HomeMy WebLinkAboutB18-0188.001 transmittal.PDF Department of Community Development
75 South Frontage Road
TOWN OF VAILi ± Vail, CO 81657
Tel: 970.479.2139
Use this form when submitting additional information, changes& inspection reports for building permits.
This form is also used for requesting a revision to building permits. A two hour minimum building review
fee of$110 will be charged upon reissuance of the permit.
Submit this form only to: cdev_submittal@vailgov.com. Deliver paper plans to Community Develop-
ment or upload your revised/corrected plans to the appropriate project in ProjectDox,when requested.
Application/Permit#(s) information applies to: B18-0188
*) Revisions ( 1 Response to Correction Letter attached copy of correction letter
n Deferred Submittal O Other
Project Street Address:
285 Forest Road Description of Transmittal/List of Changes, Items Attached,
Indicate changed plan pages:
(Number) (Street) (Suite#)
Building/Complex Name: Reconfigure windows on East elevation.
Replace siding, stone veneer and exterior rails.
Applicant Information Replace masonry chimney with EPA wood burner and stove pipes.
(architect, contractor, owner/owner's rep) Expand two exterior terrace areas.
Contact Name: Ben Marion
Address: 105 Edwards Village Blvd.
Edwards CO 81632 (use additional sheet if necessary)
City State: Zip:
Contact Name: Ben Marion
9709493302 Building Permits:
- -
Contact Phone: Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations(Labor&Materials)
Contact E-Mail:
benm@sriarchitect.com (DO NOT include original valuation)
Building: $ 93.000
I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out
in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, Plumbing: $ -
and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to 5,000
comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town Electrical: $-
ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according 7,000
to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- Mechanical: $
proved, International Building and Residential Codes and other 105,000.00
ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. Total: $
Owner/Owner's Representative Signature(Required)
Date Received: