following components: D Fireala1m 0EVACS DMNS D Two-way, in-building, e11' NFPA 72 edition: Additional description of system(s): 3.1 Control Unit Manufacturer: EST Model number: EST-3 ---------------------------------- 3.2 Mass Notification System 1:8] This system does not incorporate an MNS 3.2.1 System Type: D In-building MNS-combination D In-building MNS-stand-alone D Wide-area MNS D Distributed recipient MNS D Other (specify): _N_IA _________________________________ _ 3.2.2 System Features: D Combination fire alarm/MNS D MNS autonomous control unit D Wide-area MNS to regional national alerting interface D Local operating console (LOC) D Direct recipient MNS (DRMNS) D Wide-area MNS to DRMNS interface D Wide-area MNS to high-power speaker array (HPSA) interface D In-building MNS to wide-area MNS interface D Other (specify): --'-N-'-'IA'-'----------------------------------- 3.3 System Documentation 1:8] An owner's manual, a copy of the manufacturer's instructions, a written sequence of operation, and a copy of the numbered record drawings are stored on site. Location: FCC 3.4 System Software D This system does not have alterable site-specific software. Operating system (executive) software revision level: 17.02.03 Site-specific software revision date: _0_21_0_3_12_0_1_7 _____ _ Revision completed by : Michael Howell D A copy of the site-specific software is stored on site. Location: 3.5 Off-Premises Signal Transmission D This system does not have off-premises transmission. Name of organization receiving alann signals with phone numbers: Alarm: AP! --------------------------- Supervisory: _A~P_T ______________________ ~ Trouble: API -------------------------- Entity to which alarms are retransmitted: NIA Method of retransmission: NI A Phone: 303-427-0880 Phone: 303-427-0880 Phone: 303-427-0880 Phone: NIA ----------~ If Chapter 26, specify the means of transmission from the protected premises to the supervising station: NIA If Chapter 27, specify the type of auxiliary alarm system: D Local energy D Shunt D Wired D Wireless FIRE ALARM AND EMERGEN .... Y CO Mui lCAT'ON SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig (p. '2 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013·001 4. CIRCUITS AND PATHWAYS 4.1 Signaling Line Pathways 4.1.1 Pathways Class Designations and Survivability Pathways class: 8 Survivability level: _2 _______ _ Quantity: (See NFPA 72, Sections 12.3 and 12.4) 4.1.2 Pathways Utilizing Two or More Media Quantity: _._A _________ _ Description: A 4.1.3 De\•ice Power Pathways [8J No separate power pathways from the signaling line pathway D Power pathways are separate but of the same pathway classification as the signaling line pathway D Power pathways are separate and different classification from the signaling line pathway 4.1.4 Isolation Modules 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada. CO 80003 10 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Quantity: _4_1 ____________________________________ ~ 4.2 Alarm Initiating Device Pathways 4.2.1 Pathways Class Designations and Survivability Pathways class: 8 Sw-vivability level: _2 ________ _ Quantity: (See NFPA 72, Sections 12. 3 and 12.4) 4.2.2 Pathways Utilizing Two or More Media Quantity: _N_l_A ________ _ Description: A 4.2.3 Device Power Pathways [8J o separate power pathways from the initiating device pathway D Power pathways are separate but of the same pathway classification as the initiating device pathway D Power pathways are separate and different classification from the initiating device pathway 4.3 Non-Voice Audible System Pathways 4.3.1 Pathways Class Designations and Survivability Pathways class: B Survivability level: _2 ________ _ Quantity: (See NFPA 72, Sections 12.3 and 12.4) 4.3.2 Pathways Utilizing Two or More Media Quantity: _N_/A ________ _ Description: NIA 4.3.3 Appliance Power Pathways [8J No separate power pathways from the notification appliance pathway 2 D Power pathways are separate but of the same pathway classification as the notification appliance pathway D Power pathways are separate and different classification from the notification appliance pathway FIRE ALARM ANO EMERGENCY COMM UNI CATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. 10 (p. 3 of 32) REVISIO~ NUMBER 2013·001 5. ALARM INITIATING DEVICES 5.1 Manual Initiating Devices 4800 Wesl 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Note srondinelli Note in BCER Deficiency punch list device failure, improper address or labeling. 5.1.1 Manual Fire Alarm Boxes: Current svstem oua11titv incl Approximately 12°/o failure noted D This system does not have manual fire alarm box~ Type and number of devices: Addressable: ~onventional: N A C Other (specify): _N_A ____________________ L ______________ __J 5.1.1.A Manual Fire Alarm Boxes: New and/or Modified for current project including this revision: Type and number of: Addressable: Conventional: NA ---25 Coded: NA Transmitter: NA Other (specify): __ A ___________________________________ _ 5.1.2 Other Alarm Boxes: Current w.~tem quantity including this revi.~ion for entire svstem: [8J This system does not have other alarm boxes. Description: _N_A ____________________________________ _ Type and number of devices: Addressable: Conventional: NA Coded: Transmitter: ---IA NIA Other(specify): -=-N-'-'/A~----------------------------------- 5.1.2.A Other Alarm Boxes: New and/or Modified for current project including this revision: Description: _N_IA ____________________________________ _ Type and number of devices: Addressable: NIA Conventional: NIA Coded: NIA Transmitter: N A Other(specify): _N_IA ___________________________________ _ 5.2 Automatic Initiating Devices Note srondinelli 5.2.1 Smoke Detectors: Current svstem auantitv inch Note in BCER Deficiency punch D This system does not have smoke detectors. 'list device failure, improper Type and number of devices: Addressable: 144 Conventional: NIA address or labeling. Approximately 24% failure Other (specify): NIA noted. These devic-es are Type of coverage: [8] Complete area D Partial area D Nonrequired partial area located in common areas and Other (specify): NIA are system detection. Type of smoke detector sensing technology: D Ionization [8] Photoelectric D Multicriteria D Aspirating D Beam Other(specify): _N_IA ____________________________________ _ 5.2.1.A Smoke Detectors: New and/or Modified for current project including this revision: Type and number of devices: Addressable: 144 [S:bonventional: NIA Other (specify): __ IA __________________________________ _ Type of coverage: [8] Complete area D Pa1tial area D Nonrequired partial area Other(specify): _N_IA ___________________________________ _ Type of smoke detector sensing technology: D Ionization [8J Photoelectric D Multicriteria D Aspirating D Beam Other(specify): _N_IA __________________________________ _ FIRE ALARN AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. 1 (p. 4 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 480fJ West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 5. ALARM INITIATING DEVICES (continued) N t ~ '"~ d' II' o e sron me 1 5.2.2 Duct Smoke Detectors: l5lJ Current svstem auantitv incl ~This system does not have ala -ausing duct smoke detectors. There are no duct aetecfors. All Type and number of devices: Addressable: NA Conventional: NA control of HVAC system shutdown is controlled by Other (specify): l\J A ---------------------1system smoke detection. Type of coverage __ NA ____________________ ----1 Type of smoke detector sensing technoloi:,'Y : D Ionization D Photoelectric D 5.2.2.A Duct Smoke Detectors: Ne111 and/11r Modified for cur Type and number of devices: Addressable: ,A Conventional: N A Other (specify): --'-N_A'------------------------------------- Type of coverage: _;.__IA ___________________________________ _ Type of smoke detector sensing technology: D Ionization D Photoelectric D Aspirating D Beam 5.2.3 Radiant Energy (Flame) Detectors: Current wstenr quantity including this revision for entire system: ~ This system does not have radiant energy detectors. Type and number of devices: Addressable: NA Conventional: NA Other(specify): _N_IA ___________________________________ _ Type of coverage: _N_IA ___________________________________ _ 5.2.3.A Radiant Energy (Flame) Detectors: New and/or Modified for l'llrrent project including this revision: Type and number of devices: Addressable: A Conventional: NIA Other(specify): _N_IA __________________________________ _ Type of coverage: _N_IA ___________________________________ _ 5.2.4 Gas Detectors: Current svstem quantitv including this revision for entire system: D This system does not have gas detectors. Type of detector(s): GARAGE CO SYSTEM AND REFRIGERANT LEAK SYSTEM Number of devices: Addressable: A Conventional: 7 ---- Typeofcoverage: __ IA ___________________________________ _ 5.2.4.A Gas Detectors: New and/or Modified for current project including this re11ision: Type of detector(s): GARAGE CO SYSTEM AND REFRIGERANT LEAK SYSTEM umber of devices: Addressable: IA Conventional: 7 ---- Type of coverage: _N_/A ___________________________________ _ FIRE A.LARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig 10 18.2.11 (p. 5 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 5. ALARM INITIATING DEVICES (continued) 5.2.5 Heat Detectors: D This system does not have heat detectors. Type and number of devices: Addressable: 215 Type of coverage: ~Complete area D Partial area Current svstem u11a11titv incl Conventional: 178 D Nonrequired partial are 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Note srondinelli Note in BCER Deficiency punch list device failure , improper address or labeling. Approximately 30% failure noted on day one testing. 2nd day of testing had fewer failures. Type of heat detector sensing technology: ~Fixed temperature ~ Rate-of-rise 5.2.5.A Heat Detectors: ro "eel illcludin this revision: Type and number of devices: Addressable: 215 Conventional: Type of coverage: ~Complete area D Partial area D Nonrequired partial area D Linear D Spot Type of heat detector sensing technology: ~ Fixed temperature ~ Rate-of-rise D Rate compensated 5.2.6 Addressable Monitoring Modules: Curre11t system quantity i11cluding this revision (or entire svstem: [8J This system does not have monitoring modules. Number of devices: --'-N_l-'-A-'------- 5.2.6.A Addressable Monitoring Modules: New anti/or Modified (or current project i11cluding this revision: Number of devices: _N_l_A _____ _ 5.2.7 Waterflow Alarm Devices: Current system qua11titv including this revision (or entire svstem: D This system does not have waterflow alarm devices. _1_8 __ Conventional: t IA Coded: NA Transmitter: NA Type and number of devices: Addressable: 5.2.7.A Waterflow Alarm Devices: New anti/or Modified for current project including this revision: Type and number of devices: Addressable: 18 Conventional: A Coded: NIA Transmitter: NIA 5.2.8 Alarm Verification: Current svstem quantity including this revision (or entire system: ~This system does not incorporate ala1m verification. Number of devices subject to ala1m verification: NIA Alann verificati on set for NIA -------------seconds 5.2.8.A Alarm Verification: New anti/or Modified for currellt project including this revision: umber of devices subject to alarm verification: NIA Alann verification set for NIA seconds ------ 5.2.9 Presignal: Current system quantity including this revision (or entire svstem: ~ This system does not incorporate pre-signal. Number of devices subject to presignal: _N_IA _______ _ Describe presignal functions: _:_N:.:..IA:...:..... _______________________________ _ 5.2.9.A Presignal: New anti/or Modified for current project including this revision: Number of devices subject to presignal: _N_I A _______ _ Describe presignal functions: -'--N-'-IA;_;;_ _______________________________ _ FIRE ALARM ANO EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 6 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013·001 5. ALARM INITIATING DEVICES (continued) 5.2.10 Positive Alarm Sequence (PAS): ~This system does not incorporate PAS. 480') West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada. CO 30003 Phone· (303' 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Current system <ruantity including this revision (or entire system: Describe PAS: _N_A ___________________________________ _ 5.2.10.A Positive Alarm Sequence (PAS): New and/or Modified for current project including this re11isio11: Describe PAS: _N_A ___________________________________ _ er Initiating Devices: 5.2.11 0th [8] This sys tern does not have other initiating devices. Describe: NA 5.2.11.A 0 ther Initiating Devices: Describe: NA Current svstem auantitv includbiu this revision for entire system: Note srondinelli Note in BCER Deficiency punch New a11d/or Modified for cur list device failure, improper address or labeling. No Flow or Tampers failed to operate. 6. SUPERV ISORY SIGNAL-INITIATING DEVICES Deficiencies were related to 6.1 Sprinkl 0This sys er System Supervisory Devices: Current system auantitv inc/1 notation and programming. . . ---. tern does not have sprinkler supervisory devices. Type and number of devices: Addressable: Conventional: NIA ---35 Coded: NA Transmitter: NA Other(specify): _N_IA ___________________________________ _ 6.1.A Sprinkler System Supervisory Devices: New and/or Modified (or current project including this revision: Type and number of devices: Addressable: 35 [5.}onventi onal: N A Coded: NI A Transmitter: NI A Other (specify): _N_IA ___________________________________ _ 6.2 Fire Pump Description and Supervisory Devices: Current system quantity including this revision (or entire system: [8] This system does not have a fire pump. Type fire pump: 0 Electric pump 0 Engine Type and number of devices: Addressable: Conventional: NIA ---IA Coded: NIA Transmitter: NI A Other(specify): __ IA ____________________________________ _ 6.2.A Fire Pump Description and Supervisory Devices: New and/or Modified for current project including this revision: Type fire pump: 0 Electric pump 0 Engine Type and number of devices: Addressable: A Conventional: NIA ---Coded: NIA Transmitter: NIA Other (specify): __ IA __________________________________ _ 6.2.l Fire Pump functions Supervised: 0 Power 0 Running 0 Phase reversal 0 Selector switch not in auto 0 Engine or control panel trouble 0 Low fuel Other (specify): _N_IA __________________________________ _ FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. 10.18.2 1.1 (p 7 of 32) REVISION NU 18ER 2013·001 4800 West 60th A"e Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone· (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Note srondinelli 6. SUPERVISOR Y SIGNAL-INITIATING DEVICES (continued) System smoke detection does Detectors (DSDs): 1 t-] Current svstem auantitv i11ct. 6.3 Duct Smoke ~ This system d oes not have DSDs causi 1perviso1y signals. not require any duct detectors. Type and numbe1 ·of devices: Addressable: NA Conventional: NA Other (specify): NA NA Type of coverage Type of smoke de tector sensing technology: D Ionization D Photoelectri c D ' 6.3.A Duct Smoke Detectors (DSDs): New and/or Modified for current project including this revision: Type and number of devices: Addressable: NA Conventional: NA Other (specify): _1\/_A ___________________________________ _ Type of coverage: _N_/A ____________________________________ _ Type of smoke detector sensing technology: D Ionization D Photoelectric D Aspirating D Beam Other Supervisory Devices: Current system quantity including this revision for entire system: 6.4 D This system does not have other supervisory devices. I 89 UNTT SMOKE CO DETECTORS I 147 UNIT SMOKE DETECTORS AND THEY REPORT AS Describe: SUPERVISORY 6.4.A Other Supervisory Devices: New and/or Modified for current project i11cludi11g this re11ision: 189 UNIT SMOKE CO DETECTORS I 147 UNIT SMOKE DETECTORS AND THEY REPORT AS Describe: SUPERVISORY 7. MONITORED SYSTEMS 7.1 Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. 7.1.1 Generator Functions Supervised ~ Engine or control panel trouble ~ Generator rnnning D Selector switch not in auto ~Low fuel D Other (specify): _N_/A _________________________________ _ Special Hazard Suppression Systems: Current system quantitv including this revision for entire svstem: ~ This system does not monitor other systems. Description of special hazard systern(s): _N_/_A ____________________________ _ 7.2.A Special Hazard Suppression Systems: New and/or Modified for current project including this revision: Description of special hazard system(s): NIA 7.2 Other Monitoring Systems: Current system quantity including this revision (or elltire system: D This system does not monitor other systems. Description of special hazard systern(s): 7.3.A Other Monitoring Systems: Description of special hazard system(s): GARAGE CO SYSTEM AND REFRIGERANT LEAK SYSTEM New and/or Modified for current project including this revision: GARAGE CO SYSTEM AND REFRIGERANT LEAK SYSTEM FIRE l\LARM AND EMERGE CY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72 Fig. (p. 8 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 TORS -0Th -8. ANNUNCIA 8.1 Location and Description of Annunciators: Curre11t svstem cmantitv and Location I: I ST FLOOR RECEPTIO'\l DESK Location 2: t>T FLOOR SOUTH HALL EXrT El42 Location 3: NA 8.1.A Locatio n and Description of Annunciators: New and/or Modified for cur Location I: NA 9. ALARM NO TIFICATION APPLIANCES ng Fire Emergency Voice Alarm Communication System: 9.1 ln-Buildi (or entire svst D This systen Curren em: l does not have an EV ACS. umber ofsp gle voice alarm channels: l umbero~ple eakers: NIA umber of speaker strobes: 442 =-uml umber of sin Location of a1 nplification and sound-processing equipment: FCC El20 AND TE Note 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone· (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 srondinelli Annunciation function confirmed at Fire Command Room location only. Systems Group to confirm annunication at other 1st floor locations. Note --srondinelli BCER confirmed occupant notification in common areas and rooms. -systems Group needs to provide documentation .of sound level readings and intelligibility. 9.1.A In-Building Fire Emergency Voice Alarm Communication System: New and/or Modified (or current project including this revisio11: Number of single voice alarm channels: Number of multiple voice alarm channels: _8 _____ _ Number of speakers: NIA Number of speaker strobes: 442 Number of speaker circuits: 37 Location of ampli ti cation and sound-processing equipment: FCC E 120 AND TELECOM WI 09 Location of paging microphone stations: Current system locations: Location I: FCC El20 Location 2: NIA Location 3: NIA Location of added paging microphone stations: New a11d/or Modified (or current project i11cluding this revision: Location I: NI A --------------------------------------- Location 2: NIA --------------------------------------- 9.2 Nonvoice Notification Appliances: Current system qua11tity including this revision (or entire system: D This system does not have nonvoice notification appliances. Homs: 2 With visible: 2 Bells: NIA With visible: NIA ------------- Chimes: NIA With visible: NIA ------------ Visible only: _20 ___ Other (describe): NIA 9.2.A Nonvoice Notification Appliances: New a11d/or Modified for current project including this re11ision: Homs: 2 With visible: 2 Bells: NIA With visible: NIA ------------ Chimes: __ IA ____ With visible: _N_IA ____ _ Visible only: _N_IA ___ Other (describe): __ IA _________________________ _ FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY CO ~MUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 9 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013·001 9. ALARM NOTIFICATION APPLIANCES 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada. CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 9.2 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels: Current svstem qua11titv including this revision (or entire svstem: 0 This system does not have power extender panels. Quantity: _28 _________ _ Locations: SEE SECTION I 3.3 FOR ALL LOCA TIO S 9.2.A Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels: New and/or Modified (or current project including this revision: Quantity: _28 _________ _ Locations: SEE SECTION 13.3 FOR ALL LOCATIO S 10. MASS NOTIFICATION CONTROLS, APPLIANCES, AND CIRCUITS [8J This system does not have an MNS. IO.I MNS Local Operating Consoles Location I : N A ----------------------------------------- I 0.2 High-Power Speaker Arrays Number of HPSA speaker initiation zones: __ A ___________________________ _ 10.3 Mass Notification Devices Combination fire alarm/MNS visible appliances: NIA MNS-only visible appliances: IA Textual signs: _N_l_A _____ _ Other (describe): NIA Supervision class: __ l_A ____________________________________ _ 10.3.l Special Hazard Notification [8J This system does not have special suppression predischarge notification. 0 MNS systems DO NOT ovenide notification appliances required to provide special suppression predischarge notification. FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72 Fig. Hl. (p 10 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-00·1 11. TWO-WAY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 4800 West OOth A.ve Suite 200 Arvada, C O 80003 Phone· (303) 298-7900 Fax (303> 650-5667 I I.I Telephone System: Current svstem qua11titv illcl11di11g this revision (or entire svstem: ~This system does not have a two-way telephone system. Number of telephone jacks installed: NA Number of warden stations installed: NA Nwnber of telephone handsets stored on site: _N_A _________________________ _ Type of telephone system installed: 0 Electrically powered 0 Sound powered I I. I.A Telephone System: New and/or Modified for current project including this revision: Number of telephone jacks installed: NA Number of warden stations installed: NA Number of telephone handsets stored on site: __ A _________________________ _ Type of telephone system installed: 0 Electrically powered 0 Sound powered ications Enhancement System[SJ 11.2 Two-Way Radio Commun ~ This system does not have Percentage of area covered by Amplification component loc a two-way radio communications enhancement system. two-way radio service: Critical areas: NA % ations: NIA fnbound signal strength: N A dBm Outbound signal strengt Donor antenna isolation is: NIA dB above the signal booster gair Radio frequencies covered: NIA Note srondinelli Emergency Radio Enhancement System pmvided. Documentation from DAS included commissioning report 'dated January 27, 2017 Radio system monitor panel location: _N_IA ____________________________ _ ~ l.3 Area of Refuge (Area of Rescu 1:8] This system does not have an area e Assistance) Emergency Communications S of refuge (area of rescue assistance) emergency umber of stations: NI A ----- Days and hours when central control Location of alternate control point: Location of central control point: point is attended: NIA NIA Days and hours when al ternate contro I point is attended: NIA ications Systems [SJ ator emergency communications system. ~ 11.4 Elevator Emergency Commun 1:8] This system does not have an elev umber of elevators with stations: NIA Location of central control pc Days and how-s when central control point is attended: Location of alternate control point: NIA Days and hours when alternate contra I point is attended: 11.5 Other Two-Way Communication Systems Describe: NI A NIA NIA Note srondinelli System provided. All levels tested Feb 15, 2017 - Note srondinelli Telephone/Communication system not confirmed as operational with BCER witnessing of testing. ---------------------------------------- FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYS EM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72 Fig. 10.18 2.11 (p. 11of32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 12. CONTROL FU NCTIONS [SJ This system activa D Hold-open doo t8l Door unlocking t8l Elevator shunt tes the following control functions: r releasing devices ~ Smoke management [8l HV AC shut ~ Elevator recall D Fuel source shutdown D Exti trip D Mass notification system override of fi re ala1111 notifica Other (specify): '.J A. 12.1 Addressable Control Modules: Current svstem ouantitv inc• D This system does not have control modules. Number of devices: I 08 ------ Note n 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 srondinelli Control functions confirmed Feb 16,2017. DAMPER OPERATION FAILED AND NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED AND RETESTED. uomv mis reviswn tor entire svscem: Other (specify): _N_A _________________________________ _ 12.2 Addressable Control Modules New a11d/or Modified (or current ,,,.oject ilic/uding revisio11: Number of devices: I 08 ------ Other (specify): _N_A _________________________________ _ Notes: FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COM LINICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72. Fig. 10.13 2.1.1 (o. 12 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-oo·t Note 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, C O 80003 srondinelli 13. SYSTEM POWER [5j 13.1 Control Unit 13.1.1.A Primary Power (F ACP) fire alarm 24 hour and 15 min notification test done Feb 14 and Feb 15. 24 hour and 15 minutes notification device test passed Tnput voltage of control panel: _1_2_0V_A_C ________ _ Control panel Amps:~ EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL RM WPI 16 Overcurrent protection: Type: FUS E Location (of primary supply panel board): Disconnecting means location: BREAKER 49 IN PANEL EQLP1 B Notes: NtA 13.1.2.A Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERA TOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERA TOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: _D_TE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.1.3.A Uninterruptible Power System [gl This system does not have a UPS. 13.1.4 Batteries Location: FCC E120 Type: 12V44AH Nominal voltage: Location: FCC E120 Type: 12V44AH Nominal voltage: Notes: NA Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 44AH 44AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 __________ _ [gl Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Battery calculations are attached 13.1.1.B Primary Power (CAB2) Input voltage of control panel: _1_20_V_A_C ________ _ Control panel amps: _6_A _________ _ Overcunent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGE CY ELECTRTCAL RM WPI 16 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 13 IN PANEL EQLP1B 13.1.2.B Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel : _D_TE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.1.3.B Uninterruptible Power System [gl This system does not have a UPS. 13.1.4.B Batteries Location: Location: Notes: TELECOM WI 09 TELECOM WI 09 NIA Type: Type: 12V35AH 12V35AH Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: Nominal voltage: Nominal voltage: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 35AH 35AH In standby mode (hours): _2_-1 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 __________ _ l:8l Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Battery calculations are attached FlRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETIO, NFPA 72, Fig. 10 ·1B.2 1.1 (p 13 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels D This system does not have power extender panels. 13.3.A Primary Power (BPS-P3A) 4800 vVest 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada. CO 80003 Phone. (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Tnput voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.SA OvercwTent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0A ______________ _ Location l of primary supply panel board): EMERGE CY ELECTRICAL RM WPI 16 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 9 JN PANEL EQLPI B Notes: NA 13.3. t.A Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: _D_TE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.A Uninterruptible Power System ~This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.A Batteries Location: RI\! WP3 I 5 IN BPS Type: 12V8A Nominal voltage: 12VDC Amp/hour rating: 8AH Location: RM WP315 lN BPS Type: 12V8A Nominal voltage: 12VDC Amp/hour rating: 8AH Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: Tn standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ Tn alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: IA ~ Batte1ies are marked with date of manufacture 13.3.B Primary Power (BPS-P3B) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): l20VAC D Battery calculations are attached Power extender panel amps: 6.SA Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2.:..0A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGE CY ELECTRICAL RM EPI 18 Disconnecting means location: EL ELPIA Notes: NIA 13.3.l.B Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel : _D_IE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.B Uninterruptible Power System ~This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.B Batteries Location: RM EP3 I 9 fN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RM EP319 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH ln standby mode (hours): _2_-1 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: NIA ~ Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMU1 ICAT10N SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 4800 West 50th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 13.3.C Primary Power (BPS-P3C) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: JOA Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0_A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL RM EPl 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 13 IN PANEL ELP1A Notes: NA 13.3.1.C Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118BELLYTANK Type of fuel: _D_!E_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.C Uninterruptible Power System ~This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.C Batteries Location R 'vi EPJ 19 IN BPS Type: l2V8AH Nominal voltage: Location RM EP3 I 9 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH [n standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarrn mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: NIA ~ Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 13.3.D Primary Power (BPS-Pl A) fnput voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC 0 Battery calculations are attached Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _20_A _____________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGE CY ELECTR!CAL RM WP! 16 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 9 IN PANEL EQLP1 B Notes: NIA 13.3.1.D Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: _D_l_E_SE_L __________ _ 13.3.2.D Uninterruptible Power System ~This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.D Batteries Location RM WPI 15 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Location R'vl WP! 15 N BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH [n standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarrn mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: NIA ~ Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLE flON NFPA 72, Fig. of 32, REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone. 1303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 13.3.E Primary Power (BPS-PlB) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: IOA Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0_A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL ROOM EPI 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 11 IN PANEL ELP1A Notes: NA 13.3. l.E Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELL y TANK Type of fuel: __;_o_rE-"-S"-E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.E Uninterruptible Power System [8J This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.E Batteries Location: RM EPI 17 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RM EPI 17 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1~5 ___________ _ Notes: NIA [8J Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Batte1y calculations are attached 13.3.F Primary Power (BPS-IA) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: IOA OvercrnTent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _20_A _____________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGE CY ELECTRICAL RM WP! 16 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 49 IN PANEL EQLP1B Notes: NIA 13.3. l.F Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel : _D_IE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.F Uninterruptible Power System 181 This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.F Batteries location: Rl\.I WI09 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RM WI09 I 'BPS Type: l2V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alann mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: NIA 181 Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72. Fig. (p. 16 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 201 J .. QQ1 13-3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 13.3.G Primary Power (BPS-I B) 4800 "V'Vest 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone. (303) 298-7900 Fa< (303) 650-5667 Tnput voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0_A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL ROOM EPl 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 49 IN PANEL ELP1A otes: NA 13.3.1.G Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: -=-D-"lE=-:S:...:E:...:l=----------- 13.3.2.G Uninterruptible Power System ~ This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.G Batteries Location: R~f E 120 l'J BPS Type: l2V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RM E 120 I ' BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): __,lc.:=5 ___________ _ Notes: N/A ~ Batteties are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached 13.3.H Primary Power (BPS-IC) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: -=2:..::0.:..A:.__ _____________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGE CY ELECTRICAL ROOM EPl 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 49 IN PANEL ELP1A Notes: NIA 13.3.1.H Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: -=-D-"TE=S:...:E=L=----------- 13.3.2.H Uninterruptible Power System ~This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.H Batteries Location: RM El20 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: 12VDC Amp/hour rating: 8AH Location: RM E12011'\ BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: 12VDC Amp/hour rating: 8AH Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: Tn standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ Tn alann mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: N/A ~ Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMJNICA flON SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. 10.18 . .2.1.1 (p Hof 32, RE: VISION NUMBER 2013-001 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 13.3.1 Primary Power (BPS-2A) 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada. CO 80003 Phone. (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Tnput voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.SA Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_:_0_A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGE~CY ELECTRICAL RM WPI 16 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 23 IN PANEL EQLP1 B Notes: NA Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: _D_lE_S_E_L _________ _ Uninterruptible Power System t8:l This system does not have a UPS. Batteries Location: RM W216 IN BPS Type: l2V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RM W216 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Ampfhour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ [n alam1 mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ otes: NIA l:8l Batte1ies are marked with date of manufacture D Battery calculations are attached 13.3.J Primary Power (BPS-2B) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.SA Overcun-ent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _20-'-A _____________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL RM WPI 16 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 23 IN PANEL EQLP1B Notes: NIA 13.3. l.J Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: _D_IE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.J Uninterruptible Power System t8:] This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.J Batteries Location: RM W216 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RM W216 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: N/A l:8l Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig.{p.18 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 13.3.K Primary Power (BPS-2C) 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0_A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL ROOM EPI 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 5 IN PANEL ELP1A otes: NA 13.3.1. K Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel : _D_!E_S;_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.K Uninterruptible Power System 121 This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.K Batteries Location R\IE2171\JBPS Type: l 2V8AH Nominal voltage: Location RM E21 7 IN BPS Type: I 2V8A H Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarrn mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ otes: NIA 121 Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Batte1y calculations are attached 13.3.L Primary Power (BPS-2D) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcunent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0A _____________ ~ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL ROOM EPl 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 5 IN PANEL ELP1A Notes: NIA 13.3.1.L Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W1 18 Location of fue l storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TAN K Type of fuel: _D_TE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.L Uninterruptible Power System [8:1 This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.L Batteries Location RM E2 I 7 IN BPS Type: I 2V8AH Nominal voltage: Location R'vl E2 I 7 1'1 BPS Type: l 2Y8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarrn mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: NIA 121 Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EM ERGENCY COMMU !CATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. 10.18 2.1.1{p.19 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-00·I 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 13.3.M Primary Power (BPS-3A) 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Tnput voltage of power extender panel(s): 120\IAC Power extender panel amps: 6_5A Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0_A _____________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL RM WPI 16 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 27 IN PANEL EQLP1B Notes: NA 13.3.1.M Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: _D_!E_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.M Uninterruptible Power System ~ This system does not have a UPS_ 13.3.3.M Batteries Location: RM W316 II\ BPS Type: 12V8AH ominal voltage: Location: RJ\I W>I6 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alam1 mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: NIA ~ Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Battery calculations are attached 13.3.N Primary Power (BPS-38) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6-5A Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _20_A _____________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL ROOM EPI 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 7 IN PANEL ELP1A otes: NIA 13.3. l .N Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: _D_IE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.N Unintcrruptible Power System ~ This system does not have a UPS_ 13.3.3.N Batteries Location: RM E317 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RJ\1 E3 I7 I BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC l2VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ otes: NIA ~ Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 7 2, Fig. 10.18 2 1. 1 (p 20 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 13.3.0 Primary Power (BPS-3C) 4800 West 60th Ave Swte 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2...:.0_A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL ROOM EPl 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 7 IN PANEL ELP1A Notes: NA 13.3.l.O Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: _D_TE_S_E_L _________ _ Uninterruptible Power System [8:1 This system does not have a UPS. Batteries Location: R~I E31 7 IN BPS Type: l2V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RM E31 7 IN BPS Type: l2V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC l2VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ otes: NIA [81 Batte1ies are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached 13.3.P Primary Power (BPS-4A) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): l20VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.SA Overcunent protection: Type: FUSE Location (of primary supply panel board): Amps: -=2~0~A'--------------~ EMERGE CY ELECTRICAL RM WP! 16 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 31 IN PANEL EQLP1B Notes: N/A 13.3. l.P Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: ----=D...:.TE=-S=-E=-L=------------- 13.3.2.P Uninterruptible Power System [81 This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.P Batteries Location: RM W416 IN BPS Type: l2V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RM W-11611\' BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC l2VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): ----'-1.::.S ___________ _ Notes: NIA [81 Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM .A.ND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. 1018.2.1.1 (p. 21of32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 13.3.Q Primary Power (BPS-4B) 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada. CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Tnput voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: JOA Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0_A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): E:VlERGENCY ELECTRICAL RM WPl 16 Di sconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 31 IN PANEL EQLP1B otes: N A 13.3.1.Q Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W11B Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W11B BELLY TANK Type of fuel : _D_IE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.Q Uninterruptible Power System ~ This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.Q Batteries Location: Rl\1W-l lo 11' BPS Type: l2V8AH ominal voltage: Location: Rl\1 W-1 16 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ otes: NA ~ Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached 13.3.R Primary Power (BPS-4C) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcun·ent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0A _____________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL ROOM EPI 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 9 IN PANEL ELP1A Notes: NIA 13.3.1.R Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W11B Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W11 B BELLY TANK Type of fuel : _D_I E_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.R Uninterruptible Power System 181 This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.R Batteries Location: RM E-11 7 1 'BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: 12VDC Amp/hour rating: 8AH Location: RM E-11 7 1 BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: 12VDC Amp/hour rating: 8AH Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ ores: NIA 181 Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. 10.·1s.21.1 (fl. 22 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 13.3.S Primary Power (BPS-4D) 4800 West 60th Ave Swte 200 Arvada. CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Tnput voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: -'-2..:.0_A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRlCAL ROOM EP I 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 9 IN PANEL ELP1A Notes: NA 13.3.1.S Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATORRM W118 BELLYTANK Typeoffuel: _D_IE_S_E_L_· ---------- 13.3.2.S Uninterruptible Power System ~ This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.S Batteries Location: R~f EA1 7 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: 12VDC Amp/hour rating: 8AH Location: RM E~ 17 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: 12VDC Amp/hour rating: 8AH Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: NIA ~ Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached 13.3.3.T Primary Power (BPS-SA} Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcun·ent protection: Type: FUSE Location (of primary supply panel board): Amps: -=2~0A'-'--------------­ EM ERGE CY ELECTRICAL RM WPI 16 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 35 IN PANEL EQLP18 Notes: NIA 13.3.1.T Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: -=-D-'IE::..:S::..:E::..:L=----------- 13.3.2.T Uninterruptible Power System [gl This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.T Batteries Location: RM W515 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RM W51 5 IN BPS Type: 12V8A.H Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC l2VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8A.H In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alann mode (minutes): --=l-=5 ___________ _ Notes: NIA ~ Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENC (COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72 Fig. 10.18.2 1.1 (p. 2.3 of 32) REVIS ON NUMBER 2013·001 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 13.3.U Primary Power (BPS-SB) 4800 West 60th Ave Swte 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 fnput voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0_A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRlCAL ROOM EPI 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 15 IN PANEL ELP1A Notes: NA 13.3.1.U Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel : _D_fE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.U Uninterruptible Power System IX! This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.U Batteries Location: R~I E51 7 1N BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: Rl\IE51 7 fl\BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: NA C8:l Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached 13.3.V Primary Power (BPS-SC) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcunent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0A _____________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGE CY ELECTRICAL ROOM EP I 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 15 IN PANEL ELP1A Notes: NIA 13.3.1. V Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERA TOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: _D_IE_S_E_l _________ _ 13.3.2.V Uninterruptible Power System IX! This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.V Batteries Location: RM E517 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RI\! E51 7 ll\ BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC l2VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: NIA IX! Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETIO NFPA 72 Fig. (p. 24 of32) REVISION NUMBER 2013·00·1 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 13.3.W Primary Power (BPS-6A) 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fa• (303) 650-5667 Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0_A ______________ _ Location l of primary supply panel board): E~ERGE CY ELECTRICAL RM WP! 16 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 39 IN PANEL EQLP1B otes: ' A 13.3.1.W Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel : _D_!E_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.W Uninterruptible Power System [81 This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.W Batteries Location: Rl\f W620 IN BPS Type: l2V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: Rl\f W620 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: l2VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alam1 mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: NA 12] Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Batte1y calculations are attached 13.3.X Primary Power (BPS-6B) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcun-ent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0A _____________ ~ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL RM WPI 16 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 39 IN PANEL EQLP18 Notes: NIA 13.3.1.X Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERA TOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: _D_!E_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.X Uninterruptible Power System 12] This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.X Batteries Location: RM W620 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RM W620 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_-l __________ _ In alann mode (minutes): _l_5 ___________ _ Notes: NIA 12] Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. 10 18 2.11 (p. 25 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013·001 13.3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 13.3.Y Primary Power (BPS-6C) 4800 West 60th A11e Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Tnput voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.5A Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0_A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGE~CY ELECTRICAL ROOM EPl 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 17 IN PANEL ELP1A Notes: 13.3.l.Y Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELL y TANK Type of fuel : _D_fE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.Y Uninterruptible Power System ~This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.Y Batteries Location: RM E6 17 IN BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RI\! E6 17 IN BPS Type: I 2V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: 12VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: A [8] Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached 13.3.Z Primary Power (BPS-6D) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.SA Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL ROOM EPI 18 Disconnecting means location: BREAKER IN PANEL ELP1A Notes: NIA 13.3.1.Z Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATORRMW118BELLYTANK Typeoffuel: _D_IE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.Z Uninterruptible Power System ~ This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.Z Batteries Location: RM E617 IN BPS Type: I 2V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: RM E617 I 'BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: l:!VDC l2VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ [n alann mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: N/A [8] Batteries are marked with date of manufacture 0 Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 26 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 13-3 Notification Appliance Power Extender Panels (CONTINUED) 4800 \IVest 60th Ave Suue 200 Arvada. CO 80003 Phone (303) 298· 7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 13.3.W Primary Power (BPS-7 A) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.SA Overcurrent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _2_0_A ______________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGE CY ELECTRICAL RM WPl 16 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 41 IN PANEL EQLP1 B Notes: NA 13.3.1. W Engine-Driven Generator 0 This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERATOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: _D_IE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.W Uninterruptible Power System [8] This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.W Batteries Location: Rf\f W620 IN BPS Type: l 2V8AH Nominal voltage: Location: Rl\f W620 IN BPS Type: I 2V8A H Nominal voltage: Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: l2VDC 12VDC Amp/hour rating: Amp/hour rating: 8AH 8AH In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _l_S ___________ _ otes: NA t8l Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Battery calculations are attached 13.3.W Primary Power (APS-PIC) Input voltage of power extender panel(s): 120VAC Power extender panel amps: 6.SA Overcun-ent protection: Type: FUSE Amps: _20_A _____________ _ Location (of primary supply panel board): EMERGE CY ELECTRICAL ROOM EPI 18 Disconnecting means location: DISCONNECT 3 IN PANEL ELP1A Notes: IA 13.3.1.W Engine-Driven Generator D This system does not have a generator. Location of generator: GENERA TOR RM W118 Location of fuel storage: GENERATOR RM W118 BELLY TANK Type of fuel: _D_IE_S_E_L _________ _ 13.3.2.W Uninterruptible Power System [8] This system does not have a UPS. 13.3.3.W Batteries Location: RM EPI 17 fN BPS Type: I 2V8AH Nominal voltage: 12VDC Amp/hour rating: 8AH Location: RM EPI 17 11'\ BPS Type: 12V8AH Nominal voltage: l2VDC Amp/hour rating: 8AH Calculated capacity of batteries to drive the system: In standby mode (hours): _2_4 __________ _ In alarm mode (minutes): _1_5 ___________ _ Notes: NIA t8l Batteries are marked with date of manufacture D Battery calculations are attached FIRE ALARM AND EMERGE CY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. 10.18 2.·1.1 (p. 27 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 14. RECORD OF SYSTEM INSTALLATION DEVICES AND TERMINATIONS 4800 West 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada, CO 80003 Phone (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Fill out after all installation is complete and wiring has heen checked for opens. shorts, ground faults, and improper branching, but before conducting operational acceptance tests. This is a: ~New system D Modification to an existing system Permit number: N A ----------- The system has been installed in accordance with the following requirements: (Note any or al l that apply.) ~ NFPA 72. Edition: _20_10 _____ _ ~ NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. Article 760, Edition: _2_0_1 _I ____ _ [8] Manufacturer's published instructions Other(specify): _N_A ___________________________________ _ System deviations from referenced NFPA standards: _N_A _______________________ _ Signed: Printed name: Date: Organization: Title: Phone: 14.1 RECORD OF SYSTEM INSTALLATION OF CONDUIT AND BACK BOX Fill out after all installation of conduit and back box is complete before conducting operational acceptance te.'*· This is a: ~New system D Modification to an existing system Pe1mit number: The system has been installed in accordance with the following requirements: (Note any or all that apply.) ~ NFPA 72, Edition: _20_10 _____ _ ~ NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 760, Edition: _2_0_1 _I ____ _ ~Manufacturer's published instructions Other (specify): System deviations from referenced NFPA standards: Signed: Printed name: Date: Organization: LUDVTK ELECTRTC rNC. Title: Phone: Notes: FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 28 of 32} REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 4800 West 60th Ave Sucte 200 Arvada CO 80003 Phone (303) 296-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 15. RECORD OF SYSTEM OPERATIONAL ACCEPTANCE TEST ~New system All operatio1zalfeatures andjimctions of this system were tested by. or in the presence of the signer shown below. on the date shown below. and were.found to be operating properly in accordance with the requirements for the.following: D Modifications to an existing system All newly modified operational features and Jim ct ions of the system were tested by. or in the presence of the signer shown below. on the date shown below. and were .found to be operating properly in accordance with the requirements of the.following: r8:J NFPA 72. Edition: _20_10 _____ _ r8:1 NFPA 70. National Electrical Code. Article 760. Edition: _20_1_1 ____ _ ~ Manufacturer's published instru ctions Other(specify): _N_IA _________________________________ _ r8:1 Individual device testing documentation [Inspection and Testing Forni (Figure is attached] Fire Alarm Contractor: Signed: Printed name: Michael Howell Date: 213120 17 Organi zation: Systems Group Title: Service Manager Phone: 720-205-1253 Electrical Contractor: Signed: Printed name: Date: Organization: LUDVIK ELECTRIC INC. Title: Phone: Notes: N'A IA NIA Note srondinelli Mechanical Contractor (Damper installer): BJ RK Mechanical should be noted Signed: Printed name: and sign this document. I l Organization: Title: l'I l Notes: NA NIA NIA - -II Access Control Contractor: -Note srondinelli - Signed: Printed name: Access Control contractor Organization: Title: should be noted and .sign this Notes: NA document NIA NIA FIRE ALARM AND EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 29 of 32) REVISIO NUMBER 2013-001 15 4800 West 60lh Ave Suite 200 Arvada CO 80003 ROU --·- Note srondinelli RECORD OF SYSTEM OPERATIONAL ACCEPTANCE TEST(contim. RK Mechanical should be noted HV AC Contractor (BAS Programming):~ and sign this document. Signed: Printed name: Organization: Title: Notes: NA NA '\J A Elevator Contractor: Signed: Printed name: Organization: Phone: Notes: NA NA Note ~ srondinelli NA Sprinkler Contractor: ~ All State Fire Protection should Signed: Printed name: be noted and sign this document. Organization: Title: Notes: NA NIA NA Special Systems Contractor: Signed: Printed name: Date: Organization: Title: Phone: Notes: A NA NIA Note srondinelli General Contractor: ~ PCL should be noted and sign Signed: Printed name: this document. Organization: Title: I - Notes: NA NA NA Other Contractor: Signed: _N_IA _________ _ Printed name: IA Date: NIA ------ Organization: _N_IA ________ Title: IA Phone: NIA ------ Notes: 'A IA IA FIRE ALARM ANO EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig 10 (p. 30 of 32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 4800 Wesl 60th Ave Suite 200 Arvada C O 80003 Phone· (303) 298-7900 Fax (303) 650-5667 Note --.;f srondinelli 16. CERTIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS 16.l System Installation Contractor: Requires signature Thjs system. as specified herein, has been installed and te sted according to all NFPA Signed: Printed name: Organization: Title: 16.2 System Service Contractor: The undersigned has a service contract for this system in effect as of the date shown below. Signed: [5J Printed name: MICHAEL HOWELL Date: 2 3 2017 Organization: Systems Group Title: SERVICE MANAGER Phone: 720-205-1253 16.3 Supervising Station: This system, as specified herein, will be monitored according to all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: Printed name: 'vHCHAEL HOWELL Date: 2 3 20 l 7 Organization: SYSTEMS GROUP Title: SERVICE MANAGER Phone: 720-205-1253 16.4 Property or Owner Representative: l accept this system as having been installed and tested to its specifications and all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: Printed name: Date: Organization: Title: Phone: Note srondinelli 16.5 Third Party Commissioning Agent: BCER will sign corrected and it to be installed and operat l have witnessed a satisfactory test of this system and find in accordance with its approved plans and specifications, w ith its approved sequence NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: Printed name: Organization: Title: 16.6 Authority Having Jurisdiction: updated System Record of Completion I I I have wimessed a satisfactory acceptance test of this system and find it to be installed and operating properly in accordance with its approved plans and specifications, with its approved sequence of operations, and with all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: Printed name: Date: Organization: Title: Phone: FIRE ALARM A D EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION NFPA 72, Fig. (p. 31of32) REVISION NUMBER 2013-001 STRATA VAIL FIRE ALARM SYSTEM TESTING -VAIL, CO BCER TESTERS: Savannah Donarski Shaun Rondinelli ADDRESS 70 West Lionshead Circle Vail, CO 81657 PARTIES PRESENT: REPORT PREPARED BY: Mike Howell (Systems Group) Joey Henke (Ludvik ElectricJ Hannah Hagener (PCL) Savannah Donarski Approved by INITIATING DEVICES TESTING OBSERVATIONS # DATE ADDRESS DEVICE TYPE LEVEL LOCATION OBSERVATION 02/06/17 01030214 TAMPER SWITCH PARKING LEVEL 1 Outside Trash Room No address label on device. EPllS 2 02/06/17 02020158 TAMPER SWITCH LEVEL 7 Trash Room W714 Device address label is incorrect, currently is 02030386. Graphic Map & Fireworks indicate 02020158. 3 02/06/17 02030145 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 7 Trash Room W714 No address label on device. 4 02/06/17 02020148 TAMPER SWITCH LEVEL 5 North West Stair WSll Graphic Map & Fireworks indicate device as flow switch. 5 02/06/17 02020149 FLOW SWITCH LEVEL 5 North West Stair WSll Graphic Map & Fireworks indicate device as tamper switch. 6 02/06/17 02020034 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 7 Stair B -North W711 No address label on device. 7 02/06/17 02030023 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 6 Unit W601 Entry Device indicated on graphic map, but not installed in field. 8 02/06/17 02020331 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 5 Unit W502 Entry No address label on device. 9 02/06/17 02020324 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 5 Unit W503L Room PCO detector installed, but not indicated on graphic map. When tested w/ CO device active but not tripped. 10 02/06/17 02020327 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 4 Unit W403 Hall Device indicated on graphic map, but not installed in field. DETECTOR 11 02/06/17 02030327 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 4 Unit W405 Entry PCO detector installed, but not indicated on graphic map. DETECTOR 12 02/06/17 02020268 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 4 Unit E407L Graphic Map indicates PCO, but smoke detector only installed in field. 13 02/06/17 02020069 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 3 Unit W303 Hall Graphic Map indicates PCO, but smoke detector only installed in field. 14 02/06/17 02020071 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 3 Unit W303L Room Graphic Map indicates smoke detection only, but PCO detector installed DETECTOR in field. 15 02/06/17 02020074 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 3 Trash Room W315 No address label on device. 16 02/07/17 02030002 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 6 Trash Room W615 Fireworks indicates device 02030023 and locates in W601. 17 02/07/17 02030006 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 6 Unit W603 Entry No address label on device. DETECTOR 18 02/07/17 02030002 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 6 Outside Unit W603 Fireworks locates device in Trash Room W615. 19 02/07/17 02030061 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 6 Unit W605 Dining Room No address label on device. DETECTOR 20 02/07/17 02020001 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 2 Elec. Room W216 Device address label not visible. 21 02/07/17 02020073 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 2 Trash Room W215 No address label on device. 22 02/07/17 02020072 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 2 Unit W201L Entry Graphic Map indicates device in Unit W201. When tripped, sounder base actuates in W201 & not W201L. ACTION REQUIRED RETEST Provide address label on device Provide new label with correct address Provide address label on device Update Graphic Map & Fireworks to indicate correct device type Update Graphic Map & Fireworks to indicate correct device type Provide address label on device Update graphic map Provide address label on device Update graphic map Update graphic map Update graphic map Update graphic map Update graphic map Update graphic map Provide address label on device Update graphic map and reprogram to match correct messages with device locations Provide address label on device Reprogram to match correct messages with device locations Provide address label on device Relocate address label for visibility Provide address label on device Update graphic map & reprogram so sounder base actuates in correct space # DATE ADDRESS DEVICE TYPE LEVEL LOCATION OBSERVATION ACTION REQUIRED RETEST 23 02/07/17 02020072 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 2 Unit W102 Hall Device indicated on graphic map, but not installed in field. Update graphic map 24 02/07/17 01040392 PULL STATION LEVEL 5 Outside of South East Graphic map indicates incorrect device address Update graphic map Stair E514 25 02/07/17 01040329 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 5 Unit E505 Entry No address label on device. Provide address label on device DETECTOR 26 02/07/17 01040391 PULL STATION LEVEL 5 Outside of North East Graphic map indicates incorrect device address Update graphic map Stair E511 27 02/07/17 01040310 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 5 Unit E503 South Room No address label on device & detector cover/diffuser missing. Provide address label on device & replace detector DETECTOR (East) diffuser 28 02/07/17 01040311 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 5 Unit E503 South Room No address label on device & detector cover/diffuser missing. Provide address label on device & replace detector DETECTOR (West) diffuser 29 02/07/17 01040332 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 5 Unit E501 Hall No address label on device. Provide address label on device DETECTOR 30 02/07/17 01040326 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 4 Unit E402 Den Device address label is incorrect, currently reads 0104326. Provide new label with correct address 31 02/07/17 01040382 PULL STATION LEVEL 4 Outside of South East Fireworks locates pull station at North East Stair E411 Reprogram to match correct messages with device Stair E414 locations 32 02/07/17 01040327 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 4 Unit E401 Hall Device address label is incorrect, currently reads 0104327. Provide new label with correct address DETECTOR 33 02/07/17 01040321 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 4 Unit E406 Hall No address label on device. Provide address label on device DETECTOR 34 02/07/17 01040322 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 4 Unit E405 Hall Device address label is incorrect, currently reads 0104322. Provide new label with correct address DETECTOR 35 02/07/17 01040323 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 4 Unit E405L Entry Device address label is incorrect, currently reads 0104323. Provide new label with correct address 36 02/07/17 01040325 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 4 Unit E403L Entry Device address label is incorrect, currently reads 0104325. Provide new label with correct address 37 02/07/17 01040383 PULL STATION LEVEL 4 Outside of North East Fireworks locates pull station at South East Stair E414 Reprogram to match correct messages with device Stair E411 locations 38 02/07/17 01040082 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 3 Trash Room E318 No address label on device. Provide address label on device 39 02/07/17 01040077 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 3 Unit E304L Hall No address label on device. Provide address label on device 40 02/07/17 01040054 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 3 Unit E304 North Graphic Map indicates PCO, but smoke detector only installed in field. Update graphic map Bedroom 41 02/07/17 01040078 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 3 Unit E302 Den No address label on device. Provide address label on device 42 02/07/17 02020054 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 3 Unit E307 South Graphic Map indicates smoke detection only, but PCO detector installed Update graphic map DETECTOR Bedroom in field. 43 02/13/17 01050007 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 6 Corridor Outside of E602 Address label not legible. Replace address label 44 02/13/17 01050006 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 6 Corridor Outside of E601 Address label not legible. Replace address label 4S 02/13/17 01050042 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 6 Northeast Stair E611 No address label on device. Provide address label on device 46 02/13/17 01040288 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 5 Outside of South East Address label not legible. Replace address label Stair E511 47 02/13/17 01040328 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 5 Trash Room E518 No address label on device. Provide address label on device 48 02/13/17 01040073 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 2 Trash Room E218 No address label on device. Provide address label on device 49 02/13/17 01040016 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 2 Unit E204L Graphic Map indicates smoke detection only, but PCO detector installed Update graphic map DETECTOR infield. 50 02/13/17 01040081 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 2 Unit E201 Entry Graphic Map indicates PCO, but smoke detector only installed in field. Update graphic map # DATE ADDRESS DEVICE TYPE LEVEL LOCATION OBSERVATION ACTION REQUIRED RETEST 51 02/13/17 01040081 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 2 Unit E201 Entry No address label on device. Provide address label on device 52 02/13/17 02020014 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 2 Unit E209 Living Room Tripped, but no sounder base DETECTOR 53 02/13/17 02020013 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 2 Unit E209 Hall Tripped, but no sounder base DETECTOR 54 02/13/17 01030264 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 1 Elev Lobby E122 No address label on device. Provide address label on device 55 02/13/17 01030271 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 1 Great Room E125 No address label on device. Provide address label on device 56 02/13/17 01030269 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 1 Outside Great Room CO was not tripped DETECTOR E125 57 02/13/17 01030266 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 1 Entertainment Room No address label on device. Provide address label on device E123/26 58 02/13/17 01030267 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 1 Lobby E103 Device address label is incorrect, currently reads 01030293. Provide new label with correct address 59 02/13/17 01030282 SMOKE DETECTOR LEVEL 1 Unit E201 Den No address label on device. Provide address label on device 60 02/13/17 01030141 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Outside Telecom EP119 Device did not trip 61 02/13/17 01030144 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Elec Room EP118 Device did not trip 62 02/13/17 01030142 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 EPlOO Device could not be located Verify device location 63 02/13/17 01030131 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Bike Storage EP124 Device was found to have not been pretested Pretest Required prior to BCER testing 64 02/13/17 01030130 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Bike Storage EP124 Device was found to have not been pretested Pretest Required prior to BCER testing 65 02/13/17 01030127 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Outside Bike Storage Device was found to have not been pretested Pretest Required prior to BCER testing EP124 66 02/13/17 01030129 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Storage EP122 Device was found to have not been pretested Pretest Required prior to BCER testing 67 02/13/17 01030128 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Storage EP122 Device was found to have not been pretested Pretest Required prior to BCER testing 68 02/13/17 01020220 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Near Main Elec Room Device was found to have not been pretested Pretest Required prior to BCER testing WP115 69 02/13/17 01030153 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Ramp Device not mounted to ceiling; hanging from slab by wires. Fix installation problems 70 02/13/17 01030009 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Pool Eqmt Room EP123 When tripped, message indicates device 01030008 in Pool Storage EP125 Reprogram to match correct messages with device locations 71 02/13/17 01030008 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Pool Storage EP125 When tripped, message indicates device 01030009 in Pool Eqmt Room Reprogram to match correct messages with device EP123 locations 72 02/15/17 01030127 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Storage EP122 Graphic map indicates incorrect device address Update Graphic Map 73 02/15/17 01030129 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Outside Bike Storage Graphic map indicates incorrect device address Update Graphic Map EP124 74 02/15/17 01020450 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 2 Outside Owner Storage No official address label on device, only in sharpie (Ludvik made label in Provide address label on device EP218 field while testing) 75 02/15/17 01020403 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 2 Mech Room EP216 Device not mounted to ceiling; hanging from slab by wires. (Ludvik fixed Fix installation problems in field while testing) 76 02/15/17 01020131 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 3 Parking EP300 Map and field indicate device address 01020131, but message from fire Reprogram for correct message command indicated 01020129 77 02/15/17 01020129 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 3 Parking EP300 Map and field indicate device address 01020129, but message from fire Reprogram for correct message command indicated 01020131 78 02/15/17 01020130 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 3 Parking EP300 When tripped, message indicates device 0102132 in Tele. Comm. EP320 Reprogram to match correct messages with device locations 79 02/15/17 01020132 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 3 Tele. Comm. EP320 When tripped, message indicates device 0102130 in Parking EP300 Reprogram to match correct messages with device locations 80 02/15/17 01020164 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 3 Mech Pump Room EP324 Device was found to have not been pretested. (Ludvik tested in field Pretest Required prior to BCER testing anyway) # DATE ADDRESS DEVICE TYPE LEVEL LOCATION OBSERVATION ACTION REQUIRED RETEST 81 02/15/17 01020170 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 3 Storage EP315 No official address label on device, only in sharpie (Ludvik made label in Provide address label on device field while testing) 82 02/15/17 01020207 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 3 Parking WP300 Device installed in parking area, but map and message indicate location is Reprogram for correct message and update graphic map Staff Maintenance WP315 83 02/15/17 01020190 HEAT DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 3 Parking WP300 Device not mounted to ceiling; hanging from slab by wires. (Ludvik fixed Fix installation problems in field while testing) 84 02/15/17 02020013 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 2 Unit E209 Hall No address label on device. (Ludvik made label in field while testing) Provide address label on device DETECTOR 85 02/15/17 01030269 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 1 Outside Great Room Message indicated device as inside Great Room 125 Reprogram for correct message DETECTOR E125 86 02/15/17 01030271 SMOKE/CO LEVEL 1 Great Room E125 No address label on device. Provide address label on device DETECTOR 87 02/15/17 01030005 SMOKE DETECTOR PARKING LEVEL 1 Elev Lobby EP116 Address label not legible. Replace address label DAMPER TESTING OBSERVATIONS # DATE DEVICE TYPE LEVEL LOCATION OBSERVATION ACTION REQUIRED RETEST 02/15/17 DAMPER PARKING LEVEL 3 Elev. Lobby EP314 Damper did NOT operate properly; Covered w/ Duct Tape 02/15/17 DAMPER PARKING LEVEL 3 Elev. Lobby WP317 Damper did NOT operate properly; Covered w/ Duct Tape 02/15/17 DAMPER PARKING LEVEL 2 Elev. Lobby EP215 Damper did NOT operate properly; Covered w/ Duct Tape 4 02/lS/17 DAMPER PARKING LEVEL 2 Outside of Storage EP217 No label on wall below damper 5 02/15/17 DAMPER PARKING LEVEL 2 Elev Lobby WP215 Damper did NOT operate properly; Covered w/ Duct Tape Sheet metal was removed during test 6 02/15/17 DAMPER PARKING LEVEL 2 West Side Main Elec Unable to test, no access to room Room WP216 02/15/17 DAMPER PARKING LEVEL 2 East Side Main Elec Unable to test, no access to room Room WP216 8 02/lS/17 DAMPER PARKING LEVEL 1 Elev Lobby WP118 Damper did NOT operate properly; Covered w/ Duct Tape 9 02/15/17 DAMPER LEVEL 1 Fire Command E120 Damper did NOT operate Fixed during day. Retested at 3:15 pm and operated properly 10 02/15/17 DAMPER LEVEL 3 Outside of Trash Rm Damper did NOT operate Fixed during day. Retested at 3:30 pm and operated properly W315 11 02/15/17 DAMPER LEVEL 3 Outside (south) of Elec Damper did NOT operate Fixed during day. Retested at 3:30 pm and operated properly RmW316 12 02/lS/17 DAMPER LEVEL 3 Outside (north) of Elec Damper did NOT operate Fixed during day. Retested at 3:30 pm and operated properly RmW316 13 02/lS/17 DAMPER LEVEL 4 Outside of Trash Rm Damper did NOT operate Fixed during day. Retested at 4:10 pm and operated properly W415 14 02/15/17 DAMPER LEVEL 4 Outside (south) of Elec Damper did NOT operate Fixed during day. Retested at 4:10 pm and operated properly RmW416 15 02/lS/17 DAMPER LEVEL 4 Outside (north) of Elec Damper did NOT operate Fixed during day. Retested at 4:10 pm and operated properly Rm W416 16 02/15/17 DAMPER LEVEL 6 Outside ofTrash Rm Damper did NOT operate W615 # DATE DEVICE TYPE LEVEL 17 02/15/17 DAMPER LEVEL 6 18 02/15/17 DAMPER LEVEL 6 19 02/15/17 DAMPER LEVEL 6 20 02/15/17 DAMPER LEVEL 6 ELEVATOR RECALL OBSERVATIONS # DATE LEVEL LOCATION 02/15/17 PARKING LEVEL 1 Elev. Lobby WP118 MAGNETIC ODOR HOLDER OBSERVATIONS # DATE LEVEL LOCATION 02/15/17 LEVEL l Entry E131 Unit W103 -No room label for space on outside of unit. LOCATION OBSERVATION Outside (west) of Elec Damper did NOT operate Rm W620 Outside (east) of Elec Rm Damper did NOT operate W620 Outside of Unit E602 Thermal Fuse Link needs to be replaced Outside of Unit E602 Thermal Fuse Link needs to be replaced OBSERVATION Help phone did not work OBSERVATION Right door was not aligned w/ magnet correctly so it was not able to lock completely for testing. Left door was successful. ACTION REQUIRED RETEST ACTION REQUIRED RETEST ACTION REQUIRED RETEST All stairwells from 1 n Floor down to Parking P3 are labeled as A & B. Graphic Map and FACP indicate E and W for east and west. This is the same confusion with the name of the elevators. All spaces/room in parking levels are labeled as AP & BP. Graphic Map and FACP Indicate EP and WP for east and west. This is the same confusion with the name of the elevators. NO sounder base in entirety of Unit E209. Trash Room EP126 -No room label for space on outside of room Sprinkler head outside of storage room EP217 has a damaged deflector Additional Observations: ~ Overall, there was work still being done throughout the building during testing. Unit W702 -A lot of work was being done in the room during testing of unit (i.e. Someone was cutting). Throughout protective covers were still on detectors, then taken off for testing. Because work is still being done in building, detectors may get dirty before completion. Painting of piping was being done during testing of tampers & flows in stairwells. Unit W406 ·Painting was being done during testing. Unit W301 ·Sweeping was being done during testing. Unit E307 • Painting was being done during testing. Unit E602 ·Worker was laying brick during testing & cutting was being done prior. Unit E603 -Cutting was being done in bedroom & flooring in bedrooms not completed. Unit E604 -Flooring in bedrooms not completed. Trash Room W115 -No smoke detector installed in trash room W115, but smoke detectors installed in all other trash rooms. Unit ElOl -Door to courtyard cut badly. Pool Equipment Room WP117 -Extended and standard coverage sprinkler heads used in the same room. Near device 02030170 in Parking 1-Extended and standard coverage sprinkler heads appear to be installed on the same branch line. "" c: .,, § "" .!O :; " E 0 e C' Q) E c. ·3 CT Q) Q) £ .!O Q) c: 0 " "" c: ·o; ..0 .,, ~ .>< 5 ;: 0 .8 <( I ...., ::::: 0.. UJ E 0 0 a: C' Q) E c. ·3 CT UJ g 0.. February 6, 2017 David Coffey RKMI 3800 Xanthia St. Denver, CO 80238 BRADSHAW BUILDING SOLUTIONS, INC. 6960 Buckskin Drive Littleton, CO 80125 OFFICE: 303-277-0420 FAX: 303-277-0850 Re: Vail Strata -705 W. Lionshead Circle, Vail, CO Smoke Control System Test Dear David: On February 1, 2017 and February 6, 2017, Greg Bradshaw with Bradshaw Building Solutions, Inc., (BBSi) conducted testing of the Smoke Control System of the Vail Strata located at 705 W. Lionshead Circle in Vail, CO. A description of the building systems and the test results follow: I. The Smoke Control System consists of the following: A. Type of Building/Use: B. Number of Floors: C. Pressurized Stairwells: 1. Stairwell Fan(s) and Location(s): 2. Static Pressure Control: D. Hoistway Pressurization: 1. Hoistway Fan(s) and Location(s): 2. Static Pressure Control: Condominium building 10 levels -7 Tenant Levels plus 3 garage levels below 2 (Southeast & orthwest) 2 fans located on roof & 1 fan located at level 1 (NW stair) VFD for static pressure control with high/low limits East Hoistway (El, E2) & West Hoistway (WI, W2) 2 fans located on the roof for east & west hoistways Fixed speed VFD for differential pressure control Bradshaw Building Solutions, Inc. David Coffey -RKMI Vail Strata -Smoke Control System Test February 6, 2017 Page 2 II. The following tests were conducted: A. Test I I. On February I, 2017, a manual pull station was activated at 2:28@on Level I. Due to some door opening forces being too high on that date, this test was partially redone on February 6, 2017 by activating a manual pull station on level 1 at 1 :06 PM (these readings are in italics). This activated the stairwell pressurization system and hoistway pressurization system. Additional tests were conducted with smoke detectors & sprinkler flow switches with the same results. The following readings were observed: SE Stair A SE Stair A NW StairB NW StairB East Elev West Elev Floor Diff. Pres. Door Pull Diff. Pres. Door Pull Diff. Pres. Diff. Pres. 7 NA NA 0. 17" 20# NA 0.17" 6 0.16" 22# 0. 17" 21# 0.16" 0.17" 5 0.15" 27# 0.17" 20# 0.18" 0.13" 4 0.15" 23# 0.16" 25# 0.18" 0.11" 3 0.15" 21# 0. 12" 19# 0.17" 0.12" 2 0.13" 21# 0.13" 20# 0.18" 0.12" 1 0.14" 14# 0.16" 15# 0.19" 0.16" Pl NA NA 0.16" 22# 0.17" 0.18" P2 NA NA 0.16" 21# 0.20" 0.12" P3 NA NA 0.15" 21# 0.19" 0.12" 2. The status of the equipment as indicated on the FSCP was as expected. 3. The status of the equipment was physically checked and was as expected. 4. The stair fan VFDs are controlled from static pressure sensors with high & low limits. See below: a. SPF-1 for the southeast stairwell A -VFD limits of 25 HZ & 33 HZ. b. SPF-2 for the lower northwest stairwell B -VFD fixed speed of 12 HZ. c. SPF-3 for the upper northwest stairwell B -VFD limits of 16 HZ & 22.5 HZ 5. The hoistway pressurization fans are set to a fixed speed as follows: a. The east hoistway fan speed is set to 42 HZ. b. The west hoistway fan speed is set to 45 HZ. 6. During test #1 the normal building power was disconnected. The emergency generator started within 10 seconds. All SCS equipment were back up to design conditions with 45 seconds. We ran the test on generator for about 20 -25 minutes before re-connecting the normal building power. Bradshaw Building Solutions, Inc. David Coffey -RKMI Vail Strata-Smoke Control System Test February 6, 2017 Page 3 7. During the tests, a stairwell door at level 1 was opened on each stairwell & the stairwell pressure dropped to about 0.03" to 0.05" at level 4. We then opened a 2 nd stairwell door at the top of the stairwell and the pressure dropped to about 0.01" at level 4. 8. During these tests, we forced the stairwell fans to their maximum programmed speed and the differential pressure was 0.30". This pressure would allow the door opening force to stay at or below the maximum allowable door opening force of 30# (provided the stairwell doors are adjusted to a maximum of 12# in normal mode). CV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: A. All equipment operated as required with accurate status feedback. B. All differential pressure readings and door opening forces are within IBC/IFC specified ranges. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, Bradshaw Building Solutions, Inc. G re:_) J)mc-R~.J Greg Bradshaw Bradshaw Building Solutions, Inc. Test: Strata Lion Stair Pressurization Pre-Test Test date: 1/18/2017 Parties Present: BCER (SR), Edge (PS), Elite Balancing, JCI (JD), RK (RD, MW, BD), and PCL (SK, HH, BL) Stair A South Stair B North Fan speed: SEF-1: 22.0hz SEF-1Max:31.0hz SEF-2: 12.0hz SEF-2 Max: 19.0hz SEF-3: 12.0hz SEF-3: NA (constant) Level Door Force (lb) Press Di// (inch WC) Door Force (lb) Press Di// (inch WC} 7 --26 0.098 6 24 0.114 25 0.098 5 22 0.107 20 0.08 4 18 0.09 23 0.067 3 15 0.08 21 0.063 2 14 0.069 18 0.061 1 12 0.06 23 NA (Exit) Pl --22 0.063 P2 --15 0.062 P3 --14 0.063 Notes: -Thresholds were not installed in Stair B North (per plan) at time of testing -Max fan speed settings were determined when top level door pull force reached 30lbs -With SEF-2 at 19.0hz: P3 Level door was 18 lbs ~~ ELITE BALANCING Fan Unit PROJECT: Strata Vail LOCATION: PROJECT#: SYSTEM/UNIT: SEF-01 Fan Manufacturer Fan Model Number Fan Serial Number Design Airflow Design ESP Unit Data Greenheck USF-324-10-B 1-75 14319827 10000 CFM 1.2 in. WC Starter Data Starter Manufacturer Actual Airflow Volts Amps Fan SP In Fan SP Out Log: SEF-01 VFD Test Data 9945 CFM 460 Volts 8.0 Amps -1 .55 in. WC Atmosphere in . wc 1 /12/2017 SYSTEM/UNIT: SEF-02 Fan Manufacturer Fan Model Number Fan Serial Number Design Airflow Design ESP Starter Manufacturer Actual Airflow Volts Amps Fan SP In Fan SP Out Log: SEF-02 Elite Balancing, LLC Unit Data Green heck USF-324-10-Bl-75 14319828 10000 CFM 1.2 in. WC Starter Data VFD Test Data 11500 CFM 460 Volts 8.2 Amps -0.85 in. WC Atmosphere in. wc 1/12/2017 Kevin Shaw Kevin Shaw DATE: 1/11/2017 CONTACT: Kevin Shaw Tested By: Kevin Shaw Date: 1/6/2017 Motor Manufacturer Motor HP Motor RPM Motor Rated Volts Motor Phase Motor FL Amps Motor Service Factor Motor Frame Nominal Efficiency Power Factor Motor Sheave Model Motor Sheave Bore Fan Sheave Model Fan Sheave Bore #Belts Belt Size Motor Data Baldor 7 1/2 HP 1770 RPM 208-230/460 Volts 3 20.4-19.4/9.7 Amps 1.15 213T 91 % 79 Sheave Data 2BK65 1 3/8 in. 2BK85 1 7/16 in. 2 BX61 Design airflow at 60 Hz. Tested By: Kevin Shaw Date: 1 /6/2017 Motor Manufacturer Motor HP Motor RPM Motor Rated Volts Motor Phase Motor FL Amps Motor Service Factor Motor Frame Nominal Efficiency Power Factor Motor Data Baldor 7 1/2 HP 1770 RPM 460 Volts 3 9.7 Amps 1.15 213T 91 % 79 Sheave Data Motor Sheave Model 2BK65 Motor Sheave Bore 1 3/8 in. Fan Sheave Model 2BK85 Fan Sheave Bore #Belts Belt Size 1 7/16 in. 2 861 Design airflow at 52 Hz. ~~ ELITE BALANCING Fan Unit PROJECT: Strata Vail LOCATION: PROJECT#: SYSTEM/UNIT: SPF-01 Fan Manufacturer Fan Model Number Fan Serial Number Design Airflow Design ESP Unit Data Green heck USF-320-1 O-Bl-50 14319829 6500 CFM 1.2 in. WC Starter Data Starter Manufacturer Actual Airflow Volts Amps Fan SP In Fan SP Out Log: SPF-01 VFD Test Data 8450 CFM 460 Volts 6.0 Amps Atmosphere in. wc 0.55 in. WC 1/12/2017 SYSTEM/UNIT: SPF-02 Fan Manufacturer Fan Model Number Fan Serial Number Design Airflow Design ESP Starter Manufacturer Actual Airflow Volts Amps Fan SP In Fan SP Out Log: SPF-02 Elite Balancing, LLC Unit Data Green heck QE 1-15-1-20-HTUL 14317542 3500 CFM 1.2 in . WC Starter Data VFD Test Data 4720 CFM 460 Volts 2.4 Amps -0.74 in. WC Atmosphere in. wc 1/12/2017 Kevin Shaw Kevin Shaw DATE: 1/11/2017 CONTACT: Kevin Shaw Tested By: Kevin Shaw Date: 1/6/2017 Motor Manufacturer Motor HP Motor RPM Motor Rated Volts Motor Phase Motor FL Amps Motor Service Factor Motor Frame Nominal Efficiency Power Factor Motor Sheave Model Motor Sheave Bore Fan Sheave Model Fan Sheave Bore #Belts Belt Size Motor Data Baldor 5 HP 1750 RPM 208-230/460 Volts 3 14-13.2/6 .6 Amps 1.15 184T 89.5 % 80 Sheave Data 2AK59 1 1/8 in. 2AK64 13/16in. 2 AP49 Design airflow at 46 Hz. Tested By: Kevin Shaw Date: 1/6/2017 Motor Manufacturer Motor HP Motor RPM Motor Rated Volts Motor Phase Motor FL Amps Motor Service Factor Motor Frame Nominal Efficiency #Belts Belt Size Motor Data Baldor 2 HP 1750 RPM 208-230/460 Volts 3 2.9 Amps 1.15 184T 86.5 % Sheave Data 2 AX45 Design airflow at 45 Hz. NE~B Fan Unit ELITE BALANCING PROJECT: Strata Vail LOCATION: PROJECT#: SYSTEM/UNIT: SPF-03 Fan Manufacturer Fan Model Number Fan Serial Number Design Airflow Design ESP Starter Manufacturer Actual Airflow Volts Amps Fan SP In Fan SP Out log: SPF-03 Elite Balancing, LLC Unit Data Green heck USF-333-10-Bl-75 14319830 16200 CFM 1.2 in. WC Starter Data VFD Test Data 19550 CFM 460 Volts 10 Amps Atmosphere in. wc 0.65 in. WC 1/12/2017 Kevin Shaw DATE: 1/11/2017 CONTACT: Kevin Shaw Tested By: Kevin Shaw Date: 1/6/2017 Motor Manufacturer Motor HP Motor RPM Motor Rated Volts Motor Phase Motor FL Amps Motor Service Factor Motor Frame Nominal Efficiency Power Factor Motor Sheave Model Motor Sheave Bore Fan Sheave Model Fan Sheave Bore #Belts Belt Size Motor Data Baldor 7 1/2 HP 1770 RPM 208-230/460 Volts 3 20.4-19.4/9.7 Amps 1.15 213T 91 % 79 Sheave Data 5.25 1 3/8 in. 9.4x2B 115/16in. 2 BX81 Design airflow at 49 Hz. e-f 1e ABB nc 16250 West Glendale Dr New Bertin, WI 53151 Bldc~ A SPP-1 Roof D Warranty Registration Form F-3BUAQ981902B Rev 10, June 11, 2013 Approved CFM Mod Rev 4.3 Certified Startup Extended Warranty Registration This form is to be used by factory authorized personnel only for ABB drive product warranty registration as part of the Certified Start-Up program. This form must be completed in it's entirety and submitted to the ABB drives Technical Support within 10 days from start-up to receive warranty extension. For AC & DC drives, email to DrivesSupportline@us.abb.com with subject line "Certified Start-Up". For AC drives only, we wil l continue to accept faxed forms@ 262- 780-5135, for the near term. •All procedures and requirements as documented in the user Manuals for the product you are commissioning must be followed. End User installation site Start-Uo Date: 1/20/2017 Company Name: Contact Name: Russ Dauterman Contact Phone: Strata Vail Contractor: RKMI 303-598-444 7 Street Address: I City: I State: Zip Code: ICoun~SA 705 W Lionshead Circle Vail co 81657 Purchased From Su )Dlier Tvoe: Distributor CFM PO# 40705-MS Company Name: City: State: I Contact Name: Contact Phone: CFM Company Denver co Mark Setter 303-761-2291 Drive Product Information HP' 10 ABB Order# Model Number, (Type Code): Software Revision Code: ACH550-BCR-08A8-4+B058+F267 !Serial Number: 2153903081 316A I 105A IApp11cat1on 1ntormat1on H-1 rap M-1-'ulse t-an wall Nt:IVIA 3 I Classic t:-G11pse 1~on ~iart Industry type: I Application Type: Drive Control Mode: Operation Mode: I HVAC Stair Pressure Fan Speed Control Scalar Greenheck Fan Parameter Settings Start Function: Stop Function: Min Freq: Hz I Max ;;q: !Carrier Freq : :IAccel Time: I Decel Time: Auto I Flying Ramp Ramp Coast 22 Hz l 4 KH~ KHz 30 sec. 30 sec. 'otor Info_ # 1 motor(s) Motor Manufacturer: Baldor Frame: SF: 1015 I "elect Motor Type: AC Motor Motor Cat I Model: lnsul. F PF: % Motor HP: 10 I Voltage: 460 IRPM: 1770 IFLA: 12.5 I Max Current: 13.7 Amps Installation Checks -Mechanical Controls Mechanical Installation ra Control (1/0, Feedback) ra Serial Comm: Cable Connections ra Ambient Temperature ra 70 OF Node# Proper Grounding ra Drive Unit Cooling I Air Flow ra Baud: Input Fuses (Type) ra KTK-R-15 Motor Disconnect w/ AUX ra 3 Conduits: Ln+Ld+C ra Safe to Operate Machine ra Al1 D ra Motor Cable Length ra 10 Ft. Free of Enviromental Hazards ra Al2 D ra 4-20 Loop Power Installation t.necks -~1ectrica1 t:lUMt-'t:U UNL Y! I Drive disconnected -Megger Cable I Motor: Reading Reading Reading Megger Test Voltage= 11000 VAC I IT1-PE= 00 I IT2-PE= 00 I In-PE= 00 I Input Voltage L 1-L2= VAC Input Current L1= Amps Display Current @ Base Speed L2-L3= VAC @Base Speed L2= Amps I I Amps I I Hz L3-L 1= VAC I I Hz L3= Amps Output Voltage T1-T2= VAC Output Current T1= Amps @ Base Speed T2-T3= VAC @Base Speed T2= Amps I I Hz T3-T1= VAC I I Hz T3= Amps Additional Comments: 016 =Override= PIO= -0.10 to 0.10 inchWC, setpoint 0.2 inchWC VFD/JCI pressure transducer calibrated to TAB measurements which coresponds to 0.2 inch WC reading. Bypass Disabled for Fire/Smoke (3 Year Parts and Labor Warranty) '~<>rformed By: I registered email address: Brent Testerman BrentT @cfmcompany.com 'Customer Signature: 1-20-2017 By submittal of this form you commit that all information provided is accurate to the best of your ability, provided to the customer, and the requirements as listed here and in the product user Manual have been completed. e-f.le ABB inc. 16250 West Glendale Dr. New Berlin, WI 53151 Roof Warranty Registration Form F-3BUAQ981902B Rev 10. June 11, 2013 Approved CFM Mod Rev 4 3 Certified Startup Extended Warranty Registration This form is to be used by factory authorized personnel only for ABB drive product warranty registration as part of the Certified Start-Up program. This form must be completed in it's entirety and submitted to the ABB drives Technical Support within 10 days from start-up to receive warranty extension. For AC & DC drives. email to DrivesSupportline@us.abb.com with subject line "Certified Start-Up". For AC drives only, we wil l continue to accept faxed forms@ 262- 780-5135, for the near term. •All procedures and requirements as documented in the user Manuals for the product you are commissioning must be followed . End User installation site Start-Uo Date: 1/20/2017 Company Name: Contact Name: Russ Dauterman Contact Phone: Strata Vail Contractor: RKMI 303-598-444 7 Street Address: I City: I State: Zip Code: ICoun~SA 705 W Lionshead Circle Vail co 81657 Purchased From Su '.lolier Tvoe: Distributor CFM PO# 40705-MS Company Name: City: State: !Contact Name: Contact Phone: CFM Company Denver co Mark Setter 303-761-2291 Drive Product Information HP= 7.5 ABB Order# Model Number, (Type Code): !Serial Number: Software Revision Code: ACH550-BCR-012A -4+B058+F267 2153903142 316A I 105A App11cat1on 1ntormat1on H-1 rap M+'ulse t-an wall l\lt:IVIA 3 I Classic t:-1,_,11pse l~Ott ~tart lnd~~~~e:IAppucauoS;;;ke Exhaust Fan Drive Control Mode: Operation Mode: I Speed Control Scalar Greenheck Fan Parameter Settings Start Function: Stop Function: Min Freq: Hz IMax ~o: !Carrier Freq: :IAccel Time: . I Decel Time: Auto I Flying Ramp Ramp Coast 12 Hz 14 KH~ KHz 30 sec. 30 sec. 'otor Info. # 1 motor(s) Motor Manufacturer: Baldor Frame: SF: 1015 !',,elect Motor Type: AC Motor Motor Cat I Model: lnsul. F PF: % Motor HP: 7.5 I Voltage: 460 IRPM: 1770 IFLA: 9.7 I Max Current: 10.7 Amps Installation Checks -Mechanical Controls Mechanical Installation ra Control (1/0, Feedback) ra Serial Comm: Cable Connections ra Ambient Temperature ra 70 OF Node# Proper Grounding ra Drive Unit Cooling I Air Flow ra Baud: Input Fuses (Type) ra KtK-R-15 Motor Disconnect w/ AUX ra 3 Conduits: Ln+Ld+C ra Safe to Operate Machine ra Al1 D D Motor Cable Length ra 10 Ft. Free of Enviromental Hazards ra Al2 D D 1nsta11at1on <.;hecks -t:1ectnca1 t:SUMt"'t:U UNL Y! I Drive disconnected -Megger Cable I Motor: Reading Reading Reading Megger Test Voltage= 11000 VAC I IT1-PE= 00 I IT2-PE= 00 I IT3-PE= 00 I Input Voltage L 1-L2= VAC Input Current L1= Amps Display Current @ Base Speed L2-L3= VAC @Base Speed L2= Amps I I Amps I I Hz L3-L 1= VAC I I Hz L3= Amps Output Voltage T1-T2= VAC Output Current T1= Amps @ Base Speed T2-T3= VAC @ Base Speed T2= Amps I I Hz T3-T1= VAC I I Hz T3= Amps .. Add1t1onal Comments: 016 = Override 60 Hz Bypass Disabled for Fire/Smoke (3 Year Parts and Labor Warranty) ' ->rformed By: I !Registered email address: Brent Testerman BrentT @cfmcompany.com 'Customer Signature: 1-20-2017 By submittal of this form you commit that all information provided is accurate to the best of your ability, provided to the customer, and the requirements as listed here and in the product user Manual have been completed. e-fi!e . SPF ~ D ABB inc 16250 West Glendale Dr New Berlin, WI 53151 Roof 1919 Wa"ranty Registration Form F-3BUAQ981902B Rev 10, June 11 , 2013 Approved CFM Mod Rev 4.3 Certified Startup Extended Warranty Registration This form is to be used by factory authorized personnel only for ABB drive product warranty registration as part of the Certified Start-Up program. This form must be completed in it's entirety and submitted to the ABB drives Technical Support within 10 days from start-up to receive warranty extension. For AC & DC drives, email to DrivesSupportLine@us.abb.com with subject line "Certified Start-Up". For AC drives only, we will continue to accept faxed forms @ 262- 780-5135, for the near term. * All procedures and requirements as documented in the user Manuals for the product you are commissioning must be followed. End User installation site Start-Up Date: 1/20/2017 Company Name: Contact Name: Russ Dauterman Contact Phone: Strata Vail Contractor: RKMI 303-598-444 7 Street Address: I City: IState: CO Zip Code: ICoun~SA 705 W Lionshead Circle Vail 81657 Purchased From Suoolier Tvoe: D istributor CFM PO# 40705-MS Company Name: City: State: I Contact Name: Contact Phone: CFM Company Denver co Mark Setter 303-761-2291 Drive Product Information HP: 10 ABB Order# Model Number, (Type Code): !Serial Number: Software Revision Code: ACH550-BCR-08A8-4+B058+F267 2153903093 316A I 105A Appucatton mrormatton H-1 rap M-t-'UISe i-an wa11 Nt:.MA 3 I LlaSSIC t:.-L11pse 1::>orr ::>tart Industry type: I Application Type: Drive Control Mode: Operation Mode: I HVAC Stair Pressure Fan Speed Control Scalar Greenheck Fan Parameter Settings Start Function: Stop Function: Min Freq: Hz I Max ;rg: !Carrier Freq: :IAccel Time: IDecel Time: Auto I Flying Ramp Ramp Coast 12 Hz I 4 KH~ KHz 30 sec. 30 sec. ·otor Info. # 1 motor(s) Motor Manufacturer: Baldor Frame: SF: 101 5 I ..,elect Motor Type: AC Motor Motor Cat I Model: lnsul. F PF: % Motor HP: 10 I Voltage: 460 IRPM: 1770 IFLA: 12.5 I Max Current: 13.7 Amps Installation Checks -Mechanical Controls Mechanical Installation ra Control (1/0, Feedback) ra Serial Comm: Cable Connections ra Ambient Temperature ra 70 OF Node# Proper Grounding ra Drive Unit Cooling I Air Flow ra Baud: Input Fuses (Type) ra KTK-R-15 Motor Disconnect w/ AUX ra 3 Conduits: Ln+Ld+C ra Safe to Operate Machine ra Al1 D ra Motor Cable Length ra 10 Ft. Free of Enviromental Hazards ra Al2 D ra 4-20 Loop Power 1nsta11at1on \..necKs -t:.1ectnca1 1::3UMl-'t:U UN .Y! I Drive disconnected -Megger Cable I Motor: Reading Reading Reading Megger Test Voltage= 11000 VAC I IT1-PE= 00 I IT2-PE= 00 I IT3-PE= 00 I Input Voltage L 1-L2= VAC Input Current L1= Amps Display Current @Base Speed L2-L3= VAC @ Base Speed L2= Amps I !Amps I !Hz L3-L 1= VAC I !Hz L3= Amps Output Voltage T1-T2= VAC Output Current T1= Amps @Base Speed T2-T3= VAC @Base Speed T2= Amps I !Hz T3-T1= VAC I I Hz T3= Amps .. Add1t1onal Comments: 016 = Override = PIO = -0.10 to 0.10 inch WC, setpoint 0.2 inch WC VFD/JCI pressure transducer calibrated to TAB measurements which coresponds to 0.2 inchWC reading. Bypass Disabled for Fire/Smoke (3 Year Parts and Labor Warranty) '-~normed By: I I Registered email address: Brent Testerman BrentT @cfmcompany.com !Customer Signature: 1-20-2017 By submittal of this form you commit that all information provided is accurate to the best of your ability, provided to the customer, and the requirements as listed here and in the product user Manual have been completed. e-f 'e· ABB inc 16250 West Glenda:e Dr. New Berlin, WI 53151 Basement Warranty Reg:strat1on Form F-3BUAQ981902B Rev 10, June 11, 2013 Approved CFM Mod Rev 4.3 Certified Startup Extended Warranty Registration This form is to be used by factory authorized personnel only for ABB drive product warranty registration as part of the Certified Start-Up program. This form must be completed in it's entirety and submitted to the ABB drives Technical Support within 10 days from start-up to receive warranty extension. For AC & DC drives, email to DrivesSupportline@us.abb.com with subject line "Certified Start-Up". For AC drives only, we will continue to accept faxed forms@ 262- 780-5135, for the near term. * All procedures and requirements as documented in the user Manuals for the product you are commissioning must be followed. End User installation site Start-Uo Date: 1/20/2017 Company Name: Contact Name: Russ Dauterman Contact Phone: Strata Vail Contractor: RKMI 303-598-444 7 Street Address: Zip Code: 705 W Lionshead Circle I City: Vail !State: CO 81657 ICoun~~A Purchased From Suoolier Tvoe: Distributor CFM PO# 40705-MS Company Name: City: State: I Contact Name: Contact Phone: CFM Company Denver co Mark Setter 303-761-2291 Drive Product Information HP= 2 ABB Order# Model Number, (Type Code): !Serial Number: Software Revision Code: ACH550-BCR-04A 1-4+B058+F267 2153903123 316A I 105A IApp11cat1on 1ntormat1on H-1 rap M-1-'ulse t-an wall Nl::MA 3 l Classic 1::-c11pse 1::sorr ::start Industry type: I Appl ication Type: Drive Control Mode: Operation Mode: I HVAC Elevator Pressure Fan Speed Control Scalar Greenheck Fan Parameter Settings Start Function: Stop Function: Min Freq: I Max Freq: !Carrier Freq: KHzlAcce1 T3o I Decel Time: Auto I Flying Ramp Ramp Coast 12 Hz 60 Hz I 4 KHl sec. 30 sec. otor Info. # 1 motor(s) Motor Manufacturer: Baldor Frame: SF: 1015 I ~elect Motor Type: AC Motor Motor Cat I Model: lnsul. F PF: % Motor HP: 2 I Voltage: 460 IRPM: 1770 IFLA: 3.2 I Max Current: 3.6 Amps Installation Checks -Mechanical Controls Mechanical Installation Dl Control (1/0 , Feedback) Dl Serial Comm: Cable Connections Dl Ambient Temperature Dl 70 OF Node# Proper Grounding Dl Drive Unit Cooling I Air Flow Dl Baud: Input Fuses (Type) Dl KTK-R-15 Motor Disconnect w/ AUX Dl 3 Conduits: Ln+Ld+C Dl Safe to Operate Machine Dl Al1 D D Motor Cable Length Dl 10 Ft. Free of Enviromental Hazards Dl Al2 D D ,Installation Checks -Electrical t:SUMt-'t:U UNL Y! I Drive disconnected -Megger Cable I Motor: Reading Reading Reading Megger Test Voltage = l1000VAC I IT1-PE= 00 I IT2-PE= 00 I In-PE= 00 I Input Voltage L 1-L2= VAC Input Current L1= Amps Display Current @Base Speed L2-L3= VAC @Base Speed L2= Amps I lAmps I lHz L3-L 1= VAC I lHz L3= Amps Output Voltage T1-T2= VAC Output Current T1= Amps @Base Speed T2-T3= VAC @Base Speed T2= Amps I !Hz T3-T1 = VAC I !Hz T3= Amps .. Add1t1onal Comments: 016 =Override 12 Hz Bypass Disabled for Fire/Smoke (3 Year Parts and Labor Warranty) '-'normed By: I I Registered email address: Brent Testerman BrentT @cfmcompany.com rustomer Signature: 1-20-2017 By submittal of this form you commit that all information provided is accurate to the best of your ability, provided to the customer, and the requirements as listed here and in the product user Manual have been completed. e-f::e· ABB inc. 16250 West Glendaie Or New Berlin, WI 53151 D Roof Warranty Reg strat:on Form F-3BUAQ981902B Rev 10, June 11, 2013 Approved CFM Mod Rev 4 3 Certified Startup Extended Warranty Regis tration This form is to be used by factory authorized personnel only for ABB drive product warranty registration as part of the Certified Start-Up program. This form must be completed in it's entirety and submitted to the ABB drives Technical Support within 10 days from start-up to receive warranty extension. For AC & DC drives, email to DrivesSupportline@us.abb.com with subject line "Certified Start-Up". For AC drives only, we will continue to accept faxed forms@ 262- 780-5135, for the near term. * All procedures and requirements as documented in the user Manuals for the product you are commissioning must be followed. End User installation site Start-Up D ate: 1/20/2017 Company Name: Contact Name: R uss Dauterman Contact Phone: Strata Vail Contractor: RKMI 303-598-444 7 Street Address: I City: 'State: CO Zip Code: ICoun~~A 705 W Lionshead Circle Vail 81657 Purchased From Su )plier Type: Distributor CFM PO# 40705-MS Company Name: City: State: I Contact Name: Contact Phone: CFM Company Denver co Mark Setter 303-761-2291 Drive Product Information HP: 7.5 ABB Order # Model Number, (Type Code): I Serial Number: Software Revision Code: ACH550-BCR-O 12A-4+B058+F267 2153903105 316A I 105A 1App11cauon Information H-1 rap M-t-'UISe ran wa11 Nt:.MA 3 I GlaSSIC t:.-G11pse 1::sorr ;::iLart lnd~~~~e:rpplicatios:~:ke Exhaust Fan Drive Control Mode: Operation Mode: I Speed Control Scalar Greenheck Fan Parameter Settings Start Function: Stop Function: Min Freq: I Max Freq: I Carrier Freq: '.IAccel Time: I Decel Time: Auto I Flying Ramp Ramp Coast 12 Hz 60 Hz I 4 KH~ KHz 30 sec. 30 sec. iotor Info. # 1 motor(s) Motor Manufacturer: Baldor Frame: SF: 1015 l;:;elect Motor Type: AC Motor Motor Cat I Model: lnsul. F PF: % Motor HP: 7 .5 I Voltage: 460 IRPM: 1770 IFLA: 9.7 I Max Current: 10.7 Amps Installation Checks -Mechanical Controls Mechanical Installation ra Control (1/0, Feedback) ra Serial Comm: Cable Connections ra Ambient Temperature ra 70 OF Node# Proper Grounding ra Drive Unit Cooling I Air Flow ra Baud: Input Fuses (Type) ra KTK-R-15 Motor Disconnect w/ AUX ra 3 Conduits: Ln+Ld+C ra Safe to Operate Machine ra Al1 D D Motor Cable Length ra 10 Ft. Free of Enviromental Hazards ra Al2 D D 1 msta11auon t;necKs -t:1ectr1ca1 l:WMl-'t:U UNL Y! I Drive disconnected -Megger Cable I Motor: Reading Reading Reading Megger Test Voltage = l1000VAC I IT1-PE= 00 I IT2-PE= 00 I IT3-PE= 00 I Input Voltage L 1-L2= VAC Input Current L1= Amps Display Current @Base Speed L2-L3= VAC @Base Speed L2= Amps I I Amps I I Hz L3-L 1= VAC I I Hz L3= Amps Output Voltage T1-T2= VAC Output Current T1= Amps @Base Speed T2-T3= VAC @Base Speed T2= Amps I !Hz T3-T1= VAC I I Hz T3= Amps .. Add1t1onal Comments: Dl6 = Override 60 Hz Bypass Disabled for Fire/Smoke (3 Year Parts and Labor Warranty) :-•rformed By: Brent Testerman I registered email address: BrentT @cfmcompany.com 'Customer Signature: 1-20-2017 By submittal of this form you commit that all information provided is accurate to the best of your ability, provided to the customer, and the requirements as listed here and in the product user Manual have been completed. e-file: ABB 1nc. 16250 West Glendale Dr. New Berlin, WI 53151 Bfctc1 £ EPF-2 Roof D Warranty Registration Form F-3BUAQ981902B Rev 10, June 11 , 2013 Approved CFM Mod Rev 4.3 Certified St artup Extended Wa rranty Registration This form is to be used by factory authorized personnel only for ABB drive product warranty registration as part of the Certified Start-Up program. This form must be completed in it's entirety and submitted to the ABB drives Technical Support within 10 days from start-up to receive warranty extension. For AC & DC drives, email to DrivesSupportline@us.abb.com with subject line "Certified Start-Up". For AC drives only, we will continue to accept faxed forms@ 262- 780-5135, for the near term. * All procedures and requirements as documented in the user Manuals for the product you are commissioning must be followed. End User installation site Start-Up Da te: 1/20/2017 Company Name: Contact Name: Russ Da uterman Contact Phone: Strata V ail Contractor: R KMI 303-598-444 7 Street Address: I City: IState: CO Zip Code: I Coun~SA 705 W Lionshead Circle Vail 81657 Purchased From Suoolier Type: Distributor CFM PO# 40705-MS Company Name: City: State: !Contact Name: Contact Phone: CFM Company Denver co Mark Setter 303-761-2291 Drive Product Information HP' 15 ABB Order# Model Number, (Type Code): !Serial Number: Software Revision Code: ACH550-BCR-023A-4+B058+F267 2163901720 316A I 105A App11cat1on 1nrormat1on H-1 rap M-t-'UISe ran wall Nt:.MA 3 I c1ass1c t:.-c11pse 1::>on ::>tart Industry type: r pplication Type: Drive Control Mode: Operation Mode: I Greenheck Fan HVAC Elevator Pressure Fan Speed Control Scalar Parameter Settings Start Function: Stop Function: Min Freq: Hz I Max ~o: !Carrier Freq: :IAccel Time: IDecel Time: Auto I Flying Ramp Ramp Coast 12 Hzl 4 KH~ KHz 30 sec. 30 sec. 'otor Info. # 1 motor(s) Motor Manufacturer: Baldor Frame: SF: 1015 !'.,elect Motor Type: AC Motor Motor Cat I Model: lnsul. F PF: % Motor HP: 15 jVoltage: 460 jRPM: 1770 jFLA: 17.7 I Max Current: 19.5 Amps Installation Checks -Mechanical Controls Mechanical Installation !2l Control (1/0, Feedback) !2l Serial Comm: Cable Connections !2l Ambient Temperature !2l 70 OF Node# Proper Grounding !2l Drive Unit Cooling I Air Flow !2l Baud: Input Fuses (Type) !2l JJS-60 Motor Disconnect w/ AUX !2l 3 Conduits: Ln+Ld+C !2l Safe to Operate Machine !2l Al1 D D Motor Cable Length !2l 10 Ft. Free of Enviromental Hazards !2l Al2 D D 1nsta11at1on <.,;necKs -t:1ectnca1 t:SUMt-'t:.U UNL Y! I Drive disconnected -Megger Cable I Motor: Reading Reading Reading Megger Test Voltage = 11000 VAC I IT1-PE= 00 I IT2-PE= 00 I IT3-PE= 00 I Input Voltage L 1-L2= VAC Input Current L1= Amps Display Current @Base Speed L2-L3= VAC @Base Speed L2= Amps I !Amps I !Hz L3-L 1= VAC I !Hz L3= Amps Output Voltage T1-T2= VAC Output Current T1= Amps @Base Speed T2-T3= VAC @Base Speed T2= Amps I !Hz T3-T1= VAC I !Hz T3= Amps .. Add1t1onal Comments: Dl6 = Override 30 Hz Bypass Disabled for Fire/Smoke (3 Year Parts and Labor Warranty) ' -'rforrned By: I I Registered email address: Brent Testerman BrentT @cfmcompany.com I Customer Signature: 1-20-2017 By submittal of this form you commit that all information provided is accurate to the best of your ability, provided to the customer, and the requirements as listed here and in the product user Manual have been completed. e-f!le. ABB inc. 16250 West Glendale Dr. New Berlin, WI 53151 D Roof Warranty Reg1strat1on Form F-3BUAQ981902B Rev 10, June 11, 2013 Approved CFM Mod Rev 4.3 Certified Startup Extended Warranty Registration This form is to be used by factory authorized personnel only for ABB drive product warranty registration as part of the Certified Start-Up program. This form must be completed in it's entirety and submitted to the ABB drives Technical Support within 10 days from start-up to receive warranty extension. For AC & DC drives, email to DrivesSupportline@us.abb.com with subject line "Certified Start-Up". For AC drives only, we will continue to accept faxed forms@ 262- 780-5135, for the near term. *All procedures and requirements as documented in the user Manuals for the product you are commissioning must be followed. End User ins tallation s it e S tart-Up Date: 1/20/2017 Company Name: Contact Name: Russ Dauterman Contact Phone: Strata Vail Contractor: RKMI 303-598-444 7 Street Address: I City: !State: CO Zip Code: ICoun~SA 705 W Lionshead Circle Vail 81657 Purchased From Su :mlie r Tvoe: D istributor CFM PO# 40705-MS Company Name: City: State: !Contact Name: Contact Phone: CFM Company Denver co Mark Setter 303-761-2291 Drive Product Information HP' 10 ABB Order# Model Number, (Type Code): I Serial Number: Software Revision Code: ACH550-BCR-015A-4+B058+F267 2163901720 316A I 105A IApp11cat1on 1ntormat1on H-1 rap M-1-'ulse t-an wall Nt::IVIA 3 I c1ass1c t::-c11pse 1:son :start Industry type: I Application Type: Drive Control Mode: Operation Mode: I HVAC Elevator Pressure Fan Speed Control Scalar Greenheck Fan Parameter Settings Start Function: Stop Function: Min Freq: r ax Freq: !Carrier Freq : KHzlAcce1 T3o IDecel Time: Auto I Flying Ramp Ramp Coast 12 Hz 60 Hz 14 KH~ sec. 30 sec. otor Info. # 1 motor(s) Motor Manufacturer: Baldor Frame: SF: 101 5 I uelect Motor Type: AC Motor Motor Cat I Model: lnsul. F PF: % Motor HP: 10 I Voltage: 460 IRPM: 1770 IFLA: 12.5 I Max Current: 13.7 Amps Installation Checks -Mechanical Controls Mechanical Installation ra Control (1/0 , Feedback) ra Serial Comm: Cable Connections ra Ambient Temperature ra 70 OF Node# Proper Grounding ra Drive Unit Cooling I Air Flow ra Baud: Input Fuses (Type) ra KTK-R-30 Motor Disconnect w/ AUX ra 3 Conduits: Ln+Ld+C ra Safe to Operate Machine ra Al1 D D Motor Cable Length ra 10 Ft. Free of Enviromental Hazards ra Al2 D D Installation (Jnecks -t:1ectnca1 t:jUMl-'t:U UNL Y! I Drive disconnected -Megger Cable I Motor: Reading Reading Reading Megger Test Voltage = 11000 VAC I IT1-PE= CX) I IT2-PE= CX) I IT3-PE= CX) I Input Voltage L 1-L2= VAC Input Current L1= Amps Display Current @ Base Speed L2-L3= VAC @ Base Speed L2= Amps I I Amps I I Hz L3-L 1= VAC I I Hz L3= Amps Output Voltage T1 -T2= VAC Output Current T1= Amps @ Base Speed T2-T3= VAC @ Base Speed T2= Amps I I Hz T3-T1= VAC I I Hz T3= Amps .. Add1t1onal Comments: Dl6 = Override 30 Hz Bypass Disabled for Fire/Smoke (3 Year Parts and Labor Warranty) :-'rformed By: Brent Testerman I I Registered email address: BrentT @cfmcompany.com r ustomer Signature: 1-20-2017 By submittal of this form you commit that all information provided is accurate to the best of your ability, provided to the customer, and the requirements as listed here and in the product user Manual have been completed. Strata Vail Testing 1/19/16 Wet Systems Static Residual Flow Activation A 1st floor 140 120 A 2nd Floor 140 120 A 3rd Floor 130 115 A 4th Floor 125 105 A 5th Floor 120 100 A 5th Floor 120 100 B 1st Floor 140 130 B 2nd Floor 135 120 B 3rd Floor 130 115 B 4th Floor 125 105 B 5th Floor 120 100 B 5th Floor 110 100 B 7th Floor 105 95 Dry Systems Air Pressure P3 42 P2 42 P1 42 Load ing Dock 42 Main drain test Pre PRV 141psi Standpipe has been tripped manually Jeremy Craig 970-406-094 7 j erem yc@allstatefireprotection.com 38sec 37sec 34sec 34sec 37sec 37sec 37sec 38sec 38sec 38sec 38sec 40sec 40sec Trip pressure Trip Time 35 10sec 35 12sec 35 20sec 36 8sec after PRV 140psi BOR flowing 135psi Water delivery 35sec 40sec 58sec 32sec ;~;:. Est. 1984 , '2~~ . 6045 East 76th Avenue# 12 • Commerce City, Colorado 80022 • (303) 288-3901 • Fax (303) 288-1936 www.allstatefireprotection.com Ciointr.aictor's Matieria~ and Test Certmcate for A1oovegro1umd Piping PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contra ctor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representaiive (hereinafte'r defined as property owner}. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel fina lly leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. !t is understood that the property owner's authorized representative is a legal signatory and fully representative of the property owner and that by the property owner's or property owner's authorized representative's signature, the property owner accepts full responsibility for the system as installed and aqrees that it is in compliance with the applicable approvinq authority's requirements and local ordinances. Property Name STIC..A-TA: V~t L-I Date Property Address rOS w . l-i0.0 freA-P C... l 'f? c_ Lt;::: VAtt-. co 8 /(o §j / Accepted by Approving A'e°rities (Nam s)QD. -l -\ \/ c.. 1 \ .' r-e . c;:. r -'11'\ e. I) Address \ Plans ~Yes Installation conforms to accepted Plans D No Equipment used is approved 0'" Yes D No If no, explain deviations Has the property owner or property owner's authorized representative been .. instructed. as to the location of control valves and care and maintenance of this ~Yes new equipment? D No If no, explain Instruction Have copies of the following been given to the property owner or property owner's authorized representative? 1. System Components Instructions D Yes D No 2. Care and Maintenance Instructions Pc.LL D Yes D No 3. NFPA25 0 w V\tJ r<;" D Yes D No Location Supplies Buildings STA Nb P'rpE SCl'PPLf Of System Year Temperature .1111.ake Model of Manufacture Orifice Size Quantity Rating Sprinklers \'1 I ,-, , Pipe and Type of Pipe S\~\ Fittings Type of Fittinqs Maximum time to oper:;ite Alarm Valve Alarm Device through test connection or Flow /'\ Type Make ~Model Min11tes Seconds Indicator \'\\ -'2.~\ , r e <;\J£'.', 5 p nS t~vt=> \o N /H { Dry Valve Q.0.0 . : ~\~ Make Model Serial No. Make Model Serial No .. Time to trip Trip Point Time Water through test Water Air Air Reached Test Alarm Operated Properly Dry Pipe connection* Pressure Pressure Pressure Outlet* Operating Min/Sec psi psi psi Min/Sec Yes No Test w/o Q.O.D. with Q.O.D. If No, explain .. *measured from time inspectors test opened (NFPA 13 onlv requires the 60-second limitation in specific sections) -Operation D Pneumatic ~ Electric D Hydraulic - Pipina Supervised D Yes [B"" No I Detecting Media Supervised l"'f Yes D No Does valve operate from the manual trip, remote, or both control stations? ~Yes D No Is there an accessible facility in each circuit for testing? I If no, explain Deluge & ~Yes D No Preaction Does each circuit operate Doe each circuit operate valve Maximum time to operate Valves Make Model supervision loss alarm? release? release i'b( --"~, () nt) ')( Yes No_ Yes ~ No Min Sec v v N /I+ Location Make and Residual Pressure Pressure and Floor Model Setting Static Pressure (flowing) Flow Rate 1?_\~~r Z...vOl Reducing .\),N 200 Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Inlet (psi) Outlet losi) Flow (gpm) Valve Test JL/~ 13S ll/3 f L/O HYDROSTATIC: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bar) for two hours or 50 psi (3.4 bar) above static pressure in excess of 150 psi (10.2 bar) for two hours. Differential dry-pipe valve clappers shall be· left open during the test to prevent Test damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. Description PNEUMATIC: Establish 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 1 ~psi (0:1 bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop, which shalf·not exceed 1 % psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. -All piping hydrostatically tested at l.Ql'.J>si (_bar) for ~hours I If no, state reason Dry piping pneumatically tested D Yes D No Eauioment ooerates orooerlv Er" Yes D No Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that additives and corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sodium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals were not used for testing system or stopping leaks? ~es 0 No Drain j ,~ading of gauge located near water supply test connection I f?s~,al pressure with valve in test connection open wide Tests Test 1 Dosi ( bar) . psi ( bar) Underground mains and lead-in connections to system risers flushed before·connection made to ·sprinkler piping Verified by copy of the U Form No. 858 ief" Yes 0 No Other Explain Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler piping IS?' Yes D No If powder-driven fasteners are used in concrete, has ~es D No If no, explain representative sample testing been satisfactorily comoleted? ' Blank Number Used 0 I Locations I· ·Number Removed Testing Gaskets -Welded Pioing I "1 YES D NO If Yes ... Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that welding procedures comply with the [!!"' Yes Requirements of at least AWS 82.1? D No Do you certify that the welding was performed by welders qualified in compliance E'.f Yes Welding With the requirements of at least AWS 82.1? D No Do you ce.rtify that welding was carried out in compliance with a documented quality Control procedure to insure that all discs are retrieved, that openings in.piping are Smooth, that slag and other welding residue are removed, and that the internal 0"' Yes Diameters of oioina are not Penetrated? D No Cutouts Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that all cutouts (discs) are 0" Yes <Dis·csl Retrieved? -0 No Hyd~aulic Nameplate provided ·M Yes D No If no, explain Data Nameolate Remarks Date left in service with all control valves open //~ ""3 //7 "' Name of Sprinkler Contractor ~ ~~ / s\-~\e \-~re Vr o +e-\-,, o l'1 . Tests Witnessed by: Signatures For property owner (printed name) / s7:ure Title Date --\",,... r,-e. V"l <.../ {'r. ~~ \:'ore rt tJ.Yl ::;J '"//-; • jC> \ For sorinkler contfactor(printe~me) / / ,&©nature Title Date Additional Explanation and Notes: t/ f' ...--,. ...-:2-IV 'S ""/A\)N Rt.~:D IN ELLJ e. o N t::n 'l..l E \..L ) <:::> ~ --... -~""'r"'.) "J ~I C-\"""\ Ciolllltr©Icto11"s Materia~ and Test Crertificate for Ablovegro11JJirnd Pipirlg PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's rep resentative and witnessed by an owner's representaiive (hereinafte'r defined as property owner). All defects shall be corrected and system left in seNice before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and contractor. It is understood that the property owner's authorized representative is a legal signatory and fully representative of the property owner and that by the property owner's or property owner's authorized representative's signature, the property owner-accepts full responsibility for the system as installed and aqrees that it is in compliance with the applicable approving authority's requirements and local ordinances. Property Name STRATA Vkt'--I Date ~/15/11 Property Address (OS u..). L-c ov fr~ C l 'f?C-L~ V A tt..-1 c...o 8 /(o S-/ Ac~d b~ A\prove: Authoritie'C'1.ames) c;.... \ ·1 \P ./2. o~ r+ iiV"2. f\ \ Address ' Plans ~Yes Installation conforms to accepted Plans D No Equipment used is approved i}Yves D No If no, explain deviations Has the property owner or property owner's authorized representative been instructed. as to the location of control valves and care and maintenance of this ~Yes new equipment? D No If no, explain Instruction Have copies of the following been given to the property owner or property owner's authorized representative? 1. System Components Instructions 0 Yes 0 No 2. Care and Maintenance Instructions Gc_k 0 Yes D No 3. NFPA25 Ol>.> ~P c:-5 D Yes 0 No Location Supplies Buildings L-t::.-U ~L PJ. Drv sysf-e(i/\ Of System Year Temperature -Make Model of Manufacture Orifice Size Quantity Ratinq Sprinklers 'I./ 2\,c.lo\~ ~\~Y ~k'. '"--> V Z-~....)~) )<:._-Z.- Pipe and Type of Pipe ~e:Ql Fittings Type of Fittinqs. Maximum time to operate Alarm Valve Alarm Device through test connection or Flow Type Make Model Minutes Seconds Indicator Dry Valve Q.O.D. ' Make Model Serial No. l\llake , Model Serial No .. t'-.l o hP { :::> L.., 1-. .:J. (-; J ;,.., \Q~ r ' \V//i ·:i,.~ Time to trip Trip Point Time Water through test Water Air Air Reached Test Alarm Operated Properly Dry Pipe connection* Pressure Pressure Pressure Outlet* Operating Min/Sec psi psi psi Min/Sec Yes No Test \/ ;i~ 14S-L/d-d-4 I I (_fl( ye-<; wlo Q.O.D. with Q.O.D. >fl'.Sa-/Lf7 L-f J-3b S-3 Y<2S If No, explain *measured from time inspectors test opened (NFPA 13 only requires the 60-second limitation in specific sections) Operation D Pneumatic D Electric D Hydraulic Pipina Supervised D Yes D No I Detecting Media Supervised D Yes D No Does valve operate from the manual trip, remote, or both control stations? D Yes D No Is there an accessible facility in each circuit for testing? If no, explain Deluge & D Yes D No Preaction Does each circuit operate Doe each circuit operate valve Maximum time to operate ~ru~ Make Model supervision loss alarm? release? release Yes No Yes No Min Sec I Location Make and Residual Pressure Pressure and Floor Model Setting Static Pressure (flowinq) Flow Rate ¥!-.(>\ ;--~II" Reducing t0 ()--0 0 Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Flow(apm) Valve Test 145 I Lf3 JL-/0 /35 HYDROSTATIC: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bar) for two hours or 50 psi (3.4 bar) above static pressure in excess of 150 psi (10.2 bar) for two hours. Differential dry-pipe valve clappers shall be· left open during the test to prevent Test damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. Description PNEUMATIC: Establ(sh 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 1 16 psi (0:1 bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pr.essure drop, which shall·not exceed 1 Yi psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. All piping hydrostatically tested at ~si (_bar) for _ _d_hours I If no, state reason Dry piping pneumatically tested ~Yes D No Eauioment operates oroperlv Yes D No Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that additives and corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sodium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals were not used for testing system or stopping leaks? r ~ Yes D No Drain I ~e,{ji~g of gauge located near water supply test connection j ,~~uarpressure with valve in test connection open wide Tests Test )'-I' si ( bar) psi ( bar) Underground mains and lead-in connections to system riser's flushed before-connection made to ·sprinkler piping Verified by copy of the U Form No. 858 ~Yes D No Other Explain Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler piping Yes D No If powder-driven fasteners are used in concrete, hasc-f; Yes D No If no, explain representative sample testing been satisfactorily tor-completed? 1 Blank Number Used 0 l Locations I· ·Number Removed Testing Gaskets Welded Piping fVI YES D NO If Yes ... Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that welding procedures comply with the ~Yes Requirements of at least AWS 82.1? D No Do you certify that the welding was performed by welders qualified in compliance ff Yes Welding With the requiremen~s of at least AWS 82.1? D No Do you certify that welding was carried out in compliance with ~ documented quality Control procedure to insure that all discs are retrieved, that openings in piping are Smooth, that slag and other welding residue are removed, and that the internal ~Yes Diameters of pipinq are not penetrated? D No Cutouts Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that all cutouts (discs) are [ff"Yes (Discs) Retrieved? / D No Hydraulic Nameplate provided ·M Yes D No If no, explain Data Nameplate .... ,,. .. ... Remarks Date left _in seiyi~ with all control valves open //:J-~//"7 - Name of Sprinkler Contractor A-\\-~oAe_ ~t re. Vr10+ec +~ C.> n Tests Witnessed by: ' <._~ \__ ___ -:> Signatures S \.f Avt-1 Ro rU:'•\NE1..L\ z..-\S-\1 """ For property owner (printed name) /7-Title Date -se,f°_ (Y\ LI ( r.~ le\ \="ore V"'\P-n Q/;</16 For sprinkler contrao\or (prfnted name) / / SiefLW!ltare Title Date Additional Explanation and Notes: -t/ // PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representaiive {hereinafte'r defined as property owner). All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approvirig authorities, owners, and contractor. !tis understood that the property owner's authorized representative is a legal signatory and fully representative of the property owner and that by the property owner's or property owner's authorized representative's signature, the property owner accepts full respo nsibility for the system as installed and ag rees that it is in compliance with the applicable approving authority's requirements and local ordinances. Property Name STfC_. A-T A V ~{ L-I Date (;}_/ t .::>/ / ') PropertyAddress ·r-iC::-' ,'\ L-' o·-. i..,.. •• ~'--... -VAt-;. '"'0 (':) ,,._c-, {v.::;; vv· i .'-' t• r:::::,.,~ LO?C.-Le::::--/ ~ O tv'-7 Plans Instruction Location Of System Sprinklers AcCfp}ed by,~ppr~ ('-uthoritie,s..(.Names) _ t. .-1 v C-\ \ , , re 1. hn~ P\ir'"'\ Q...A:T Address \ Installation conforms to accepted Plans Equipment used is approved If no, explain deviations Has the property owner or property owner's authorized representative been instructed. as to the location of control valves and care and maintenance of this new equipment? If no, explain Have copies of tha following been given to the property owner or property owner's authorized representative? System Components Instructions 1. 2. 3. Care and Maintenance Instructions G _ NFPA2s Ow V\e Ii o-c...~ Supplies Buildings Year _ Make Model of Manufacture I ~Yes ~ Yes '3Yes D Yes D Yes D Yes Orifi.ce Size D No D No D No D No D No D No Quantity SAlJ Temperature Ratinq IS .c...,. Pipe and Type of Pipe ~1 _ \ ,1--~·~Fi~tt~in~g~s~+-T~ver::o:oe~o~f~F~itt~in~1qLs~·__,,~~·~~=oc~"'=''-'-~~~~~~~~~~.-~~~~~~~-:-:---:-~---:-:---:-~~--:-~~~-~~~--i Alarm Valve or Flow Indicator Dry Pipe Operating Test Type _Ma!<e w/o Q.O.D. with Q.O.D. If No, explain Alarm Device Make Dry Valve Model Time to trip through test connection* Min/Sec I /z_o Water Pressure psi J4§ }L/tJ Model Serial No. Air Pressure psi Maximum time to oper;;ite through test connection Minutes Ma~e f-. \ Q IPR Trip Point Air Pressure psi Time Water Reached Test Outlet* Min/Sec //'41 Seconds Q.O.D. Model Serial No, N/h Alarm Operated Properly Yes No *measured from time inspectors test opened {NFPA 13 only requires the 60-second limitation in specific sections) Operation D Pneumatic D Electric D Hydraulic Piping Supervised D Yes D No I Detecting Media Supervised D Yes D No Does valve operate from the manual trip, remote, or both control stations? D Yes D No Is there an accessible facility in each circuit for testing? I If no, explain Deluge & D Yes D No Preaction Does each circuit operate Doe each circuit operate valve Maximum time to operate 01~ Make Model supervision loss alarm? release? release Yes No Yes No Min Sec Location Make and Residual Pressure Pressure and Floor Model Settino Static Pressure (flowinq) Flow Rate ~\)\'<-'-nur" Reducing N ?_00 Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Flow (gpm) Valve Test lo/-:J 14 ?::, I &/o i3S- HYDROSTATIC: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bar) for two hours or 50 psi (3.4 bar) above static pressure in excess of 150 psi (10.2 bar) for two hours. Differential dry-pipe valve clappers shall be· left open during the test to prevent Test damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. Description PNEUMATIC: Establ(sh 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 1 }'2 psi (0;1 bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop, which shall·not exceed 1 % psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. All piping hydrostatically tested at ~si (_bar) for ~4hours , .If no, state reason Dry piping pneumatically tested ~Yes D No Equipment operates properly Yes D No Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that additives and corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sodium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals were not used for testing system or stopping leaks? ~Yes 0 No Drain I JZ)a(%1g of gauge located near water supply test connection I J~~~arpressure witli valve in test connection open wide Tests Test si ( bar) psi ( bar) Underground mains and lead-in connections to system risers flushed before connection made to ·sprinkler piping Verified by copy of the U Form No. 856 fYes D No Other Explain Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler piping Yes D No If powder-driven fasteners are used in concrete, has D Yes D No If no, explain representative sample testing been satisfactorily ('-.) / fr completed? Blan I< Number Used 0 I Locations , .Number Removed Testing Gaskets Welded Pioina M YES D NO If Yes ... Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that welding procedures comply with the 5r'Yes Requirements of at least AWS 82.1? D No . Do you certify that the welding was performed by welders qualified in compliance [9"'" Yes .. Welding With the requirements of at least AWS 62.1? D No Do you certify that welding was carried out in compliance with a documented quality Control procedure to insure that all discs are retrieved, that openings in_piping are Smooth, that slag and other welding residue are removed, and that the internal n;fYes Diameters of pipinQ are not penetrated? 0 No Cutouts Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that all cutouts (discs) are (Discs) Retrieved? / f:a""Yes D No Hydraulic Nameplate provided -~ Yes 0 No If no, explain Data Nameplate Remarks Date left in service with all control valves open /!;). 3/ 11 Name of Sprinkler Contractor ~£' ) _____ Tests Witnessed by: ~ Signatures S\..lAut..J Qol..(..!>h.l~t.tJ) t. H=e Sa i:;ere1 <;°f~. 2-\5-1 For property owner (printed name) -....:..c::;n.,,,3. er Title Date .-Y-o\e f"'.t 1 r r-~ la. / /-" r=:ore. W\?.f\ Q. ll?/1, For sprinkler contfactor (printecHiame) 'l /"' ~ature Title cfate Additional Explanation and Notes: (/ tf Cointiractoir's Mateiria~ and Test Certificate foir Abovegpro ll.D11u ll Piping PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representaiive (hereinafte'r defined as property owner). All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel fina lly leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners, and con tractor. !t is understood that the property owner's authorized representative is a legal signatory and fully representative of the property owner and that by the property owner's or property owner's authorized representative's signature, the property owner accepts full responsibility for the system as installed and agrees that it is in compliance with the applicable approving authority's requirements and local ordinances. Property Name STRA-T A V~tL-I Date Property Address 7{)5w. l-i. o.u ltr:EAD Lt!?CLt;:::::" VA-tL-. c o 8UoS-I / Accepted by ~PP(OV{ng ~h~rities (NaO) Q, -\-_ + \It?\ , , r-e ii. e., c..\ Me(i Address I Plans ~Yes Installation conforms to accepted Plans D No Equipment used is approved [g-"Yes D No If no, explain deviations Has the property owner"or property owner's authorized representative been instructed. as to the location of control valves and care and maintenance of this ~Yes new equipment? D No If no, explain Instruction Have copies of the following been given to the property owner or property owner's authorized representative? 1. System Components lnstn-1ctions D Yes D No 2. Care and Maintenance Instructions D Yes D No 3. NFPA25 OW\f\<2\<;. \)c..c..L. 0 Yes D No Location Supplies Buildings '-£: C) r;;:;-L pa] Dr1 SysA-eM Of System Year Temperature -Make , -_Model of Manufacture Orifice Size Quantitv Ratino Sprinklers Ue_\,ch Q l-I \-~ (;.2 ~ vi ) J~ Yz. ~~qo J c;;;cc- \ - Pipe and Type of Pipe 5+ee \ Fittings Type of Fittings. Al~\~ve Maximum time to operate Alarm Device through test connection or Flow Type Make Model Minutes Seconds Indicator Ory Valve Q.0 .0. : Make Model Serial No. Ma(<e Model .Serial No. (-,\ ~ bQ I ..,. L, I-, «[I I {...,/nhP {· ('-J {., Time to trip Trip Point Time Water through test Water Air Air Reached Test Alarm Operated Properly Dry Pipe connection* Pressure Pressure Pressure Outlet* Operating Min/Sec psi psi psi Min/Sec Yes No Test I I :to JL/S L/~ J-Lf 1/3:; ye> w/oQ.O.D. with Q.O.D. /55er. 1 l/5 i-/ d-32 L/072L ye5 If No, explain , *measured from time inspectors test opened (NFPA 13 only requires the 60-second limitation in specific sections) '\?\ Operation D Pneumatic D Electric D Hydraulic Piping Supervised D Yes D No I Detecting Media Supervised D Yes D No ~ Does valve operate from the manual trip, remote, or both control stations? D Yes D No Is there an accessible facility in each circuit for testing? I If no, explain Deluge & D Yes D No Preaction Does each circuit operate Doe each circuit operate valve Maximum time to operate Valves Make Model supervision loss alarm? release? release Yes No Yes No Min Sec Location Make and Residual Pressure Pressure and Floor Model SettinQ Static Pressure (flowing) Flow Rate il.. ~ <,.Q. ' "L 0C-V'\ Reducing ? \ D/\J z_oD Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Flow (gpm) Valve Test 145 IL!> IL( 0 l35 HYDROSTATIC: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bar) for two hours or 50 psi (3.4 bar) above static pressure in excess of 150 psi (10.2 bar) for two hours. Differential dry-pipe valve clappers shall be left open during the test to prevent Test damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. Description PNEUMATIC: Establish 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 1 )i'2 psi (0:1 bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop, which shall·not exceed 1 % psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. ~ All piping hydrostatically tested at ~si (_bar) for -'2'.:::_hours , .If no, state reason Dry piping pneumatically tested ff Yes D No Equipment operates properly rn-ves 0 No Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that additives and corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sodium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals were not used for testing system or stopping leaks? IS2( Yes D No Drain I "t/~ng of gauge located near water supply test connection j ~.~<;I.Ya!' pressure with valve in test connection open wide Tests Test I '-psi ( bar) 't..,psi ( bar) Underground mains and lead-in connections to system risers flushed before·connection made to.-sprinkler piping Verified by copy of the U Form No. 858 ~es 0 No Other Explain Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler piping · Yes 0 No If powder-driven fasteners are used in concrete, has D Yes D No If no, explain representative sample testing been satisfactorily completed? Blank Number Used Q I Locations I· ·Number Removed Testing Gaskets Welded PipinQ ~YES D NO If Yes ... Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that welding procedures comply with the Requirements of at least AWS B2.1? [M" Yes D No Do you certify that the welding was performed by welders qualified in compliance if Yes Welding With the requirements of at least AWS B2.1? D No Do you ce.rtify that welding was carried out in compliance with a documented quality Control procedure to insure that all discs are retrieved, that openings in.piping are Smooth, that slag and other welding residue are removed, and that the internal 0" Yes Diameters of piping are not penetrated? D No Cutouts Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that all cutouts (discs) are (Dis·cs) Retrieved? / ~Yes D No Hydraulic Nameplate provided ·D1 Yes D No If no, explain Data Nameplate I J ~ Date left in service with all control valves open J/d-3//1 Remarks ,,.--..,. Name of Sprinkler Contractor fl\\ -s-\-A+-<i( .\--" . \ \<2 V, o~e.C+.~ of) Tests Witnesserl .bu· <:A.. ( ,-_) ~'"11=1u-...i ~0-NbtNe(..(..1 Rcu..s l:>l ,..ret..u z -:-·~t; -\7 Signatures LtF~ ~AFG,/< For~ o~. 11.irrnted name) //Sigze Title Date --S-.o..-f-1"""' ,, ( i:-c,.,,.r_ \-rx-Q_ 11'1\C f\. ~'J/;s-/r) For sprinkler c6ntractor (pri~d name) / } -"ll!1 nature Title Date Additional Explanation and Notes: (_/ {/ CO~TRACTOR'S MATERIAL & TEST CERTIFICATE FOR A_ovEGROUND PIPING Publications-Order Processing, Training Resource Center. Additional copies of this form are available only to insureds from: Factory Mutual Engineering & Research, 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike, P.O. Bex 9102, Norwood MA 02062 PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shall be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representative. All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate shall be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared for approving authorities, owners and contractor. It is understood the owner's representative's signature in no way prejudice3 any clairr. against ontractor for faulty material, poor workmanship, or failure to comply with approving authority's requirements or local ordinances. PROPERTY NAME c J. 0 .. ,__,~-\-q PROPERTY ADDRESS ~ {_' _\ I \)S W I CJ(\ 5 \_\ <2..C>C./i ACCEPTED BY APPROV~ AUTHORITY("~NAMES Vo, 1' ~ \-'I r.e.. \.Pf2:AMi"'>e-\"\- PLANS ADDRESS \ INSTALLATION CONFORMS TO ACCEPTED PL.ANS EQUIPMENT USED IS APPROVED IF NO, EXPLAIN DEVIATIONS HAS PERSON IN CHARGE OF FIRE EQUIPMENT BEEN INSTRUCTED AS TO LOCATION OF CONTROL VALVES AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THIS NEW EQUIPMENT? IF NO, EXPLAIN INSTRUCTIONS HAVE COPIES OF APPROPRIATE INSTRUCTIONS AND CARE AND MAINTENANCE CHARTS AND NFPA 13A BEEN LEFT ON PREMISES? LOCATION OF SYSTEM SPRINKLERS PIPE AND FITIINGS ALARM VALVE OR FLOW INDICATOR IF NO, EXPLAIN SUPPLIES SLOGS. / _oo..o ~ ("\~ MAKE MODEL r " PIPE CONFORMS TO N\-y ~ ~ \ ·?, FITIINGS CONFORM TO ~ \:-'( ~ \ . ,!; IF NO, EXPLAIN ALARM DEVICE TYPE MAKE ' NI t\ DRY VALVE MAKE MODEL YEAR OF MANUFACTURE STANDARD STANDARD SERIAL NO. MODEL ORIFICE SIZE DAT;;i I 5 /!1 QUANTITY ~ES ONO ~ES UNO ~ES O NO DYES O NO TEMPERATURE RATING ·(;l.oU E'.JYES ~s MAXIMUM TIME TO OPERATE THROUGH TEST PIPE. MIN. SEC. Q.0.D. .MAKE MODEL SERIAL NO. bfobe -bd-10 bloba C-rv/P- DRY PIPE OPERATING TEST WITHOUT 0.0 .D. WITH 0.0.D. IF NO, EXP.LAIN TIME TO TRIP THAU TEST PIPE MIN. SEC. 7 WATER PRESSURE PSI AIR PRESSURE PSI ~;2 4d- TIME WATER ALARM TRIP POINT REACHED OPERATED AIR PRESSURE TEST OUTLET PROPERLY PSI MIN. SEC. YES NO ~o >o ~ 3~ l/ v/ Coirutr©J.doli"1S Materia~ Gill1ld Te~t Certificate for A10>ovegrntUJ11u~ Piping PROCEDURE Upon completion of work, inspection and tests shal l be made by the contractor's representative and witnessed by an owner's representative (hereinafte·r defined as property owner). All defects shall be corrected and system left in service before contractor's personnel finally leave the job. A certificate sha ll be filled out and signed by both representatives. Copies shall be prepared fo r approving authorities, owners, and contractor. !tis understood that the property owner's authorized representative is a legal signatory and fully representative of the property owner and that by the property owner's or property owner's authorized representative's signature, the property owner-accepts full responsibility for the system as installed and aorees that it is in compliance with the applicable approvinq authority's requirements and local ordinances. Property Name STRA-TA VktL-I Date Property Address !OS LA.J . l-iO.IJ Ir~ LlTCC L~ VAO--. co 9 hoS-I / Accepted b,;t;pprcwi\ Au~ties (Nam\). ~ ;-\-\; c. 1 1 ~ 12_,0 c.. r e f'\ Address ' Plans ~Yes Installation conforms to accepted Plans 0 No Equipment used is approved WYes D No If no, explain deviations Has the property owner or property owner's authorized representative bean .. instructed. as to the location of control valves and care and maintenance of this E('"ves new equipment? D No If no, explain Instruction Have copies of the following been given to the property owner or property owner's authorized representative? 1. System Components Instructions D Yes D No 2. Care and Maintenance Instructions ~cf D Yes D No 3. NFPA25 Qw -~r-s D Yes D No Location Supplies Buildings 5n 1Nt:L E'f2 ,Sy~re:~ .Sct'PPt-( Of System Year Temperature Make . Model of MallJ.lfacture Orifice Size Quantitv Ra ti no Sprinklers \.::'.' ,::,, . \ • ,..~ lri t.e t-\ \-' u I~ '/.7 -~.....:.l -,y,... I ~c. b 1-R. b~ i "'7f y ·~ <,-z~ 1-s-c..., VI...? 1 1r-la 1-E" vw· 4~ 1q V'L I t"'X.4 .i~ '> {I .0 I ,',,.....hi $1-. v~ <-ti IC::: V-z.. .:1 71·0 I 70. Pipe and Type of Pipe S ·-\:e_e_ l Fittinos Type of Fittings Maximum time to operate Alarm Valve Alarm Device through test connection or Flow Type Make Model Minutes Seconds Indicator \~ \c:>V--' 'S\JS> s.ens \u ~u h '-1' t:. -~ Dry Valve Q.0 .0. I Make Model Serial No. Make Model Serial No, \2' \ Time to trip Trip Point Time Water through test Water Air Air Reached Test Alarm Operated Properly: Dry Pipe connection* Pressure Pressure Pressure Outlet* Operating Min/Sec psi psi psi Min/Sec Yes No Test w/o Q.O.D. with Q.O.D. If No, explain *measured from time inspectors test opened (NFPA 13 only requires the 60-second limitation in specific sections) Operation D Pneumatic D Electric D Hydraulic ~ lyx Pipina Supervised D Yes D No I Detecting Media Supervised D Yes D No Does valve operate from the manual trip, remote, or both control stations? D Yes D No Is there an accessible facility in each circuit for testing? If no, explain Deluge & 0 Yes 0 No Preaction Does each circuit operate Doe each circuit operate valve Maximum time to operate Valves Make Model supervision loss alarm? release? release Yes No Yes No Min Sec Location Make and Residual Pressure Pressure and Floor Model Settino Static Pressure (flowinq) Flow Rate ~~~r tsu\n Reducing l'J ?-00 Inlet (psi) . Outlet (psi) Inlet (psi) Outlet (psi) Flow (gpm) Valve Test 14~ 14'3 I LfC? 1>5 HYDROSTATIC: Hydrostatic tests shall be made at not less than 200 psi (13.6 bar) for two hours or 50 psi (3.4 bar) above static pressure in excess of 150 psi (10.2 bar) for two hours. Differential dry-pipe valv?. clappers shall be left open during the test to prevent Test damage. All aboveground piping leakage shall be stopped. Description PNEUMATIC: Establish 40 psi (2.7 bar) air pressure and measure drop, which shall not exceed 1 Yz psi (0:1 bar) in 24 hours. Test pressure tanks at normal water level and air pressure and measure air pressure drop, which shafl·not exceed 1 % psi (0.1 bar) in 24 hours. All piping hydrostatically tested at dSL-~ _ bar) for d_hours , .If no, state reason Dry piping pneumatically tested ~es D No Eauipment operates properly Yes 0 No Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that additives and corrosive chemicals, sodium silicate or derivatives of sodium silicate, brine, or other corrosive chemicals were not used for testing system or stopping leaks? ~Yes D No Drain I Rej2J6ig of gauge located near water supply test connection j ~~foal pressure witli valve in test connection open wide Tests Test l '-si ( bar} si ( bar) Underground mains and lead-in connections to system riser's flushed before connection. made to. sprinkler piping Verified by copy of the U Form No. 858 fYes 0 No Other Explain Flushed by installer of underground sprinkler piping Yes D No If powder-driven fasteners are used in concrete, has D Yes 0 No If no, explain representative sample testing been satisfactorily N / f) completed? · Blank Number Used 0 I Locations I· ·Number Removed Testing Gaskets / Welded Pioinq r1 YES D NO If Yes ... Do you certify as the sprinkler contractor that welding procedures comply with the EJ Yes Requirements of at least AWS 82.1? 0 No Do you certify that the welding was performed by welders qualified in compliance G"Yes Welding With the requirements of at least AWS 82.1? 0 No Do you ce.rtify that welding was carried out in compliance with a documented quality Control procedure to insure that all discs are retrieved, that openings in.piping are Smooth, that slag and other welding residue are removed, and that the internal ~es Diameters of piping are not penetrated? D No Cutouts Do you certify that you have a control feature to ensure that all cutouts (discs) are ~es (Dis·cs} Retrieved? / D No Hydr.aulic Nameplate provided ·~ Yes D No If no, explain Data Nameplate Remarks Date left in service with all control valves open //?3/ll f\ Name of Sprinkler Contractor Pr l \ -St-oJ-e ~~r-e Vrofac+~ of\ Tests Witnessed by: Signatures For property owner (printed name) ;:atu/- Title Date -5-e~eMv I ' a:~ ic:; -f=nr ,ore-tr> ~/IF)// For sprinkler contfactor (printeckfame) /" /Signa(t!fe Title Date Additional Explanation and NoteD {/ f' fZ.b ~ D I /\Jet.A-·) lk:. SUAvN f2..oN ~ ttJEU, I 1-1 ,:1: S ~ F e-1'"1 ·z .:..-J?-J7 '-""' ' January 27, 2017 Ben Thomas Ludvik Electric Cell: 303-968-7484 E-mail: bthomas@ludvik.com To: Ben Thomas Subject: Strata Vail Public Safety RF Survey Location: Strata Vail Vail, Colorado t'1::eqrotors ~Zlf'Q il Olst:r~ Atit.erlflo ~stem~ DAS. Integrators, LLC conducted an RF site survey at the building location listed above. The site survey tested the RF Signals for the Vail Public Safety Communications Center. A Systems Analyzer was utilized to obtain the radio signal levels measured in dBm. The signal tests were conducted in various areas of the building per the city of Vail Fire Department requirements. The City of Vail Fire ordinance requires an RF signal strength of the control channel to be at least -95 dBm. The 800 mhz frequency range must be able to be received and transmitted within 95% of each floor 95% of the time. This also means a Public Safety radio will Transmit (ie, "Call Backs") and Receive 100 % of the time. Based on the RF Signal Testing results the building passed the RF level requirements. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you , Paul Cho P: (720) 219-8898 E: paulcho@dasillc.com cc: Chad Cahill (System Group) DAS. Integrators, LLC 3568 Peoria St, #607, Aurora, CO 80010 ARVADA OFFICE 5420 WARD ROAD, SUITE 200 ARVADA, COLORADO 80002 303.422. 7400 Life Safety Report Strata Res idences at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Cl ient: JEFF MAPP, Senior Associate OZ ARCHITECTURE 3003 Larimer Street Denver, Colorado 80205 Phone: 303.861.5704 Fax: 303.861.9230 Email: jmapp@ozarch.com Fire Protection and Life Safety Consultant: BCER Engineering, Inc. Arvada Office: 5420 Ward Road Arvada, Colorado 80002-1838 Office: 303.422.7400 Fax: 303.422.7900 BCER Project# 21111028.00 December 20, 2013 COLORADO SPRINGS OFFICE 10807 NEW ALLEGIANCE DRIVE, SUITE 400 COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 80921 719.533.1112 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Description of Project ....................................................................................................................... 3 Project Codes and Standards ............................................................................................................ 4 Report Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 4 FIRE PROTECTION AND LIFE-SAFETY REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................... 5 Site Plan and Fire Service Features ................................................................................................... 5 Fire Department Access ................................................................................................................ 5 Fire Flow, Fire Hydrants and Firefighting Service Connections ..................................................... 6 Building Fire Protection and Life Safety Features ............................................................................. 8 Occupancy Classification and Separation ..................................................................................... 8 Building Heights, Areas and Construction Type .......................................................................... 11 Fire Resistive Construction .......................................................................................................... 13 Interior Finish .............................................................................................................................. 46 Means of Egress .......................................................................................................................... 48 Accessible Means of Egress ......................................................................................................... 82 Fire Classification of Roof Assemblies ......................................................................................... 82 Elevator and Conveying Systems ................................................................................................ 83 Special Detailed Requirements Based Upon Use and Occupancy .................................................. 84 Motor Vehicle Related -Parking Garage Requirements ............................................................ 88 FIRE PROTECTION/ LIFE-SAFETY SYSTEMS ......................................................................................... 89 Fire Suppression Systems ................................................................................................................ 89 Automatic Fire Sprinkler, Standpipe and Fire Pump Systems ..................................................... 89 Alternative Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems ..................................................................... 92 Portable Fire Extinguishers ............................................................................................................. 94 Fire Detection, Alarm and Communication Systems ...................................................................... 95 Fire Alarm System ....................................................................................................................... 95 Emergency Communication Systems ........................................................................................ 100 Smoke Control Systems ................................................................................................................. 102 General Smoke Control Criteria ................................................................................................ 102 FIRE SAFETY DURING CONSTRUCTION .............................................................................................. 104 Access for Fire Fighting ............................................................................................................. 104 Means of Egress ........................................................................................................................ 104 Water Supply for Fire Fighting .................................................................................................. 104 Standpipes ................................................................................................................................. 104 Portable Fire Extinguishers ....................................................................................................... 105 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 105 Strata Residences at Vail -Life Safety Report © BCER Engineering, Inc. 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